HomeMy WebLinkAbout011094 *PLEASE REVIEW FOR MEETING OF 1/10194* PARKS ADVISORY COMMITIEE AGENDA MONDAY. JANUARY 10. 19~ 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS . 1. Call to order. 2. Minutes from meeting of 11/8/93. 3. Staff reports A. Director of Parks and Recreation 1. Update on the skating season. 2. Budget highlights for 1994 B. Program Specialist report 1. Update on Winter Recreation program. 2. Program evaluation form. C. Parks Advisory Committee Open Forum. 4. New Business A. Election of officers for 1994. Doug Berens was Chair and Pat Heaney was Vice-Chair in 1993. B. Review of 1994 Capital Improvements C. First review of Park Dedicaton formula 5. Old Business. A. Review progress of City Trail System. 6. Set next meeting date. A. The next scheduled meeting is for Monday, February 14, 1994. 7. Adjourn the meeting. **PLEASE...cALL TO CO~JRM YOUR ATIENDANCEU.. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER "1 PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES NOVEMBER 8, 1993 The Parks Advisory Committee meeting was called to order by Chairman, Doug Berens, at 7:06 on Monday, November 8, 1993. Members present were Doug Berens, Ron Ceminksy, Sam Emond, Pat Heaney, Robert Rykken, Art Schoot, and Kathy Smith. Staff members present were Bill Mangan, Director of Parks and Recreation, and Nancy McGill, Parks & Recreation Secretary. The minutes were reviewed from the September 13, 1993 meeting. SAM EMOND MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES FROM THE SEPTEMBER 13, 1993 MEETING. RON CEMINSKY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Doug Berens asked for Staff Reports from Bill Mangan. Bill updated the committee on the paving project at the Ponds. He indicated that the City has not been happy with the contractor; project is basically finished but certain areas need to be redone. 5% is being withheld until the project is completed. Heritage Park is complete except for the sidewalk. This will be installed with the brick pavers and completed this fall. The Fishing Pier at Sand Point Beach will be out of the water by end of this week. A ribbon cutting ceremony is planned for next spring, either end of April or first of May. The total cost of this pier was $17,000. The Lion Club's contribution was $11 ,500. Bill Mangan reviewed the Program Specialist's report. The fall program activities included the Circus trip which was a success; however, the Skateville trip was cancelled due to lack of registrations. There were 136 participants at the Halloween Pumpkin Painting & Costume contest co-sponsored with Edina Realty and E.C.F.E. Family Center. Another success was the annual Halloween Party held at the Senior High School. Adult trips coming up will be to the Mall of America, Downtown Minneapolis shopping trip, and The Christmas Carol at the Guthrie. We also have a number of tot and youth activities planned. The Recreation Program is going to be combined with the Wavelength. The City will do our own writing and editing and the printing will be done at Prior Prints. This will go to print in December with winter registrations to begin in January. Doug Berens then opened the Parks Advisory Open Forum. Art Schoot asked what the Scott-Hennepin Advisory Board did, as noticed that a position was open in District 2. They are advisory to the Scott County Board for the Scott County portion of the budget and advisory to the Hennepin Parks Board. There are two appointments from Hennepin Parks and two from Scott County. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sam Emond asked if we had a map showing cross country trails. Bill indicated that we do not have the equipment to groom cross country trails and therefore do not have any maps; Cleary Lake Park and Hanrehan Park groom trails and have maps. Bob Rykken asked if there was a broomballleague in Prior Lake. Bill indicated that there hasn't been one for at least three years. Ron Ceminsky asked if the Industrial Park was on schedule, and Bill indicated that it was. As you go into area, the Fire Hall will be on the right and Keyland further down on the left. Keyland is building a manufacturing plant (to manufacture windows for the homes they build). There was some discussion on the community center that the Dakota community has purposed. It is anticipated that ground breaking will be in approximately six weeks with completion being in 1995. This will be located on County Roads 82 & 83 south of the Mystic Lake. It should have all the amenities that the Chaska Community Center has plus a pistol range. Doug Berens asked for New Business. Bill Mangan asked the Committee for direction on how to approach the Parks Survey for the future; and if and when we should reaccess the community. Trails have been a top priority and felt that there wouldn't be a change in that. Art Schoot indicated that if the Dakota Community builds the community center that will take care of a lot of needs listed on the survey. Sam Emond asked how often the survey is done. Mangan stated that our first survey was done in 1988-90; over a 11h year period start to finish. Doug Berens felt that it was a little premature to review the survey at this time due to all the new development presently in progress. There was some discussion but it was the general consensus from the committee that the survey did not need to be reaccessed until budget time in 1994. Effective January 1, 1994 the park dedication fee on new building permits will be raised to $650.00. $200.00 of this will go for trails and $400.00 for parks within that development. There was some discussion as to how this was distributed. Doug Berens asked if there will be a need for a bond referendum in the future. Mangan stated that a bonod referendum will be necessary to get funding for tennis courts, picnic shelters, walking trails, and atheletic field improvements. Parks Advisorv Committee Minutes - November 8. 1993 - Paae 2 -----"-"- 0..--_.-- -------""- -.----.----..~.-_r----.~.-------..--.-------.-...---.-.. ...-..... .."_........,...--_.~--_._........_.., .,.,._.._._,.,----~"'- At this time Bill Mangan reviewed the preliminary proposal for park dedication for Knob Hill subdivision. This 100 acre parcel is located off of County Road 42. Currently, they have 187 lots planned, but changes will need to be made. A revision should be received the first part of December and project is scheduled to begin in spring of 1994. There was some discussion regarding the above subdivision. Doug Berens asked for Old Business. Bill Mangan indicated that County Road 42 is to be finished for the fall by November 20th. The next scheduled meeting is Monday, December 13, 1993 but is was open for discussion as to if this meeting should be cancelled due to the holiday schedule. PAT HEANEY MADE A MOTION TO CANCEL THE DECEMBER 13TH MEETING AND MEET AGAIN AT SCHEDULED MEETING IN JANUARY. SAM EMOND SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL~ Bill Mangan mentioned that he, AI Friedges, and Bret Woodson will be attending the M.R.P.A. conference on November 16, 17 & 18. DOUG BERENS MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. KATHY SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL ~ The meeting was adjourned at 9:16 p.m. Bill Mangan Director of Parks and Recreation Nancy McGill Recording Secretary Parks Advisorv Committee Minutes - November 8. 1993 - Pace 3 , ----------------------------_..,-, -_. - -...., -- ---- . -- - - -- ---,---.. ----- - MEMO TO: Bill Mangan, Director of Parks and Recreation FROM: Bret Woodson, Recreation Supervisor SUBJECT: Winter Program Update DATE: January 5, 1994 NEW BROGHUREFORMAT Starting with the 1994 Winter Programs, the seasonal recreation brochure will be combined with the city's newsletter - the Wavelength. This way we will have one complete document that we can use to communicate any and all information to the residents of the city. The brochure will be published, as it always has been, four times a year. The other dates that the brochure will be mailed are as follows: Spring- Summer- Fall- Saturday, March 26th Saturday, June 4th Saturday, September 10th WINTER HIGHLIGHTS Family Activities *** Community Sledding Party *** Ice Skating Youth Activities *** Welch Village Ski Trip *** Science Museum & Omni Theater *** Chaska Community Center 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER __~H__'1" - . _... ---"-'-'--"-'~-"~-"~'"-""-~."-"~.~'~"_..""-,,,--..--.-.- *** Decorated Tennis Shoes *** Skateville & Circus Pizza Tot Activities *** Fun Station Trip *** Children's Museum *** Trisha & The Toons *** Tumbling and Fun *** Pre-Dance Classes Adult Craft Classes *** Eucalyptus Swag *** Spanish Moss Heart *** Raffia Bunny *** Paper Twist Doll Adult Trips *** Seventh Place Theater - "On Borrowed Time" *** Old Log Theater and Lunch *** Grand Casino - Hinckley Trip *** Spring Fling!! All in all we are offering over 25 different classes or trips for the winter season. The winter season has already started with the first day of our program registration taking place on Tuesday, January 4th. The season will continue through the end of March. P~N<SEJ.>ROGRAM. UPDATE- The dates for the annual Dance Recital have been set for Saturday, April 30th and Sunday, May 1st. This years recital will take place at Kenwood Trail Junior High in Lakeville. In the past the recital has been held at the Prior Lake Senior High School. However, due to the increasing number of participants in the program, a bigger auditorium was needed for the 1994 recitals. Lakeville's stage and auditorium are also much more conducive to hosting a dance program of this type. l-'B.QGRi\.1\1EVALl1ATIONFORMS Starting with the 1994 Winter programs, a new "Program Evaluation Form" will be used to solicit input from the users of our programs. The form is brief and to the point allowing participants to fill out the form in a timely manner. The form -.-...----..---------'-'---.-------,.. .----.,... ~..._,.,._'''.....~._._'--~.,..._....-~-------~...- was used to evaluate a program this fall and the input received was very informative. It is always important to make sure that the City of Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department is offering the programs, trips, activities, and events that the residents enjoy. I have attached a sample copy for your file. - ,,-.< -,,------ .__._--- -----.....--.-....-, -... ---.,- . Please use this form to critique our current program offerings or to suggest any new program ideas that you may have. Your input is greatly appreciated. Name of Program: Date of Program: Please use the following scale to answer questions 1 - 3 by circling the appropriate number. (S-strongly agree. 4-agree, 3-no comment, 2-disagree. I-strongly disagree) 1. The program was well organized and met my expectations. :5432 Comments: T 2. The ch~~eron(s) or pr9gram supervisor(s) was helpful, courteous, and responsible. ~ ~ a 2 L Comments: 3. I really enjoyed the program and would recommend it to others. . 4 , 2 f Comments: 4. What did you like best about the program? 5. What did you like least about the program? 6. What programs, trips or activities would you like to see offered by the City of Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department? THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR IDEAS AND COMMENTS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS AND WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK WITH SOMEONE, PLEASE CALL THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT AT 447-4230 EXT. 221. PLEASE RETURN TO: . City of Prior Lake Parks and Recreation Department 4629 Dakota Street S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 _".._,,_.""~~.. .",. ~_~....,.~'"______~______~....._'...,..."._' ..'m_."~.',_