HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 08 16 City Council Minutes4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 08, 2016 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Hedberg, Councilors Keeney, McGuire, and Morton, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Schwarzhoff, Assistant City Manager Olson, Finance Director Uram, City Engineer / Inspections Director Poppler, Public Works / Natural Resources Director Gehler, Community / Economic Development Director Rogness, Police Chief Elliott, Fire Chief Hartman, Maintenance Supervisor Theisen and Executive Assistant Schroeder. Councilor Thompson was absent. PUBLIC FORUM City Manager Boyles reviewed the process for the public forum and explained that items sched­ uled for public hearing or items for which a public hearing has been held but no final action taken, are not eligible for discussion on the public forum. Lloyd Erbaugh, 17291 Marshfield Lane: Stated he is on the Economic Development Authority but his comments only reflect his personal point of view. Explained that he hopes the council will take the time to consider how the council can help the community move forward in the next 15 to 18 months. Asked what can the council do in 2016 for the Vision and Strategic Plan to attract business to the community. Stated the Deerfield-Eagle Creek area has great potential for further development. Questioned what directions could the council give to staff or the meeting advisory committees to encourage more business development along highway 21 and other locations. Suggested that the council take time over the next couple of months before elections to come to a consensus on how to take important steps forward to fulfill the short-term and long-term objectives for the 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan. Stated he would like to see more town meetings about the future of Prior Lake’s downtown. Believes the city should develop new ways to gain more input from the public. Concluded that the council please take the time to make better choices for Prior Lake. Mark Coffman, 15901 Sunfish Trail SE: Commented that he received a copy of the Sunfish Bay study last week and he questioned McGuire how he feels about the moratorium and the $6400 spent for this study. Asked who should be responsible for this spending. Explained that the result of this study was to do nothing. Stated his concern that the study was investigating an issue that does not exist. Added that the problem was brought to the attention of the council by Dan Shower and Dave Celski who are members of the Lake Advisory Committee whose liaison is Annette Thompson. Noted they all reside in Sunfish Bay and asked Mr. Boyles to explain how this is not a conflict of interest? Stated the city sent one letter of apology to the residents of Sunfish Bay. Asked if the city is going to send a second letter. Concluded that the council may want to do an­ other study of moratorium because he may raise bees in the future. Boyles: Stated that the city received a request for clarification by representatives of the 30 lot owners in this particular waterfront plat with no homeowners association as to what the status of their waterfront was. Added that the city did declare a moratorium for the study to be conducted. Stated the City Council discussed the six different alternatives presented in the study and will send a letter to the individuals who live in that association. Added that this is a wide spread issue the city faces with at least an additional 16 subdivisions which have a similar situation. McGuire: Explained that he seconded the motion of the study to bring it in front of the council. Stated after the council discussion, there were many other areas besides Sunfish Bay that need 1 addressed. Agreed that there are a couple of advisory committee members involved but each per­ son has a right to bring matters before the council. Boyles: Asked for the removal of agenda item 9B which is to Consider Approval of a Report Set­ ting Priorities for 2016 with Respect to the 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan for all five councilmem­ bers to be present and to discuss in a work session. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY MORTON TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH ITEM 9B REMOVED. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANU­ ARY 25, 2016 REGULAR MEETING AS PRESENTED. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Claims Listing B. Consider Approval of a Resolution 16-014 Approving an Amendment to the Contract for Development of Land as a Planned Unit Development (Gateway Redevelopment) C. Consider Approval of Amendments Revising City Council and Advisory Committee Bylaws with Respect to Participation Parameters D. Consider Approval of a Resolution 16-015 Accepting Proposals Awarding the City’s Standard Contract for Professional Services for Generator Service Contract E. Consider Approval of a Resolution 16-016 Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Ex­ ecute an Amendment to the AT&T Water Tower Antenna Agreement at the Tower Street Water Tower F. Consider Approval of a Certificate of Completion for Property Located at 16980 Welcome Avenue MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY MORTON TO APPROVE THE OVERALL CONSENT AGENDA. Hedberg: Commented that they Gateway project is significant for the city. Explained there will be 168 units of senior housing available with controlled rent for 15 years. Added the developer fully expects more than 50% of the units may be occupied by Prior Lake seniors, which will result in a turnover of 80 to 90 homes available for resale. Complimented the city staff for working with the DRAFT 02 08 16 City Council Meeting Minutes 2 developer and the City Council for getting behind this and supporting the public assistance provi­ sions. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. PRESENTATIONS No presentations scheduled. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7A Public Hearing to Consider Appeal of a Denial of a Massage Therapy License by the City Staff for YanBin Wu City Attorney Schwarzhoff reviewed the report on this topic dated February 08, 2016. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY KEENEY TO OPEN THE DENIAL OF A MASSAGE THERAPY LICENSE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:19 P.M. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. James Fallon, 13336 Parkwood Drive Apt 219, Burnsville: Stated he is Ms. Wu’s fiancé and assisted her with filling out the first application. Explained that the State of Illinois license was missing because the form does not request state licenses, it only says for municipal or city li­ cense so he thought it was not needed. Stated he talked to Boyles about this issue and Boyles stated they could fill out the application again. Added that when the second license application was submitted Ms. Wu did not know her employee (L.G.) did not have a clean background. Concluded that Ms. Wu’s background is clean and he feels that she would run a clean and good business in the City of Prior Lake. MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO CLOSE THE DENIAL OF A MASSAGE THERAPY LICENSE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:24 P.M. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. McGuire: Commented that the staff did a thorough job of reviewing the application and the find­ ings of facts speak for themselves. Keeney: Asked if the there was an appeal for the denied L.G. application? DRAFT 02 08 16 City Council Meeting Minutes 3 Schwarzhoff: Responded yes but the L.G. appeal was not submitted in a timely manner. Added that L.G. could reapply but with a civil citation from 2015, it would likely not be approved. Hedberg: Added that the conclusions of law offer the most relevance: first application was de­ nied due to a failure to disclose all required information; the applicant is of bad repute because of the association with L.G. and applicant works at a Burnsville location which uses inappropri­ ate internet advertising. Stated he supports the findings, conclusions of law and order. Added they city has a number of massage therapists who operate in Prior Lake but they hold them to high standards. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO ADOPT THE FINDINGS OF FACTS, CON­ CLUSIONS OF LAW AND ORDER TO CONFIRM THE MASSAGE THERAPY LICENSE DE­ NIAL. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS No old business scheduled. NEW BUSINESS 9A Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the 2016 Vehicle and Equipment Pur­ chases Gehler reviewed the report on this topic dated February 08, 2016. Hedberg: Suggested the removal of any items a councilmember wishes to discuss. Keeney: Requested the removal of item #464 and #521 for further discussion. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY MORTON TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 16-017 THE OVER ALL 2016 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PURCHASES WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS 464 AND #521. Keeney: Asked if there are any other options for selling the old equipment verses just trading it in. Gehler: Responded that there is some risk when one goes to auction since a person does not know what the value will be. Continued that with a trade in the staff knows right away and can work with that value. Added that the condition of the equipment affects the value. Keeney: Stated he just wants to make sure the city is getting the best that they can. Gehler: Questioned if staff can bring back comments on our next fleet plan. Keeney: Answered yes it would be good to have other options. Hedberg: Stated that this is a high purchase year since the city is buying the most expensive pieces of equipment that they have and the council has delayed replacements in recent years. Commented that the number of staff has increased much more slowly over 15 years where as everything else has increased 50%. Explained that when there is proper working equipment, it in­ creases employee productivity and there is a connection between replacement plans with the fact the city has a minimal increase in staff. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye DRAFT 02 08 16 City Council Meeting Minutes 4 Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. Hedberg: Suggested the council discuss item #464 the new tandem axel dump truck. Keeney: Questioned if the justification for this truck involves the annexation area. Gehler: Responded that the annexation area has a possibility of a project moving forward this year. Added that the timing of the trucks plays a role because if the purchase is approved this week they city would not have the truck until December 2016. Hedberg: Asked if some of the demand for this truck is anticipated for the annexation area or is the city trying to catch up? Gehler: Answered that the current average route is 12 miles and the city has added 19 miles since the last plow truck was added. Hedberg: Believes that in 10 years another truck will be needed for the annexation area once it is developed. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 16-018 PUR­ CHASE OF ITEM # 464 TANDEM AXLE DUMP TRUCK. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. Hedberg: Suggested the council discuss item #521 hook truck/water tanker. Keeney: Stated he can see how the versatility of having this vehicle would be useful but he thinks a straight up water truck might be the right option. Added that he is concerned the city is adding too many dump trucks to our fleet. Stated he is not in favor of going the extra expense on the hook truck. Hedberg: Asked Gehler or Theisen what the cost of just a water truck would be. Gehler: Replied that we have no quotes but estimated a water truck would be around $158,000. Boyles: Noted the difference between the water truck and the hook truck is $53,000. Explained that currently the city does not have the capability to efficiently truck snow out of the downtown area. Added that with the hook truck the city would get the tank itself for water in the summer and be able to take care of the snow hauling capacity in the winter making it a multi-purpose vehicle. Gehler: Stated the different attachments for the hook truck are economical in the future if the council approves the hook truck purchase now. McGuire: Commented that he does not like the idea of spending that much more money but the investment is logical. Questioned the life expectancy of the hook truck. Gehler: Responded since it is a multi-use vehicle the range will vary but average is 25 years. Theisen: Stated in winter operations alone the hook truck would be able to haul four times the quantity that is currently being hauled and the hook truck can haul equipment in the summer as well relieving the need for one trailer. Keeney: Believes that the city is going over on the dump box purchases for downtown. Theisen: Noted the trucks get used every day in the summer for hauling brush. Hedberg: Suggested that this purchase be tabled until the next meeting when they have a full council present. DRAFT 02 08 16 City Council Meeting Minutes 5 Morton: Stated she does not need additional information because it seems like a nice to have verses a need to have. Explained that the council could move forward tonight. Hedberg: Commented that the city needs to have a truck replaced and if the vote fails the re­ placement is off the table. Gehler: Suggested that the staff will get quotes on the like for like replacement and the council can deliberate at that time. Hedberg: Agreed that staff should get firm quotes on the like for like replacement and bring this item back to a future meeting. Keeney: Stated he is fine with bringing it back but does not know that he will be convinced. Noted that we are just increasing our fleet by $53,000 this year so maybe down the line it would be a better option. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO TABLE THIS TO A FUTURE MEETING AND FOR STAFF TO BRING BACK FIRM QUOTES ON THE WATER TRUCK AND HOOK TRUCK VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA No items removed from the consent agenda. OTHER BUSINESS / COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS Keeney: Asked for clarification on the process to approve a student member to the Community Safety Advisory Committee. Boyles: Responded that the complete interview process has not been done it in the past with a student member because they are normally only available for one year. Morton: Stated the other members go through the process, as should the student member. Hedberg: Commented that the event policy discussions do not involve the decision to move the Farmers Market. Morton: Agreed that the conversation surrounding the event policy was regarding the permitting needs and regulator needs for public events. Keeney: Added that the people who run the farmer’s market need to have some certainty to schedule their vendors. Explained that if this negatively affects the farmers market it should be de­ layed until next year. ADJOURNMENT With no further business brought before the Council, a motion was made by Morton and seconded McGuire by to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. DRAFT 02 08 16 City Council Meeting Minutes 6 Frank Boyles, City Manager DRAFT 02 08 16 City Council Meeting Minutes 7