HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 28 15 City Council Minutes01 PRIC4 U hl 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 rn s°" REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 28, 2015 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Hedberg, Councilors Keeney, Thompson, Morton and McGuire, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Johnson, City Engineer/ Inspections Director Poppler, Public Works / Natural Resources Director Gehler, Community and Economic Development Director Rogness, Community Development Specialist McCabe, Finance Director Uram, Accounting Manager Erickson, Police Chief Elliott, and Development Service Assistant Sandra Woods. PUBLIC FORUM Boyles: Reviewed the process for the public forum. Hedberg: Opened the Public Forum at 7:03 p.m. COMMENTS: Lloyd Erbaugh (17291 Marshfield Lane SE): Erbaugh, Chair, Economic Advisory Committee Erbaugh explained that the 11.5% tax levy would not increase staff and could actually result in lower services. Erbaugh suggested that the Council engage residents in public meetings to gather data, and obtain input when prioritizing services and before setting the final levy. He re- quested dialog from the City explaining how each individual tax levy could change with each level of service. He stated Prior Lake has the highest median household income yet homeowners pay the lowest taxes paid in Scott County. He suggested the Council ask each department head to provide a packet so residents can decide what is needed. Erbaugh requested a higher levy in- crease of 16% to provide for flexibility and cited several reasons for the higher levy. Alexandra Matyja (5417 Amblewood Dr NE): Representative for Citizens for Accountable Gov- ernment (CAG) Matyja commented on the proposed 11.5% tax levy on top of last year's 10% hike which equals a 23% tax hike within the last two years. She added that the inflation rate is zero and growth is minimum. She mentioned expensive street light, buying up dilapated houses, expensive display boards and the ever rising consultant costs for the TH 13/150th Street improve- ments as unnecessary and the reason why aging infrastructure cannot be repaired. CAG would support the tax levy accordingly if based on community needs instead of frills. CAG recommends stop pushing spendy projects and using reserves instead of borrowing. Marlys Enger (14377 Enclave Court NW): Enger explained her background as a MN real estate agent who deals in commercial real estate. She worked with various Planning Department/Zoning Departments. She mentioned that develop- ers do not support projects and need to keep projects in line with zoning. Lisa Rizzo Houston (1725 Shoreline Blvd. NW, Shakopee): Houston stated that Mediacom does not deserve to be in Prior Lake and added that Mediacom has a monopoly here. She handed out an information sheet about Mediacom's lack of customer service and recited numerous com- plaints regarding Mediacom. She called Mediacom two weeks ago and still had no response from them. She will start a petition regarding bad service from Mediacom. Houston said that City Man- ager, Frank Boyles is the liaison for the city with Mediacom. Kim Churchill: allotted her time to Lloyd Erbaugh. 1 Jim Miller (5435 Brooks Circle SE): Miller came to the meeting as the visual voice for Prior Lake Pickle Ball. Miller said that the Pickle Ball program has grown immensely. Miller praised the city for their support and especially thanked the Recreation Department. Steve Millar (4851 Rutledge Street NE): Millar, former councilmember for five years, said he has an understanding of the budget process and proposed levy. Millar stated that in 2008, the tax levy was 2.5 percent and in 2009, it was 5.5 percent. Proceeding years 2010-11, there was a 3 percent increase, 2012, almost a 7% decrease, 2013 flat, 2014 a .37% levy over the last five years. Millar added that if a small increase including inflation and growth happened every year, a spike would not happen as in 2015 and proposed 2016. He was there to give support for the in- creased tax levy. He stated that the current tax increase is for current situations and not for future. Millar commented that the city has the lowest city taxes in Scott County. Millar said that he is will- ing to pay more to invest in the future of Prior Lake and said it was time to set aside some of the personal differences and go forward together. Carl Minor, (4570 Pleasant Street SE): Minor purchased a home at 4570 Pleasant Street and said he was thrilled to live in Prior Lake. He added that he did due diligence before purchasing his home here checking assessments, taxes, etc. After purchasing the home he heard that there were plans to turn Arcadia Avenue into a four lane road and the home he purchased will become a corner lot. He asked how many years the plans for extending Arcadia Avenue had been in the works. Hedberg answered that the extension of Arcadia Avenue has been in the Capital Im- provement Plan for a decade. Minor asked if he would be assessed for sidewalk, curb and gutter. Hedberg said Minor should talk directly with the City Manager and said that the City Manager would call him to discuss this. Mitch Koneczny (4182 Coachman Lane): Koneczny inquired when the first Public Forum oc- cured regarding SuperAmerica. Hedberg asked Community and Economic Development Director Rogness when the first Public Hearing occurred. Rogness answered that the Jeffers PUD came before the Planning Commission late June/July and to the City Council around July 27. He spoke of his displeasure for going against Jeffers wishes. Hedberg: Said there would be no more input on Jeffers at that time. Mike and Lynn Rothmeyer (6340 150t' Street SE): Rothmeyer stated that his front lawn is dam- aged due to the TH13/150th Improvements. Rothmeyer said they moved from Bloomington to Prior Lake 10 years ago and his taxes have gone up 80% since then and now a levy of 11% is proposed. Rothmeyer said that 26 million dollars is a lot of money for a small town. He ques- tioned why the city isn't getting revenues from other means. Hedberg said this is not the right spot to answer. Rothmeyer answered it is and it isn't. Lynn Rothmeyer spoke saying residents in their neighborhood were not properly notified about the project. She commented that many trees were removed from their lot for the project and that their lot is now bare. She complained that they lost their cable, security system, and tv services also. They have hired two attorneys. Rothmeyer asked whether there were other options. They felt that their taxes were being raised because this project is over budget. They suggested that City government be run like a business and not overspend citing councilmembers raises and a luxurious city hall. They feel punished because they live on the lake yet get runoff from the lake. Hedberg stated that he appreciated their input and apologized for their situation. DRAFT 09 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 2 APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY KEENEY TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye x x x x Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY THOMPSON, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 MEETING AS PRESENTED. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye x x Nay Abstain x Absent The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Boyles reviewed the items on the Consent Agenda. A. Consider Approval of Claims Listing B. Consider Approval of Treasurers Report C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Summary Report D. Consider Approval of Animal Control Service Report E. Consider Approval of Fire Department Report F. Consider Approval of Police Department Report G. Consider Approval of Resolution 15-Authorizing Acquisition of Property for the 1 50th Street/TH 13 Improvement Project. H. -- - A ee - - -e e e - - I. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing a Special Hunt for Michael Vierling. J. -- A - e - - - e - •- A - e e e - - Boyles: Requested that Item 5H be removed from the agenda as the petitioner cannot be pre- sent. Morton: Requested that Item 5J be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEMS 5H REMOVED AND 5J BE DELIBERATED AT THE END OF OUR REGULAR BUSI- NESS. DRAFT 09 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 3 Hedberg: Item 5H was asked by the petitioner to be removed and will return to our Consent Agenda when petitioner is ready and 5J will be deliberated at the end of regular business. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye x x x Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. PRESENTATIONS No presentation was scheduled. PUBLIC HEARINGS No public hearing was scheduled. OLD BUSINESS 8A CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE JEFFERS POND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW A MOTOR FUEL STA- TION AND CAR WASH IN OUTLOT C OF JEFFERS POND. Director Rogness presented a staff report explaining different aspects of Jeffers Pond Planned Unit Development to allow for a motor fuel station and car wash. He commented on access and safety with/without project. He also commented on public concerns and conditions of approval. Hedberg: Suggested discussion and deliberation. Keeney: Asked about the traffic study in regard to rating and function of the intersection. Rogness: Said they did not get an update, but staff feels CR 21 is under jurisdiction of the county. Keeney: Commented on the change or removal of a restaurant. Keeney questioned if there would be a restaurant (eg. Fast food/drive thru). Rogness: Affirmed yes and believed it would. Keeney: Asked if that would push the traffic numbers up? Rogness: Agreed. Morton: Asked about the time table for phasing, and if it moved forward, what would happen to future phases with no time table and access points. Rogness: Answered each phase will come back to Council for approval and decisions would be made by council. Morton: Questioned what specifically is attached to the SuperAmerica and what was the time ta- ble. DRAFT 09 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 4 Rogness: Answered it is the beginning of the full private street coming in for future development and ends just before the driveway access for the SuperAmerica. Morton: Asked Hedberg what the EDA concensus was. Hedberg: Answered the EDA recommended going forward with the project and he echoed that vote from an economic development perspective but that it was not the full range of considera- tions of the City Council. Keeney: Echos Hedberg's comment and mentioned single level business were recommended and comments were made regarding what other business would come into the neighborhood and added that the EDA previously reviewed this. He would support adding some additional tweeks. Thompson: Read comments from the Jeffers Waterfront website, including natural living with trail systems, fields, parks without ever crossing the street, outdoor dining, shopping and dining without leaving the community. Leaving this area small town, for active adults and congenial peo- ple place and is also a place to gather your thoughts. 100,000 feet of commercial space for wa- terparks and shopping. Stated that the people of Jeffers Pond are unique because they show their love for the area by maintaining all the greenery of the area. Hedberg: Said he appreciates passion, especially for Prior Lake. McGuire: Stated that he is torn between two committees decisions since the EDA and Planning Commission were in strong support of this project but he also realized that 140 people are op- posed to it. He added that the Traffic Study said there would be no problem with additional traffic. McGuire felt that we should not ignore our commissions recommendations and the job they do. Thompson: Added that the Planning Commission and EDA pass things along to the Council knowing the final vote, and that they are advisory. Thompson had additional concerns regarding traffic. Keeney: Commented this is the essence of zoning, and to let residents know what is planned and make purchasing decisions for their neighborhood. Here we are talking about making a change and adding a gas station. These people that purchased their property are pretty sure that this was not going to happen in their neighborhood. It is really tough to go back and make this change. Keeney added that the Planning Commission looks at meeting zoning. This was not the original plan and the change has too much adverse reaction. McGuire: Stated Keeney made good comments. It was a pipe dream and it is just not going to happen. Keeney: Said he would like to address the public and commented that sooner or later Jeffers Foundation will need to sell and the longer it sits the harder it will be to present the original vision. Keeney asked what would you like there and how to make something happen. Hedberg: Stated to the public how passionate everyone is and felt this item would be denied. There has been many development plans made and then the crash happened. He explained how visions change due to this. Hedberg explained that Prior Lake will not develop like surround- ing cities. He added that we need framework with the public to help the Jeffers Foundation. He talked about supporting land that is vacant. DRAFT 09 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 5 Keeney: Asked Director Rogness to review the PUD that is approved for a reminder what is cur- rently approved to go into this area and what how it is marketed. MOTION BY MORTON, SECONDED BY MCGUIRE FOR RESOLUTION DENYING THE AMENDMENTS TO THE JEFFERS POND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW A MO- TOR FUEL STATION. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye x x x Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. Reccess for ten minutes. At 8:35 p.m. the City Council Meeting was called back in session. 8B CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROPOSED 2016 CITY BUDGETS AND CERTIFYING PRELIMINARY 2016 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PROPERTY TAX LEVY TO SCOTT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION. Boyles: Provided information regarding the budget setting process. He noted that the Council must announce the time and place of the Council Meeting at which the 2016 budget and levy will be discussed and which allows for citizen input. He added that hearing must be after November 25 and no later than December 28 and the Council meets only once within this timeframe. The date of that meeting would be December 14 but then the Council would have to adopt the budget either that night or on December 28. The other option would be to conduct the hearing at a spe- cial city council night such as December 7 and adopt the budget on December 14. Finance Director Uram: Provided a Power Point presentation of the preliminary tax levy and budget. He explained the status of the 2016 budget, primary drivers of property tax levy and tax levy history. Slides included property tax breakdown, general fund revenues and expenditures, explaining that the largest part of the budget is personnel services. He stated key points in the budget assumptions and budget discussion issues. He expressed valuations payable in 2016. He stated future meetings and workshops of November 9, December 14 and/or December 28. Keeney: Commented on the years that we had a flat levy. The levy is all about paying a bill, the decisions come on the spending side. We have to pay debt and our employees. There is a little wiggle room on the revenue side, but once levy decisions are made they need to be paid for. He explained spending decisions comparision to the levy. We have to keep up with growth. There is a lot of spending on capital side but we have not increased staff. Overall, spending is doubling. We are investing way more than we ever have in Prior Lake increasing the level of ser- vice to our residents. Favorable consensus in our workshop is to add 1-2 percent growth. He ex- plained the spending stated that he is conservative and still he doesn't feel he can go much lower than the levy is asking. Hedberg: Stated his history and the frustrations of capital spending from when he originally started on the City Council. He explained this has not come just automatically. We need to deter- mine the long term cost to keep running and those decisions were not made years ago. Nine years of trying to get on top of the capital demands of half a billion dollar of assets. He explained DRAFT 09 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 6 improvements that have been done. If a 3 percent levy was continued per year, this spike may not have happened. We have also grown by 12 percent in households which is moderate growth. He felt hard pressed to go less than 11.5 percent. He supported the idea of community meetings regarding the budget. Morton: Stated that she can move forward knowing that this is the max/ceiling but we need to evaluate capital projects. We need to see what really needs to be done, not what we want to hap- pen. Mcguire: Said that he felt no sense in going back in the past and need to look forward. He is comfortable with the 11.5 percent as proposed for a starting point and hopefully will be able to widdle it down during the workshops. He prefers the open discussion meeting with residents to hear opinions on cuts/projects. Staff needs to look into non-essential services at workshops. Thompson: Asked in the years when the tax did not increase, did the spending not increase as well. Hedberg: Stated no due to reserves. Thompson: Asked what is the current amount of the reserves. Uram: Said about 46 percent right on track based upon the CFMP. Thompson: Asked if the 150th street light went over budget by 1. 1 million dollars. Where is that money? Uram: Asked Larry Poppler, City Engineer to discuss this project. Thompson: Asked was the money coming out of the 2015 or 2016 budget? Poppler: Replied that the net budget for the project is spread out between different funding sources: State Aid, the levy amount, and street oversizing accounts. Thompson: So part of this increase is due to 150th Street? Accounting Manager Erickson: Answered the increase in the 2016 levy is $316,000 for that pro- ject. Thompson stated we need to be more fiscailly responsible and when we build something it doesn't need to be top of the line or the best. It should be middle of the road or more practical. McGuire stated the project is practical and middle of the road and mentioned safety of the kids and most of the people that drive into and away from Prior Lake. Keeney supported project and says it comes down to that piece that puts it from utility to deluxe. He cited that the Ridgemont project is very nice and there were some who supported it and some who did not but when you put in some of those expensive items, you raise the bar and can't downgrade. Capital and amount of amentites need to be maintained. Welcomes discussion and opinions so public will to be more informed at how much it actually costs to run government. DRAFT 09 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 7 MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECONDED BY KENNEY TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION AP- PROVING THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND SETTING THE MAXIUM LEVY INCREASE AT 11.51 PERCENT INCREASE AND SETTING THE DATE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR DE- CEMBER 14 AT 7PM HERE AT CITY HALL. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye x x Nay x Abstain Absent The motion carried. 4 to 1 Morton: Added suggestion to staff regarding gathering metrics determing the value of services to home values (eg. Woodbury). MOTION MADE BY MORTON, SECONDED BY MCGUIRE TO DIRECT STAFF AS WE MOVE FORWARD WITH BUDGETS DISCUSSIONS TO BRING BACK A SENSE OF WHAT IS THE VALUE OF THE CITY SERVICES AS APPLIED TO THE AVERAGE HOME VALUE IN THE AREA PER HOUSEHOLD. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye x x x x Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. 8C Consider Approval of an Ordinance Amending Subsections 1102.403, 1102.503 and 1104.307 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance Related to Controlled Access Lots on General Development Lakes. Development Specialist McCabe: Explained the staff agenda report on this topic. He spoke of how many boat slips per footage of lakeshore. He explained the proposed amendments and their conditions. He showed the attachment explaining the homeowners associations cur- rent slips and the changes this ordinance amendment would make. He stated the Spring Lake Township found these to be consistent with the recommendation of the task force and the townsip board supports the amendments. He reviewed the two primary ordinances and ex- plained the grandfathered in lots. He reviewed the options for motion and a second, DNR ap- proval, and recommendation. Hedberg: Asked for discussion before making a motion. McGuire: Asked about alternative number three. McCabe: Minnesota DNR would approve any changes made. They would review the con- trolled access off of Spring Lake. Hedberg: Asked was the 12.5 feet reviewed and approved by the DNR. He requested the answer to be put into the record. DRAFT 09 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 8 McCabe: Yes it was reviewed and approved by the DNR. Keeney: Believes that we looked at the number being at mid range and not far off from the average. The 20 foot number comes from the DNR. Director Rogeness: Explained that the 12.5 feet was arrived at by taking a 75 foot wide con- forming lot and the width at the street of 90 feet and assuming that each of those lots have six allowable boat slips. The figure is an average. McCabe: Talked about the one per 20 rule and that the task force recommended one slip per 20 feet shoreland requirement and the DNR will approve any proposal of shoreland rules of 1 per 18.75 feet. He added the DNR has a different requirement for Prior Lake versus Spring Lake - 1 per 18.75 for Upper/Lower Prior Lake and 1 per 15 for Spring Lake. Hedberg: Favors leaving the ordinance that was passed a year ago as is. Morton: Agrees, however questioned whether it makes sense to have the lakes operate on two different platforms and felt both lakes should be administered in the same way. Hedberg: A CUP of this type requires DNR approval so if we make a CUP requirement the DNR could renig on the approval from last year. Keeney: Change came up because of overwhelming input from Spring Lake residents who felt excluded from the administrative process and wanted the Public Hearing and the CUP was proposed but that doesn't mean the DNR gets approval on every CUP, just on the ordi- nance change to make it into a CUP. Director Rogness: Stated that we request comments by the DNR on all CUP's, but at the Public Hearing, the Planning Commission takes their comments into consideration. Rogness believes that Keeney was correct that the approval is only related to an amendment of the or- dinance. Keeney: Make non conforming 1-20. He was in favor of Option 1. Morton: Asked if there was a big opportunity to have additional controlled access points. Keeney: Only on vacant land Morton: Are we going grandfather everyone in? Hedberg: Stated since there are very limited open parcels for open development he wouldn't like potentially new developed properties being substantially different from other areas on the lake. Keeney: Expressed that the other properties were approved under different regimes, under DNR permits which were more dense and need to get closer but can't get to the Oakland Beach number. Hedberg: Stated Mitchel Pond was also a stretch. Keeney: Said he was happy with DNR number and go with what they recommend. DRAFT 09 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 9 McGuire: Said he doesn't like making all non conforming uses and thinks the 12.5 feet for Prior Lake and 20 feet for Spring Lake is more appropriate. Keeney: Feels strongly that the CUP process needs to be in place. McGuire: Was under the impression that all CUPS had to be approved on by DNR but if it is only for comment, than he thinks Conditional Use might be okay. Keeney: Stated the problem is we can't change anything without going back to the DNR. Morton: Feels strongly about this and that whatever is done should be done on both lakes. Everything should fall at the 18.75. Rogness: Explained it was at 18.75 before it went to 12. 5, however there were exceptions and that is when we came up with the 12.5, and we were not told it did not meet some require- ments. Agrees that the CUP is important. If there is a public process hat helps it is better. McGuire: Asked if the 18.75 would not effect the single family lots? Rogness: Replied no it would not. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECONDED BY MORTON FOR ALTERNATIVE 1 TO AMENDED TO 1 SLIP PER 18.75 FEET OF SHORELINE ON ALL GENERAL DEVELOPMENT LAKES. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye x x Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS No new business is scheduled. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA Item 5J was removed from the Consent Agenda. Director Rogeness: Gave a short summary of a plan with Greenwood Consulting Group, Inc. Keeney: Said was in favor of this firm. Hedberg: Stated Greenwood was preferred by the EDA. Morton: Favors Tech Village as long as it is in City Hall and does not object to subsidizing it as long as we have the extra space anyway but is not willing to pay for a study to subsidize outside of City Hall. Thompson: Stated she was in agreement with Morton. The program is almost 4 years old and spent $174,000 and feel that the city is spending too much money and not getting much out of it. DRAFT 09 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 10 Thompson is opposed to using tax dollars for individual business and doesn't think government should be doing this. McGuire: refer to EDA and will go along with there recommendation MOTION MADE BY KENNEY, SECONDED BY MCGUIRE ON AGENDA ITEM 5J APPROVING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES OF GREENWOOD CON- SULTING GROUP, INC. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye x Nay x Abstain Absent The motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS I COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS Keeney: Asked about the vacancy on the Planning Commission. He asked if there is a plan in place and are we taking applications at this point. Boyles: Explained this is the season and we are encouraging the commissioners who terms are up to reapply if they are interested as well as new applicants to apply. Morton: Mentioned getting in touch with the Mayor of the City of Woodbury since they put to- gether a task force regarding street rehabilitation projects to garner more public interest/support. Hedberg: Asked the City Manager to make a note regarding getting in touch with Woodbury. Hedberg also mentioned the budget hearing will take place on December 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall. ADJOURNMENT WITH NO FURTHER BUSINESS BROUGHT BEFORE THE COUNCIL, A MOTION WAS MADE BY MORTON AND SECONDED BY KEENEY TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED AND THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:44 P.M. Frank Boyles, City Manager DRAFT 09 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 11