HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-08-97REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 6:30 p.m. 2. 3. 4. Call Meeting to Order: Roll Call: Approval of Minutes: Public Hearings: A. Cases #97-082 & 97-083 Consider a proposed Amendment to the City of Prior Lake Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan and a zone change request for the recently annexed area owned by Deerfield Development. B. Case #97-080 Amendment to The Wilds Planned Unit Development known as Sterling South. 5. Old Business: 6. New Business: A. Appoint representative to Downtown Redevelopment Steering Committee. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: 8. Adjournment: AG090597 DOC PAGE I 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1997 1. Call to Order: The August 11, 1997, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Stamson at 6:33 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Cramer, Cfiego, Kuykendall, Stamson and Vonhof, Director of Planning Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier, Assistant City Engineer Sue McDermott and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. 2. Roll Call: Stamson Present Kuykendall Present Criego Present Crarner Present Vonhof Absent 3. Approval of Minutes: MOTION BY KUYKENDALL, SECOND BY CRIEGO, TO APPROVE THE JULY 28, 1997 MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Vote taken signified ayes by Kuykendall, Criego, Cramer and Stamson. MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Vonhof arrived at 6:37 p.m. 4. Public Hearings: A. Case #97-061, #97-062 and #97-063 Consider a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Preliminary PUD Plan and the Preliminary Plat for the Eagle Creek Assisted Living facility located on the corner of Five Hawks Avenue and Priorwood Street. The hearing was opened and a sign-up sheet was circulated to the public in attendance. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the StaffReport dated August 11, 1997. Eagle Creek Villas LLC has applied for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, a Preliminary PUD Plan and a Preliminary Plat for the property located just north of the intersection of Five Hawks Avenue and PriorWood Street. The City Council approved the Schematic Plan for an amendment to the Priorview PUD to add approximately one acre of land (Lots 2, 3 and 4, Holly Court) to the original PUD site, to allow the L:\97FIL E S\97P LCOMIvISPCM1NSMN081197.DOC I construction of a 61 unit assisted living building and a 28 unit market rate senior rental building on the vacant portion of the site on June 2, 1997, through Resolution 97-48. These applications are the next step in the approval process for this project. The original PUD was approved in 1983 and the development to date has occurred prior to 1991. The Pfiorview PUD was preceded by Council action in 1981 which rezoned the subject property to R-3, High Density residential. This would have permitted 210 units on the I5.05 acres ofbuildable land on the site. In December of 1982, the Council approved a Schematic PUD plan which provided for 106 units, a street connection from Five Hawks Avenue to Cates Street and preservation of site amenities. In September of 1983, the Council approved the first phase of the development consisting of 48 townhomes. Pfiorview Second Addition consisting of 20 units, was approved in 1991. There has been no construction activity on this site for several years. In September, 1996, the Council approved Resolution 96-90, approving an amendment to the Schematic Plan for the Priorview PUD, to allow a 61 unit assisted living facility. This amendment was subject to the eight conditions. The developer never submitted the necessary documents for preliminary plan approval of this PUD. In June, 1997, the Council approved Resolution 97-48, approving an amendment to the Schematic Plan to allow a 61-unit assisted living facility and a 28-unit senior rental facility subject to conditions. Comments from the pubic: Charles Cappachino, 4206 Cates Street, felt the grading site for the project has been followed very closely without disturbing the area. He went on to express his feelings regarding the wetland. It was his understanding no more than 50% of the trees would be removed, when in fact, nearly every tree has been removed. There is a proposal for 102 parking spaces. A year ago there was a major parking concern for a 61 facility and now an additional 28 units are being considered. He is not in favor of the additional units and the runoffimpact to the wetland. Mr. Cappachino stated he asked his neighbors to ask to sign a petition against the additional units. He said the neighbors felt it was useless. Debra Rose, 7725 Jennifer Lane, addressed Mr. Cappachino's concern. A market research study was done indicating the Prior Lake area is lacking in a senior health care facility. The number of units are based on the zoning ordinance of Prior Lake. The parking would be for workers and visitors. The majority of residents would not be using the parking facilities. The public hearing was closed. L:\97FILES\97PLCOMM\PCMIN~TN081197.DOC Comments from the Commissioners: Criego: · Assistant City Engineer Sue McDermott explained the engineering conditions and grading site. They are looking at the erosion control until vegetation is established. The wetland plan shows impact to the wetland. She feels confident the proposed berm with help improve the water quality in the creek and wetland. · Rye addressed the parking issue. The ordinance states one parking place per unit. The parking for an assisted living is greater than the demand and will be allocated. · Concern was for over parking. Proposal does not sound excessiYe. · Supports the assisted living accommodations and the additional apartments. Kuykendail: · Generally supports staff recommendations. · Parking spaces are reasonable. They are not excessive. The engineer felt the design is adequate. · Support no change in the parking. · Questioned the grading permit before approval. Kansier and McDermott said it was approved at the earlier proceeding. · Trails are addressed. Vonhof: · Supports the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and feels it is in line with the goals and objectives. · The Preliminary PUD - Confident is a good PUD plan for the site. There was a lot of discussion on many issues. · Preliminary Plat - Kasier explained the City requires underground watering systems. · Supports staff recommendations on all three requests. Cramer: · Questioned property to the east. Rye explained the area was covered in the Eagle Creek Villa Plat. Drainage is directed to the larger wetland. · The concept of the plan meets the city's objectives. · Supports staff's recommendation along with the conditions. Criego: · Questioned the bridge over the wetland. City will work with the developer on an arched bridge. Should be one of the conditions of the approval. Kuykendall: · The bridge should be able to accommodate safety equipment. He felt this was discussed earlier where a police car or fire track should be able to use the bridge. L:\97FILES\97PLCOMM\PCMIN~MN081 ! 97.DOC 3 A discussion followed regarding the bridge. Kansier said the City would be willing to work with the developer to pick up some of the extra cost between a culvert and the bridge. Vonhof: ,, The parks department can design the bridge consistent with other bridges in the City. Cramer: · ADA requirements would have to be met. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY CRIEGO, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE AMENDMENT FROM THE URBAN LOW TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATION TO THE URBAN HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATION FOR THIS SITE. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PUD PLAN, WITH CONDITIONS LISTED IN THE STAFF REPORT INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF A BRIDGE. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY CRAMER, SECOND BY KUYKENDALL, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS EAGLE CREEK ESTATES, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN THE STAFF REPORT. Vote taken signified ayes by ail. MOTION CARRIED. This item will go to City Council on Tuesday, September 2, 1997. 5. Old Business: A. Case #97-066 (Continued) Conditional Use Request for C. H. Carpenter, 16450 Anna Trail SE. The City received an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) from C.H. Carpenter Lumber on July 3, 1997. The applicant proposes to construct two pole type building in a phasing plan. The property is zoned B-2, Community Business. The Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance requires a conditional use permit for this type of use in the B-2 district. The applicant obtained a conditional use permit in 1976 for the original building to allow "Supply Yards" in the B-2 zoning district (CLIP 76-02). The applicants are substantially increasing the structure beyond original approval, thus an amendment to the original CUP is necessary. L:\97FILES\97PLCOMIVBPCMIN\MN081197.DOC The applicant has withdrawn their application at this time. Applicant indicated the landscape requirement to the project has forced them to withdraw. A. Case #9%053 (Continued) Brian Mattson request for a side yard setback and impervious surface variance for the property at 16575 Inguadona Beach Circle. On June 23, 1997 the Planning Commission heard a variance request from Brian Mattson who is proposing to construct a detached garage with driveway. The applicant had originally requested a variance to allow impervious surface coverage on the lot to be 54% and the driveway to be setback 1 foot from the property line. Upon request of the applicant, the Planning Commission continued the discussion to July 28, 1997. This was to allow the applicant time to modify the proposed additions to reduce/eliminate the variance request. The applicant had requested an extension to the August 1 i, 1997. On July 28, 1997 the Planning Commission made a motion continuing the hearing until August 11, 1997. The Planning Department has received a written request from the applicant requesting another extension until August 25, 1997. The applicant has significantly reduced the impervious surface on the site and is awaiting completion of final survey. MOTION BY KUYKENDALL, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO CONTINUE THE MEETING TO AUGUST 25, 1997. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. A. Zoning Ordinance Discussion. September 22, 1997 will be the hearing date scheduled for the new zoning ordinance public heating. All commissioners will be available. 6. New Business: The Request for Qualifications (RFQ's) for the library will be going out next week. 7. Announcements and Correspondence: Reminder of the EDA meeting August 18, 1997. There was a short discussion on the down town issues. L:\97FILES\97PLCOMMYPCMINkMN081197.DOC 5 8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Donald Rye Director of Planning Connie Carlson Recording Secretary L:\97FILES\97PLCOMM~PCM~081197.DOC PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4A CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND A ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FOR THE RECENTLY ANNEXED AREA OWNED BY DEERFIELD DEVELOPMENT JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 INTRODUCTION: Deerfield Development has applied for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and a Zone Change for the property located directly south of the Waterfront Business Park and Wilderness Ponds, east of the Ponds Athletic Complex and west of CR 21 and Revere Way. The 260 acres involved in this request was annexed to the City in July, 1997, and is currently zoned A-1 (Agricultural). The developer is proposing to amend the 2010 Comprehensive Plan to include this property within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) boundary, and to designate 62 acres, located in the northwest comer of the site to the Urban Low to Medium Density Residential (R-L/MD) designation, 140 acre to the High Density Residential (H-DR) designation and 58 acres to the Plarmed Industrial (I- PI) designation. The developer has also requested a rezoning of the easterly 58 acres from the A-1 district to the I-2 (Light Industrial) district. This property was annexed by order of the Minnesota Municipal Board on July 9, 1997. During initial discussions with the City staff and the City Council, the developer indicated he was interested in a mixed use type development which would include an expansion of the Waterfront Passage Business Park on the east side of the site, and a combination of residential uses on the remainder of the property. These discussions indicated the residential portion of the site would be developed at a total density of about 5 units per acre, which would equal about 700 units. The developer proposed to develop the property as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) which would allow the mixed use development. The School District has also indicated an interest in a portion of this site as a potential high school location. 1:\97files\97rezone\97-083\97083 pc.doc Page 1 16200 Ea§le Creek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Dh. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER This proposal is the first step in the development of this site. Once the property has been added to the MUSA and designated for general use types on the Land Use Plan Map, the developer can begin designing the specific development for the site. The Planning Commission is considering two applications at this time. The first application is a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map to include this site within the City of Prior Lake MUSA boundaries, and to designate the property as R- LMD (Urban Low to Medium Density Residential), R-HD (Urban High Density Residential), and I-PI (Planned Industrial). The second request is to rezone the east 57.76 acres of the property from the A-1 district to the I-2 district. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site area consists of approximately 260 acres. o_T_qp_.qgrnp_h~. This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 940' MSL to 950' MSL. The site generally slopes from the outer boundaries inward towards the wetland on the site. Vegetation: Much of this site has been cropland over the past several years. The western portion of the site is very wooded, with a large number of significant trees. Any development on this site will be subject to the Tree Preservation requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Wetlands: There are several wetlands located within this site, although they have not been specifically delineated at this time. Any development of this site will be subject to the wetland mitigation requirements, which means that any disturbed wetlands must be mitigated. Access: There are three existing access points to this site. On the north side are Fish Point Road and Wilderness Ponds. On the east side is Revere Way (CR 87). The developer has also indicated his intent to extend Adelman Street from Cottonwood Lane through the industrial portion of this site. Comprehensive Plan Amendment The amendment to the Comprehensive Plan has three parts. The first is the addition of the entire site to the City MUSA boundary. The second is the designation of the west 202 acres to Low-Medium Density Residential (R-LMD) and to High Density Residential (R- HD). The third aspect of the proposal is the designation of the east 58 acres to Planned Industrial (I-PI). Each aspect of this request is discussed below. l:\97files\97rezone\97-083\97083 pc.doc Page 2 ~l~S~Exl~l~lm The City originally proposed to include this site in the expanded Metropolitan Urban Service Area when the Comprehensive Plan was updated in 1996; however, the acreage was removed from the MUSA when the Metropolitan Council allowed fewer acres in the MUSA than the City had originally proposed. Prior to the annexation of this property, the City had some preliminary discussions with the Metropolitan Council staff who indicated the area may be included in the MUSA if some of the new development can be used to satisfy some of the City's Livable Community goals. These goals specifically encourage the development and maintenance of a variety of housing types, from starter homes to senior housing. The City Engineering staff has also estimated sewage flows for this property if fully developed. The staff concluded the existing MCES lift station and interceptor can accommodate these flows. Residential Designations: The Low to Medium Density Residential Designation is characterized by a low to medium range of residential densities that provides for a variety of housing options. The R-LMD designation permits densities up to 10 units per acre under a Planned Unit Development. The High Density Residential designation is characterized by dwellings other than single family detached dwellings; the dominant construction form is attached homes and apartment buildings. The R-HD designation permits densities up to 30 units per acre under a Planned Unit Development. The Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives which are applicable to this request are as follows: GOAL: SUITABLE HOUSING AND ENVIRONMENT: Encourage the development of suitable housing in a desirable environment. OBJECTIVE No, 1: Provide opportunities for a variety of affordable high quality housing. OBJECTIVE No. 2: Maintain a choice of and encourage development of quality residential environments. OBJECTIVE No, 3: Provide suitable passive open space for the preservation of the natural environment and the enjoyment of residents. The proposed designations are consistent with the above stated goals and objectives in that it offers a variety of housing, and it provides open space and the preservation of the natural elements of the site. Furthermore, this development is consistent with the City's Livable Community Goal to provide affordable and life-cycle housing. However, it is the staff's opinion that these same goals can be accomplished by designating the entire site as Low to Medium Density Residential. 1:\97 files\97rezone\97-083\97083 pc.doc Page 3 Planned Industrial Designation: The purpose of the Planned Industrial designation is to establish an industrial base that will utilize appropriate sites for development which will support both local and regional employment and economic needs. This classification is characterized by developments in industrial parks with high standards of development, and allows uses such as manufacturing, storage and distribution of materials. The Comprehensive Plan goal applicable to this request is the goal of "Economic Vitality" which states "pursue a prudent use of available resoumes and the optimum functioning of economic systems." The objectives associated with this goal are listed below: OBJECTIVE No. 1: Determine and strive for a balance of commerce, industry and population. OBJECTIVE No. 2: Encourage a diversified economic base and a broad range of employment opportunities. OBJECTIVE No. 3: Promote sound land use. OBJECTIVE No. 4: Maintain high standards in the promotion and development of commerce and industry. The proposed designation is consistent with the above goals and objectives. However, the developer previously stated his intention to develop this site as an extension of the Waterfront Passage Business Park. In that case, the property should be designated as Commercial-Business and Office Park (CBO). The CBO classification is characterized by high amenity planned developments which have a low traffic generation rate and a site utilization that is compatible with natural features. This designation is also consistent with the designation of the existing business park. Zone Change Request: At this time, the applicant is only requesting a rezoning of the east 58 acres to the I-2 (Light Industrial) district. The remaining portion of the property will remain A-1 (Agricultural) until the applicant submits a rezoning application. The proposed I-2 district is consistent with the proposed I-PI designation. However, as noted above, if the applicant is intending to develop this site as an extension of the existing business park, it would be more appropriately zoned B-P (Business Park). This zoning is consistent with the existing business park and the CBO designation. 1. Recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Zone Change as requested. 1:\97files\97 rezone\97-083\97083pc.doc Page 4 2. Recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to include this site within the City MUSA boundary, to designate the westerly 202 acres as Low to Medium Density Residential, and to designate the easterly 58 acres to the Commercial Business Office Park designation, and recommend approval of rezoning this property to the B-P (Business Park) district. 3. Recommend denial of the request. 4. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative 2. ACTION REOUIRED: Since this request includes two separate applications, separate motions are required for each application. These include; 1. A motion and second to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment to include this area within the City's MUSA Boundary and to designate the westerly 202 acres as Urban Low to Medium Density Residential and the easterly 58 acres as Commercial Business Office Park. 2. A motion and second to recommend approval of the zone change request from the A- l district to the B-P district. 1. Location Map 2. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map 3. MUSA Maps 4. Applicant's Proposal 5. Staff Recommendation 1:\97files\97rezone\97-083\97083 pc.doc Page 5 i z_z oz~; PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4B CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE STERLING SOUTH AT THE WILDS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO ALLOW DETACHED DWELLINGS JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR X YES NO-N/A SEPTEMBER 8, 1997 INTRODUCTION: Shamrock Development has applied for an amendment to The Wilds PUD to allow single family detached dwellings in Sterling South at The Wilds instead of the approved twinhomes. The Wilds PUD was originally approved as a mixed use development in 1993. In August, 1994, the Council approved the final plan for Sterling South at The Wilds. This final plan allowed 88 single family attached units in 44 buildings. In January, 1995, the Council approved an amendment to the Sterling South plan was approved. This amendment pertained to the setbacks for this development. To date, eight (8) of the approved 88 units have been constructed. These units are located on Lots 1, 2, 51, 52 53, 54, 61 and 62. DISCUSSION: The proposed amendment will replace the remaining 80 attached units with 80 detached single family dwellings. The density of the development remains the same since no increase or decrease in the number of units is proposed. The proposed units will also fit onto the existing lots, so replatting the property is not necessary. The yards and common space in the development will be managed by a homeowners association in the same manner as the townhouse development. The developer is proposing three different housing styles. Plan #1, described as a two bedroom unit with a porch, includes 1,558 square feet of living space, a 168 square foot l:\97files\97puds~sterling~sterlpc.doc Page 1 16200 Ea§le Creek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake~ Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY' EMPLOYER porch, and a double garage. Plan #2 is a three bedroom trait with a porch, and includes 1,626 square feet of living space with a 168 square foot porch and a double garage. Plan #3 is a two bedroom unit without a porch, and it includes 1,188 square feet of living space and a double garage. All three units will have brick fronts and vinyl siding on the remaining three sides. The approved PUD plan specifies the setbacks for each of the lots as shown on the attached table. The amendment proposes a standard front yard setback of 25' from the back of the curb, a 5' rear yard setback, and minimum 10' separation between buildings. In order to accomplish these setbacks, and to ensure the units will fit on the existing lots, the developer has specified which plan may be placed on each lot. This list is attached as Exhibit D. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: The purpose of a Planned Unit Development is to allow flexibility, in residential land development, variety in the organization of the site, higher standards of site and building design, preservation and enhancement of desirable site characteristics, and more efficient and effective use of land. Section 6.12 of the Zoning Ordinance lists the requiremems for a PUD (see attached). This proposal is consistent with the purposes of a PUD. If approved, the amendment should be subject to the following conditions: 1. The single family housing styles permitted in the development are as shown on Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C. 2. The housing style permitted on the individual lots is identified on the list attached as Exhibit D. 3. The required setbacks for each unit are as follows: Front Yard: 25' from back of curb Rear Yard: 5' from the lot line Side Yard: 10' separation between buildings 1. Recommend approval of the PUD amendment as requested, subject to the above conditions, or with other conditions as required by the Planning Commission. 2. Recommend denial of the request. 3. Other specific action as directed by the Planning Commission RECOMMENDATION: The Planning staff recommends Alternative 1. 1:\97files\97puds~sterling~steflpc.doc Page 2 ACTION REOUIRED: Motion and second to recommend approval o£the amendment to the Sterling South PUD, subject to the above listed conditions. l:\97files\97puds~terling~sterlpc.doc Page 3 STERLING SOUTH MINIMUM SETBACKS Approved January, 1995 LOT 1 Rear setback South and East setbacks LOTS 2-25; 83-87 Rear setback Front setback Side yard setback LOTS 26 and 28 Rear setback Front setback Side yard LOT 27 From setback Side and rear setback LOTS 28-29; 49-51 Front setback Rear setback Side yard setback LOT 30 North setback East setback South yard LOT 31 Front setback Rear and side setbacks LOTS 32-40; 73-82 From setback Rear setback Side yard setback LOTS 41-43; 64-72 From setback Rear setback Side yard setback 5 ft. from property line 25 ft. from back of curb 5 ft. from property line 25 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 5 ft. from property line 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 30 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 30 ft. from property line 2.5 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 30 ft. from back of curb 25 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 15 ft. separation between buildings 25 ft. from back of curb 40 ft. separation between buildings 15 ft. separation between buildings L:\97FILES\97PUDS\STERLING\STERSET.DOC I LOT 44 Front setback Rear setback Side yard setback LOTS 45-47 North setback South setback Side yard setback LOT 48 North setback South setback West setback LOTS 52-61 Front setback Rear setback Side yard setback LOT 62 Front setback Rear setback East setback LOT 63 South and East setback Rear setback 25 ft. from back of curb 40 ft. separation between buildings 2.5 ft. from property line 30 ft. from back of curb 25 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 30 ft. from back of curb 25 ft. from back of curb 25 ft. from back of curb 30 ft. from back of curb 40 ft. separation between buildings 15 ft. separation between buildings 30 ft. from back of curb 40 ft. separation between buildings 25 ft. from back of curb 25 ft. from back of curb 40 ft. separation between buildings L:\97FILES\97PUDS\STERLING\STERSET.DOC 2 ,..,h,So 3200 Main Street Suite 300 Coon Rapids, Minnesota 55448 Jane Kansier City o f Prior Lake Planning Coordinator 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake MN 55372 (612) 421-3500 Fax (612) ,..:_ :,. ,",UG '~ 7 i997 I-- 42 ~ 105 Dear Jane, This is a proposal to amend the Sterling South PUD to accommodate single family townhomes (commonly referred to as GolfVillas). All of the buildings will have brick fronts as per the plans provided to your office. The plan number is refercnced on each lot that it will fit on; this will still leave 10 feet between any building point. We feel this is a superior product compared to what was originally approved. SHAMROCK 'BUILDERS INC. ~6-1997 08:48 PLANC~, INC. 1 Gl2 452 5659 EXHIBIT A P.04/07 EXHBIT B SHAMROCK BUILDERS C ~____ A EXHIBIT .B '3NI '03N~qd 4~' :80 ~66I-9~-9F~ EXHIBIT C Ir, x ~ RESIDENCE FOR:. ' I ~1 SHAMROCK BUILDERS INC. LO/LO'd 6S9£ ES~ EI9 I '34I 'ODNbr~d 6~ :80 L66~ EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D LOTS AND HOUSING STYLES 1 I NA 2932 Wilds LaneNW 2 1 NA 2930 Wilds LaneNW 3 1 1,2 2910 Wilds Lane NW 4 I 1,2 2908 Wilds LaneNW 5 1 1,2 2892 Wilds LaneNW 6 1 1,2 2890 Wilds LaneNW 7 1 1,2 2868 Wilds LaneNW 8 I 1,2 2866 Wilds LaneNW 9 I 1,2 2846 Wilds LaneNW 10 I 1,2 2844 Wilds Lane NW 11 1 1,2 2824 Wilds Lane NW 12 1 1,2 2822 Wilds LaneNW 13 I 1,2 2802 Wilds Lane NW 14 1 1,2 2800 Wilds Lane NW 15 1 1,2 2792 Wilds Lane NW 16 1 1,2 2790 Wilds Lane NW 17 1 1,2 2776 Wilds Lane NW 18 I 1,2 2774 Wilds Lane NW 19 1 1,2 2752 Wilds Lane NW 20 1 1,2 2750 Wilds Lane NW 2l 1 1,2 2732 Wilds Lane NW 22 1 1,2 2730 Wilds LaneNW 23 I 1,2 2712 Wilds LaneNW 24 1 1,2 2710 Wilds Lane NW 25 1 1,2 2692 Wilds LaneNW 26 1 1,2 2690 Wilds Lane NW 27 1 1,2 2707 Wilds Lane NW 28 l 1,2 2709 Wilds LaneNW 29 I 1,2 2711 Wilds LaneNW 30 1 1,2 2713 Wilds LaneNW 31 1 2,3 14999 Hillside CircleNW 32 I 2,3 14997 Hillside CircleNW 33 I 2,3 14995 Hillside Circle NW 34 1 2,3 14993 Hillside CircleNW 35 1 2,3 14985 Hillside Circle NW 36 1 2,3 14983 Hillside Circle NW 37 1 ,2,3 14977 Hillside CircleNW 38 I 2,3 14975 Hillside CircleNW 39 1 2,3 14957 Hillside CircleNW 40 1 2,3 14955 Hillside CircleNW 41 I 2,3 14953 Hillside CircleNW 42 1 2,3 14951 Hillside Circle NW 43 I 2,3 14945 Hillside CircleNW 44 1 2,3 14943 Hillside CircleNW 45 1 1,2 14950 Hillside Circle NW l:\97files\97puds\sterling\exhibd.doc Page I EXHIBIT D LOTS AND HOUSING STYLES 46 1 1,2 14952 Hillside CimleNW 47 1 1,2 14964 Hillside CircleNW 48 1 1,2 14966 Hillside CircleNW 49 1 1,2 2801 Wilds LaneNW 50 1 1,2 2803 Wilds LaneNW 51 1 NA 2805 Wilds LaneNW 52 I NA 2807 Wilds LaneNW 53 I NA 2831 Wilds LaneNW 54 I NA 2833 Wilds LaneNW 55 I 1,2 2835 Wilds Lane NW 56 1 1,2 2837 Wilds LaneNW 57 1 1,2 2839 Wilds LaneNW 58 1 1,2 2841 Wilds Lane NW 59 1 1,2 2843 Wilds Lane NW 60 1 1,2 2845 Wilds Lane NW 61 1 NA 2847 Wilds LaneNW 62 I NA 2849 Wilds LaneNW 63 l 1,2,3 14942 Summit Circle NW 64 1 1,2,3 14944 Summit Circle NW 65 1 1,2,3 14946 Summit Circle NW 66 1 1,2,3 14948 Summit Circle NW 67 1 1,2,3 14952 Summit CircleNW 68 I 1,2,3 14954 Summit CircleNW 69 1 1,2,3 14956 Summit CircleNW 70 1 1,2,3 14958 Summit CircleNW 71 I 1,2,3 14960 Summit Circle NW 72 1 1,2,3 14962 Summit CircleNW 73 I 1,2,3 14993 Summit CircleNW 74 1 1,2,3 14991 Summit Circle NW 75 1 1,2,3 14987 Summit CircteNW 76 I 1,2,3 14985 Summit CircleNW 77 I 1,2,3 14983 Summit CircleNW 78 1 1,2,3 14981 Summit CircleNW 79 1 1,2,3 14973 Summit CimleNW 80 l 1,2,3 14971 Summit CircleNW 81 I 1,2,3 14965 Summit Circle NW 82 1 1,2,3 14963 Summit CircleNW 83 1 1,2,3 14947 Summit CimleNW 84 I 1,2,3 14945 Summit CircleNW 85 I 1,2,3 14923 Summit Circle NW 86 1 1,2,3 14921 Summit CircleNW 87 1 1,2,3 2961 Wilds LaneNW 88 1 1,2,3 2963 Wilds LaneNW l:\97files\97p uds\sterling\exhibd.doc Page 2