HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 09 2017 Survey and 2040 Vision Report Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION REPORT MEETING DATE: JANUARY 9, 2017 AGENDA #: A & B PREPARED BY: FRANK BOYLES, CITY MANAGER PRESENTED BY: FRANK BOYLES & PETER LEATHERMAN AGENDA ITEM: SURVEY OBJECTIVE REPORT FROM PETER LEATHERMAN WITH THE MORRIS LEATHERMAN COMPANY AND 2040 VISION INTRODUCTION: The purpose of tonight’s work session is to review the Telephone Survey which has been conducted periodically to provide data for the 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan as well as the strategic plan itself so the city council will have an orientation to each. TOPICS: Topic A: Survey Peter Leatherman of Morris/Leatherman Survey Research will provide the city council with a presentation regarding the validity of the survey research tool and the results of the January 2014 community survey. A copy of the responses to that survey is included. Leatherman will also discuss question modifications intended to improve the scope of the survey and its applicability to current day city issues. Topic B: 2040 Vision & Strategic Plan A copy of the 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan is enclosed. I will provide the council with some history of the document and its contents. There will be time available to discuss the extent to which this document should be used and the method which should be used to update it. CONCLUSION: The staff would appreciate direction from the city council on these two topics as we start the new year. THEMORRISLEATHERMAN COMPANY CITYOFPRIORLAKE 3128DeanCourt RESIDENTIALSURVEY Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 FINALJANUARY2014 Hello, I'm __________ oftheMorrisLeathermanCompany, a nationwidepollingfirmlocatedinMinneapolis. We'vebeen retainedbytheCityofPriorLaketospeakwitharandomsample ofresidentsaboutissuesfacingthecity. Thesurveyisbeing takenbecauseyourcityrepresentativesandstaffareinterested inyouropinionsandsuggestions. Iwanttoassureyouthatall individualresponseswillbeheldstrictlyconfidential; only summariesoftheentiresamplewillbereported. (DONOTPAUSE) 1. Approximately howmanyyearshave LESSTHANTWOYEARS....6% haveyoulivedinPriorLake? TWOTOFIVEYEARS.....14% 5.1TOTENYEARS......22% 10.1TOTWENTYYEARS..25% 20.1TOTHIRTYYEARS..17% OVERTHIRTYYEARS.....16% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% 2. Howwouldyouratethequalityof EXCELLENT.............40% lifeinPriorLake -- excellent, GOOD..................55% good, onlyfair, orpoor? ONLYFAIR..............5% POOR...................0% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% 3. WhatdoyoulikeMOST aboutliving DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% inPriorLake? LOCATION...............3% SMALLTOWNFEEL.......31% QUIET.................14% SAFE...................4% SCHOOLS................9% NEIGHBORHOOD...........7% THELAKE..............10% PEOPLE.................8% PARKSANDRECREATION...2% ACCESSTOMETROAREA...5% CLOSETOJOB...........6% SCATTERED..............2% 1 4. Ingeneral, whatdoyouthinkis DON'TKNOW/REFUSED....18% themostseriousissuefacingthe CRIME..................7% communitytoday? GROWTH................20% TAXES.................12% SCHOOLS................4% TRAFFIC................8% LACKOFCOMMERCIAL.....9% LACKOFINDUSTRY.......4% STREETMAINTENANCE.....7% CITYSPENDING..........6% DOWNTOWNFEEL..........2% DRINKINGWATERQUALTY..2% SCATTERED..............2% 5. Howwouldyouratethegeneral EXCELLENT.............25% senseofcommunitythatPriorLake GOOD..................66% residentsfeel -- excellent, good, ONLYFAIR..............8% onlyfair, orpoor? POOR...................1% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% 6. Nowwhichofthefollowingstate- STATEMENTA...........32% mentscomesclosestto your STATEMENTB...........59% feelings? STATEMENTC............7% A. Ifeelarealtietotheentire NONE...................2% PriorLakecommunity. DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% B. Ihavestrongtiestomyneigh- borhood, butweaktiestothe restofPriorLake. C. Ihaveneitherstrongtiesto myneighborhoodnorthecomm- unityasawhole. Let'sspendafewminutesdiscussingthefutureoftheCityof PriorLake. 7. Whenthinkingaboutacity'squal- DON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....1% ityoflife, whatdoyouthinkis SAFETY................30% themostimportantaspectofthat SENSEOFCOMMUNITY....18% quality? QUALITYOFSCHOOLS....15% OPENSPACES/NATURE.....9% PARKSANDRECREATION...3% SMALLTOWNFEEL.......11% LAKE...................3% QUIETANDPEACEFUL.....9% SCATTERED..............2% 2 8. Whataspects, ifany, ofthecom- DON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....4% munityshouldbefixedor improved NOTHING...............20% inthefuture? LOWERTAXES...........15% MORERESTAURANTS.......4% MORERETAIL............9% LESSGROWTH...........13% STREETMAINTENANCE....15% CITYSPENDING..........7% SCHOOLS................4% DOWNTOWN...............3% TRAFFIC CONGESTION.....2% SCATTERED..............4% 9. What, ifanything, iscurrently DON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....4% missingfromtheCityof PriorLake NOTHING...............38% which, ifpresent, wouldgreatly MORERESTAURANTS.......8% improvethequalityoflifefor MORERETAIL...........15% residents? MOREPUBLICTRANSIT....3% MOREJOBS.............15% MOREENTERTAINMENT....12% SCATTERED..............5% 10. WhenyouthinkaboutPriorLakebothDON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....2% todayandyesterday, what, ifany- NOTHING................7% thing, doyouthinkshouldbepre- LAKE..................14% servedforthefuture? OPENSPACE/NATURE.....30% LOWCRIME/SAFETY......12% PARKSAND TRAIL........8% SMALLTOWNFEEL.......12% SENSEOFCOMMUNITY.....7% QUALITYOFSCHOOLS.....5% HISTORICBUILDINGS.....2% SCATTERED..............2% Changingfocus.... TheCityofPriorLakereviewsthecosteffectiveness ofthe servicesitprovidestoresidents. Youropinionsonthisportion ofthesurveyareparticularlyimportanttodecision-makers. Iam goingtoreadyoualistofsomeofthecurrentserviceseither directlyprovidedbythecityorpartiallysubsidized byit. For eachone, pleaserateeachserviceasexcellent, good, onlyfair orpoor. Ifyouhavenoopinion, justsayso.... EXCLGOODFAIRPOORD.K. 11. Policeservice? 60% 36% 3% 0% 2% 12. Fireservice? 61% 33% 1% 0% 5% 13. Waterqualityinlakes? 13% 55% 24% 4% 5% 3 EXCLGOODFAIRPOORD.K. 14. Qualityofdrinkingwater? 13% 47% 30% 7% 4% 15. Animalcontrol? 11% 57% 16% 2% 14% 16. Parkandtrailmaintenance? 30% 63% 4% 0% 3% 17. Recreationprograms? 24% 61% 5% 0% 10% 18. Buildinginspectionandpermits? 7% 59% 9% 1% 24% 19. 911emergencyresponsetimeto calls? 42% 39% 1% 0% 18% 20. Zoningcodeenforcement? 8% 56% 12% 1% 25% 21. Economic developmentservices? 7% 53% 18% 3% 20% 22. Transitservices, suchasthe localLakerLinkandtheBlue Express? 4% 41% 22% 4% 30% 23. Neighborhoodstreetlighting? 13% 59% 23% 4% 2% 24. Citycommunications, suchasthe citynewsletterandwebsite? 15% 72% 10% 2% 2% 25. Sanitarysewer service? 12% 80% 6% 0% 2% Forthenexttwocityservices, pleaseconsideronlycitystreets. Inparticular, donotconsiderStateHighway 13orCountyRoads 12, 21, 42, 44, 82and83, asthesearenotmaintainedbytheCity ofPriorLake. EXCLGOODFAIRPOORD.K. 26. Citystreetsweeping? 17% 69% 12% 2% 1% 27. Citystreetrepairandmaintenance? 17% 50% 28% 5% 0% 28. Snowandiceremoval? 25% 57% 16% 3% 0% Now, Iwouldliketore-readyouthatlistofcityservices. For eachone, pleasetellmeifyouconsideritbeanessentialcity service, averyimportantcityservice, asomewhat importantcity service, ornotaveryimportantserviceatall. ESS VRI SMI NVI DKR 29. Policeservice? 91% 9% 0% 0% 0% 30. Fireservice? 93% 7% 0% 0% 0% 31. Waterqualityinlakes? 52% 36% 11% 2% 0% 32. Qualityofdrinkingwater? 71% 26% 3% 1% 0% 33. Animalcontrol? 25% 40% 30% 5% 0% 34. Parkandtrailmaintenance? 33% 47% 19% 2% 0% 35. Recreationprograms? 32% 46% 19% 3% 1% 36. Buildinginspectionandpermits? 40% 41% 16% 3% 0% 37. 911emergencyresponse timeto calls? 80% 17% 2% 1% 0% 38. Zoningcodeenforcement? 39% 36% 21% 3% 1% 39. Economic developmentservices? 42% 39% 12% 5% 2% 4 ESS VRI SMI NVI DKR 40. Transitservices, suchasthe localLakerLinkandtheBlue Express? 36% 39% 18% 6% 1% 41. Neighborhoodstreetlighting? 45% 47% 7% 1% 1% 42. Citycommunications, suchasthe citynewsletter andwebsite? 33% 46% 20% 2% 0% 43. Sanitarysewer service? 52% 42% 5% 1% 0% 44. Citystreetsweeping? 43% 33% 22% 2% 0% 45. Citystreetrepairandmaintenance? 74% 24% 2% 1% 0% 46. Snowandiceremoval? 77% 22% 1% 0% 0% Now, forthefinaltimeIamgoingtoreadthelistofcity services. Giventhecurrenteconomicandfinancialenvironment, thecitymayhavetomakesomeadditionaltoughchoicesinthe nextcoupleofyearswithrespecttoscalingbackoreliminating certaincityservices. Foreachofthefollowingpleasetellme ifyouwouldsupportanincreaseinfundingfortheservice, keep thefundingfortheserviceatitscurrentlevel, makecutsinthe fundingfortheservice, oreliminatefundingfortheservice. ROTATE) INC CUR CUT ELM DKR 47. Policeservice? 12% 88% 1% 0% 0% 48. Fireservice? 8% 92% 0% 0% 0% 49. Waterqualityinlakes? 22% 74% 5% 0% 0% 50. Qualityofdrinkingwater? 36% 62% 2% 0% 0% 51. Animalcontrol? 3% 70% 25% 1% 1% 52. Parkandtrailmaintenance? 4% 82% 13% 0% 1% 53. Recreationprograms? 6% 77% 15% 0% 2% 54. Buildinginspectionandpermits? 2% 83% 12% 1% 3% 55. 911emergencyresponsetimeto calls? 11% 86% 2% 0% 2% 56. Zoningcodeenforcement? 2% 79% 13% 2% 5% 57. Economic developmentservices? 17% 70% 9% 1% 4% 58. Transitservices, suchasthe localLakerLinkandtheBlue Express? 12% 71% 12% 2% 4% 59. Neighborhoodstreetlighting? 11% 85% 3% 0% 1% 60. Citycommunications, suchasthe citynewsletter andwebsite? 4% 80% 14% 1% 1% 61. Sanitarysewer service? 7% 91% 3% 0% 0% 62. Citystreetsweeping? 5% 86% 8% 1% 0% 63. Citystreetrepairandmaintenance? 21% 76% 2% 0% 0% 64. Snowandiceremoval? 14% 85% 2% 0% 0% 5 65. Whenyoucomparetheproperty EXCELLENT.............11% taxesyoupayandthequalityof GOOD..................63% cityservicesyoureceive, would ONLYFAIR.............20% youratethegeneralvalueasex- POOR...................2% cellent, good, onlyfairorpoor? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....5% 66. Doyouconsider thecityportion VERYHIGH.............10% ofyourpropertytaxestobe SOMEWHATHIGH.........45% veryhigh, somewhathigh, about ABOUTAVERAGE.........37% average, somewhatlow, orverylow SOMEWHAT LOW...........1% incomparisonwithneighboring VERYLOW...............0% cities? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....7% Movingon.... 67. Howwouldyouratethegeneral EXCELLENT.............23% appearanceofCityofPriorLake GOOD..................70% excellent, good, onlyfair, or ONLYFAIR..............7% orpoor? POOR...................0% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% 68. Now, howwouldyouratethegener- EXCELLENT.............37% alappearanceofyourneighborhood GOOD..................61% excellent, good, onlyfair, or ONLYFAIR..............2% orpoor? POOR...................0% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% Foreachofthefollowing, pleasetellmewhether theCityistoo tough, aboutright, ornottoughenoughinenforcingcitycodeson thenuisances. TOO ABO NOT DK/ TOU RIG TOU REF 69. Animalcontrol? 7% 71% 12% 11% 70. Junkcars? 3% 72% 18% 7% 71. Messyyards? 2% 73% 21% 4% 72. Noise? 3% 81% 12% 5% 73. Construction site management? 2% 75% 6% 18% 74. Exteriorhomemaintenance? 2% 83% 11% 5% 75. Snowshoveling ofsidewalks? 5% 73% 19% 3% 76. Maintenanceandappearance ofpropertylinefences? 1% 85% 6% 8% 77. Preventionofsoil erosion? 1% 78% 4% 18% 6 TOO ABO NOT DK/ TOU RIG TOU REF 78. Storageofrecreational equipment, suchasboats, snowmobiles, ATVsand personalwatercraft? 5% 75% 18% 2% 79. Signsforrealestate, yardsalesandelections, intherightofwayor alongcitystreets? 4% 84% 7% 6% 80. Storageofgarbagecans? 2% 90% 8% 1% 81. Whichofthesewouldbeyourtop DON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....4% priorityforgreatercitycode NONE..................35% enforcement? ANIMALCONTROL.........7% JUNKCARS..............6% NOISE..................9% MESSYYARDS...........12% EXTERIORHOME..........3% STORAGEOFRECREATION..9% SNOWSHOVELING/SIDE...13% SCATTERED..............3% Movingon.... 82. Otherthanvoting, doyoufeel YES...................65% thatifyouwantedto, youcould NO....................31% haveasayaboutthewaytheCity DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....4% ofPriorLakerunsthings? 83. Howmuchdoyoufeelyouknow GREATDEAL............10% abouttheworkoftheMayorand FAIRAMOUNT...........49% CityCouncil -- agreatdeal, a VERYLITTLE...........41% fairamount, orverylittle? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....1% 84. Fromwhatyouknow, doyouap- STRONGLYAPPROVE......13% proveordisapproveofthejob SOMEWHATAPPROVE......62% theMayorandCityCouncilare SOMEWHATDISAPPROVE...14% doing? (WAITFORRESPONSE) Anddo STRONGLYDISAPPROVE....2% youfeelstronglythatway? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....9% IFOPINIONS ARESTATEDINQUESTION #84, ASK: (n=366) 7 85. Whydoyoufeelthatway DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....1% abouttheMayorandCity GOODJOB..............41% Council? LISTEN.................9% DONOTLISTEN..........6% COULDIMPROVE.........10% SPENDING...............7% NOPROBLEMS...........19% NEEDMOREBUSINESS.....2% TOOMUCHGROWTH........3% SCATTERED..............3% 86. Fromwhatyouhaveseenorheard, EXCELLENT.............11% howwouldyouratethejobper- GOOD..................77% formanceofthePriorLakeCity ONLYFAIR..............8% staff -- excellent, good, only POOR...................0% fair, orpoor? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....5% 87. Duringthepastyear, haveyou NO....................63% contactedbytelephone, inperson, YES/TELEPHONE.........24% orelectronicallyanyCitystaff YES/INPERSON.........12% member? YES/ELECTRONICALLY.....1% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% IF "YES," ASK: (n=148) Thinkingaboutthatlastcontact, foreachofthefollowing characteristics, pleaseratethePrior Lakestaffasexcel lent, good, onlyfair, orpoor.... EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR DK/R 88. Courtesyandhelpful- nessoftheInformation Deskreceptionist? 42% 53% 5% 0% 0% 89. Easeofreachinga departmentstaff memberwhocould helpyou? 45% 46% 7% 3% 1% 90. Courtesyandhelpfulness ofthedepartment staff? 47% 50% 1% 2% 0% 91. Overall, howwouldyouratethe EXCELLENT..............5% financialmanagementoftheCity GOOD..................61% ofPriorLake -- excellent, good, ONLYFAIR.............24% onlyfairorpoor? POOR...................5% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....6% 8 92. Doyouthinkthecityisdoingtoo TOOMUCH...............4% much, notenoughoraboutthe ABOUTRIGHTAMOUNT....69% rightamountfinanciallytoplan NOTENOUGH............16% forPriorLake'sfuture? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED....12% Movingon.... 93. ArethereareasintheCityof YES....................7% PriorLakewhereyoudonotfeel NO....................93% safe? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....1% IF "YES," ASK: (n=28) 94. Inwhichareasdoyounotfeel DON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% safe? EVERYWHERE............18% DOWNTOWN..............18% LOWINCOMEAREAS......11% CASINO................40% SCATTEREDAREAS.......14% 95. Whatwouldmakeyoufeelmore DON’TKNOW/REFUSED....29% safe? MOREPOLICE PATROLS...46% MORESTREET LIGHTS....21% SIDEWALKS..............4% 96. Pleasetellmewhichoneyouconsidertobethegreatest concerninPriorLake? Ifyoufeelthatnoneoftheseprob- lemsareseriousinPriorLake, justsayso. (READLIST) Violentcrime.................................1% Youthgangs...................................4% Speeding.....................................22% Drugs........................................17% Distracteddriving...........................28% Businesscrimes, suchasshop- liftingandcheckfraud..................2% Residentialcrimes, suchas burglary, theft, andvandalism..........15% ALLEQUALLY...................................1% NONEOFTHEABOVE.............................8% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED............................1% 97. Howwouldyouratetheamountof TOOMUCH...............2% policepatrollinginyourneigh- ABOUTRIGHTAMOUNT....89% borhood -- wouldyousaytheydo NOTENOUGH.............9% toomuch, abouttherightamount, DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....1% ornotenough? 9 Iwouldliketoreadalistoftraffic violations. Foreachone, pleasetellmeifitshouldbeatoppriorityforthePolice Department, ahighpriority, amoderatepriority, alowpriority ornotapriorityatallforthePoliceDepartment. (ROTATE) ATP HIP MOP LOP NAA DKR 98. Loudmufflers? 6% 12% 29% 35% 19% 0% 99. Illegalparking? 4% 18% 38% 33% 8% 0% 100. Junkcars? 7% 18% 31% 26% 18% 0% 101. Vehiclesrunning stoplights andstopsigns? 28% 45% 19% 6% 2% 0% 102. Carelessdriving? 49% 38% 11% 2% 1% 0% 103. Drunkendriving? 72% 23% 3% 2% 1% 0% 104. Drivingwithoutseatbelts? 26% 37% 24% 10% 4% 0% Let'stalkabouteconomicdevelopmentforafewminutes..... 105. Arethereanytypesofdevelopment DON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....2% youwouldliketoseeinthecity? NO....................40% IF "YES," ASK:) Whatarethey? BIGBOXRETAIL........14% BOUTIQUESHOPS.........5% FAMILYSITDOWNREST...12% FINEDINING............4% JOBPRODUCING.........16% SERVICEBUSINESSES.....2% SCATTERED..............5% 106. Arethereanytypesofdevelopment DON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....1% orredevelopmentyouwouldstrongly NO....................52% oppose? FASTFOOD..............4% BIGBOXRETAIL........10% BARS..................10% ADULTENTERTAINMENT...12% LOW-INCOMEHOUSING.....3% CASINOEXPANSION.......2% HIGH-RISEAPARTMENTS...3% SCATTERED..............3% 107. DoyoufeelthatPriorLakeresi- YES...................60% dentshaveanadequateopportunity NO....................28% toprovideinputintothezoning DON'TKNOW/REFUSED....13% andlandusedecision-making process? TheCityhasanobjectiveof50% ofitsresidentsworkinginPrior Lakeby2030. 10 108. Doyouagreeordisagreewiththis STRONGLYAGREE........12% objective? (WAITFORRESPONSE) AGREE.................60% Doyoufeelstronglythatway? DISAGREE..............14% STRONGLYDISAGREE......5% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED....10% Turningtoparkandrecreationissues. Whenyouconsideryour qualityoflifeinthecity.... 109. Howimportantareparkandrecrea- VERYIMPORTANT........40% tionalfacilitiestoyou -- very SOMEWHATIMPORTANT....42% important, somewhatimportant, not NOTTOOIMPORTANT.....17% tooimportantornotatall NOTATALLIMPORTANT...2% important? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% Whenyouconsiderthevalueofyourhome.... 110. Howimportantistheappearance VERYIMPORTANT........53% ofyourneighborhoodpark -- very SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT....42% important, somewhatimportant, not NOTTOOIMPORTANT......4% tooimportantornotatall NOTATALLIMPORTANT...1% important? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% 111. Whenyoucomparethepropertytaxes EXCELLENT.............17% youpayandthequalityofparkand GOOD..................68% recreationservices, wouldyourate ONLYFAIR..............9% thegeneralvalueasexcellent, POOR...................1% good, onlyfairorpoor? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....5% ThePriorLakeParkSystemiscomposedof36smaller neighborhood parksdesignedtoserveresidentswithinaone-thirdmileradius, fourlargercommunityparkscontainingballfieldsandother athleticamenities, twoopenspaceparkswhichaccommodatepassive recreation, atrailsystemandtwoswimmingbeaches. Foreachof thefollowingfacilities, first, tellmeifyouormembersofyour householdhaveuseditduringthepastyear. Then, forthoseyou haveused, pleaseratethemasexcellent, good, onlyfairorpoor. Ifyouhavenoopinion, justsayso.... NOTEXCGOOFAIPOODKR 112. Smallerneighborhoodparks? 24% 24% 50% 2% 0% 1% 113. Largercommunityparks, suchas Lakefront, Memorial, Ponds, andRyan? 23% 37% 38% 1% 0% 1% 114. Openspaceparks, suchasWood- viewPark, DeerfieldorRaspberry Ridge? 27% 37% 34% 2% 0% 1% 115. Trailsandsidewalks? 15% 39% 42% 3% 1% 1% 11 NOTEXCGOOFAIPOODKR 116. Watzl'sandSandPoint beaches? 35% 24% 38% 1% 0% 2% 117. Overall, wouldyouratethepark EXCELLENT.............22% andrecreationalfacilitiesin GOOD..................75% PriorLakeasexcellent, good, ONLYFAIR..............3% onlyfair, orpoor? POOR...................0% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....1% 118. Doyouthinkthecityhastoomany TOOMANY...............7% parks, toofeworabouttheright TOOFEW................3% amount? ABOUTRIGHTAMOUNT....89% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....1% 119. Doyouthinkthere isadequate YES...................65% parkingatcityparks? NO....................27% DON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....8% 120. Arethereanyparkandrecreational DON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....3% facilitiesmissingfromthecommun- NO....................49% ityyouwouldliketoseeinPrior COMMUNITYCENTER......26% Lake? (IF "YES," ASK:) Whatare INDOORPOOL............4% they? FITNESSCENTER.........4% SENIORCENTER..........4% TEENCENTER............7% WATERPARK.............2% SCATTERED..............2% 121. Haveyouormembersofyourhouse- YES...................35% holdparticipatedincityrecrea- NO....................65% tionprogramsduringthepasttwo DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% years? IF "YES," ASK: (n=141) 122. Howwouldyourateyourex- EXCELLENT.............33% periencewiththeCity GOOD..................66% recreationprograms -- ex- ONLYFAIR..............1% cellent, good, onlyfairor POOR...................0% poor? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% 123. Haveyouormembersofyourhouse- YES...................28% holdparticipatedinanyprograms NO....................72% offeredbysportsassociations in DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% theCityofPriorLakeinthepast twoyears? IF "YES," ASK: (n=113) 12 124. Doyouthinkthecosttoparti- TOOHIGH..............16% cipateinsportsassociation ABOUTRIGHT...........84% programsinthecityistoo DON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% highorarethecostabout right? 125. Haveyouormembersofyourhouse- YES...................67% holdparticipatedinacommunity NO....................33% celebrationorevent, suchasMusic DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% Fest, LakefrontDaysorLakefront Dazzle, duringthepasttwoyears? IF "YES," ASK: (n=266) 126. Howwouldyourateyourex- EXCELLENT.............45% periencewiththeCityevent GOOD..................53% excellent, good, only ONLYFAIR..............2% fair, orpoor? POOR...................0% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% Movingon.... Foreachofthefollowingcommunication channels, pleasetellme whetheritisamajorsource, minorsourceornosource atall aboutPriorLakenews, activities, eventsorCitypolicies? MAJ MIN NOT DKR 127. The "PriorLakeAmerican?" 73% 21% 5% 0% 128. Governmentaccesscabletelevision channels8, 15or81? 11% 32% 56% 1% 129. "Wavelength," thecitynewsletter? 56% 31% 13% 0% 130. Co-workers/Neighbors? 19% 56% 25% 0% 131. TheStarTribune? 6% 34% 60% 1% 132. TheCity'swebsite? 25% 34% 41% 1% 133. City'se-mailednewsletters? 9% 24% 67% 1% 134. TheCity'sFacebook pageor Twitter? 1% 15% 82% 3% 135. Webstreamingofcitymeetings? 3% 17% 79% 2% 136. Ifyoucould choosethebestwayforDON’TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% youtoreceiveinformationabout NONE...................1% Citygovernment andtheissuesfac- PRIORLAKEAMERICAN...40% ingthecommunity, whatwouldit CABLETV...............4% be? CITYNEWSLETTER.......28% CITYWEBSITE..........13% E-MAIL.................8% MAILINGS...............4% SCATTERED..............2% 13 137. DoyourecallreceivingtheCity YES...................89% newsletter -- "Wavelength" NO....................11% duringthepastyear? DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% IF "YES," ASK: (n=357) 138. Howeffectiveisthiscity VERYEFFECTIVE........42% publicationinkeepingyou SOMEWHATEFFECTIVE....49% informedaboutactivities in NOTTOOEFFECTIVE......7% thecity -- veryeffective, NOTATALLEFFECTIVE...1% somewhateffective, nottoo DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....1% effective, ornotatallef- fective? 139. Overall, howwouldyouratethe EXCELLENT.............18% jobtheCitydoesincommunicating GOOD..................69% withresidents -- excellent, good, ONLYFAIR.............12% onlyfairorpoor? POOR...................1% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% Now, justafewmorequestionsfordemographicpurposes.... Couldyoupleasetellmehowmanypeopleineachofthefollowing agegroupsliveinyourhousehold. Pleaseincludeyourselfinthe properagegroup. Let'sstartoldesttoyoungest.... 140. First, persons65orover? NONE..................81% ONE...................10% TWOORMORE............9% REFUSED................0% 141. Adults, 18to64? NONE..................10% ONE...................19% TWO...................64% THREEORMORE..........7% REFUSED................0% 142. Childrenunder18yearsofage? NONE..................60% ONE...................13% TWO...................20% THREEORMORE..........7% REFUSED................0% 143. Doyouownorrentyourpresent OWN...................83% residence? RENT..................17% DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....0% IF "OWN," ASK: (n=331) 14 144. Whichofthefollowingcate- UNDER $200,000........11% gorieswouldcontainthe $200,000-$300,000.....35% approximatevalueofyour $300,000-$400,000.....32% residentialproperty -- under $400,000-$500,000.....14% 200,000, $200,000-$300,000, OVER $500,000..........5% 300,000-$400,000, $400,000 DON'TKNOW.............0% 500,000, orover $500,000? REFUSED................4% 145. Whatisyourage, please? 18-24..................5% 25-34.................17% 35-44.................23% 45-54.................23% 55-64.................19% 65ANDOVER...........14% 146. Finally, thinkingaboutyour STATEMENTA............4% householdfinances, howwouldyou STATEMENTB...........27% describeyourfinancialsituation, STATEMENTC...........50% wouldyousaythat -- STATEMENTD...........18% A) Yourmonthlyexpensesareex- DON'TKNOW/REFUSED.....1% ceedingyourincome; B) Youaremeetingyourmonthly expensesbutareputtingaside littleornosavings; C) Youaremanaging comfortably whileputtingsomemoneyaside; D) Managing verywell? 147. Gender MALE..................50% FEMALE................50% 148. PRECINCT PRECINCT1............12% PRECINCT2.............9% PRECINCT3............16% PRECINCT4............16% PRECINCT5............15% PRECINCT6A...........11% PRECINCT6B............9% PRECINCT7............13% 15 2 VISION4 AND STRATEGIC PLAN Prior Lake: A Wonderful Place to Live, Work and Play for a Lifetime. ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT There is no quesƟ on that it is hard to build a City. In 2014, Prior Lake is now a community of approximately 18 square miles, 24,000 residents, 100 miles of roads, over 5,471 acres of parkland comprising 55 community parks and three regional parks, 80 miles of sidewalks and trails, over 2,000 acres of water comprising 14 lakes, 8,400 homes and a growing business community. One of the biggest challenges to achieving the 2040 Vision is keeping focused on the end result amidst the many complexiƟ es and challenges of government. Because of the focus it provides, the 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan is the most important document in our City. It is the blueprint that defi nes what our community will become and the incremental steps we must take to get there. It keeps us focused on what our community says it wants to be based upon community-wide periodic visioning sessions and professionally administered surveys. The plan represents the areas of strategic importance we must tackle together to achieve the Prior Lake Vision. This is not a new document – but rather a refi ned one. The original 2020 Vision eff ort fi rst began in 2002, and since that Ɵ me, has included input from hundreds of residents, elected offi cials, City staff and community stakeholders. Each review session seeks to evaluate if we are on the right track, reviews new informaƟ on available to us, and determines the next benchmarks we must achieve toward realizing our Vision. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW About This Document Page 2 Timeline of Strategic Planning Page 3 Mission and Vision Statement Page 4-6 What Prior Lake Residents Say...Page 7 THE SEVEN STRATEGIC ELEMENTS The Seven Elements IntroducƟ on Page 8 Community Assets Page 8 Economic/Community Development Page 9 ff yEff ecƟ ve City Resources gPage 10-11 Natural Resources Page 12 Safe/Healthy Community Page 13 TransportaƟ on Page 14 CommunicaƟ on Page 15 CONCLUSION Final Wrap - For more InformaƟ on Pa ge 16 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 2 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com A Timeline of Prior Lake’s Strategic Planning 2002 City Adopts 2020 Strategic Plan October 2003 70 Community Members Update 2020 Plan April 2005 110 Community Members Update/Extend Plan to 2030 February 2007 120 Community Members Update 2030 Plan March 2009 145 Community Members Update 2030 Plan June 2010 City Council Updates Plan February 2012 70 Stakeholders Update 2030 Plan Unfolding in these subsequent pages is the 9th iteraƟ on of the 2040 Vision. As a Prior Lake ciƟ zen, you play a criƟ cal role as this blueprint is translated into reality. Even though the current planning process is complete, your familiarity with the Vision will assure that the City Council and City staff conƟ nue to get producƟ ve input and stay focused. It is our hope that you will tell your friends and neighbors about Aug. 2013 70 Stakeholders Update 2030 Plan April 2014: 117 Stakeholders Update/Extend Plan to 2040 3 all the good things envisioned for our community, and that you will become an engaged, posiƟ ve and acƟ ve parƟ cipant in making our 2040 Vision a reality. Mayor Ken Hedberg Councilor Rick Keeney Councilor Mike McGuire Councilor Monique Morton Councilor Vanessa Soukup 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com 2002 70 MISSION VISION 4 Prior Lake is known for its lakes, vibrant parks system, outdoor ameniƟ es, recreaƟ on opportuniƟ es and numerous entertainment venues. Together with “RiverSouth” entertainment venues, this area enjoys a reputaƟ on as a great place to visit and stay. The residents of Prior Lake reinforce a warm, small-town feel by supporƟ ng neighborhoods, parƟ cipaƟ ng in community and welcoming visitors with courtesy and hospitality. Prior Lake’s downtown serves as the hub of the City, off ering walkable desƟ naƟ ons, specialty shopping, dining, entertainment and services that meet the needs of residents and visitors alike. In parallel, Prior Lake has emerged as a center of technology and innovaƟ on, off ering aƩ racƟ ve jobs to its residents. The City has earned a reputaƟ on as a great place to start a high-quality business and grow it to success, with resources and support for home-based businesses, business incubators and telecommuters. All this has been achieved while maintaining a sound base of quality housing, strong neighborhoods, and safe, secure living for all. A well-run City Council and City administraƟ on innovates and collaborates, conƟ nuously raising producƟ vity and stretching every taxpayer’s dollar for maximum value. Sound fi scal management includes both immediate aƩ enƟ on to local tax burden and also a long-term view toward building and sustaining the infrastructure essenƟ al to a high quality of life for generaƟ ons to come. The mission of the City of Prior Lake is to enhance the quality of life for ciƟ zens by providing quality services which result in a safe and healthy community; recreaƟ on and leisure opportuniƟ es; preservaƟ on and eff ecƟ ve use of lakes, parks and other natural resources; economic vitality; and the promoƟ on of partnerships, volunteerism and civic pride. 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com THE PRIOR LAKE RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY includes a variety of quality housing for all ages, incomes and lifestyles. Several areas take advantage of adjacent lakes, while others are built around the many parks. Neighborhoods and commercial areas are connected by trails to promote a healthy, unifi ed community. • The City of Prior Lake maintains a high quality of life for its residents by cost-eff ecƟ vely sharing services with neighboring communiƟ es, community groups and service organizaƟ ons. • Prior Lake is a safe and healthy community with ciƟ zens engaged with the many acƟ ve police and safety acƟ viƟ es. The trail systems and community centers provide acƟ viƟ es to keep ciƟ zens acƟ ve and fi t. • OperaƟ ons and maintenance decisions, and system replacement are made with consideraƟ on of total lifecycle costs. Environmentally sensiƟ ve, green, sustainable products, equipment and infrastructure are chosen whenever pracƟ cal. • OpportuniƟ es to connect with the City, other neighborhoods, and local organizaƟ ons are plenƟ ful – from walking in the door 5 This is what you might see in ... at City Hall and tradiƟ onal resources like the Prior Lake American and City Wavelength, to uƟ lizing new electronic tools and social media. Residents will fi nd everything from upcoming community events to code and zoning informaƟ on. THE PRIOR LAKE PARK SYSTEM is one reason property values are higher in Prior Lake. There is a mix of acƟ ve and passive parks with a trail system connecƟ ng the parks and major desƟ naƟ ons. Individual recreaƟ on such as disc golf and paddle boats are balanced with organized sports. • Sunset Tr. (County Rd. 12) allows parking along the streets for Spring Lake Park and athleƟ c fi eld users. The installaƟ on of curb and guƩ er updates the neighborhood and helps the park with fl ooding and sanitary issues. A biking/walking trail connects the park internally and with adjacent trails outside the park. • Spring Lake Regional Park is home to a soccer/lacrosse complex with lighted fi elds and a mulƟ -purpose concessions/services facility located near a central children’s playground. The parking area is the trailhead for mulƟ ple trails in and through Spring Lake Regional Park. 2 4 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com • The water quality of Spring, Upper and Lower Prior Lakes is improved due to programs developed and iniƟ ated by the collaboraƟ ve eff orts of all contributors to the watershed. In addiƟ on, new trails, boat landings and other ameniƟ es provide mulƟ ple recreaƟ onal uses for all. THE PRIOR LAKE COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS provide services and jobs for our 16,000 households, as well as support growing entertainment and tourism desƟ naƟ ons in northern ScoƩ County. Areas include the expanded downtown, the intersecƟ on of County Rd. 21 and County Rd. 42, Deerfi eld/Waterfront Passage/Welcome Avenue Business Parks, and MysƟ c Lake and other recreaƟ onal enterprises. • Entertainment venues including golf courses, parks, lakes, theaters and the casino thrive and anchor the region’s commercial businesses. RiverSouth becomes a recognizable regional brand that promotes northern ScoƩ County as a recreaƟ on desƟ naƟ on, including ValleyFair, MysƟ c Lake Casino, Canterbury Park and the Renaissance FesƟ val. 6 • Downtown Prior Lake off ers a walkable gathering place including rooŌ op restaurants, bakery, music, art venues, shops, a grocery and wine store, VFW, dance studio, pharmacy, and parking – all conveniently located near the park and the lake where recreaƟ on and outdoor acƟ viƟ es are available. • The intersecƟ on of County Rd. 21 and County Rd. 42 develops as a commercial gateway from the north, including properƟ es such as Jeff ers Waterfront and Jeff ers Pond, Vierling properƟ es, and Summit Preserve. High-quality retail and service shops, restaurants, a conference center and resort hotel exist in a mixed- use environment with senior residenƟ al housing, and parks and trails. • Deerfi eld/Waterfront Passage/Welcome Avenue Business Parks are developed with a mix of mulƟ -story commercial buildings and industrial warehouses. Technology, construcƟ on, gas/convenience store, offi ces, fast food restaurants provide employment and make this a busy and thriving area. This is what you might see... (continued) 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com 2 4 What Prior Lake Residents Say... Quality of Life 2014 City of Prior Lake The Morris Leatherman Company 32 62 6 1 0 30 64 6 00 40 55 5 00 Excellent Good Only Fair Poor Unsure 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2005 Study 2011 Study 2014 Study Like Most about City 2014 City of Prior Lake The Morris Leatherman Company 1 18 40 5 2 3 6 16 4 3 2 1 24 34 6 5 2 7 10 7 3 2 0 14 31 14 4 9 7 10 8 2 2 Unsure Location Small Town Feel Quiet Safe Schools Neighborhood Lake People Parks & Recreation Scattered 01020304050 2005 Study 2011 Study 2014 Study Fixed or Improved for Future 2014 City of Prior Lake The Morris Leatherman Company 15 15 13 9 7 4 4 3 2 4 4 20 Lower Taxes Street Maintenance Less Growth More Retail City Spending More Restaurants Schools Downtown Traffic Congestion Scattered Unsure Nothing 0 5 10 15 20 25 Most Serious Issue 2014 City of Prior Lake The Morris Leatherman Company 8 3 35 16 12 2 9 0 7 2 2 2 0 0 1 11 2 14 27 10 0 9 0 8 3 4 8 0 0 4 18 7 20 12 4 0 8 0 9 4 7 6 2 2 2 Unsure Crime Growth Taxes Schools City Services Traffic City Government Lack Commercial Lack Industrial Street Maintenance City Spending Downtown Feel Drinking Water Quality Scattered 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 2005 Study 2011 Study 2014 Study ovvveeeeedd for Future off PPPPrriooor Lake 15 15 13 9 Currently Missing 2014 City of Prior Lake The Morris Leatherman Company 15 15 12 8 3 5 4 38 More Retail More Jobs More Entertainment More Restaurants More Public Transit Scattered Unsure Nothing 0 1020304050 Fixed oooorrr Im 222000114 3 2 Lower Taxess Street Maintenance Less Growth More Retail City Spending More Restaurantss Schoolss Downtowown Traffic Congestion Scattered Unsure Most Important Aspect of Quality of Life 2014 City of Prior Lake The Morris Leatherman Company 30 18 15 11 9 9 3 3 2 1 Safety Sense of Community Quality of Schools Small Town Feel Open Spaces/Nature Quiet/Peaceful Lake Parks and Recreation Scattered Unsure 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 7 In 2005, 2011 and 2014 the City has sought objecƟ ve informaƟ on about the community and services directly from its residents through a professionally administered survey by the fi rm Morris and Leatherman. The telephone survey includes 400 randomly selected adult residents of the City. In general, random samples such as this yield results projectable to the enƟ re Prior Lake populaƟ on within +/- 5% in 95 out of 100 cases. A complete copy of the survey results are available by request. The results of the survey are the key metrics the City uses for determining if our community is “on course” to our Vision. 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com • 91% say the sense of community is “good” to “excellent.” • 30% think safety is most important aspect of Prior Lake’s quality of life. • 67% of safety concerns focused on traffi c speeding, distracted driving and drugs. • 95% rate the quality of life in Prior Lake as “good” or “excellent.” • 31% say that the “small town ambiance” is what they like most. • 20% believe “growth” is the biggest issue facing the City. Community Assets Infrastructure (utilities, parks, roadway, etc.) is the essential cornerstone of a vibrant, quality community. We strive to invest in infrastructure using specifications which emphasize longevity and cost-effectiveness to maximize productive life. 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com 1. SHORT: Work with SMSC to assure completion of Stemmer Ridge Road and connect sewer and water pipes. 2. SHORT: Assure full-scale operation of Spring Lake sewer and water systems including lift station, sewer and water pipe in Stemmer Ridge Road and mainlines in County Road 81 to facilitate development of the annexation area. 3. SHORT: Enter into water agreement with SMSC which will postpone construction of well 10. 4. SHORT: Complete guaranteed energy savings program project for city buildings and initiate measurement and verification stage. 5. SHORT-MID: Work with SMSC and SPUC to complete regional source water planning in parallel to local water supply planning in conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan. 6. SHORT-MID: Enter into cooperative agreement with SMSC to constrict joint water treatment plant to save capital dollars and provide domestic water for the city and SMSC growth areas. 7. SHORT-MID: Complete Well #6 raw watermain construction in conjunction with SMSC Arctic Lake Development. 8. SHORT-MID: Facilitate orderly expansion of utilities and transportation to serve the 2400-acre annexation area. 9. MID-LONG: Repair, replace or overlay trails and sidewalks for user safety and liability purposes. 10. LONG: Maintain street surfaces at an average network OCI of 70. 2016 Priorities Prior Lake encourages thoughtful and orderly economic and community development to provide retail and services, employment opportunities, high quality residential and business development, and a strong diversified tax base. Economic and Community Development 1. SHORT: Complete update of Orderly Annexation Agreement or implement agreement “as is.” 2. SHORT: Complete graphic of Downtown based upon the Downtown Development Guide to communicate anticipated evolution of the downtown area. 3. SHORT: Take actions to encourage tourism in accordance with River South objectives. 4. MID: Complete studies to update all development fees contemporaneously with 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update. 5. MID: Facilitate concentrated commercial growth at County Road 13 / County Road 42, County Road 21 / County Road 42, (Jeffers Waterfront), County Road 21/Highway 13 (South Lake Village), Adelmann /County Road 21 (Deerfield Business Park) and County Road 42/ Pike Lake (Vierling Property). 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com 6. MID: Complete update of comprehensive plan utilizing staff resources for land use and SCALE resources for transportation. 7. MID: Repave Colorado Street parking lot in conjunction with TH13/CR21/Main/Arcadia improvement project. 8. MID: Address on-street parking issues in Charlie’s on Prior area. 9. MID: Incorporate enhanced parking facilities where they are demonstrated to be necessary to facilitate commercial development in the community. 10. MID: Extend Arcadia Street as primary downtown southern access and improve wetland trails together with the watershed and/or UMN upon development of Gross Property Effective City Resources Prior Lake strives to be an organizaƟ on defi ned by excellence through transparent, effi cient and eff ecƟ ve use of resources with a focus on the future. To successfully deliver programs, services and projects that meet resident expectaƟ ons, the City must have the appropriate resources. MANAGEMENT 1. MID: Bring City code up to date. 2. MID: Review Zoning Ordinance and revise to facilitate development-friendly quality development. 3. MID: Prepare an administraƟ ve procedures/policy manual for all departments. City Government 2014 City of Prior Lake The Morris Leatherman Company 10 51 15 7 18 11 54 23 2 9 11 48 17 6 18 6 72 15 1 6 13 62 14 2 9 11 77 8 0 5 Strongly Approve Somewhat Approve Somewhat Disapprove Strongly Disapprove Unsure Excellent Good Only Fair Poor Unsure 0 20 40 60 80 100 2005 Study 2011 Study 2014 Study City Council City Staff Value of City Services 2014 City of Prior Lake The Morris Leatherman Company 6 50 34 4 6 11 63 20 2 5 Excellent Good Only Fair Poor Unsure 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2011 Study 2014 Study 10 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com What Residents Say... • 66% rate City fi nancial management favorably placing the City in the top decile of such raƟ ngs in the metro area. • 65% believe they have a say in the City’s issues. • 75% approve of the work of the Mayor and City Council. • Funding increases would be supported for improvements in drinking water and street maintenance. 11 Yes 37% No 63% 88 89 95 81 82 91 81 83 97 8 10 5 16 17 10 18 17 3 2005 Information Desk 2011 Information Desk 2014 Information Desk 2005 Reaching Staff 2011 Reaching Staff 2014 Reaching Staff 2005 Staff Courtesy 2011 Staff Courtesy 2014 Staff Courtesy 0 20406080100120 Excellent/Good Only Fair/Poor Contacted City Hall 2014 City of Prior Lake The Morris Leatherman Company Service Dimensions Contact Staff Member at City Hall Effective City Resources (continued) TECHNOLOGY 1. SHORT: Implement Enterprise Resource Planning modules across all City departments. 2. SHORT: Research and install car and/or offi cer camera systems to support the court process and miƟ gate against liability. 3. MID: Implement mobile soŌ ware and hardware to facilitate dependable, fast and effi cient services cost-eff ecƟ vely. PEOPLE 1. SHORT: Prepare and receive approval for a personnel plan which promotes recruitment and retenƟ on of highly capable, producƟ ve, and customer oriented staff throughout the organizaƟ on. 2. MID: Develop an employee training program to assure on- going staff development in customer service, safety, technology and other job-specifi c skills. 3. LONG: Develop a volunteer program including lists of acƟ ve volunteers, on-going projects, and supervisory support to encourage use of this resource. 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com What Residents Say... • 95% rate the courtesy at the InformaƟ on Desk as “good” or “excellent.” • 97% rate courtesy and helpfulness of the department staff favorably. • 91% rate ease of reaching department staff members as “good” or “excellent.” 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com 3. SHORT: Evaluate grant opportunities and position the City to be the most competitive including evaluation of the Green Steps Cities program. 4. SHORT: Complete process for adoption of Water Surface Use Management (ordinances for both Prior Lake and Spring Lake 5. SHORT: Appoint Education Committee, identify and implement public information to familiarize the public with new WSUM Ordinance. 6. MID: Monitor effectiveness of WSUM ordinance revisions in addressing surface water issues and report to LAC and City Council to determine if additional action is advisable. 7. SHORT: Work with other stakeholders to prepare an emergency operations plan to address flooding issues when they occur in the future. The City’s lakes, parks and natural amenities are key to preserving the quality of life in Prior Lake for our residents and visitors. Our natural resources are our legacy. Natural Resources 1. SHORT: Update Storm Water Management Ordinances (Section 707and enforce in accordance with City MS4 permit. 2. SHORT: Modify existing PUD standard in Zoning Ordinance to encourage or mandate use by developers and incorporate sustainable or green goals therein. 8. MID: Work with watershed, water management organization, townships and Scott County to complete surface water management planning pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan process. 9. MID: Seek outside funding and/or allocate local resources to assist in addressing MS4, WSUM and flooding issues. 10. LONG: Complete neighborhood and community parks required by growth in accordance with the comprehensive plan. 11. LONG: Work with watershed, water management organization, townships and Scott County to implement the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) plan. 12. LONG: Develop 40-acre city property adjacent to Spring Lake Regional Park as community playfield funded by referendum. 13. MID: Develop Pike Lake Park Natural Park incrementally using a partnership contributions. 2016 Priorities What Residents Say... • Over 90% rate police, fi re, park maintenance and sanitary sewer services as “good” or “excellent.” • 80%-89% rated recreaƟ on, emergency calls, communicaƟ on, street sweeping and snow/ice control as “good” or “excellent.” • 70% think the City’s code enforcement is about right. • 72% feel drunken driving enforcement should be a top priority. • Safety is not perceived as a serious issue. Residents show the most concern about DUI and distracted driving enforcement. 1. SHORT: Include in senior recreaƟ onal off erings programs to improve personal safety and reduce fi nancial or data vulnerability. 2. MID: Refi ne ordinances to beƩ er protect the public health and safety of community. 3. MID: Prepare and distribute a package of materials which will improve the eff ecƟ veness of homeowner associaƟ ons through websites, acƟ viƟ es, common property maintenance and covenant enforcement. The Prior Lake community has a responsibility to support a safe, livable and healthy lifestyle through public safety programs and social and cultural opportuniƟ es. The Prior Lake comm nit has a responsibilit to s pport a safe li able and health lifest le Safe and Healthy Community 134646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com 4. MID: Create and implement a public safety program(s) to address increased educaƟ on and/or enforcement related to drug use, drunk driving, and distracted driving. Transportation 14 4646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com The development and maintenance of an integrated and effi cient transportaƟ on system, including roadways, transit and trails, is necessary to promote economic development and connect Prior Lake residents to neighborhoods, businesses and the region at large. 1. SHORT: Complete County Rd. 21 trail segment between County Rd. 82 and Raspberry Ridge Rd. 2. SHORT: Conduct study of Transit Circulator for RiverSouth. 3. SHORT: Purchase Park-and-Ride lot in the vicinity of County Rd. 12 and County Rd. 17. 4. MID: Acquire parcels necessary and extend Arcadia Ave. to Pleasant St. to facilitate travel in the downtown area. 1. SHORT: Produce 10 government-related cable television producƟ ons aimed at informing residents about City projects and services. 2. SHORT: Implement City website redesign. 3. SHORT: IdenƟ fy obstacles and opƟ ons for more eff ecƟ ve City use of social media. 4. SHORT: Beta a Prior Lake mobile app connecƟ ng City informaƟ on and consumers. 5. MID: Conduct a professional community survey once every three years prior to the update of this document. Prior Lake values engaged community members who provide posiƟ ve direcƟ on for the City. Integral to this eff ort is a systemaƟ c means of connecƟ ng people and informaƟ on, and objecƟ vely assessing achievements and progress. Prior Lake values engaged community members who pr Communication What Residents Say... • The Prior Lake American is a major source of informaƟ on for 73%. • The City’s “Wavelength” is a major source of informaƟ on for 56%. • 43% uƟ lize PLTV cable channel as a major or minor source of informaƟ on. • The “grapevine” is a major or minor source of informaƟ on for 75% of residents. Rating of City Communications 2014 City of Prior Lake The Morris Leatherman Company 7 47 39 5 25 73 20 2 1 18 69 12 1 0 Excellent Good Only Fair Poor Unsure 0 20 40 60 80 2005 Study 2011 Study 2014 Study 154646 Dakota St. SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 • (952) 447-9800 • www.cityofpriorlake.com For More InformaƟ on: The 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan is the basis for City day-to-day operaƟ ons. The City’s Comprehensive Plan, City Code, Capital Improvement Program and annual budgets are the implementers of this plan over Ɵ me. The 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan is updated every 18 to 24 months. During even-numbered years the City conducts a resident survey and uƟ lizes the results as data for updaƟ ng the document with the assistance of the enƟ re community. In odd-numbered years the City Council reviews the document and adjusts its prioriƟ es as appropriate. FM If Ɵ Th 2040 Vii d St FINAL WRAP For more informaƟ on about the 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan, contact the City Manager or any member of the Prior Lake City Council. PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 33 PRIOR LAKE, MN City of Prior Lake 4646 Dakota St. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 RESIDENT