HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 26 2017 Public Presented PaperworkA PETITION TO THE CITY COUNCIL
SUUECT: City Recovery of Costs for overhead power and cable burial on Sycamore Trail
)une 26,2Ot7
We the owners of property on Sycamore Trail applaud the Council for the decision to reconstruct our
street, an improvement long overdue. ln October of 2016 we submitted a petition to the City
requesting that the overhead power lines be buried. The council has responded to this request by
resolution, stating that the power lines would only be buried if 100 percent of the residents in the
project area would sign a waiver of appeal of overhead power and cable burial costs, and street and
storm sewer costs. We understand that the Council majority made that decision based upon concern
that residerts might successfully appeal their assessment for overhead power and cable burial costs,
thereby transferring cost to the City.
However, new information made available 3.[g1the Council made its decision on May 22, undeniably
demonstrates that the financial risktotheCityisvery minimum, if there is risk at all. Priortothe May
22 meetin& the Council had been informed by Staff that Xcel's cost for power cable burial would be
590,000. Durins the May 22nd meeting it was disclosed that Xcel's cost had been reduced to 551,000,
and since that time Xcel's cost has been reduced to less than 515,000. With regard to the Council's
concern about being able to recover Xcel's cost by assessment, the financial risk to the City has been
diminished by 80 percent ($90,000 to 515,849) since staff initially raised concern.
To further diminish risk to the city, we property owners whose signatures appear below offer the
following consideration to the City:
That we wilt make a onetlme pryment to the City upon burial of the overhead lin6, but beforc the
City has determined final Costs for the reconstruction proiec and before property ass€ssmenB are
daermined by the council.
That the payment will not exoeed the $1604 cod/property for line burial estimated by Staff, and will
be reduced proponionately for expected reductlons ln the total cost estimated by Mediacom.
That in r6ponse, assestmenB for the undercigned pnoperty otrnets will not Include any costs for
overhead power and cable burial since it will have been prepaid.
We acknowledge thatwe are not speaking or making commitments on behalf of those who have not
signed this petition.