HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-27-98REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1998 6:30 p.m. Call Meeting to Order: Roll Call: Approval of Minutes: 4. Public Hearings: A. Case #98-056 Consider a t~vo foot setback variance for monument sign for Nordquist Signs on behalf of Park Nicollet Clinic. B. Case #98-043 Consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance relating to the permitted uses in the Busioess Park Zoning District. C. Case #98-048 James Nerison is requesting variances for impervious surface and side yard setback for the property at 14294 Aspen Avenue. 5. Old Business: A. Case #98-019 Discussion on proposed Official Map for the Ring Road between Franklin Trail and Toronto Avenue. New Business: Announcements and Correspondence: Adjournment: 16200 E~[ e~r~[~ ~'~,.,'~riorgl~,,~e, Minnesota ,5537 - 714 / Ph. (612)447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES APRIL 13, 1998 1. Call to Order: The April 13, 1998, Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Stamson at 6:31 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Cramer, Crieg~ii~;~son and Vonhof, Planning Director Don Rye, Planning Coordinator Jane Kans~i::::~lal~er Jermi Tovar and Recording Secretary Connie Carlson. Vonhof Absent .... Kuykendall Absent Criego Present;:~ii?[~il;. "::~*~ ...... ":'::" ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The Minutes from the March 23, 1998 Pl~in~:*~i0n ~¢~ing were approved as Commissioner Vo~hof ~::~::~i~:~i~ p.m. "~:'~',}?~?:: ' A. Cnse #98-040 E~ii~:~i~'~!i~=!i~:~==~, is requesting a 22.45 foot varinnee to per.m.,it, a.~;~=~, foot s~.~g from the center line of a County Road (Franklin Tra~l}~i?~i~i~l!~e requ]~iiiS$.::~[eet nnd a 1.2 percent variance to lot coverage of 21,Z~[i~rcent ra~i~an th~;~imum allowed of 20 percent. Pl~iii~i Tovar pred~ied the staff report dated April 13, 1998 on file in the office of the Ci~f~er. :i~iii~!i ~agle Cre¢~::*~lg~s ~:ii~;posing to const~ct t~o 4-~t to,whomes on the Apple Valley Ready Mix sit~!iiiiili~i~emolition permit has been issued for the structures existing on the site. The prop~ is zoned R-3 Multiple Family Residential and is designated as R-HD Urban High Density in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The applicant is requesting the following variances: · A 22.54 foot variance to permit a 62.46 foot setback from the centerline of a county road (Franklin Trail) instead of the required 85 foot setback fi'om the centerline. · A 1.2% variance to permit lot coverage of 21.2 percent rather than the maximum allowed of 20%. 1:\98files\98plcomm\pcmin'~nn041398.doc I The lot is a comer lot approximately 223 feet by 150 feet. The total lot area is 33,220 square feet (0.76 acres). Section 5-4-1 (M) of the City Code requires structures to be setback 85 feet from the centefline of county roads. Section 5-4-1 allows for a maximum lot coverage of 20% for townhomes. The maximum permitted density for townhomes in the R-3 is 14.0 units per acres. The applicant is proposing 10.5 units per acre. The applicant will have to subdivide the property prior to obtaining a building permit for the proposed townhomes. As the lot exists, only one building permit can be is~ggg[ on the lot. Staff has concluded that as submitted, the proposal does not meet ~!~ardship criteria. The site plan can be modified to meet all ordinance requirements. Comments from the pubhc. ::~i~ii~:.~::::.~..:::~?~. ':5!~??~?~i~i~ Attorney Bryce Huemoeller, 16670 Franklin Trail, rep[~fiting.::~e applicant, overview on the proposed townhomes. The intentio~}i~f the d'~loper is to deve~p this as a condominium which would address the g~!ii?~!i~XSUS :i~i::~:jmpervious surface coverage issue required for townhouses. Huemoelle~::ili~:.~:.~?hed"::ihe double frontage creates additional issues. By combining the buildings and ~g 10 feet to the east, the setbacks would be met, but it would na~::ii~:::~ reasonable us$~::::~iii~::~property. He feels there is a hardship and the proposal is re~i~¢.::~..It.is a key ini:~{ion in the City and the applicant would like to build an attract~, C~::i~gi~:~ building. Moving the project to the west allows the developer to do ::::;~ye[g~?~:~!i!ii:i~:' are beneficial; enhance appearance, allow for windo~a:~/t~Ll!e interio{31Bdi[3ings, y~i~ cost effective. They do not feel the movement of the.~i~::i~i~ili[he west ~gl interfere with public health and safety. It is an R3 project and ag~%s adeq~b view for::::~he intersection for access and safety. Mr. Huemoeller q~?!i!~f R~il!::ili:g~g~i~,~iiiii~[~o feels these issues would not be a problem under the ne~?:::iiii~fi~:':'::~;i?:[:: They also feel this meets the City's Comprehensiye..l~lan La~[i~Smer, a partner in the development was also present for any ques~!!i?:~?:~iii:i::iii!i?:~ii!ii~:ili?~ii:i:::::i:i::: Pat.:: iS, public housi~i!~anage~ii~r Scott County HRA manages Prior Manor adjacent to!i::i~!!i!~l:in question. S~iii~aid they do not have anything against the variance requestand woul~:~i~o work with ~licants. She was also representing the residents of the Manor and aske~ili~ii~following~i~fl:'~*' estions. ....... Would there be fencing along the parking lot property line? And, ~g~e ![l~:::~ading has been changed would there be nmoff on to the Manor property? Kan ii lained no fencing is required by the City and the developer has to address the gra~fig runoff to adjoining property. It is not allowed unless there is an easement. The public hearing was closed at 6:47 p.m. 1:\98files\98plcomm\pcmin\rrm041398.doc Comments from the Commissioners: Vonhof: · Asked staff to respond to Huemoeller's question regarding the setback fi.om the county road under the new zoning ordinance. Kansier said they would have to go through the conditional use process under the proposed zoning ordinance. Rye said a potential ordinance does not provide legal basis to approve a variance. · Regarding the setback from the county road, a hardship could to the uniqueness of two county roads. That in a sense, might a variance hardship. Criego: · Question to staff. Because it is two buildings the lot If it was divided in two, would there be a applicant is planning to plat to go through the subdivision procedure even to They could plat one large lot. A variance would '~ lot. · Tovar read the definition of townhomes. · With 33,000 square feet one could. ........~t~ii~gi!d.6 to 8 to~6~i!: The applicant is creating his own hardship by splitting'~::~i~l~g~ Cramer: · Agreed with Criego. is ~ied by W~:ht is being put on the lot as opposed to very large. There · The 20% · Do not td::ii~e property. The building envelope is Stflmson: ordinance does not create an undue hardship. uses that can be applied to this property. Just not accommodate this one particular design does not · i with sta~i? Vonhof: · Disagreed. is substantial, in view of the spirit and intent of the ordinance, one large building versus two smaller building, and the fact it is on two county roads, if you looked at it without the roads, the setbacks would be met and there would not be a problem. The hardship criteria have been met. Stamson: · By using a different configuration the townhomes could be built. Vonhof: · Comer lots with dual setbacks are an issue. There are unique setbacks. l:\98files\98plcomm\pcmin\nm041398.doc 3 Criego: · Understands Vonhoffs comments. In most cases, it was almost impossible to construct a building without the variances, but here a suitable housing configuration can be achieved without a variance. That is the difference. · What are the new setbacks and coverages with the new zoning ordinance? Kansier explained the new changes. .:i}iiii::~::::~:~ ..... · Under the new ordinance it would be a conditional use permit, but [!~[~!~i~s would be met. This proposal was not reviewed under the new ordinanc~ii!iiii~?~?~i::~ .... · When is the new ordinance going to be passed? Rye said :~g::i~ii~. close to six months. :~iii~ililili! .... ~::::i!~i?~?~i ii }::~::., · If the a licant wants to build under the new ordinance, l~d have to"::~ MOTION BY STAMSON, SECOND BY CRAMEK~::ii!~ AIIOPT RESOLUTI'~i?:¢8- 11PC DENYING A 22.54 FOOT VARIANCE TC[:~[MIT A:~'i~:~6 FOOT SETBACK FROM THE CENTERL1NE OF A COUNTY Rd~:::{~~?=~TRAIL) INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 85 FOOT SETBACK FROM TH~i?~TERLINE AND A 1.2% VARIANCE TO PERMIT LOT COVERAGE OF 21.2 ~ENT RATHER THAN 0° ::~ii:::::::: ~ .... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..::i: THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED OF 2 ~.'~::~i~::~::~[~[:~ ...... ======??====?==?====? I>iscussion: Criego understood Voxthof's concern for tw~ico~3 r;'~?~=~ting a hardship. Criego's concern is the building on t!~::ii~::[~ide is fix;~[~:~'eet closer:~ the road than he would like. The east side building is J~5~:=i~'~'i'"~;~he prop~y line. Criego would consider some type of request if approved .;fi?~ove the ~ilding ove~iii!~¢nhof pointed out the Commissioners could approve a vad~::for less ~ requested,.::?~:' Tovar said the applicant ~::i:~i~ choi~"':i~::::~ove one of the units and still meet the lot coverage ........ r:~ ~?:~:~i~i::ii::?: ~::~i~ ~:~ ....... =========================== . Cr~;ted in the ~:~i~e Cogitation has asked applicants to reduce the coverage and th~4re not need the':~:'~ancel%:' By reducing one of the building units by one, the d~'~:;could create w~ the developer is aiming for and meet the requirements. Stamson (~i~ii;~is is ~:~ign issue. Not comfortable passing a variance on that basis. Vonhof believ~re is an argmnent for hardship, as proposed. Cramer feels the hardship is being created by the design. Vote taken signified ayes by Stamson and Cramer, nays by Vonhof and Criego. MOTION FAILED MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY STAMSON, TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT AVAILABLE MEETING, MAY 11, 1998. l:\98files\98plcomm\pcmin\mn041398.doc Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Old Business: A. Case #98-039 (Continued) David Berens requesting front yard and lot coverage variances for the property located at 16345 Duluth Avenue. Planner Jermi Tovar presented the staff report dated April 13, 1998 on ~ii~iii~0ffice of The Planning Commission originally heard this request on M~? 23, '~:. The item was continued to allow the applicant time to revise the pl~:~'~riance r~}s. The applicant is requesting the following variances: .... · 12 Foot Front ard setback variance to allow fi:og~ii~ard se~k of 13 feet raffi~'than · 6.5% Lot coverage variance to permit lot coverage ;:~i~/~ ratl~r that he maximum coverage allowed of 22%. The Planmng Commission also directed ~g~:~iig~e a resolu~n of demal relating to the applicant's original request. Resolutio~iig98-f0g~i!~as.draft~fl:~ The lot is a comer lot 40.0 ~?::ih~!~!.30 feet. '~i~;n 5-4-[iiii~7 the City Code requires that comer lots maintain the ~[?:~ht yard along each street of frontage. Therefore, the required garage setba~}~[~i~: 25 fee~?ii~m the p~:~ line facing Duluth Avenue. The requested variance ~::ii~i~:gllow a ff6ht yard setb~:"of 13 feet rather than the minimum required of 25 feef?:?"¥~i!ii~pp!~iiii~:~i?:,~q¢~ting a variance to lot coverage for the proposed garage. Sectior~:[~i~}:"of tfi~'"~:[t~e~'de allows for a maximum coverage of 22% (structures ~}::!::~e R-2 ¢~:.Residential zoning district. The applicant is proposing Th~i::i~ey indicates t~}}}~vised'rii~yout of the garage and driveway. The applicant has s~tly reduced the'i}~e of the garage from 792 square feet to 484 square feet. The garagi:~*~:~faces south~iiiiii~hther than west in the original proposal, allowing for a turn around ar~i~inatin~ii~ overhang of parked vehicles into the right of way. Staff conclude~::~!!~vised proposal meets the four hardship criteria. Comments from the public: No comments from the applicant. 1:\98files\98plcomm\pcmir~\rrm041398.doc 5 Comments from the Commissioners: Criego: · The applicant has submitted the revised plans with our recommendations. hardships have been met. The Cramer, Vonhof and Stamson. · Concurred. MOTION BY CRIEGO, SECOND BY CRAMER TO ADOPT ~~ON 98-09PC GRANTING A 12.0 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A FRON~ii~ARD'::~13ACK OF 13.0 FEET INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 25 FEET ~!i~!~;!~,4 LOT ~gRAGE VARIANCE TO PERMIT LOT COVERAGE OF MAXIMUM COVERAGE ALLOWED OF 22% FQ~ii~HE ..:~ONSTRUCTION%~"A ADOPT RESOLUTION 98-10PC DE~::~ 12.0 FOOT":~CE TO PERMIT A FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 13.0 F~::ii~D OF TH~i~QLrlRED 25 FEET AND A 12.5% LOT COVERAGE v~cg~[ii.~!iiig~?~:::=::~OT COVERAGE or 34.5% RATHER THAN THE MAXI~i!i~:.C~E~!}?~i~LOWED OF 22% FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF.:&i!::~ACHED':~GE. -:~i!!!::~ Vote taken signified az~:}~g~ all. ~ION C~gD. Cases Consider an Amendment to the original Windson~ on ihi~!ii:i~;'"O'i~a::::i~it Development and a Preliminary Plat to be known:.~:~dsong ~i{~ Lake 3rd Addition. Kansi~i!~¢~sented the staffreport dated April 13, 1998 on file The public heating on February 23, 1998, to consider this request, continued action on this item until March 9, 1998, with the homeowner's association on this request. At this item was continued again until April 13, 1998. A meeting with the developer and Windsong Homeowner's Association was held on March 17, 1998. The only information the staffhas received about this meeting is a letter from the developer, received on March 23, 1998. The developer has also submitted a draft of the revised homeowner's association documents. The City Attorney's office is reviewing these documents. The proposal for this development has not changed significantly. Since this original report was written, the developer provided a revised measurement for the lake frontage, l:\98files\98plcomm\pcmin\mn041398.doc 6 increasing this frontage from 165 feet to 171 feet. The difference in this measurement is the fact the measurement was taken at the 904' Ordinary High Water Elevation rather than along a straight survey line. The increased frontage will allow 11 additional boat slips, rather than the 10 mentioned in the earlier report. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet is required by the Department of Natural Resources. ~:~: ..... proposal consists of a PUD Plan Amendment and a Preliminary.:~i'"'":':': The proposed The PUD amendment is consistent with the existing development. !i?:~'~::~glopment*~*~: is to proceed, it should be subject to the following conditions: ~ii~i~iiiiiiiili!:~ .... ..::!:i:!:[:!::.:... ::[:[:!:i. "::Si:i:[:!:/:!:!::-. 1. No more than 11 additional boat slips shall be permitt~i!i~i~i*~veloper a copy of the revised DNR permit allowing the.::~itional boat slips to Planning Department. 2. The Homeowner's Association documents for ~iffdso~g"'on~::~i~the Lake must be amended to include the new area, and the amended dd~knts must be recorded with the final plat documents. A recorded copy of the ~l~d documents must be submitted to the Planning Departmen~::~. 10 days after ~g the final plat. 3. There shall be no filling or grading on:*::iOuti3~ii~:~[~::B as s~n on the preliminary plat for Windsong on the Lake Third'~dditid~::'::~i~:~.~.i~he issuance of a separate filling and grading permit,...:.:::~y alterati~i::::t~i!::~ihe existed' vegetation on these outlots must also be consistent.::~ii~ii~:i~Shorelanc~::!~ovisions ~ the Zoning Ordinance. 4. There shall be no ..[~l~hg or gr~hg on Lot :::~!i::~tock 2, as shown on the preliminary plat for Winds~[~?~i~!~ the L~' Third,Addi~iBh without the issuance of a separate filling and gradihg'::~t..::?:~::~ii~: the existing vegetation on this lot must also be consistent wit~::ii~?i~or~'i~'::¢~sions of the Zoning Ordinance. The prel~ii?~ii?~g[:, is c6:~lent .::: with the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance requirementS. If ~i:i~!~mina~::~i~ii::::'~'S to proceed, it should be subject to the following 12':" T~iiiiiigomeowner's ~¢::sociation documents for Windsong on the Lake must be ame~ii[o include::~ new area, and the amended documents must be recorded with the fimitiiii}~!~ dflg~ents. A recorded copy of the amended documents must be submitted'~i~i~ianning Department within 10 days after recording the final plat Staff recommer~fl~::hpproval of the amendment to the PUD Plan subject to the above listed conditions, and the Preliminary Plat subject to the above listed condition. Chair Stamson opened the public hearing. Comments from the public: Ralph Heuschele stated he had another meeting with 15 people fi.om the Homeowners Association with discussion lasting about two hours. It was his feeling at the end of the meeting they had adequately explained what they wanted to do and there was a level of 1:\98filcs\98plcomm\pcmin\mn041398.doc 7 acceptance. They are in the process of obtaining consents and at this time there has been about a 50% response. They need 90%. Heuschele said they moved the configurations a little bit. Forty feet was added to one dimension which Mr. Heuschele presented and explained. The change was to deal with a safety hazard in the swimming area. This was an important item to several people at the public meeting who also were at the homeowners meeting. Kansier said staffhad not reviewed this new proposal ..... ~:~, ..... Heuschele apologized to staff and said the change was made tonigl~[i~?ii:~iii:~i!iiiiiiiiii?~!i?:~ Heuschele said they have 26 slips at the present time..:~g~ i~re 24 ':i~i!iii~ith the development scheduled to go to 38. One lot has a signifis~ii!~:i~ii::~oblem. slips they were able to get approval. ..::~::iii? .... ~.::~ When H & H Development acquired ownership of::i~¥~ii~pert~ ~::::~ere presented with a situation where a great amount of sand was dumped '8~}i}i~i~;beac~] The approach was then to create another shoreline that was more natural. Tti~?~i~ only go so far out into the water without getting into a permit s~l~n. This made'~:..l~::iput the boat docks in that area. Heuschele said no other cha~:~!~,:~e made. There were no other comments from the public..:~::!ii:::? '"'::::~::i::::i!i?~ii ii~:~ilil Comments from the Corem ss~ofi~: :~ · Cramer: .... ?::?:i :i~:~:~::::: ':.~}~i:~i:::~ · Su ested at tI/~iii~:~eeti :::igi:; omiauo. ]ssue to let the homeowners understand gg :!i! ............ ======================================================== the proposal. The ho~er~'i~:~:~?~flotified. · Based on.tt~g::~nditions"~}}~Y staffin the Resolution, his concerns have been met and supp 0~?~ !::~h:' · ¢oncern !;i homeowners are taken care of. · Re ends appro i;!: · Agreed, but":~::::~ different reason. · Understand~!::gcer 90% of the homeowners have to approve this. That gives a comfort level they will be represented. · Approve. MOTION BY VONHOF, SECOND BY CRAMER, TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE PUD PLAN, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN THE STAFF REPORT. STAFF REVIEW THE NEW SUBMITTED DRAWING. 1:\98 file$\98plcomm\pcmin\nm041398.doc Discussion: · Homeowners Association Bylaws must be amended. Vote taken signified ayes by all. MOTION CARRIED. C. Cases 97-107 & 98-108 (Continued) Consider a proposed Ameadment to the City of Prior Lake Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan and the property located at 4520 Tower Street. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the staff report dat~i~pril file in the office of the City Planner. This item was originally considered by the Planning C~isa~gn on The Planning Commission tabled action on this iteml;;i~;:..allow"~[~:gpplicant to m~t with the residents of the adjacent neighborhood to di~:'~ii;~i~;~a:.pl~iiii~::.this property. The applicant conducted a neighborhood meeting on Janu~i!ii~ii!:?i99~:~:'' The staff has not received any information on the outcome.~:~ t. his meeting. At this time, no specific plans for th~iii!iii!~::~::.:.developme~tliiiii~e been submitted, although the applicant has verbally indl~t~::~::::~iiii?!!!g~, t~:..':~hstmct a three stray multifamily dwelling. Under the present ~pi~g!i::Ordl~ili::~ultiple family dwellings are a permitted use in the R-$::::~:~t, with a ~imum de~i~y of 14 units per acre, and a maximum coverage of 20 g~i!~i~i~!~iii~ .......... iii::~::i::~ ~i :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: An analys~s of each .~onent of~:~ apphcat~o~::::~611ows. Comprehensive Plan ~~:i~,~?.~::i::!i!~0mprehensive!i Plan goals and objectives which are apgliaahle to this ~st are as follows: aon ??, Ir Zt ?'i sI va: 'E Vm o2wtE Vr.· ~ncourage the development of sui~;' housing in a deii~ble en~onment. OBJE'~[~ No. 1: ~vide opportunities for a variety of affordable high quality OBJECTIVE ":~ii}i![[~iS} Maintain a choice of and encourage development of quality residential enrichments. OBJECTIVE No. 3: Provide suitable passive open space for the preservation of the natural environment and the enjoyment of residents. The R-I-ID designation is intended to provide an opportunity to create population centers near community activity areas. This designation is consistent with the above stated goals and objectives in that it offers a variety of housing, and it is consistent with the City's 1:\98files\98plcomm\pcminh~n041398.doc 9 Livable Community Goal to provide affordable and life-cycle housing. The R-HD designation is also consistent with the designation of the property to the east. Zone Change: The criteria for granting a zoning change include the following: 1. There was a mistake in the original zoning 2. Conditions have changed significantly since the current zoning was ad0~, ...... 3. The Comprehensive Plan has been amended. '::?:ii!ii:':'~ Any of these criteria can be used to evaluate a request for rezoni~i? .... ~?:iiiiiiiiiii!~ii::i~ Action on this zone change depends on the amendm~i!iii~i~0, ge Comprehensive Plan. If the amendment to the 2010 Plan Land ~i~P is approved, the proposed zone change is Land U~i~::~::Plan designation. If the Comprehensive Plan the zone change should also be denied. When the Planning Commission ori one of the concerns was the availability of commerciall~ reduce the amount of existing three acres. The size of the parcel is not conducive to however, the parcel can accommodate several di~g~ types If the property remains zoned B-3, any of the use~::[~ii:~in that di~ct may be' developed on this site, If the property is rez~; any of t~i~ses permi!~a?~n the R-3 district may be developed on this site. A lis~iii~iii~ use~i::i~r~d:.::i~::~:~" R-3 district is also attached for your information. It is impo~ii~:iii~ii~!ii~;mprehensive Plan Amendment and Zone Change proc~5~,:;~.~ot be ~:ij~p designate a specific development. Rather, this process is used a .~!an and zoning designation are appropriate for a S[~iiiiii~ls the propos~?~ Comprehensive Plan designation and zoning district is c;mp'~i~:with the desi~tion and zoning of the property directly adjacent to the east. For this'::[~p, staff ~mmends the City Council approve the Comprehensive Plan amendmeni"~!!~pn~::::~:~inge as requested. Cramer asked ~i~at section of Tower Street would be part of the ring road. Kansier explained the zoning of the adjacent properties. Vonhof asked if there was anything in the CIP to pave the gravel road? Kansier said Criego verified the coverage. I:\98files\98plcomm\pcmin\mn041398.doc 10 Comments from the public: Jeffi:ey Gustafson, Stonewood Development Corporation, developer for this site, felt this was a good project. There were neighborhood concerns, which when they met turned the developer's thinking around. Owner-occupied units rather than tenants would be a better fit in the neighborhood. They researched the market and at this point are proposing the building marketed by an Edina based company to make it a for sale q~-occupied project. This is what the neighbors wanted. Stamson questioned why Stonewood would see the benefit ~}i?~'~i~tial over the commercial zoned property. Stonewood said there was no expd~. ~i~ling alley and restaurant failed. Retail needs exposure. The Prior~g~ ~11 will ~ally be redeveloped. The owner was thinking it could be offices...::~i:? Michael Mann, architect was concerned with how.~:~sould ~i~Y exposure ~ this property. There is an opportunity to use it as~::!::::~:::~r b~ Priordale and the residential neighborhood. Cannot see as commercial p~!!~::"Th~' have looked at the existing and proposed zoning. Mr. Mann passed out a conc~i~Ivelopment. Dale Kramers, of Home Equity Program}:'i:~i~:~::!~!l range pro~ for people wanting to get into condominiums. This is a natio~] P~:~?~ig~ed [o~i!::~e elderly, singles and first time home buyers. :~::ii~}ii~ .... James Gustin, 4543 Pondvt~'T~il~opposed ~ rezomng He attended the meeting with the developer a few ~ ago ~a?~missed th~ii~~ where this project was going to be turned into condo~ums. ~ abandon:i?~i~l's plan and adversely affect the neighborhoods? H~!i~!iii!i~!d b~!~i!i~it~:~l~::'lower kis property values if apartments were built on this site. December meeting that Prior Lake was ahead of the ~. with reg~::::~[lo rental units. Gustin said Prior Lake has 100% more housing m~ii~:~i~ge 116~f~!:i~om:.~than Lakeville, 100% more than Apple Valley and 80% a ::ihan want to rezone more roe for a artm~nts? ................ . :.!.! p p rty p . Peogl~'will not want td[iiI~Bk at ~ back of the Priordale Mall. There have been safety p~i~t:with the existi~!iiiownhomes. Gustin pd~((g out Cr[~' stated at the December meeting the Comprehensive Plan was designed t0"~g,~ ~ commercial property to diversify the taxes. Vonhof disagreed with the rezoni~i?!i~son had concerns with residential taxes and available commercial land. Commiss~brs have stated in previous meeting they are against the rezoning and nothing presented tonight has changed those concerns. Jim Erickson, 4544 Pondview Trail, said every time they meet with the developer it seems to be getting worse and worse. The number of apartments keep changing. Now its low income housing. It only adds to the existing problems. All five Commissioners were ready to deny this. l:\98files\98plcomm\pcminXmn041398.doc I 1 Dale Kramers, addressed the comments on the lower income. He feels it is not low income. It is affordable to good citizens by minimizing a down payment allowing many people a nice place to live. The public hearing was closed at 8:00 p.m. Comments from the Commissioners: :~ Stamson: ..... ~::::i:i:i:i::i ..... · Does not have any qualms about the project. The issg~ili~i!i~i}i~he Planning Commission is a comprehensive plan change. The last ti~} this ~iii~[esented I could have gone either way. Good case for R3 or B3. I~i~t the m¢i~i?[~?uld go either way. Since then, I stood on the property and lo~g~fl::':~::~e ring road City is going to put in and feel the property itself it<s~'hld be B3. The resider~i~m to think it would be a better buffer ..... ~::::ii~:iiii~i; .... ":*:i~?:?~iiii::~ .... · Looking at tax base issues it should stay in its · Does not support the Comprehensive Plan amendme~}}}}i}i}i!i?:iii~?~ '"' C ri ego: ::?~?iiiiiiii!i~i~?~i~i~:: i~ ....... · Agreed it could go either way. Th~i?~]::~?~i~::::.laid out co~:'work. What we are looking at is a zone change. '~!}}}i:::: "':::~!~.}}}}}i}}}¢}}iiii::::i~ ............ ~::. '::~ · The City needs more business area. Th~ii:is ~!i~ff~:~ii~etween R1 and B3 and he does not feel the reside~!~, some o~:~ comme~i:~l which could go into a B3 · . ~,.??:<<'::<'"'::::'!~[?i[~ii:: ':¢~: ' 9" area. The question ~S.:;~:::?::~at ~s:~ft for the ~umty. Cramer: .... ::!i???:i??:i?::=~ ..... ?' :i~? · The developm;~i ~lliii~oW~¢:ii~!~::iii~eed there is enough high density in the · No one.~i~jaat is g~ii~, happen to Priordale Mall or the neighboring area. Go0'~}~osal for ~3 dis~ct. It is n~:~:{~[op~?:~n the CiW to ch~ge ~y B1 or B2 to residential. The CiW is ow~hel~:::~¥'~ It would be prema~e to ~ow what is going on ~o~d the development~¢::~t best it would be prema~e not ~owing what is going on. · There will be subst~tial development in the next 5 ye~s. Neil Boderman, the land owner and owner of the Priordale Mall, said he understands the Commissioners reluctance to rezone the land and put into a residential zone. But he feels the land should have never been zoned commemial. Boderman just came from meeting with someone who wants to put in a motorcycle store in Priordale Mall. He has been trying to work with the Priordale Mall for the last 9 years. Now the Commissioners are trying to plan for the next five years. This proposed project would be the lesser of two I :\98filcs\98plcomm\pcmin\ran041398 .doc 12 evils. The ring road will not enhance the area. Most retailers do not want to be that far off Highway 13. The only reasonable approach is to come up with a different proposal. Criego: · Agreed with Mr. Boderman that the property will not be used for any high standard use. · Not sure the neighborhood would like that. · Priordale Mall has been a sore spot in Prior Lake for years. · Recommend going with staffs recommendation. ..::~:,iiiiiiiii?ii?:~ .... · Agreed it is not high profile but there are other uses tha~::~ig,o....:m. · It sets a bad first step to rezone and create residential,:~$~'ls the City s intent ~e to develop commercial. ..,:~i?? · Not willing to jump the gun and rezone residemi~}i~[i~s tin~ii~::i~ is too early.'',*:~ Vonhof: · . · Does not totally dmagree. In a sense there is some transltl~g~:yalue between zones· .... . ............. ~.F~i~ seen 4 different ·Sympathetic to property owner but ':~i~ii~g~mature. The" i::i::~::il. ..::ii}i:? ........ :::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.. Criego: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... .... ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::i .... :i::ii:::?:ii . 9 ' ' · Why did staff come ul~:?:~?:~l~r recomm~dation. Kansler smd they looked at the same issues as the ~ing ~ission.':?~i~h~. property does not have access and .... ?:?:;::~::?.. .:?:~::;i;:.:: ?:;::~}?:?:~};~ visibility. .::i!~i~!~! ................. ::::::::::::::::::::::: · Feels it should U~i~ii::::~::Get nl0~m~nt..in.th~::::~a. Concerned the residents in the area do not realize what · It could be either. '::~[iiii~ii~i~ii?;iiii::[ · It is a.~a~pm, I~l~ .... BY T0? CHANGE THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO R3 FROM B3. 1N ADDITION AN NO MOTION SECOND BY VONHOF, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL DENIAL OF THE APPLICATION BASED ON SPECIFIC FINDINGS OF FACT· There was no discussion. Vote taken signified ayes by Vonhof, Stamson and Cramer, nay by Criego. MOTION CARRIED· Kansier explained the City Council approval process. h\98files\98plcomm\pcminhnm041398.doc 13 6. New Business: A. Discuss televising Planning Commission meetings. Rye explained the current proposal is to start televising City Council meetings in June. Their plan was to take on the advisory committees in September. .~::?:::i?!iii?i!i!i~!ii?~iiiiiiii!i::ii:::.. The commissioners felt the meet~n s should be televised. The soon~:i~ better" 7. Announcements and Correspondence: Cramer spoke on the workshop. Some of the issues wer~?:~fi~$i!i:'maximmn ~e and not allowing any buildings over 35 feet. No shore~Sssu~.have been discus~i::~et. Questioned staff on City Council's decision on t~?:~ck . Rye and Tovar responded. ":'~::iii~?~i?ilili:iiiii~? .... · City Council's concem over downtow~::i::s:':~g)~ · Questioned if the library project was o~?~heS~i:~:[[i~iii[:!:~[~!i!ii::!:::~:~ · Question what is going to happen with t~i::9~!iii~¢':::i~giii? 8. Adjournment: ..::~ ~: The meeting adjoum¢~!i~ 8:35 Donald Rye .::::~:~:~ri~i~,~ Connie Carlson Recording Secretary 1:\98files\98plcomm\pcmin~n041398.doc 14 PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4A CONSIDER A SETBACK VARIANCE FOR MONUMENT SIGN FOR NORDQUIST SIGNS ON BEHALF OF PARK NICOLLET, Case File #98-056 16705 FRANKLIN TRAIL JENNI TOVAR, PLANNER JANE KANSIER, PLANNING COORDINATOR YES X NO APRIL 27, 1998 INTRODUCTION: The Planning Department received a variance application from Nordquist Signs who are proposing to construct an illuminated monument sign along Franklin Trail for Park Nicollet clinic. The lot is approximately 700 feet by 700 feet with a strip of land providing access to Franklin Tail. The lot totals 11.06 acres. Section 5-7-7 of the City Code requires a minimum setback of 10 feet from the property line for monument signs. The applicant is requesting a two foot variance to allow the sign to be set back 8 feet from the side property line. DISCUSSION: The lot has a metes and bounds description. The property is zoned B-3 General Business. Upon review of the survey submitted, the applicant's sign is proposed to be set back 8 feet from the property line and within a utility easement which includes the access drive and underground utilities. Staff has determined more specific information is necessary, including a revised survey indicating the actual location of the sign with setback dimensions. Identification of the proposed sign on the survey will also indicate compliance with respect to the 30 foot clear view triangle. VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. L:\98FILES\98VAR\98-056\98-056PC.DOC Page 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has concluded a revised survey is necessary to insure the proposed sign is out of the easement and driveway. The applicant has indicated to staff that a revised survey will be submitted by May 1, 1998. A continuance of the variance until May 11, 1998 will allow the applicant the time to submit a revised survey, and will allow the staff the time to review the new information. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variances requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the cimumstances. In this case, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare a resolution with findings. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the zoning code criteria. In this case, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare a resolution with findings. ACTION REQUIRED: Motion and second to table the request until May 26, 1998 to allow the applicant time to submit a revised survey. L:\98FILES\98VAR\98-056\98-056PC.DOC Page 2 FILE COPY April21,1998 via fax (612) 824-6211 Nordquist Sign Co. Atm.: Laura Alexander 312 W Lake Street Mpls, M~ 55408 RE: Park Nicollet Variance Application Dear Laura, Upon review of the survey submitted in your variance application, it appears if the sign is located 8 feet fi.om the side property line and 10 feet firom Franklin Trail R-O-W as proposed, that the sign will be in the 30 foot clear view triangle, the city's easement and existing driveway. In order to get a verification for this, please submit a revised survey indicating the proposed sign location and property line setbacks. Because of the size of the survey, a partial survey indicating the portion of the property accessing Franklin Trail is acceptable. The proposed sign must be located out of the easement and the drive area. Such a survey will also indicate to us ifa variance to the clear view triangle is necessary. At this time, we are recommending your request be continued. The item will remain on the April 27, 1998 agenda, as notices have been sent. If you feel you can submit a revised survey by Friday, May 1, 1998, then we can continue the request until May 11, 1998 Planning Commission meeting. Otherwise we will have to schedule the request for a later date such as May 26, 1998. Please let me know what will work out for you. I apologize for an inconvenience this has cause you. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, 16200 EIa~gEI:I~I$~$¥.AI~I~8-10fi6¥TI&It~E~ 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1-83.72 EDGE OF BITUMINOUS TC TC 968.2 968 I 968.3 SURVEY AS SUBMITTED ¢~ANK~ INV TB TOP FND MON. RLS 018. 0.16 FT EAST ! 20 20' RCP FROM MH TO THE NORTH. THEN 57i' PVC TO 5, aH A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SE ~/4 OF SEC 2 TOP I UTILITY EASEMENT 274,' SET IRON MON, MON RLS lO 183 966.o 0. J9 FT. SOUTH, TC O ~ 7 FT EAST TC 966.5 D. 39 TRAIL DiP SET IRON MON. MON, RLS 10183 0.36 FT. NORTH, 0,16 FT. EAST 968.6 Top UT{LITY EASEMENT ' IS"E PER DOC. NO. - .... 45.0 ~5" ST s / TOP . 965 7 INV. 962 4- 966.5 955.6 IPOINT "A" 8* PVC 20 SAN S N89°47' 15"E ~87.24 NORDQUIST April 14, 1998 Mr. Don Rye City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Dear Mr. Rye: I am writing on behalf of the HealthSystem Minnesota for the need to allow the installation of an entrance monument at their Park Nicollet Clinic facility in Prior Lake. The clinic is having the following problems: · Patients are unable to find the entrance to the clinic. · Ambulance services have been unable to find the entrance to the clinic. · The entrance to the clinic is located quite a distance from the building and is actually a driveway not a street, therefore it is often very difficult for the clinic staff to give verbal directions to people trying to locate the clinic. · The entrance to the clinic can not be seen safely from highway 13 without an adequate entrance monument. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, NORDQUIST SIGN COMPANY, INC. Gregory R. Fast GRF/la NORDQUIST SIGN COMPANY INC, Proposed Loca~ For Entrance Monumen'~ Sign] Setbacks: I 10' From Fra 8' From Prope~ O0 NOIS $SJflD~HON m ,! .r~ ~'~ m 0 HEALTHSYSTEM MINNESOTA PRIOR LAKE, MN. EXHIBIT B That port of the West Half of the Southeast Ouorter of Section 2, Township II 4, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, described os follows: Commencing at a point on the east line of said West Hclf of the Southeast Quarter, distant 1677.15 feet north of the southeast corner thereof (said east line to bear North 0 degrees 47 minutes 03 seconds East for purposes of this description); thence North 89 degrees 12 minutes 57 seconds West o distcnce of 4.78 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 0 degrees 57 minutes 17 seconds West o distance of 700.00 feet to the intersection with a line drown at right angles to said east line of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter from o point on said east line distant 700.00 feet southerly of the point of commencement; thence North 89 degrees 12 minutes 57 seconds West c distance of 700.00 feet; thence North 0 degrees 57 minutes 17 seconds East a distance of 695.85 feet to the southeasterly right--of--way of Highway No. 15; thence northeasterly a distance of 6.68 feet along said right--of--way to the intersection with a line that bears North 89 degrees 12 minutes 57 seconds West from the point of beginning; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes 57 seconds East a distance of 694-.77 feet to the point of beginning. Together with that part of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2 described os follows: Commencing at a point on the east line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter, distant 1677 13 feet north of the southeast corner thereof (said east line to bear North 0 degrees 4-7 minutes 0.~ seconds East for purposes of this description); thence North 89 degrees 12 minutes 57 seconds West a distance of 4.78 feet to a line which bears North 0 degrees .57 minutes 17 seconds East from the southeast corner of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence North 0 degrees 37 minutes t7 seconds East o distance of 263.95 feet, more or less, to the southerly right-of-way line of County Road No. 39 (Franklin Trail); thence westerly along said southerly right-of-way line a distance of 150.00 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 0 degrees 57 minutes 17 seconds West o distance of 256.4-4- feet to the intersection with a line that bears North 89 degrees 12 minutes 57 seconds West from the point of commencement; thence North 89 degrees 12 minutes 57 seconds West o distance of 61.25 feet to the intersection with a line 215.84- feet westerly, os measured ot right angles, of said east line of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence North 0 degrees 47 minutes 03 seconds East parallel with said east line a distance of 255.41 feet to the intersection with said southerly right-of-way line of County Rood No..59 (Franklin Trail); thence easterly along said parallel line o distance of 60.57 feet to the point of beginning. ?LAN VIEW SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" 1/~." FABP,.ICATED ALUM CAP PAINT GREY AKZO-1DB-H-1 CABINET I=TD. VIOLET #175-F6 VINYL 220-2B0 (OP^C~UE) CAP PAINT {~EEY , '~ AKZO-I~,B-H-1 IMPACT ACRYLIC FACE W/VINYL BKGD (CUBTOM -~M COLOR-TO MATCH COLORMAP PG. 175-F6 ~IOLET) COPY TO ILLUM. WHITE (PER LOGO ON FILE) M RETAINER PTD. TO MATCH FACE COPY, LOGO DORDER & ILLUM WHITE (ARTWOF. K ON FILE') (DLACK VINYL BKGD) ~. 2" EEYEAL~ PTD. MAP STOCK BLACK; ALL 51DEB 24" -- #a¢ .~CH. 40 E, TEEL PIPE 24" DJ.&. CONCRETE FOUNDATION (ELEVATION: 51GN TYPE PR-2 D/F SCALE 1/2" = 1'-0" PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4B PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PERMITTED USES IN THE BUSINESS PARK (BP) ZONING DISTRICT (Case File #98-043) JENNI TOVAR, PLANNER X YES NO APRIL 27, 1998 INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this public hearing is to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance relating to the permitted uses in the Business Park Zoning District. The proposed amendment will allow Gymnastics Schools as a permitted use in the Business Park (BP) Zoning District. DISCUSSION: This amendment was initiated by Charles and Bev Rutz of Prior Lake Gymnastics. They are currently located on Main Avenue in the site previously occupied by the Star Tribune distribution center. They are requesting the zoning ordinance amendment to allow them to occupy space at the Prior Lake Business Center building (Dave Hansen site). The use of a gymnastics school requires large open spaces with high ceilings. Buildings in the Business Park are designed as office warehouse and manufacturing facilities with large open interior spaces and high ceilings. Such design also accommodates space needs of a gymnastics school. Section 6.15 of the Zoning Ordinance outlines the permitted and conditional uses in the Business Park (BP) Zoning District. Subsection C and D of this section state the following: (C) Permitted Uses: Permitted uses in a BP district are: 1. Offices. 2. Manufacturing fabrication, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment and/or assembly of products, goods and materials. 3. Utility services. 1:\98files\98ordamd~zon[ng\98-043\98043pc.doc 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372~1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 4. Wholesale use occurring within an enclosed building, but not involving live animals. 5. Warehouse, enclosed storage. 6. Business services. 7. Blueprint, Photostat and printing shops. 8. Research and testing laboratories. (D). Conditional Uses: Uses allowed by conditional use permit in the BP district are: 1. Storage or parking of vehicles larger than one ton capacity; provided that such vehicles ara used in connection with a business located in the principal structure on site and are screened from view of adjacent residential property and public streets in accordance with the City's landscape and screening ordinance. 2. Outdoor storage; provided, that such use occupies an area no larger than fifty percent (50%) of the floor area of the principal structure and provided it is screened from view of adjacent residential property and public streets in accordance with the City's landscaping and screening ordinance. 3. Public buildings. 4. Animal and veterinary clinics; provided, all animals are kept within the principal structure. 5. Heliport. 6. Retail sa/es or services to the public; provided, that such use occupies no more than two thousand (2,000) square feet of floor area in the principal structure. Section 5-2-2 of the City Code states the purpose of the Business Park as follows: BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT is intended to promote high standards of design and construction for business park uses in the City. These standards are set forth in order to enhance the visual appearance of each Business Park District within the City, to preserve the taxable value and to promote the public health, safety and we/fare. Business Park uses listed as permitted and conditional are those which provide for basic employment within the city. Such uses are office, warehouse, and fabrication. Business service industries are permitted uses. The district is designed via development standards to accommodate such specific land uses and promote a business park atmosphere. One of the implications of allowing gymnastics schools as a permitted use is inadequate parking on existing sites. The sites were designed as office warehouse with parking based on number of employees or office use. 1:\98flles\98ordamd~zoning\98-O43\98043pc.doc Page 2 Under the current ordinance, gymnastics schools fall under the use of Private club, health club. Private clubs are permitted in the B-2 Community Business and B-3 General Business districts and are conditional uses in the B-1 Limited Business District. The petitioner has had difficulty locating in an existing building due to the height needed for gymnastics activities. The costs to renovate an existing structure are significant. Staff feels the request to allow gymnastics schools in the Business Park (BP) Zoning District is an inappropriate use of the Business Park zoning district. The district is not designed to accommodate recreational activities. These recreational uses are allowed in all of the other business districts. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend the Council approve the amendment as proposed, or with changes specified by the Planning Commission. 2. Recommend the Council deny the proposed amendment. 3. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends alternative #2. ACTION REQUIRED: A motion and second recommending denial of the proposed amendments. REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Ordinance Amendment 2. Application 3. Hearing Notice 1:\98files\98ordamd~_oning\98-043\98043pc.doc Page 3 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 98- XX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5-5-15 (C) OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND AMENDING SECTION 6.15 (C) OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE 83-6. The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that: 1. Section 5-5-15 (C) of the Prior Lake City Code and Section 6.15 (C) of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance 83-6 are hereby amended to add "Gymnastics Schools" to the list of Permitted Uses in the B-P (Business Park) Districts. This ordinance shall become effective liom and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this day of May, 1998. ATTEST: City Manager Mayor Published in the Prior Lake American on the Drafted By: City of Prior Lake Planning Department 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 __ day of May, 1998. 16200 l~il~:l~t~l~'u[g\~}lt~hlaat~l,db~innesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (61~47-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION $-5-15 (C) OF THE OF THE CITY CODE AND SECTION 6.15 (C) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO PERMITTED USES IN THE BUSINESS PARK (BP) ZONING DISTRICT You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE, on Monday, April 27, 1998, at 6:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of the public heating is to consider an amendment to Section 5-5-15 (C) of the City Code and 6.15 (C) of the Zoning Ordinance to list Gymnastic Schools as a permitted use in the Business Park (BP) Zoning District. If you wish to be heard in reference to this item, you should attend the public hearing. Oral and written comments will be considered by the Planning Commission. If you have questions regarding this matter, please contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Prepared this 8th day of April, 1998 by: Jennifer Tovar, Planner City of Prior Lake TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE PRIOR LAKE AMERICAN ON APRIL 11, 1998 1:\98file$~98ordamd~zoning\98-O43\98043pn.doc 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTLINITY EMPLOYER Planning Case File No. Property Identification No. City of Prior Lake LAND USE APPLICATION 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. / Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Phone (612) 44%4230, Fax (612) 447-4245 Type of Application: [] Rezoning, from (present zoning/ sheets/narrative if desired) to (pronosed zonin~/ ~Amendment to City Code, Cojnp. Plan or City Ordinance [] Subdivision of Land [] Administrative Subdivision [] Conditional Use Permit [] Variance Brief description of proposed project (attach additional Applicable Ordinance Seotion(s): __ ~ Ill t.~-'z<~ c,n~ ca.. ~' ~ O~. Address:/,Yd:,9 / Home Phone: Property Owner(s) [If different from Applicants]: L~, O. d. ~nq,Lrpr;Se$ - %~.¢v~. ~,a.~.C.a.~ Address: ~/~-/o ~l~i~ Cl~d Or~qC ~~':~, ~ ~3 q~ HomePhone: WorkPhone: ~ ~t-o~gq ~t['~lO0 ~'~i Type of Ownership: Fee X Contract for Deed ~ Purchase Agreement ~ Legal Description of Property (Attach a copy if there is not enough space on this sheet): To the best of my knowledge the information provided in this application and other material submitted is correct. In addition, I have read the relevant sections of the Prior Lake Ordinance and procedural guidelines, and understand that applications,l~ill not be processed until d~e4~d complete by the Planning Director or assignee. App ica~ s S gnature <Z~ Date Fee Owner's Signature Date THIS SPACE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE PLANNING DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEAR22qG CITY COUNCIL APPROVED DENIED DATE OF HEARi-NG CONDITIONS: Signature of Planning Director or Designee Date lu-app2.do¢ PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: SITE: PRESENTER: REVIEWED BY: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 4C CONSIDER A SIDEYARD SETBACK VARIANCE AND AN IMPERVIOUS SURFACE VARIANCE FOR JAMES NERISON, Case File #98-048 14294 ASPEN AVENUE JENNI TOVAR, PLANNER,.~ JANE KANSlER, PLANNING COORDINATOR YES X NO APRIL 27, 1998 INTRODUCTION: On February 23, 1998, Mr. Nerison applied for a building permit to allow for the construction of a three season porch, which he had already begun construction on without obtaining a building permit. His property is located at 14294 Aspen Avenue in the Sand Pointe 2nd Addition. The property is zoned PUD and is within the SD Shoreland District. Upon review of the building permit it became apparent that the proposed porch does not meet the required setback and impervious surface ordinances. On April 3, 1998, the Planning Department received a variance application from James Nerison. The attached survey (Exhibit A) indicates a proposed impervious surface of 35.2% and the proposed porch is setback 9.9 feet from the side property line. The lot is approximately 65 feet by 130 feet and is 8,733 square feet. Therefore, this lot is a substandard Eot and can utilize one 5 foot side yard setback (Section 5-4-1 City Code). The PUD provisions for Sand Pointe also allow one side yard setback of 5' on the garage side of the house. Section 5-8-3 of the City Code allows for a maximum impervious surface coverage of 30 percent. DISCUSSION: Lot 16, Block 4, Sand Point 2nd Addition was platted in 1982. The house was constructed in 1983 as shown in Exhibit B, with the garage side of the house setback 5' from the side property line. The proposed porch is located on the opposite side of the house. In 1985, Mr. Nerison added a deck and finished the basement. In 1983, when the house was built, there was no impervious surface requirement. The impervious surface requirement was adopted on May 4, 1987. 16200 L:\98FiLES\98VAR\98-048\98-048PC.DOC Page 1 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER The impervious surface on the lot, when the ordinance was adopted was 26.4% (as the house was originally built). On November 13, 1987, Mr. Nerison received a permit for garage addition. Based on the survey submitted for the garage addition (Exhibit C), the impervious surface became 29.0% upon completion of the garage addition. Sometime between this approval and February 23, 1998, the applicant expanded the driveway to the property line and added a brick patio. While permits are not required for such alterations, property owners must comply with the ordinance. These additions and the recent construction of the porch increased the impervious surface to over 30 percent. The applicant is now requesting a variance to allow impervious surface of 35.2% rather than the maximum of 30% and a side yard setback variance to allow a setback of 9.9 feet rather than the required 10 feet for proposed porch. No previous variances have been granted for this property. Mr. Nerison has owned this property since at least 1985 when the deck permit was issued. VARIANCE HARDSHIP STANDARDS 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. This criteria goes to whether reasonable use can be made of the property if the Ordinance is literally enforced. The property has been utilized as a single family residence for 15 years. Reasonable use of the property has existed and will continue to exist as a single family dwelling without the variance. There is no hardship with respect to the property. The legal building envelope and 30% maximum impervious surface allow for reasonable use of the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. Considering the area was platted as a PUD, and most of the lots are 8,000 to 10,000 square feet in area, there are no unique circumstances of the lot. While the impervious surface ordinance was adopted after the lot was created, which the applicant had no control over, it does not warrant a hardship. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. The lot is considered to be substandard. The lot area is 8,733 sq. feet and 65 feet wide. However, the hardship was created by the applicant, not the property. The applicant can modify the plan to reduce or eliminate the impervious surface. The existing driveway is non-conforming (up to the lot L:\98FILES\98VAR\98-048\98-048PC.DOC Page 2 line), and the applicant has options for eliminating impervious surface. The setback variance can also be eliminated if the porch is moved to meet the setback. The hardship is caused by the actions of the property owner. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. The intent of a maximum impervious surface is to reduce the surface run-off to bodies of water located within the Shoreland District. Considering the impervious surface can be reduced, the intent cannot be met as proposed. The variance request to side yard has little if any impact on altering the intent of side yard setback. Without mitigating measures, the granting of the variance request is contrary to the public interest. The variance to impervious surface can be reduced or eliminated upon a redesign of the structure and/or removal of a portion of the driveway and patio. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has concluded the variance request to impervious surface can be reduced or eliminated upon redesign of the structure or driveway and patio. The setback variance can be eliminated by relocating the proposed porch. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the variances requested by the applicant, or approve any variances the Planning Commission deems appropriate in the circumstances. 2. Table or continue discussion of the item for specific purpose. 3. Deny the application because the Planning Commission finds a lack of demonstrated hardship under the zoning code criteria. ACTION REQUIRED: Adoption of the attached Resolution #98-12PC denying the variance to impervious surface and side yard setback. L:\98FILES\98VAR\98-048\98-048PC.DOC Page 3 RESOLUTION 98-12PC DENYING A 0.1 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 9.9 FOOT SIDE YARD SETBACK INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 10 FOOT SETBACK AND A 5.2 PERCENT VARIANCE TO PERMIT IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE OF 35.2 PERCENT RATHER THAN THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED OF 30 PERCENT. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Adjustment of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota; FINDINGS James Nerison has applied for a variances from Section 5-8-3 and 5-4-I of the City Code on property located in the PUD (Planned Unit Development) and SD (Shoreland Overlay) Districts at the following location, to wit; 14294 Aspen Avenue, legally described as Lot 16, Block 4, Sand Pointe Second Addition, Scott County MN. 2. The Board of Adjustment has reviewed the application for a variance as contained in Case #98-048 and held a hearing thereon on April 27, 1998. The Board of Adjustment has considered the effect of the requested setback and impervious surface variances upon the health, safety, and welfare of the community, the existing and anticipated traffic conditions, light and air, danger of fire, risk to the public safety, the effect on property values in the surrounding area and the effect of the proposed variances on the Comprehensive Plan. The granting of the setback variance and impervious surface coverage variance is not necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The applicant has alternatives to eliminate and reduce the variances. The variances will serve merely as a convenience to the applicant. The Board of Adjustment finds the applicant has created his own hardship through the design of the proposed porch, expansion of the driveway and failure to obtain a building permit which would have brought the issues to the applicants attention prior to beginning construction. l:X98files\98var\98-048Xre9812pc.doc Page 1 16200 Ea§le Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax {612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 6. The Board of Adjustment finds the spirit and intent of the ordinances cannot be met if the variance is granted. 7. The Board of Adjustment has concluded reasonable use can be made of the property without the variances. 8. The contents of Planning Case 98-048 are hereby entered into and made a part of the public record and the record of decision for this case. CONCLUSION Based upon the Findings set forth above, the Board of Adjustment hereby denies the following variances for 14294 Aspen Avenue, as shown in Exhibit A (survey and legal description); 1. A 0. I foot variance to permit a 9.9 foot side yard setback instead of the required 10 foot setback from the centerline. 2. A 5.2 percent variance to permit impervious surface coverage of 35.2 percent rather than the maximum allowed of 30 pement. Adopted by the Board of Adjustment on April 27, 1998. ATTEST: Anthony Stamson, Chair Donald R. Rye, Planning Director l:\98files\98var\98-048h'e9812pc.doc Page 2 EXHIBIT A LOT 16, BLOCK 4- SAND POINTE SECOND ADDITION $coTr COUNTY, MINNESOTA 30 0 30 60 GRAPHIC SCALE - FEET LEGEND NO. TS98,O036 FILE NO. 1386 NEt T8036SB1,* CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Impervious Surface Calculations (To be Submitted with Building Permit Applie~oo) For All Properties Located in the Shoreland District (SD). The Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage Permitted in 30 Percent. Property Address 14-7-.%~- J~p~, /~. Lot.area ~srS~ Sq. Feet x 30% = .............. 7_.(~;q .qO LENGTH WIDTH SQ. FEET HOUSE x i x = ATTACHED GA_KAGE x = TOTAL PRINCIPLE STRUCTUI~ ...................... t~%~. (~% DETACHED BLDGS x (Garage/Shed) X TOTAL DETACH'ED BUILDINGS ...................... -- DRIVEWAY/PAVED AREAS ~'~"~paved or not) (Sidewalk/Parking Are~) x = t~3. (Open D¢ck.~ ¼. min. opening boards, with a perwious su~facc below, ~c not consid~cd to be imperious) TOTAL PAVED AREAS ......................................... x X TOTA.L DECKS ........................................................ 7__<31.1.5 O/HEP.. X TOTAL OTttER. .................................................. TOTAl, 12VEPERVIOUS SURFACE UNDE~ Prepared By Company Date Phone # 3 0509 ~IIIVD~O£ D£V£L ODMENT PBOPOS[O ELEVATIONS Top of Block Lo,est Floor C~rage Floor LOT lb, 8~oc~ 4, EXHIBIT C c/~no[e~ /r,on monornenl~, P~'o~.cl ekvcdhog gho~n PROPOSED ELEVATIONS TOp of Block Lo,est Floor ~arag~ Floor :'Lo~' t~ , ~oc~ ~ , NOTICE OF HEARING TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES: A 5.2 PERCENT VARIANCE TO PERMIT IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE OP 35.2 PERCENT RATHER THAN THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED OF 30 PERCENT AND A 0.1 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMITA SIDE YARD SETBACK 0F9.9 FEET RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED 10 FOOT SETBACK FOR AN EXISTING STRUCTURE AND PROPOSED THREE SEASON PORCH ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE PUD 4-83 AND SHORELAND OVERLAY DISTRICT IDENTIFIED AS 14294 ASPEN AVENUE. You are hereby notified that the Prior Lake Planning Commission will hold a hearing at Prior Lake Fire Station #1, located at 16776 Fish Point Road SE (Southwest of the intersection of C.R. 21 and Fish Point Road), on: Monday, April 27, 1998, at 6:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. APPLICANTS: James Nerison 14294 Aspen Avenue Prior Lake, MN 55372 SUBJECT SITE: 14294 Aspen Avenue, legally described as Lot 16, Block 4 Sand Pointe Second Addition. REQUEST: There is an existing single family home on the property. The applicant is requesting a variance to impervious surface and side yard setback to allow the construction of a three season porch. The proposed impervious surface coverage is 35.2%, rather than the maximum allowed of 30% on lots within the Shoreland District. The proposed side yard setback is 9.9 feet rather than the minimum setback requirement of 10 feet. The Planning Commission will review the proposed construction and requested variances against the following criteria found in the Zoning Ordinance. L:\98FILES\98VAR\98-048\98-048PN.DOC i 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 1. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the Ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this Ordinance, produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. If you are interested in this issue, you should attend the hearing. Questions related to this hearing should be directed to the Prior Lake Planning Department by calling 447-4230 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Planning Commission will accept oral and/or written comments. Oral or written comments should relate to how the proposed construction and requested variances are or ara not consistent with the above- listed criteria. Prior Lake Planning Commission Date Mailed: April 16, 1998 L:\98FILES\98VAR\98-048\98-048PN.DOC PLANNING REPORT AGENDAITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING: DATE: 5A DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED OFFICIAL MAP FOR THE RING ROAD BETWEEN FRANKLIN TRAIL AND TORONTO AVENUE JANE KANSlER, PLANNING COORDINATOR YES X NO-N/A APRIL 27, 1998 INTRODUCTION: The City of Prior Lake has, for several years, anticipated the construction of a ring road between Franklin Trail and Toronto Avenue. This road is shown on the Transportation Map in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. The recent construction of the Park Nicollet Clinic and the changes to the access points on Highway 13 has facilitated the need for this road. In order to better plan for this road, the City staff have proposed an official map for the right-of-way. An Official Map is an ordinance in map form adopted by the City that conclusively shows the location and width of proposed streets or future public land and facilities. The requirements for an Official Map are identified in the State Statutes (see attached). The purpose of an Official Map is to prevent private development from encroaching on sites for proposed public improvements. The adoption of an Official Map does not give the City any right, title or interest in areas identified for public purposes, but it does authorize the City to acquire such interests without paying compensation for buildings or structures erected in such areas without a permit or in violation of the conditions of an approved permit. The Official Map also governs the issuance of building permits in that it is not required to issue a permit for a structure within the public area defined by an official map. The statute also provides a property owner with an appeal process. ANALYSIS: The purpose of the proposed ring road is to provide access to the commercial properties on the southwest side of Highway 13, and to reroute that traffic from Highway 13 to a local street. The proposed alignments will accomplish this by directing traffic from Franklin Trail to Toronto Avenue, and provides access to the properties adjacent to Highway 13 and the properties to the south. Four alignments are attached for your review. On February 9, 1998, the Planning Commission reviewed three alignment alternatives. After reviewing the proposed alternatives, the Planning Commission requested the staff look into the possibility of providing a 900 angle at the intersection of Toronto and the ring road. This is attached as Alternative D. 1:\9~flle, e~s\98~ u b, jec\98~0~9\9~019p~:2.~oc 16200 Eagle L. reeK ,ave. ~.~., ~'rior t_a~.e, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax [61z)~'~7-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER At this time, the staff is asking the Planning Commission to provide some direction about which alignment is most desirable. Once we have this direction, a survey of the property will be prepared, and a public hearing scheduled to review the Official Map. The City Council will ultimately determine the alignment of the road with the final approval of the Official Map. ACTION REClUIRED: Provide direction to the staff on which alignment is most suitable. REPORT ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. State Statute 3. Potential Alignments (Attachments A, B, C and D) 4. Minutes of February 9, 1998, Planning Commission Meeting 1:~98files\98su bjec~98-019\98019pc2.doc Page 2 WILDERNESS PONDS -' I THE POND ATHLETIC COMPLEX ORDERLY ANt 826 surface areas necessary for mined under~ound space development pursuant to sections 4.69.135 to 469,141, together with their estimated cost, the justification for each improve- ment. the impact that such improvements will have on the current operating expense of the municipality, and such other information on capital improvements as may be pertinent. Subd. I0. Official map. "Official map" means a map adopted in accordance with sec- tion 462.359 which may show existing and proposed futura streets, roads, and highways of the municipality and county, the area needed for widening of existing streets, roads, and highways of the municipality and county, existing and proposed air space and subsurface areas necessary for mined underground space development pursuant to sections 469.135 to 469.141. and existing and future county state aid highways and state trunk highway rights- of-way. An official map may also show the location of existing and furore public land and facilities within the municipality. In counties in the metropolitan area as defined in section 473.12 I. official maps may for a period of up to five years designate the boundaries of areas reserved for purposes of soil conservation, water supply consetwation, flood control and sur- face water drainage and removal including appropriate regulations protecting such areas against encroachment by buildings, other physical structures or facilities. Subd. I l. Governing body. "Governing body" in the case of cries means the council by whatever name known, and in the case of a town. means the town board. Sub& 12. Subdivision. "Subdivision" means the separation of an area. parcel, or tract of land under single ownership into two or mom parcels, tracts, lots, or long-term leasehold interests where the creation of the leasehold interest necessitates the creation of streets, roads, or alleys, for residential, commercial, industrial, or other use or any combination thereof, except those separations: (al Where all the resulting parcels, tracts, lots, or interests will be 20 acres or larger in size and 500 feet in width t'or residential uses and five acres or larger in size for commercial and industrial uses: (b) Creating cemetery lots; (c) Resulting from court orders, or the adjustment of a lot line by the relocation of a com- mon boundary. Subd. 13. Plat. "Plat" means the drawing or map of a subdivision prepared for filing of record pursuant to chapter 505 and containing all elements and requirements set forth in plicable local regulations adopted pursuant to section 462.358 and chapter 505. Subd. 14. Subdivision regulation. "Subdivision regulation" means an ordinance adopted pursuant to section 462.358 regulating the subdivision of land. Subd. 15. Official controls. "Official controls" or "controls" means ordinances and regulations which control the physical development of a city, county or town or any part thereof including air space and subsurface areas necessary for mined underground space de- velopment pursuant to sections 469.135 to 469.141, or any detail thereof and implement the general objectives of the comprehensive plan. Official controls may include ordinances es- tablishing zoning, subdivision controls, site plan regulations, sanitary codes, building codes and official maps. Subd. 16. Preliminary approval. "Preliminary approval" means official action taken by a municipality on an application to create a subdivision which establishes the rights and obligations set forth in section 462.358 and the applicable subdivision regulation. In accor- dance with section 462.358, and unless otherwise specified in the applicable subdivision reg- ulation, preliminary approval may be granted only following the review and approval of a preliminary plat or other map or drawing establishing without limitation the number, layout, and location of lots, tracts, blocks, and parcels to be created, location of streets, roads, utili- ties and facilities, park and drainage facilities, and lands to be dedicated for public use. Sub& 17. Property fights. The words "area," "interest in real property," "ground," "land." "lot," "parcel," "property," "real estate," "real property," "site," "territory," and "tract," and other terms describing real property shall include within their meaning, but not 827 be limite opment r Hist 1980 c 5~ art 2 s I 462.353 Sub nicipal p[ nicipalit~. Stlb, pality displays. public on SuN any fired: pality ma3 Subd by it in official ct, permit or, Subd informatit permit or, taxes whit: poses of th order, conr Histo, 462.354 O Subdi planning a~ vote of all; as other po the ~bllo~ i: officials an may be a di sion shall b 12) It r and shaft th istration. Ti staff as in tt Subd. _ adopting or 462.3585 HOUSING, REDEVELOP,MEN'r. pLA,NN[NG, ZONING 836 462.3585 JOINT PLANNING BOARD. Upon request of a home role charter or statutory city council or county or town board by resolution presented to the county auditor of the county of the affected territory a board shall be established to exercise planning and land use control authority in the unincorporated area within two miles of the corporate limits of a city. The board shall have members in a number determined by the city. county, and town. Each governmental unit shall have an equal num- ber of members. The members shall be appointed from the governing bodies of the city, county, and town, Upon request of more than one county or town board with respect to the unincorporated area within two miles of the corporate limits of a single city, the parties may create one board rather than a separate board for each county or town. with equal member- ship from each affected governmental unit. The board shall serve as the governing body and board of appeals and adjustments for purposes of sections 462.351 to 462.36a within the two--mile area. The board shall have all of the powers contained in sections 462.351 to 462.364 and shall have authority to adopt and enforce the uniform fire code promulgated pursuant to section 299F.011. The city shall provide staff for the preparation and administra- tion of land use controls unless otherwise agreed by the governmental units. If a municipality extends the application of its subdivision regulations to unincorporated territory, located within two miles of its limits pursuant to section 462.358. subdivision la, before the creation of a joint board, the subdivision regulations which the municipality has extended shall apply until the joint board adopts subdivision regulations. History: 1982 c 507 s 24 462.359 PROCEDURE FOR PLAN EFFECTUATION: OFFICIAL MAPS, Subdivision 1. Statement of purpose. Land that is needed ~rbr futura street purposes and as sites for other necessary public facilities and services is frequently diverted to nonpub- lic uses which could have been located on other lands without hardship or inconvenience to the owners, When this happens, public uses of land may be denied or may be obtained later only at prohibitive cost or at the expense of dislocating the owners and occupants of the land. Identification on an official map of land needed for future public uses permits both the public and private proper~y owners to adjust their building plans equitably and conveniently before investments are made which will make such adjustments difficult to accomplish. Subd. 2. Adoption. After the planning agency has adopted a major thoroughfare plan and a community facilities plan, it ma3. for the purpose of carrying out the policies of the major thoroughfare plan and communit,x facilities plan. prepare and recommend to the gov- erning body u proposed official map covering the entire municipality or any portion thereof. The governing body ma3. after holding a public heating, adopt and amend the official map by ordinance. A notice of the time. place and purpose of the hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the municipalit? at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing. The official map or maps shall be prepared in sufficient detail to permit the establishment of the future acquisition lines on the ground, in unplatted areas a minimum of a centerline survey shall have been made prior to the preparation of the final draft of the official map. The accura- cy of the futura acquisition lines shown on the official map shall be attested to by a registered land surveyor. After adoption, a copy of the official map. or sections thereof with a copy of the adopting ordinance attached shall be filed with the county recorder as provided in sec- tions 462.351 to 462.364. Subd. 3. Effect. After an official map has been adopted and filed, the issuance of build- ing permits by the municipality shall be subject to the provisions of this section. Whenever any street or highway is widened or improved or any new street is opened, or interests in lands for other public purposes are acquired by the municipality, it is not required in such proceedings to pay for any building or structure placed without a permit or in violation of conditions of a permit within the limits of the mapped street or outside of any building line that may have been established upon the existing street or within any area thus identified for public purposes. The adoption of an official map does not give the municipality any tight, title, or interest in areas identified for public purposes thereon, but the adoption of the map does authorize the municipality to acquire such interests without paying compensation for buildings or structures erected in such areas without a permit or in violation of the conditions of a permit. 837 Subd. 4. Appe: tion is denied, the b with it by the Owner any case in which t! that the entire prop forms a part cannot granted, and (b) tha the official map and property in the use or approval is requ~ heating required b5 newspaper once at 1 adjustments authon board or commissio of the board to insti proceedings are sta~ provals shall issue tk nances. The board s! the extent and chars History: 1965 462.3595 CONDI3 Subdivision 1. types of deve[opmer activities as conditic the governing body dards and criteria include both genera quirements specific Subd. 2, Publi{ shall be held in the ~ Subd. 3. Durati tions agreed upon a~ from enacting or am Subd. 4. Filing with the county reco pality is located for r the property include History: 1982 462.3597 INTERI? Subdivision i. 1 ticular date, untiI the permit it. Subd. 2. Autho im uses. The regulati permission for an im I 1 ) the use conf (2) the date or ~ (3) permission c for the public to take (4) the user agre mission of the use. Any interim use 836 ~r tOWn board by dry a board shall ~cor~orated area ~ers in a number e an equal num- dies of the city, ch respect to the the part/es may equal member- :ming body and 364 within the 3ns 462.351 to :e promulgated !nd administra- a. municipality rntory located ,re the creation led shall apply )*PS. reel purposes ed to nonpub- mvenience to ~btained later ts of'the land. ~th the public fiently before ish. ughfare plao }i/c/es of the d to the gov- 'lion thereoi'~ /ishedmap by in the tearing. The ~ment of the rline survey The accura'- a registered :h a copy of ided in sec- ce of build- Whenever interests in ed in such Joia:ion of :ilding line -ratified for any right. )f the map )sar/on tbr uonditions 837 ~. Subd. 4. Appeals, If a land use or zoning permit or approval for a building in such loca- tion is denied, the board of appeals and adjustments shall have the power, upon appeal, filed with it by the owner of the land. to grant a permit or approval fur building in such location in any case in which the board finds, upon the evidence and the arguments presented to it, (al that the entire property of the appellant of which such area identified for public purposes forms a part cannot yield a reasonable return to the owner unless such a permit or approval is granted, and lb) that balancing the interest of the municipality in preserving the integrity of the official map and of the comprehensive municipal plan and the interest of the owner of the property in the use of the property and in the benefits of ownership, the grant of such permit or approval is required by considerations of justice and equity. In addition to the notice of hearing required by section 462.354. subdivision 2. a notice shall be published in the official newspaper once at least ten days before the day of the hearing. If the board of appeals and adjustments authorizes the issuance of a permit or approval the governing body or other board or commission having jurisdiction shall have six months from the date of the decision of the board to institute proceedings to acquire such land or interest therein, and if no such proceedings are started within that tirte, the officer responsible for issuing permits or ap- provals shall issue the permit or approval ii'' the application other.vise conforms to local ordi- nances. The board shall specify the exact location, ground area. height and other details as to the extent and character of the building for which the permit or approval is granted. History: 1965 c 670 ¥ 9:1976 c 181 s 2:1986 c 444:1995 c 254 art 3 s 8 462.3595 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS. Subdivision [. Authority. The governing body may by ordinance designate certain types of developments, including planned unit developments, and certain land development activities as conditional uses under zoning regulations. Conditional uses may be approved by the governing body or other designated authority by a showing by the applicant that the stan- dards and criteria stated in the ordinance ',','ill be satisfied. The standards and criteria shall include both general requirements for all conditional uses. and insofar as practicable, re- quirements specific to each designated conditional use. Subd. 2. Public hearings. Public hearings on the granting of conditional use permits shall be held in the manner provided in section 462.357, subdivision 3. Subd. 3. Duration. A conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the condi- tions agreed upon are observed, but nothing in this section shall prevent the municipality from enacting or amending official controls to change the status of conditional uses. Subd. 4. Filing of permit. A certified copy of any conditional use permit shall be filed with the county recorder or registrar of titles of the county or counties in which the munici- pality is located for record. The conditional use permit shall include the legal description of the property included. History: 1982 c 507 s 25 462.3597 INTERIM USES. Subdivision l. Definition. An "interim use" is a temporary use of property until a par- ticular date, until the occurrence of a particular event, or until zoning regulations no longer permit it. Subd. 2. Authority. Zoning regulations may permit the governing body to allow inter- im uses. The regulations may set conditions on interim uses. The governing body may grant permission for an interim use of property if: (1) the use conforms to the zoning regulations: (2) the date or event that will terminate the use can be identified with certainty; (3) permission of the use will not impose additional costs on the public if it is necessary for the public to take the property in the future: and (4) the user agrees to any conditions that the governing body deems appropriate for per- mission of the use. Any interim use may be terminated by a change in zoning regulations. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / I / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 1 / / / / / / / / / / /' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / MINUTES OF 2/9/98 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING B. Discussion on Proposed Official Map for the Ring Road between Franklin Trail and Tower Avenue. Planning Coordinator Jane Kansier presented the staff report. Thc City of Prior Lake has, for several years, anticipated the construction of a ring road between Franklin Trail and Toronto Avenue. This road is shown on the Transportation Map in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. The recent construction of the Park Nicollet Clinic and the changes to the access points on Highway 13 has facilitated the need for this road. In order to better plan for this road, the City staff have proposed an official map for the right-of-way. An Official Map is an ordinance in map form adopted by the City that conclusively shows the location and width of proposed streets or future public land and facilities. The requirements for an Official Map are identified in the State Statutes. The purpose of an Official Map is to prevent private development from encroaching on sites for proposed public improvements. The adoption of an Official Map does not give the City any right, title or interest in areas identified for public purposes, but it does authorize the City to acquire such interests without paying compensation for buildings or structures erected in such areas without a permit or in violation of the conditions of an approved permit. The Official Map also governs the issuance of building permits in that it is not required to issue a permit for a structure within the public area defined by an official map. The statute also provides a property owner with an appeal process. The purpose of the proposed ring road is to provide access to the commercial properties on the southwest side of Highway 13, and to reroute that traffic from Highway 13 to a local street. The proposed alignments will accomplish this by directing traffic from Franklin Trail to Toronto Avenue, and provides access to the properties adjacent to Highway 13 and the properties to the south. At this time, the staff is asking the Planning Commission to provide some direction about which alignment is most desirable. Once staffhas direction, a survey of the property will be prepared, and a public hearing scheduled to review the Official Map. The City Council will ultimately determine the alignment of the road with the final approval of the Official Map. Comments from the Commissioners: Cramer: · Questioned the wetlands and potential redevelopment of Priordaie Mall. Kuykendall: · What is the projected traffic? Kansier said they do not have exact numbers. · Rye explained the frontage road in front of Highway 13 is a private road. · What is the State's role in this? It is an impact on the City. · The State has an obligation. · Rye explained there is another option. Criego: · From a safety standpoint, a 30 mph speed limit would be acceptable. Option C would be the best alternative. 1:\98filcs\98plcomm\pcmin\mn020998.doc · The landscaping will look nice. · The property with Option C would be less costly. Vonhof: · Why does it come in at an angle? Kansier explained the traffic flow process. · Recommend Option C. Stamson: · Would the City end up buying the block building on Toronto? Kansier said probably. · Option C would be best. · The City could take out some of the curve. Cramer: · option C will work. Kuykendall: · Favors option A. Concerned with the way Toronto is connected. Bring it in at 90 degrees. There should be a right-of-way. · Make it an attractive facility for people to use. Prefers the flat curve. · It should be designed for people to use. · There should be a stop sign on Toronto Avenue. Criego: · option C goes into two properties. By bringing the road further south, the City would only have to deal with the brick building. · Go back and put a "T" on it. McDermott said they can look into it. The commissioners decided to have staff review and bring back a new drawing. 7. An~nts and Corresponden~ · Downtown Steen'~g4~mmittee meeti~s scheduled for February 10, 1998. · Kans~itlt~k~City ~*6mey finalizing the Zoning Ordinance. The City Council will review. '~ . . · The j~nty Plan~g C~a~ission meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, March 31,7 ~ 8. Adjournm~,~ ~ The meeting ~mmed at 7:39 p.m. Don Rye~ Connie..Caflson Direct~of Plarming Recording Secretary l:\98files\98plcomm\pcmin\mn020998.doc 6