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Economic Development Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, January 26, 2017
7:30 a.m.
City Hall, Wagon Bridge Conference Room
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. November 17, 2016
3. Old Business
a. Review EDAC 2017 Goals
b. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Business Visit Follow Up
c. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Next Steps Discussion
d. Outreach & Marketing Subcommittee (verbal report)
4. New Business
a. None
5. Other Business
a. EDA Meeting Update
b. Staff Update
i. ADA Compliance Letter
ii. Deerfield/Welcome Avenue Sign Ordinance Amendment
iii. Maxfield Commercial & Industrial Demand Analysis
c. Residential and Commercial Activity Update
d. Member Ideas/Recommendations
6. Next Meeting Date
a. Thursday, February 23, 2017
7. Adjourn
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING MINUTES – November 17, 2016
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:34 a.m. in the WagonBridge Conference Room at Prior Lake City Hall.
Members present: Lloyd Erbaugh, Bill Henry, Wade Larson, Thane Tande, Jeff Petschl, Jim Mahoney, Kim
Prchal, Stephanie Carroll, Trisha Rosenfeld, Chamber Liaison Sandi Fleck and EDA Liaison Michele
Choudek. Members absent: Luke Brazier, and Marie Voreis. Staff present: Casey McCabe.
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. October 27, 2016
MOTION BY HENRY and SECOND BY PRCHAL to approve the October 27, 2016 meeting minutes.
Motion adopted unanimously.
3. Old Business
a. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Discussion
Prchal: reminded committee members that the EDAC has a goal of contacting every brick and mortar
business in Prior Lake in 2016. Committee members were encouraged to complete their visits as soon
as possible and to update contact information and comments on the business contact page on Dropbox.
Ms. Prchal reviewed the process to use Dropbox and she and Mr. McCabe offered to assist any of the
members who needed support completing their visits or entering information in Dropbox prior to
December 5th. All available visit information should be entered in Dropbox by November 23rd so it can be
shared at the November 28th City Council work session.
4. New Business
a. Election of Officers
MOTION BY LARSON and SECOND BY HENRY to appoint Erbaugh as the EDAC Chair and Prchal as
the EDAC Vice Chair. Motion adopted unanimously.
b. EDAC 2016 Accomplishments and 2017 Goals
EDAC Members: reviewed and discussed a list of proposed 2016 EDAC accomplishments and 2017
EDAC goals prepared by staff. Before finalizing the goals and accomplishments, EDAC members
suggested additional 2017 goals, including:
Continue to focus on the commercial area liaison program and keep an updated business contact
list readily accessible.
Increase marketing efforts, social media outreach and other communication to promote Prior Lake.
Revisit the EDAC bylaws due to changes on the EDA.
Evaluate next steps for the commercial area liaison program and determine how to effectively use
the information that is collected from the businesses.
Hold meetings, like the Deerfield business owner meeting, with other commercial areas of the
Be available to assist the Planning Commission and newly elected and appointed officials as they
prepare the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.
Identify opportunities for collaboration between the different commercial areas of the community.
Evaluate the economic impact of the lake and the water quality from and economic development
Educate businesses about the EDAC so they know what is going on in the community and have a
point of contact outside of City Hall.
Consider holding another Business Mixer-type event in 2017. If an event is held, focus more on the
‘table discussion’, rather than a presentation.
Consider making connections with other lake communities to see what they are doing for business
retention and community promotion efforts.
EDAC Members: decided to establish an outreach and marketing subcommittee for 2017. Rosenfeld,
Prchal and Carroll volunteered to be on the committee.
EDAC Members: chose the following 2016 accomplishments and 2017 goals.
2016 EDAC Accomplishments
The EDAC documented and evaluated the comments received at the Fall 2015 Business Mixer event
and developed an ‘Action Item’ sheet to respond to them in writing. Throughout 2016, the committee
communicated responses via email and on the EDAC page of the City website to all event
attendants. In addition, City staff and EDAC members held follow-up meetings with business owners
to discuss specific concerns raised at the Business Mixer.
Throughout 2016, the EDAC has completed many face-to-face business retention visits to Prior Lake
businesses. The purpose of the visits is to express appreciation for what all Prior Lake businesses
bring to the community, listen to any comments or suggestions the business owner may have to
create a stronger business climate in Prior Lake and to share information about initiatives or plans
from the City, the EDA or our committee.
The EDAC completed an update to the Prior Lake Community Profile and continued to publish its
quarterly Prior Lake Business Pages e-newsletter to over 400 recipients. The Prior Lake Business
Pages shares commercial/industrial news, promotion of upcoming events, highlights new
businesses, as well as provides residential, commercial and industrial development updates.
2017 EDAC Goals
Expand upon the Commercial Area Liaison program with increased outreach by scheduling small
group discussions or workshops with targeted areas of the business community to; (i) clearly
communicate information to business owners; (ii) ensure material about planned or proposed
projects is easily accessible; (iii) listen and report on business concerns; and (iv) provide an
opportunity for business owners to engage in a constructive conversation about the future of Prior
Focus on building collaboration between businesses, advise businesses regarding outside support
organizations such as the First Stop Shop, Open to Business or RiverSouth and be prepared to work
cooperatively and collaboratively to support newly elected and appointed officials.
Create an EDAC subcommittee to establish goals and develop implementation strategies to
encourage and promote the business climate, collaboration opportunities and business expansion in
Prior Lake with the use of technology and social media.
Prchal will present the 2016 accomplishments and Erbaugh will present the 2017 goals at the November
28th City Council work session.
5. Other Business
a. Staff Update
i. Social Media Discussion – Prior Lake Chamber
EDAC Members: discussed opportunities to participate in social media outreach with the Prior
Lake Chamber to promote Prior Lake businesses. Board members discussed how any Chamber
Facebook promotion would need to focus on chamber members only. A possible weekly
business feature was proposed. The EDAC felt the committee’s role is to promote the business
climate, not specific businesses, to avoid any potential conflicts. Although, promotion of new
businesses or city assisted projects would be acceptable. Commercial area liaisons were
encouraged to email the business owners in their areas and encourage them to follow the City’s
Facebook and Twitter accounts. Another suggestion was made that during each EDAC meeting,
on liaison would lead a discussion about the businesses in their area.
b. Residential and Commercial Activity Update
EDAC Members: reviewed the residential and commercial activity update as of October 31, 2016.
c. Member Ideas/Recommendations
6. Next Meeting Date. The next regular meeting of the EDAC will be on Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 7:30 a.m.
7. Adjourn. MOTION BY HENRY and SECOND BY PRCHAL to adjourn the meeting. Motion adopted unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:46 a.m.
Submitted by: Casey McCabe
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: January 26, 2017
AGENDA #: 3.a.
PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the 2017 EDAC Goals which were approved by the
City Council during their January 9, 2017 meeting.
Expand upon the Commercial Area Liaison program with increased outreach by scheduling
small group discussions or workshops with targeted areas of the business community to; (i)
clearly communicate information to business owners; (ii) ensure material about planned or pro-
posed projects is easily accessible; (iii) listen and report on business concerns; and (iv) provide
an opportunity for business owners to engage in a constructive conversation about the future of
Prior Lake.
Focus on building collaboration between businesses, advise businesses regarding outside sup-
port organizations such as the First Stop Shop, Open to Business or RiverSouth and be pre-
pared to work cooperatively and collaboratively to support newly elected and appointed officials.
Create an EDAC subcommittee to establish goals and develop implem entation strategies to
encourage and promote the business climate, collaboration opportunities and business expan-
sion in Prior Lake with the use of technology and social media.
The EDAC may also wish to have additional conversation about previously discussed potential areas
of focus in 2017, including:
Goal related to promotion of ‘business friendly’ initiatives.
Host a discussion related to negotiation and compromise.
Build on the recent Downtown Development discussion with a goal related to connecting with
and providing information to downtown residents and business owners.
Learn from past projects to better communicate with residents.
Schedule small group discussions or workshops with liaison areas.
Potentially host a Business Mixer in 2017.
ISSUES: Update Only.
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: January 26, 2017
AGENDA #: 3.b.
Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the progress being made on the EDAC commercial
area liaison visits, finalize the business contact list and discuss any questions or comments the
commercial area liaisons may have so a report may be prepared and presented to the EDA during
their December 2016 meeting.
One of the committee’s duties outlined in the EDAC Bylaws is, “To serve as a liaison between city
government and the community through interaction with business leaders and community residents.”
To help accomplish this, the EDAC has previously assigned some of its members to act as a liaison
to five specific commercial and industrial areas of the community. The role of the EDAC liaison is
to help communicate City and EDAC activities with business owners and provide an additional point
of contact for their questions and concerns.
One of the EDAC’s goals for 2016 is to, “Utilize the EDAC Commercial Liaison Program to contact
every brick & mortar Prior Lake business at least once during the year.”
The EDAC commercial area liaison assignments for the commercial areas of the community are
Downtown Area – Erbaugh / Prchal
Deerfield Business Park / Welcome Avenue Industrial Area – Henry
Commerce Avenue / Fountain Hills Area – Larson / Tande
Village Commerce / South Lake Village Area – Carroll
Gateway Area – Mahoney / Voreis
A Dropbox folder titled EDAC Commercial Area Liaison has been created and sent to all EDAC
members. The folder includes a map of all commercial areas, list of commercial liaisons and their
area and an EDAC handout. During the January 26th meeting, the Committee will review the number
of completed visits, discuss what has been learned or any frequent comments received and consider
proposed changes in the liaison program for 2017.
1. Discussion Only
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: January 26, 2017
AGENDA #: 3.c.
Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this agenda item is to discuss how the EDAC liaison program could be improved in
During previous committee meetings, EDAC members discussed opportunities to enhance the com-
mercial liaison program through additional business engagement, providing a letter, plaque or some
other type of recognition, and other ways to increase communication with the business owners.
The committee should discuss:
Should the commercial areas of the community have an official name/title? If so, is it the EDAC’s
role to assign names?
Should a letter, plaque, sticker, or something else identifying these commercial areas be pro-
vided to the businesses?
How could the EDAC increase engagement with the businesses in the commercial areas? Cur-
rently the committee has utilized pop-in site visits.
Explore partnership opportunities with SMSC, RiverSouth, Lakes Advisory Committee / PLSL
Watershed District, etc. to provide assistance, where appropriate, to water quality issues and to
increase tourism opportunities, which in turn may benefit Prior Lake’s businesses.
Do area communities have an organization like Prior Lake’s EDAC? What are they doing to
assist their businesses?
The EDAC does not have funds budgeted for the liaison program. Any proposed action which would
require funding will need to be forwarded to the EDA for consideration.
1. Discussion Only
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: January 26, 2017
AGENDA #: 5.a.
PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The EDA held two regular meetings since the EDAC last met. The EDA agendas included the
following items:
November 21, 2016
Consider Technology Village Board of Director Appointments
Downtown Development Meeting Discussion
Downtown Property Acquisition Discussion
EDA 2016 Accomplishments & 2017 Goals
Advisory Committee 2016 Accomplishments and 2017 Goals
Technology Village Business Accelerator Lease Renewal (City of PL and EDA)
January 25, 2017
EDA Member Appointment Process (verbal report)
Election of Officers
Advisory Committee Appointments
SAC Fee Deferral Subordination Request
Technology Village Lease Agreement (Amendments)
2016 Development Update
Updates of EDA activity related to the above listed topics will be presented to the EDAC during the ir
January 26th meeting.
ISSUES: Update Only.
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
December 21, 2016
Re: Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
Dear Prior Lake Area Business and Commercial/Industrial Property Owner:
Minnesota businesses, including a local Prior Lake business, have become the targets of
lawsuits alleging violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We certainly do not
want any additional Prior Lake businesses to become defendants in such suits. The best way
to avoid these lawsuits is to make sure your business is ADA compliant. The City of Prior
Lake supports ADA compliance and to that end, would like to provide you with a few resources
to help ensure your property complies.
The Minnesota State Council on Disability (MSCOD) has made a Building Access Survey
available on their website. The purpose of the survey is to help property owners determine if
their site, building or place of business is ADA compliant and therefore truly accessible to
people with disabilities. The survey is available at the following link:
This Building Access Survey can be completed by the property owner. If you would like
assistance completing the survey, the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry has a list
of Certified Accessibility Specialists available on their website at:
The Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a Monthly Membership Meeting on
Wednesday, February 15th, 2017 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at The Wilds Golf Club, we
encourage you to attend! The discussion topic will be How to Stay Compliant with the
American Council on Disability with presentations from David Fenley and Margot Imdieke
Cross with MSCOD. If you would like to attend, please register at this link:
http://business.priorlakechamber.com/events/details/membership-meeting-4664 or you can
call the Prior Lake Chamber office at (952) 440-1000 to reserve your spot. The cost is $20 for
Prior Lake Chamber members and $30 for non-members; the registration fee includes lunch.
We at the City, wish all our businesses a safe and prosperous holiday season and new year!
Frank Boyles , City Manager
City of Prior Lake
Cc: Mayor and City Council
Minnesota State Council on Disability
Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: January 26, 2017
AGENDA #: 5.c.
PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
DISCUSSION: Introduction
Staff has prepared a development update as of December 31, 2016 for EDAC review. The attached
memorandum provides a summary of 2016 commercial and industrial development and residential
construction in the City of Prior Lake.
Information Only.
Information Only.
1. Development Update
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
Date: January 17, 2017
To: City of Prior Lake Economic Development Advisory Committee
From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist
Subject: 2016 Residential & Commercial Activity Update
Below is an update of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of December 31,
Number of
Permits Declared Value Number of
Permits Declared Value
Number of Permits
% Increase /
(% Decrease)
Declared Value
% Increase /
(% Decrease)
Single Family Dwellings 108 $37,163,000.00 112 $37,072,000.00 (3.57)0.25
Townhouses (# units)4 $676,000.00 10 $1,831,000.00 (60.00)(63.08)
Multiple Units 3 (222 units)$28,672,000.00 0 $0.00 300.00 ###New
Commercial Industrial & Commercial 4 $5,622,000.00 10 $3,742,000.00 (60.00)50.24
Residential 692 $4,914,700.00 712 $3,162,960.00 (2.81)55.38
Industrial & Commercial 17 $457,000.00 41 $958,800.00 (58.54)(52.34)
tMechanical 751 $0.00 822 $0.00 (8.64)n/a
ttMechanical (SF & TH)444 $0.00 488 $0.00 (9.02)n/a
TOTALS 2022 $77,504,700.00 2195 $46,766,760.00 (7.88)65.73
t Mechanical permits include but are not limited to furnaces, water heaters, softeners, and fireplaces. They are flat-rate permit fees.
tt Mechanical (SF & TH) permits include required plumbing, heating, sewer and water and fireplace permits for new single family residences. They are flat-rate permit fees.
Increase / (Decrease)
Name Address Type
LoveFeast Table 16228 Main Ave. SE New Brick & Mortar Business The Art Closet
Wild Ruffle 16186 Main Ave. SE, Suite 100 Relocated Business Manitou Advisors
Tu Nails 16731 Hwy 13 S.New Business MN Nails
Paar Sports & Promotions 16151 Main Ave. SE, Suite 2 New Business Vacant
gg Boutique 4773 Dakota St. SE New Business Beauty Shop
Versatile Vehicles, Inc. 17136 Adelmann St. SE New Construction Vacant Land
Bliss Family Dental 4792 Dakota St. SE New Ownership Bliss Family Dental
Pro Service Auto Repair 16921 Panama Ave. SE New Construction /
Relocated Business Vacant
Iron Range BBQ 16211 Main Ave. SE New Business Memories on Main
Edward Jones - Scott Pierce 16154 Main Ave. SE, Suite 110B Relocated Business Wensmann Office - Lakefront Plaza
Lakers Tavern & Pizza 15750 Hwy 13 S. New Business The Cove
2016 Prior Lake Commercial Activity