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4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this Public Hearing is to consider amendments to Subsection
1107.2200, Architectural Design, of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance re-
lated to the use of insulated metal panels as a primary exterior building
During the May, 15, 2017 meeting, Planning Commissioners discussed building
materials and the increased use of insulated metal panels as an exterior material.
The Planning Commission approved a motion directing city staff to investigate
the allowed use of the metal insulated wall product in Industrial and Commercial
zoning districts and potentially incorporate the material into Subsection
1107.2200, Architectural Design of the zoning ordinance.
Current Circumstances
City staff is proposing an amendment to the Architectural Design subsection of
the Zoning Ordinance due to multiple requests to use an insulated metal wall
panel material in the business park or general industrial use districts. The ordi-
nance currently allows for prefinished metal to be used on up to 25% of each
exterior wall; however, the insulated metal panels that the city is receiving re-
quests for today were not contemplated when the ordinance related to prefinished
metal was established.
Insulated metal panels have been used in Prior Lake on previous projects. These
panelized systems were previously approved under subsection 1107.2202 (6) d.,
Use of Non-Listed Materials, which states in part, “The Zoning Administrator may
permit an exterior surface material not identified in Subsection 1107.2200 (6),
provided the material is a result of new technology and/or the material is equal to
or better in quality, appearance and durability than those materials identified”.
Because of the increasing demand to use the insulated metal panel material, city
staff is proposing to amend the zoning ordinance to identify the insulated panels
as an approved exterior material in the C-3, Business Park and I-1, General In-
dustrial use districts, provided the material meets the ordinance requirements.
The proposed ordinance amendments would allow insulated metal wall panels
as a primary exterior building material in the C-3, Business Park and I-1, General
Industrial use district, provided the panels have a stucco, aggregate, stone or
similar finish and the building design includes a minimum of three of the design
elements identified in subsection 1107.2200. The use of other types of permitted
building materials only require the incorporation of two of the design elements
identified in Subsection 1107.2200.
In addition to the proposed amendment to permit insulated metal wall panels as
a primary exterior building material in the C-3 or I-1 use district, city staff has also
proposed two additional design elements in Subsection 1107.2200. The pro-
posed design elements in Subsection 1107.2200 now include:
a. At least two contrasting, yet complementary exterior building colors, accent
materials, or material textures;
b. At least 25% window coverage on each building wall facing a street;
c. A combination of horizontal and vertical design features;
d. A front entry that, in addition to doors, shall be accented a minimum of 150
square feet around the door entrance;
e. Varying roof line;
f. Irregular building or wall shapes Varying wall depths and shapes; and/or
g. Other unique architectural features in the overall building design.
Subsection 1108.600 (Policy for Amendments) of the Zoning Ordinance states,
recommendations of the Planning Commission and final determinations of the
City Council shall be supported by findings addressing the relationship of the pro-
posed amendment to the following policies:
In the case of amendments to the formal text of this Ordinance:
➢ There is a public need for the amendment, or
➢ The amendment will accomplish one or more of the purposes of this Ordi-
nance, the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted plans or policies of the City,
➢ The adoption of the amendment is consistent with State and/or federal re-
In city staff’s opinion, the public need for the amendment is evidenced by the
increase in the number of requests from property owners to use an insulated
metal wall panel material. The proposed amendment help facilitate commercial
growth in the Adelmann/County Road 21 area, which was a goal in the 2040
Vision and Strategic Plan. The proposed amendment would also help accom-
plish one of the purposes identified in Subsection 1101.102 of the Zoning Ordi-
nance, which states, “Establish a continuing system of review of this Ordinance
to ensure it will be amended to meet changing needs of the community and ad-
vances in science and technology.”
ISSUES: The City Attorney assisted with the drafting of the proposed amendments Staff
is requesting the Planning Commission review and recommend the City Council
approve the amendments, as proposed or as may be further amended by the
Planning Commission.
ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and a second to recommend the City Council approve the amend-
ments to Subsection 1107.2200 of the Zoning Ordinance, as proposed or as
may be further amended by the Planning Commission.
2. Motion and a second to recommend the City Council deny the proposed
amendments to Subsection 1107.2200 of the Zoning Ordinance.
3. Motion and a second to table discussion of the item to a future meeting date
and provide staff with direction.
Alternative #1
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed Amendments to Subsection 1107.2200
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1107/p1
1107.100: Purpose and Intent
1107.200: Off-Street Parking Areas, Paved Areas and Loading Spaces
1107.300: Number of Required Off-Street Parking Space
1107.400: Signage
1107.500: Interpretation
1107.600: Exempt Signs
1107.700: Permitted Signs; No Sign Permit Required
1107.800: Permitted Signs; Sign Permit Required
1107.900: Permitted Sign Area; Business and Industrial Districts
1107.1000: Calculating Sign Area
1107.1100: Prohibited Signs
1107.1200: Sign Plan Requirements
1107.1300: Sign Permit Requirements
1107.1400: Maintenance
1107.1500: Lapse of Sign Permit
1107.1600: Removal of Signs
1107.1700: Remedies for Violation of the Sign Ordinance
1107.1800: Lighting
1107.1900: Landscaping and Screening
1107.2000: Bufferyards
1107.2100: Tree Preservation and Restoration
1107.2200: Architectural Design
1107.2300: Non-Conformities
1107.2201 Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to serve the public interest by requiring
development in the City to meet certain minimum architectural design standards.
Through a comprehensive review of both functional and aesthetic aspects of new
or intensified developments, the City needs to accomplish all of the following
➢ Implement the goals and policies set out in its Comprehensive Plan;
➢ Preserve the character of residential neighborhoods and the City's
commercial and industrial areas;
➢ Maintain and improve the City tax base;
➢ Reduce the impacts of dissimilar land uses;
➢ Promote orderly and safe flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic;
➢ Discourage the development of identical and similar building facades
which detract from the character and appearance of the neighborhood;
➢ Preserve the natural and built environment; and
➢ Minimize adverse impacts on adjacent properties from buildings which
are or may become unsightly.
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1107/p2
1107.2202 Standards. The provisions in Subsection 1107.2202 apply to commercial,
industrial, multi-family residential (projects of 3 or more dwelling units per building),
public and institutional uses. These provisions apply to all new buildings.
Additions to existing buildings that exceed 50% expansion of the existing building
area, shall require that the existing building and the addition both meet the
provisions of Subsection 1107.2202(6). When only the building’s exterior is being
renovated, the renovations may replace existing materials with new like-materials,
or with permitted exterior materials identified in (6) of this Subsection. Buildings
located within the Town Center (TC) Use District shall follow design standards
identified in Subsection 1102.809.
(1) Roofs that are exposed or an integral part of the building aesthetics shall be
constructed only of commercial grade asphalt shingles, wood shingles, standing
seam prefinished metal, concrete, slate, tile or copper. The visual impact of rooftop
equipment shall be minimized using one of the following methods:
➢ A parapet wall.
➢ A fence or screen, the height of which extends at least 1 foot above the
top of the rooftop equipment and incorporates the architectural features
of the building.
➢ The rooftop equipment shall be painted to match the roof facing
material of building.
(2) The development must locate the noise-producing portions of the development,
such as loading docks, outside storage and outside activity away from adjacent
residential areas.
(3) All outside storage areas shall be screened to minimize off-site views using a buffer
yard type "C" or greater, as defined by Subsection 1107.2005.
(4) Utility service structures such as utility meters, utility lines, transformers,
generators, above ground tanks, fuel canisters, refuse handling, loading docks,
maintenance structures, and other ancillary equipment must be inside a building
or be entirely screened from off-site views.
(5) All utility services shall be underground except as provided elsewhere in this
(6) Exterior surface materials of buildings shall be subject to the following regulations:
a. Permitted Exterior Materials: The following materials shall be allowed as
exterior finishes for all buildings:
Brick, stone, stucco or EIFS synthetic stucco (provided that the material
shall not be allowed within 4 feet from grade) architectural concrete precast
panels, color impregnated decorative block, and glass. Architectural
precast panels may be painted to the manufacturer’s painting
Wood, cement siding or prefinished metal are allowed, provided that no
more than 25% of any individual exterior wall shall consist of this material.
This 25% limit may be exceeded only as follows:
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1107/p3
➢. Up to 75% of any individual exterior wall, including accessory
structures, may be constructed of these materials, provided the
entire exterior wall is not visible from off the site.
➢This 25% limit may be exceeded iThere is no limit on the amount
of insulated metal wall panels that may be used on an exterior wall
inn the C-3 or I-1 use districts provided they are when used in a
panelized system that consists of prefabricated or factory
manufactured insulated metal wall panels, the wall panels have a
stucco, aggregate, stone or similar finish and the building design
includes a minimum of three of the design elements identified in
1107.2202 (8) below. For any individual exterior wall, not
permanently visible from off the site, including accessory structures,
no more than 75% may be constructed of these materials.
Masonry materials such as brick, stone and block may be used as face or
veneer, adhered or anchored, as long as the exterior finish remains durable
with equal high architectural quality.
b. Prohibited Exterior Materials. The following materials shall not be
allowed as exterior finishes for all buildings:
Unadorned pre-stressed concrete panels, non-decorative concrete block,
sheet metal, corrugated or unfinished metal (except copper or other metal
specifically engineered for exterior architectural use).
c. Long Walls: No wall shall exceed 100 feet in length without visual relief,
defined as the incorporation of design features such as large doors,
windows, horizontal and vertical patterns, contrasting materials, or varying
wall depths.
d. Use of Non-Listed Materials. The Zoning Administrator may permit an
exterior surface material not identified in Subsection 1107.2200(6),
provided the material is a result of new technology and/or the material is
equal to or better in quality, appearance and durability than those materials
identified. The applicant must submit the manufacturer’s warranty of the
non-listed material. This subsection does not intend to reduce the
percentage of required materials.
(7) Pole buildings shall not be permitted in all Commercial Use Districts. Pole
buildings may be permitted in an Industrial Use District by Conditional Use Permit.
Pole buildings are defined as post frame construction in which poles or timbers are
typically inserted into the ground vertically and typically spaced 6-10 feet apart with
lateral supports that provide the primary roof support system and structure
foundation. Additions to existing pole buildings are permitted, not to exceed 50%
of the existing building area.
Zoning Ordinance
City of Prior Lake
June 1, 2009 1107/p4
Typical Pole Building Design
(8) Building design shall include a minimum of two of the following design elements:
a. At least two contrasting, yet complementary exterior building colors, accent
materials, or material textures;
b. At least 25% window coverage on each building wall facing a street;
c. A combination of horizontal and vertical design features;
d. A front entry that, in addition to doors, shall be accented a minimum of 150
square feet around the door entrance;
e. Varying roof line;
fd. Irregular building or wall shapesVarying wall depths and shapes; and/or
ge. Other unique architectural features in the overall building design.
(9) In any instance where the Zoning Administrator denies a permit or a request for
approval of building materials or building design, the applicant may submit an
appeal of the interpretation, based upon the plans and other papers on file in the
office of the Zoning Administrator, to the Board of Adjustment without payment of
additional fees of any kind. Appeals shall be considered according to the
procedure outlined in Subsection 1109.300.
(Ord. Amd. 115-18, publ. 07/04/2015)