HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 13, 1998
~-e C.I"T ~
-V~ ~OR..Ec8~OO
~~~ O~ 0-
.S'....$ February 13th and 14th ..D ~
Q:t a at Oak Ridge cp ~
,::a.. Conference Center t:""'"
Continental Breakfast...................................................... 7:30 - 8:00 a.In.
1998 City Council Goals and Objectives.................................8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
(Council, City Manager) Ie o. .-., .
wJl~~k.\"" \t....~ ... w.....h.\""....i\llu~".n~.,.~HtJ tJ.J J. -o",,/t,t,fa 610 () .
"x"" Employee Initiatives and Base Line Measurement................... 9:00 -10:00 a.In.
tI tt"~- {l.;ouncil, Manager ana _ Employees) ,~
,.. I. e~.....A ,\. u.,Ij-. to. . ~~~..h- ~....- ~~p
Break................. ......................... .................................10:00 - 10:30 a.m.
City Council Bylaw~.'~::......................................10:30 -11:30 a.m
\~o~~c~("\M~nagr-, i~l!~y t~t~~e;~ &4,Ja'lI.....~. ~o
~~::~~~f~:~:;~~: ~~d'cit~'Att~'~;;~~)";S'c"i>"'"'''' ....S.... 11:3: - ~2:00 P.In......:f.i..
\. 'f>~-..$ ,~~ I. Itt-.. r-, &.P S. ~'" ..("
Lunch......~.....J.M.~.~.~.'.":!.~.~..~~~.~.~.~.~~.:..~.?:..... 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Accuracy and Completeness ofInformation to the Council......... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
(Council, Mana~er,.Attorney, and Department Heads) ~ _LL_~
\. '..a.,~ ~~~. !.1I....,'-.~ O4IM...~n. J. \I'e,.,....I"'-,-O..-..
Purchasmg Procedures and ConstructIOn Management.............2:30 - 3:45 p.m.
(Council, Manager, Attorney and Department Heads)
\. e~...'" ,'-''r.... ',,"rtt.. ~"') ~~.
Break....... ........ ....................... ....... .~.:... ....... ...... ... ...... 3:45 - 4:00 p.m.
1998 City Council Issues;................................................. 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
(Council, Manager. Attorney, and Department Heads)
. Return on Investment Analysis
. Tax Relief in 1999
. Economic Development
. Sewer and Water Contract - SL" co; II ~<. d IH'-~t .
,.~,.~ J'~.((I-).
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372.1714/ Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
~-e C.I"T ~
-V~ ~OR..Ec8JSr:.OO
~~~ ~ 0-
.S' --!t February 13th and 14th ..D ~
Q:t a at Oak Ridge cp ~
,::a.. Conference Center t:""'"
Continental BreakfasL... .......... ............... ............ ............ 7:00 - 8:00 a.m.
Policy Issues for 1998 as determined by Councilmembers,......... 8:00 -10:00 a.m.
. Cable Television Issues and Utilization -
. Tax Base Issues o,.L P
. Orderly Annexation" ,
1. ~~...... ~ \\-.~. tJ)
Break............. ..... ............................. ........ .............. ......10:00 -10:30 a.m.
Other 1998 Policy Issues as Identified by Councilmembers.........10:30 - Noon
(Council, City Manager, City Attorney)
\. ,....0.., w-.~~,
Lunch............... ................ .... ........................ ....... ......... Noon - 1:00 p.m.
Setting Performance Standards for the Manager and Council.... 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
(Council, City Manager) -t:-~ ~ /I f'I.
I. '&~~ '~I"'-~. '1>"" So '~'K
Break................... ....................... ...... .... ............. ..........2:30 - 2:45 p.m.
Toward a More Effective CounciL....................................... 2:45 - 3:30 p.m.
(Council, City Manager)
I. ~ ~,.. P \ \,....~.. ~,.
Adjourn,...... ................ ......... ........................ ................ 3:30 p.m.
printed 1/13198
Adopted on May 27, 1986
January, 1991
January, 1993
May, 1993
January, 1994
January, 1995
January, 1996
January, 1997
May, 1997
January, 1998
If:: e.\" . I 99 q
Revised January, 1998
"'"' ,r-.
printed 1/13/98
Revised January, 1998
A. Purpose of the Prior Lake City Couneil Bylaws is to provide the members of the City
Council with a set of operating procedures designed to guide them during the
Council meetings, and to establish a code of ethics and conduct.
B, The Bylaws shall be considered and adopted at the Annual Meeting of the Prior
Lake City Council. The Annual Meeting is the first regular meeting in January. ..:y:..
at its f-Rllllal1icl.ti-ug, tht 00111'1,,2., b,y UlajVJ.aJ \'vtG, refltlWeS aaMM6hlil tinlG Lv
<:onQ;~""r P"'?p-9W9d \Ut:H1R.am.8Bte it !ll~. Elewr f........LlJ.cJ. ~u.lll::)ld~HlL1ull uuLa a. date.
eeriMe.. DURllg tAQ a~hiiti8Ral time tal'l;Oll Lv l,;ulloidt.L GlUa dl::K1'C1J.a..cc LILt;; c~.::IL~.(.Ls
B~pl9!.-rB shlldl ~~.f.rn. ~Jt ~rq~RelmeRt lRiY' b~ In"8J1163c.a ley allY memBEr of the. C:t,
C81iftSil.. Any changes or amendments to the Bylaws shall follow this procedure:
1. A motion to amend a specific section, subsection, paragraph, sentence,
or line is proposed.
2, A second to the motion is required.
3. Discussion on the Bylaws amendment occurs.
4. The vote is taken. A simple majority is required to pass the Bylaws.
'" at1'-; b tt..- tJ,....,.JL tl.i<1"..1 ~ h~
(]:l Bylaws can be reviewed and amended at any tUlle ~~H;:::; ~~a:I~ .
HQ'Il!rQoVPo1" once thp. "Ryl~n's are aa8}ilt9Q at tae .^JU\liB.l r,i...."L~.L.L6 vr
tlhe:reaf.ter if the CGy.nciHms ~fldIled actiuu-at it! .\u....J.u:al Mt:t:dng, no
~ rnlp. nf thP QOllnC'il 0=11-.911 Be 6tt.&pt.n~d, a.i1x.-J.'C'd, UL reSClnaea except
upon the affirmative vote of four member~:: ~1l='~ ~. ;
~(H\"~'9f S'>Iek nhanllll 9hall1l.11l''i lmll. ~"gll. at ~'f'8 ~~u :: :11:
\ case ~rnl~T'" RtQ.jgRt~. aRaY. Be Ie~tftrea.)
REGULAR MEETINGS. The Prior Lake City Council regular meeting shall be held
on the first and third Mondays of each month commencing at 7:30 p.m. All regular
meetings shall be held in the designated City Council Chambers. An open forum
shall precede the second meeting of the month. The forum will commence at 7:00
p.m. and conclude at 7:25 p,m, The purpose of the forum is to afford the public an
informal opportunity to address concerns to the Council.
y, L,
, 'V
" p-" \
When a regular meeting is projected to fall on -ths same day as tkat ef an official
holiday, the City Council Hl.1tJI caneel the meetiag that faUil 911. th8 sfReia! l"u1.d.uJ or
s"'''~ reschedule the meeting ~or the fo~owing business da~(T1ie~da;y) at the SlURS time
~~':iSU p.m.) and pll1'-'c (CJ.L.)' Ovl:'l.M.tl Oh.lill.~h6r8.).
- --
The City Council may consult with the City Manager to determine the amount of
business pending and decide by e6R8eRBl1!l to reschedule or cancel the meeting. ~
'""'l"Y''''' ,,~~
CCBY974.DOC 3 Revised January, 1995
printed 1113198
SPECIAL MEETINGS, Special Meetings may be called by the Me:ySl SY any two (2)
members of the City Council. Written notice shall be given to each member of the
City Council of the time, place and purpose of the meeting. The notice shall be
delivered to the member or a responsible person at the member's residence at least
twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting. AH. 1~vt.~",~b ef ~p",""~(;ll u..L~...c:l1~.3
Bftull h", l-'voOl.:.a ....L C~LJ lIaR at Lll.l:< L~lu.O' LlJ.c YYL~Lt~1l lluL.Ll:t;::;::I Lv LIJ.'C' llJ.'CLUbvL;:) ~i::l
Ill'ell~'-"ct, (See City Code Section 1.5.2.) Notice shall ~ be~vided to any
member of the public or news media who have requested notification l1~writing. .~ \..,.\\~
t^'~.". . . ,I'O\+-i6' ..~Q..'
EMERGENCY MEETINGS, !I!he^Oit:l O~~,wil. may call an emergency meeting. ~
~mefgeBe, meet:ilg, th" CitY'""Malt!igef'slilillIiiiikegoo"d"fa.itlr'e;iIuI l~-to-provi:de--~
~Hetie9 nf tnA meetini tn Q,g('>h U9U-S Mvd::;,ulll that Ita::; fILed a wriLLell .Li2=que:;L foot-
"otise if tfte Feettl6!C ~ll...1Ud:eO iht:; UCVYO lUcd),............'B telel'hafl8 B.1:lMBer. Notice of the , I
emergency meeting shall be given by telephone or EY a~' ether 1'1lct-hvd uo"d to k.x "'^""'~
1-0 ft6t;{y tl"" members of the City Council. Notice shall be provided to each news
~ " medium, which has filed a written request for notice. a~ Mil.. !IS l'e!l88R!lIl~'
~....AN.t~...~ ,pYaeei8ael~ after 1l81ftee aae 99~1l l'i"!9R te th9 CQllnl"'11mornho-s. }lvLll.:t;:: shan include
- 1IftS 81illje~t ef ll.~ "",,,,,l:ilg. Posted or published notice of an emergency meeting
shall not be required. An "emergency" meeting is a special meeting called because
of circumstances that, t.in I11K ;a.i~llaeBiI sf ilk.. Hli~;~ require immediate
consideration by the City Council. -If maLbl,oo.Ls B....t iliLeGtl) L.Jlltea tv lIle t:lllt:l~~Il(':Y
~ 01...0 rt;Ql"l1QQO,1 n1." 1<,+orl ~lPQR ~t aft eRl81'fJEnaQy RiHltiRg, t:b.g miR'ltes sf tag HHl9tiRg
-sfta-R ':"""'"lu.d.\:i C1 Ol-'~",4;.~ dco.....L~}lL'iuu vf th.... .u.L(1Lt~:;;Lo. The Retie..:. .L....'t ~.:..u...('.uL ,.,f iL.~~
paragraph c:lUpgFsr.aea du,Y uLhth OLC1Lu.to.r..) lluL~,",c .LV'i~L~me.l1t fer a BJlseial ftlceal1g
tJ,a+;~ An p'TTu~rggR9Y BU!lEltin~. IB tltg a9g9aee [.f thE 1fa7SFJ tAe .\~t;i!lg ~1:~:"~~ ""Rr
caY aA ~h...ar~e!ley Bleating.
-. -,
49",;g;^1l g~-n"^t Be aeeiaea BY eenS~8\t8;'"8.-simpl& majo.r..:LJ ..otic. I5f tfte C~ ovu,.(,o.,a
. Bftall,ll'S9'aal. .
The City Manager shall post notice and publish in the paper the decision of the City
Council to cancel or reschedule the meetinlSl ((le" Puli:cy M.Ol '''!;''-Un1'-!; linHs"al
~gQnn-.Q+Q-n~98) 1.:::~~~.lr- +0 _~ ~~,~~ M~~-:..~ L~.
Except as otherwise provided in the Minnesota Open Meeting Law, M.S.A., Section
471.705, all meetings of the City Council, including special,and adjourned meetings
shall be open to the public. '-- e....ev)"'t
The Agenda will be prepared by the City Manager and shall be available the
Wednesday before the following Monday meeting, except in the event of a holiday
during agenda preparation week in which case the Agenda will be available on
Thursday, The Agenda shall include the items set forth in Section 4.A . Order of
Copies of the Agenda, Minutes, and supporting documentation shall be made
available\ ,.." I'.J,.. ~""- elil [V~
1. -i'rgm tAil Cit3' 1JhAag8!"s llfh~.:. once the materials have been maidsa
to the Councilmembers, and
printed 1/13198
Revised January, 1998
In the Council Chambers for public inspection at the time of the
tin. .U
mee g.
-It IS the proper perfU11l1l1,,(,e for a membea vf tl.t City CSll.asi!. to attwRll. all repHar!:)'
illlhell.\Ilell. Bleiltmgs, sr a'l) ~v,,~i..J. meatiRg(s) af whieh praller netice was auly
-i:""eiv"d. Armember shall inform the City Manager when an absence is planned or
pending prior to the meeting, The City Manager shall inform the members of the
City Council at the meeting that the member cannot be in attendance at the
. \
e', ~ C.o ",\.0 ~. ~
A. The Annual Meeting shall be the first regularly scheduled meeting in January.
Regular business may be conducted during the annual meeting and the following
organizational business is required to be on the Annual Meeting agenda:
1. Swear in newly elected officials, if applicable.
2. Acting Mayor.
3, Official newspaper.
Official bank.
5. Equalization Committee.
6, Fire Chief/Assistant
7, Auditing Firm.
8. Fiscal Consultant,
9. Civil Defense Director
10. Health Officer
11. Approval of City Council Appointed Committee Bylaws and
12. City Council Bylaws Review.
13. Animal Control Officer.
14. Yearly Fee Schedule.
Appointments to Special Assessment Committee,
printed 1/13198
Revised January, 1998
A. Business of the meeting will be conducted according to the Agenda prepared by the
City Manager. The City Manager will prepare an agenda that follows this
., 3.
( 4.
" 5.
~ 8,
r 1~9.
,I 10.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
It Vfr1r1lo.{ ,J\. ~~
Approval of Minutes
Consent Agenda
Removed Consent Agenda Items
Public Hearings
Old Business
New Business.
Other Business - Including Councilmember Reports
4A~B9~P"''''''''DJ~tlt& aBa CaIJ.'C'o}lVuaeUce
12. Adjournment
Q. (-k--, c.""'-~ I ovi,,,..
B. The presiliiag effu.~. .nay change the Sime an item is to be considered on the agenda
if it is determiRes. tftat ehAn.6~Ur:; l.h" thlle w.i:H }JLvlllvCv cAped1ency or the meedng.
A?1:U~ /l'Plllias ts s.ll BRQIlIIB itSlRil except those that are scheduled for a public
II ;1-
C. The City Manager maintains a ressrQ of the items scheduled to appear on ~ :'fto....~
meeting agenda.s '
If a member of the City Council requests an item to be placed on the next agenda of
a regularly scheduled meeting, the member must inform the City Manager of this
request no later than 11:99 Q,m. on Wsd.neSQ83' before the PB~ttl.Mr, scheduled
meeting. ,,! 30 p"" l"I~"I
If a citizen requests to appear before the City Council or requests an item to be
placed on the Agenda, the City Manager may (1) determine whether the item is
appropriate ~ place on ~he Age~dal a:d. if 80, tll? II.ll>lll'IR:' R(l. the City. Council F.orum .
or FegulH C1i5- OOtl.a\.a. n1eet.rAg. elt-tie -&Bd" aIB9 f"-~.Ati8k the ...c':'.u1(!J) n LH be,
~6.d3iaeI'Ba br tA4J Ci~ 08\tfteil.
CCBY974.DOC 6!!:- Revised January, 1995
printed 1113198
D, An item of business which is not scheduled for the Agenda and which is presented
for discussion by the general public under Other Business may be considered for
discussion and action at a future regular meeting or at the forum. The City Council
may use its discretion on the decision to take formal action on nonscheduled citizen
request items.
Members of the City Council and staff may present items under Other Business
that will be discussed and deliberated for the first time. These items should, for the
most part, be informationaL The City Council has the authority to request action or
take a formal position on the item(s); however, this shall be done on an item by item
With the adoption of Bylaws, a Consent Agenda is created. The purpose of the
"Consent Agenda" is to group items, for consideration of a routine and non.
controversial under one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items
placed on the "Consent Agenda". If discussion of an item on the "Consent Agenda"
is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered
Items may be removed for good cause if a Councilmember or member of the public
wish to address the Council on the subject. The City Manager shall determine what
items may be considered routine and non.controversial; and therefore appropriate
for inclusion as a Consent Agenda item. To provide the City Manager with
guidance, the following types of items tend to be routine and non-controversial;
Grant Deeds, Grants of Easements, Adoption of ordinances and resolutions
previously considered by the City Council, Investment Report, Quarterly Budget
report, Treasurer's report, Animal control report, Building inspection report,
noncontroversial license requests, standard development agreements, calls for bid,
reports of administrative actions and proposals, leases and agreements previously
approved in principle, set dates for public hearings, approval of payment of
contracts, approval or denial of claims, award of bids, or any other item the City
Manager considers routine and non-controversial.
...-PoHx:....~...6 ~u."L, OuflseBt AgOlld~ item the City "4:alulgsp shall pi'antk. a \nri9f
. descrit1ti2n of the Copsert ~gpnda item;~-'"
...._...._.,.App.r=alllf a..,rQ"t""r,t...m~.xyz.".cnmFaJ;\Y iA ~B8 &Hl8t1lill Ilf $XX.JBOL b"
tr..n.nid.9 iRglRe8~llg con.swting. lieruice$ PO"QIIl,"yun"derl ~,. ~get;8... vI P Llbli,=,
W9MS ,lOa,)' t:ll~lllt:er'.-
.,,!-- ~-B. Ord;n~u1ge &meRMllg' -8eet>:Cl1 YuU ef tb~ Cit:. CS8.8 ef P...~()..: L.:J....:. t'J
)Jl's".ia9 f91' tAg ~g(tl.ll.ation of massage tksyal'J huai:aBss8S. Reeemmena""d. bJ
~:LJ ~l,:uu:l~t:.L and Flni::llfCe lJ!recLor. -
. 4pp,.nup ....nnh.a<1t R8. 97 XX f61 the JU:v.iRg nf ~nyna1TH::r. 't"n'jJQ to A::9(, "a.;in~
~vll.l.}la"J.J ~J..L ,11t~ amount ot :tix,xxx.
. ~~~pt fur 5liug r9pOl't a~d r9comm9RsatieB. ReB! ERgingefL:~& D~1-'ClJ. LU.Lent---
nn +>>afBe 8s!ltrel 8tu~. .
printed 1/13198
Revised January, 1995
The City Council Agenda sheet sl-uill include the following statement: "Those items
on the Council Agenda which are considered routine and non-controversial are
included as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, or
member of the public, ro. lSuud cause, specifically requests that an item on the
Consent Agenda be removed and considered separately, items on the Consent
Agenda are considered under one motion, second, and a roll call vote. Thoe~ icem!!
in app:rg.'u'9d URAo,," +b~ ho~A~~g "CSIlBG.u.L Ae,cudan "'I'M Gl}l}lt::c:u ~u 'he Counctt
m;nll't.~!:I. iq tG~ir .1)'rqpp.~ fn1"Tn, ; e yoa9nl11'hO" aq-q('}iimg b.a.u..1.a.L deed VI.: t::a:u:)t:all~uL,
Q~QJlti~"" nf nr"'-lIIR,1l1l 97 1Q( ~9taQlililURg nf2, Any item removed from the "Consent
Agenda" shall be placed on the"City Council Agenda as a separate category ~
.ue'l''I' b ......~~u'l;;~6.
F. The presiding officer may call a recess at any time during the meeting. The purpose
of the recess is to provide the City Council, staff and individuals at the meeting a
short rest period from the Council business. The recess must be called for a specific
length of time. The presiding officer may reconvene or extend the recess without
regard to the initial length of the called recess.
A. At each meeting a majority of all the members elected (3 out of 5) shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business.
The voting options available to the City Council when a vote has been initiated are:
aye - an affirmative vote; nay. a negative vote. A Councilmember may abstain
only when they have a disqualifying conflict of interest.
When a vote is to be taken, the presiding officer shall first call for the ayes, then the
nays. The votes of each member shall be recorded in the Minutes. If a member of
the City Council is absent during a vote, the member's vote for the official Minutes
shall read as "absent".
C, Three votes shall be necessary for approval of any ordinance unless a larger number
is required by statute. A majority vote of a quorum is necessary for the approval of
all general motions and resolutions.
D. When a question is put by the presiding officer, every member present shall vote;
unless the Council, for special reason, shall excuse a member prior to the calling of
the vote or conflict of interest prohibits a member from voting. If a member
abstains from voting based upon a conflict of interest, the Councilmember must
advise the presiding officer of the nature of the conflict. Otherwise, any
Councilmember, who being present when his or her name is called fails to vote upon
any then pending proposition, shall be recorded as having voted in the positive.
The. Moab HRF^~Qnt g;ngle r~!pO{l3~~- sf Q f:nnndlmAmhal' ;9 ta iR~^~Tn
tltsm3Glvco vi c-l...c itiSUe8 before the Cv......n.cil ana te ll'ttv.u.d ll1ct::L~.ur:;i:I. 'i'h..:. 05ltftt.tl
aRM! :h.lYy~ thG autA.9Pit3.. te e9Bi~~1 t.l.le a.ttenal111Se sf Rl91B.1Iera at ~t.a MRgS &Ra to
printed 1113198
Revised January, 1998
pnTJ.iSA f.l6ftAct'l;;uaane9 uy ilRp9amK a he, Bat ~ ".A.",,~~d. bv.L.t. ($le.Q~ a8Ya~B 9:r 8~.
de8.11etiRg a pre ....ata part:. or tne aDSent melllbcLi::1 J..l.luu.Lld.) I..ULLL1-''II;;;ug~~68..
A The City Manager is responsible for the minutes of the Meeting. The meeting
proceedings will be tape recorded and noted by the Executive Secretary.er-a-
.Ji,p.aipateal"Vpl"9se:atag:p9 Re~ Lhl:' ell) MaUClIS'C"i.L tg OBies. The minutes are the
official record of the meeting. The tape recording is intended to supplement the
minutes and are not the official record.
The following two requirements for Minute preparation shall be adhered to:
1. All motions typed in capital letters.
2. List the names of the City Council after their vote on each motion.
Beside the aaElition af~Il1k"bGr! 1 Aud 2 cibvv~, the lV1IDUteS snall De prepaLcd
,..nnCl~...t':'Rt T. Mk tike eHiBBl...g style. as ef ~ advt'b:vl..L \ole eh....g.... B) 18... 6.
The official Minutes shall be prepared and presented to the City Council at the next
regul~ly scheduled meeting~l~ lvI1UUL'Cc a.. naB aan... L.... h.... Lvad. a1Vu.d.. The City
Council shall review them and the presiding officer shall call for any additions or
corrections, G-' 1o.-~ 0 r -\\v.. "-\~~ iCLe.\ue.\-.
If an addition or correction is presented, the change must be specific as to place,
paragraph, and sentence, if applicable.
Approval of the minutes requires a motion, second and a majority vote of the
members present at the meeting.
C. The City Manager's Office is responsible for the maintenance and filing of the
Minutes. Tk.:.. fvHvYY~ltS l-'.Lv....'C"id.I.U..... ntH he. UB!.d ifll;<t~ .E"rliut; vf LIlt:: ~lUtie8:
1. .t\:H 1trE..uu.Lctl }JL.iVI. Lv Ji2.Uuctly 1, 1883 ~m be I~La1ned. ill luud l,;VP.Y
erJ) .
2. )di ~~!lu.teS-"8fteJ: JanllQ'7 1, 19RR Will hp. rp.b:tinAn in hHrd CODY HnrI
-l,.;uUJ..t:-JuLcJ. me cupy.
A.ll t~pe p1"nC9?~h~g~, o.v('Olnl'Hng pnhlif"! hAArin~Q n''I11a+ b'U ke.ISB f.....L .....h....
yaM' REIHl &he date afrecolding.
~f,tr 1.4,
Afl La..,,;;; p.LV'-'Ct::dillgS that include pubtil.; l1ccuiuI:;o UJ.uoL bc At::l-''' lbr
SiveR 7Rar8 Hem tA'il ~~ti ~.f"9~O"~;Y1g
printed 1/13/98
Revised January, 1998
D _~ <:opy of ......u:a M;1"I11t9'i' of tl:lg mesuA' e1.cJ:l bG M~trihttiea tke n GGk f..,rh.... mg the
YjQlgnlo...1j" 8sAethtlea .m{.....i~6 un G~f' a "reaa8Qd.~" (':':f~"'" +1",:) A"CT&:Ioni- nF Q 'hnli,.lo,jr QR
TlIJ.:w.odcty) togetner wltn tne ~t:Jldl:l }Jcu..1\.t:n. lor the next; meedng.
The M';""~\4t~a wtJ1 be dtstnDuted to tilt': Mi:lYUL, Oow1G.a.m.~inh"Io, O~tJ ."...u'VLL.lC.Y, oclc\;Lcd
'Staff, PIA.u.uT.ug and lU.u.hlJ:;. CuwwiLke IYft:1Uh'VJ.b ana mgmgere 9ffb.g meMA nl.lv 1ttvl;:: made
8. ifL..~LLcll L~quest tu .u:\;e.ivc ...upiea. f.... G9}}Y gf th€, AgpnrlJII JIInn Mm.utes ':"...c C1vaiie:ible upon
.reEl.uest to the pttblic.
E. Rewl;:UA.l:S lUade"'u, a mem9SM of+lu1o ('sty ~nllnt"';l tnJII}" he entp.1'"P,-l ~ute the. 11~.Llu.tvo
by i1ta-tiRg; tRa:t as er 1ibo r1gcli,"p.~ to ~o on the record. ThARP l"P1'l'1o-..lrQ eku.H b....
,iRh~'ea ~Lv Lhe lVunutes by the ExecuLlve St:'l(.a:eLi1.L,y bJ Jl ~- ^f Q)'nnpcdQ ('\l'
T.tereatiw. if ~" ~.......:I;"Cnr111al """'AYnhA'" "'o.q~lg9t8 a . eP5Mi....... ...........ala..
A verbatim transcript request of all or any part of a meeting may be requested by a
member of the general public. A fee for the transcript shall consist of the actual
costs for preparing such transcript, e.g., hourly wage, fringe benefits, copying and
mailing costs.
A. All meetings of the City Council shall comply with the Minnesota Open Meeting law.
r9~rwe'" Tnon+mgs (~itJh f(." ....A.....c}ll~().l.lo) vf ctflllJ.u.u.";'\"~}lcd. bv~......... bv hc VfJt:;u. Co l.h~ fJubli~.
Xh~ ai~ CO'lRUH efl?riar 1....d...... "CU.\.iVU.J.l;:1l;~~ CItIzen attena.ance. ~ubli\" aLL....IAaanee at
€eu.lleH tfte .........ccL~fll;o;J l.lclpl:l Lv dbvt:lup a more enllghl;ent:d (tud illtcLC.:lt-oa ....~l>,;,""'....ulY'.
~n.(!..!vLa alate L(:lw does not expr~HHly l-'t:J..llla \.iiLiLo"O".l.LO tv td"O" aU (:l\.iLivt:: .l..Il;:1J. L iu Lhe
llJ.c....MJlg 13!'8899tHRg8 81' iRtQ~"9RB IiHEl8t~; ill tke e(..dd.t1(.L (.,f ba~i.l.1'~6. 1I6.,l."c... the
Cii;:. ~5w.~.....a, th..:ou6l.l th.c Hylaws, recogn1:.G~H Gh~ h.uvuJ.Ll;:1u\"c vf Ii:""""',-,l" anEl8I'a'J~:r,.
cit~cllln}JuL (:It Lht: lll~t:LhlgH.
B. On tall --ma]Qrit;, efiBe Agenda items, ;fnot 011 ;tomo. the time for direct citizen input,
-Gnmmpnto on,;! q"9~tiORll will be immediately after the City Staff report andaF';.''(\O\
F~n~iIltli';i8ft. During this time period, every member of the public desiring to speak ()
shall address the presiding officer (by raising a hand or standing up) and upon
recognition, shall indicate their name, address, who they represent if other than
themselves and confine their remarks to the issue under consideration. The
presiding officer may: establish time constraints at the beginning; impose time
limitations on the speakers; lleR ,.(.X)......l.l.... at Lhc vu.LocL Ll.laL th.... O....w..l.l....Ll ae8S A~....L nu..l.lL
ic:> l.lc&:i luul;-wlll~d spet:dlco;J w.1..8. s,e8k9l"S -.-.-AS rgp':"rt- t-l..^ ...n.....g ,nii..c "iil bt:: \;Ul. off,
request a representative to speak on behalf of a group; and tell the public that applause
or interruption by the public is not appropriate. All persons will be given an
opportunity to speak once before a person may speak twice. The presiding officer
may uee his/her discretion when an individual member of the public requests to speak
more than once on a single issue. The ~hc8i~~""g nffip.p.'r mSlY ur;tbd:l-B:'A j,c\.iu~lllLlun uf a
membEl'r ef the p..-bli" if t.h" ~l1J:;.v~d"..h. Wllllll"l1t... ......" L "de, dtscourteous, d.1srespecttul,
OJ, nul., ~'l:'u.u.a:fte te thg prQpnli';tinn h~fn...o. tho. CQ~lBCil.
printed U13l98
Revised January, 1998
~~t; )to
,\ "f~
o".e,', ~'-l
\. ~~IY
C. Immediately after the citizen input is jprished on the issue, the members of the City
Council take turns addressing the issue. Each individual member of the City Council
may recognize a member of the public when the member has been recognized to speak
by the presiding officer.-Mtmbe.L6 vi tILe caJ cvu..u.....a J.J.luoL ""'DOC ju.d.&u..L~ut l.........J diO\;lt:LiuIl
~~h~n rp,('ngr,'7ing _.o_ho...a ^;tl1o I'.ibt..... tv ~}'....dk altl~f::t th.:.. L~ ike, ka. (!. ill! il.....:......
Members of the Council may also ask questions of Staff in order to clarify their
understanding of the relevant information necessary to make an informed judgment.
n preparation for Council meetings, Councilmembers should contact the City Manager,
in sufficient time prior to the meeting, to advise the question they intend to ask in
order for the City Manager to attempt to bring the additional information to the
Council meeting.
\lll1an qllp.Rt;nn;n~ tl,,~ l:ity l\""'~-QJJj)1" ~R.t ('~+ ~111ilik@. ('E1"lRVlIR81B.1ul BhaY list
Lcopc\.iLfuH). Lvn..u.a 1Hl.:. ae~. 'l'll... !"'........h:diflt; .)!h.OBI" 98....111-......,.0 +1.l1 .i~t to a-.:.>;I....vi.LL~uu.c
lfu"~Menrn.g 1:-y- +-1".0 -91118er Hfl6L av.L.u...~.L 0. \,ov........t.C.lH\B 8.Jli 1'88J!l,[,{ltrilti MatUla'.
N"o CeungiJm9mgeE' shall l'eJEll::lQet a 1R91BBC.r.. vi LIie vubltc Lu HUl:tC y'ucti(hJllti UI1 LI.1C
~nHgeiJ~'l;;ll11b~r"ti behdif.
D. Members of the general public, interested parties or their authorized representatives
may address the City Council by written communications in regard to matters under
discussion. Written communications may be read aloud at the meeting at the discretion
of the ~, if so requested by the author or a member of the City Council. In any
case, the written communication shall become part of the record. The
communication(s) may be read by the presiding officer or his/her designee. If the
communication is lengthy, the presiding officer may summarize the content and advise
that the full text of the communication will be part of the record and available to the
public for review.of.~ , _ ,1
?iJnJ., Oftff?'/.Ir l1-e1,-d'7 tdfvtu~
E. The M;y~has the same voting powers as do the Councilmembers. The Mayor may
vote whenever a vote is taken and he/she does not have any extra voting powers if
the vote results in a tier '\:v.~~ '" j If') s rdt ~ i-J.J.t .
F. The Mayor shall be the presiding officer at all meetings. If the Mayor is absent, the
Acting Mayor shall preside at the meeting, If in the event the Mayor and Acting Mayor
are absent. the City Manager shall call the meeting to order and preside until such
time the City Council elects among itself a member to preside at the meeting. The
presiding officer, at all times, shall be allowed to vote in the same manner as all other
The presiding officer has two unique powers: (1) interpreting and applying the
rules of procedure; and (2) recognizing speakers from the audience. Su<lh author'ity,
alLl.lvy.e;l.l ....u.......si~.Ldbh::, ::;huuld no~ be tteely u::sed iu ttu.Vl"uJ.l uf Ll.lG pY{.Q~diJ.1t:; ufftceL ~
~n ,......-""iGtiglUI That offiGial has all e'hligaaoli ~6 at :"'1...~Q..L L:al Cl.,bd. vh;"'llL e in
.conrJu('Ot;.....g t'h., .LI..&c:;cLi..ur;.
The presiding officer is responsible for maintaining order at the meetings. ..'\Jt*saga
mp.p.ting9 rnn~t 1-.0 ~9R ts tke Jntl3lio, .....1'\ pp....~nn who lR nnl~Y n~ uuttl, l..~o;t a. .L~6L.L Lv
printed 1/13198
Revised January, 1998
"'"'!'emain is. tae 00-....&1 gh....J.llk1.~; :whel'l iu.d:;,V~dLu:d1:i aDuse tnen: rl~hC;:t c.... B8
,}Il.voeAt, efte l':resi..J":-g Qm~~~, e\lbjeet '8 ~n;;;,uuh:. b.r Ll.L~ Cuu.u.\,;n., \;CLU ULa....... tRaY:...
r r.:...u..&vvcd. hv.u..& il...lO;;' 1.UUll.I..
WlO ec....I._.. ~
The presiding officer shall open all public hearings ~d time and
date. The presiding officer may, for informational purposes, state the purpose of the
hearing or read the public notice calling for the hearing into the record of the meeting
proceedings. S1l9 ilSSMSIl 9;-
~1.Lv VI.'Vo~~ts vffl\,;eJ: l:Ilu:a.H. LC;l,';U5J.~~i.' eM 6pGUf.lo h:olil t.1.l'V (:lud:i.ence, except wnen a'
n"I.omQ91' gf tag Cgn:&aH h.aa the ilea!' aRB.. &ks.) 1.Xl'l'88s1y Y~':'''''6U~~''' i1 J.,Uc.LllbeJ. vf Lt......
~....M8Bee .~:&.9 qflHlil"Qg te BJley 8ft the:. i33l'J.':' u.udtl'1: ,",ullo.ideraLluu.
The presiding officer has the responsibility to facilitate discussion by the City
Council. This may occur in a variety of ways, including:
1. Interpret and apply rules of procedure.
2. Decide whether motions are properly made.
3. Decide whether motions are in order.
4. Decide whether questions of special privilege ought to be granted.
5, Decide when to recognize speakers,
6. Call for motions or recommend motions.
7. Expel disorderly persons from the meeting.
\t :
I} ",Y i.
8. Enforce speaking procedures.
.If a metiell ~~ t'l11l~G'(",!J!4r" l:u\sHit~ for cOl1!idc.ram.sB, 8RQ.leE }3rop~3(.d ~L au
~;~~::::~e ::~~L~~~ ,:rl'~e~ vf ~"I"~~It VI "nib<u~...~~iu~ uth",~, ti,e }'L~o~d:>u6
r 10 OU ot or er on slher own Imtlatlve.
H. One member of the Council shall serve as Acting Mayor elected by the Council at
the Annual Meeting. The Acting Mayor shall preside at all meetings when the Mayor
is absent from the meeting~ ~,:,^~",,+_v.~J~...,...\\-""t\h~~_~L.C~j..~ ....."'''- - _.
When t'ha. A~Hne- M~yn,.;g pP&QiQing at taB HUUlting, lletake 2JhaR aB811l1R!~ tA9 _
lltttft5lity Afla :rc.~}lvuoibai.t.'y 6fthe prel:51dihl!; uffi.\,;C.l al.. Lhc :&1~'l:;;t.~.Lg Cli:I o1-'~GiHea Vi~l.~~
,..3c\;;{'.'lon T 0. vI the nylC:i W 1:5.
All members of the City Council may make and second motions, participate in
discussions andyote whenever a vote is taken.
printed 1/13/98
Revised January, 1998
Csu:n.eil:m.emesFs' etatut9fj Ml~,",Q ~ IN boc; }I'CLfvu.LL...a, MmaatJ nibl.......u.L 'CA\;c}Jl~vn,
-by i;1J.'V CvulJ,\:;n no i::I. whuh:,. The Gounci1, not mcllVld:ua1. Ulc.a.ub......B is ....~go~ UTit},
f.o.L.LLLui~b6 ~elieie8 'ana .o.~""L....:g:U6 Gi~ :p6"ft.~I8 aelc..6utc.d Ix... tm..:.m hJ gtl8.1;~*8 8.R.a
88.~9~~J3iBg 4d......:..L.I..:QL.Lg,L~vt:: uIf1ceJ:ts. ~ ;nqll;~98 ahe1:K Oit) AEr~o ohc:dl b'C1 .LU.a.dt:
th.Feag;ft Ll.L'C;; C~L'y Mi111i:tger. A Counctli:nember ::shafi i:;ldvitte Lh<<::: cay M~"Ua.6:C:;.L b...f.......G
cgRta~hng no Qt" 1ft6A.UobcL diJ:t::t;tly. Cuwu,;.i:h.uta.ube...s 68.R.ROt g;'trPo nrrlers indicate their
.....I.l.f.:.rSRQeB 81' stlller.viss 13....1''''.1. V~iOv Oil'" 'Vu.&.}lfu.1'V1Jo.
CSltHS" "embers snoWd devote tneliOffil!ilil. ttIne-tO pi'tlbleIfls of casic pulicy.
COUl1Gi:lmf.BieerS a:k8~l:lQ raiil9 q'19QM~UV ~Rd. 9x.prVliCjl t"'U~;1" viQ.W'Q nn ~aglJ.eQ QRa e8.5ie.
_p~liey d.l.U.~g CauReil HlS9tingU urb91:9 their f91hn~r CQYRg.:1-smh.:....o:l l.1.a.voc; a..u vPl-'v.LLl.l.u';'L,y
,~ deba.te Lhc ~ootte and f}18rJ'itie a.a.Eiiti9Ilal fasts. Te .as stken":isf. i~ o'lJliL':s~L"lngJ a
h,..oaee. efthe 131:lBtlG titJ.!t, aua dioL'lJo}l'lJ~Lfu.l vf Lm v.fh",'lJ Lv nL.~~l.1 LIJ.'lJ,1 n'lJL'lJ clb\';\.t::d.
As individuals, Councilmembers have no administrative authority. When acting as
a Council, however, the legislative body has authority over the appointed City
Manager, This authority is restricted to conducting investigations and establishing
policies for execution by the Manager.
The City Manager shall attend all meetings of the City Council with the right to
take part in the discussions, but not to vote. In the absence of the City Manager,
the Assistant City Manager or designated department head shall serve as the
City Manager's representative at the meeting.
J. The Department Heads may attend all meetings. The Department Heads shall
attend the meetings when directed by the City Manager.
K. A memorandum report or brief explanation of each agenda item shall be
included in the Agenda Report that accompanies the Agenda. The information
provided by Staff should serve to inform the City Council on the subject matter
under discussion. The information should explain in detail the Staff comments or
work, or state that Staff will present the necessary details and comments at the
L. .A;a. ~upj vi Lht:: At!;ct~dA Ana staff l6pVL Lo ~~dlO:l.lLtti tv A5'lJl.ldo. ~tt::uu:; l::iha1t be placed.
'ctrtsitil.o ...1-..0 Cnllnf"11 "1-.00""'1-..0......... 9~dgl" t9 'be &Tr~.lQ1-.10 tn t1-.o pu'b1i~
A. The City Council may take formal action in any of three methods . motions,
resolutions or ordinances. All motions in any form require a second unless
otherwise stated below. All votes of the City Council in any of the three methods
require a majority vote for approval,>! TlH; sjleeHis Hl.ajsl"ity !s€luHea fSf each ia
!IIpp.~ifio...1 iB tR~ 'Rr.l~'IlIr9. """,-\(i} b\-L.vv.;)'~<C '1<<1 StiA. \..Ll ~.
A motion is a matter of parliamentary procedure, Motions are a formal method of
bringing business before the Council and for stating propositions on which a
printed 1/13/98
Revised January, 1998
decision will have to be made, It also can be used in the form of a proposal so
that the City Council can act by resolution or by ordinance. Motions may be
used to introduce resolutions and ordinances, to amend them, and to take any
other actions concerning them. Motions may also be used for action on simple
administrative acts, such as approving the monthly department reports.
E....~el., Hletie- C1holl 1,.0 stated. iu fuR C\ud be .Lta1l:Juu"bl.1 t4Rtiel....c......d.., tv LL.G ....^'b.:....lt
pJiQetie&l~ Sg.cro"'A it i~ Rubmitt.p.rl tn A un~.a l:Jr tAg jil'8sitHRg Qf6.g?'E
<\.ll mot;nnR of the City Cnlln~;l UIl adepted if Ll,ey recc~"e a majority of the votes
cast (ulilesG etBerr;iee at&.t~d ~~tow) by Ute w.t:allbt:.L~ p...eaent. Te iUastratl.., if
-Vue .LU.v.a..u.bll:'.Lo:I vf LIt!:: cvuu""a vult: .;...11 favur of a ll1UJ.,lOIl, une VULelS ClI:7i:l~I1~L :l., dUB..
twn obstaHi Ere. ~.'9tHig, tae Bl6tJie...... ~g '"'vl1o~d'll;i.&.'Il;id.. y.....:......:.a.
1:. i'l'?'" e. tl\o+u.,^", \,
The following motions will be available for use by the members:
r 'i'
~..... 2.
1\ 3.
Main Motion - An act to bring substantive proposals the City Council for
consideration and action. After the motion is stated and seconded, the
subject of the motion may be deliberated and voted upon. Deliberation
may take place by the Mayor, Council, Staff or the general public as long as
the procedures for citizen input are followed pursuant to Section 7.B of these
Rescind Main Motion - A main motion that was adopted, regardless of the
length of time since the adoption, may be rescinded by a motion, a second,
deliberation and a subsequent vote. The only main motions that cannot be
rescinded are when the original motion called for an action that has since
been performed, i.e., contract has been signed, money paid out, or when a
specific deadline has passed.
Amend Main Motion - A main motion that is being deliberated and has
not been voted upon may be changed or modified by a motion, a second,
deliberation and a subsequent vote. The only motions that may be amended
are the main motion and a motion to amend the main motion.
4, Postnone Definitelv Motion- A motion to put off consideration or
discontinue discussion of any motion on the floor and that which
established a definite time for the motion to be reconsidered. A motion to
postpone definitely requires a second, deliberation and a subsequent vote.
Vote Immediatelv Motion <Previous Questions) - A motion to prevent or
stop deliberation on a pending motion and to bring the pending motion to an
immediate vote. A motion to the "Previous Question" requires a second and
a two. thirds majority vote to pass, however, no discussion is allowed on the
motion. Two votes are required when a Previous Questions motion is
seconded. The first vote is to close the debate (requires two thirds
majority vote) and, if that passes, the second vote is then on the original
motion being deliberated prior to the Previous Question being called. If the
printed 1/13/98
Revised January, 1998
close the debate motion fails,llthen deliberation on the original motion
6. Substitute Motion: This is a motion which replaces the motion being
considered with another motion on the same subject. A motion to substitute
may be made for either a main motion or an amendment to a main motion. A
substitute motion requires a motion and second. The Council then votes
on the substitute motion and if that passes, the original motion dies. If the
substitute motion fails, the deliberation on the original motion continues.
7. Withdraw a Motion: - Any member of the City Council who has made an
allowable motion (1.6, Section B) has the authority to remove the motion
from consideration by the total body. If a member desires to remove a
motion that has been seconded, but not yet voted upon, the member who has
seconded the motion must consent to the request of the member to remove
the motion from consideration. If the motion has not been seconded, the
member may remove the motion from consideration by his/her own request.
Division of Motion - A motion that is composed of two or more independent
sections or ideas may be deliberated, considered and voted on separately.
Each section or idea that is to be voted on separately must be acted upon
through a separate motion, second, discussion and subsequent vote. Any
member of the City Council may request a motion to be divided into two or
more individual motions. ~ID Qn~el ~ b.... a.;.v~dcd, the 111udon mUSt; con1::l1~L
of L.;a 6.L l1~V.U;; .....Lopvo~Liutu:l, eat,;;h vf vvl~",L. :... ....a.....abllt;; >.If !tu.u.d.).l\~ alsRQ
c1ud tau.:h ol wIlldl U.lu..,L he c~Ldbl~ fay aaa}..~O.L"'~.u tIll:;; cvcuL vu(. of tl:....:. .:.Ll..G.L
111sti8R(a) aa....~ uvL }Ji:1J:!O.
The presiding officer may rule on the eligibility of a motion which has been
requested to be divided into two or more individual motions.
9. Privileged Motion: These motions do not relate to pending business, but
have to do with special matters of immediate and overriding importance,
which without any debate, shall be allowed to interrupt the consideration
of anything else. These motions can be made at any time, even if another
motion is being considered at the time, and they must be settled or voted
upon immediately. Motions "a" alid "b" behJ~ot interrupt a speaker, .
while motion 'j..... b~lv.v can interrupt a speaker. hod T"'"""'- il.... ........~"1 . v-
a. ~ Wh ~ 0 f fV"~\ ~ t.-l....... Co rH-e\1.
(4... ~ .eo"" ~ c-f ,,~
a. A;I~9.1rR tAg ~etip.c a....f~.:u.,b a mcL~v.L.l, OC\;Ul1d dud i:l l.l1i:Lju.L~L)' vote
of tAg III ^........ h9rli JilI'geal1t to }laao.
b. Tai.c a. Rc,",coo. RC'i~cl:i i:1111udun, l:u:::,-,Ul.ld. Cl.u.d. a. .I..Lla.jv.l.~LJ 1'...l... vi Ult:
l'lu.mhaI6 IH6S8Rt te flA!A.
.e. Qtt.8aMe:R8 sf Pri.ik.~c a.ud Puhu; ot vote, urness It IS obJected,
_ Wh"pl!:u~FQR tbo '"'Q~Q" Tnna+ h.o. O^(7Q'Ried alia. lH1.L tv a vu~e. 'L~l1J.C:Ut
printed 1/13198
Revised January, 1998
\~~J "
(J ~I' .."
Jw... p......p~l.. oJ" '- p""'~I/~~1J r-+-tr.--. 'J!>,
^ p".q,lloo ;0 to correct anuattack or inaccurate statement made by an
individual to a member of the City Council. In addition, these motions
may be used for such purposes as to move to a position where the
proceedings may be better heard, to request a speaker to speak more
loudly, to clarify statements made, and to correct concerns with the
room atmosphere: heating, lighting, etc. Tl~c pLc-=>id:.ng ~ffi,.o,.. ';c
6X)'ae1;ea ta heRB!" t:b9 r9q~lvst 9f Q W\om991' unless it, ~o dtli:l.Lu.L'y ~.u
o -hnent. (,-:" I /J ,
{O, rrivilt-t, ill rr<n'\ iW..~t.
~ Point of~Order. Whenever- a member thinks that the rules of the City
Council are being violated, helshe can make a Point of Order. Whenever a
question of the order is called, the presiding officer shall make a ruling on
whether the City Council rules have been violated. If a point of order is to be
raised, it must be raised promptly at the time the violation occurs, This
procedure does not require a second, is not debatable and can be used to
interrupt a speaker.
-rI.. ~ g~cision of Chair: The presiding officer will be called on to rule on
T' questions of City Council procedure as set forth in these Bylaws. The
decisions of the presiding officer may be appealed by the City Council. A
statement of appeal constitutes a motion which, in turn, requires a second and
the opportunity for discussion. All votes en Ilppeal metieRe rel{uire A
majgY""i+r ugte gf tbe Y'r'Oo"""hoY' Pli08QIlt fey 8J3IHT9'.aI. _
~ Motion to Reconsider: A motion to reconsider any action taken by the Council
may be made at the meeting at which such action was taken. It may be made
either immediately during the same session or at a recessed or adjourned
session thereof. Such motion must be made by one of the prevailing side, but
may be seconded by any member and may be made at any time and have
precedence over all other motions or while a member has the floor; it shall be
debatable. A motion for reconsideration requires only a majority vote
regardless of the vote necessary to adopt the motion reconsidered. Nothing
herein shall be construed to prevent any member of the Council from making
or remaking the same or any other motion at a subsequent meeting of the
Resolutions- -RaSQbltiQU9 yhgulel he tla....d. [VI. aLlY C:t\;LiUll of l:1 tC&U,tIvl.Jl~,}, 15dt:...u..., 0"':
Qa.-~'"liBtl'aii.e.1\t\t~u..... Itbi::lulULIUfiS wm. ail::lU be L.Locd tv l;Ulll}Jly wlell oLaLutu.L,)'
~ ~Q~:W.1'81R9A.bl fer 8B~i;ai.J. dd.-.u..~~~oLntL~v'C;;i }u.v"'....d.'-U.....>.:I.
Resolutions, paiaar taa...]. .......vLiulltt, are normally used to reflectf',:8. sifell~er City
Council position on items of business that do not require 'llr warrant an
ordinance, Resolutions may be enacted on a motion which has been duly seconded.
Rt,,,uh<t~vn.!l are. adopted if-they~ive a.majority of the votes cast of the members
printed 111319S
Revised January, 1998
The City Manager will maint~a record of all Mra espy resolutions and will
be responsible for the proper numbering and execution of each resolution
adopted by the City Council.
D. Ordinances:. An ordinance which has the force oflaw shall be used when the
City Council action regulates or governs people or property. All police regulations
for public health, morals, economic well.being, welfare and safety must be
passed in ordinance form.
~"" ..t:.
Ordinances may also be used to'provide permanent rules for the organization and
operation of the City Council.
Ordinances may be enacted upon a motion and a second and must receive at
least three favorable votes to be passed, unless a larger vote by law or these Bylaws,
State Statute, or City Ordinance.
An ordinance shall become effective upon passage and publication unless otherwise
specified in ordinance, Consistent with State Statute the Council may authorize
publication of a summary of the ordinance rather than its full text. Proof of
publication shall be attached to and filed with every ordinance~
All :B.H.M Matti nf an ordinance,(shall be p!'QFn....~ b~~ +1-..0 ~~~]r 4ttnl"""':F, SF r (..\J'ltw~~
qna l~h.o..:l c+....ff, .~K8. ~-...11"...'-48....."- by the City Attorney prior to a.~'ln. aI by Council. J I,
aaa .r:. _n...+ ~_...ln.J... F-......~....;....l''J, ';"8.,.d.l~llb It.... title; ~ number; the 'enactlng ~ tb n\'l(t~
claus,:; the contents or body; the penalty; the closing; the attestationed the
effectIve date. VOw'-I', ~ de..h ~
The City Manager will maintain a record of all ordinances and will be
responsible for the Prior Lake City Code and codification requirements. The
Council may authorize the City Manager to contract for codification services.
CQu.ncil PJ.oc~ediJ..le~ The:= IJ1U....~...J::....J.6C of the Cit, OOtll'h...a ol...aH h~ cOuJu.\;Lcd. ~.u
a{'coraaBee ....-.;iih theeu.~.Byl&,....r8. IftJae89 Byla,.,.rg QO Bet aaa.reas a IHOG~dt'lH:, RoBert's
Rifles of Order, New*, Revised., tna:!' be consulted. Failure to comply with these
Bylaws or Robert's Rules of Order-ehall not invalidate Council-action-unless at the
time the action is taken or promptly thereafter a member of the Council objects to
the method of procedure and point out to the Council the particular-i'\He which it is
claimed was not observed~
A. Public Hearings shall be conducted in the following manner:
The presiding officer calls the Public Hearing to order and
declares the time of opening. It is the intent of the City Council to
open all public hearings at the predetermined and published time.
From a practical standpoint not all hearings can be opened at their
designated time. The presiding officer may delay the start of a
printed 1113198
Revised January, 1998
tJ 5.
!r 6,
(p, 7.
1 8.
'l 9.
7 10.
10, 11.
hearing until the bulliness at hand is acted upon, in any manner,
by the City Council. It ..i:Ji 1:,,, the genend pulicy vf Lh" CiL:, 83liRSil
to 51'8B &RQ 99RQQat 1t8Hi:ngs at titeR eatlahliahe.J. t~[.. 1- nn
""~~"'..B!....LQ.J.lC.:es can a nei:lrllll:;, be upf:ued }JL~VL IN Llu:: VLt:HibLvu.u.~l1Cd
alia 1"' .....hKgl~cd "una.
The presiding officer reads from the hearing notice the details on
the hearing sufficient to provide the public a general understanding
of the purpose of the hearing.
'Ph... E.A,"""",u.Clve I::)ecretary snail pass UUt.. Lv tel.!"" au.d.;......u....1:i a. O~6.u~UV
sReet 1'I.lth. '"'vlu...........uo f......... .l.AdM-=', 4a~eB':" ..:.....:..d. ,?l............... ......................b'"'.l. 'fl.l~lo;>
at...."'L oh.aH. D",,-,v.LU'V ya.L L vi the hearIng record..
The presiding officer announces the type of input to be received by
the citizens - informal or formal. ';:"1.4.") ~ \w.O;~', \1-'--'1~
Staff makes a presentation or report on the subject matter for the
If applicable, the
subject matter.
Or Ctv....\~ '+i'J~"..Ii......
developer~mak!!s a presentation or report on the
The presiding officer asks for citizen input, comments and questions.
The City Council addresses the subject matter through deliberation,
questions to citizens and Staff, and reactions and statement of
position on the subject.
The City Council may take action on the subject matter.
,,(, "'~,",",-h ... _ h.i- h:.
The presiding officer close the public hearing and states the time
the hearing is closed,
The pI" IdjPIJ IlEilllW may reserve the right to reopen a public hearing
or receive additional information Gy.Bje~t L.... ct,,,,, a:;,g".L'\:iC~v...... ~f ~lJ.c a~L'y
B. If the City Council decides to continue the IIli'lwlll"lltili'R nn H'D .n~j""" IiUi;Usr sf II
hearing, the presiding officer, in consultation with the City Manager and City
~ ..... Coun~!,"s..l?:@~lectJ a time and date alhMg 11 idims rsg<lll.Hly s~l1go;1nlD;! "P^':>';alf
~~",,,..,, .._..:"Ie'".!6rlt:....~" 1;],,, l.~a!ing for further deliberation and pG!Il.<hI.. action.
..... ' .
No additional publication or notice requirements are needed if a hearing is
continued to a later date.
printed 1/13198
Revised January, 1998
A. The existing Committees of the City Council and their regulatory provisions are
as follows:
1. Planning Advisory Commission: City Code 2.3.1 to 2-3-4.
2. Park Advisory Committee: City Council adopted Bylaws.
3. Lake Advisory Committee: City Council adopted Bylaws.
The Planning Commission has been established by statutory authority and the
structural composition and Commission rules are set forth in the City Code.
-rW.. ~ \.... e.~\\ ""'"-I e>-HblV'\- /A Ci~1 ~c\M>'o-l!il ~I.t.... t-c 1.,.1 je.i\__ ~
The City Council shall prepare suggested Bylaws or each Committee. At its first
meeting of each year, the committee shall adopt the Bylaws or recommend changes /!mttll1iH/I>r J.
to the City Council. The City Council must approve any requested or recommended
change, Amendments to a committee's Bylaws may be proposed to the Council at
any time subsequent to their annual adoption. The City Council on its own
initiative may adopt changes to a Committee's Bylaws.
B. Vacancies in the City Council's Committees shall be filled in the following manner:
Notice of vacancy is made public and interested individuals may
be contacted and encouraged to consider the position. I
ok.4..t..'d.,,'-, tovl.-~"il~.t... t.\llu i\ licjl#&"'~ J.-L. ~.oCL~
The City Manager, Mayor and Ekp!ut.ucut II~~d, together with the
Committee Chair shall interview all candidates and make a
recomme~dation to the full Ci:y Council. I
.~"",''"''''''^-\._ ~-.... ,\.J.,..."""".u..jf.,.,J,,,~
___~_,~,,^''''.'~' ,..,_._._,"~,._,,,~"~.,h
The H~ 61 shall present the recommendation to the City Council and
the Council may accept or reject the recommendation. If they reject
the recommendation, they shall appoint someone else or decide to
reopen the vacancy to the public for new individuals.
C. The City Council may establish advisory Committees from time to time to study,
research, analyze and make recommendations on a particular issue or subject
matter. The Committees shall be established through one of four means: provision
in the Bylaws, motion, resolution or ordinance.
The Committees shall consist of as many members and perform such duties as
the City Council may require. Committees may only exercise those duties assigned
to them by the City Council (conduct investigations, make reports on facts,
interview individuals), The Committees may not make decisions regulated to the
City Council by statutory authority.
The Council wtil- meet with each committee/commission annually in a
workshop to discuss goals and objectives, mutual concerns or questions and
other business as appropriate.
printed 1/13198
Revised January, 1998
E. The Council may from time to time establish special Council committees. By
dividing their membership into several committees, a Council enables its members
to devote time to a specific issue, The Council appoints special committees to deal
with a single transaction or project. For example, the Council might appoint a
special committee to study the advisability of purchasing land for a new park. The
work of a special Council committee should be limited to special policy problems or
to certain public relations functions that are not the responsibility of
administrative personneL Committees may exercise all duties which the Council
has legally assigned to them. They can make recommendations to the Council, but
not make decisions on behalf of the council. Committees are subject to the same
rules as the full Council under the open meeting law. The Council's final decision,
not the committee's recommendation, binds the City,
A. Such other rules that the City Council deems appropriate may be enacted. All
matters of procedure not specified herein shall be governed by the City Code, State
Statutes, or Federal Laws, whichever is applicable to the procedure in question.
These Bylaws shall govern the procedures of the Prior Lake City Council
immediately upon adoption. If an issue is raised or point is made which is not
covered in the Bylaws, the procedures to respond to the issue or point shall be
governed by Robert's Rules of Order Revised.
C. The rules herein may be suspended upon a 4/5 (80%) vote of the members for a
specific meeting only.
A. Effective upon adoption, the following regulations will govern all travel, mileage
and meal reimbursement expenses in the conduct of official Council business:
1. Reimbursement for meals and parking are intended to refund
actual costs incurred, A receipt is required for reimbursement for
each. No alcohol related beverage is eligible for reimbursement.
2. Reimbursement for travel, other than mileage are intended to
refund actual costs incurred. A receipt is required for
reimbursements for airfare, lodging and any applicable registration
fee. Reimbursements for taxis must be itemized as "from" and "to"
when possible,
Mileage reimbursements must be accompanied by an itemized
listing of the date, and the purpose for the trip. Mileage rate will
be consistent with the rate offered to City employees which is
established according to the Federal Standards.
printed 1/13198
Revised January, 1998
Payment for any el.i,gible reimbursable expenses shall be made
after approval by the City Council of the invoices which contains the
expenses itemized within.
Prior City Council approval is not required to be eligible for
reimbursement for the following meetings or organizations:
League of Minnesota Cities ./
Association of Metropolitan Municipalities /
Metropolitan Council and its agencies /
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ,i
Department of Natural Resources J
Minnesota Valley Transit Authority /
Scott County Board Meetings /
Scott County Transportation Coalition I
Scott County Legislative meetings with local/state or
federal officials I
cott County Economic Development Comny{tee
rban Wetland Management Coalition /
P 'or Lake Chamber of Commerce
Sco t County HRA
City Council ap roval is required prior to ex enses being eligible
for reimburseme s for any other meetings or organizational
conferences, In the vent of an emergency r short notice to a
meeting requiring C1 Council attend ce, approval of expense
reimbursements after the meeting for neligible organizations will
be considered on a cas by case basi
A Councilmember who a ends seminar or conference may be'
required to provide a brief 0 1 planation of the purpose and
results of the meeting at a re arly scheduled Council meeting.
This may occur at the req t f another Councilmember or on the
attending Councilmember' own tion,
A Councilmember w,l attends mee . gs of organizations and
receives reimburseJJ\'ents from the City s set forth herein is expected
to represent the 0ty's position on issues s expressed by the
majority ~f t e' City Council. A Councilni ber attending such
meetings is ected to advise the Council in dvance, insofar as
possible, 0 official position on such matters.
cou4embers attending seminars or conferences City expense
;;;;:=ted to provide the Council with a summary of t eeting.
printed 1/13198
Revised January, 1998
Declaration of Policy The proper o~eration of democratic government requires that
f;S..-o:s:rBm....u.Lcd db",~~u.L1C1 au IJuli",'y be wade hI Lt.h.. prSfley 9ltaAI191a ^f tAQ
g.Q'l7SRlAs&tals1;rtlclltKe; tltat p~H;lie e&:",c; lluL lit:: uljed l:b.l }JC.LOv.b.kl. gaill; ana, t1r~t
the public has confidence in the integrity of its government. In recognition of t;fteee- +\.:; ~
goals, there is hereby established a Code of Ethics and Conduct for public officials.
The purpose of this Code is to establish ethical standards of conduct for all such
officials by setting forth those acts or actions that are incompatible with the best
interests of the City, and by directing disclosure by such officials of private,
financial or other interest in matters affecting the City. The provisions and purpose
of this Code and such rules and regulations as may be established are hereby
declared to be in the best interests ofthe City.
B. Ethics in Government: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter lOA, Ethics in Government, is
incorporated herein by reference. This policy shall be construed and interpreted in
consultation with the City Attorney according to Minnesota Statutes and case law.
C. Personal Conflicts of Public Officials: Any public official who has a potential conflict
of interest, as defined in this Chapter, shall publicly disclose the conflict before
taking part in any action, discussion or vote pertaining to the matter. This
provision shall not be interpreted to permit any act otherwise prohibited by law.
Gifts and Favors: No public official shall accept any valuable gift, whether in the
form of money, service, loan, thing or promise from any person which to the official's
knowledge is concerned, directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in business
dealings with the City; nor shall any public official.
1. Accept any gift, favor, or thing of value that may tend to influence the
official in the discharge of the official's duties; or
2. Grant in the discharge of the official's duties any improper favor,
service, or thing of value, or accept an offer which would not have
been given if the official were not an official; or
3 Accept or receive anything of value through sale or gift of goods or
services which would result directly or indirectly from the official's
position as a public official of the City.
D. Use of Equipment and Facilities; No public official shall request or permit the
unauthorized use of City.owned vehicles, equipment, materials, property, labor or
services for personal convenience or profit.
E. C'eR8.tl.:.L .:..u (]vve.rllment: Eacn memoer of the COUDl.l1 tihuutd Lt~fh,I.;L l.l}luu U...~ trtlst
!2e~d.JWJ1D..tP.ll~ ~ tag IllHlB9. That ~ is far tfie ee-iiL vi I:l.w Ott.J;:s B
Vl.llMl.. CL.bd not to benefit particular individuals. A Councilmember snou.1d .n:\;UlS~:;c.C
-- nlQ n~ bar :aQusiaPS'" tiltty &e ge~."eFB tfte City in a mtlflflel tftttti is Ie.~l-'\;..""Lfu.i, ~.l.lfo.(:m.ea
and f"Qn~;d .A. CS\lReilmG.a1bc;.L alliill LU:i::lL tllt:u- CUlh:i:llSLU:;C, Ci4;y gta:ff~ l'nntrSJ~tors
And <!nnQ"H9Rts BRd.I:h." l'ubttc *lth coUrtesy and respect, A Councllmember should
,"~"r.ecoe.ni7.p. fhat tAg stte(.{.!.k of d i6fH.'1.!euLati'fG aelBs8faer a.e,eB8.8 a,e8 its sleeteR
printed 1113198
Revised January, 1998
ana &llJilsifttea u.E&~c a,,,L.i.u.t:; tulS"lIIb.~r, lltIt hldlvldua.u.y, to Dnng tne mdlVluudi c:u..Ld.
VA"';",t np;n;nru!" 1rnnUT1~tigP AnA A""C;pArtiRe to solvinpo t.lu~ ,..."halla...soCJ f8.8iRg ~ Ci1Jy.
}Je Cal:l~....a J:''c;.LcUll ~uuid act ~ a. 1J.LCLUllCJ. Lha.L \.OJ.ca.&c-c a, lock sf saddeRse Bl'
respect the {;nll,"(";l Qr f";~ If A mAlI\her of the Council fails to comely w;th Anrl
r.gilp.o,...t thjn ('88.9 sf EtlHee 8.8.4 OOJldu\"L, th~ eUWl\,JilllClY .uy (;I. fl..u..u-fi.ftl.lo (~/g) -.-ate
lillS1.. Lh... CUu.J..u.a:h.u.c.LUb'l:l.L Lv i"o~6.u. nU1U the Cvu..u.".d:.
printed 1/13/98
Revised January, 1998
Department Heads & Supervisors
Finance Department
City Purchasing Policy
Revised 2/4/98
Minnesota Statutes 471.345 and Prior Lake City Code 1-6-5 set forth the laws regulating
purchasing in Minnesota Municipalities. Attached is an information document from the League
of Minnesota Cities regarding competitive bidding and statutory references. These guidelines are
intended to clarifY and expand upon these legal requirements.
There are nine basic thresholds of dollar amounts that have been established either by policy,
city code or statutory authority for the purpose of purchasing city goods and services. They are
identified as follows:
Blanket Purchases
Purchases of $50.00 or less may be made at the following vendors who have been issued a year-
long blanket purchase order whereby the purchase may be simply approved without a purchase
order. The receipt should be signed by the individual so that the when the invoice is received it
may be directed to the appropriate department for account code assignment.
The vendors with 1998 Blanket Purchase Orders are:
Bob's Personal Coffee
Bryan Rock
BT Office Products
C.H. Carpenter Lumber
Carlson Hardware
Coast to Coast Stores
County Market
Feed Rite Controls
Holiday Station Stores
Kraemer & Sons
Monnens Supply
Mueller & Sons
NAP A Parts Dept.
Prior Lake Aggregates
Prior Lake Carquest
Prior Lake Rental
Prior Prints
R&R Carpet Service
Shiely Company
Snyder Drug
Steve Tupy's Tire
Toll Company
Tri-County Beverage
Vern's Candy
Purchases Between $1000 - $5000
Expenditures within this category should be generally preceded by a minimum of two quotes.
These may be obtained verbally from vendors and should be observed as a department practice
versus absolute requirement. The purpose is to obtain the best price available subject to
established quality standards. The purchase order process is the same with the additional
requirement that a completed quote form (see attached) is to accompany the purchase order form.
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372.1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447.4245
Purchases Uuder $2500
Purchases approved within the current year's operating budget shall be authorized by the
Department Head via a purchase order. The required procedure is to complete a purchase order
prior to acquisition to insure accountability, provide amount verification and avoid any
misunderstanding with respect to cost between the vendor and the City.
Normally all purchase orders are to be completed before a requisition number is provided unless
reason Can be demonstrated otherwise. The process involves the following chronological steps:
1. Complete the Purchase Order as to vendor, date, material description, unit price, total
department and account code.
2. Department Head authorizes by signature and sends to Accounting.
3. Purchase Order number assigned by Accounting Department.
4. Purchase order sent by originating department.
Field employees will be expected to plan and coordinate their acquisitions with their respective
supervisors and department heads to eliminate verbal P.O. numbers unless situations occur
where it would not be practical because of time constraints. There are four general exceptions to
the rule:
I. Routine items costing $50 or less that occur on a daily basis may continue to be
purchased under a blanket purchase order.
2. Service repairs on equipment and vehicles do not generally require a purchase order
unless price quotations are necessary.
3. Sand, rock, bituminous etc., because of quantity uncertainties, may be purchased
under a blanket purchase order number.
4. If an emergency situation should occur, acquisition may be followed up by a purchase
When a verbal purchase order number is used, the following information is absolutely necessary:
I. Receipt/invoice of purchase.
2. Receipt/invoice must indicate description of purchase (parts # is not acceptable).
3. Receipt/invoice must indicate dollar amount.
4. Receipt/invoice must be signed.
5. Receipt/invoice must display Purchase Order number.
6. Salesman shall not be given verbal P.O. humber,
7. All verbal purchase orders will be in completed form within one week or issuance.
Purchases $2500 and Above
City purchases approved within the current year's operating budget shall be authorized by the
Department Head via a purchase order. In addition, all such expenditures of $2500 or greater
must also be approved by the City Manager in the form of his signature upon the purchase order,
The required procedure is to complete a purchase order prior to acquisition to insure
accountability, provide amount verification and avoid any misunderstanding with respect to cost
between the vendor and the City,
All purchase orders are to be completed before a requisition number is provided unless reason
can be demonstrated otherwise. The process involves the following chronological steps:
I, Complete the Purchase Order as to vendor, date, material description, unit price, total
department and account code.
2. Department Head authorizes by signature and sends to Accounting.
3. City Manager approval by signature on purchase order.
4. Purchase Order number assigned by Accounting Department.
5. Purchase Order sent by originating department.
Purchases Between $5.000 aud $15.000
When there is more than one feasible source of supply for an item having a cost of five thousand
dollars ($5,000) or more, the City Manager [Department Head] shall request written price
quotations from at least two (2) sources and shall place the order at the lowest price quoted,
provided the items are of comparable quality. The quotes shall be submitted in written format or
completed on quote forms (attached) provided by the Finance Department.
Purchases of $15.000 or Less
The City Manager shall have the authority to make or let purchase contracts for routine service
equipment or supplies for which the cost does not exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000). Prior
Lake Code 1.6.5 (E). This authority shall also extend to contract chanlle orders in such amount not to
exceed an allllt'eiZate nercentalle total chanl!e of 15% of the contract
Purchases Betweeu $15.000 - $25.000
Purchase contracts in excess of $15,000 must be approved by the City Council. The authorizinll
resolution shall be attached to the silmed nurchase order If the amount of the contract does not
exceed $25,000 then the contract may be made by obtaining two or more quotations or by direct
negotiations subject to Council approval.
Purchases Above $25.000
If the amount of the contract is estimated to exceed $25,000, and funds are appropriated within
the current operating budget, sealed bids shall be solicited by public notice at least 10 days
before scheduled bid opening following preparation of bid specifications as authorized by the
City Council. The successful bid is to be awarded by the City Council to the lowest responsible
bidder. (Minnesota Statutes 471.345)
The basic process for competitive bidding is outlined below:
I. Prepare specifications for the product or services desired, including description of
selective criteria, if applicable,
2. Prepare a public notice for Prior Lake American.
3. Publish 10 days in advance of bid opening.
4. Analyze bids for conformance with specifications.
5. Prepare bid tabulation.
6. Determine if bid represents lowest responsible bidder.
7. Prepare a report for the City Council agenda and resolution recommending award of
8. Execute contract with Mayor and City Manager signatures.
The City Manager, City Attorney and Finance Director are authorized to select the method for
bidding of purchases over $25,000 so long as the method meets statutory requirements and
results in the best value.
Purchases Exceeding $100.000
Thc process is the same as above except the publication must be at least 21 days before bids are
publicly opened for imnrovement nroiects that are assessed under Minnesota Statute Chanter
~ Also the advertisement must be published at least once in the official newspaper and at least
once in the Construction Bulletin.
Contract Changes
A contract approved by the City Council for construction/professional services may only be
modified by a change order authorized in advance by either the City Manaller or the City
CounciL The City Manaller mav authorize chanlle orders for amounts un to $15 000 not to
exceed an aUlITeilate nercentaQ"e total chanile of 150.10 of the contract. All amounts greater must he
annroved bv the City CounciL If additional work becomes necessary due to special
circumstances or conditions arise that could not be anticipated it is important that both Staff and
the City Council be kept appraised by the contractor/vendor of the situation or request ~ any
additional work is actually performed. In circumstances where the public safety or health are in
jeopardy, the Staff may approve work in advance of City Council approval subject to approval
by the City Manager of such work and notification to the City Council that the work is being
conducted under this emergency provision and the reason for expediting the project. If the
service contract is under the bid threshold of $25,000, then the accompanying purchase order
must be amended and countersigned by the City Manager.
Contract Documents
The following documents are typically required as part of the contract process:
1. Bid bond
2. Performance bond
3. Payment bond
4. Insurance provisions;
a) Workers' compensation
b) Liability
c) Umbrella
d) Owners' protective
Exceptions to Competitive Bidding
The following are some of the more common exceptions to the competitive bidding
1. Contracts less than $25,000.00
2. Intergovernmental contracts
3. Noncompetitive supplies and equipment
4. Real estate purchases
5. Professional services including;
a) Architectural
b) Auditing
c) Engineering
d) Legal
e) Group insurance
Procedures for Veri(yiUI1 Receipt of C.oods or Services for PlQ'ment
Each Department Head will review and approve all invoices pertaining to their department
Upon completion of a purchase order, a purchase order number will be assigned from the
Finance Department. The white copy ofthe purchase order should be forwarded to the Vendor
and the yellow copy of the purchase order retained by the department for validation with the
The Vendor should be instructed to send the invoice to the appropriate Department Personnel
(either Department Head for Supervisor). Make sure the Vendor is instructed to reference the
Purchase Order Number on the invoice. The Department Head or Supervisor acknowledges the
product or service received by initialing the invoice received from the Vendor. Attach the yellow
copy of the purchase order to the back of the invoice and submit it to the Finance Department for
payment processing.
Statements from Carquest, NAPA, Amoco Oil, Subway, County Market, i.e. on blanket purchase
orders will be reviewed by the Finance Department. Please turn in all invoices IMMEDIATELY
upon receipt.
1) Enter the Vendor's name, address, contact person, and phone number.
2) Enter the date the order was placed with the Vendor.
3) Enter the ship to address if different than 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE.
4) Enter the quantity of the item ordered.
5) Enter the description of the item ordered,
6) Enter the unit price of the item ordered,
7) Enter the total cost of the line item ordered (quantity times unit price).
8) Enter the words Sales Tax and the dollar amount for sales tax in the Total column.
Tax is calculated: total dollars times 6.5% (exclude freight and labor charges).
9) Enter shipping and handling charges if applicable.
10) Enter the grand total of all the charges in the Total column.
11) Enter the person's name ordering the product or service.
12) Enter the department accounting number and the accounting object code.
13) The Department Head's signature is required.
14) The City Manager's signature is required if the order is $2,500.00 or above.
15) If the check is to be returned to the person ordering the product or service, enter
"Return check to " and circle the return instructions.
16) If the item ordered is $500.00 or over and is an equipment asset, write the word "ASSET" here.
After the invoice is received, an asset number will be assigned to the item and an
asset sticker with the number will be returned to be affrxed to the asset
17) Request a purchase order number from the Finance Department before placing the
order with the Vendor.
18) If a line item is backordered, enter BfO next to the line item on the white and yellow copy of the
purchase order. Submit the yellow copy of the purchase order with the invoice to the Finance
Department for payment. Copy the white purchase order on yellow paper and hold the
paperwork for the backordered item to be shipped. When the backordered item is shipped,
attached the invoice with the backordered item to the yellow copied purchase order and submit
the paperwork to the Finance Department for processing the payment.
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DECEMBER 12, 1997
As you are each aware, we have scheduled the annual two-day City Council workshop for
Friday, January 9th and Saturday, January 10th, 1998 at the Oak Ridge Conference
Center in Chaska. We will provide you with a map together with the workshop booklet
. once it has been prepared.
The purpose of the workshop has historically been to provide the City Council with the
time it desires to establish its year-long objectives, provide staff with specific direction on
new or existing programs, and to provide training to the Council and staff on topics
which are appropriate and necessary for effective functioning,
Shown below is a listing of some possible agenda items:
1. Establish performance standards for the City Manager for 1998,
2. Modify or reformat agenda reports and contents to better meet City Council
information needs.
3. Establish work objectives for completion in 1998 including Review of Mission
Statement and Strategic Plan.
4. Receive report on Tactical Turtle Team and SWAT team activities and financial.
baseline data to measure service costs and quality.
5. Modification of Orderly Annexation Agreement.
6. Discussion of Groundwater Issues, including Conservation ordinance, well permit,
and septic system inspection program,
7. Discuss EDA-proposed tax increment financing policy.
8. Library/Dance Studio Project Brainstorming.
16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447.4230 I Fax (612) 447.4245
Adopted February 3, 1997
The following are the City Council's top priorities for completion. They are not listed in priority
. Complete revision of Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Code.
. Complete Annexation Process as Directed.
. Adopt a 1998 General Fund Budget which provides needed services with no tax increase,
including general fund and Capital Improvement Program Expenditures.
. Update Mission Statement for 1997 and development plan for sharing with community
. Receive the following new ordinance: (a) Animal Control
. Sell at least two acres of business park property.
. Acquire Fire Station II property.
. Conduct annual meetings with: School Board, Watershed Board, Townships and Scott County to
discuss issues of mutual importance.
. Provide direction to Advisory Bodies by meeting with them at least once a year.
. Consider completion of Scientific Survey of Prior Lake taxpayers to receive feedback on city
. Complete update of Personnel Policy for Council consideration.
. Implement a two-year program for construction of City entry monuments at all of our City's
permanent points of entry.
. Conduct a feasibility and cost study to direct capital planning for water system and City build-
. Formalize a program of Civic Education to Prior Lake youth as part of our City work.
. Examine the cost effectiveness of City service delivery considering one area each year.
. Support efforts by the Economic Development Authority to foster a greater business presence in
Prior Lake.