HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-24-97REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1997 6:30 p.m. 1. Call Meeting to Order: 2. Roll Call: 3. Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: A. CASE #97-019 Paul Lemke is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to construct a professional office building and the accessory signs on the property located north of Gateway Street, southeast of Highway 13, west of Jordan Avenue and east of Franklin Trail B. CASE #97-015 Ronn Hechter is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow a "fast food establishment" in a B-I Zone; a 10 foot variance to allow a rear yard setback of 20 feet rather than the required 30 feet; and a 63 parking stall variance to allow a total of 87 parking stalls rather than the 150 parking stalls. This property is located on the east side of Franklin Trail, north of County Road 44 (160th Street). 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: · Review 1998-2002 Capital Improvement Program. · Review formation of Tax Increment Financing District No. 2-8. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: 16200 ~.~gf~ ~reek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota ~72-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612)'447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNg-Y EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 10, 1997 1. Call to Order: The March, 1997, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by ChaLrman Criego at 6:35 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Criego, Stamson, Vonhof, Wuellner and Kuykendall, Director of Planning Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Vonhof Absent Wueliner Absent Stamson Present Kuykendall Present Criego Present 3. Approval of Minutes: Correction: #8. correct "Criego". MOTION BY KUYKENDALL, SECONDED BY STAMSON, TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 24, 1997, MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Vote taken signified ayes by Kuykendall, Cdego and Stamson. MINUTES APPROVED. Commissioner Vonhof arrived at 6:38 p.m. 4. Public Hearings: None 5. Old Business: None 6. New Business: None 7. Announcements and Correspondence: The Commissioners discussed the standards of the Home Occupation Ordinance. Commissioner Criego suggested staff set a date for an upcoming meeting and bring back the Home Occupation Ordinance for review. A. ZONING ORDINANCE WORKSHOP/UPDATE - Don Rye Commissioners discussed and commented on the following: LOT PROVISIONS: · Lots of record and buildable lots. Recommended dimensions. · Substandard lots on the lake have rising values. · Consensus by Commissioners - do not agree with #3, under LOT PROVISIONS. "Substandard lots with common ownership with an abutting parcel of property on or after the effective date of the Ordinance may not be developed and no building permit will be issued..." Take out "two" from parcels combined. Suggested notifying residents (by letter) who are affected by this Ordinance. YARD ENCROACHMENTS: · Should add "window" to bay description. Cannot exceed two feet. · #5 clarification on terrace and step height (2 1/2 feet). · #6 "Uncovered porches, stoops or decks.., ground level of principal building...should be changed to 6 from 4. · B. 1. add balconies with the awnings and door hoods. · B.3. and C. 1. Discussed heating and air conditioning units in side yards. Screen where visible from the public right-of-way. Noise concern from side yard. FENCES: · Measure ground level from where you are standing. · Allowable 8 feet if abuts commercial or Highway 13 and/or County Roads 21, 42, 82 and 83. · #2. Rationale for 3 1/2 feet for front yard fencing. Take hedge out. Safety issues for law enforcement and site lines. TRAFFIC DISABILITY: · Establishes the City is trying to get some clear site lines to traffic. This is a standard ordinance. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS: · Clarification in width on pedestrian/bike paths for emergency vehicles. GRADING, FILLING, LAND RECLAMATION & EXCAVATION: · Discussed 400 cubic yards of fill issues. · Excavation for single family dwellings may be excluded. LIGHTING: · Should not limit the property line to neighboring property line. · What happens when the lake is the neighboring property? · GENERAL PROVISIONS - D. Cross out "in any contiguous parcel of land." in the first sentence. · String lights (Christmas lights) do not meter. · Make lakeside a .5 foot candle. · G. End the first sentence at "off the site." ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: · Discussed F. 1. Class I. - building materials. Primary structure cannot be wood for four or more units or commerical buildings. Meet with City Council Monday, March 24 at 5:00. 8. Adjournment: MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY CRIEGO, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. Donald Rye Connie Carlson Director of Planning Recording Secretary PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4A Conduct public hearing to consider a conditional use permit (CUP) and conditional sign permit for Lemke Professional Office Building (Case 097-019) Paul Lemke 5116 Gateway Street, located north of Gateway Street, southeast of Highway 13, west of Jordan Avenue and east of Franklin Trail. Jenni Tovar ~ g~ X YES __.NO-N/A March 24, 1997 The City received an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) fi:om Paul Lemke on March 4, 1997. The applicant proposes to construct an office/retail building on the north side of Gateway Street, across from Rademacher's. The proposed building will be 10,400 square feet. The upper level will be occupied by Lemke Chiropractic and two leased tenants (possibly a Montessori day care facility). The lower level will be entirely leased space (three tenants). The property is zoned B-3 General Business. "Personal and professional services" are a conditional use in the B-3 zone and retail businesses are permitted uses. The proposed CUP should be reviewed in accordance with the criteria found in Section 7.5(C) of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 7.5(C) provides that a conditional use shall be approved if it is found to meet specific criteria~ The criteria are discussed on the following pages. The subject site consists of 2 acres located at 5116 Gateway Street. The site is surrounded by commercial uses. Directly to the south is Rademacher's Super Valu and a retail strip mall, to the north is Gateway Center (office) and First Bank. To the east is Franklin Trail and to the norfiawest is HWY. 13 (see Site Location Map). The proposed 16200 E°a~°~:~Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 553~2-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER building will be constructed on the westerly portion of the lot. The easterly portion of the parcel is to be undisturbed and remain "natural". CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ANALYSIS: Section 7.5(C) sets forth several criteria for approval of a CUP. These criteria and the staff analysis of compliance with these criteria are set forth below; 1. The proposed use conforms to the district permitted and conditional use provisions and all general regulations of this Ordinance. Thc proposed use is consistent with the conditional use and permitted use provisions for the B-3 General Commercial zoning district and conforms to all general regulations of the Zoning Ordinance (upon satisfaction of conditions). 2. The proposed use shall not involve any element or cause any conditions that may be dangerous, injurious, or noxious to any other property or persons, shall comply with the performance standards listed below. The proposed use is office/professional services and retail tenants. Adjacent uses are that of office and professional service, a bank, and a retail center. The proposed use does not appear to be dangerous, injurious, or noxious to any other property or persons. 3. The proposed use shall be sited, oriented and landscaped to produce harmonious relationship of buildings and grounds adjacent to buildings and properties. The following table depicts Landscape Requirements and how the applicant has addressed them. Trees Entry Parking Islands Parking Screening Other Screening (Service Storage Areas) Plans Ordinance Requirement 25 Trees (1/40' perimeter of area being disturbed 981 fee0 Entry areas to be landscaped (no specific required plantings) One every 180' Combination of elements on new parking lots (Berm, plantings, fence) 6 Foot screen, combination of fence/planting/berrns. Prepared by a Certified or Registered Landscaped Architect. Applicant Proposal 20 Trees Entries are landscaped on both sides with trees and shrubs. N/A Shrubs along Gateway Street, trees along HWY. 13. 6' Trash enclosure of same materials as principle building with landscaping. Plans not signed. 97-OI9PCDOC 2 The applicant must revise the landscape plan to provide the minimum required plantings (25 trees). There are 3 significant trees on the east portion of the site that will remain undisturbed (no landscape credit given, as the undisturbed area was not used in calculating perimeter). Additionally, the landscape ordinance requires new parking areas to be screened with multiple elements to provide screening year round. The north parking lot will be screened using trees; given the slope to HWY. 13, a fence/berm would be ineffective in screening this parking from HWY. 13. The applicant has proposed to screen the south parking lot with shrubs. The landscape plan must be revised to show multiple elements (berm, fence, plantings). 4. The proposed use shall produce a total visual impression and environment which is consistent with the environment of the neighborhood. The building will be finished with brick and have architectural metal entrances. Other buildings in the area are finished with brick and the retail center is finished with stucco. The proposed materials and landscaping is consistent with adjacent uses and the effect on the environment of the neighborhood is minimal. The City's sidewalk policy is that sidewalks are required along collector streets. Gateway Street, access to the site, is classified as a local street. The property also has frontage along Franklin Trail, which is a collector street. However, the proposed development will be left "natural" along this side of the parcel. A sidewalk along Gateway Street is not consistent with with City policy. 5. The proposed use shall organize vehicular access and parking to minimize traffic congestion within the neighborhood. The proposed project provides sufficient area for vehicular parking. The ordinance requires 1 stall for every 200 square feet of retail space and one stall for every 250 square feet of office/professional service. The applicant is proposing 4400 square feet of retail and 6000 square feet of office. This is results in 46 stalls required. The applicant is proposing 47 stalls. Due to the topography, the building and parking will be accessed on the second floor on the south side and on the first floor on the north side. The applicant shows ail parking areas to be paved, striped, and curbed. A loading berth needs to be provided (5-5-6). This can be designated in a parking stall and must be indicated on the site plan or otherwise provided. There are two access from Gateway Street, which are existing curb' cuts. Gateway is a local street that feeds in to Franklin Trail and up to 160th Street or to HWY. 13. Traffic congestion is expected to be minimized as it is directed from Gateway Street to Franklin Trail, 160th Street and HWY. 13. 97-019PC.DOC 3 6. The proposed use shall preserve the objectives of this Ordinance and shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as C-CC Retail Shopping (Community). The performance standards are set forth in Section 7.5(D) and relate to the following factors; u Fire protection u Electrical disturbance, · Noise · Vibrations, · Odors · Air pollution, · Glare * Erosion, · Water pollution. The proposed project is not expected to result in any of the nuisance factors set forth in the performance standards and is thus consistent with these standards. CONDITIONAL SIGN PERMIT The sign ordinance requires that any signs on uses that are conditional require approval as a Conditional Sign Permit. Only signs representing "Personal or professional services" are conditional. Retail business signs are permitted. The total maximum allowed area is: Wall Signs Cannot exceed 20% front facade, maximum area of each si~n is 200 sn. feet. Allowable sign area facing Gateway Street is 350 square feet; Facing HWY. 13 is 640 square feet (can be placed on north or west walls). The applicant is proposing 133 square feet of signage facing Gateway Street, 197 square feet on the north wall facing HWY. 13 and 82 square feet on the west wall facing HWY. 13. Monument Can have 2 sides of 120 souare feet maximum each side. no higher than I0' abov~ Signs the eenterline ~rade. and setback 10 feet from nfo_hetty line. The applicant is proposing a 12 by 10 foot monument sign, setback 10 feet and less than two feet above the centerline grade of HWY. 13. The applicant meets the requirements of the sign ordinance as to size, area type and location for conditional and permitted signs. 97-019PC.DOC 4 Adopt Resolution 97-07PC, (recommending the City Council approve the CUP for Lemke Professional Building) and Resolution 97-08PC, (approving the conditional sign permit) as presented or with changes recommended by the Commission. Continue the public hearing to a date and time certain to allow the developer and/or staff to provide additional information specifically requested by the Planning Commission. Based upon expressed findings of fact, recommend the City Council deny part or all of the applications based upon inconsistency of the proposal with specific regulations of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and/or specific policies of the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative # I. Resolution 97-08PC approving the Conditional Sign Permit contains no conditions. Resolution 97-07PC approving the CUP contains the following conditions: 1. The applicant must submit a revised landscape plan indicating improvements to be made that meet all criteria of the landscape ordinance (Section 6.10, including an irrigation plan) as indicated in report including screening of parking along Gateway Street with multiple elements (not just a plantings). 2. The applicant must submit a lighting plan that meets City Code lighting standards and is approved by the Planning Department. 3. The applicant must submit a revised site plan indicating: · adequate snow storage along Gateway Street (as approved by City Engineer); · a loading berth (can be a designated parking stall). The applicant must submit a utility plan indicating location and hook-up of utilities (sewer and water) and storm sewer and run-off directions. The applicant will be responsible for disconnection of hook-ups not used on the site, upon construction of building. 5. The applicant must submit a grading plan with proposed contours and erosion control to be approved by City Engineer. The applicant must submit a drainage plan implementing infiltration methods such as those identified in MPCA's Best Management Practices (infiltration trenches, swales, etc.) to be approved by City Engineer. 97-019PC.DOC 5 7. The applicant must submit a Topographical Survey that is at an engineering scale and signed by a registered land surveyor. 8. A permit will be required ifa storm sewer pipe is outletted into the T.H. 13 right-of- way. 9. The improvements must be done before certified copies of the resolution are released for record'rog at the county. The applicant has 30 days to submit plans that are meet the requirements of the ordinance and conditions set forth in Resolution 97-07PC (City Code Section 5-6-5B). The applicant has until one year from the date of adoption of Resolution 97-07PC to complete the required improvements and record the resolution or the Conditional Use Permit becomes null and void (Section 5-6-8). ACTION REOUIRED: Motions to adopt the proposed resolutions as written or with changes directed by the Planning Commission. 97-019PC.DOC 6 RESOLUTION 97-08PC A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL SIGN PERMIT TO PERMIT A MONUMENT SIGN AND WALL SIGNS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE (PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES) ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5116 GATEWAY STREET (LEMKE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING) FOR LEMKE CHIROPRACTIC WHEREAS, Lemke Chiropractic has applied for a Conditional Sign Permit as required by Section 7.6 of the Zoning Ordinance in order to permit a monument sign and wall signs for a use requiring a conditional use permit at the following location, to wit: 5116 Gateway Street, legally described as: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence East along the South line thereof a distance of 393.00 feet to a point hereinatter referred to as point A; thence North at right angles to said South line a distance of 173.00 feet; thence East parallel with said South line a distance of 717.34 feet more or less to a point 200.00 feet West of the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence Northerly and parallel with said East line a distance of 246.91 feet to the actual point of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence continuing Northerly parallel with said East line a distance of 70.60 feet; thence deflecting to the leit at an angle of 82 degrees 15 minutes 01 seconds a distance of 376.61 feet; thence Northwesterly along a line drawn at right angles from the Southeasterly right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway No. 13 a distance of 143.62 feet to the Southeasterly right-of-way line of said State Trunk Highway No. 13; thence Southwesterly along said right-of-way line to its intersection with a line drawn North at right angles to the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter fi.om the aforementioned point A; thence South along said line to its intersection with a line drawn West parallel with said South line of Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter fi.om the actual point of beginning; thence East along said parallel line to the actual point of beginning. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for conditional sign permit as contained in Case #97-019 and held hearings thereon on March 24, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered the effect of the proposed sign upon the property in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed sign on traffic; and WHEREAS, because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that the proposed sign will not danger to the public safety, have a negative impact on surrounding property or 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER traffic, and unreasonably diminish or impair health, safety, comfort, morals or in any other respect be contrary to the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the contents of Planning Case 97-019 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this ease. Pursuant to Section 5-7-16 of the Ordinance Code the sign permit will be deemed to be null and void six (6) months from the date of approval if the holder of the sign permit has failed to complete the contemplated improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the Planning Commission of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota: A conditional sign permit is granted to permit the construction of a monument sign and wall signs for Lemke Professional Building as proposed in Exhibit A (the site plan submitted with the conditional sign permit application contained in Case file 9%019, dated March 12, 1997), attached to and made a part of the resolution. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on March 24, 1997. ATTEST: William Criego, Chair Donald R. Rye, Planning Director 1:\97files\97cup\97-O 19~'¢s97-OS.doc 2 RESOLUTION 97-07PC RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR LEMKE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: the Prior Lake Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on March 24, 1997, to consider an application from Paul Lemke for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Lemke Professional Building; and notice of the public hearing on said CUP has been duly published in accordance with the applicable Prior Lake Ordinances; and the Planning Commission proceeded to hear all persons interested in this issue and persons interested were afforded the opportunity to present their views and objections related to the CUP for Lemke Professional Building; and the Planning Commission finds the proposed use consistent with the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and the Planning Commission finds the CUP of Lemke Professional Building in harmony with both existing and proposed development in the area surrounding the project; and the Planning Commission fmds the proposed CUP of Lemke Professional Building is compatible with the stated purposes and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as they relate to conditionally permitted uses, and further, that the proposed CUP of Lemke Professional Building meets the criteria for approval of CUP is contained in Section 7-5 C 1-6 of the Zoning Ordinance and Section 3 of the City Code. RES97-07.DOC 16200 E/aTgle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, that it recommends the City Council approve the CUP for Lemke Professional Building subject to the following: 1. The applicant must submit a revised landscape plan indicating improvements to be made that meet all criteria of the landscape ordinance (Section 6.10, including an irrigation plan) as indicated in report including screening of parking along Gateway Street with multiple elements (not just a plantings). 2. The applicant must submit a lighting plan that meets City Code lighting standards and is approved by the Planning Department. 3. The applicant must submit a revised site plan indicating: · adequate snow storage along Gateway Street (as approved by City Engineer); · a loading berth (can be a designated parking stall). 4. The applicant must submit a utility plan indicating location and hook-up of utilities (sewer and water) and storm sewer and mn-off directions. The applicant will be responsible for disconnection of hook-ups not used on the site, upon construction of building. 5. The applicant must submit a grading plan with proposed contours and erosion control to be approved by City Engineer. The applicant must submit a drainage plan implementing infiltration methods such as those identified in MPCA's Best Management Practices (infiltration trenches, swales, etc.) to be approved by City Engineer. 7. The applicant must submit a Topographical Survey that is at an engineering scale and signed by a registered land surveyor. 8. A permit will be required if a storm sewer pipe is outletted into the T.H. 13 right-of- way. The improvements must be done before certified copies of the resolution are released for recording at the ~ounty. The applicant has 30 days to submit plans that are meet the requirements of the ordinance and conditions set forth in Resolution 97-07PC (City Code Section 5-6-5B). The applicant has until one year from the date of adoption of Resolution 97-07PC to complete the required improvements and record the resolution or the Conditional Use Permit becomes null and void (Section 5-6-8). RES97-07.DOC JT Passed and adopted this 24th day of March, 1997. YES CREIGO CREIGO KUYKENDALL KUYKENDALL LOFTUS LOFTUS WUELLNER WUELLNER VONHOF VONHOF NO Bill Creigo, Chair Planning Commission Donald Rye, Director of Planning City of Prior Lake RES97-07.DOC ,,~ING LOCATION Ii S-D TRACT 203 203 .13 .2ND 393 8 fO' 16 TRACT G TRACT H PL2- 2~ZBD LAWR~' NCR HAFERMAN )ND SITE ~DONALD LOEHR ,20~75 165683 207323 GATEWAY LODGEWOOD -- I ST ADD'N IST NTER ,DD'N 1872i9 187219 I: '~L-X42 El · 203879 ITl ,ii C2Nl~I'llfl~t -IVNOI~t:JO~I E)NI~IIRG ~f NOI99::140E~cl o~ °i I@ q Property Identification No. ~l City of Prior Lake LAND USE APPLICATION 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. / Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Phone (612) 447-4230, Fax (612) 447-4245 Type of Application: [] Rezoning, from (present zoning) to (nrooosed zoning) [] Amendment to City Code, Comp. Plan or City Ordinance [] Subdivision of Land [] Administrative Subdivision ~ Conditional Use Permit [] Variance [] Other: Brief description of proposed project (attach additional sheets/narrative if desired) Applicable Ordinance Section(s): Applicant(s): Address: / 9/~-,.?f/ Home Phone:. Work Phone: ~,~ -- ~ ,~'~- Property Owner(s) [If different from Applicants]: Address: Home Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee __ Work Phone: Contract for Deed Purchase Agreement Legal Description of Property (Attach a copy if there is not enough space on this sheet): To the~st of my kn/o~'l~e the information provided in this application and other material submitted is correct. In ~flition,/~ have rea/~ the/~)evant sections of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that ~s will n/~e~e~s~sed until deemed complete by the Planning Director or assignee. ~ Fee Owner's Signature Date THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARING CITY COUNCIL APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARING CONDITIONS: Signature of Planning Director or Designee Date lu-app2.doc i NOTICE OF HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT You are hereby notified that the Pdor Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Pdor Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road, SE (Southwest of the intersection of CR. 21 and Fish Point Road), on Monday. March 24. 1997. at 6:30 o.m. or as soon thereafter as oossible. APPLICANT: Paul W. Lemke 14624 Wilds Parkway Prior Lake, MN 55372 SUBJECT SITE: 5116 Gateway Street This property is located north of Gateway Street, southeast of Highway 13, west of Jordan Avenue and east of Franklin Trail. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence East along the South line thereof a distance of 393.00 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as point A; thence North at dght angles to said South line a distance of 173.00 feet; thence East parallel with said South line a distance of 717.34 feet more or less to a point 200.00 feet West of the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence Northerly and parallel with said East line a distance of 246.91 feet to the actual point of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence continuing Northerly parallel with said East line a distance of 70.60 feet; thence deflecting to the left at an angle of 82 degrees 15 minutes 01 seconds a distance of 376.61 feet;, thence Northwesterly along a line drawn at right angles fi.om the Southeasterly right-of- way line of State Trunk Highway No. 13 a distance of 143.62 feet to the Southeasterly right-of-way line of said State Trunk Highway No. 13; thence Southwesterly along said right-of-way line to its intersection with a line drawn North at right angles to the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter from the aforementioned point A; thence South along said line to its intersection with a line drawn West parallel with said South line of Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter from the actual point of beginning; thence East along said parallel line to the actual point of beginning. REQUEST: The applicant is proposing to construct a professional office building and the accessory signs at the above location, zoned B-3 (General Business). The Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance requires a conditional use permit for this use in the B-3 distdct. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend this hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Jane Kansier Planning Coordinator City of Prior Lake TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE PRIOR LAKE AMERICAN ON MARCH 8, 1997 1:\97ffies~97cup\97-019~97019pn.doc 16200 Ea§le Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, [V[innesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (6[2) 447-4250 / Fax (6[2) 447*4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER INTEROFHCE MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING FROM: Ralph Teschner RE: Lemke Professional Office Bldg. (assessment/fee review) DATE: March 5, 1997 Dr. Paul Lemke proposes to construct a professional office building on a 2.0 acre tract in 36-115- 22 (PIN #25 936 012 1). This area was originally served with water utilities on the east side of the property abutting Franklin Trail under Project 72-4 and was assessed 600' of frontage for water main only. The portion of the property abutting Highway 13 was served with both sewer and water utilities under Project 72-6 and was assessed 888.23' of frontage for sewer and 700.45' for water plus a trunk acreage charge for the entire site. In 1982 the property was charged for stormwater improvements under Project 81-2. There are no other city charges which would be applicable to this property unless the property would be formally subdivided. There are no outstanding special assessments currently certified against the property. Also, the tax status of the property is current with no outstanding delinquencies. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4B Conduct public hearing to consider a conditional use permit (CUP) and variances for Northgate Office Building (Case 897-015) Ronn Hechter 15900 Franklin Trail, located on the east side of Franklin Trail, north of 160th Street, south of T.H. 13. Jenni Tovar ,,~X~"' X YES __NO-N/A March 24, 1997 The City received an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) from Ronn Hechter on February 24, 1997, The applicant proposes to construct a retail/office building. The proposed building will be 15,701 square feet. The building will be leased for retail and office use with a proposed fast food establishment. At this time there are no signed lease agreements and the number of tenants are unknown. The applicant is anticipating a bagel/coffee shop to occupy the space designated as fast food. The property is zoned B-1 Limited Business. "Fast food" is a conditional use in the B-1 zone and retail businesses and offices and personal services are permitted uses. The proposed CUP should be reviewed in accordance with the criteria found in Section 7.5(C) of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 7.5(C) provides that a conditional use shall b~ approved if it is found to meet specific criteria. The criteria are discussed on the following pages. 16200 The subject site consists of 1.53 acres located at 15900 Franklin Trail, north of 160th Street (see Site Location Map). The site is surrounded by commercial and office uses. Directly to the east are the district offices of the school district, to the north and south is a street right-of-way, further north is Norex Corporation (office) and to the west 97-015PC DOC 1 E~le Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNFFY EMPLOYER Rademacher's Super Valu and retail center. Property to the east is zoned C-1 Conservation District (school property) and property to the south, beyond Westwood Drive, is zoned R-3 Multiple Residential. Attached is a zoning location map. The proposed building and required improvements will occupy the entire site. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ANALYSIS: Section 7.5(C) sets forth several criteria for approval of a CUP. These criteria and the staff analysis of compliance with these criteria are set forth below; 1. The proposed use conforms to the district permitted and conditional use provisions and all general regulations of this Ordinance. The proposed use is consistent with the conditional use and permitted use provisions for the B-1 Limited Business zoning district. The applicant is requesting a 10 foot variance to permit a rear yard setback of 20 feet rather than the required 30 feet. The applicant is also requesting a variance to allow 90 parking stalls rather than the 156 stalls required (see #5 below). The proposed use conforms to all other general regulations of the Zoning Ordinance (upon satisfaction of conditions and granting of variances). If variances are not granted, the proposed use remains a viable option with the redesign of the site layout. 2. The proposed use shall not involve any element or cause any conditions that may be dangerous, injurious, or noxious to any other property or persons, shall comply with the performance standards listed below. The conditional use of the proposed development is fast food. Office and retail uses are permitted in the B-1 zoning district. Adjacent neighborhood land uses are that of offices, a bank, a retail center and a proposed professional/office building. The proposed conditional use does not appear to be dangerous, injurious, or noxious to any other property or persons. 3. The proposed use shall be sited, oriented and landscaped to produce harmonious relationship of buildings and grounds adjacent to buildings and properties. The following table depicts Landscape Requirements. At this time, the applicant has not submitted a landscape plan, because the variances at hand will determine land available for plantings. The applicant intends to meet the criteria of the ordinance and has indicated berm and landscape island locations. The type and quantity of plantings have yet to be determined. It is a condition of this CUP that a landscape plan meeting the ordinance be submitted and approved by the Planning Department. 97-015PC.DOC 2 J'r Trees Parking Islands Parking Screening Other Screening (Service Storage Areas) Plans Ordinance Requirement 31 Trees (1/40' perimeter of area perimeter of 1234') Entry areas to be landscaped (no specific required plantings) One every 180' Combination of elements on new parking lots (Berm, plantings, fence) 6 Foot screen, combination of fence/plantingfoerms. Prepared by a Certified or Registered Landscaped Architect. Applicant Proposal Pending Pending N/A Berm located along Franklin Trail. Trash enclosure Plans not submitted The survey indicates four significant trees (41 caliper inches) located in the northeastern portion of the lot. The site plan indicates all of the significant trees will be preserved. Credit will be given for each tree preserved on a one-to-one basis for each tree required as part of the landscape plan. 4. The proposed use shall produce a total visual impression and environment which is consistent with the environment of the neighborhood. Building elevations do not indicate the type of material finishes to be used. The plans must be revised to indicate the materials and must conform with the ordinance (Section 4- 7-2). Other buildings in the area are finished with brick and the retail center is finished with stucco. 5. The proposed use shall organize vehicular access and parking to minimize traffic congestion within the neighborhood. The proposed project does not provide sufficient area £or vehicular parking. The ordinance requires one stall for every 200 square feet of retail space, one stall for every 250 square feet of office space and one stall for every 15 square feet of fast food floor area. The applicant is proposing 11,401 square feet of retail, 3000 square feet of office and 1300 square feet of fast food. This is results in 156 stalls required. The applicant is proposing 90 stalls. A variance is being requested. The applicant shows all parking areas to be paved, striped, and curbed. A loading berth needs to be provided (5-5-6). This can be a designated parking stall and must be indicated on the site plan or otherwise provided. The applicant is proposing two access from Franklin Trail. Franklin Trail feeds into 160th Street or HWY. 13. Traffic congestion is expected to be minimized as it is directed from Franklin Trail to 160th Street and HWY. 13. 97-015PCDOC 3 JT 6. The proposed use shall preserve the objectives of this Ordinance and shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as C-CC Retail Shopping (Community). The performance standards are set forth in Section 7.5(D) and relate to the following factors; · Fire protection · Electrical disturbance, · Noise · Vibrations, · Odors · Air pollution, · Glare · Erosion, · Water pollution. The proposed project is not expected to result in any of the nuisance factors set forth in the performance standards and is thus consistent with these standards. The parcel is a vacant parcel measuring 477 feet long at the street and 140 feet wide. This lot is 1.53 acres or 66,780 square feet. Therefore, this lot is a conforming lot under the current Zoning Ordinance. The required setbacks result in a building envelope that is 447 feet long and 80 feet deep (see Building Envelope exhibit) and 35,760 square feet. The applicant is requesting a 10 foot variance to permit a rear yard setback of 20 feet. Based on the proposed square footage and uses proposed, the requirement for parking is 156 stalls. The applicant is requesting 90 stalls. A 66 parking stall variance is being requested. The applicant had originally proposed a drive-thru on the south side of the building with a total of 87 stalls provided. The plan has been modified to eliminate the drive-thru and accommodate more parking. The variance to rear yard setback could be eliminated if the applicant adjusted the size of the proposed building to meet the current setback requirements of 30 feet. The variance to parking could be reduced or eliminated if the building size was reduced and/or the area devoted to specific uses was modified (i.e. reduce the area designated for fast food). The applicant has provided alternative layouts in attempting to reduce the variance requests (see Alternative Layout exhibit). 97-015PC.DOC 4 JT VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. This criteria goes to whether reasonable use can be made of the property if the Ordinance is literally enforced. In this case, there is a legal alternative for the applicant. The building size could be reduced to meet the setback requirement and the accommodate parking requirement. A change of the proposed use area could also reduce the number of parking stalls required. The building envelope can accommodate either alternative. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. There are no unique circumstances in this case. The parcel is vacant and meets the size and area requirements of the B-1 zoning district. There are no topographical or vegetative features unique to this property. The applicant could reduce the size of the proposed building/change the use to meet the required setbacks and parking while maintaining a building that is reasonable in size and accommodating for retail/office use. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. The lot is not considered to be substandard nor are there significant topographical features warranting special conditions. It is over 35,000 square feet in area. If the applicant reduces the size/use of the proposed addition, the setbacks and parking can be met and variances will not be necessary. The applicant has control over the proposed structure of which their size, location or use are not hardships. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The intent of the ordinance can be met if modifications to the proposed development are pursued. Perhaps if other buffers were being proposed (landscaping) that could meet the intent, then the setback variance could meet the intent ant not be contrary to the public interest. The intent of the parking requirements will clearly be avoided ifa reduction in parking is allowed, with no over-flow parking such as on-street or shared parking. The granting of the variance are contrary to the intent of the ordinance and public interest. 97-OISPCDOC 5 JT RECOMMENDATION: Staffhas concluded that there are legal alternatives for which the applicant could construct the proposed building. A reduction of the size of the building could meet the rear yard setback requirement. Changes in the proposed use of the building could reduce the number of required parking stalls. A combination of both of these changes is a viable alternative to the granting of the variances. Adopt Resolution 97-10PC (denying the requested variances) and table the CUP review until April 14, 1997 to allow the applicant two weeks (until April 7, 1997) to submit revised plans meeting the criteria of the city code as presented or with changes recommended by the Commission. Adopt Resolution 97-10PC (denying the requested variances) and recommend that the City Council approve the CUP with specific conditions as requested by the Planning Commission. Based upon expressed findings of fact, recommend the City Council deny part or all of the applications based upon inconsistency of the proposal with specific regulations of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and/or specific policies of the Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 to deny the requested variance and table the CUP request such that the applicant can address the following: The applicant must submit a landscape plan indicating improvements to be made that meet all criteria of the landscape ordinance (Section 6.10, including an irrigation plan) as indicated in report including screening of parking along Franklin Trail with multiple elements (not just a berm). 2. The applicant must submit a lighting plan that meets City Code lighting standards and is approved by the Planning Department. 3. The applicant must submit a revised site plan indicating: · minimum parking stalls that meet the parking ordinance requirements · a loading berth (can be a designated parking stall) · minimum building setbacks that meet the setback ordinance requirements 97-015PCDOC 6 JT The applicant must submit a utility plan indicating location and hook-up of utilities (sewer and water) and storm sewer and nm-off directions. The applicant will be responsible for sanitary sewer hook-up (see attached memos). 5. The applicant must submit a grading plan with proposed contours and erosion control to be approved by City Engineer. The applicant must submit a drainage plan implementing infiltration methods such as those identified in MPCA's Best Management Practices (infiltration trenches, swales, etc.) to be approved by City Engineer. 7. The applicant must submit revised building elevations indicating the type of materials to be used for the exterior fmish. The proposed materials must meet the architectural standards as indicated in Chapter 4 of the City Code. ACTION REOUIRED: Motions to adopt the proposed Resolution 97-10PC as written or with changes directed by the Planning Commission and a motion to table the CUP request to a specific date (possibly April 14). 97-015PC.DOC 7 JT RESOLUTION 97-10PC A RESOLUTION DENYING A 10 FOOT VARIANCE REQUEST TO PERMIT A 20 FOOT REAR YARD SETBACK RATHER THAN THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF 30 FEET AND A 66 PARKING STALL VARIANCE REQUEST TO PERMIT 90 PARKING STALLS RATHER THAN THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF 156 PARKING STALLS FOR A PROPOSED RETAIL/OFFICE BUILDING (NORTHGATE CENTER) BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS Ronn Hechter has applied for a variance from Section5-4-1 and Section 5-5-5 of the Zoning Ordinance in order to construct a 15,701 square foot retail/office building on property located in the B-1 (Limited Business) District at the following location, to wit; 15900 Franklin Trail, legally described as: That part of the East 140.00 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 36, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 778.78 feet North of the Southeast comer thereof; thence Westerly parallel to the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter a distance of 140.0 feet to the West line of said East 140.0 feet; thence Southerly along said West line to the North line of the South 301.70 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence Easterly along said North line to the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence Northerly along said East line to the point of beginning 1. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for variance as contained in Case #97-015 and #97-016 and held hearings thereon on March 24, 1997. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the proposed variance upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variance on the Comprehensive Plan. Because of conditions on the subject property and on the surrounding property, it is possible to use the subject property in such a way that meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNFi-Y EMPLOYER Fax (612) 447-4245 3. There are no unique conditions applying to the subject property. The subject site is vacant. The granting of the variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoymem of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance will serve merely as a convenience to the applicants and is not necessary to alleviate demonstrable hardship as legal alternatives exist. 5. The contents of Planning Case #97-15 and #97-16 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby denies the following variance for the proposed retail/office building (Northgate Center); 1. A 10 foot variance permitting a 20 foot rear yard setback instead of the required 30 foot setback. 2. A 66 parking stall variance permitting 90 parking stalls instead of the required 156 parking stalls required. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on March 24, 1997. ATTEST: William Criego, Chair Donald R. Rye, Planning Director l:\97files\97var~97-O 16va~re97- I O.doc 2 R.L.~. .13 TRACT .E 8 lO' 12 13 ~6 15 14 TRACT G TRACT H 203 o PL 2 - 2'76D LAWRENCE HAFERMAN PL2-278A J205 SITE DONALD LDEHR ,20~)~'75 207323 165685 393 . .' GATEWAY N TE R 2 I ST ,DD' N LODGEWOOD I I ST ADD'N 187219 5 ..,,lING LOCATION i,= / I Ii Z GA TEWA Y $ TREE T CEN TENNIA L S TREE T ; SURVEY w~STWOO_D~ DR I VE ~¢ ~FIIN~]D :IIVDHI~ION 6A TEWA $ TREE 5 TREE T Zrn ? wESTWOOD~ DR I VE o - ? i i ALTERNATIVES INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: PLANNING ~'/ Ralph Teschner Hechter - Prior Lake Mall Proposal (assessment/fee review) March 5, 1997 Ronn Hechter proposes to construct a strip mall on a 1.53 acre tract m 36-115-22 (PIN #25 936 008 0). This area was originally served with water utilities on the west side of the property abutting Franklin Trail under Project 72-4 and was assessed 741' of frontage for water main only. The property was also assessed trunk sewer and water acreage under Project 72-6. The property has not been provided sewer service and therefore has not been assessed later frontage. In 1982 the property was charged for stormwater improvements under Project 81-2. There are no other city charges which would be applicable to this property unless the properW would be formally subdivided. However since the property is presently not served with sewer, the applicant would be responsible for the entire cost of providing sewer service if feasible. There are no outstanding special assessments currently certified against the property. Also, the tax status of the property is current with no outstanding delinquencies. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372~1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER NOTICE OF HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCES You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a headng at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road, SE (Southwest of the intersection of CR. 21 and Fish Point Road), on Mondav. March 24. 1997. at 6:30 =.m. or as soon thereafter as c~ossible. APPLICANT: Ronn Hechter Co. Inc. P.O. Box 167 Bayport, MN 55003 PROPERTY OWNER: Ronn Hechter Co. lnc. P.O. Box 167 Baypoff, MN 55003 SUBJECT SITE: This properly is located on the east side of Franklin Trail, north of County Road 44 (160th Street). LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of the East 140.00 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 36, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 778.78 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence Westerly parallel to the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter a distance of 140.0 feet to the West line of said East 140.0 feet; thence Southerly along said West line to the North line of the South 301.70 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence Easterly along said North line to the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence Northerly along said East line to the point of beginning. REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow an ~eating and drinking place" or ~fast food establishment" at the above location, zoned B-1 (Limited Business). The Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance requires a conditional use permit for this type of use in the B-1 District. The applicant is also requesting a 10 foot variance to allow a rear yard setback of 20 feet rather than the required 30 feet (Section 5-4-1) and a 63 parking stall vadance to allow a total of 87 parking stalls rather than the required 150 parking stalls (Section 5-5-5). If you are interested in this issue, you should attend this hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Questions retated to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Jenni Tovar Planner City of Pdor Lake TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE PRIOR LAKE AMERICAN ON MARCH 8, 1997 97015PN2. DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake~ Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Planning Case File No. Property Identification No. City of Prior Lake LAND USE APPLICATION 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. / Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Phone (612) 44%4230, Fax (612) 447-4245 Type of Application: [] Rezoning, from (present zonirlg~ to (orooosed zoning) [] Amendment to City Code, Comp. Plan or City Ordinance [] Subdivision of Land I-~ Administrative $ °bdivisi°n ~ Conditional Use Permit [] Other: ~"'~"~'"' ~ ~ Brief description of proposed project (attach additional sheets/narrative if desired) Applicant(s): Address: Po, /~ Home Phone: Property Owner(s) [If different from Applicants]: Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee ~/ Contract for Deed __ Purchase Agreement __ Legal Description of PropertyAAtta~f theft enough space on this sheet): To the best of my knowledge the information provided in this application and other material submitted is correct. In addition, I have read the relevant sections of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that apes 71~cessed until deemed complete by the Planning Director or assignee. Ap-pr~_ant's Si~na~r~ ' Date / / ' F~'e C~wner'~ Signa~r~ ~ Date THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARING CITY COUNCIL APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARING CONDITIONS: j Signature of Planning Director or Designee [u-app2.doc Date FEB 2 A 199¥ i," Property Identification No. City of Prior Lake -- LAND USE APPLICATION 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. / Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Phone (612) 4474230, Fax (612) 4474245 Type of Application: [] Rezoning, from (ores~llt zonine~ to (pronosed zonine] [] Amendment to City Code, Comp. Plan or City Ordinance [] Subdivision of Land [] Administrative Subdivision [] Conditional Use Permit ~Variance [] Other: Brief description of proposed project (attach additional sheets/narrative if desired) Applicant(s): Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Property Owner(s) [If different from Applicants]: Address: Home Phone:. Work Phone: Type of Ownership: Fee .?< Contract for Deed __ Purchase Agreement . Legal Description of Property (Attach a copy if there is not enough space on this sheet): To the best of my knowledge the information provided in this application and other material submitted is correct. In addition, I have read the relevant sections of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that Appli - ' Date (a~t's Signature atner %C-Stign-a~ Date THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED 1N BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARING CITY COUNCIL APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARING CONDITIONS: Signature of Planning Director or Designee Date lu-app2.doc INNE$C. PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 6A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1998-2002 N/A DONALD RYE, PLANNING DIRECTOR YES X NO-N/A MARCH 24, 1997 ~ The Capital Improvement Program(CIP) is one of the tools available to the City to assist in the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Each year, the Commission has the opportunity to provide input to the development and updating of the CIP if it so desires. Attached is a summary of the projects from the current CIP. Staff will review these with the Commission to determine if the Commission wishes to make any recommendations DISCUSSION: During the first 4 years of the current CIP, street improvements range from 72 to 86% of the total CIP costs. This drops to 15% in 2001 due to the inclusion of a water treatment plant. The bulk of capital improvements are for basic infrastructure items. The ability to include additional projects is severely constrained by available financing. However, the Commission should feel free to recommend projects which, in its' opinion ,will assist in achieving Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives. Do nothing. Recommend such additional projects as the Commission may deem necessary. ACTION REOUIRED: Motion specifying the desired action. 16200 E[,~t~cg~ ~[0c~:,°~ }I}I~k~.~aX~:~~T/} Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (6~-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 1997 CIP PROJECTS Project Description Fire Department 1. BunkerTumout Gear 2. Satellite Station Land Acquisition Project Amount 5,000.00 35,000.00 city Cost 5,000.00 35,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar Percentaoe o.b. c.b. Park Department 3. ~ 6' Rotary Mower 4. Basketball Court (Memorial) 5. Backstop (Willows) 6. Community Park Improvements 7. Ponds Athletic Complex Field Expansion 8. Neighborhood Park Playgrounds 9. Lakefront Park Improvements (Trails) 10. Cardinal Ridge/Raspberry/Brooksville Parks 16,000.00 16,000.00 o.b. 5,000.00 5,000.00 c.p. 5,000.00 5,000.00 c.p. 15,000.00 15,000.00 c.p. 50,000.00 50,000.00 c.p. 50,000.00 50,000.00 c.p. 75,000.00 75,000.00 1.90 60,000.00 60,000.00 c.p. 0.32% Public Works 11. 314 Ton 4x4 Pickup 12. Water Dist. Control Panel Computer Interface 13. Lift Station Renovation 14. New Municipal Well/Restoration Well ~5 (Imorovements) 15. Street Sealcoating 16. CSAH 42 Signal Maintenance 17. Pike Lake Trail Trunk Watermain 18. CSAH 21/Main Street Signal 19. Fish Point Road Extension (S. CSAH 44) 20. Mushtown Road 21. Pike LakeTrail 22. CSAH 42 (CSAH 21 to Femdale) Water Reeoumes (Imorovements) 23. Bluff Heights Storm Sewer 24. Sand Point Overflow Pipe 25. Fish Point Park Channel Stabilization 26. Cates/Dutch Avenue Channel Stabilization Totals ... 20,000.00 20,000.00 o.b. 35,000.00 35,000.00 t.r. 95,000.00 95,000.00 t.r. 565,000.00 565,000.00 t.r. 65,000.00 65,000.00 1.55 0.27% 6,000.00 6,000.00 o.b. 30,000.00 30,000.00 t.r. 100,000.00 50,000.00 s.c. 224,000.00 224,000.00 s.c. 305,000.00 220,000.00 5.58 0.93% 445,000.00 35,000.00 t.r. 2,295,000.00 375,000.00 9.52 1.59% 320,000.00 t.r, 15,000.00 15,000.00 s.w. 30,000.00 30,000.00 s.w. 45,000.00 45,000.00 s.w. 48.000.00 48.000.00 S.W. 4,639,000.00 2,494,000.00 Financing Source Summary Project Tax Levy Operating Budget Contributions Storm Water Utility Fund Capital Park Fund Trunk Reserve Fund Street Collector Fund Special Assessments Intergovernmental Totals ... Project Amount 735,000.00 47,000.00 35,000.00 138,000.00 185,000.00 1,080,000.00 274,000.00 495,000.00 1.650.000.00 4,639,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar Percenta~e $18.65 3.11% CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 1998 CIP PROJECTS Project Description Fire Department 1. BunkerTumout Gear Park Department 2. Community Park Improvements Neighborhood Park Playgrounds 4. Lakefront Park Improvements {Trails) 5. Knob HillNVoodview Parks Public Works 6. Lift Station Renovation (Imomvement~ 7. Street Sealcoating 8. Duluth Avenue Street Overlay 9. CSAH 23 Realignment 10. Street Overlay Program (Imorovement.~,] 11. Westbury Ponds Dam 12. Storm Water Pond Dredging 13. Sand Point Park Water Quality Pond 14, Sunset Hills Storm Sewer Outlet 15. Duluth Avenue Storm Sewer Pipe Financing Source Su'mmary Project Tax Levy Operating Budget Storm Water Utility Fund Capital Park Fund Trunk Reserve Fund Municipal State Aid Fund Special Assessments Intergovernmental Totals ... Totals ... Project Amount City Cost Tax Impact ~ P- ercerl3ag.~ 5,000.00' 5,000.00 o,b. 15,000.00 15,000.00 c,p. 66,000.00 66,000.00 c.p. 75,000.00 75,000.00 1.87 0,30% 36,000.00 36,000.00 88,000.00 88,000.00 t.r. 65,000.00 65,000.00 1,62 0.26% 340,000,00 115,000.00 2.87 0.47% 100,000.00 m.s.a 800,000.00 340,000.00 m.s.a. 1,035,000.00 620,000.00 15.48 2.50% 6,000.00 6,000.00 s.w. 8,000.00 8,000.00 s.w. 10,000.00 10,000.00 s.w, 11,000.00 11,000,00 s.w. 13.000.00 13.000.00 s.w. 2,573,000.00 1,573,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar P.i[r,P, illag~ $21.84 3.53% Project Amount 875,000.00 5,000.00 48,000.00 117,000.00 86,000,00 440,000.00 590,000.00 410.000.00 2,573,000.00 Project Description CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 1999 CIP PROJECTS Project Amount Fire Department 1. BunkerTumout Gear 2. Fire Chief Vehicle 3. Grass Fire Truck Park Department 4. Community Park Improvements 5. Neighborhood Park Playgrounds 6. Lakefront Park Improvements 7. Bobcat 8, Cushman Field Maintainers (2) 9, Toro Mowers (2) 10. Dump Truck I Ton 11. Pickup Trucks 3/4 Ton (2) Public Works 12. Skid Loader 13. Wing & Plow 14. Suburban 15. Pickup Truck 1 Ton 4x4 16. Utility Pickup Truck 1 Ton 4x4 17. Pickup Trucks 3/4 Ton 4x4 (2) 18. Front End Loader 19. Dump Trucks (4) w/plow,wing,sander 20. Lift Station Renovation (Imcmvemenl;~} 21. Street Sealcoating 22. Street Overlay Program 23. CSAH 42 (CSAH 21 to western city limits) Water Resources EmDrovements} 24. Center Road Water Quality Pond 25. Cates Street Dam 26. Storm Water Pond Dredging 27. Brooksville Hills 6th Storm Sewer Line Financing Source Summary Project Tax Levy Equipment Certificates Operating Budget Storm Water Utility Fund Trunk Reserve Fund SPecial Assessments Intergovernmental Totals ... Totals ... City Coat Tax Impact Dollar ~ 6,000.00 6,000.00 o.b. 25,000.00 25,000.00 e.c. 25,000.00 25,000.00 e.c. 40,000.00 40,000.00 c.p. 24,000.00 24,000.00 c.p. 100,000.00 100,000.00 2.45 0.38% 18,000.00 18,000.00 e.c. 27,000.00 27,000.00 e.c. 32,000.00 32,000.00 e.c. 34,000.00 34,000.00 e.c. 42,000.00 42,000.00 e.c. 10,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 60,000.00 80,000.00 240,000.00 76,000.00 65,000.00 900,000.00 2,385,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 60,000.00 BO,OOO.0O 240,000.00 76,000.00 t.r. 905,000.00 713,000.00 6,000.00 67,000.00 64,000.C0 261,000.00 360,000.00 4,376,000.00 Project Amount 5,000.00 5,000.00 s.w. 10,000.00 10,000.00 s.w. 20,000.00 20,000.00 s.w, 4,376,000.00 2,016,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar Percentaae $22.18 3.46% 65,000.00 1.59 0.25% 540,000.00 13.24 2.07% 200,000.00 4.90 0.76% 185,000.00 t.r. 10. 11. Project Description CAPSULE PROJECT SUMMARY 2000 CIP PROJECTS Project Amount Fire Department Bunker Turnout Gear Park Department Memorial Park Field Upgrade Neighborhood Park Playgrounds Lakefront Park Improvements Public Works Lift Station Renovation (l~norovements} Trunk Watermain (CSAH 21 to CSAH 42) Street Sealcoating Fish Point Road/Faidawn Shores Trail Oveday Street Oveday Program Water Resources [Imorovements) Storm Water Pond Dredging Cares Street Dam (Phase II) Totals ,,, Financing Source Summary Project Tax Levy Operating Budget Storm Water Utility Fund Capital Park Fund Trunk Reserve Fund Municipal State Aid Fund Special Assessments Totals .,, 7,000.00 City Cost Tax Impact Dollar Pementa_~e 7,000.00 o.b. 45,000.00 45,000.00 c.p. 26,000.00 26,000.00 c.p. 100,000.00 100,000.00 2.40 0.36% 81,000.00 81,000.00 t.r. 55,000.00 55,000.00 t.r. 65,000.00 BS,000.00 1.56 0.24% 815,000.00 490,000.00 m.s.a 1,220,000.00 800,000.00 19.22 2.92% 15,000.00 2,454,000.00 Project Amount 965,000.00 7,000.00 40,000.00 71,000.00 136,000.00 490,000.00 745.000.00 2,454,000.00 15,000.00 s.w. 25.000.00 s.w. 1,709,000.00 Tax Impact Dollar Percentaoe $23.18 3.52% PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 6B CONSIDER APPROVAL OF FORMATION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 2-8 JANE KANSlER, PLANNING COORDINATOR YES X NO-N/A MARCH 24, 1997 The purpose of this item is to consider approval of the formation of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District No. 2-8. This district is a part of Development District No. 2, which is the Waterfront Passage Business Park. TIF District No. 2-8 is approximately 1.65 acres located along the east side of Fish Point Road, directly north of Keyland Homes. The property is currently vacant, and is zoned BP (Business Park). Upon inclusion in the Development District, a private developer will construct a 12,000 square foot manufacturing/warehouse facility. Minnesota statutes require the Planning Commission to review the formation of TIF districts for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission must make a recommendation to the Council. Development District No. 2 was formed to promote development of certain property, secure additional industrial, commercial, and housing development and redevelopment opportunities, increase property subject to taxation, provide public improvements to development properties, and designate methods for financing of activities in the Development District. The purpose of the proposed TIF District 2-8 is to finance the development activities of this site. This site is designated as C-BO (Commercial - Business Office Park) on the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. The property is also zoned BP. The proposed use of the property is consistent with both the land use plan designation and the zoning. 1:\97files\97eda\tif2-8\tif2-Spc.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1. Recommend approval of the formation of TIF District No. 2-8 to the City Council, finding that the proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Recommend denial of the formation of TIF District No. 2-8 to the City Council, finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. A motion to recommend approval of the formation of TIF District No. 2-8, finding that the proposed use of the property is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. 1:~97files~97eda~f2-8\fif2-8pc.doc Page 2 Z ~<~ {3:::Z PLANNING COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1996 According to the Planning Commission bylaws, each year the Planning Commission must prepare an annual report. This report consists ora review of a review of the accomplishments and activities in the previous year. Attached to this report is a copy of the 1996 Planning Commission Goals. The annual report also lists the goals and objectives established by the Planning Commission for the upcoming year. ~;UMMARY OF 1996 PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIVITIES During 1996, the Planning Commission reviewed 1 conditional use permit application, 2 conditional sign permit applications, 25 variances applications, 2 rezoning requests, 4 appeals to the decision of the Zoning Officer, 1 amendment to a PUD, and 2 preliminary plats. The Commission also reviewed and made recommendations on 16 amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. Some of the major amendments reviewed by the Commission, and ultimately adopted, include the following: · Establish a time limit for an approved variance and conditional use permit · Allow the reduction of one side yard setback on substandard lots · Allow replacement of nonconforming decks without a variance · Revise the home occupation provisions · Establish standards for communication equipment buildings · Revise the definition of impervious surface · Establish standards for game rooms in the B-3 district The Planning Commission also reviewed and recommended approval of a Housing Action Plan as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission has also begun its review of a new ordinance. This review is ongoing, and the Commission expects to hold public hearings in the Spring of 1997. In summary, the Planning Commission has substantially met its goals for 1996. 1997 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The following is a brief list of work objectives prepared by the Planning Commission and the Planning staff. 1. Complete the revision of the Zoning Ordinance 2. Revise the City Subdivision Ordinance l:\deptwork\96annrpt.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 3. Develop and conduct training workshops for the Planning Commission members 4. Review the ordinance enforcement procedures and mechanisms As mentioned above, the Planning Commission has begun its review of the new Zoning Ordinance. Work on the Subdivision Ordinance will begin once the Zoning Ordinance is adopted. The other goals will be ongoing. l:\dept~vork\96 anncpt .doc Page 2 1996 PLANNING COMMISSION GOALS Following is a list of possible goals for consideration and discussion by the Planning Commission. 1. Amendment of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances Timeframe: Following adoption of the Comprehensive Plan by the City Council, work will begin on modifications to the ordinances which are required to implemem the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. A number of study sessions will likely be required to support this process. Specific topics which will require attention include; Creation of new zoning districts and standards for commercial development along the County Road 42 corridor, Update of the City's PUD ordinance, Review of standards for office and industrial development in the City, Streamlining of the City's development review process, particularly for subdivisions, Review of standards for housing development in light of affordable housing objectives. 2. Development and Adoption of a Housing Action Plan Timeframe: The Metropolitan Livable Communities Act requires the development of an action plan to implement the community's housing goals. A part of this plan would dovetail with thc review of standards for housing development. Develop a Coherent Strategy for the Development of the City's Commercial and Industrial Districts Timeframe: The Comprehensive Plan identifies more area in the City for commercial or industrial development, and the need for a cohesive approach to economic development. The accomplishment of this goal should involve joint Planning Commission/City Council/Economic Development Committee study sessions. Review of Conditional Use Permit, Home Occupation Permit, Variance, Vacation and Subdivision Applications. Timeframe: Ongoing