HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 22 2016 2017 Budget Update Report 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 22, 2016 PREPARED BY: DON URAM, FINANCE DIRECTOR CATHY ERICKSON, ACCOUNTING MANAGER PRESENTER: FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER DON URAM, FINANCE DIRECTOR CATHY ERICKSON, ACCOUNTING MANAGER WORKSESSI ON TOPIC: 2017 PRELIMINARY BUDGET & TAX LEVY DISCUSSION: Introduction State statutes require that each taxing authority adopt a preliminary budget and certify a preliminary tax levy for payable 2017 to the County on or before September 30, 2016. The preliminary tax levy establishes the maximum that the City can levy against properties in 2017. The Council will consider the final tax levy in December following a public hearing at which time the levy can be either be reduced or maintained at the amount established in September. The Council will not be able to increase the tax levy. The purpose of today’s workshop is to continue the discussion started earlier this year and receive direction on the preliminary 2017 budget and tax levy. Additional meetings/workshops are currently scheduled to discuss and adopt 2017 property tax levies and budgets. September 26, 7:00 pm Adopt maximum tax levy and preliminary budget October 12, 6:00 pm Town Hall budget meeting November 14, 5:00 pm Budget work session November 28, 7:00 pm Public budget meeting December 12, 7:00 pm Adopt final budget and tax levy Staff was directed to look at revenues and so we will also present a list of recommended fee changes for Council to consider. Historically this has happened later in the year but should be included in this discussion so any changes may be incorporated into the preliminary budget proposed for adoption on September 26. The final fee schedule will be adopted as an ordinance with the budget in December. History Over the last three months, Staff presented the draft 2017-2021 CIP. The impact of these updated and new plans on the debt balance, tax levy, fund balance reserves and utility rates were a part of the Council and Staff discussion. The Council held a public hearing on August 8 which was Page 2 continued to August22nd to allow Staff time to update the plans based on Council direction. The plans have been revised and will be presented to the Council later tonight. Once the plan is adopted, any additional changes will be incorporated into the appropriate budget. Current Budget Requests This year, the development of the 2017 budget began in April when Staff presented to the Council a summary of the 2015 financial results and an update on what to expect for 2017. A follow-up meeting was held in June when staff presented an overview of the preliminary 2017 budget and projected tax impacts. The overall tax levy (including the general fund) increase has been part of the CIP discussions that started in July. Currently, the department budgets have been prepared taking into consideration Council comments as well as the City Manager’s and Finance department’s direction. Each department head has presented their budget to the City Manager and explained any proposed changes. Several revisions have occurred since the June presentation which will be explained later in this report. Overview A budget overview has been attached to this agenda report. It reflects preliminary figures for the 2017 budget for the following funds:  General Fund  Debt Service Funds –includes all debt  Cable Fund  Capital Park Fund  Revolving Equipment Fund  Revolving Park Equipment Fund  Facilities Management Fund  Economic Development Authority  Water Fund  Sewer Fund  Water Quality Fund The second page shows tax levy and budgetary comparisons from the 2016 adopted budget to the preliminary 2017 figures. Summaries for revenues and expenditures are also included with this report. The summaries reflect two years of actuals; current year original and amended budgets; and the preliminary 2017 budget. Expenditures The primary drivers of the change in expenditure levels from the 2106 original budget to the preliminary 2017 General Fund budget are: Page 3 The following chart illustrates General Fund operating expenditures on a per household basis from 2005 to the preliminary 2017 budget: Includes 2016 Amended Budget and 2017 Preliminary Budget The City Council adopted this metric in the most recent amendment to the CFMP . . . “Maintain a level of General Fund operational expenditures on a per household basis which takes into account the cost of inflation and community growth.” As reflected in the chart, the preliminary 2017 operating expenditures per household continues to be less than the level which reflects the cost of inflation and growth. Page 4 Service Delivery Challenges Staff has had ongoing discussions about service delivery challenges. These challenges are triggered by:  City growth (i.e. increased street miles, parks, utility customers, etc.),  Level of activity (i.e. building permits, plats, projects, etc.); or  Other factors such as vacancies from employee illness, accidents, or turnover. Staff prepared a Personnel Plan that was presented to the Council at a work session in April. The intent of the plan is to address these triggering events mentioned above as well as succession planning. Council input from the meeting is being addressed in the plan amendment which will be brought back for further discussion. A timetable has not been established for bringing this information back to the City Council. With the exception of a contract building inspector, the 2017 preliminary budget does not include any additional staff positions. Funding for this temporary position will come out of 2017 fund balance from un-programmed building permit revenue (fund balance) received in 2016. This change is responding to the 168 unit Grainwood project presently under construction, the 58,000 square foot Versatile Vehicle Building, coupled with single family building permits which are generally the same volume as last year and an anticipated building inspector retirement in April 2017. Engineering The 2017-2021 CIP reflects several transportation projects. With the resignation of the City’s project engineer in July and considering that the position has not been filled yet( although we are interviewing four candidates next week), some concern has been raised about staff’s capacity to oversee public improvement projects. As mentioned last year, staff finds itself taking additional customer service steps on each project. In many cases, more than one neighborhood meeting is required and public hearings are becoming multi-meeting efforts. For these reasons, we expect that a combination of staff and consultants will be needed for the rest of 2016 and 2017. New Projects/Services At the CIP workshop on August 8, the Council agreed that a very pragmatic approach should be taken when considering new projects or adding services. The Council also seemed to recognize that service levels have gradually declined due to those triggering items mentioned above. Historically, staff has been able to include these items within their existing work schedules and budgets but this approach is not sustainable over the long-term. Going forward, if new projects are approved or new services added it will be essential that resources are allocated to maintain that investment. A prime example is Emerald Ash Borer which the City Council has directed that resources be allocated to. Estimated Tax Levy The 2017 preliminary budget presents some funding constraints due to the historical spending increases to provide community services coupled with current and prior actions to keep property tax adjustments artificially low (despite inflationary pressures and growth of the community) up to 2014. Page 5 The following chart shows the change in the property tax levy based on the preliminary budgets which contain no new personnel: The following chart shows the total tax levy for the period 2012 to preliminary 2017: Approximately 2.5% of the 6.92% reduction in 2012 was due to the legislative change from a market value homestead credit aid program to a market value exclusion program. The net change from 2011 to 2012 was (4.42%). The City Council adopted this metric in the most recent amendment to the CFMP . . . “Maintain a level of property taxes on a per household basis which takes into account the cost of inflation and community growth.” The following chart illustrates the total property tax levy on a per household basis. Page 6 As reflected in the chart, the preliminary 2017 total tax levy/household is slightly higher than the level which reflects the cost of inflation and growth. Use of General Fund Reserves The 2015 budget included an amount intended to replace a portion of fund balance previously used with a tax levy in 2015. This was necessary to stay in compliance with the Comprehensive Financial Management Policy (40- 50% fund balance range). According to the audit, fund balance at year end is 47%. The 2016 budget did not include the use of general fund balance to fund operations. For 2017, Staff is proposing the use of fund balance totaling $50,000 to pay for a contract building inspector to address the increasing need for inspection services discussed above. Since the contract inspector will not start until 2017, it makes sense to use permit revenue received for the project pay for this cost. The permit revenue received for this project in 2016 was not included in the City’s revenue projections and will be added to fund balance. Fee Schedule Revisions Staff is proposing a number of increases to the fees listed in the Fee Schedule plus some new fees that we would like to discuss. Modest fee increases are proposed for Planning and Zoning, some Park programs and for liquor licenses. If approved, the total increased revenues would amount to about $22,000. New fees would include a daily admission fee for parking at Sand Point Beach and a per player field use fee. The daily admission fee is projected to generate about $11,000 and would be used to help offset the cost of our seasonal park patrol. The per player field use is projected to generate about $58,400 and would cover about 30% of our field maintenance costs. Another fee that has been discussed is the opportunity for seasonal boat slip rentals at Sand Point and at Watzl’s beach. Each location has 17 slips. If we rented 4 slips, 13 slips would remain for daily use. Assuming we charge the same as private companies on the lake ($3,500 per season), projected annual gross revenue is $28,000. The staff would have to Page 7 investigate whether there are cost increases such as insurance were we to initiate such an effort. Other fee revisions of 10% are included for trunk charges, connection charges as the second year make up for increased inflationary costs which have not been reflected in our development fees. These fees are commonly adjusted on an annual basis. Change in Valuations Based on preliminary payable 2017 figures from Scott County, the estimated market value for all properties in Prior Lake has increased 3.18%. New construction added $44,728,600 to the market value. Conclusion Staff is seeking direction on the preliminary 2017 budgets, recommended fee changes, and property tax levies in order to prepare the resolutions for approval of the preliminary budget and levy on September 26, 2016. Attachments: 1) Budget Overview (2 pages) 2) Revenue Summary (all funds) 3) Expenditure Summary (all funds) 4) Recommended Fee Schedule Revisions Exhibit B City of Prior Lake Workshop 08.22.2016 2017 Preliminary Budget Budgeted Funds Debt Capital Revolving Revolving Park Facilities Total Total General Service Cable Park Equipment Equipment Management EDA Governmental Water Sewer Water Quality Enterprise Budgeted Fund Funds Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Funds Fund Fund Fund Funds Funds Revenues / Sources Property Taxes Levy - Tax Capacity 7,271,555$ 2,628,937$ -$ -$ 375,000$ 213,406$ -$ 140,000$ 10,628,898$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,628,898$ Levy - Market Value 1,018,020 - - - - - - 1,018,020 - - - - 1,018,020 Special Assessments - 457,517 - - - - - 457,517 - - - - 457,517 Licenses & Permits 584,220 - - - - - - 584,220 - - - - 584,220 Fines & Forfeits - - - - - - - - - - - - - Intergovernmental 1,542,735 - - - - - - 1,542,735 - - 34,790 34,790 1,577,525 Charges for Services 1,727,587 - 37,133 429,000 - - 8,500 2,202,220 4,116,196 3,338,490 876,921 8,331,607 10,533,827 Other Revenues 173,800 40,117 - 10,175 10,594 8,003 7,167 2,500 252,356 42,670 22,810 8,080 73,560 325,916 Bond Proceeds 300,000 - - - - 620,000 - 920,000 850,000 850,000 .1,700,000 2,620,000 Lease Proceeds - - - - - - - - - - - - Transfers From Other Funds General Fund - 1,018,019 - - - - - 1,018,019 - - - - 1,018,019 Water Fund 185,000 549,797 - - 160,000 46,350 - 941,147 - - - - 941,147 Sewer Fund 185,000 - - - 160,000 10,300 - 355,300 - - - - 355,300 Water Quality Fund 60,000 - - - 21,000 - - 81,000 - - - - 81,000 Trunk Reserve Fund - 250,000 250,000 250,000 TIF Fund - 25,205 - - - - - 25,205 - - - - 25,205 Facilities Management Fund - 20,614 - - - - - 20,614 - - - - 20,614 Capital Park Fund - - Total Revenues / Sources 13,047,917$ 4,740,206$ 37,133$ 439,175$ 726,594$ 221,409$ 683,817$ 151,000$ 20,047,251$ 5,258,866$ 4,211,300$ 919,791$ 10,389,957$ 30,437,208$ Expenditures / Uses Employee Services 8,354,348$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 125,075$ 8,479,423$ 734,249$ 703,039$ 293,033$ 1,730,321$ 10,209,744$ Current Expenditures 3,642,159 - 11,250 - - - - 35,750 3,689,159 1,325,278 1,700,476 253,533 3,279,287 6,968,446 Capital Outlay 83,391 - - - 872,704 213,406 211,526 - 1,381,027 121,891 79,480 - 201,371 1,582,398 Capital Improvements - - - - - - - - - 2,904,500 1,625,000 756,417 5,285,917 5,285,917 Subtotal 12,079,898$ -$ 11,250$ -$ 872,704$ 213,406$ 211,526$ 160,825$ 13,549,609$ 5,085,918$ 4,107,995$ 1,302,983$ 10,496,896$ 24,046,505$ Transfers To Other Funds General Fund -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 185,000$ 185,000$ 60,000$ 430,000$ 430,000$ Treatment Plant (Debt)- - - - - - - - 549,797 - - 549,797 549,797 Equipment Fund - - - - - - - - 160,000 160,000 21,000 341,000 341,000 Park Equipment Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - Debt Service Funds 1,018,019 - - - - 20,614 - 1,038,633 - - - - 1,038,633 Facilities Management Fund - - - - - - - - 46,350 10,300 - 56,650 56,650 EDA Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - Debt Service - 5,019,318 - - - - - 5,019,318 - - - - 5,019,318 Subtotal 1,018,019$ 5,019,318$ -$ -$ -$ 20,614$ -$ 6,057,951$ 941,147$ 355,300$ 81,000$ 1,377,447$ 7,435,398$ Total Expenditures / Uses 13,097,917$ 5,019,318$ 11,250$ -$ 872,704$ 213,406$ 232,140$ 160,825$ 19,607,560$ 6,027,065$ 4,463,295$ 1,383,983$ 11,874,343$ 31,481,903$ Change in Fund Balance (50,000)$ (279,112)$ 25,883$ 439,175$ (146,110)$ 8,003$ 451,677$ (9,825)$ 439,691$ (768,199)$ (251,995)$ (464,192)$ (1,484,386)$ (1,044,695)$ 1 of 2 Exhibit B2017 Property Tax Levy Comparison Workshop 08.22.2016 Change 15 - 16 Property Taxes 2016 2017 Amount Percent Levy - Tax Capacity General Fund - Operating 7,172,792$ 7,271,555$ 98,763$ 1.38% Debt Service Funds 2,340,850 2,628,937 288,087 12.31% Revolving Equipment Fund 325,000 375,000 50,000 15.38% Revolving Park Equipment Fund - 213,406 213,406 n/a Facilities Management Fund - - - n/a 9,838,642$ 10,488,898$ 650,256$ 6.61% Levy - Market Value - General Fund 1,084,719 1,018,020 (66,699) -6.15% Levy - Economic Dev Authority 155,000 140,000 (15,000) -9.68% Total Levy 11,078,361$ 11,646,918$ 568,557$ 5.13% 7,172,792$ 7,484,961$ 312,169$ 4.35% 2017 Budget Expenditure Comparisons (2016 Original Budgets) Capital Revolving Revolving Park Facilities Total Total General Debt Service Cable Park Equipment Equipment Management EDA Governmental Water Sewer Water Quality Enterprise Budgeted Fund Funds Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Funds Fund Fund Fund Funds Funds 2017 Total Expenditures / Uses 13,097,917$ 5,019,318$ 11,250$ -$ 872,704$ 213,406$ 232,140$ 160,825$ 19,607,560$ 6,027,065$ 4,463,295$ 1,383,983$ 11,874,343$ 31,481,903$ 2016 Total Expenditures / Uses 12,945,738$ 5,110,172$ 6,360$ 340,000$ 1,200,955$ -$ 746,406$ 181,425$ 20,531,056$ 5,095,575$ 2,932,301$ 963,553$ 8,991,429$ 29,522,485$ Change 2016 to 2017 ($)152,179$ (90,854)$ 4,890$ (340,000)$ (328,251)$ 213,406$ (514,266)$ (20,600)$ (923,496)$ 931,490$ 1,530,994$ 420,430$ 2,882,914$ 1,959,418$ Change 2016 to 2017 (%)1.18%-1.78%76.89%-100.00%-27.33%n/a -68.90%-11.35%-4.50%18.28%52.21%43.63%32.06%6.64% 2017 Budget Expenditure Comparisons (2016 Amended Budgets) Capital Revolving Revolving Park Facilities Total Total General Debt Service Cable Park Equipment Equipment Management EDA Governmental Water Sewer Water Quality Enterprise Budgeted Fund Funds Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Funds Fund Fund Fund Funds Funds 2017 Total Expenditures / Uses 13,097,917$ 5,019,318$ 11,250$ -$ 872,704$ 213,406$ 232,140$ 160,825$ 19,607,560$ 6,027,065$ 4,463,295$ 1,383,983$ 11,874,343$ 31,481,903$ 2016 Total Expenditures / Uses 13,008,738$ 5,110,172$ 6,360$ 170,000$ 1,200,955$ -$ 746,406$ 181,425$ 20,424,056$ 5,095,575$ 2,932,301$ 963,553$ 8,991,429$ 29,415,485$ Change 2016 to 2017 ($)89,179$ (90,854)$ 4,890$ (170,000)$ (328,251)$ 213,406$ (514,266)$ (20,600)$ (816,496)$ 931,490$ 1,530,994$ 420,430$ 2,882,914$ 2,066,418$ Change 2016 to 2017 (%)0.69%-1.78%76.89%-100.00%-27.33%n/a -68.90%-11.35%-4.00%18.28%52.21%43.63%32.06%7.02% Revolving Revolving General Park Equipment Equipment Fund Fund Fund 2017 Total Expenditures / Uses 13,097,917$ 213,406$ 13,311,323$ 213,406 2016 Total Expenditures / Uses 13,008,738$ 1 - Budgeted in General Fund in 2016 13,008,738$ 230,477 Change 2016 to 2017 ($)89,179$ 302,585$ (17,071)$ Change 2016 to 2017 (%)0.69%2.33%-7.41% Conbined General Fund & Revolving Park Equipment Fund Combined General Fund & Revolving Park Equipment Fund Budgets 1 - $230,477 of Park Equipment expenditures were budgeted in the General Fund in 2016. These expenditures are budgeted separately in the Revolving Park Equipment Fund in 2017. This is consistent with the city's budget process for F410 (Revolving Equipment Fund) and F440 (Facilities Maintenance Fund) 2 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 $2017 ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED DEPT REQUESTED Change Dept Requested DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET % CHANGE Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Taxes 7,364,122 8,087,428 8,257,512 8,257,512 8,289,575 32,063 0.39 Licenses and Permits 583,152 587,464 630,495 630,495 584,220 (46,275) (7.34) Intergovernmental 1,625,739 1,573,865 1,535,235 1,535,235 1,542,735 7,500 0.49 Charges for Services 1,642,197 1,653,561 1,714,306 1,714,306 1,727,587 13,281 0.77 Fines and Forfeitures 127,225 1,390 Miscellaneous Revenues 531,321 425,561 275,550 275,550 173,800 (101,750) (36.93) Debt Issued 300,000 300,000 Sale of assets 7,130 Transfers in 481,763 355,520 532,640 362,640 430,000 67,360 18.57 Total Fund 101 12,355,519 12,691,919 12,945,738 12,775,738 13,047,917 272,179 2.13 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Taxes 1,744,716 1,876,204 2,340,850 2,340,850 2,628,937 288,087 12.31 Miscellaneous Revenues 698,679 1,241,923 786,852 786,852 497,634 (289,218) (36.76) Debt Issued 528,078 5,529,906 Transfers in 1,867,778 1,794,299 1,697,997 1,697,997 1,613,635 (84,362) (4.97) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 4,839,251 10,442,332 4,825,699 4,825,699 4,740,206 (85,493) (1.77) Fund 210 - CABLE FRANCHISE FUND Charges for Services 25,670 5,133 5,133 5,133 37,133 32,000 623.42 Total Fund 210 25,670 5,133 5,133 5,133 37,133 32,000 623.42 Fund 225 - CAPITAL PARK FUND Charges for Services 257,835 123,710 590,400 590,400 429,000 (161,400) (27.34) Miscellaneous Revenues 26,662 15,659 7,000 7,000 10,175 3,175 45.36 Total Fund 225 284,497 139,369 597,400 597,400 439,175 (158,225) (26.49) 08/19/2016 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE City of Prior Lake 2017 Dept Requested Budget Revenue 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 $2017 ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED DEPT REQUESTED Change Dept Requested DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET % CHANGE 08/19/2016 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE City of Prior Lake 2017 Dept Requested Budget Revenue Fund 240 - EDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Taxes 149,950 158,731 155,000 155,000 140,000 (15,000) (9.68) Intergovernmental 17,165 Charges for Services 5,639 7,438 10,000 10,000 8,500 (1,500) (15.00) Miscellaneous Revenues 3,108 2,994 500 500 2,500 2,000 400.00 Transfers in 34,600 Total Fund 240 193,297 186,328 165,500 165,500 151,000 (14,500) (8.76) Fund 410 - REVOLVING EQUIPMENT FUND Taxes 199,888 250,033 325,000 325,000 375,000 50,000 15.38 Intergovernmental 24,585 Miscellaneous Revenues 62,907 21,391 15,067 15,067 10,594 (4,473) (29.69) Debt Issued 400,000 400,000 (400,000) (100.00) Other 57,141 101,097 Sale of assets 13,694 6,240 24,000 24,000 (24,000) (100.00) Transfers in 131,000 141,000 141,000 141,000 341,000 200,000 141.84 Total Fund 410 489,215 519,761 905,067 905,067 726,594 (178,473) (19.72) Fund 430 - REVOLVING PARK EQUIP FUND Taxes 213,406 213,406 Miscellaneous Revenues 16,063 7,896 8,003 8,003 Transfers in 50,000 Total Fund 430 66,063 7,896 0 0 221,409 221,409 Fund 440 - FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FUND Miscellaneous Revenues 26,897 13,672 8,029 8,029 7,167 (862) (10.74) Debt Issued 620,000 620,000 620,000 Energy lease issued 2,667,924 Transfers in 45,000 50,000 55,000 55,000 56,650 1,650 3.00 Total Fund 440 2,739,821 63,672 683,029 683,029 683,817 788 0.12 Fund 601 - WATER FUND Charges for Services 3,051,682 3,390,052 3,764,536 3,764,536 4,116,196 351,660 9.34 Other Revenues 155,716 72,845 60,000 60,000 42,670 (17,330) Bond Proceeds 0 0 950,000 950,000 850,000 (100,000) (10.53) Transfers in 0 0 0 0 250,000 250,000 Capital contributions 839,176 1,117,829 0 0 0 - Total Fund 601 4,046,574 4,580,726 4,774,536 4,774,536 5,258,866 484,330 10.14 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 $2017 ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED DEPT REQUESTED Change Dept Requested DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET % CHANGE 08/19/2016 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE City of Prior Lake 2017 Dept Requested Budget Revenue Fund 602 - STORM WATER UTILITY Intergovernmental 162,041 42,402 34,790 34,790 34,790 - - Charges for Services 843,292 865,244 838,537 838,537 876,921 38,384 4.58 Other Revenues 21,101 9,966 10,000 10,000 8,080 (1,920) (19.20) Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 - Capital contributions 224,410 265,691 0 0 0 - Total Fund 602 1,250,844 1,183,303 883,327 883,327 919,791 36,464 4.13 Fund 604 - SEWER FUND Charges for Services 2,369,423 2,432,925 2,797,490 2,797,490 3,338,490 541,000 19.34 Other Revenues 108,825 34,017 40,000 40,000 22,810 (17,190) (42.98) Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 850,000 850,000 Capital contributions 950,894 671,026 0 0 0 - Total Fund 604 3,429,142 3,137,968 2,837,490 2,837,490 4,211,300 1,373,810 48.42 Grand Total All Fund 29,719,893 32,958,407 28,622,919 28,452,919 30,437,208 1,984,289 6.97 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 $2017 ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED DEPT REQUESTED Change Dept Requested DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET % CHANGE Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND 41110.00 MAYOR & COUNCIL 52,011 58,532 55,409 55,409 58,193 2,784 5.02 41130.00 ORDINANCE 8,497 6,952 7,500 7,500 7,500 41320.00 ADMINISTRATION 376,260 375,542 404,081 404,081 409,290 5,209 1.29 41330.00 BOARDS & COMMISSIONS 9,389 10,137 10,539 10,539 10,689 150 1.42 41410.00 ELECTIONS 15,160 84,750 29,640 29,640 (29,640) (100.00) 41520.00 FINANCE 426,600 411,253 444,977 444,977 459,848 14,871 3.34 41540.00 INTERNAL AUDITING 25,115 30,748 28,150 28,150 28,150 41550.00 ASSESSING 134,621 152,155 169,750 169,750 187,250 17,500 10.31 41610.00 LEGAL 384,657 233,507 200,000 200,000 200,000 41820.00 HUMAN RESOURCES 152,329 88,935 154,831 154,831 163,634 8,803 5.69 41830.00 COMMUNICATIONS 122,493 88,443 114,393 114,393 119,737 5,344 4.67 41910.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 265,663 294,664 337,359 337,359 347,249 9,890 2.93 41920.00 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 620,210 321,239 336,161 336,161 345,592 9,431 2.81 41940.00 FACILITIES - CITY HALL 495,212 499,483 452,059 452,059 485,766 33,707 7.46 42100.00 POLICE 3,385,777 3,351,784 3,542,365 3,554,365 3,729,775 175,410 4.94 42200.00 FIRE 831,963 880,918 902,032 902,032 905,143 3,111 0.34 42400.00 BUILDING INSPECTION 533,843 553,671 595,843 595,843 638,622 42,779 7.18 42500.00 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 4,745 9,577 9,750 9,750 11,802 2,052 21.05 42700.00 ANIMAL CONTROL 25,200 25,200 26,448 26,448 26,448 43050.00 ENGINEERING 337,699 361,665 387,626 387,626 385,067 (2,559) (0.66) 43100.00 STREET 1,139,848 1,384,196 1,385,392 1,406,392 1,407,036 644 0.05 43400.00 CENTRAL GARAGE 396,874 332,454 380,369 380,369 398,240 17,871 4.70 45100.00 RECREATION 405,628 343,752 406,218 406,218 409,694 3,476 0.86 45200.00 PARKS 1,423,192 1,337,706 1,433,838 1,463,838 1,292,410 (171,428) (11.71) 45500.00 LIBRARIES 71,877 61,437 46,289 46,289 52,763 6,474 13.99 46100.00 NATURAL RESOURCES 66,015 49999.00 CONTINGENT RESERVE 207,174 6,213 80000.00 Transfers to other Funds 1,091,655 1,036,243 1,084,719 1,084,719 1,018,019 (66,700) (6.15) Fund 101 Total 13,009,707 12,341,156 12,945,738 13,008,738 13,097,917 89,179 0.69 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 47000.00 DEBT SERVICE 8,120,409 4,426,271 5,110,172 5,110,172 5,019,318 (90,854) (1.78) 80000.00 Transfers to other Funds 250,694 Total Debt Service Funds 8,371,103 4,426,271 5,110,172 5,110,172 5,019,318 (90,854) (1.78) Fund 210 - CABLE FRANCHISE FUND 41340.00 PUBLIC CABLE ACCESS 4,540 6,360 6,360 11,250 4,890 76.89 Fund 210 Total 0 4,540 6,360 6,360 11,250 4,890 76.89 08/19/2016 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE City of Prior Lake 2017 Dept Requested Budget Expenditures 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 $2017 ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED DEPT REQUESTED Change Dept Requested DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET % CHANGE 08/19/2016 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE City of Prior Lake 2017 Dept Requested Budget Expenditures Fund 225 - CAPITAL PARK FUND 45040.00 PIKE LAKE PARK 3,346 45146.00 Eagle Creek/Brooksville Hills 170,000 170,000 (170,000) (100.00) 45147.00 MARKLEY LAKE TRAIL 1,169 45200.00 PARKS 18,265 309,230 80000.00 Transfers to other Funds 62,356 170,000 Fund 225 Total 18,265 376,101 340,000 170,000 0 (170,000) (100.00) Fund 240 - EDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 46500.00 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 107,442 143,282 153,775 153,775 151,325 (2,450) (1.59) 46503.00 TECH VILLAGE INCUBATOR 8,145 16,278 27,650 27,650 9,500 (18,150) (65.64) Fund 240 Total 115,587 159,560 181,425 181,425 160,825 (20,600) (11.35) Fund 410 - REVOLVING EQUIPMENT FUND 42100.00 POLICE 53,602 94,932 98,116 98,116 124,700 26,584 27.09 42100.06 POLICE FORFEITURES 27,018 70,422 42200.00 FIRE 108,098 107,198 103,000 103,000 (103,000) (100.00) 43050.00 ENGINEERING 43,288 43100.00 STREET 67,256 423,244 435,690 435,690 224,334 (211,356) (48.51) 43400.00 CENTRAL GARAGE 72,073 21,028 20,000 20,000 20,000 45200.00 PARKS 121,574 97,286 544,149 544,149 92,185 (451,964) (83.06) 49400.00 WATER 39,318 4,635 4,635 49420.00 WATER QUALITY 89,831 49450.00 SEWER 175,101 2,500 406,850 406,850 Fund 410 Total 668,010 945,759 1,200,955 1,200,955 872,704 (328,251) (27.33) Fund 430 - REVOLVING PARK EQUIP FUND 45200.00 PARKS 213,406 213,406 Fund 430 Total 0 0 0 0 213,406 213,406 Fund 440 - FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FUND 41910.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 827 41960.00 GESP 24,150 2,323,247 42100.00 POLICE 44,558 44,558 (44,558) (100.00) 42200.00 FIRE 5,850 36,284 36,284 17,484 (18,800) (51.81) 45100.00 RECREATION 6,642 45500.00 LIBRARIES 6,872 79,961 79,961 49400.00 WATER 12,400 619,950 619,950 114,081 (505,869) (81.60) 80000.00 Transfers to other Funds 81,381 45,614 45,614 20,614 (25,000) (54.81) Fund 440 Total 24,150 2,437,219 746,406 746,406 232,140 (514,266) (68.90) 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 $2017 ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED DEPT REQUESTED Change Dept Requested DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET % CHANGE 08/19/2016 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE City of Prior Lake 2017 Dept Requested Budget Expenditures Fund 601 - WATER FUND 41520.00 FINANCE 81,622 77,488 87,683 87,683 86,933 (750) (0.86) 49400.00 WATER 2,215,575 2,269,667 4,179,428 4,179,428 4,998,985 819,557 19.61 80000.00 Transfers to other Funds 1,306,350 2,279,145 828,464 828,464 941,147 112,683 13.60 Fund 601 Total 3,603,547 4,626,300 5,095,575 5,095,575 6,027,065 931,490 18.28 Fund 602 - STORM WATER UTILITY 49420.00 WATER QUALITY 638,571 560,822 942,553 942,553 1,302,983 360,430 38.24 80000.00 Transfers to other Funds 81,000 321,769 21,000 21,000 81,000 60,000 285.71 Fund 602 Total 719,571 882,591 963,553 963,553 1,383,983 420,430 43.63 Fund 604 - SEWER FUND 41520.00 FINANCE 81,595 77,442 87,683 87,683 86,933 (750) (0.86) 49450.00 SEWER 2,366,023 2,391,487 2,593,298 2,593,298 4,021,062 1,427,764 55.06 80000.00 Transfers to other Funds 502,086 1,343,820 251,320 251,320 355,300 103,980 41.37 Fund 604 Total 2,949,704 3,812,749 2,932,301 2,932,301 4,463,295 1,530,994 52.21 Grand Total All Funds 29,479,644 30,012,246 29,522,485 29,415,485 31,481,903 2,066,418 7.02 Fund Fee description Current Proposed Comments Estimated Revenue Change for 2017 GENERAL FUND RECREATION AND CLUB PRIOR PROGRAMS: Playground/Tot Lot Summer Program $15-$30/week $25-$35/week 4,000 Youth Camps $10-$130/week/camp $10-$155/week/camp 3,020 NEW PROPOSED FEES Adult Kickball $0 $30-$45/team New proposed fee: New program and related fee 800 GENERAL FUND PARK PERMITS: Season Park Sticker (resident/non-resident)$25/$50 $30/$55 50 Boat Trailer Parking (Sand Point Beach )$20 $25 3,500 NEW PROPOSED FEES 'Daily Admission 'Daily Admission Saturday, Sunday & Holiday 'Daily Admission Monday - Sunday & Holiday (No change in daily rate of $5.00) Boat Trailer Parking (Sand Point Beach )$20 'Daily Admission Monday - Sunday & Holiday 11,000 GENERAL FUND PARK FACILITY RENTALS Canoe/Kayak Rack Rental (Sandpoint ) - Seasonal (05/01-09/30) Resident $50 $60 Non-Resident $100 $150 120 Community Garden (05/01-10/31) Rental - Resident/Non-Resident 10x10 Garden $25/$35 $30/$45 10x20 Garden $40/$50 $45/$60 20x20 Garden $70/$80 $75/$90 610 NEW PROPOSED FEES Field Use Fee $10 per player New proposed fee: Staff is asking the Council to consider a field use fee to cover a portion of the cost that is associated with maintaining the athletic field facilities. Many City's use a field use fee to recover some of theses costs due to the higher degree of maintenance these facilties require to maintain safe play surfaces. Other City's fees range in form from a per field fee to per participant fee. Staff is recommending $10 per participant which is estimated to cover 30% of our field maintenance costs. Participation fees currently range from $100-$1500 per season with an average of $300. This fee is about 3-10% of the this participation fee. Field striping is separate from this fee and is currently offered as a contract service at cost.60,000 2017 Proposed Fee Schedule Changes New proposed fee: Weekday admission for cars and boat trailers. This fee would offset the cost of the seasonal park patrol. O:\BUDGET\2017\August 22 Worksop\August22Workshop Budget Rpts Provided to Council\2017 Proposed Fee Schedule Changes 08 22 2016 Fund Fee description Current Proposed Comments Estimated Revenue Change for 2017 2017 Proposed Fee Schedule Changes GENERAL FUND POLICE, FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE CHARGES Burning Permit $25 $30 570 GENERAL FUND MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES & PERMITS NEW PROPOSED FEES Community Event Application $0 $50/$100 GENERAL FUND CITY FACILITY RENTALS NEW PROPOSED FEES Facility Usage Fee (City Hall, Beaches, Main St.) - Resident/Non-Resident$0 $300/$450, $25/hr Clean-up Fee Fire Station $50/$75, $25/hr Clean-up Fee City Hall Conference Room - Parkview and Council - Resident/Non-Resident$0 $50/$75, $25/hr Clean-up Fee City Hall Conference Room - Other - Resident/Non-Resident $0 $25/$50, $25/hr Clean-up Fee City Hall Conference Room - Non-Profit $0 $25/hr Clean-up Fee GENERAL FUND On Sale Intoxicating $6,300 $7,000 7,000 GENERAL FUND ZONING AND SUBDIVISION FEES Administrative Plat Fee $150 $250 CIC Plat Fee $150 $250 Comprehensive Plan Amendment $500 + $10/ac.$750 Concept Plan $200 $250 Conditional Use Fee $400 $500 Final Plat Application Fee $150 + $5/lot $250 + $5/lot Interim Use Permit $400 $500 Metes & Bounds Subdivision $150 $250 P.U.D (prelim)$500 + $10/ac.$750 3,015 P.U.D (final)$200 $500 Preliminary/Final Plat Combination Fee $200 + $5/lot $500 + $10/lot Registered Land Survey $150 $250 Rezoning $300 + $10/ac.$750 Sign Permit (Permanent) - Single Tenant Buildings $35 - 1st 40 sq. ft. plus .25/sq. ft. thereafter$75 - 1st 40 sq. ft. plus .50/sq. ft. thereafter Sign Permit (Permanent) - Multiple Tenant Buildings $45 - 1st 40 sq. ft. plus .25/sq. ft. thereafter$75 - 1st 40 sq. ft. plus .50/sq. ft. thereafter Sign Permit (Temporary)$35 $50 Site Plan $300 $500 Vacation Fee $250 $300 Vacation Variance (Other)$250 $300 Variance Fee (Single Family Residential)$200 $500 Variance Fee (Subdivision Ordinance)$250 $500 Zoning Code Amendment $350 $500 Zoning Appeal (Administrative & Planning Commission)$150 $250 General Fund 2017 Projected Revenue Change ($11k is currently reflected in the 2017 budget)93,685 POLICE, FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE CHARGES: The City has completed an evaluation of liquor license fees including review of the 2015 LMC License and Permit Report. Staff is recommending an increase for the On Sale Intoxicating license fee. State law requires a 30 day notice to license holders, so Staff recommends sending this notification in mid-November based on a change in fee at 1/1/2017. O:\BUDGET\2017\August 22 Worksop\August22Workshop Budget Rpts Provided to Council\2017 Proposed Fee Schedule Changes 08 22 2016 Fund Fee description Current Proposed Comments Estimated Revenue Change for 2017 2017 Proposed Fee Schedule Changes TRUNK FUNDS DEVELOPMENT FEES Trunk Fund - 502 Trunk Water Acreage Charge $6,692/ac.$6,692/ac.10,038 Trunk Fund - 502 Trunk Sewer Acreage Charge $3,344/ac.$3,678/ac.5,016 Trunk Fund - 502 Trunk Stormwater Acreage Charge Trunk Fund - 502 Low Density Residential (R1,R2)$3,069/ac.$3,376/ac.4,604 Trunk Fund - 502 High density residential (R3)$5,060.00 / ac.$,5566.00 / ac. Trunk Fund - 502 Commercial/industrial $6,358.00 / ac.$6,994.00 / ac. Street Fund - 503 Street Oversize Acreage Charge $5,412 $5,953 8,118 TRUNK FUNDS CONNECTION PERMIT CHARGES Trunk Fund - 502 Sewer Connection Charge $660 $726 13,140 Trunk Fund - 502 Water Connection Charge $1,095 $1,095 7,920 Tower Fund - 505 Water Tower Charge $1,400 $1,400 16,800 Trunk Fund 2017 Projected Revenue Change 65,636 UTILITY FUNDS UTILITY BILLING RATES: Water Fund Water Rate $4.40/1000 gals. 1st 25,000 gals.$4.53/1000 gals. 1st 25,000 gals. Water Fund $6.06/1000 gals. above 25,000 gals. $6.25/1000 gals. above 25,000 gals. Sewer Fund Sewer Rate (City)$2.52/1000 gals.$2.77/1000 gals. Sewer Fund Met Council Sewer Rate (MCES)$2.22/1000 gals.$2.22/1000 gals.Waiting for MCES rate from Met Council Water/Sewer Fund Delinquent Assessment Administration Charge 40.00$ 60.00$ Staff is spending ~4 hrs more per billing cycle since our estimate in 2014. More time is being spent on preparaton of the delinquent utility assessment roll since the change in collection method from water shut off to certification to taxes. Additional hrs in the 1)preparation and review of UB list of delinquent balances (send to previous owner, new owner,landlord, as applicable), 2) preparation of delinquent utility charges special assessment roll with PID# (County specific format) and 3) final notice of outstanding charges for utilities letters. Staff recommends fee change to cover a greater portion of City cost. For the water trunk fees (residential acreage charge, connection fee and tower charge) Staff recommends freezing the trunk water fees at the current rates to acknowledges the indication of the Ctiy to partner with the SMSC on a joint water treatment plant. Once an agreement is in place the rate should be adjusted not only to account for any capital included in the agreement, but also changes in land resources. In addition, the Water Plan is expected to be completed with the update of the Comprehensive Plan which will further inform the infrastructure needs in the future. For the sewer and storm water trunk fees, Prior to 2016, the rates had been based off of the infrastructure plans completed in 2005 as part of the comprehensive plan. During review of the CIP in 2015, Staff recommended increases to the trunk fees for 2016 and beyond. Using the Construction Cost Index (CCI) as a guide, the total rate increase of 36% was suggested to be phased at 10% per year for the next three years. The first increase was 10% in 2016. An updated rate study completed as part of the Comprehensive Plan update process will define future rate adjustments.. O:\BUDGET\2017\August 22 Worksop\August22Workshop Budget Rpts Provided to Council\2017 Proposed Fee Schedule Changes 08 22 2016