HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-11-97REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1997 6:30 p.m. 2. 3. 4. Call Meeting to Order: Roll Call: Approval of Minutes: Public Hearings: A. Case #97-061, #97-062 and#97-063 Consider a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Preliminary PUD Plan and the Preliminary Plat for the Eagle Creek Assisted Living facility located on the comer of Five Hawks Avenue and Priorwood Street. 5. Old Business: A. Case #97-066 (Continued) Conditional Use Request for C. H. Carpenter, 16450 Anna Trail SE. B. Case #97-053 (Continued) Brian Mattson request a side yard setback and impervious surface variances for the property at 16575 Inguadona Beach Circle. C. Zoning Ordinance Discussion. 6. New Business: 7. Announcements and Correspondence: A. EDA meeting August 18, I997. 8. Adjournment: AG081197 DOC PAGE l 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. {612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 28, 1997 1. Call to Order: The July 28, 1997, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Stamson at 6:31 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Cramer, Criego, Kuykendall, Stamson and Vonhof, Director of Planning Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, Planner Jermi Tovar and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Vonhof Presem Stamson Present Kuykendall Present Criego Present Cramer Present 3. Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY KUYKENDALL, SECOND BY CRIEGO, TO APPROVE THE JUNE 23, 1997 MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Vote taken signified ayes by Kuykendall, Criego, Cramer and Stamson. MOTION CARRIED. Cormmissioner Vonhof abstained. 4. Public Hearings: A. CASE #97-065 CONSIDER A SIDE YARD VARIANCE FOR ALVIN MONNENS, 16697 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE. Planner Jenni Tovar presented the staffreport. The applicant is proposing to construct a 480 square foot attached garage in the side yard utilizing an existing bituminous driveway located along the south side of the principle structure. There is no existing garage on the property. The proposed garage will be located 5 feet from the property line. The City Code requires a minimum structure setback of 10 feet from the side yard property line (Section 5-4-1). Therefore, the applicant is requesting a 5 foot variance to the side yard setback to allow a 5 foot garage setback rather than the required setback of ! 0 feet. The property is zoned R-1. The house was constructed in 1963 without a garage. This lot is 22,095 sq. feet and 100 feet wide at the street. Therefore, this lot is not a substandard lot. The existing house is setback approximately 42 feet from the front L:\97FILES\97PLCOMMM?CMIN~MN072897.DOC ! property line, 25 feet from the side property line to the south, and approximately 29 feet from the side property line to the north. No previous variances have been granted. Generally, the city maintains a 5 foot drainage and utility easement on side property lines. However, the plat shows a 6 foot dedication. The city does not permit structures to be located within drainage and utility easements. The issue of drainage onto the adjacent property is not a major concern, as easements exist. The variance to side yard setback could be eliminated if the garage was located behind the existing structure or to the north. The legal building envelope is approximately 80' by 170' or 13,640 square feet. Staff concluded there are other legal alternatives and no undue hardship as a reasonable use of the property exists. Comments from the public: Alvin Monnens, 16697 Creekside Circle, felt the proposed location was the only alternative to place his garage. If he put the garage on the other side, he would also have to ask for variances. The bedrooms and air conditioner unit are also located on side of his home as ~vell. Mr. Mounens read a newspaper article dated September 25, 1993, quoting the City Council "A two car garage is a must in Minnesota." Comments from the Commissioners: Vonhof.' · Does not feel the 4 hardship criteria have been met. · Agreed with applicant a garage is needed but there are other legal alternatives. Kuykendail: · Agreed with staff. There are other alternatives. · A garage can be placed in other locations. Criego: · Questioned the grade to the shed. Mr. Monnens thought it was approximately 80 inches. · The house is on a slope. · The alternative would be a detached garage. · Tovar explained a detached garage would fit the building envelope. Cramer: · It is reasonable to have a garage in the State of Minnesota. · Agreed with staff's recommendations. Commissioner Kuykendall explained the utility easement. L:\97FILES\97PLCOMM~PCM~072897.DOC 2 MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY KUYKENDALL, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 97-16PC DENYING A 5 FOOT VARIANCE REQUEST TO PERMIT A 5 FOOT SIDE YARD SETBACK RATHER THAN THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF 10 FEET FOR A PROPOSED ATTACHED GARAGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 16697 CREEKSIDE CIRCLE FOR ALVIN MONNENS. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. B. CASE #97-066 CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST FOR C. H. CARPENTER, 16450 ANNA TRAIL SE. Commissioner Stamson opened the public hearing. The City received an application for a conditional use permit from C.H. Carpenter Lumber on July 3, 1997. The applicant proposes to construct two pole type buildings in a phasing plan. The applicant is proceeding with a tree inventory/landscape plan, but is in need of more time. Considering notices of public hearing were sent and published, the Planning Commission must continue the hearing to August 11, 1997. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY CRIEGO, TO CONTINUE THE MEETING TO AUGUST 11, 1997 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Old Business: A. CASE #97-050 (CONTINUED) BRYAN AND PHILIP HINES REQUEST SETBACK VARIANCE FROM ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL, FOR THE PROPERTY AT 2719 SPRING LAKE ROAD. Planner Jermi Tovar presented the staff report. On June 23, 1997 the Planning Commission heard a variance request from Bryan and Philip Hines who are proposing to remove an existing deck and construct a new, larger deck with a porch and a separate greenhouse. The applicants had originally requested a variance to allow an expanded deck with porch to be setback 30 feet from the Ordinary High Water and a proposed greenhouse to be setback approximately 37.5 feet fxom the Ordinary High Water. Based on the hardship criteria used for evaluating variances, the Planning Commission was prepared to deny the variances as requested. Upon request of the applicant, the Planning Commission continued the discussion to July 28, 1997. This was to allow the applicant time to modify the proposed additions to reduce/eliminate the variance request. The revised proposed deck does not extend any closer to the OHW than the existing deck. However, it extends 8 feet farther to the west. This is to allow access around the proposed porch. The proposed larger deck and porch have been located at the same L:\97FILE S\97PLCOMIvI~PCMINLMN072897 .DOC 3 Ordinary High Water setback of the existing principle structure of 47 feet. The greenhouse which was originally proposed has been eliminated. Staffconcluded there are legal alternatives for construction of the proposed additions. A relocation of the additions to within the legal building envelope and/or replacing the existing deck of the same size and location are viable alternatives to the granting ora variance. Comments from the public: Phil Hines, 2719 Spring Lake Road, explained his change of request to extend the roof of his house as well as reducing the deck setback. By placing the deck on the west side of the house, it would line up with the existing boathouse. Comments from the Commissioners: Kuykendall: · Does not support the additional 8 feet. Replace the existing deck. · Sees other alternatives. There are no hardships. Criego: · Ordinance states applicant can repair existing deck. · Applicant is not encroaching toward the lake. · Accepted proposal. · Questioned the building envelope. · The Commissioners are concerned when someone goes out of the building envelope. · Stated he was not present for the previous meeting. · The applicants tried to make a significant changes but there are other alternatives which would satisfy the setback requirements. Vonhof: · Question for staff on the roof line of the house as proposed by the applicant. · The house was built in Spring Lake Township. · The ordinance had just recently been changed to 50 feet. · Applicant should replace the deck, but there are no extraordinary hardships.. · Recognizes there have been significant changes in the proposal but still go a little bit further and modify. There are other alternatives. · Does not oppose to replacing existing deck. Stamson: · Strongly agreed with Vonho£. · Recognizes the substantial changes. It is too close to the lake. L:\97FILES\97PLCOMM~CMIN\MN072897.DOC 4 · Hardship has not been made. Mr. Hines said he asked for a continuance under the impression the Commissioners would accept staying within the extension of the house line. Commissioner Stamson explained the hardship criteria in the ordinance. The Commission does not find any hardship. MOTION BY KUYKENDALL, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 97-14PC DENYING AN 11 FOOT VARIANCE REQUEST TO PERMIT A 39 FOOT SETBACK FROM THE ORDiNARY HIGH WATER MARK OF SPRING LAKE RATHER THAN THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF 50 FEET FOR A PROPOSED PORCH AND EXPANDED DECK ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2719 SPRING LAKE ROAD FOR PHILLIP AND BRYAN HINES. Discussion: Criego felt applicant would not be encroaching closer to the lake. Vonhof explained the applicant has made a choice. There are substantial alternatives with the large building envelope. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Stamson explained the appeal process. B. CASE #97-066 (CONTINUED) VARIANCES REQUESTED FOR SIDE YARD SETBACK AND IMPERVIOUS SURFACE FOR BRIAN MATTSON FOR THE PROPERTY AT 16575 INGUADONA BEACH CIRCLE. The hearing was open to the public. On June 23, 1997 the Planning Commission heard a variance request fxom Brian Mattson who is proposing to construct a detached garage with driveway. The applicant had originally requested a variance to allow impervious surface coverage on the lot to be 54% and the driveway to be setback 1 foot from the property line. Based on the hardship criteria used for evaluating variances, the Planning Commission was prepared to deny the variances as requested. Upon request of the applicant, the Plarming Commission continued the discussion to July 28, 1997. This was to allow the applicant time to modify the proposed additions to reduce(eliminate the variance request. The Planning Department has received a written request from the applicant requesting an extension until August 1 I, 1997. The applicant has significantly reduced the impervious surface on the site and is awaiting completion of final survey. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY CRAMER, TO CONTINUE THE MATTER TO THE AUGUST 11, 1997 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. L:\97FILES\97PLCOMMM?CMIN~MN072897.DOC 5 Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 6. New Business: None 7. Announcements and Correspondence: A. Review of Recreational Vehicle Requirements. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier reviewed the special zoning meeting discussion on parking recreational vehicles in residential areas. The Commissioners discussed enforcement and complaints. Rye explained some of the enforcement problems and budgeting for a zoning administrator. Fines and permits were discussed. Parking dates should be determined for easier enforcement. Possible dates could be May 1 to November 1 for summer storage, November I to April 1 for winter storage. Change "vehicles" to "recreational equipment". Commissioners briefly discussed the junk vehicle ordinance and current licensed and operational vehicles. Discussed dropping the screening requirement. The biggest concern is someone storing boats, tractors and fish houses in their front yard, boats parked in the right-of-way, impervious surface, etc. Consider community standards and values. Regulation should be consistent across the city. The title should be changed to "Trailers and Recreational Vehicles". Kansier said she would take the comments and bring back a revision. B. Continue discussions on community image. Why do people move to Prior Lake? It is a friendly small town with small town values. The remodeling and image should take on a "small town" look. A place to raise a family. Prior Lake is a safe, stable, proud and caring community. The neighborhoods are all ages, unique and diverse. The neighborhoods, down town and Lakefront Park should be tied in. A phrase is needed to pull it all together, like "Home Town". Focus on small. Commissioners related similar feelings and experiences of small towns. Pick up on "Minnesota Nice". Use words to describe like "metro", "core", "the heart", "Strong neighborhoods", "strong community feeling". Suggest community involvement, a contest, to come up with an identity statement. The Commissioners are going to come up with ten words or phrase (a sample) and go out and poll the community. A document should be presented to the Park Director to guide the library architects in presenting a theme for our city. Something along the lines of "We want to develop a community core that reflects the intimacy and diversity of our community, preserving family values, etc." L:\97FILES\97PLCOMM\PCM1N\MN072897.DOC 6 Or "We want a down town that creates a focal point which represents the traditional family values of the community." Prior Lake with small town values. Develop community standards that will support the City's image. Establish a focal point for the community. "We want Prior Lake to do "The document should state in the beginning paragraph the objective, describe the community and provide direction for the development of standards to support the image stated. Establish a focal point for the community where people can get together. C. The commissioners briefly discussed the DNR's position on floor ratio in the shoreland district. The commission should meet and further discuss the Shoreland District Ordinance. D. The lighting issue for private homes and lake association structures should be addressed. There would have to be a balance between security and appropriate lighting. The design is the key. One representative from the Planning Commissioners and the EDA should be on the election committee for the library design. The Commissioners would like to support and help in the planning. The committee is working on the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Commissioner Vonhof suggested taking a trip to Chanhassen and viewing the renovated down town area. The zoning meeting is set for Thursday, August 7, at 5:30 p.m. in Conference Room B. Boat trip lined up for August 12, at 6:00 at the Wagon Bridge Marina. 8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Donald Rye Director of Planning Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\97FILES\97PLCOMM~CMIN~MN072897.DOC 7 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4A CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND THE PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS EAGLE CREEK ESTATES FOR AN ASSISTED LIVING PROJECT IN THE PRIORVIEW PUD FIVE HAWKS AVENUE AND PRIORWOOD STREET JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A AUGUST 11, 1997 D T : Eagle Creek Villas LLC has applied for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, a Preliminary PUD Plan and a Preliminary Plat for the property located just north of the intersection of Five Hawks Avenue and Priorwood Street. The City Council approved the Schematic Plan for an amendment to the Priorview PUD to add approximately one acre of land (Lots 2,3 and 4, Holly Court) to the original PUD site, to allow the construction of a 61 trait assisted living building and a 28 unit market rate senior rental building on the vacant portion of the site on June 2, 1997, through Resolution 97-48. These applications are the next step in the approval process for this project. The original PUD was approved in 1983 and the development to date has occurred prior to 1991. The Priorview PUD was preceded by Council action in 1981 which rezoned the subject property to R-3, High Density residential. This would have permitted 210 units on the 15.05 acres of buildable land 'on the site. In December of 1982, the Council approved a Schematic PUD plan which provided for 106 units, a street connection from Five Hawks Avenue to Cares Street and preservation of site amenities. In September of 1983, the Council approved the first phase of the development consisting of 48 townhomes. Priorview Second Addition consisting of 20 units, was approved in 1991. 1:\97 files\97p uds\eaglepud\preplan\prelimpc.doc Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota SS372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER In 1987, the developer asked the City to consider expansion of the PUD to include the so- called Holly Court property to the north and increase the number of units to 148. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the request and the application was with - drawn. There has been no construction activity on this site for several years. In September, 1996, the Council approved Resolution 96-90, approving an amendment to the Schematic Plan for the Priorview PUD, to allow a 61 unit assisted living facility. This amendment was subject to the eight conditions listed in the attached resolution. The developer never submitted the necessary documents for preliminary plan approval of this PUD. In June, 1997, the Council approved Resolution 97-48, approving an amendment to the Schematic Plan to allow a 61-unit assisted living facility and a 28-unit senior rental facility subject to the following conditions: 1. Further action to approve this PUD is conditioned upon the revision of the Comprehensive Plan to permit the requested density on the site. 2. The developer and school district are to install, at their expense, any trails not addressed in the Parks and Trail component of the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission is considering three applications at this time. The first application is a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for this site from the R-LMD (Urban Low to Medium Density Residential) designation to the R-HD (Urban High Density Residential) designation. The second request is to approve the Preliminary PUD Plan for this project. The third application is for approval of a preliminary plat for this site, to be known as Eagle Creek Estates. Each of these applications is discussed in detail below. t~HYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total PUD area (including the developed portion of Priorview) consists of 17.7 acres. The area of the new development includes 12.7 acres. T_o.p_o. gr. agh~. This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 930' MSL at its highest points to 906' MSL at the lowest point in the northwest comer of the site. The site generally slopes from the outer boundaries inward towards the wetlands and creek running through the site. There are no steep slopes, or slopes in excess of 20% on this site. The eastern portion of the site has also been graded under a grading permit approved as part of the original Priorview PUD. Vegetation: This site, especially the western portion of the site, is very wooded, with a large number of significant trees. The project will be subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has submitted a tree preservation plan, and initial estimates indicate tree removal will fall well below the percentage of 1:\97files\97 puds\eaglepud\preplan\prelimpc.doc Page 2 caliper inches which may be removed. However, the plan does not include the entire area to ;be graded or filled. This plan must be expanded to provide the necessary information. Wetlands: There are three wetlands located within this site. Wetland #1 is 3.07 acres in size, and is located in the western portion of this site. The developer is proposing to fill a small portion of this wetland to form a berm,, which will then create a stormwater detention area. Wetland #2 is 0.19 acre in area, and is located just north of Priorwood Street. This entire wetland will be filled to provide parking area for the project. Wetland #3 is 0.1 acre, located in the northeast comer of the site. The plan does not indicate any impact on this wetland; however, the parking lot on the site appears to encroach into this area. The developer plans to create a new wetland area to mitigate some of this disturbed area on the site. The remaining mitigation will be deducted from the developer's banked wetland credits. There is also a creek running across the northwest comer of this site. A portion of this area will be disturbed to allow a culvert or other crossing for the pedestrian trail. Access: Access to the site is from Priorwood Street and Five Hawks Avenue. The City currently has a 66' wide roadway easement which connects Five Hawks Avenue from Priorwood Street to the section of Five Hawks Avenue located south of Cates Street. The plan includes a pedestrian trail connecting these two sections of road, rather than a street. The proposed plan consists of a 61-unit assisted living facility and a 28 unit senior rental building. The assisted living facility is a 3-story structure. The elevations provided tot he staff do not include building materials, although it appears to be of wood frame construction. There are 102 parking spaces, or 1.15 spaces per unit, shown on the plan. The development is concentrated on the eastern half of the site, thus preserving the natural features, including the wetlands and the wooded area, on the western half of the site. The overall density of this development, including both new and existing development, is 10.9 units per acre. The density of the new development only is 9.5 units per acre. The developer is also proposing to stage this development over the next five (5) years. Phase 1 includes the south and east wings of the 61-unit assisted living facility. Phase 2, which will be completed within 3 years of the project's approval, is the west wing of the assisted living facility. Phase 3, which will be completed within 5 years of approval, is the 28-unit senior rental building. The appropriate parking will be constructed with each stage. Comprehensive Plan Amendment: The applicant is proposing to amend the Land Use Plan designation of this property from Low-Medium Density Residential (R-LMD) to 1:\97files\97 puds\¢aglepud\prcplan\prelimpc.doc Page 3 High Density Residential (R-HD). The purpose of this amendment is to allow the proposed density in an apartment style development. The R-LMD designation allows densities up to 10 units per acre in a PUD, but in townhouse style developments. The R- HD designation allows densities up to 30 units per acre in a PUD, in townhouse or apartment style development. The Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives which are applicable to this request are as follows: GOAL: SUITABLE HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENT: Encourage the development of suitable housing in a desirable environment. OBJECTIVE No. 1: Provide opportunities for a variety of affordable high quality housing. OBJECTIVE No. 2: Maintain a choice of and encourage development of quality residential environments. OBJECTIVE No. 3: Provide suitable passive open space for the preservation of the natural environment and the enjoyment of residents. The R-HD designation is consistent with the designation of the developed portion of the Priorview PUD. It is also consistent with the above stated goals and objectives in that it offers another variety of housing, and it provides open space and the preservation of the natural elements of the site. Furthermore, this development is consistent with the City's Livable Community Goal to provide affordable and life-cycle housing. Preliminary_ PUD Plan: The purpose of a Planned Unit Development is to allow flexibility in residential land development, variety in the organization of the site, higher standards of site and building design, preservation and enhancement of desirable site characteristics, and more efficient and effective use of land. Section 6.12 of the Zoning Ordinance lists the requirements for a PUD (see attached). This proposal is consistent with the purposes of the PUD in that it preserves and enhances the desirable site characteristics, and provides for a more efficient use of the land. Specifically, this PUD concentrates the development on the eastern portion of the site to preserve the wetlands and wooded area on the west portion of the site. The Preliminary PUD also meets most of the requirements for a PUD. The plans will require some revisions and/or additions in order to meet all of the necessary requirements. These revisions and/or additions can be listed as conditions of approval of the Preliminary PUD. Preliminary_ Plat: The preliminary plat for this site, known as Eagle Creek Estates, consists of 12.7 acres to be subdivided into 3 lots. Lot 1 is 8.1 acres in area, and is the open space for this development. Lot 2 is 1.9 acres, and is the site of the 28-unit senior 1:\97filcs\97puds\caglcpud\preplan\prelimpc.doc Page 4 remal building. Lot 3 is 2.7 acres in area, and is the site of the 61-unit assisted living facility. There is no public right-of-way or parkland dedicated in this plat. The pedestrian trail on the site is primarily located on the existing road easement. However, the trail does meander off of this easement, so a trail easement must be dedicated over that area. Park dedication for this plat will be satisfied by a cash dedication in lieu of land. There are also some engineering issues, outlined in the memorandum from Sue McDermott, Assistant City Engineer, dated July 29, 1997, which must be addressed prior to approval of the final plat. These issues can be attached as conditions of approval of the preliminary plat. At this time, the Planning Commission should make a recommendation on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment, the Preliminary PUD Plan and the Preliminary Plat. If the Preliminary PUD Plan is to proceed, it should be subject to the following conditions: 1. Further action to approve this PUD is conditioned upon the revision of the Comprehensive Plan to permit the requested density on the site. 2. The developer and school district are to install, at their expense, any trails not addressed in the Parks and Trail component of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. A revised Tree Preservation Plan, which includes all of the disturbed areas, and an accurate count of significant trees, must be submitted. 4. The landscaping plan must be revised so it is consistent with the provisions of 6.10 of the Zoning Ordinance. These revisions include the following: · Crabapple trees, or any ornamental or half trees, must be at least 1 3/4 caliper inches. · Twenty-five percent (25%) of the landscaping trees must be evergreen trees. · At least 20% of the landscaping trees must be oversized (8' evergreens or 3 1/2" deciduous canopy trees). · The perimeter of the parking lot must be screened using a combination of shrubs, trees and berming. Berming must be at least 30" in height. · Landscaping around the perimeter of the site must include at least 1 tree per 40' of perimeter. The existing trees on the site may be utilized for this purpose, but an accurate count of those trees is required. · The Landscaping Plan must be signed by a Registered Landscape Architect. 5. Building elevations for the east side of the 61-unit building and the entire 28-unit senior rental building must be provided. These elevations must include the types and colors of building materials. l:\97files\97puds\eaglepud\preplan\prelimpc.doc Page 5 Plan for the trash enclosure must be submitted. The trash enclosure must be constructed of materials similar to the principle buildings, and it must be located at least 25' from any lot line. A lighting plan for the site must be submitted. A signage plan must be submitted. If the Preliminary Plat is to proceed, it should be subject to the following conditions: 1. The legal description for this property must be revised. The legal description submitted seems to include property not depicted on this preliminary plat. 2. Easements for the portion of the pedestrian trail located outside of the existing road easement must be shown on the plat. 3. The engineering items, outlined in the memorandum from Sue McDermott, Assistant City Engineer, dated July 29, t997, must be addressed prior to the final plat. L NA I : 1. Recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, the Preliminary PUD Plan subject to the above listed conditions, and the Preliminary Plat subject to the above listed condition. 2. Recommend denial of the request. 3. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative 1. ACTION REOUIRED: Since this request includes three separate applications, separate motions are required for each application. These include; 1. A motion and second to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment from the Urban Low to Medium Density Residential designation to the Urban High Density Residential designation. 2. A motion and second to recommend approval of the Preliminary PUD Plan, subject tc the conditions listed in this report. 3. A motion and second to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat to be known as Eagle Creek Estates, subject to the conditions listed in this staff report. l:\97files\97puds\eaglepud\preplan\prelimpc.doc Page 6 1. Section 6.12 of the Zoning Ordinance (PUD Requirements) 2. Location Map 3. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map 4. Existing Approved PUD Plan 5. Reduced Copy of Preliminary PUD Plans and Preliminary Plat (8 pages) 6. Letter form Developer (4 pages)\ 7. Engineering Comments, dated July 29, 1997 1:\97files\97puds\eaglepud\preplan\prelimp¢.doc Page 7 6.12 EXHIBIT I PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: The provisions of this section of the Zoning Ordinance are intended to provide residential areas which can be developed with some modifications of the stdct application of regulations of the R-l, R-2, R-3, and R-4 Residential Districts in accordance with the provisions and regulations contained herein. P.U.D.'s can be developed within any Residential District with the overall population density of number of living units permitted to be constructed in general conformance with the provisions of the basic Zoning Distdct in which it is located. Higher densities may be allowed than those permitted in each Zoning District with the specific density determined by the Planning-Commission and Council. Rather than strictly enforcing the concept of uniformity of housing types in each district, this provision will encourage: Flexibility in residential land development to benefit from new technology in building design and construction and land development. 2. Vadety in the organization of site elements, building densities and housing types. Higher standards of site and building design through the use of trained and experienced Land Planners, Registered Architects and/or Landscape Architects to prepare plans for all Planned Unit Developments. 4. Preservation and enhancement of desirable site characteristics and open space. 5. More efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities. REQUIREMENTS: The development shall be planned so that it is consistent with the Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan. The tract of [and shall be under unified control at the time of application and scheduled to be developed as one unit. In addition the development plan must include provisions for the preservation of natural amenities. The Planned Unit Development proposal appears to harmonize with both existing and proposed development in the area surrounding the project. The proposed Planned Unit Development is comprised of at least ten (10) acres of contiguous land. (Ord. 94-09) 5. Permitted uses may include: a) Any combination of dwelling units in single family, two family, town or row houses and apartments. b) Educational religious, cultural and recreational facilities. Commercial and industrial uses. c) Public and private education facilities. d) Other uses permitted in the Zoning Distdct in which the Planned Unit Development is located. A minimum of twenty (20) percent of the gross land for pdvate or public open air recreational use protected by covenants running with the land or by conveyances or dedicated as the Planning Commission may specify shall be an integral part of the plan. such open space areas shall not include land devoted to streets, parking and private yards. Density increases of up to thirty (30) percent from those outlined in column 7, table 4.2, may be allowed in proportion to the number of conditions listed immediately below which have been fulfilled provided that traffic patterns will not be adversely affected and that public utilities and facilities are adequate. Section 6, Page 13 11. 12. a) The location, amount and proposed use of common space (10%). b) The location, design, setting of dwelling units (10%). c) Location adjacent to existing or proposed collectors or arterial street (5%). d) Physical characteristics of the site (5%). Buildii~g setbacks from all property lines which form the perimeter of the total P.U.D. shall be twenty-five (25) feet or the height of the building, whichever is greater. The setback for any building from all intedor and exterior dedicated street right-of-way lines or from the streets shall be twenty-five (25) feet or the height of the building, whichever is greater. The height limitation for all buildings in the RU.D. shall be thirty-five (35) feet. The total coverage by buildings shall not exceed twenty (20) pement of the total area in the P.U.D, All P.U.D.'s shall have community sewer and water service available. Building and Site Design. a) More than one (1) building may be placed on one (1) platted lot in a P.U.D. area for single family, detached dwellings must comply with the City Subdivision Ordinance. b) Architectural style of buildings shall not solely be a basis for denial or approval of a plan. However, the overall appearance and compatibility of individual buildings to other site elements or to surrounding development will be primary considerations in the review stages of the Planning Commission and Council. o) No building permit shall be granted for any building on land for which a plan for a RU.D. has not been finally approved by the City Council. d) Staging of Development: Any RU.D. plan proposed to be constructed in stages shall include full details relating thereto and the City Council may approve or modi~, where necessary, any such proposals. The staging shall include the time for beginning and completion of each stage. Such timing may be modified by the City Council on the showing of good cause by the developer. e) A primary function of the P.U.D. provision is to encourage development which will preserve and enhance the worthwhile, natural terrain characteristics and not force intense development to utilize all portions of a given site in order to arrive at the maximum densit~ allowed. In evaluating each individual proposal the recognition of this objective will be a basic consideration in granting approval or denial. The uniqueness of each proposal for a P.U.D. requires that specifications and standards for streets, utilities and services shall be subject to minor modifications from the specifications and standards established in this and other City Ordinances governing their construction. The City Council may therefore waive or modify the specifications or standards where it is found that they are not required in the interest of the residents of the entire Cit},. The plans and profiles of all streets, utilities and services shall be reviewed, modified, if necessary, and approved by the City Engineer. Section 6, Page 14 EXHIBIT 3 LAKE R-HD C-CC LAKE EXHIBIT 4 ii Z II EXHIBIT 6 July 17, 1997 City of Prior LakA Attn: Jane Kansier 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Pdor Lake, MN 55372 Re: Eagle Creek Estates Assisted Living Facilities RCM File Ne. 30443 Dear Jane: The following information is in response to your letter dated July 2, 1997 regarding a complete application. fieke ~rtoll muller associates, inc, en ineers architects land surveyors equal opportuni~/ employer Item #1: Item #2 & #3b: Item #3a & #3c: We have enclosed four full sized plan sheets and one reduced set of plans that have been revised to reflect the comments from the DRC meeting held on July 10, 1997 and to reflect comments from Sue McDermott's memo dated July 15, 1997. John Mesenbrink will be delivering a copy of the plans for the 61- unit building to the City. Plan Sheet #1 shows a summar7 table of the area calculations for the land area for each use. Lot 3 (2.7 acres) will include the 61-unit assisted living building. Lot 2 (1.9 acres) will include the future 28-unit senior rental building, Lot I (8.1 acres) will not include any buildings and will be considered as common open space. Item #3d: The developer is not asking for any modifications to the City's ordinances. 1955.1996 Item #3e: The ,developer intends to construct the majority of the 61-unit building during the fail of 1997. The northwest wing will not be included in the first phase. The developer intends to construct the northwest wing within three years. 217 north third street post office box 776 gaylord, minnesota 55334-0776 (507) 237-2924 metro 338-2800 1 (800) 838-8666 fax (507) 237-5516 The 28-unit senior rental building is scheduled to be constructed within 5 years from this date. The proposed parking lot will be phased to match the phasing of the building construction. At least one parking space will be provided for City of Prior Lake Page 2 July 16, 1997 The City has already received a copy of the tree preservation inventory and the wetland mitigation plan. If there is additional information that you require to process this application, please call. Sincerely, RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. John P. Wingard, P.E. JPW/du c: John Mesenbdnk Encls. July 11, 1997 rieke carroll muller associates, inc. engineers architects [and surveyors equa/ opportunely employer City of Pdor Lake Attn: Jane Kansier 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Pdor Lake, MN 55372 217 north third street post office box 776 gaylord, minnesota 55334-0776 (507) 237-2924 metro 338-2800 1 (800) 838-8666 fax (507) 237-5516 Tree Preservation for Assisted Living Facility RCM File No. 30443 Dear Jane: Enclosed is a copy of the survey for the Assisted Living Facility in Prior Lake. The survey has been marked-up to show the trees that will be removed and the trees that will be saved. The grading will require the removal of the following significant trees which are identified on the grading plan: 12" Maple 6" Maple 5" Maple 12" Maple 12" Maple 12" Maple 6" Maple 24" Maple 36" Maple 6" Maple 6" Cedar 8" Maple 8" Cedar 6" Cedar 159 Caliper inches of trees to be removed The site contains many other significant trees that will be saved. The percentage of bees that will be removed with the proposed grading will be well below 50% of the total trees on the site, A partial listing of the significant trees that will be saved include: 24" Oak 36" Oak 24" Oak 18" Oak City of Pdor Lake Page 2 July 11, 1997 36" Oak 12" Maple 36" Oak 12" Hackberry 12" Maple 6" Cedar 36" Oak 252 Caliper inches of trees to be saved Many other significant trees will also be saved on this site. The developer, Eagle Creek Villas, LLC, is also planning to add a lot of new trees on the site after the building and parking lot has been built. Sincerely, RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. ,%, John Wingard, P.E. JW/jh c: John Mesenbrink, Eagle Creek Villas Encl. EXHIBIT 7 Memorandum DATE: July 29, 1997 TO: Jane Kansier, Planning Coordinator FROM: Sue McDermott, Assistant City Engineer,~ RE: Eagle Creek Assisted Living Facility - Project #97-41 The Engineering Department has reviewed the plans for the subject project and have the following comments: Plat Provide an easement at the 30" RCP storm drain outlet. Grading and Drainage Plan 1. Add silt fence at the west side of the berm. 2. Add the following note: "Protect existing catch basins from sedimentation as a result of construction related dirt and debris." 3. Show all easements (typical ali sheets). Wetland Plan 1. There is a wetland impact at the northeast comer of the property that is not shown on the plan. Utility_ Plan 1. Show existing 6" DIP and valve through the rock dam. 2. Label 6" x 8" reducer - it's shown as an 8" x 8" on the plan. 3. Move the benchmark arrow to point at the hydrant. 4. Provide city details on the plans or in specifications. Utili _ty Profiles 1. On the profile of the culvert for trail crossing for creek, show the slope of the pipe. 2. Show profile of 6" sanitary sewer. In addition, a cost estimate and specifications must be provided. NIN RT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: CONSIDER AMENDED CUP FOR C.H. CARPENTER LUMBER, Case File #97-066 16450 ANNA TRAIL JENNI TOVAR, PLANNER JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR __X__ YES NO AUGUST 11, 1997 INTRODUCTION: The City received an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) from C.H. Carpenter Lumber on July 3, 1997. The applicant proposes to construct two pole type building in a phasing plan. The property is zoned B-2, Community Business. The Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance requires a conditional use permit for this type of use in the B-2 district. The applicant obtained a conditional use permit in 1976 for the original building to allow "Supply Yards" in the B-2 zoning district (CUP 76-02). The applicants are substantially increasing the structure beyond original approval, thus an amendment to the original CUP is necessary. Due to the applicability of the landscape ordinance and the original proposal the applicant had in mind, the applicant is currently revisiting options. Considering that notices of public hearing were sent and published and that the hearing was continued to August 11, 1997 at the last meeting, the Planning Commission must continue the hearing. Staff is recommending that the hearing be continued to September 22, 1997. The item will be heard by the City Council on October 6, 1996. The applicant has been given until September 2, 1997 to submit the required information, such that the notices can be re-sent and published in the newspaper again. The statutory requirement to complete zoning requests within 60 days, with a 60 day extension, expires on October 30, 1997. If the city does not make a decision on the request by then or if the applicant does not withdraw, the project becomes automatically approved. CT N · A motion to continue the hearing on the request until September 22, 1997. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER August 5, 1997 C.H. Carpenter Lumber Co. Attn: Fred Meyer 16450 Anna Trail SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: Amended Conditional Use Permit Application Mr. Meyer: State statutes require cities to make decisions regarding zoning requests within 60 days. Your application was submitted to the planning department on July 3, 1997. The 60 day time frame will expire on August 31, 1997. Due to your request to continue the hearing, the 60 day time frame has been extended by 60 days to expire on October 30,1997. The city cannot extend the time frame any longer. Therefore, we must receive your revised application and/or remaining items to be submitted by September 2, 1997. Due to the nature of the request, public hearing notices must be re-published and sent out again. The latest Planning Commission date to be heard is September 22, 1997 which would then be referred to the City Council for a final decision on October 20, 1997. If we do not receive the required information or a letter of withdrawal by September 2, 1997, we will have to proceed with a recommendation of denial based on incomplete application/lack of required improvements. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, J~rmi Tovar Planner 16200 Eagle Creek Ave S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612/447-4245 AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLO'rE,~ ,-~¢,PENTER LBR. TEL:612-447-4042 Ru9 0a'97 7:36 No.O02 P.01 PLANNING REPORT AGENDAITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: CONSIDER SIDE YARD SETBACK AND IMPERVIOUS SURFACE VARIANCES FOR BRIAN MATTSON, Case File #97-053 16575 INGUADONA BEACH CIRCLE JENNI TOVAR, PLANNER JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR YES X NO AUGUST 11, 1997 INTRODUCTION: On June 23, 1997 the Planning Commission heard a variance request from Brian Mattson who is proposing to construct a detached garage with driveway. The applicant had originally requested a variance to allow impervious surface coverage on the lot to be 54% and the driveway to be setback 1 foot from the property line. Based on the hardship criteria used for evaluating variances, the Planning Commission was prepared to deny the variances as requested. Upon request of the applicant, the Planning Commission continued the discussion to July 28, 1997. This was to allow the applicant time to modify the proposed additions to reduce/eliminate the variance request. The applicant had requested an extension to the August 11, 1997. On July 28, 1997 the Planning Commission made a motion continuing the hearing until August 11, 1997. The Planning Department has received a written request from the applicant requesting another extension until August 25, 1997. The applicant has significantly reduced the impervious surface on the site and is awaiting completion of final survey. TION UI D: 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Because the Planning Commission continued the hearing until August 11, 1997. A motion continuing the hearing until August 25, 1997 is necessary. L:\97FILES\97VAR~97-053\97-53PC3,DOC Page 2