HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 12 2017 Public Presented PaperworkThree Simple Ways You Can Help "Sanya's Hope For Children" 10.2% Minnesotan family of 4 live under $25,000 per year among them .72.7% are children under 18. 17.5 million Households in America, approximately one in seven, face food insecurities. About 896 million people in developing countries live on S1.90 a day or less. Our Mission "Every child deserves basic human rights like food, shelter, clothes, safety and education" Donate, Speak, and Share. One: Donate! (Time, Knowledge and Resources). o Cash Donation-Filling my compassion jars as business, individuals or Family. . Write check to "Sanya's Hope For Children" or Donate online at http://www.sanyashopeforchildren.org/ o Offer matching for donations or ask your companies or club to match or donate . Buy my "Book Mark For Help "and/or school bags for $25 each. Two: Speak! o Tell 5 or more people inside and outside your friend's circle a story of how my work has impacted local and global communities. . lnvite me to speak to churches, schools, clubs, and events about community empowerment, youth service engagement and many youth service related topics. Three: share I . The impact and reach of the Networking is far beyond the local communities; experience by spreading the word of my work to friends, neighbors, or colleagues from inside and outside your school, business, church, and more or to show them the power of one is something they can be proud of, participate in, and donate to. About US:5anya's Hope For Children is nonprofit organization which was founded in January 2017 by Sanya Pirani,5th Grader. Sanya has been engaged in community service work since she was 7 years old. Sanya received multiple award related to community service. ln 2016 she received nationalaward from AFP (Minnesota association of philanthropy) "Exceptionalyouth in Philanthropic" and "Leadership Service award" from CAP (community action partnership) agency. Sanya Pirani, 1O-year-old 5th grader from Prior Lake JP Elementary School. MN S4wHGPEm I I il ll CAP tu COMMU N ITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP OF SCOTT CARVER & DAKOTA COUNTIES CAP Ambassador's Summer Donation Drives Sanya Pirani, a local 5th grader and CAP Agency Ambassador, is organizing a series of donation drives to meet needs in our community this summer! July: Food Drive Fresh food and produce, as well as non-perishables, can be dropped offat the CAP Agency Food Shelf located at712 Canterbury Rd S, Shakopee. Nonperishable items can also be dropped offat these locations: 1. Prior Lake Public Library. 2. New Horizon Academy, 14121 Huntington Ave S, Savage, MN 55378 3. Erik Westrum-State Farm Prior Lake office- 14033 Commerce Avenue NE Suite 102-Prior Lake, MN 55372-143 Sanya Pirani CAP Agency Ambassador and Founder/President of Sanya's Hope For Children August: Coat Drive Please drop offnew and gently used coats (any size, any brand) at these locations 1. New Horizon Academy, 4400 Fountain Hills Trail, Prior Lake, MN 55372 2. New Horizon Academy, 14121 Huntington Ave S, Savage, MN 55378 3. Erik Westrum-State Farm Prior Lake office- 14033 Commerce Avenue NE Suite 102-Prior Lake, MN 55372-1438 September: School Supply Drive School supplies can be dropped off at the following locations 1. New Horizon Academy,4400 Fountain Hills Trail, Prior Lake, MN 55372 2. New Horizon Academy, 14121 Huntington Ave S, Savage, MN 55378 3. Erik Westrum-State Farm Prior Lake office- 14033 Commerce Avenue NE Suite 102-Prior Lake, MN 55372-1438 Thank you for supporting your local community! ALL PROCEEDS GO TO CAP AGENCY-Scott, Carver, and Dakota County Contact Dilshad for further details @ 952-2OL-192O CAP agency IRS Tax lD # 41-0903890 WHOptmuW M Gmril - 14332 Watersedge Trail Variance Appeal Summary 52558-30 lmpervious Exhibit_6-12-17 (1 ).pdf 226K 6112117- 12iO1 PV Henry Breeggemann <hlbreeggemann@gmail.com> Mon, Jun 12.2017 at 11:38 Alu To: kbriggs@cityofpriorlake.com, zbraid@cityofpriorlake.com, kburkart@cityofpriorlaKe.com, mmcguire@cityofpriorlake.com, athompson@cityofpriorlake.com Cc: Hank Breeggemann <hlbreeggemann@gmail.com>, Carol Anne Breeggemann <cbreeggemann@gmail.com> Mayor Briggs and City Council Members, Our variance appeal is on the city council meeting agenda scheduled for tonight, Monday June 12th. To be respectful of everyones time as the amount of information we submitted in support of our variance appeal (Agenda item 7A: 14332 \ htersedge Trail Variance Appeal Report) is extensive and contains a great deal of information we are including for your reference a brief summary of the key points of our appeal request, all of which are contained throughout the supporting documents included in your agenda packets. Thank you and we hope you find the attached summary documents useful as you consider our most important appeal request before you this week, Respectfully, Hank & Carol Breeggemann 3 attachments 1 City Council Meeting Bullet Points.docxI 16K :_l Rehder Engineering Letter 6-12-17 .pdf 23K https://mail.google.com/maiUu/0/?ui=2&ik=cdc1186bo9&view=pt&search=inbox&th=15c9d99490c2s154&siml=15c9d99490c2 5.154 Page 1 of '1 14332 Watercedge TrailVariance Appeal Summary :l City Council Meeting June 12,2017 Summary of Variance Appeal Key Points 1. Introduction: Purchased property to replace and significantly improve current property 2. Redevelopment represents a significant reduction from current impervious surface coverage (see attached Engineering Survey & Letter) o Coverage being significantly reduced from 53% to the 32.9%o being proposed o Proposed impervious plan reduces total impervious surface by 2,284 sq. ft. o If the redevelopment of these two lots remained at 100' & 50' foot lots vs. the proposed 90' & 60' lots the proposed inclusive total impervious surface would remain relatively the same at a combined 5,646 vs. 5,661 sq. ft. a difference of less than 1/1Oft of lo/o . The new construction proposed is a significant improvement for the property and is considered Best Management Practice (BMP) per Minnesota Storm Water Manual.o No neighborhood opposition and significant neighborhood support 3. Changes have been made since Planning Commission Denial . Square footage in the driveway area has been reduced, resulting in a total reduction for the variance request from 33.7Yo to 32.9o/o o The Homeowner's have made reasonable efforts to reduce the impervious surface coverage without compromising the functionality of the home 4. Hardship to Homeowner of Planning Commission solution . The proposed reduction by the Planning Commission would result in the home no longer be able to accommodate a modestly sized first floor bedroom and bathroom and handicap accessible ramp reasonably necessary to make the home functional for the homeowner's who need to accommodate visits from their elderly parent, a critical function of the home for the home homeowners. 5. Issues with Planning Commission Denial o Feasibility is not the determining factor -the factor to be considered is practical difficulty.. While the square foot reduction required to achieve an impervious surface of 30Yo may seem minimal, the result such a reduction would significantly impact the functionality of the home. The home would no longer be able to accommodate a reasonably sized first floor bedroom and bathroom and handicap accessible rzrmp reasonably necessary to make the home functional for the homeowner's who need to accommodate visits from their elderly parent, a critical function of the home.o This is not a matter of convenience, but of practical difficulty given the specific circumstances of the undersized non-conforming lot and needs of the home owners with regard to the functionality of the home, which includes the square footage in the garage to accommodate a ramp.o Stating that one home on a similarly sized lot did not require the requested variance does not prove that there are not practical difficulties with the proposed reduction or take into account the unique circumstances of this property. There is no support for finding that the variance requested in this case would not be harmonious or that the variance would make this home not fit with the character with those in the neighborhood, where many homes have been granted variances due to unique Iot challenges. 6. Conclusion: Homeowner has made numerous design revisions in an attempt to minimize the proposed impervious surface footprint on this undersized non-conforming lot without making the home unsuitable for the homeowner,s need to accommodate their elderly parent. The proposed revisions will constitute a significant reduction of the current impervious surface coverage, increase the tax base, and is supported by the neighborhood. I' COPPER CREEK DA/ELOPMENTat 14332 Wotersedge Troil Northeost Total lot area - 18,774 square fuet (0.37 acre) W ATERSEOG E TRAIL 6-9. p(s?7l,G*eq ,prnqrys Area of ParcelA above 904 = 11,001+ square feet Exlstlng Impervious Surface = 5,829 square feet (53.09o) Area of Parcel B above 904 = 6,016+ squar€ feet Existlng lmpervlous Surlace = 2,116 square feet (35,2%) Total Exlstlng-Impervious Surface = 7,945 square feet (46,7oh) (Above the 904 contouD PROPOSED PIAN Y SUBNITTEO 15.6 Area of Parcel A .bove 904 = 9,8421 square feet Propos€d Impervlous Surface = 3,241 square feet (32.9%) Area of Parcel B above 904 = 7,175+ squar€ feet Proposed Impervlous Surfac€ = 2,420 square fuet (33.7%) Total Proposed Impervious Surface = 5,661 square fe€t (33,3%) (Above the 904 contour) <)o t! 5.9 paoposto pun ttw * so rcrl Area of ParcelA above 904 = 11,007+ square feet Proposed Impervlous Surface = 3,302 square feet (30,0%) Area of Parcel B above 904 = 6,010+ square fuet Proposed Impervlous Surface - 2,344 square feet (39.0%) Tital Proposed Impervlous Surface = 5,646 square fuet (33,2%) (Above the 9(N contour) oz (n B t! = .+ N N $ .9 3 \rri PRIOR LAKE Rehder ond Associotes, lnc. CML ENCIIiIEERS AAIO T'NO SURVEIORS nn ,r0 , 6!.4 M^'-oio r Fri6. (.r, 152_505r PROPOSED HOUSEPROPOSED HOUSE DTCK .J PORCH PARCEL B PRAPOSED DRIVEWAY DECK cs PARCEL A Scale: 1 inch = 20 feet WA|ER ELEVATION APHL 22, 20$ . EOI16 IAB:154-255A.a30 Riih,dei ,'::, 6 '2rt:iii,oiii;iti', Ihc." Ciail Engiileers, Planners & Land Suraeyors June 12,2017 Greg Schweich Copper Creek Development Hank & Carol Breegemann Dear Mr. Schweich, I have reviewed the existing conditions suryey of Lots 10, I I & 12, Boudin's Manor on Prior Lake and compared it to the proposed redevelopment plan dated 5-30-17. In the existing conditions, the total impervious area above the 904 contour is 7.945 square feet. tn the proposed conditions, the total impervious area above the 904 contour is 5,661 square feet. This is a2,284 square foot reduction in impervious area and is considered a Best Management Practice (BMP) per the Minnesota Storm Water Manual. By decreasing the impervious area, the two parcels will discharge less runoffvolume and provide additional pervious area to more effectively treat storm water runoff before draining to Prior L,ake. Sincerely,-/f^-L/o(r# Nicholas P. Adam. P.E. Rehder & Associates, lnc. 3++o Federal Drive, Suite r Io r Eagan,Minnesota 55r'22 . Gsr-|b,-so1r o liax: 6sr-*s,2-9797 o Emait: info@rehder.com