HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.15.2017 EDA PACKET FULL Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA Monday, May 15, 2017 – 4:00 p.m. Reports included with this agenda can be found in the Document Center at www.cityofpriorlake.com; please follow this file path: City of Prior Lake\Economic Development Authority\2017\May 15, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER / INTRODUCTION 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. April 17, 2017 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. B. EDA Revenue & Expenditure Report (4/30/17) Development Update (4/30/2017) 5. REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. No Public Hearings Scheduled 7. OLD BUSINESS A. B. C. EDA Goals Joint EDA / City Council Meeting Agenda Approval Joint EDA / Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Approval 8. NEW BUSINESS A. None 9. OTHER BUSINESS A. Commissioner Comments 10. ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 p.m. Those items on the EDA Agenda which are considered routine and non-controversial are included as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless the President or an EDA member specifically requests that an item be on the Consent Agenda be removed and considered separately, Items on the Consent Agenda are considered under one motion, second and a roll call vote. Any item removed from the Consent Agenda shall be placed on the EDA agenda under “Removed Consent Agenda Items” Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes April 17, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER President Chromy called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present were Chromy, Sheehan-Kerber, Briggs and Braid. Also present were Executive Director Boyles, Community Development Specialist McCabe and Technology Village Board Members Gerry Hughes and Patrick Stroh. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY BRAID TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. Ayes by Chromy, Sheehan- Kerber, Briggs and Braid. The motion carried 4-0. 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER TO APPROVE THE March 20, 2017 MEETING MINUTES. Ayes by Chromy, Sheehan-Kerber, Briggs and Braid. The motion carried 4-0. 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. EDA 2017 Revenue & Expenditure Report (3/31/17) B. Development Update (3/31/2017) MOTION BY BRAID, SECONDED BY BRIGGS TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SUBMITTED. Ayes by Chromy, Sheehan-Kerber, Briggs and Braid. The motion carried 4-0. , 5. REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS No items were removed from the Consent Agenda 6. PUBLIC HEARING No Public Hearings 7. OLD BUSINESS A. 2017 EDA Goals Commissioners reviewed the adopted 2017 EDA Goals, which included: 1. Continue to guide the Economic Development Advisory Committee and support the Technology Vil- lage Board of Directors as they implement the recommendations of the Technology Village program analysis and expansion plans, including expansion opportunities within Scott County. 2. Establish a task force of downtown residents and businesses to develop an integrated road network plan that supports future traffic volumes, a downtown vision, and a targeted redevelopment plan. 3. Establish a process and plan to target resources to economic opportunities that provide significant benefits to Prior Lake, including those that may include property acquisition and direct support to commercial and industrial development. Commissioners discussed potential amendments to the EDA goals, additional initiatives or areas of focus for the commission in 2017. EDA Members: did not propose revisions to goal number one. Goal number one will remain as follows: 2 ➢ Continue to guide the Economic Development Advisory Committee and support the Technology Vil- lage Board of Directors as they implement the recommendations of the Technology Village program analysis and expansion plans, including expansion opportunities within Scott County. EDA Members: felt the City Council and Scott County Board have assumed the full responsibility related to the downtown road network plan and the EDA role identified in goal number two no longer applies. EDA members did express a strong desire to remain involved in the road network planning in a supporting role as any decision on alignment will have an economic development impact. The EDA wishes to pro- vide a separate and distinct voice in downtown discussion through ongoing recommendations/input for each of the future road network alternatives. Goal number two was revised as follows: ➢ Make recommendations and provide strong input to the Prior Lake City Council and Scott County Board of Commissioners related to proposed improvements to the Downtown road network, specifi- cally the CH21/Hwy 13 intersection, as it relates to potential impacts or benefits on economic devel- opment and redevelopment activities. EDA Members: reviewed goal number three and discussed the establishment of an inventory of vacant commercial and industrial property as well as strategic properties the city may wish to purch ase within the five Economic Development Areas identified by the EDAC. Braid: commented that a map of city-owned downtown properties would be beneficial and requested information related to the vision for the future use of these properties. EDA Members: revised goal number three as follows: ➢ Establish a process and plan to target resources for economic opportunities that provide significant benefits to Prior Lake, including those that may include property acquisition and direct support to commercial and industrial development. Provide a graphic showing the city owned properties and their usefulness for economic development and redevelopment activities and identify additional prop- erties for strategic acquisition within the five commercial areas identified by the EDAC. EDA Members: identified a new goal related to collaboration with the First Stop Shop in attracting com- mercial development to Prior Lake. The goal is as follows: ➢ Conduct a meeting or meetings with the Scott County CDA First Stop Shop for the purpose of iden- tifying reciprocal goals. Conduct an annual meeting with FSS, the Prior Lake City Council and Plan- ning Commission. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY BRAID TO revise the goal language as discussed and present the revised goals to the City Council, to be discussed as an agenda item during the joint EDA/City Council meeting on May 22, 2017. Ayes by Chromy, Sheehan-Kerber, Briggs and Braid. The motion carried 4- 0. B. Joint EDA / City Council Meeting EDA Members: discussed potential discussion topics for the joint EDA/City Council meeting on May 22, 2017. EDA Members: felt the primary purpose of the meeting should be to review the incentives policy to un- derstand what incentives are available, to provide a better understanding of the benefits of the incentive 3 programs, and reach a philosophic agreement on which incentive programs should be used and on what types of projects. EDA Members: identified additional agenda items, including: review the revised 2017 EDA goals, discuss the Technology Village Business Accelerator program, and ‘Other Business’ the commissioners or coun- cil members wish to discuss. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER to approve the agenda topics as proposed for the May 22, 2017 joint EDA/City Council meeting. Ayes by Chromy, Sheehan-Kerber, Briggs and Braid. The motion carried 4-0. C. Joint EDA / Planning Commission Meeting EDA Members: discussed potential discussion topics for a joint EDA / Planning Commission meeting. EDA members supported a discussion related to the commercial and industrial land designated in the Comprehensive Plan, vvariances or other accommodations for commercial p rojects, types of commer- cial/industrial development that should be encouraged or discouraged and how, city-owned land and its purpose and availability of vacant commercial and industrial land vs. demand. City Staff: has proposed a joint meeting with the Planning Commission on June 19, 2017 at 5 p.m. The agenda items will be finalized at a future EDA meeting. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Technology Village Update – Business Challenge Patrick Stroh: who is a member of the Technology Village Board of Directors presented information re- lated to the Fast-Track Business Challenge, which is a Technology Village/Scott County CDA sponsored event that is intended to recognize and support emerging businesses in Scott County. EDA Members: supported the idea of the competition and discussed the donated professional services and prizes to be awarded to the event winners. EDA Members: recommended the Technology Village be added as a topic to the May 22, 2017 joint EDA/City Council work session agenda to discuss what the program set out to achieve, what has it achieved, and what will it achieve in the future. B. Technology Village Phase II.4 Business Plan McCabe: presented the updated Technology Village Business Accelerator Phase II.4 Business Plan. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEENAN-KERBER TO adopt the Technology Village Business Accelerator Phase II.4 Business Plan, subject to the removal of the reference to Dan Rogness as the Executive Director and replace with TBD. Ayes by Chromy, Sheehan-Kerber, Briggs and Braid. The motion carried 4-0. 9. OTHER BUSINESS A. Appointment of Assistant Treasurer EDA Members: discussed assigning another staff or commissioner to the position of Assistant Treasurer, which was vacated when Community & Economic Development Director Rogness left his position with the City of Prior Lake. EDA Members: did not feel the position of Assistant Treasurer was necessary and supported striking that position from the EDA Bylaws. 4 Boyles: informed the EDA that an amendment to the EDA Bylaws would need to be approved to eliminate the position of Assistant Treasurer. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEENAN-KERBER TO recommend the Bylaw Committee re- view and recommend the removal of the position of Assistant Treasurer from the Economic Development Advisory Committee Bylaws. Ayes by Chromy, Sheehan-Kerber, Briggs and Braid. The motion carried 4-0. B. EDA Meeting Date Change – August 2017 Boyles: informed the commissioners that beginning in August 2017, the City Council will be changing their regular meeting nights from the second and fourth Mondays to the first and third Mondays, which will conflict with the current EDA meeting schedule. EDA Members: supported moving the regular EDA meeting date from the third Monday of each month to the second Monday of each month. C. Commissioner Comments Sheehan-Kerber informed the committee that she is unable to attend the November EDA meeting. Briggs: commented on the City Council’s appointment of Marie Boucher-Hoese to the EDA. Mr. Briggs also praised and expressed appreciation to the other EDA candidates. 10. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY SHEEHAN-KERBER, SECONDED BY BRIGGS TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 5:56 p.m. ___________________________ Frank Boyles, Executive Director 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: May 15, 2017 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: EDA REVENUE & EXPENDITURE REPORT (4/30/17) DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this consent agenda item is to review the 2017 Revenue & Expendi- ture Report for the EDA through April 30, 2017. History The EDA Commissioners requested monthly financial reports at each meeting. This allows the EDA to view revenues and expenditures on a frequent basis. Current Circumstances Revenues are minimal until the tax levy is received by the City twice per year. Conclusion EDA members receive monthly financial reports of revenues and expenditures. ISSUES: This document provides a summary of activities associated with costs as budgeted by the EDA on a monthly basis. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and a second, under the Consent Agenda, to accept the EDA 2017 Rev- enue & Expenditure Report through April 30, 2017. 2. Motion and second to remove this item from the consent agenda for additional discussion. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative #1 ATTACHMENTS: 1. EDA 2017 Revenue & Expenditure Report REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE05/08/2017 07:48 AM User: Janet DB: Prior Lake PERIOD ENDING 04/30/2017 DR ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 04/30/17 % BDGT USED UNENCUMBERED BALANCE ENCUMBERED YEAR-TO-DATE YTD BALANCE 04/30/2017 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 04/30/17 2017 AMENDED BUDGET 2017 ORIGINAL BUDGETDESCRIPTIONGL NUMBER Fund 240 - EDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Revenues Dept 00000.00-GENERAL 0.00 0.00 140,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 140,000.00 140,000.00 Current Property Taxes - General Purpos240-00000.00-31010.00 0.00 26.58 1,835.42 0.00 664.58 3.05 2,500.00 2,500.00 Interest Earnings240-00000.00-36210.00 0.00 100.00 141.66 0.00 (141.66)0.00 0.00 0.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)240-00000.00-36225.00 0.00 0.37 141,977.08 0.00 522.92 3.05 142,500.00 142,500.00 Total Dept 00000.00-GENERAL Dept 46503.00-TECH VILLAGE INCUBATOR 0.00 27.75 6,140.83 0.00 2,359.17 666.67 8,500.00 8,500.00 Facility Rental - EDA240-46503.00-34760.02 0.00 27.75 6,140.83 0.00 2,359.17 666.67 8,500.00 8,500.00 Total Dept 46503.00-TECH VILLAGE INCUBATOR 0.00 1.91 148,117.91 0.00 2,882.09 669.72 151,000.00 151,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES Expenditures Dept 46500.00-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 7,370.56 29.60 67,848.70 0.00 28,524.30 3,007.20 96,373.00 96,373.00 Wages - Full Time240-46500.00-51100.01 200.00 13.33 2,600.00 0.00 400.00 200.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Wages - Commissioners240-46500.00-51100.05 479.28 100.00 (535.38)0.00 535.38 479.28 0.00 0.00 Overtime - Full Time240-46500.00-51110.01 4,929.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sick Leave - Buy Down240-46500.00-51208.01 15.04 30.09 331.35 0.00 142.65 15.04 474.00 474.00 Compensated Absences240-46500.00-51400.00 358.93 28.98 4,310.06 0.00 1,758.94 223.66 6,069.00 6,069.00 Social Security Contributions240-46500.00-51450.00 83.94 28.99 1,007.61 0.00 411.39 52.30 1,419.00 1,419.00 Medicare Contributions240-46500.00-51451.00 261.49 30.37 4,996.52 0.00 2,179.48 261.49 7,176.00 7,176.00 PERA Contributions240-46500.00-51460.00 305.74 28.28 6,683.52 0.00 2,635.48 305.74 9,319.00 9,319.00 Health Insurance240-46500.00-51470.00 7.50 28.13 172.50 0.00 67.50 7.50 240.00 240.00 Retiree HCSP Contributions240-46500.00-51472.00 20.00 29.17 340.00 0.00 140.00 20.00 480.00 480.00 Dental Insurance240-46500.00-51473.00 2.40 28.86 44.82 0.00 18.18 2.40 63.00 63.00 Life Insurance240-46500.00-51474.00 0.00 41.12 252.00 0.00 176.00 0.00 428.00 428.00 Workers Compensation Insurance240-46500.00-51477.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 Office Supplies240-46500.00-52010.00 0.00 12.80 2,180.00 0.00 320.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Legal Services240-46500.00-53020.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 Professional Services - General240-46500.00-53100.80 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 Telecommunications240-46500.00-53210.00 0.00 14.00 860.00 0.00 140.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Training and Employee Development240-46500.00-53310.10 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 Required Notice Publication240-46500.00-53510.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 750.00 Memberships and Subscriptions240-46500.00-54310.00 0.00 0.00 1,034.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,034.00 1,034.00 Miscellaneous Expense240-46500.00-54320.00 14,034.28 24.75 113,875.70 0.00 37,449.30 4,574.61 151,325.00 151,325.00 Total Dept 46500.00-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Dept 46503.00-TECH VILLAGE INCUBATOR 0.00 4.12 239.71 0.00 10.29 0.00 250.00 250.00 Office Supplies240-46503.00-52010.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 Small Equipment - General240-46503.00-52400.10 40.00 8.00 460.00 0.00 40.00 40.00 500.00 500.00 Legal Services240-46503.00-53020.00 34.34 1.72 1,965.66 0.00 34.34 34.34 2,000.00 2,000.00 Telecommunications240-46503.00-53210.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 Rent Subsidies240-46503.00-54095.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Business Assistance240-46503.00-54100.00 175.00 67.50 325.00 0.00 675.00 175.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Memberships and Subscriptions240-46503.00-54310.00 0.00 4.37 478.14 0.00 21.86 0.00 500.00 500.00 Miscellaneous Expense240-46503.00-54320.00 249.34 8.23 8,718.51 0.00 781.49 249.34 9,500.00 9,500.00 Total Dept 46503.00-TECH VILLAGE INCUBATOR REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE05/08/2017 07:48 AM User: Janet DB: Prior Lake PERIOD ENDING 04/30/2017 DR ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 04/30/17 % BDGT USED UNENCUMBERED BALANCE ENCUMBERED YEAR-TO-DATE YTD BALANCE 04/30/2017 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 04/30/17 2017 AMENDED BUDGET 2017 ORIGINAL BUDGETDESCRIPTIONGL NUMBER Fund 240 - EDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Expenditures 14,283.62 23.77 122,594.21 0.00 38,230.79 4,823.95 160,825.00 160,825.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (14,283.62)359.78 25,523.70 0.00 (35,348.70)(4,154.23)(9,825.00)(9,825.00)NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES 14,283.62 23.77 122,594.21 0.00 38,230.79 4,823.95 160,825.00 160,825.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0.00 1.91 148,117.91 0.00 2,882.09 669.72 151,000.00 151,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES Fund 240 - EDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND: 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: May 15, 2017 AGENDA #: 4B PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: DEVELOPMENT UPDATE (4/30/2017) DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this consent agenda item is to review the residential and com- mercial development update as of April 30, 2017. History The EDA Commissioners requested updates of residential and commercial ac- tivity at each meeting. Conclusion The attached memorandum provides a summary of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION ATTACHMENT: 1. Motion and a second, under the Consent Agenda, to accept the Develop- ment Update through April 30, 2017. 2. Motion and second to remove this item from the consent agenda for addi- tional discussion. Alternative No. 1. 1. Development Update Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo Date: May 8, 2017 To: City of Prior Lake Economic Development Authority From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Specialist Subject: Residential & Commercial Activity Update Below is an update of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of April 30, 2017. Name Address Type (New/Relocation/Expansion) Previous Tenant/Owner gg Boutique 16180 Hastings Ave. SE Relocated Business Giggle Gals The Magnolia Shop 4773 Dakota St. SE New Business gg Boutique Trademark Title Services 16268 Eagle Creek Ave. SE New Business ReMax Olive Moon 4775 Dakota St. SE Relocated Business Finder's Fee Whitmer Crafts 4646 Colorado St. SE New Business Vacant Canvas Tattoo 6880 Boudin St. NE Relocated Business Verizon Edward Jones - Scott Pierce 16154 Main Ave. SE, Suite 110B Relocated Business Wensmann Office - Lakefront Plaza Edward Jones - Christy McCoy 4719 Park Nicollet Ave. Suite 260 New Business/Tenant Build-Out Vacant Luxury Laser Edu 14070 Commerce Ave. NE Ste. 200 New Business Kids Talk Childrens Therapy Sweet Nautical 16228 Main Ave. SE, Ste 101 New Business Lakes Area Realty Blahnik Law Office 4617 Colorado St. SE Relocated Business/New Construction Former Single Family Residential 2017 Prior Lake Commercial Activity Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits % Increase / (% Decrease) Declared Value % Increase / (% Decrease) Single Family Dwellings 18 $5,679,000.00 29 $10,505,000.00 (37.93)(45.94) Townhouses (# units)0 $0.00 4 $676,000.00 n/a (400.00) Multiple Units 0 $0.00 2 $21,501,000.00 n/a (200.00) New Commercial Industrial & Commercial 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 n/a n/a Residential 210 $1,092,157.00 168 $1,382,000.00 25.00 (20.97) Industrial & Commercial 1 $500.00 4 $191,500.00 (75.00)### Mechanical 179 $0.00 213 $0.00 (15.96)n/a Mechanical (SF & TH)72 $0.00 116 $0.00 (37.93)n/a TOTALS 480 $6,771,657.00 536 $34,255,500.00 (10.45)(80.23) Increase / (Decrease)  Mechanical permits include but are not limited to furnaces, water heaters, softeners, and fireplaces. They are flat-rate permit fees. Mechanical (SF & TH) permits include required plumbing, heating, sewer and water and fireplace permits for new single family residences. They are flat-rate permit fees. 2017 Year to Date 2016 Year to Date New Residential Additions and Alterations 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: May 15, 2017 AGENDA #: 7A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: 2017 EDA GOALS DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to review the revised 2017 EDA Goals. History The EDA adopted the following 2017 goals during their November 21, 2016 meet- ing, which were approved by the City Council on January 9, 2017. ➢ Continue to guide the Economic Development Advisory Committee and sup- port the Technology Village Board of Directors as they implement the recom- mendations of the Technology Village program analysis and expansion plans, including expansion opportunities within Scott County. ➢ Establish a task force of downtown residents and businesses to develop an integrated road network plan that supports future traffic volumes, a downtown vision, and a targeted redevelopment plan. ➢ Establish a process and plan to target resources to economic opportunities that provide significant benefits to Prior Lake, including those that may include property acquisition and direct support to commercial and industrial develop- ment. Current Circumstances During the April 17, 2017 meeting, the EDA commissioners proposed the following revisions to their previously adopted 2017 goals. ➢ Continue to guide the Economic Development Advisory Committee and sup- port the Technology Village Board of Directors as they implement the recom- mendations of the Technology Village program analysis and expansion plans, including expansion opportunities within Scott County. (No Changes) ➢ Make recommendations and provide strong input to the Prior Lake City Council and Scott County Board related to proposed improvements to the Downtown road network, specifically the CH21/Hwy 13 intersection, as it relates to poten- tial impacts or benefits on economic development and redevelopment activi- ties. ➢ Establish a process and plan to target resources for economic opportunities that provide significant benefits to Prior Lake, including those that may include property acquisition and direct support to commercial and industrial develop- ment. Provide a graphic showing the city owned properties and their useful- ness for economic development and redevelopment activities and identify ad- ditional properties for strategic acquisition within the five commercial areas identified by the EDAC. 2 ➢ Conduct a meeting with the Scott County CDA First Stop Shop for the purpose of identifying reciprocal goals. Conduct an annual meeting with FSS, the Prior Lake City Council and Planning Commission. Issues Staff has prepared the above goals based on the EDA discussion at the April 17th meeting. Staff is requesting the commissioners review and provide direction re- lated to EDA approval or further revisions of the goals. Once approved by the EDA, the revised goals will be presented to the City Council during the joint EDA/City Council meeting on May 22nd. The City Council will be asked to approve the revised goals during an upcoming meeting and the council will review the progress made toward accomplishing these three goals during a work session in November. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funding may be required to accomplish some of the goals or initiatives of the EDA. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Direct the staff to include the 2017 goals as proposed or amended by the EDA tonight on the May 22, 2017 joint meeting agenda with the city council. 2. Take no action and direct the staff to complete additional research or retain the 2017 goals as originally approved by the EDA and City Council. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative 1. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 okfbECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: May 15, 2017 AGENDA #: 7B PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: JOINT EDA / CITY COUNCIL MEETING DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this item is to finalize the agenda topics for the May 22, 2017 joint meeting between the EDA and City Council. History During the January 25, 2017 EDA meeting, commissioners recommended the EDA schedule a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss the city’s philosophy related to the use of Tax Increment Financing and other development incentives. During the April 17, 2017 meeting, commissioners proposed agenda topics for the joint meeting. Current Circumstances A joint work session has been scheduled between the City Council and EDA on Monday, May 22, 2017 from 5:00 to 6:45 p.m. Staff has prepared the agenda below based on commissioner discussion at the April 17, 2017 meeting. EDA members should review the draft agenda and revise accordingly. Proposed EDA/City Council Joint Meeting Agenda 1. EDA Goals i. Review and Discuss the Revised 2017 EDA Goals 2. Business Incentives Discussion i. Business Subsidy Policy • Available incentives in ‘Tool Box’ • Wage and Employment Goals ii. Business Subsidies Report • History and Status of Business Subsidies in Prior Lake iii. Benefits of Incentive Programs iv. Which incentives to use and on what types of projects 3. Technology Village i. Original Program Goals ii. Program Accomplishments iii. Accelerator Budget 4. Other Business 2 Issues Commissioners have already discussed these agenda topics. Staff wanted to pro- vide the commissioners with one additional opportunity to review the agenda be- fore it was finalized and sent to commissioners and council members. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the agenda topics as proposed or with amendments and direct the staff to complete and distribute an agenda for the joint meeting. 2. Take no action and provide the staff direction regarding whether the joint meet- ing should be cancelled. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative 1. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: May 15, 2017 AGENDA #: 7C PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: JOINT EDA / PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA APPROVAL DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this item is to finalize the agenda topics for a June 19, 2017 joint meeting between the EDA and Planning Commission. History During the April 17, 2017 meeting, commissioners recommended the EDA sched- ule a joint meeting with the Planning Commission to discuss the Comprehensive Plan update, land use and other topics as they relate to economic development/re- development. Current Circumstances A joint meeting has been scheduled between the EDA and Planning Commission on Monday, June 19, 2017 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. One of the five Planning Com- missioners is unable to attend. Issues Potential meeting topics may include: ➢ Commercial and Industrial acreage designated in the Land Use Plan. ➢ Variances or other accommodations for commercial projects. ➢ Types of commercial/industrial development that should be encouraged or dis- couraged. ➢ City-owned land and its purpose. ➢ Availability of vacant commercial and industrial land vs. demand. EDA members should provide direction to staff related to potential agenda topics, keeping in mind the meeting has only been scheduled for one hour. After staff receives the EDA recommendation, a draft agenda will be sent to the Planning Commissioners for their input. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: 1. Direct staff to prepare a draft joint meeting agenda from the topics identified in this report for review and comment by the planning commission. 2. Take no action and direct the staff to cancel or reschedule this joint meeting. As determined by the EDA.