HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 14 15 City Council Minutes1 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 14, 2015 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Hedberg, Councilors Keeney, McGuire, Morton, and Thompson, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Schwarzhoff, Assistant City Manager Olson, City Engineer / Inspections Director Poppler, Public Works / Natural Resources Director Gehler, Community / Economic Development Director Rogness, Finance Director Uram, Police Chief Elliott, Fire Chief Hartman, Planner Matzke, Recreation Coordinator Barstad, Project Engineer Thongvanh, Community Development Specialist McCabe and Executive Assistant Schroeder. PUBLIC FORUM City Manager Boyles reviewed the process for the public forum and explained that items sched- uled for public hearing or items for which a public hearing has been held but no final action taken, are not eligible for discussion on the public forum. Comments: Dan Smith, 16484 Sage Way: Asked if Stemmer Ridge is going to be County Road 81 all the way through. Stated the entire road should be 30 miles per hour to help control speed in the area and for small children to get across to the park. Kathy Caster, 2109 165th St. NW: Commented she has concerns about the speed and asks the city to consider the impact this road project has on the residents and their children who live in Spring Lake Estates. Hedberg: Asked Boyles what the process is going to be for public hearings on this road project. Boyles: Responded that Scott County and SMSC are working together on this road project. A MOU between the two parties is under consideration and has had some amendments but he is not certain if it is prepared for final approval. Noted this is not a city improvement project and the county would need to address any questions about a public hearing. Hedberg: Stated this is a county project because of the existing roadway is county right-of-way but informally the county may consider turning the road back to the city after the project is done. Keeney: Commented that he assumes the county does have interest about making sure there is access to the county park that is off that road. Caster: Asked why the project was turned over to the county. Hedberg: Answered that the existing dirt road is County Road 81 and the SMSC interest is for that roadway is to be vacated so they have control over all of the land. For the county to be willing to do that they wanted to directly negotiate with the SMSC regarding the roadwa y. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRE- SENTED. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay 12 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 2 Abstain Absent The motion carried. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY THOMPSON, SECOND BY KEENEY TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NO- VEMBER 23, 2015 MEETING AS PRESENTED. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Claims Listing B. Consider Approval of the 2015 November Treasurer Agenda Report C. Consider Approval of Building Permit Summary Report D. Consider Approval of Animal Control Services Report E. Consider Approval of Fire Department Report F. Consider Approval of Police Department Report G. Consider Approval of 2016 Massage Therapy License Renewals H. Consider Approval of 2016 Cigarette License Renewals I. Consider Approval of a Resolution 15-XXX Waiving Platting Requirements for the Combi- nation of Property Located at 3027 Knollridge Drive Hedberg: Requested the removal of consent agenda item 5I. MOTION BY THOMPSON, SECOND BY MORTON TO APPROVE THE OVERALL CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF AGENDA ITEM 5I. Keeney: Commented that the city is serious about the cigarette licenses and he does not support the businesses in Prior Lake that have failed to stay in compliance with the license by selling to minors. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. 12 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 3 PRESENTATIONS 6A MVTA Suburb to Suburb Pilot Program Community / Economic Development Director Rogness introduced MVTA Customer Rela- tions Manager Robin Selvig who presented on this topic dated December 14, 2015. McGuire: Thanked Robin and the entire MVTA for making this project come together. Hedberg: Commented that this will be beneficial since there are going to be a lot of people com- muting south from the metro to work at the large businesses in Shakopee. Selvig: Noted the Northern Scott County Transit Study results will be presented soon and she will keep the city informed. PUBLIC HEARINGS 7A 2016 Budget / Tax Levy City Manager Boyles provided a Power Point presentation outlining the 2016 Budgets and levy. Hedberg: Stated the debt services levy for the 2016 budget is based on projects that were con- structed during 2015. Noted that the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) is approved in the middle of the year and it affects projects in the year after that. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY KEENEY TO OPEN THE 2016 BUDGET / TAX LEVY PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:52 P.M. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. Lloyd Erbaugh, 17291 Marshfield Lane: Stated the city employees do their job to gather input in their decisions from the public but the public is still not happy. Questioned why there is not more input from the public. How can the council do a better job to solicit input from the public? How does the 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan come into play and when will it be updated? Harry Algyer, 16171 Creekwood Circle: Commented this is not a time to cut public service; it is time for the community to come together. Stated the city needs to be bold and be brave to keep a vision, follow it and support it to make sure that we are taking care of the long term community. Kevin Busse, 5101 160th Street SE: Stated this is an important issue for our city and it is the tax payer’s time to let the city know how they feel. Suggested the city is driving senior citizens out of their homes. Alexandia Matyia, 5417 Amblewood Dr. NE: Presented a petition that 134 residents signed op- posing the tax increase. Stated the city needs to focus on true needs verses their wants. Asked who is responsible for letting the 150th and Highway 13 project budget double. Commented that projects which are not necessary should be postponed until funds are available. Kirt Briggs, 14914 Lori Road SE: Stated he is encouraged with the strength and commitment in the city employees but a double digit tax levy brought up concerns for what 2017, 2018 and years after that will look like. Noted the problems the city faces today cannot be solved with the same level of thinking of yesterday. Asked the city to do a 0% levy allowing time to collaborate some new ideas and challenge every expense. Advised the city set a goal to develop other revenue sources. 12 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 4 Kim Churchill, 16209 Evanston Ave SE: Stated she does not like the idea of using reserves be- cause it decreases the overall tax but it is using money that is supposed to be used for emergen- cies. Commented the cost of items go up over time and that is just the way life is. Explained if res- idents want to keep the small town feel and stop growing, taxes will go up but if residents want to decrease taxes they have to encourage growth of the city. Walter Jobst, 15110 Martinson Isl. Rd. NE: Believes balanced growth is necessary but the city needs to watch that money and come up with a lower tax burden. Janean Johnston, 6286 Wild Oaks Ter. NE: Stated people with limited incomes have concerns with the tax increases and she does not understand what all the money is spent on. Added that she would like to see more shopping opportunities in Prior Lake. Pat Heaney, 4642 Pleasant Street SE: Stated open discussion with clear facts are healthy but some decisions have not been thoroughly vetted. Requested the Transitional Town Center zoning designation be rescinded; all council workshops should be recorded and videotaped for the web- site; and all CIPs should be user friendly, transparent and complete. Michael Krech, 3197 Shady Cove Pt. NW: Requested a study for the public to identify what they think the percentage of the household budget residents are willing to spend on the city. Asked for more detail on the salary of employees and how it has changed over time. Mike Von Arcs, 14346 Rutgers Street NE: Stated he has concerns of doubling the municipal debt by 2019. Believed residents should be spending less money on the city and more money on the high school. Wes Mader, 3470 Sycamore Trail: Stated the Star Tribune had an article showing that Prior Lake has one of the highest tax rates on medium income homes in the metro area. Commented that there are concerns with money being spent on consultants to study projects like the $150,000 spent on the intersection of Duluth and Highway 13. Questioned how the investments improve the quality of life for residents, is it enough to say the city does it for the sake of the vision? Added the city needs to get spending under control before they do another tax increase. Mike Rothmeyer, 6340 150th Street: Explained his concerns with the taxes for five to ten years down the road. Commented that there is tension between people wanting to keep the small town feel and the city planning for growth. Questioned where the city push for growth is coming from? Roger Miller, 14215 Shady Beach Trail NE: Stated an 18% tax levy over two years is too much. Commented that he is not happy about the levy going down from 11.55% to 7.55% because there is either revenue or spending that is out of place. Noted there needs to be better revenue streams. Asked what the city is doing to address the anticipated revenues coming into the city. Kenn Boyles, 15358 Breezy Point Road: Noted the budget was hard to find on the city’s web- site. Questioned why is it such a problem to find information such as the budget, bonds, and CIP? Stated the budget needs to be cut one million dollars, it needs to be reviewed and reflect critical information. Suggested the CIP needs to be massively reworked and the city needs to get spend- ing under control. Jerry Campanolie, 13200 Henning Circle NE: Asked how does the evaluation increase or de- crease intersect with the levy increase to create actual taxes? Questioned if the 7.55% is calcu- lated on a flat basis or do you calculate in an increasing evaluation of the property? Kathy Caster, 2109 165th St. NW: Commented that the city’s levy increase makes it hard for res- idents to be in favor of the school district. Explained she is concerned what kind of an example is being set for children when debt is doubling. Jack Haugen, 4824 Adrian Circle: Stated forecasting wisely is very important in regards to think- ing about the future and there are definitely expenditure issues. Explained in 2010 there was a 2% levy increase, in 2011 it was .35%, 2012 it was -6.92%, 2013 shows 0%, and in 2014 there was a 0.37% levy. Noted that decreases catch up with the city so now the pressure is on to make up for the past years of low to no tax increases. Asked if the city settles on the 7.55% this year, what is going to happen next year and where is the cut for service going to be? Presented findings from a professionally conducted survey in January 2014 in which residents stated do not cut services in the vast majority of areas. 12 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 5 Greg McClennehan, 5212 Hope Street: Stated most of his questions were answered in the presentation. Suggested that priorities need to be made so this does not keep happening year af- ter year. Mader: Commented the presentation already states that there is a likely shortfall of 11.2% for 2017 so it does not look like this will be a onetime thing. MOTION BY THOMPSON, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO CLOSE THE 2016 BUDGET / TAX LEVY PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:42 P.M. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. Hedberg: Explained the levy per household from 2008 is only up 6.8% which is far below half of the rate of inflation. Stated this is about trying to keep up city services and the costs to maintain what is provided today. Keeney: Commented that the money spent on the 150th street project is the responsibility of the council because the city staff comes to the council to approve each step. Responded to the com- ment about cutting one million dollars out of the budget is a tough decision because the city can cut out non-critical stuff like parks but none of the councilors will cut out the entire park budget. Added there are things that are critical, things that the city wants and things that the consensus want making it hard to find the balance. Thompson: Stated from 2010 to 2015 there was no tax increases and the city was towing the line but spending increased by 74%. Asked why would we be spending that much money? Concerned about the debt that is being proposed and the council really needs to look at the spending. Ques- tioned where the spending is going. Suggested the budget should start at zero and build from there. Stated she is 100% against debt. McGuire: Commented it would be good to get better input from residents to find out what they are willing to cut. Stated the growth of the high school also increases more streets to be plowed and more police officers to be sent out. Agrees that the city needs to follow the vision, there is no doubt that debt needs to be paid so we will need to have some increases. Hedberg: Commented developing new revenue sources is a good idea but it is challenging. Stated it is worth considering to video tape work sessions. Noted in general the city needs to do a better job capturing the capital. Explained the city is not promoting growth, it waits for the market to come to the city. Noted that Shakopee and Savage are almost built out so more people are coming this way. Explained the long term projections from 1973 indicated Prior Lake would ex- pand into the northern 3rd of Spring Lake Township so annexation is not anything new and the council and city is so misunderstood on the issue of growth. The metropolitan Council has made investments based upon the annexation agreements which they expect the city to pay back over time. Agreed it is difficult to find stuff on the website. Keeney: Explained in the meantime a person can go to the Document Center on the city website and the documents are easiest to find there. Stated he really concentrates on the spending side of things and the levy follows. Explained the city has not been kicking the can down the road be- cause services are being provided. Noted the city increased spending to make up for these ser- vices so they are not cut. Thompson: Commented the city racked up the debt so it needs to take away from somewhere else without cutting services to pay said debt. 12 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 6 Keeney: Agreed there are things the city can live without. Asked what the police increase actually is because $170,000 is 1.6% of the levy. Morton: Explained 30% of that increase is overtime and if we are adding additional headcount do we really need that additional amount? Uram: Responded the overtime in the 2015 budget was set unrealistically low. Stated it is a bal- ancing act between staff vacancies and overtime. Boyles: Stated Chief Elliot has taken steps to change the shifts to conserve on the need of over- time and provide additional time to provide overlap. Morton: Regarding the fund 440 there is another $45,000 listed, is that included in the $170,000 amount? Erickson: Answered that is for capital outlay for exterior folding garage doors for the police sta- tion. Thompson: Questioned if the city can live without those doors? Asked can’t the council just pick a percent and let the staff do their job and make the cuts? Keeney: Stated he thinks it is important for the council to be informed on these items and make sure the numbers are more accurate. Added he wants to address a couple more percent values, not that he wants to cut them but he wants to understand what they are for. McGuire: Stated the council and city has talked about this for months. Mentioned the questions Keeney has should have been asked three months ago. Suggested the council vote on the differ- ent components. Keeney: Noted the rolling equipment fund per capita has increased over the past years. Boyles: Commented on January 11th the work session will be at the maintenance center and councilors will be able to view the equipment. Hedberg: Stated there are not affects to the levy by looking at equipment. Advised that the coun- cil needs to pick a levy number and vote it up and down. Added he is willing to support the 7.55% because it is a healthy economy and the city needs to accumulate reserves; secondly the general fund operating expense needs to sustain services; finally the equipment fund and trail are already trimmed in this budget. Noted some trails are showing safety issues and the city will be liable if someone is harmed. Thompson: Suggested a 0% tax levy and she is concerned about the pattern of spending. Stated the city needs to learn how to control the spending now. Commented she is willing to compromise and go to 4.45%. McGuire: Suggested separating the three components of the levy and voting them up or down: Debt Service, General Purposes, and EDA. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY KEENEY TO APPROVE DEBT SERVICE $3,425,569.00. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE REVOLVING EQUIPMENT 325,000. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain 12 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 7 Absent The motion carried. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY HEDBERG TO APPROVE GENERAL PURPOSES 7,272,792.000. McGuire: Stated in regards to the talk about leaving debt for our kids, we are leaving streets and trails for are kids that will be unusable. Noted the staff did a good job bringing down the tax levy twice already. Keeney: Suggested the other idea was to table this and come back with more detailed proposals. McGuire: Responded he supports more discussion if councilors give staff specific areas to look at. Thompson: Stated she does not need more time, she is ready to vote. Keeney: Commented if the city builds things that it cannot afford to maintain, the city just has to stop spending money on stuff. McGuire: Explained if the city says they are not doing half of the trails, there are going to have a lot of opposition to it. Stated it is a good idea in the future to make sure that new projects will be able to be maintained. Thompson: Asked what if the city does not build any new trails until the trails in place are fixed? Hedberg: Stated the city wants to understand every current asset and how to maintain it so that is why there are eight long term plans. Keeney: Argues when the city gets to that point they will know it because there will not be manda- tory increase in spending. Stated the spending budget and capitol funds are on the levy. Hedberg: Commented specific spending limits will come to the council but staff does not need to spend that budget for capital projects. Keeney: Challenged that the budget kicks off staff activity so it does need to be addressed now. Morton: Agreed that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy at that point since staff sees costs re- flected in the CIP and budget they go forth and move on it. Stated she is not going to support this. Hedberg: Stated if the council denies the budget, it will revert to last year’s levy. McGuire: Withdrew his motion to approve the general purposes tax levy. MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY MORTON TO TABLE THIS TO A SPECIAL MEETING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2015. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. Hedberg: Stated it is 10:55 p.m. and the council is not allowed to open any new agenda items un- less they suspend the rules to continue after 11:00 p.m. MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY THOMPSON TO SUSPEND THE CITY COUNCIL RULES TO END THE MEETING AT 11:00 P.M. BUT NOT TO EXCEED 12:20 A.M. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain 12 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 8 Absent The motion carried. 7B 2016 Fee Schedule MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY THOMPSON TO OPEN THE 2016 FEE SCHEDULE PUB- LIC HEARING AT 10:58 P.M. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 21ST AT 7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE THEREAFTER. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. 7C Consider Approval of a Resolution Approving a Vacation of a Portion of Calmut Avenue Right-of-Way Adjacent to 15609 Calmut Avenue NE Planner Matzke reviewed the report on this topic dated December 14, 2015. MOTION BY MCGUIRE, SECOND BY KEENEY TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING WITH RE- SPECT TO THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF CLAMUT AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY AT 11:06 P.M. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. Keeney: Asked if this presentation was different than what was presented at the Planning Com- mission Meeting. Matzke: Responded it is partially different because of the location of the water main. 12 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 9 MOTION BY KEENEY, SECOND BY MCGUIRE TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION 15-194 AP- PROVING A VACATION OF A PORTION OF CLAMUT AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO 15609 CALMUT AVENUE NE AND TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 11:08 P.M. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 8A Consider Approval of a Letter to be Submitted to the Bureau of Indian Affairs with Re- spect to a Fee to Trust Application by the SMSC for the Meadows City Manager Boyles reviewed the report on this topic dated December 14, 2015. MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY THOMPSON TO APPROVE THE LETTER TO BE SUB- MITTED TO THE BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS WITH RESPECT TO A FEE TO TRUST APPLI- CATION BY THE SMSC FOR THE MEADOWS. Keeney: Asked for a definition on what NEPA means. Schwarzhoff: Responded NEPA stands for National Environmental Policy Act. Keeney: Commented the main purpose for this letter is to keep our foot in the door for any objec- tions we may have. Does not see us as having a really compelling argument for the golf course if they are going to keep it a golf course it is going to be something that wouldn’t be that much of a tax impact ever in the city. Morton: Noted the sentence “the city objects to the transfer of property into trust for the following reasons” what is the concern then of having that line out specifically? Why not take the strongest tone we can so we carry that message forward into future engagements on the subject? Hedberg: Believes the city still has the possibility of reopening negotiations on the ICO property including gaining commitment for the annexation area; so the city can keep their foot in the door but not wave a red flag with the SMSC. Keeney: Commented the idea is to preserve the relationship. Morton: Stated she feels like the statement has value but maybe the tone could be tempered. MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY THOMPSON TO AMEND THE LETTER ADDING BACK IN THE SENTENCE “THE CITY OBJECTS TO THE TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY INTO TRUST FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS…” VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion failed. MOTION BY MORTON, SECOND BY THOMPSON TO APPROVE THE LETTER TO BE SUB- MITTED TO THE BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS WITH RESPECT TO A FEE TO TRUST APPLI- CATION BY THE SMSC FOR THE MEADOWS. 12 14 15 City Council Meeting Minutes 10 VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS No new business was scheduled. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA 5I Consider Approval of a Resolution Waiving Platting Requirements for the Combination of Property Located at 3027 Knollridge Drive will be discussed at the December 21, 2015 meeting. OTHER BUSINESS / COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS No other business / councilmember reports. ADJOURNMENT With no further business brought before the Council, a motion was made by Thompson and se- conded McGuire by to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. VOTE Hedberg Keeney McGuire Morton Thompson Aye Nay Abstain Absent The motion carried. Frank Boyles, City Manager