HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 03 2017 Comp Plan Discussion PC Report Packet
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
DISCUSSION: Introduction
City staff will continue to present information on the 2030 and 2040 Comprehen-
sive Plans. The City is required to submit a 2040 Plan to the Metropolitan Coun-
cil by the end of 2018 for its review and approval.
The City Council authorized the start of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update
process in 2016 with most to be completed in 2017. Since the Land Use Element
of the plan is key to establishing other elements of the plan (i.e., sewer, water,
and transportation), staff has begun to update this part of the plan first beginning
in 2016.
Current Circumstances
The City Council approved a professional services agreement with Bolton &
Menk to help the City complete its 2040 comprehensive land use and housing
plan chapters. Bolton & Menk, the City’s selected consultant has prepared a
re-draft of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives (see attach-
ment). The current 2030 Comp Plan goals are lengthy to read; therefore, the
meeting discussion will center on the ability to reduce the length of this section
in the 2040 Comp Plan without losing the context/purpose of the goals.
In addition, we will continue the discussion of Commercial/Industrial Land Use
Demand related to the current designated land inventory for these land use.
The attached tables will provide context for the discussion.
City Staff will continue to discuss the Land Use Element for the updated 2040
Comprehensive Plan with the Planning Commission during 2017.
ALTERNATIVES: Discussion Only
ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2030 Comprehensive Plan Goals & Objectives Section
2. DRAFT 2040 Comp Plan Goals & Objectives from Bolton Menk
3. Commercial/Industrial Land Use Demand Tables
ThePriorLake CityCouncil adopted a MissionStatement aspart ofthe Citys 2030 Vision
andStrategic Plan Thisstatement reads
The mission of theCity of Prior Lake isto enhancethe qualityof lifefor
currentandfuture citizens byproviding quality services which result inasafe
secure community recreation andleisure opportunities preservation and
effective useoflakes parks andother naturalresources economic vitality
and thepromotion of partnerships volunteerism and civicpride forthe
The2030 Visionand Strategic Planalso identifiedavision forthe City Itstates
PriorLake is aCity whichemphasizes its historicalroots asarural recreation
orientedcommunity with strongneighborhoods a thriving Downtown andthe
feelofa smalltown located withintheheart ofavibrant suburban setting The
SeniorCommunityCenter City Hall andPolice Stationprovide the gateway
toDowntown and Lakefront Park amenities The Downtown area draws its
strength from itsuniqueness sizeandaccessibility tothe lake andparks In
addition to meetingtheservice needs of thecommunity Downtown Prior
Lake offers something foreveryone and isa destination place to spendthe
day socializing shopping and dining
Recognized as aleader with its threefold recreation system Prior Lake
attracts visitorsfrom acrossthe upperMidwest Thefirst focusconsistsof the
Citys lakesand numerous naturalareasdedicatedto public useand
preservation The second focus includesthe many Community parks play
fields neighborhood parks andtrails programmed for citizens ofall ages and
interests Throughthe Citysintegrated trail system residents and visitors can
access every City park residential neighborhood schooland many business
districts Third Prior Lake isrecognized for the leisureopportunities
showcasedby manyrecreational venues Public and privately owned golf
clubs are prevalent throughout theareaalong withthe Countyregional park
PriorLake isproud to bethehome of theShakopee Mdewakanton Sioux
Community TheCityhasareputationforitspositiveworkingpartnerships
with theSMSC school districts other cities townships County business
community and numerous community organizations seekingout
cooperative ventures to benefitall concerned
Prior Lakeis a peopleplace fora lifetime Reflectingthe regions diverse
population residential neighborhoods are designed tooffer a variety of
homes meetinghousingneeds forallages andlifestyles Developments
1 CityofPriorLake2030VisionandStrategicPlan May 2007
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 11
preservethe environment provide for open spaces and offer ready accessto
the transitand transportationsystemsthat keepresidents withineasyreachof
thecultural andentertainment opportunities located throughout theTwin
Cities area
Known forhigh quality educational programs andintergenerational learning
opportunities and guided bytheir own Strategic Plans theschool districts
serving PriorLakeprepareourcommunity learners tomeet thechallenges of
the present and the future Our school systems provide opportunitiesthat
constantly challenge learners of all agesto discover and enhance their
individual skillsandtalents
Prior Lakeenjoysa balanced and well planned mixof retail entertainment
social office light industrial high tech lightmanufacturing andservice
businessopportunities PriorLakeenhances thequality of life foritsresidents
byproviding diverse employment opportunities closetohome
Prior Lakegovernment maintains a strong financial position providing quality
services toitsresidents whilemaximizing the valueof thetax dollar Ethical
government is emphasized and citizeninputisencouraged through
interactive communications on all levels to identifyproblems anddevelop
mutually acceptable solutions Program effectivenessandservices are
monitoredto assure cost effectivenesswiththe customer in mind Priority is
placedonaestheticsand the maintenance and replacement of infrastructure
PriorLakemaintains itsunique community identity through therecognition
andcelebration ofoursmall town values offamily education courage pride
honesty andhuman worth Volunteerism civic duty andcommunity pride
This Planreflects andbuildsupon theseveralelements contained inthe2030Visionand
Strategic Plan The Mission Statement andVision have alsobeen incorporated into the
Goals andObjectivesandpertinent itemsarealsofoundin the LandUseGuidePlanand
otherelements ofthis Plan
TheComprehensive Plancontains goals objectives and policies to guidepublic and private
landuse development redevelopment and preservation ofall landsandwaters withinthe
City These elementshave beendeveloped in conjunction with theCitys tradition of
planning and in response tothestatutory requirements under theMetropolitan Land
PlanningAct MLPA
Encourage the development ofsuitablehousing inadesirable environment
OBJECTIVE No 1 Provide opportunities for a variety of affordable highquality
2 CityofPriorLake2030VisionandStrategicPlan May 2007
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 12
a Codes and ordinances relatingtodevelopment redevelopment and
maintenance ofhousing shall be adopted andperiodically reviewed to
ensure specific direction isprovided regarding affordableusesin each
district andregarding minimum developmentstandards
b Review annuallythecurrent andplanned programs of theScottCounty
Housing andRedevelopment Authority Explore innovative andunique
public andprivate partnerships thatmay fostera widevariety of single
purpose andmixed use housing commercial publicdevelopments with
the ScottCounty HRA Utilize thetools oftheCitysEDA HRA to
cooperate with theScottCounty HRAwhere appropriate
c Maintain developmentstandards and housing policies thatallow forlow and
moderatecost housing opportunities
d Develop and considerfor adoption a code enforcement program for existing
e Developand maintain regulations thatpermit a mix of housing types sizes
andprice rangestobe provided throughout theCity
OBJECTIVE No 2 Maintain a choice of andencourage development of
qualityresidential environments
a Maintain avariety ofresidential densities dwellingunits peracre
b Ensurethat public services and on site improvementsare completedatthe
timeof residential development
c The burden ofasatisfactory transition fromonedensity ordwellingtypeto
anotherrests withthe developer seeking development planapproval
d Discourage new leapfrogresidential subdivisionsin isolatedareas thathave
little orno potential to connect with anestablished neighborhood
e Consideration ofdevelopment plans formultiple dwellings in areasso
designated onthe LandUse GuidePlan shouldinclude the following
design relateditems
1 Newdevelopmentsshould notisolate existing single family dwellings by
inhibitingpedestrian and orvehicular access
2 New development completely surroundedbysingle family dwellings
should be discouraged infavor of large scaleplanned unit
developments which are more conducive toamix ofhousing styles with
shared amenities
3 Thereshould be convenient access tocollector andarterial streetsand
to available transit soto not undulycontribute to congestiononlocal
4 Large common open areas may providean effective transitional use to
other uses
5 Location nearpermanent public and private open spaces may
compensateforthe impact of thehigher density
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 13
f Create andenhance neighborhoodsthat provideparks andopen spaces
public access to natural amenities located on and adjacent to the site and
pedestrianlinkagesthroughoutand among adjacent neighborhoods
g Preserve andincorporate historicalandnatural features tothe maximum
h Avoid designs thatisolate neighborhoods Provide traffic orpedestrian
circulationwithinand betweendevelopments
i Avoidor mitigateencroachmentby incompatible land usesthat canhave a
negativeimpact on theresidential livingenvironment Mitigationmeasures
include butare not limited to theuseof open space berms dense
landscapingvegetation and similar buffers
j Allow higher density multipledwelling housingin areaswithin close
proximity of existing support services andfacilities and where there is
adequate access to collector and arterial streets
k Ensure new development includes design features suchas buffering
screening and spatial separation fromcollector and arterial streets and
fromanticipated adverse environmentalimpacts including butnotlimited to
noiseandair pollution
l Link neighborhoods to eachother andto parks schools and commercial
centersvialocalstreets or pedestrian trails
m Ensuresubdivisions are designed to avoid direct private driveaccess from
andto major collector andarterial streets
n Promote innovative subdivision design and housing products through the
useof theplanned unit developmentprocess andsimilar techniques
o Avoid locating high density housing toprimarily serveas abuffer oras a
landuse suitedforabsorbing negative impacts ofadjacent landuses High
density housing should only be developed in those areas near support and
p Code enforcement shall beused to keepillegal usesandphysical
deterioration fromcompromising thevalueandintegrity of thehousing stock
q Parking lotsshall be screened to reduce theimpact upon adjacentuses
r Privatization ofnatural andhistoric featuresshould beregulated topromote
neighborhood identity and toallowthecommunity toshare theinherent
valueof prominent features
s Neighborhoods and otherlanduses shouldbeplanned anddeveloped in
accordance with the ComprehensiveLandUsePlan Development
proposals shallbe thoroughly reviewedand evaluated todetermine
consistencywithCity plansandpolicies
t Proposed revisionsto theLandUse GuidePlanand requests for major
extensions ofpublicservices orutilities to accommodate the proposed
development andlanduses shall beconsidered only after athorough
review andanalysis of the Citypublic facilitiesplans potentialenvironmental
impacts and meritsof thechanges
u Developmentshallbe conducted inamanner thatissensitivetothe impact
upon naturalfeatures and to environmental constraints including butnot
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 14
limited tosurface water wetlands slopes woodlands vegetation drainage
ways shorelands andflood plain areas
v Citypolicies andofficial controls shallprovide opportunitiesfor development
of housingfor all segments of the population
Support development designs that aretailored toenvironmentally sensitive
areas containing rugged topography wetlands and woodlands
OBJECTIVE No 1 Provide suitable passive open space for the preservation
of the natural environment andthe enjoyment of residents
a Retainnaturalponding areas and wetlands as appropriate
b Encourage plattingoflarge planned unitdevelopments
OBJECTIVENo 2 Provide forconservationand protection of the natural
a Provide adequate regulations to prevent the development or existence of
any industrial orcommercial endeavor which will throughits operation
createahazard to theenvironment
b Requireall developers to retainthe natural environmentas muchas
possible such as the preservation ofdesirable trees shrubs landforms
wetlands and ponding areas
c Effectively and uniformly regulate thedevelopment ofstructures andother
landuses inor nearflood plain and drainageareas
d Requirethat anywaste disposal or processing facilitymeets or exceedsall
federal state and local requirements and be located in an area which will
not jeopardize futuredevelopment oftheCity
e Require adequate storage andcontainment of wasteandrefuse materials
f Encourage fullparticipation inpublic andprivate recyclingprograms
g Develop and maintain Cityproperty parks andplayfields in an
environmentallyresponsible and aestheticallypleasingmanner
OBJECTIVE No 3 Provide for conservation and protection ofthelakes and
a Adoptandimplement aplanto improvesurface water quality
b Adopt andimplement aComprehensive Lake ManagementPlan forPrior
Lake and other lakes withinthe City cooperatively with the Watershed
c Adopta program which ensuresan acceptable level of lakeaccess parking
andresponsible lakeutilization
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 15
d Implement a groundwater plan emphasizingproduction conservation
education communication and landscape maintenance
e Participate with thePriorLake Springlake watershed District indeveloping
andimplementing aland managementprogram for upstream storage
Pursue a prudent use ofavailable resources andthe optimum functioning of
OBJECTIVENo 1 Determineand strive for abalance ofcommerce industry
a Maintain theamount ofpublicly heldtax exempt landatareasonablelevel
commensurate with Cityneeds and monitor theamount of tax exemptland
heldby others withinthe Citysjurisdiction forperiodicevaluation
b Cooperate where appropriate withthe ScottCounty HRA private
developers andother entities inpartnership withthe CitysEDA toexplore
budget and purchase taxexempt parcelsthrough the useofland banking
andequity investment techniques toredevelop theminajoint fashion sothe
landmaybe moreproductive andeconomically viable
c Establisha range of the minimum and maximum amounts ofindustrial and
commercial office service retail development desired
OBJECTIVE No 2 Encourage adiversified economicbase and abroad range
ofemployment opportunities
a Encourage a mixtureanddiversity of industrial and commercial landuses
thatwillremain relatively stableunderchanging economicconditions
b Identify the services neededto attractand retain commerceandindustry
c Services provided bythe City shouldbe within thefiscal and financial
capacity of theCity including theprudent useof debt
d Establish and maintain an economic development and redevelopment
program throughsupport ofthe Economic Development Authority and its
1 Develop a basic and straightforward 3 YearStrategic Plan for the City
of Prior Lake EDA
2 When inconformance withtheCitys Comprehensive LandUsePlans
and overallgoalspolicies consider utilizingthe powers ofeminent
domain condemnation with theCity EDA and Scott County HRA on
projects thatserve a publicor apublic privatepurpose
3 Utilizethe recommendations of the McCombs Group report on
retail service office potentialdatedJanuary 2004 as thebasis for
future decisions and thedevelopment ofpolicies plans affecting future
commercial and industrial development
4 Support broad scalecommunity developmentactivities usingavailable
andappropriate financing to fund thepublicredevelopment cost
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 16
e Establish a themeforpositive identification forredevelopment ofexisting
commercial areas in focallocations including butnot limitedto Gateway
Downtown andSouth Lake Village Utilize thecitydowntown planstitled
Downtown Development Guide developed bythe Hoisington Koegler
Groupdated June 2000as aguide toDowntownredevelopment and
f Establisha joint marketing plan and programwith the Shakopee
Mdewakanton Dakota Community and with the tourist industry inadjacent
cities Work with the Prior Lake AreaChamber ofCommerce and the City
ofPrior Lake EDAtodevelop the plan and fundits implementation
through collaborative andcooperative agreements plans
OBJECTIVENo 3 Promotesoundland use
a Maintainacurrent City Comprehensive Land Use GuidePlanand Map
b Prepare andmaintain officialmaps including but not limitedto zoning
transportation system utilities parks and trails ShorelandManagement and
FloodPlain areas andexisting land uses
c Industrial andcommercial uses should be consolidated inplanned areas
d Reserve sufficient space on arterialroads for neighborhood community
andregional commercial centers
e Industrialand commercial centersshould interface withthe community
rather than be developed solelyto capture vehiculartraffic thathappens to
travel through the city
f Newdevelopment should contribute to the function andsuccess of the
adjacentneighborhoods and thecommunity
OBJECTIVE No 4 Maintainhigh standardsin the promotion and
development ofcommerceand industry
a Encourage regulate and promote non pollutingand aesthetically pleasing
commercial andindustrial development
b Develop andsupport adequate uniform inspectionpolicies andeffective
c Encourage maintenance of commercial and industrial sitesandstructures
d Maintain proper physicalsite screening andlandscaping standards
e Develop andmaintaintrafficpatterns keeping industrial andcommercial
trafficclear ofresidential areas
f Discourage major useof outside storage Where outside storage is
permitted protect theappearance of thesurrounding areathrough the use
of screeningmaterials including fencing bermsandlandscaping
g Encourage building materials and designsthat hold valueand appreciate
ratherthan rapidly depreciate over time
Ensure the security of individuals human rights andproperty
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 17
OBJECTIVE No 1 Ensurefair and impartial hearings and application of
a Allordinances must be developed and enforced in thepublicinterest
b The Comprehensive Plan shouldbesubject toreviews and evaluations at
least everyfive years to ensure theelements arecurrent in terms of
adopted policies development trends andstatutory requirements
c Ordinances codes and policies should be maintained through regular
review evaluation and when warranted revisions orrepeal toavoid
obsolescence andineffectiveness
d Cityordinances shall beenforcedbythe Citystaff inanequitable and
uniform manner
e Variances from City ordinances codes and regulationsmay be made only
afterstudy and after appropriate hearings in accordance with established
variance standards and criteria
f Ensureadequatepublic hearings priorto the adoption of land use
ordinances andregulations
OBJECTIVE No 2 Provide rational transition for compliance withnew
standardswhen achangein ordinance or land useclassification isnecessary
a Plandevelopment of the City sothat itoccurs inareasonable and functional
b Ordinances andzoning changes should be applied ina logical manner
allowingsufficient time forthose individuals directlyaffected by the
ordinanceorzoning changetocomply
c Discourage andor prohibitthe following
1 Spot guidingand zoning withdisregard of adopted standards and
criteria tosatisfy special interests
2 Reguiding or rezoning of land uses inunserviced andor future
development areas whenadequate zonedland isavailable inserviced
areas of theCity
3 Urbandevelopment beyond existing utilityservice areas
d Transition between radically different landuses should be accomplished on
thedevelopers property or by a natural boundary an arterial or collector
road and orthrough adequatelandscaping
OBJECTIVE No 3 Enact andmaintain policies andordinances to ensurethe
publicsafety health andwelfare
a Effectively deliverbasic publicservices which protectand preservethe
community andits residents including police fireprevention andfire
fighting public health andenvironmentalprotection protective inspection
publicworks and engineering planning parksand recreation and
administrative andfinancial services
b Provideadequate buildings facilities andequipment for all Cityfunctions
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 18
c Provide the followingfacilitiesand services
1 Aplanned transportation system
2 Adequate lighting forroads and intersections
3 Optimumtraffic regulatory signage and equipment at the level required
bylaw andconduciveto abalance of traffic volume speed andsafety
4 Clear visibility of major intersections andoften used driveways through
theplanapproval process and code enforcement
5 Requirements forparking lot lighting
6 Asafeandadequatepotable watersupply anddistribution system
7 An adequateprogram against accumulationof toxic weeds and
diseased trees
8 Require ahigh standardof design andmaterials for allstructures
9 Maintain optimumroad conditions
d Developan emergency anddisaster planand maintain thisthrough suitable
training andpractice alerts
e Encourage thedevelopment ofhealthfacilities andsupportservices
includingaccess to regional care centers
f Explore techniques which ensure effective publicservices
g Promote proactive rather thanreactivepublic safety measures through
regular preparationof afive yearpublic safety strategic plan
h Encourage the consideration ofappropriate publicsafety control measures
in thedesignand construction of public and privatebuildings
OBJECTIVE No 4 Enact andmaintain policies andordinances to ensurethe
safety andpreservation ofproperty
a Require highstandardsofdesignandmaterials usedforallstructures but
allowsomerelaxation of these standards inIndustrial locations that may be
b Maintaineffective inspection servicesto ensure compliancewith
development andbuilding codes
c Ensure thatall properties andstructures areadequately maintained
d Provideforfees to recover cost ofdevelopment and preservation services
e Identify in advancethe needfor redevelopment ofexisting residential
structuresand plan forsuchaction
f Nonconforming landusesshould be eliminatedovertime
g Developand maintain communications with school districttoensure proper
location of educational structures
h Require the burialof telephoneand electric andcableservice distribution
lines withnewdevelopment and overtime as above groundfacilities are
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 19
i Prohibit outside storage withoutadequate screening from neighbors and
public view
Planfor access to andmovement of people goods andservices
OBJECTIVE No 1 Provide for asafe balanced intercitytransportation system
to achieve quick and convenient access to the restof theMetropolitan Area the
airport andrural Minnesota
Vehicular Traffic Flow
a Classifyand design city streets and highwaysto serve specificfunctions in
accordancewith sound traffic engineering principles
b Cooperate with Countyand Statejurisdictions to keepthrough traffic on
arterials at minimum disruption of localcirculation and residents
c Maintainstandards of land use at intersectionsto avoid congesting arterial
interchangeswithcirculation of localtraffic
d Requirenew plats to demonstrate a continuity of street patterns and street
access to adjacent parcels within proposed neighborhoods
e When possible require arterial and majorcollectoraccess without useof
neighborhoodstreets forhigh density andhigh intensity useconcentrations
f Accessto arterialsandmajor collectors shouldbe by publicstreetonly
g Establish a minimum interval betweenarterial highwayinterchanges and
local intersections and privatedriveways which isconsistent with
reasonable trafficengineering standards
h Wherepossible encourage theuse of private streetsin developments
utilizinghomeowners associations to maintain these streets
i Planfor andprovidepublic accessto public waters with a minimumimpact
Pedestrian Access
j Requirepedestrianandlimited vehicular accesstoneighborhood parks and
vehicle access andparking areas tocommunity playfields andCityparks
fromminor arterials or major collectors
1 Providefor lowmaintenance natural greenwaytrail systems for
recreational purposes fromwhich all motorvehicles are banned
2 Provideforavailability andmaintenance ofsurfacedwalkways between
majoractivity centers
3 Restrict useof motorized vehicleactivities toappropriate limited areas
k Elementaryschools should belocatedon atleastminorcollector streets or
onlocal streetswith directaccess tohigher orderstreets and afford
maximumpedestrian access andsafe efficientvehicle andbusaccess
l Junior highormiddle schoolsshouldbelocatedonatleastminorcollector
streets and provideabalanceof safe access for pedestriansand vehicles
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 20
m Highschools should be located at intersectionsof at least collector streets
forahigher degreeof vehicleaccess as well assafe pedestrianaccess
n Support safetystandards consistent withState AeronauticRegulations for
landingfloat planes onlakes
o Ensurelanduse plans and regulations are consistent withapplicable State
Regulations as to height of structures
p Monitor anynew airport proposals andregional aeronautic activities to
determine potentialimpactupon Cityresidents andcommerce
q Provide accesstopublicwatersthrough plansandprogramsdeveloped in
conjunction withthe Lake AdvisoryCommittee andwithother agencies with
r Promoteadoption andenforcement of water safety standards
s Identify andpromoteuseof appropriate locations fortransfer stations
including butnotlimited to Park and Ride lots
t Consider provision formass transit vehicleaccess andcirculation during
review of development and redevelopment plansforemploymentcenters
andhighdensity residential projects
u Encourage routes andschedules thatmeet current citizens needsand
v WorkwithMetropolitan Council and othercommunities topromote a public
transportation system whichisresponsiveto theneeds ofallcommunities
andequitablewith respect to services deliveredandrevenues collected
w Promote publicparticipationandcooperationin transitplanning promotion
x Investigate and experiment with various modesof transit and trafficdemand
OBJECTIVE No 2 Maintain orderly development ofandaccess toutilities
a Require thatlandproposed forurban development is served withall
municipal utilities i e do not extendsewer tonewlands unlesssewer
waterand stormdrainage canbe developed concurrently
b Extend utilities only to areas contiguous with existing utility service
boundaries inaccordance with approvedgrowth andcapital improvement
c Concentrate futurepublic utility extensions to thoseareas wherean
inadequate supply of land servicedbypublic utilities remains
d Cooperate with theschooldistrict to promote development of utilities and
landin thedirection offutureschool sites soutilities areavailable when
schoolsare to bebuilt
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 21
e Makemaximum use of surface drainage ways andponding rather than
closed pipesystems forstorm drainage
f Identify thoseareas that should beincludedin theMUSA and which could
beincluded within theexisting capacityofinterceptorsandtreatment
facilities developand maintaina planned program ofservicingthese areas
asthe supply ofservicedland diminishes
g Identify those areas wherelocal extension ofutilities isconsistentwith the
expansionofthemetropolitan waste management system and develop and
maintainaschedule so thelocal planscan be coordinated withthe
expansionof metropolitan facilities
h Monitorthe useof themetropolitan sewerfacilities in the Cityby other
jurisdictions andthestatusofthecapacity ofthefacilitiesthatisandcould
beavailable fordevelopment
OBJECTIVE No 1 Keepabreast of developments in communications and
information technology andpotential impactson city development
a Periodically assess technological developments which could impact onCity
b Adapt andutilizewhere possibletechnological innovations whichenhance
community quality andincrease theeffectiveness ofCitygovernment
Createanenvironment in which all citizens have theopportunity to develop their
OBJECTIVE No 1 Encouragethe development of a broad range of
educationaland learning opportunitiesfor personsof all ages
a Coordinate withtheschool districtin schoolsite selection
b Encourage jointdevelopment andutilization of education recreation and
socialservice facilities and services
c Encourage the locationof preschool andday carefacilities in the vicinityof
major activityand employment centers
OBJECTIVENo 2 Promote leisure timeopportunities and experiences which
arerewarding for theindividual andfamilies
a Establish andmaintainacomprehensive park and trailsystemsplan efforts
should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recreation industry
b Parkconstructionand maintenance should beaggressive and completed in
atimely fashion
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 22
c Develop ayear round system of recreation programswhichappeals to all
citizens of thecommunity
d Periodically conduct research andsurveys toidentify costeffective waysof
responding tocommunity leisure needs
e Major sites for parkandrecreation purposesshould beacquired in advance
of theiractual need toassure adesirable location inrelation tothe areato
f Establish and maintain aparkand open space landdedication policy for
g Acquisition and development of land for parks andtrailsshould takeinto
consideration potential conflictswithadjacent land usesand on going
maintenance costs
h Cityfunds shouldbeavailableforland acquisition inthosecases where the
ComprehensivePark Planrequires moreopen spacethan thedeveloper is
required to dedicate
Neighborhood Level
i Eachneighborhood identified by thisPlanshould containa centrally located
parkwithin walking distance of all homes oriented tosmall childandparent
activitiesrather than to organized athletic activities
j Facilities shouldbejointly sharedwithelementary schoolswherepossible
Programs shouldreflect consideration ofneighborhoodneeds anddesires
andshould take maximumadvantage of site capabilities
Community Level
k Major openspaces should be plannedand provided notwithstanding
facilitiesowned orplanned byother jurisdictions andthe plans should
incorporate a variety ofnatural physical elements though not necessarily
withinevery parkarea
l Iflocation andsize permit neighborhood park facilitiescanbe incorporated
intothedesign anddevelopment ofa community park
m A large nature studypreserve shouldbe provided possibly thoughnot
necessarilyas partofaCity park Small neighborhood preserves should be
acquired through thelanddevelopment process
n The preservation and treatment of openspace shallbe amajor
consideration in planning and review of all types ofdevelopment within the
OBJECTIVE No 3 Anticipate thedevelopment of preventative corrective and
rehabilitative facilities and programs byappropriate agencies and planfor non
localfacilitiesonaregional fair share basis
a Encouragedevelopment ofyouth activity facilities which areproperly
b Support properlystructured drug abuse and chemicaldependency
treatment programs
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 23
c Coordinate closely with other jurisdictions and agencies regarding the
operation ofinstitutions forcorrections andsocial rehabilitation
OBJECTIVENo 4 Make thedevelopment andenhancement ofa sense of
community andasenseof place an explicit public policy
a Support individuals seeking to deal with human and support services
affectingCity residents
b Encourage voluntary organizations seekingtodeveloppartnershipslinking
community needs with resourceswithinthe community
c Encouragetheformation ofhomeownerassociations athleticassociations
civic groups andother voluntaryassociations whoseobjectives areto
strengthen andimprove the opportunities forall people toparticipate in
community and governmental affairs
d Develop andencourage mechanisms toimprovecommunications andinfor
mation exchangeamong individuals neighborhoods voluntaryassociations
andthe Citygovernment
1 Provide individuals with greater opportunity toparticipate and exert an
impactondecision makingand thewayelected officials exercise power
eg town meetings accessibility to elected officials viavoice
messaging cablecast ofmeetings
2 Encourage confidence inand understanding aboutthe democratic
principles of self government
3 Conductcommunity attitude surveysperiodicallytoassist in budgetand
4 Conduct atleast onecitywide annualeventinvolving planningand
executionbycommunity groups
5 Identify aplan formaintaining ongoing communication between
community groups andthe City
6 Communicate the strategicplan componentsand itsregular update to
residentsso thatit willremaina living document andwill receiveregular
review update and publicity
7 Elicitameans of involving neighborhoodsin Cityaffairs
e Encouragepublic andprivate cooperation throughboth formaland informal
partnerships to meetspecificneeds and to foster new ideas
f Encourage theprivate sector to promotethe Citysidentity andquality of life
g Support participation by electedandappointedCity officials in community
serviceand promotiveorganizations
h Install arrivalmonuments and directional signs onarterial roads at themajor
gatewaystotheCityso that community amenities canbe easily located
i Foster intergovernmental cooperation
1 Participate inand consider where appropriateand where economies
of scale canbe applied joint collaborativedevelopment projects with
the ScottCounty HRA State of Minnesota Federal Government and
Shakopee Dakota Community tofoster economic development
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 24
housing and overall community development and redevelopment
Developpublic infrastructure for the efficientprovisionof municipal services
OBJECTIVE No 1 Providewell maintained streets water distributions
systems sewage systems andothermunicipal services
a Establish andmaintain aCapital Improvements Program for the
developmentandmaintenanceof infrastructure
b Establishpavement management guidelines
c Ensurespecifications forthe construction of infrastructure arein accordance
withBest Management Practices
d Encourage cooperative agreementsand projectswith other governmental
e Establish equitabledistribution of costparticipationbetweenindividuals and
f Establish awatertreatment facility
g Supportredevelopment of civic buildings andplants
Define theCitys ultimate boundaries and develop aplan forestablishing those
OBJECTIVE No 1 Work with surrounding cities townships and the County to
collaboratively address urban expansion questions
a Priortoinitiatingfuture annexations evaluatetheimpactofsuchaction on
the financial position of theCity
b Ensure thatall development thatoccurs in theannexation area is consistent
withCounty standards before annexation and withCity of Prior Lake
standardsafter annexation
c Identify in advancethe ComprehensivePlanningandZoning for acreageto
d Identify and preserve through ComprehensivePlanningandZoning acreage
forfuture commercial school park andresidential expansion needs
e Schedule infrastructure improvements andrevenue availability in theCapital
Improvement Program in accordance withtheannexationschedule inthe
Orderly Annexation Agreement
OBJECTIVENo 1 Continually explore meansand opportunities to develop
partnerships withotherunits ofgovernment citizens businesses and other
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 25
entities that willresult in amore cost effective means ofdeliveringservices to
TheCityofPriorLake2030Comprehensive LandUsePlan 26