HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 07 2017 Duluth and TH 13 Report
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
DISCUSSION: Introduction
Construction on some of our most highly travelled roadways in Prior Lake is immi-
nent over the next few years. This work session will discuss the timing of these
projects and ways to provide mobility during construction. Specifically, we will be
discussing the timing and scope of the Duluth Avenue Intersection project. This
intersection could provide an important connection during construction of other im-
portant roadway corridors.
The City uses the Capital Improvement Program to schedule projects. In this case
the intersection of TH 13 and Duluth Avenue has been identified for several years
and is now shown in the 2017-2021 Capital Improvement Program for construction
in 2019.
MNDOT has also been planning for the signal replacement at Highway 13 and Du-
luth Avenue for several years. Duluth Avenue approaches to the signal could be
better configured to improve operation of the signal. This project would recon-
struct portions of Duluth Avenue to better align with the signal system. Dedicated
lane configurations (raised medians) could be adjusted for better signal efficiency.
Access points on Duluth Avenue are in close proximity to the intersection and are
affecting operations.
In 2012, the City studied local road connections through south downtown. The
long-term configuration of Duluth Avenue is the same for all options which were re-
viewed during the study process.
On September 8, 2014, the City approved a professional services contract with
WSB & Associates for the Duluth Avenue Intersection Project. A portion of the
work includes the preparation of a feasibility report.
The resulting 2015 Feasibility Report discusses the operation of the Duluth and TH
13 signal. At that time the signal operated at a Level of Service (LOS) C (On a
scale of A-F) and has experienced three crashes in the four years prior. LOS C
means that the intersection is beginning to be more restricted and queues develop
behind turning movements. The intersection operation is projected to degrade to a
LOS F by 2019. Level of Service F means that vehicle demand exceeds the ca-
pacity of the intersection. Additionally, Holiday Station Stores has communicated
that the store located at Duluth and TH 13 is a top 5 producing store of 500 for
their company.
At the January 26, 2015, City Council meeting, the City Council approved concept
2 for construction and over the next few City Council meetings in February of
2015, financing and scoping of the project was discussed.
On November 9th, 2015, the City Council directed that this project be delayed 4-5
years into the future. Tax levy pressures and concerns from area businesses on
the design were the reasons for the shift in the timing of the project. The 2017-2021
Capital Improvement Plan includes Duluth Avenue for reconstruction in 2020
The design for the intersection improvements is complete but the right of way ac-
quisition process was not yet completed.
On April 3rd, 2017, the City Council approved a resolution shifting the project from
2020 to 2019 and authorized staff to prepare an application to MNDOT for Cooper-
ative Agreement funding.
Current Circumstances
Timing –It is encouraging to see MNDOT investing into the Prior Lake area. How-
ever, travel along Highway 13 in 2018 and 2019 will be a challenge during the con-
struction seasons. In 2018, the County Highway 42 and Highway 13 intersection
will be under construction and MNDOT will be completing an overlay of Highway
13 from Highway 101 to County Highway 21. In 2019 and 2020, the County High-
way 21 and Highway 13 project will be under construction.
Staff has continued to meet with MNDOT regarding timing of improvements along
Highway 13. In 2019, MNDOT is planning for a full reclamation project on High-
way 13 from CSAH 21 to Highway 282. MNDOT will be closing TH 13 during con-
struction and completing the work in two stages CSAH 21 to CSAH 12 and CSAH
12 to Highway 282. Due to this full closure, detouring traffic is necessary. Re-
gional travel will be routed on County Roadways, but local traffic must utilize our
local roadway system. MNDOT had previously encouraged the City to move the
project to 2019 to coincide with their work on TH 13. However, after considering
things further, completion in 2018 would provide a critical connection in this area
during the MNDOT work on TH 13.
Moving to 2018 will add to the debt levy amount for 2018. The City has several
street reconstruction projects in that same year. Staff is currently completing the
feasibility study for 2018 projects which would provide better estimates for these
Scope - Local businesses south of Highway 13 have concerns that the design
would change access negatively for their businesses and that the project should
incorporate additional elements to offset access changes. Staff met with the local
businesses to understand their concerns. Because of the addition of a median on
Duluth Avenue, ingress for some travelers would change and they would need to
proceed to Village Lake Drive to access these businesses. Options to create an-
other access directly off Highway 13 were previously rejected by MNDOT and
there is nothing that makes the staff believe that their position would be altered.
After continued dialogue with these businesses, a design which included a mini-
roundabout at Village Lake Drive and Duluth Avenue gained traction. Minor modi-
fications at Toronto would also assist in the roadway network. The roundabout al-
lows motorists on Duluth Avenue better opportunity for northbound movements.
Businesses were adamant about not moving the problem one block from Duluth
and TH13 to Village Lake Drive and Duluth.
Today motorists must wait on Duluth for a gap in traffic on Village Lake Drive be-
fore they can make a left turn movement to proceed to the mall entrance off of Vil-
lage Lake Drive The median closure will add traffic to this situation.
Increasing the scope of the project to include the mini-roundabout will assist in
traffic operations but would add debt levy to the project for 2018.
Funding – The table below shows the funding for the Duluth /TH 13 project as well
as the cost for a mini-roundabout at Village Lake Drive.
FUNDING SOURCE Duluth / TH 13 Duluth / TH 13 /
Tax Levy $700,000 $1,064,000
Assessments $175,000 $266,000
State Aid $200,000 $400,000
MNDOT Funds $350,000 $350,000
$1,425,000 $2,080,000
Late in the CIP process in 2016, the City Council adjusted the bonding for the Du-
luth Avenue project. This changed the type of bonding from reconstruction bonds
to 429 bonds. With 429 bonding, the City must assess at least 20% of the bonding
costs to the benefitting properties. Certainly, these properties will benefit from this
project, but assessments were never discussed with property owners in 2015 dur-
ing the public engagement process. Considering the small number of properties,
division of the assessment costs will result in significant assessments to the adja-
cent properties. The City can continue to use 429 bonding, but the 429 process
must be followed. The other option is to revise the Reconstruction Plan and use
reconstruction bonds. This also requires a public hearing for the amendment of
the plan.
MNDOT funding is not yet secured but MNDOT is reviewing options to assist in
funding the Duluth and TH 13 project either through the Cooperative Agreement
process or trunk highway dollars. The amount of money is dependent on the
amount of benefit provided to TH 13. The table above shows an amount as shown
in our Capital Improvement Plan, but the final determination on MNDOT’s contribu-
tion will vary between $200,000 and $700,000 based on MNDOT’s review of “trunk
There are tradeoffs with each type of bonding. Reconstruction bonds would allow
bonding for the project without the significant process of 429 bonding. However,
429 bonding allows for assessments to distribute cost and reduce the tax levy
Staff is seeking the following direction from the City Council on the Duluth and TH
13 project:
1. Is the City Council comfortable moving the Duluth Intersection project up to
2018 to improve construction access?
2. Should a roundabout be included for the intersection of Village Lake Drive
and Duluth Avenue to improve traffic operations?
3. Should the project continue to be a 429 improvement project or should re-
construction bonding be utilized?