HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 17 2016 EDAC Agenda Packet
Economic Development Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, November 17, 2016
7:30 a.m.
City Hall, Wagon Bridge Conference Room
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. October 27, 2016
3. Old Business
a. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Update
i. Finalize Contacts and Prepare Report for the EDA
4. New Business
a. Election of Officers
b. EDAC 2016 Accomplishments and 2017 Goals
5. Other Business
a. Staff Update
i. Social Media Discussion – Prior Lake Chamber
b. Residential and Commercial Activity Update
c. Member Ideas/Recommendations
6. Next Meeting Date
a. Thursday, January 26, 2016
7. Adjourn
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING MINUTES – October 27, 2016
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 a.m. in the WagonBridge Conference Room at Prior Lake City Hall.
Members present: Lloyd Erbaugh, Bill Henry, Wade Larson, Thane Tande, Jim Mahoney, Kim Prchal,
Stephanie Carroll, Marie Voreis and EDA Liaison Michele Choudek. Members absent: Luke Brazier, Trisha
Rosenfeld and Chamber Liaison Sandi Fleck.
Staff present: Dan Rogness & Casey McCabe.
Guest present: Jeff Petschl
2. Welcome New and Returning Committee Members
EDAC Members: provided introductions and welcomed new committee member Jeff Petschl and Jim Mahoney
who was appointed to his second term. Mr. Petschl has been appointed to the EDAC with his term beginning on
November 1, 2016.
3. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. September 22, 2016
MOTION BY MAHONEY and SECOND BY HENRY to approve the September 22, 2016 meeting minutes.
Motion adopted unanimously.
4. Old Business
a. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Discussion
Prchal: reminded committee members that the EDAC has a goal of contacting every brick and mortar
business in Prior Lake in 2016. Committee members were encouraged to complete their visits as soon
as possible and to update contact information and comments on the business contact page on Dropbox.
Ms. Prchal reviewed the process to use Dropbox and she and Mr. McCabe offered to assist any of the
members who needed support completing their visits or entering information in Dropbox.
b. Deerfield / Welcome Avenue Action Items
McCabe: highlighted a document in the agenda packet which details the questions and concerns raised
by Deerfield Business Park and Welcome Avenue Industrial Park property owners during two meeting
over the summer. The document identifies the business owner commons and the action taken by City
staff and EDAC members to address their concern. This document has been sent via email to all business
owners who attended either meeting.
5. New Business
a. Downtown Development Meeting Follow-Up
EDAC Members who attended the EDA Downtown Development meeting were asked to share some of
their thoughts. The EDAC felt the meeting format and objective were not presented clearly to the
attendants. The committee recommended future development meetings divide the agenda between
issues facing businesses and issues facing residents and identify a meeting facilitator who will lead the
discussion. Because the discussion was somewhat hostile, committee members felt apprehensive to
share any thoughts that may escalate the tension. Also, the committee recommended holding any future
meetings outside of City Hall and make sure representatives of the City, County, and potentially State
are available to support the discussion with facts.
6. Other Business
a. EDA Meeting Update
Rogness: provided an update of the October 17th EDA meeting related to the following items:
Consider EDAC Member Appointments
EDA 2016 Revenue & Expenditure Report (9/30/16)
Downtown Property Acquisition Discussion
Downtown Development Meeting
b. Staff Update
i. Community Profile Update
McCabe: informed the EDAC that the updated community profile brochure has been completed
and is available on the City of Prior Lake website.
ii. Social Media Discussion – Prior Lake Chamber
This item was tabled until the next regular meeting.
c. Residential and Commercial Activity Update
EDAC Members: reviewed the residential and commercial activity update as of September 30, 2016.
d. Member Ideas/Recommendations
EDAC Members: discussed the need for a meeting prior to the City Council / Advisory Committee meeting
on November 28th. The committee decided to hold the next EDAC meeting on November 17th to identify
2016 accomplishments and establish 2017 EDAC goals.
EDAC Members: briefly discussed potential 2017 goals, which included:
Goal related to promotion of ‘business friendly’ initiatives.
Host a discussion related to negotiation and compromise.
Build on the recent Downtown Development discussion with a goal related to connecting with
and providing information to downtown residents and business owners.
Learn from past projects to better communicate with residents.
Schedule small group discussions or workshops with liaison areas.
Potentially host a Business Mixer in 2017.
Voreis: commented that It would be helpful to know the EDA’s 2017 goals before establishing the EDAC’s
EDAC members suggested a future EDA or EDAC collaborative meeting with the SMSC.
7. Next Meeting Date. The next regular meeting of the EDAC will be on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 7:30 a.m.
8. Adjourn. MOTION BY MAHONEY and SECOND BY TANDE to adjourn the meeting. Motion adopted
unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m.
Submitted by: Casey McCabe
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: November 17, 2016
AGENDA #: 3.a.
Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the progress being made on the EDAC commercial
area liaison visits, finalize the business contact list and discuss any questions or comments the
commercial area liaisons may have so a report may be prepared and presented to the EDA during
their December 2016 meeting.
One of the committee’s duties outlined in the EDAC Bylaws is, “To serve as a liaison between city
government and the community through interaction with business leaders and community residents.”
To help accomplish this, the EDAC has previously assigned some of its members to act as a liaison
to five specific commercial and industrial areas of the community. The role of the EDAC liaison is
to help communicate City and EDAC activities with business owners and provide an additional point
of contact for their questions and concerns.
One of the EDAC’s goals for 2016 is to, “Utilize the EDAC Commercial Liaison Program to contact
every brick & mortar Prior Lake business at least once during the year.”
The EDAC commercial area liaison assignments for the commercial areas of the community are
Downtown Area – Erbaugh / Prchal / Brazier
Deerfield Business Park / Welcome Avenue Industrial Area – Henry / Choudek
Commerce Avenue / Fountain Hills Area – Larson / Tande
Village Commerce / South Lake Village Area – Carroll
Gateway Area – Mahoney / Voreis
A Dropbox folder titled EDAC Commercial Area Liaison has been created and sent to all EDAC
members. The folder includes a map of all commercial areas, list of commercial liaisons and their
area and an EDAC handout.
The Committee should have all visits completed and business contact information updated on Drop-
box by Monday, December 5, 2016 so a report can be prepared for the EDA. If you have any
questions or need assistance, please contact Lloyd or Kim. City staff is also available to assist with
updating business contact information on Dropbox.
1. Discussion Only
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: November 17, 2016
AGENDA #: 4.a.
PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this agenda item is to elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from among the EDAC members.
Current Circumstances
Section 206 of the EDAC Bylaws state, “The Economic Development Advisory Committee shall elect
from among its membership a Chair and Vice-Chair. The City Manager or his/her designee shall serve
as Secretary of the Committee.”
The Chair shall be elected by majority vote of the members present at the meeting. The term of the
Chair shall begin in November and run for one year. The duties of the Chair shall include approval of
meeting agendas, presiding at meetings and giving an accounting of its activit ies and any information
before the EDA annually or as directed otherwise.
The Vice-Chair shall be appointed in the same manner as the Chair and shall perform the duties of the
Chair in his/her absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such other duties as assigned by the Chair.
The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written summary of all official activities
of the Committee.
All EDAC members are eligible to become officers for 2017. The current Chair (Erbaugh) and Vice-
Chair (Prchal) are eligible for reappointment for 2017. Dan Rogness has been designated by the City
Manager to serve as the Secretary of the EDAC.
ISSUES: The annual appointments are for a one-year term from November to October. The EDAC Chair and
Vice-Chair will serve a term ending October 31, 2017.
1. Motion(s) and second(s) to elect an EDAC Chair and Vice-Chair.
2. Table the election.
Alternative No. 1.
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: November 17, 2016
AGENDA #: 4.b.
PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The City Council has invited all advisory committee members, including the EDAC, to a City
Council work session on Monday, November 28th at 5:00 p.m. The purpose of the work ses-
sion is to allow all advisory committees an opportunity to present the City Council with a report
of 2016 accomplishments and 2017 goals. The work session also provides an opportunity for
advisory committees to hear accomplishments from other committees as well as what the
other committees will be working on in 2017 to see if there are any collaboration opportunities.
The EDAC has previously provided a similar annual report to the City Council. The City Coun-
cil has asked that all committees provide three accomplishments for 201 6 and three goals for
Staff has proposed 2016 accomplishments and 2017 goals for EDAC review and discussion.
Members should discuss the accomplishments and goals below and amend or substitute ad-
ditional items as desired.
2016 Accomplishments
The EDAC documented and evaluated every comment received at the Fall 2015 Business
Mixer event and developed an ‘Action Item’ sheet to respond to all comments in writing.
Throughout 2016, the committee communicated responses via email and on the EDAC
page of the City website to all event attendants. In addition, City staff and EDAC members
held follow-up meetings with business owners to discuss specific concerns raised at the
Business Mixer.
Throughout 2016, the EDAC has completed ##?? visits to Prior Lake businesses. The
purpose of the visits is to express appreciation for what all Prior Lake businesses bring to
the community, listen to any comments or suggestions the business owner may have to
make Prior Lake a stronger business community and to identify and respond to any spe-
cific concerns.
The EDAC completed an update to the Prior Lake Community Assets and Community
Profile and continues to publish its quarterly Prior Lake Business Pages e-newsletter to
over 400 recipients. The Prior Lake Business Pages shares commercial/industrial news,
promotion of upcoming events, highlights new businesses, as well as provides residential,
commercial and industrial development updates.
2017 Goals
Continue to offer and promote ‘business friendly’ initiatives such as business friendly or-
dinance amendments and EDAC business visits.
Work with the EDA and City Council to establish policies which help to clearly communi-
cate information to business owners and residents, ensure information about planned or
proposed projects is easily accessible and provide an opportunity for business ow ners
and residents engage in a constructive conversation about the future of Prior Lake.
Expand upon the Commercial Area Liaison program by scheduling small group discus-
sions or workshops with targeted areas of the business community.
ISSUES: EDAC members should discuss what information should be included in the presentation and
which member(s) of the committee are available to attend and present the information at the
November 28th meeting. The EDAC is limited to three accomplishments and three goals. The
presentation at the work session will need to be no longer than ten minutes.
EDAC members should also RSVP to city staff if they plan to attend.
ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and Second to approve the proposed EDAC 2016 accomplishments and 2017
goals as proposed or further amended by the EDAC.
Alternative No. 1
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: November 17, 2016
AGENDA #: 5.b.
PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
Staff has prepared a development update as of October 31, 2016 for EDAC review. The attached
memorandum provides a summary of 2016 commercial and industrial development and residential
construction in the City of Prior Lake.
Information Only.
Information Only.
1. Development Update
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
Date: November 14, 2016
To: City of Prior Lake Economic Development Advisory Committee
From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
Subject: Residential & Commercial Activity Update
Below is an update of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of October 31, 2016.
Number of
Permits Declared Value Number of
Permits Declared Value
Number of Permits
% Increase /
(% Decrease)
Declared Value
% Increase /
(% Decrease)
Single Family Dwellings 92 $31,538,000.00 89 $28,191,000.00 3.37 11.87
Townhouses (# units)4 $676,000.00 10 $1,831,000.00 (60.00)(63.08)
Multiple Units 3 $28,672,000.00 0 $0.00 300.00 ###New
Commercial Industrial & Commercial 3 $5,620,000.00 10 $3,742,000.00 (70.00)50.19
Residential 618 $4,393,200.00 634 $2,865,960.00 (2.52)53.29
Industrial & Commercial 13 $263,000.00 36 $950,300.00 (63.89)(72.32)
tMechanical 625 $0.00 666 $0.00 (6.16)n/a
ttMechanical (SF & TH)383 $0.00 396 $0.00 (3.28)n/a
TOTALS 1741 $71,162,200.00 1841 $37,580,260.00 (5.43)89.36
t Mechanical permits include but are not limited to furnaces, water heaters, softeners, and fireplaces. They are flat-rate permit fees.
tt Mechanical (SF & TH) permits include required plumbing, heating, sewer and water and fireplace permits for new single family residences. They are flat-rate permit fees.
Increase / (Decrease)
Name Address Type
LoveFeast Table 16228 Main Ave. SE New Brick & Mortar Business The Art Closet
Wild Ruffle 16186 Main Ave. SE, Suite 100 Relocated Business Manitou Advisors
Tu Nails 16731 Hwy 13 S.New Business MN Nails
Paar Sports & Promotions 16151 Main Ave. SE, Suite 2 New Business Vacant
gg Boutique 4773 Dakota St. SE New Business Beauty Shop
Versatile Vehicles, Inc. 17136 Adelmann St. SE New Construction Vacant Land
Bliss Family Dental 4792 Dakota St. SE New Ownership Bliss Family Dental
Pro Service Auto Repair 16921 Panama Ave. SE New Construction /
Relocated Business Vacant
Iron Range BBQ 16211 Main Ave. SE New Business Memories on Main
Edward Jones - Scott Pierce 16154 Main Ave. SE, Suite 110B Relocated Business Wensmann Office - Lakefront Plaza
2016 Prior Lake Commercial Activity