HomeMy WebLinkAbout116-20 Public Waters Relating to WSUM O PRIp� .
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4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
The City Council of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota ordains:
1. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.200 is amended as follows:
PURPOSE, W _—NT,AND APPLICATION : Gensi:�nc�-t with autherity provided tG the City p irs anf
teAs authorized by Minnesota Statutes 868.201, 868.205, and 459.20, and Minnesota Rules
6110.3000 — 6110.3800, as may benow in effect and as hereafter amendedf- omtime t^ time,
this Ordinance is enacted for the purpose of this S8Gtien is intenr-eland with the intent to control
and regulate the use of the waters of Upper and ' Gwer Prior Lake and Spring Lake in the City Gf
Drier ata Scott County, Minnesota; to promote to the fullest extent possible the public's use
and enjoyment of Upper and I GW8F Drier Lake-said bodies of water; to promote and protect the
safety of persons and property in connection with the use of these waters; to harmonize and
integrate the varying uses of these waters; and to promote the public health, safety and welfare
on Upper and Lower Prier Lake-said bodies of water.
2. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.300 is amended as follows:
High Water. An elevation of 903.9' or greater above mean sea level on Prior Lake, as determined
by the Prior Lake/-Spring Lake Watershed District gauge. An elevation of 912.8' or greater above
mean sea level on Spring Lake, as determined by the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District
Prior Lake: The body of water given that name and assigned the lake numbers 72 26P and 72-
22P70002600 and 70007200 by the Department of Natural Resources. (Ord ornd 110-05 pubs
Slew Ho-Wahe: The operation of a watercraft at the slowest possible speed necessary to maintain
steerage and in no case greater than five (5) miles per hour. (Ord ,gym d. 110-05, pub;. 10/9/10)
Spring Lake: The body of water given that name and assigned the lake number 70005400 by the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
3. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.401 is deleted in its entirety and replaced by City Code
Section 703, Subsection 703.502 (see item #11, below).
4. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.402 is renumbered to City Code Section 703, Subsection
703.401 and amended as follows-
General Speed Lurrfdt. No person shall operate a watercraft, at any time, greater than a slow no-
wake speed within one hundred fifty feet (150') from shore. Any watercraft launching or landing a
person on water skis, wakeboards, kneeboards, or barefoot by the most direct and safe route to
open water or shore shall be exempt from this provision.
5. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.403 is renumbered to City Code Section 703, Subsection
703.402 and amended as follows:
Daytime Speed Limit: No person shall operate a watercraft at greater than forty (40) miles per
hour, from sunrise to one-half hour after sunset, on all weekends and legal holidays occurring from
Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.
6. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.404 is renumbered to City Code Section 703, Subsection
703.403 and amended as follows:
Nighttime Speed Limit: No person shall operate a watercraft at greater than twenty(20) miles per
hour, from one-half hour after sunset to sunrise the following day, at any time during the year.
7. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.405 is renumbered to City Code Section 703, Subsection
703.404 and amended as follows:
High Water Slow No-Wake: No person shall operate a watercraft at greater than a slow no-wake
speed on the entire surface of Prior Lake when the water level in said water body reaches nine
hundred ...04.0') sea level, as measuFed by the Gity at. the Prior LakeiSpring L
Watershed DistriGt its High Water elevation, as defined in Section 703.300.
No person shall operate a watercraft at greater than a slow no-wake speed on the entire surface of
Spring Lake when the water level in said water body reaches its High Water elevation, as defined
in Section 703.300.
When the water level of Prior Lake and/or Spring Lake reaches 904.0' se-a-levela High Water
elevation as defined in Section 703.300,the City Manager or designee shall arrange to have notice
of the high water slow no-wake Pr-evisi$n restriction televisedop sted on the City's Gable-e el
website. The high water slow no-wake restriction shall become effective as of the first t le-y��o�
eetifiea#ten- op sting. All public water accesses shall be posted prier to a during the time the
restrictions aFe is in place. lR additieR, RetiGe of said FeStFiGtiORS shall be posted at Prier Lake Git
When high water levels have subsided and have remained below an High Water elevationef e
hundred four foot '904.0'' sea 1 we_l as defined in Section 703.300 for tree�72 consecutive
day;hours,said restriction shall be promptly removed by removing the posting on the City's website.
8. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.406 is renumbered to City Code Section 703, Subsection
703.405 and amended as follows:
Marked Slow No-Wake Zones: No person shall at any time operate a watercraft at a speed
greater than slow no-wake speed in any marked no-wake Ghapnel/zone. The City of Prior Lake
or the Geunty ef Scott County Sheriff's Office shall install or cause to be installed buoys marking
slow no-wake zones. These-Ghannels Marked slow no-wake
zones are intended to maintain a safe lake environment and protect the lives and property of all
lake users and owners. TThe6e ^hannels/Slow no-wake zones shall be posted marked at the
following locations on Prior Lake:
• The navigational Gchannel located d+restly Nnorth and Ssouth of the County Road
21/Eagle Creek Avenue Bridge start�n�rr,g--ana- at the Rayigational red and gFeen
rhonnol markers nlaGed at both onrle
• The navigational channel marked by red and green navigatieRal GhanRel markers and RE)
wake located to the Eaet south of Reed's Island.
• The navigational channel marked by slow no wake buoys at both eRds located Nnorth
and south of the Lords Street Bridge.
• The navigational channel marked by sloe, no wake buoys eRt riRg and exiitin�To n
located at the entrance/exit of Boudin's BayGlg and the entire surface area of
Boudin's Bay.
• The navigational channel located at the entrance/exit eRtire surfaGe aFea of Candy Cove,
starting and ending at the no wake buoy plaGed appreximately GRe hURdred fifty (150)
feet West of alae-en and the entire surface of Candy Cove.
• The navigational channel located at the entrance/exit point-te of Mud (Crystal) Bay,
marked by 619W RE) wake buoys at either eRd of the Ravigable GhaRRel at said
entranGelexit point
• The navigational channel located at the entrance/exit of Paradise Bay, and the entire
surface of Paradise Bay.
9. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.500 is amended as follows:
ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS: Ne person shall u or, inflatable water toy, air mattress ns
tube more thaR GRe hundred fifty feet (150') from shere, 6inless a ad by a wateFGFaft.
peFsc)n shall swim meFe than ene hURdred fifty feet (150') from shere,
Ness a--empaiiied by a-
10. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.501 is added as a new subsection:
Swimming: No person shall use an inflatable water toy, air mattress or inner tube more than one
hundred fifty feet (150') from shore, unless accompanied by a watercraft. No person shall swim
more than one hundred fifty feet (150')from shore, unless accompanied by a watercraft.
11. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.502 is added as a new subsection (revised from the
previous City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.401):
Towing Restrictions: No watercraft towing a person on water skis, inner tube, aquaplane or similar
device shall be operated at any time within a marked slow no-wake zone.
12. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.600 is amended as follows:
EXEMPTIONS: All authorized resource management, emergency,, and enforcement personnel,
while acting in the performance of their assigned duties, are exempt from the restrictions set forth in
this Section.
A temporary exemption from the restrictions set forth in subsection 703.404-502 may be allowed
under certain circumstances. To qualify for a temporary exemption, an application for a permit must
be completed, which shall include: the purpose of the exemption, the organization or persons being
exempted, the location of the exemption, and the date and time of the exemption. The temporary
exemption permit shall be issued by the Scott County Sheriffs Departmon+Office.
13. City Code Section 703, Subsection 703.800 is amended as follows:
ENIFORCEMENT: The enforcement of this Section shall be +he primary primarily the responsibility
of the Scott County Sheriffs Departe Office. Other licensed peace officers, including
conservation officers of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, are also authorized to
enforce the provisions of this Section.
14. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication.
Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 12' day of September, 2016,
Frankoyl s, amity Manager MacGdire, Acting Mayor
A Summary of this Ordinance will be Published in the Prior Lake American on the 1St day of October,
Affidavit of Publication
Southwest Newspapers
State of Minnesota)
TO PUBLIC WATERS AND Laurie A.Hartmann,being duly sworn,on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized
WATER SURFACE USE agent of the publisher of the newspapers known as the Shakopee Valley News,Jordan Indepen-
The following is
MANAGEMENT is only a dent Prior Lake American and Savage Pacer,and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as
summary of Ordinance No.116- follows:
20. The full text will available for
public inspection after September (A)These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal
12, 2016 by any person duringnewspaper,as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02,331A.07,and other applicable laws,as
regular office hours at City Hall', amended.
or in the Document Center on the
City of Prior Lake Website. e public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and identified as No.
SUMMARY. The Ordinance (B)The p p '
amends Section 703 Public was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said
Waters of the Prior Lake City Notice is hereby incorporated as part of this Affidavit.Said notice was cut from the columns of
Code which addresses Water the newspaper specified.Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z,both
Surface Use Management for inclusive,and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size of type used in the composition
Prior Lake and Spring Lake. and publication of the Notice:
Amendments include: minor
language clarifications' abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz
throughout; new and revised
definitions;revised speed limit
provisions; clarification of high
water slow no-wake provision B, `
for Prior Lake;new high water,
slow no-wake provision for Spring: Laurie A.Hartmann
Lake; updated high water slow
no-wake notification provisions;
new marked slow no-wake zone Subscribed and sworn before me on
for Paradise Bay on Prior Lake;
and updated towing restrictions.
This ordinance shall become
effective from and after its2016
' ,
passage and publication. this _ day of -
Passed by the City Council of
the City of Prior Lake this 26th;
Day of September,2016.
Frank Boyles,City Manager15 C J rd �i
Kenneth L.Hedberg,Mayor
(Published in the Prior Lake No ublic �` � °� `6�,��ESOTA
W WMI�k ON MRES 01131118
American on;Saturday, October
1 2016;No.7802)
Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space....$31.20 per column inch
Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter.................................$31.20 per column inch
Rate actually charged for the above matter.............................................. $12.59 per column inch