HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 28 2016 Advisory Committee Annual ReportMonday, November 28th 2016
Parkview Community Room
•Planning Commission
•Economic Development Authority (EDA)
•Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC)
•Technology Village Board of Directors
•Lakes Advisory Committee (LAC)
•Parks Advisory Committee (PAC)
•Community Safety Advisory Committee
•Traffic Safety Advisory Committee
•Communication and Technology Advisory Committee
•Bryan Fleming
•William Kallberg
•Wade Larson (outgoing)
•Mark Petersen
•Dan Ringstad (incoming)
•Dave Tieman
Monique Morton
Jeff Matzke
•Evaluated and recommended various zoning
ordinance amendments including revisions to Bluffs
and Steep Slopes, Brewpubs/Taprooms, and Tree
•Reviewed and recommended zoning actions related
to economic growth, including Versatile Vehicles, Pro
Service Automotive and Courtwood Village.
•Acted upon numerous variance applications (12), the
majority related to lakefront properties.
•Toured downtown districts in Chaska and Excelsior.
•Complete the bulk of the 2040 Comprehensive
Plan update, working with the City’s land use
consultant throughout the process.
•Tour additional cities in the metro area as ongoing
learning experiences.
•Continue to make decisions and recommendations
on subdivision and zoning applications throughout
the year.
•Evaluate and update various ordinances, including
the Subdivision Ordinance and the Low Density
Residential lot dimensional standards.
•Michelle Choudek (outgoing)
•David Chromy
•Ken Hedberg (outgoing)
•Rick Keeney (outgoing)
•Annie Sheehan-Kerber
•Incoming To Be Determined
Dan Rogness
•Worked closely with the Technology Village Board of
Directors on the review and approval of the Technology
Village Analysis and Expansion Plan,which resulted in the
hiring of a Scott County CDA employee to support
Technology Village and to explore program opportunities
•Updated the 2000 Downtown Development Guide by
showing completed projects during the past 15 years and
by developing a draft plan of action into the future,
which was reviewed and discussed at a public meeting.
•Assisted with business development and retention by
supporting a deferred loan to Pizza N’Pasta and
supporting tax abatement and loan for the Versatile
Vehicles project in Deerfield Business Park.
•Continue to guide the Economic Development Advisory
Committee and support the Technology Village Board of
Directors as they implement the recommendations of the
program analysis and expansion plans,including
expansion opportunities within Scott County.
•Establish a task force of downtown residents and
businesses to develop an integrated road network plan
that supports future traffic volumes,a downtown vision,
and a targeted redevelopment plan.
•Establish a process and plan to target resources to
economic opportunities that provide significant benefits
to Prior Lake,including those that may include property
acquisition and direct support to commercial and
industrial development.
•Luke Brazier
•Celina Byers (outgoing)
•Stephanie Carroll
•Lloyd Erbaugh
•William Henry
•Wade Larson
•Jim Mahoney
•Jeff Petschl (incoming)
•Kim Prchal
•Trisha Rosenfeld
•Thane Tande
•Marie Voreis
Michelle Choudek
Chamber of Commerce Liaison Sandi Fleck
Casey McCabe
•The EDAC documented and evaluated the comments received at the Fall2015BusinessMixereventanddevelopedan‘Action Item’sheet to respondtotheminwriting.Throughout 2016,the committee communicatedresponsesviaemailandontheEDACpageoftheCitywebsitetoalleventattendants.In addition,City staff and EDAC members held follow-upmeetingswithbusinessownerstodiscussspecificconcernsraisedattheBusinessMixer.
•Throughout 2016,the EDAC has completed many face-to-face businessretentionvisitstoPriorLakebusinesses.The purpose of the visits is toexpressappreciationforwhatallPriorLakebusinessesbringtothecommunity,listen to any comments or suggestions the business owner mayhavetocreateastrongerbusinessclimateinPriorLakeandtoshareinformationaboutinitiativesorplansfromtheCity,the EDA or ourcommittee.
•The EDAC completed an update to the Prior Lake Community Profile andcontinuedtopublishitsquarterlyPriorLakeBusinessPagese-newsletter toover400recipients.The Prior Lake Business Pages sharescommercial/industrial news,promotion of upcoming events,highlights newbusinesses,as well as provides residential,commercial and industrialdevelopmentupdates.
•Expand upon the Commercial Area Liaison program withincreasedoutreachbyschedulingsmallgroupdiscussionsorworkshopswithtargetedareasofthebusinesscommunityto;(i)clearly communicate information to business owners;(ii)ensurematerialaboutplannedorproposedprojectsiseasilyaccessible;(iii)listen and report on business concerns;and (iv)provide anopportunityforbusinessownerstoengageinaconstructiveconversationaboutthefutureofPriorLake.
•Focus on building collaboration between businesses,advisebusinessesregardingoutsidesupportorganizationssuchastheFirstStopShop,Open to Business or RiverSouth and be preparedtoworkcooperativelyandcollaborativelytosupportnewly
elected and appointed officials.
•Create an EDAC subcommittee to establish goals and developimplementationstrategiestoencourageandpromotethebusinessclimate,collaboration opportunities and businessexpansioninPriorLakewiththeuseoftechnologyandsocialmedia.
•Lori Frank
•Gerry Hughes
•Sarah Jones (incoming)
•Adam Proehl
•David Rech (Advisory Board Member)
•Daniel Stratton
•Patrick Stroh (incoming)
Ken Hedberg
Dan Rogness and Casey McCabe
2016 Goal:Evaluate the findings and recommendations of the
Technology Village Phase III Program Analysis,being completed
by Greenwood Consulting Group.Based on the analysis,develop
a roadmap and provide direction and suggestions to the EDA
around March 2016.
•The EDA and Technology Village BOD completed a review of
the Technology Village Phase III Analysis and accepted the
report in May.
•The report led to many recommendations including an
enhanced Service Provider Network and the exploration of
program expansion opportunities throughout Scott Co.
•The Scott Co.CDA hired a new full-time employee who will
dedicate up to ½of their time to expanding the business
accelerator program throughout Scott County effective
November 7.
2016 Goal:Identify participants and roll-out the
Technology Village Virtual Participation Program.
•The BOD established a Technology Village ‘Virtual
Participation’program in February which provides business
development assistance to Prior Lake business start-ups
that are not physically located within City Hall or private
lease space.
•The BOD rolled out the program in May,updated collateral
material and socialized the program via targeted Facebook
messaging between May-June.
•Two virtual program applications were received although no
participants have been selected.
2016 Goal:Establish a pipeline of technology and professionalservicebusinessesthatwillallowthecontinuedfulluseoftheTechnologyVillageprogramwhileretainingthesevenexistingprogramparticipantsandidentifyaminimumoftwoadditionalprogramsparticipants.
To promote the program,identify additional participants andretainexistingparticipants,the Technology Village BOD:
•Hosted several networking and educational events
throughout the year,including a SBIR (Small Business
Innovation Research)workshop;
•Increased board member and participant interaction
with the implementation of ‘Roundtable”discussions to
support participants’business strategy and growth
•Held quarterly participant breakfast meetings,which
included educational presentations on topics such as
Intellectual Property;Cyber Security;and Funding.
•Continue to implement the recommendations of the
Technology Village Phase III Program Analysis,
primarily related to program expansion within Scott
•Identify additional program participants,both virtual
and physical,to increase the number of Technology
Village related employees working in Prior Lake.
•Identify creative approaches to promote the
Technology Village program and its participant
•David Celski
•William Kallberg
•Dan Shower (outgoing)
•James Streefland
•Liz Weninger
Annette Thompson
Pete Young
•LAC members volunteered at 5 neighborhood park parties, 2
Clean Water Clean-Up events, an Arbor Day event, and
Lakefront Days; distributed educational materials, talked
with residents about water resources issues.
•Provided over 150 rain gauges to local children, who
decorated them at the Neighborhood Park Parties and used
them to track irrigation use and rainfall at their homes.
•Members attended a boat tour with the Prior Lake-Spring
Lake Watershed District (PLSLWD) Citizen Advisory Committee
•Liaisons were assigned to the Spring Lake and Prior Lake
Associations and the PLSLWD; updates provided to other LAC
members at meetings and workshops.
•Neighborhood Park Parties: LAC Members
volunteered at 5 of these well-attended
•Lakefront Days
•Clean Water Clean Up: Spring and Fall 2016
•Increase public awareness of water
resources issues and help the City meet
certain state education and outreach
requirements related to stormwater.
•Work collaboratively with other City
committees and local stakeholder groups to
provide input on shared topics and
accomplish any similar goals.
•Advise staff and Council on various issues
related to water quality and surface water
•Ken Calautti
•Steve Pany
•Kendall Larson (outgoing)
•Kelly Loose (outgoing)
•Jason Tschetter
•Andrew Uzpen
Annette Thompson
Katy Gehler and Angie Barstad
•Eagle Brook Park Developed with input from PAC &
•Pleasure Rink list reviewed and updated –Flooding
to begin 2016/2017
•Pilot project for trail maintenance/replacement plan
•Led two semi-annual meetings with Prior Lake
associations & surrounding communities
•Actively volunteered at Neighborhood Park Parties
and community events to raise awareness
•Increased community involvement in Adopt-a-
Project/Park Program.
PAC helping out at Spring A Ding &
Fall FrenzyEagle Brook Park-Developed
•Assist staff and Council on prioritization of park development
• Trail maintenance/replacement plans • Comprehensive/Park Plan
• 2018 construction projects with park/trail impacts
•Continue semi-annual meetings with athletic associations and
surrounding communities on 2017 goals, needs & opportunities for
•Building stronger neighborhoods:
• Continue to refine Neighborhood Park Parties
• Participate & volunteer at community events
•Education and promotion of park resources and programs
• Connect with & engage residents with park & trail planning
• Encourage sponsorship for community events
• Improve communications with residents on PAC, parks programs
(i.e. Adopt-a-Project/Park)
• Improve outreach efforts
•Janine Alcorn
•Patrick Dougherty
•Gina Gertner
•Liz Heili (Youth Member)
•Betsy Jader
•Linda Ringstad
•Woody Spitzmueller
Richard Keeney
Chief Elliott
•Review of Community Event Policy
•Review of Alcohol and Tobacco Ordinance Revisions
•Review of Peddlers Ordinance revisions
•Letters and presentation to High School students on making safe
choices at Prom and Graduation events.
•Letter to incoming Freshmen and parents on having a safe High
School experience.
•Table at Community Fest with safety materials
•Adoption of an annual calendar for addressing community safety
items throughout the year.
•Letters to the editor for public safety topics
•Implementation of Annual Calendar objectives;
including public safety initiatives such as domestic
violence prevention, safe driving, etc.
•Seek input from the public and offer education at
tables at community events such as the Farmer’s and
Veterans Market, Community Fest and other
•Support police department safety initiatives such as
distracted driving, speed, and DWI reduction.
•Bruce Loney
•Patrick Heaney
•Steve Pany
Ex Officio Member Jim Dellwo (ISD 719), Kate Miner (Scott Co.)
Annette Thompson
Staff Liaison Larry Poppler, Doug Hartman, Randy Hofstad, Katy
●2016 general traffic safety requests (19)
Speeding –6
Parking –7
Pedestrian Crossings –1
Stop Sign Requests –2
Other -3
(2015 –31; 2014 –20; 2013 –5; 2012 –14; 2011 –9; 2010 –30)
•Stemmer Ridge Road Traffic
Calming Recommendations
•Driver Feedback Sign (Grant)
•General Traffic Safety Requests
•Encourage and Acknowledge Sponsorship and Donations
of Traffic Control Devices
•Review New Crosswalk Policy/Manual
•Review TSAC Guidelines
•Increase TSAC Education (Website, Wavelength)
•Brett Anderson (outgoing)
•Jim Anderson
•Don Breidenbach
•Erik Juhl
•Jessica Weber
Annette Thompson
Kevin Roach and Dave Elbon
•Reviewed and Updated Social Media and Staff IT Policies
•Reconstructed three website pages –Street Projects, WSUM and Emerald Ash Borer
•15 Inside City Hall Shows
•City Council Candidate Messages
•Added video players to TSAC and Lake page
•Created a YouTube channel
•Joined Nextdoor Social Network as an Agency
•Dramatic increase in Facebook reach. Average post in
2015 reached 400 people, 2016 we reached an average
of 1,000 per post.
•Research ways Council Meetings can be more
•Create a Data Practices webpage
•Begin replacing City Council Audio/Video
•Develop an annual calendar that identifies
communication priorities and strategies for
departments and committees.