HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 25 2016 EDAC Agenda Packet
Economic Development Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
Monday, April 25, 2016
7:30 a.m.
City Hall, Parkview Conference Room
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. April 4, 2016
3. Old Business
a. Business Mixer Action Item Follow Up
i. EDA Direction Related to #2 and #7
b. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Discussion
4. New Business
a. None.
5. Other Business
a. EDA Meeting Update
b. Residential and Commercial Activity Update
c. Staff Update
d. Member Ideas/Recommendations
6. Next Meeting Date
a. Monday, May 23, 2016
7. Adjourn
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING MINUTES – April 4, 2016
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 a.m. in the Parkview Community Room at Prior Lake City Hall.
Members present: Lloyd Erbaugh, Jim Mahoney, Thane Tande, Bill Henry, Celina Byers, Wade Larson, Luke
Brazier, Trisha Rosenfeld, Stephanie Carroll and Chamber of Commerce Liaison Sandi Fleck. Members
absent: Marie Voreis, Kim Prchal, Srinivasan Prasanna, and EDA Liaison Michele Choudek. Staff present:
Dan Rogness and Casey McCabe.
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. February 22, 2016
MOTION BY HENRY and SECOND BY BRAZIER to approve the February 22, 2016 meeting minutes.
Motion adopted unanimously.
3. Old Business
a. Business Mixer Action Item Follow Up
EDAC Members: reviewed and discussed the updated Business Mixer action items. EDAC members
recommended sending action item #2 related to coordination of purchasing agencies and action item #7
related to a development communication plan to the EDA for additional direction.
b. Prior Lake Community Assets
McCabe: provided a summary of the updated Community Assets information, as updated by the EDA.
EDAC Members: discussed opportunities for the promotion of the community assets in the community,
including an enhanced document on the city website, sharing the information on EDAC liaison business
visits and working with the City of Prior Lake Communications Coordinator to share the information in the
community. The committee felt the document, in its current form, was not ready for publication due to its
complexity and detail. A more simplified handout with graphs was recommended which would be similar
to the Prior Lake marketing packet previously prepared by the EDAC. EDAC members also
recommended adding in the city’s utility rate information.
4. New Business
a. City Department Training
Rogness: presented and reviewed a handout which identified each city department, provided the
department director contact information and summarized the duties of the departments. This information
will be added to the EDAC liaison folder on Dropbox and can be used by EDAC liaisons during business
visits to address specific questions.
5. Other Business
a. EDA Meeting Update
EDAC Members: received an update of the February 29th March 21st EDA meetings related to the
following items:
Revised Prior Lake Community Assets – EDAC
Election of Officers
2015 EDA Annual Report
EDA Input for 2040 Vision & Strategic Plan Discussion
2016 EDA/EDAC/Technology Village Goals
Technology Village Bylaw Amendments
Commercial/Industrial Development Update
Private Activity Revenue Bond Policy
EDAC Members: requested the 2015 EDA Annual Report be sent to all EDAC members.
b. Residential and Commercial Activity Update
EDAC Members: reviewed the residential and commercial activity update as of February 29, 2016.
c. Staff Update
Rogness: informed the EDAC that Dominium Development has scheduled a groundbreaking event for
The Grainwood senior housing project. Mr. Rogness will forward the invitation to all EDAC members who
are invited to attend; an RSVP is required.
d. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Update
Erbaugh: encouraged commercial area liaisons to begin their visits with businesses. More discussion on
this topic will occur at the next meeting.
e. Member Ideas/Recommendations
Henry: discussed coordinating a May meeting date with city staff for a Deerfield property owner meeting.
Rogness: will send the draft Hwy 13 / CSAH 21 design to EDAC members.
6. Next Meeting Date. The next regular meeting of the EDAC will be on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 7:30 a.m.
7. Adjourn. MOTION BY BRAZIER and SECOND BY TANDE to adjourn the meeting. Motion adopted
unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m.
Submitted by: Casey McCabe
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016
AGENDA #: 3.a.
PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the updated Business Mixer action items, specifically
related to action items #2 and #7.
On October 29, 2015, the EDAC hosted the Prior Lake Business Mixer. The primary purpose of the
event was to provide an open forum for business leaders, property owners and developers to gather
with local elected and appointed officials to share opportunities, express concerns or offer ideas to
make Prior Lake a stronger business community.
During the April 4th meeting, EDAC members reviewed the updated action items and forwarded two
action items (#2 and #7) to the EDA for additional direction.
Action items #2 and #7 have been updated on the attachment based on EDA direction.
ISSUES: EDAC members should review the action items and next steps prior to the meeting and come prepared
to share any comments or suggestions.
Some issues may need to have financial resources included as part of the solution or as part of further
ALTERNATIVES: Discussion and provide direction to staff.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Business Mixer Action Items
2015 Prior Lake Business Mixer
EDAC Action Items
Proposed 2016 EDAC Action Items
The EDAC discussed all comments that were shared at the Prior Lake Business Mixer and is proposing to
further evaluate the action items below in 2016. This is a working draft document to be updated by staff and
EDAC members to track progress on the action items. A formal response to the action items will be provided
to Business Mixer attendants via email and on the EDAC page of the City of Prior Lake website throughout
2016. EDAC members and staff that were selected to lead each action item have been identified but are not
final; additional committee members may be asked to take the lead on specific tasks. Please note, the
comments below are staff comments provided for EDAC review and discussion; additional comments and
recommended action steps will be identified and this document will be revised before it is sent to meeting
attendants and added to the City of Prior Lake website.
1. Evaluate the Prior Lake Sign Ordinance to determine if there is an opportunity to provide more visible
signage for businesses without highway frontage; specifically for properties located in the Deerfield
Business Park and Welcome Avenue Industrial Park. (Rogness, McCabe & Henry)
Subdivision Identification Signs are regulated in Subsection 1107.820 of the Prior Lake City Code.
Subdivision identification signs are freestanding, on -premises, permanent signs permitted in the
Commercial ‘C’ and Industrial ‘I’ Use Districts and may be used to identify a commercial development,
business center, or industrial park.
In the commercial and industrial subdivisions with frontage along TH13 and CSAH 21, one (1)
freestanding subdivision sign may be located along the frontage of TH13 or CSAH 21. In the I-1 districts,
the maximum height of the sign shall be 20 feet above the natural grade. In the C-3 district, the maximum
height of the sign shall be 10 feet above the natural grade. In the I-1 district, this sign shall not exceed
100 square feet in area per side with a maximum of two (2) sides. In the C-3 district, the sign shall not
exceed 80 square feet per side, with a maximum of two (2) sides. Freestanding subdivision signs
permitted under this subsection must also be located at least 40 feet from any other freestanding sign.
Subdivision identification signs must be located at least 10 feet from any property line, regardless of the
Use District. The sign may not be located within a traffic visibility area as defined in subsection 1101.506
of the Prior Lake City Code.
There may be an opportunity for staff to work with property owners who wish to have signage along
CSAH 21 toward an ordinance amendment which would allow property owners to add business
identification signage to these subdivision identification signs. Potential issues to be discussed include
where to locate the sign and private sign easements or property purchases may be required as well as who
will maintain the sign and which businesses will be eligible to pl ace signage on the freestanding sign.
This item will be discussed during a May meeting with the business owners requesting signage.
2. Engage the Prior Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and local businesses to explore opportunities to
coordinate the purchasing agencies of the City of Prior Lake, SMSC/Mystic Lake and Prior Lake
businesses to lower costs for all. (Rogness & Fleck)
The EDAC supports encouraging the SMSC and Prior Lake Area Chamber of Commerce to establish a
preferred vendor list which encourages local spending and supports the ‘shop local’ theme.
3. Work with the Communications and Technology Advisory Committee and the Prior Lake Area Chamber
of Commerce toward the development of a Prior Lake Business Directory, which may be hosted on the
City of Prior Lake website. (Rogness, McCabe, Fleck & Communications Coordinator Elbon)
Initial EDAC discussion related to the difficulty of keeping a business directory up to date, the potential
cost and the large amount of time necessary to gather and maintain accurate information. EDAC
members also commented that the Prior Lake Area Chamber of Commerce keeps a listing of chamber
member businesses. The committee members felt the resources necessary to complete this task and
maintain an accurate business inventory outweigh the benefits of a business directory. The EDAC also
felt a city website may not be the most likely place a customer would check for a list of businesses within
a community. The EDAC has verified a Chamber of Commerce link is available on the City of Prior
Lake website. The EDAC and city staff will also work to ex plore opportunities for all Prior Lake
businesses to develop low cost websites and promote available assistance/classes for businesses to market
their businesses through websites, Facebook, Twitter and other social media sources.
4. Work with Scott County and existing businesses who may wish to have their property reevaluated for tax
purposes. (McCabe, Henry & Choudek)
The Scott County Property and Taxation Services Department employs eleven licensed professional
assessors who are responsible for estimating the market value and determining the classification of
approximately 58,000 parcels located in Scott County for property tax purposes. Valuations must meet
the standards established by Minnesota Statutes and the Minnesota Department of Revenue. This
department appraises all property at actual market value, determines the current classification/use of the
property, informs property owners of their estimated value, conducts public meetings to discuss those
values, applies appropriate classification rates, and compiles taxable values for each taxing authority.
The Scott County website has a list of Common Questions About Estimated Market Values and
information related to How Estimated Market Value is Established.
If property owners disagree with the valuation of their business, it is recommended their first step is to
contact the Scott County assessor listed on their valuation notice; likely Liz Vatsaas,
evatsaas@co.scott.mn.us 952-496-8468. The Scott County assessor will provide information related to
the process and timeline for appeal; i) informal appeal; ii) local board of adjustment; iii) county board of
appeal; iv) tax court, etc. Staff and EDAC liaison will share this information during an upcoming meeting
with Deerfield and Welcome Avenue property owners.
5. Compile compelling success stories about the City of Prior Lake and local businesses to market the city
and its businesses through social media. (Commercial Liaisons & Byers)
EDAC commercial area liaisons will attempt to identify compelling stories about Prior Lake businesses
during their site visits. Stories will be provided to staff who will w ork with the City of Prior Lake
communications coordinator to share these stories via social media, local newspapers (PL American /
Savage Pacer), city website, Prior Lake Business Pages, Scott County SCENE, Wavelength, etc.
6. Work with the Prior Lake Farmer’s Market to ensure there is a sufficient number of portable restrooms
available to alleviate the demand for restrooms in private businesses along Main Avenue. (Rogness,
McCabe & Recreation Coordinator Barstad)
The Prior Lake Farmer’s Market is not operated by the City of Prior Lake, it is operated as a private
business. During 2015, the City of Prior Lake provided two portable restrooms near the Prior Lake
Library for use during the Farmer’s Market to lessen the demand for restrooms in the downtown
commercial properties. The EDAC has verified that moving forward in 2016, the operator of the
Farmer’s Market will provide adequate signage notifying attendants of the restroom availability and
7. Work with City staff to develop a plan to provide better communication and notice to residents about
future development or construction plans that may affect their neighborhoods. (Rogness, McCabe &
Communications Coordinator Elbon)
Options include the development of a city activity map on the City of Prior Lake website showing
upcoming street and construction projects on the City’s Capital Improvement Plan, pending commercial
and residential developments, and additional signage to notify residents of future commercial areas and
street extension plans. The EDAC will also utilize the EDAC commercial area liaisons to provide notice
of upcoming projects and developments in specific areas of the community.
8. Work to identify and provide better communication with home-based businesses. (Byers)
The EDAC has assigned a commercial liaison (Byers) to be another point of contact for home based
businesses. In addition, city staff is currently evaluating amendments to the Prior Lake City Code related
to Home Occupations and will propose amendments to the Planning Commission and City Council in the
summer of 2016 which relax current requirements and allow for more home based businesses.
Encourage chamber membership and community engagement from home based businesses. Include
home based businesses in future publications to help make home based businesses feel welcome and
encouraged in Prior Lake.
9. Work with City staff, Scott County staff and property owners in the Deerfield Business Park and
Welcome Avenue Industrial Park to address access/turn lane concerns. (McCabe, Henry & City of Prior
Lake Traffic & Safety Committee)
A meeting will be scheduled in May 2016 with Deerfield property owners to discuss access and turn lane
concerns at the Adelmann St. / CSAH 21 intersection. In addition, staff will provide information related
to the Revere Ave. improvement plans and timing to make sure Deerfield & Welcome Ave. property
owners are aware of plans and their opportunity to comment.
10. Assist the City Council in the evaluation of hourly parking rest rictions along Main Avenue and Dakota
Street in Downtown Prior Lake. (Rogness, McCabe, Erbaugh & Prchal)
The Downtown Parking Study recommended the evaluation of hourly parking restrictions along Main
Avenue and Dakota Street. The City Council has not started the discussion of hourly parking restrictions
on Main Ave. and Dakota St.
EDAC will offer assistance to the EDA and/or City Council related to the evaluation of hourly parking
restrictions. The EDAC may be asked to assist in surveying downtown property owners and businesses
to evaluate their desire to regulate on-street parking with hourly parking restrictions.
11. Schedule meeting with Adelmann Building owners, EDAC liaison and appropriate city and county sta ff
to discuss parking, access and other issues specific to the property. (Rogness, McCabe & Henry)
A meeting will be scheduled in May 2016 with Deerfield property owners to discuss parking, access and
specific property issues.
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016
AGENDA #: 3.b.
Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the progress being made on the EDAC commercial area
liaison visits and discuss any questions the commercial area liaisons may have.
One of the committee’s duties outlined in the EDAC Bylaws is, “To serve as a liaison between city gov-
ernment and the community through interaction with business leaders and community residents.” In
order to help accomplish this, the EDAC has previously assigned some of its members to act as a liaison
to five specific commercial and industrial areas of the community. The role of the EDAC liaison is to help
communicate City and EDAC activities with business owners and provide an additional point of contact
for their questions and concerns.
One of the EDAC’s goals for 2016 is to, “Utilize the EDAC Commercial Liaison Program to contact every
brick & mortar Prior Lake business at least once during the year.”
The EDAC commercial area liaison assignments for the commercial areas of the community are below.
Downtown Area – Erbaugh / Prchal / Brazier
Deerfield Business Park / Welcome Avenue Industrial Area – Henry / Choudek
Commerce Avenue / Fountain Hills Area – Larson / Tande
Village Commerce / South Lake Village Area – Carroll / Byers
Gateway Area – Mahoney / Voreis
Home Based Businesses – Byers
A Dropbox folder titled EDAC Commercial Area Liaison has been created and sent to all EDAC members.
The folder includes a map of all commercial areas, list of commercial liaisons and their area and an
EDAC handout.
The committee should review the EDAC commercial area liaison program, provide updates to recent
business visits and discuss the committee’s expectations for the liaisons during 2016.
Discussion Only.
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016
AGENDA #: 5.a.
PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The EDA held their regular scheduled meeting on Monday, April 18th. The EDA agenda included
the following items:
Private Activity Revenue Bond Policy – Draft #2
Downtown Planning Reports
2015 Business Mixer Follow-up Items from the EDAC
Preliminary Year End 2015 EDA Financial Report
Property Acquisition for Highway 13 & 21 Project
Updates of EDA activity related to the above listed topics will be presented to the EDAC during the ir
April 25th meeting.
ISSUES: Update Only.
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: April 25, 2016
AGENDA #: 5.b.
PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
Staff has prepared a development update as of March 31, 2016 for EDAC review. The attached
memorandum provides a summary of 2016 commercial and industrial development and residential
construction in the City of Prior Lake.
Information Only.
Information Only.
1. Development Update
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
Date: April 20, 2016
To: City of Prior Lake Economic Development Advisory Committee
From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
Subject: Residential & Commercial Activity Update
Below is an update of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of March 31, 2016.
Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits Declared Value
Number of Permits
% Increase /
(% Decrease)
Declared Value
% Increase /
(% Decrease)
Single Family Dwellings 6 $2,063,000.00 9 $2,474,000.00 (33.33)(16.61)
Townhouses (# units)4 $676,000.00 0 $0.00 400.00 ###
Multiple Units 2 $21,501,000.00 0 $0.00 200.00 ###
Commercial Industrial & Commercial 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 n/a n/a
Residential 50 $497,900.00 44 $249,400.00 13.64 99.64
Industrial & Commercial 1 $44,000.00 1 $63,000.00 0.00 (30.16)
t Mechanical 45 $0.00 45 $0.00 0.00 n/a
ttMechanical (SF&TH)40 $0.00 36 $0.00 11.11 n/a
TOTALS 148 $24,781,900.00 135 $2,786,400.00 9.63 789.39
t Mechanical permits include but are not limited to furnaces, water heaters, softeners, and fireplaces. They are flat-rate permit fees.
tt Mechanical (SF & TH) permits include required plumbing, heating, sewer and water and fireplace permits for new single family residences. They are flat-rate permit fees.
2016 Year to Date 2015 Year to Date
Increase / (Decrease)
Name Address Type
LoveFeast Table 16228 Main Ave. SE New Brick & Mortar Business The Art Closet
Wild Ruffle 16186 Main Ave. SE, Suite 100 Relocated Business Manitou Advisors
Tu Nails 16731 Hwy 13 S.New Business MN Nails
Paar Sports & Promotions 16151 Main Ave. SE, Suite 2 New Business Vacant
2016 Prior Lake Commercial Activity