HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 14 2017 EDA Agenda FULL PACKET Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA Monday, August 14, 2017 – 4:00 p.m. Reports included with this agenda can be found in the Document Center at www.cityofpriorlake.com; please follow this file path: City of Prior Lake\Economic Development Authority\2017\August 14, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER / INTRODUCTION 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. June 19, 2017 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. B. EDA Revenue & Expenditure Report (7/31/17) Development Update (7/31/2017) 5. REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. No Public Hearings Scheduled 7. OLD BUSINESS A. None 8. NEW BUSINESS A. B. C. Jeffers Pond PUD Discussion Preliminary 2018 EDA Budget C-3, Business Park Exterior Building Materials (verbal report) 9. OTHER BUSINESS A. Commissioner Comments i. Strategic Property Acquisition ii. Downtown Development & Improvements 10. ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 p.m. Those items on the EDA Agenda which are considered routine and non-controversial are included as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless the President or an EDA member specifically requests that an item be on the Consent Agenda be removed and considered separately, Items on the Consent Agenda are considered under one motion, second and a roll call vote. Any item removed from the Consent Agenda shall be placed on the EDA agenda under “Removed Consent Agenda Items” Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes June 19, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER President Chromy called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. Present were Chromy, Briggs, Sheehan-Kerber and Boucher-Hoese. Also present were Community Development Director McCabe, EDAC Chair Erbaugh, EDAC Vice Chair Prchal and EDAC Member Larson, 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Briggs: recommended Agenda Item No. 8A, EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Presentation, be move ahead of Old Business on the Agenda. Briggs: recommended the topic “Prior Lake Super Bowl Week Plans” be added to the agenda as item 9B under Other Business. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE CHANGES AS RECOMMENDED. Ayes by Chromy, Briggs, Sheehan-Kerber and Boucher-Hoese. The motion carried 4-0. 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY BOUCHER-HOESE TO APPROVE THE MAY 15, 2017 MEETING INUTES. Ayes by Chromy, Briggs and Boucher-Hoese. The motion carried 3-0-1 with Sheehan-Kerber abstain- ing. 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. EDA 2017 Revenue & Expenditure Report (5/31/17) B. Development Update (5/31/2017) MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY BOUCHER-HOESE TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS SUB- MITTED. Ayes by Chromy, Briggs, Sheehan-Kerber and Boucher-Hoese. The motion carried 4-0. , 5. REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS No items were removed from the Consent Agenda 6. PUBLIC HEARING No Public Hearings 8. NEW BUSINESS A. EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Presentation Prchal: presented an EDAC Commercial Area Liaison Program PowerPoint to the EDA. The presentation included a review of each of the commercial areas highlighting accomplishments and major issues identified by business owners within each area. Ms. Prchal commented on the EDAC’s focus on business retention and the EDA’s focus on business attraction and how both retention and attraction should be viewed together. As part of their efforts, the EDAC has divided the commercial areas of the community amongst its member- ship. The EDAC has assigned commercial area liaisons to each commercial area to provide support and communication with existing business. Ms. Prchal added that the committee visits are intended to be positive experiences and interaction with city of Prior Lake. 2 The EDAC has not started the 2017 commercial visits and is waiting until the EDA/EDAC had an opportunity to meet to clarify the relationship between the two organizations and identify what type(s) of materials should be provided during the business visits. Prchal: included links to review of economic development focused websites for the cities of Alexandria, White Bear Lake and Owatonna. It was noted that when conducting an internet search for ‘relocating business to Scott County, MN’ the First Stop Shop does not come up as an initial link. Ms. Prchal stated the most effective way to tackle issues and attract business is to have the EDA and EDAC working together and to eliminate the between business attraction and business retention. She recommended a City of Prior Lake website and/or Facebook page focused solely on economic development. EDA and EDAC members dis- cussed website/Facebook maintenance and update responsibilities. Prchal: discussed alternate names for the EDAC, as a name change had been recommended by the City Council. Ms. Prchal stated a few members had considered Business Communications Committee as an option for a new business name but the committee will discuss as a whole and report back to the EDA. Prchal: stated there is a need for joint EDA/EDAC meetings more than once per year. Additional meeting would provide more opportunities for the EDAC to receive feedback from the EDA. Ms. Prchal also requested the EDA identify parameters related to budget so the EDAC does not need to request EDA funding when needed for marketing materials or events like the Fall Business Mixer. Briggs: recommended following up on budgetary allocation to the EDAC to be discussed at a future meeting. Mr. Briggs commented that his view is the EDAC is responsible for the care and feeding to existing busi- nesses. Mr. Briggs supported the idea of working through City of Prior Lake Facebook page and City of Prior Lake website and suggested the Communications Committee may be a good resource for this. EDA Members: recommended a conversation be held between EDAC and First Stop Shop regarding busi- ness growth, acquisition and resources to ensure resources are linked. Mr. Briggs volunteered to attend. MOTION BY BRIGGS SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AND BEGIN THE JOINT WORK SESSION WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSION. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY BOUCHER-HOESE TO RECONVENE THE MEETING. With all in favor, the meeting reconvened at 5:50 p.m. 7. OLD BUSINESS a. Joint EDA / City Council Meeting Follow Up Due to time constraints, this item was not discussed. 9. OTHER BUSINESS a. Commissioner Comments Sheehan-Kerber: would like to know more about the City Council’s expectations of the EDA and recom- mended more frequent meetings with the council. Briggs: suggested the EDA conduct joint meetings with EDAC and City Council at least twice per year Chromy: felt the joint meeting with the City Council included a good discussion and positive comments; however, there was not a great deal of direction provided to the EDA from the Council. . 3 Chromy: recommended the next meeting agenda to include a discussion topic related to identifying spe- cific direction for the EDAC. b. Prior Lake Super Bowl Week Plans Briggs: commented on the February 2018 Super Bowl week and the expectation of upwards of 80,000 people in our community. Mr. Briggs asked the EDA to consider what Prior Lake can do to take ad- vantage of the visitors and commented on communities who are creating calendarized annual events (music fest) and asked if the City of Prior Lake should begin planning a winter event that can roll out during January for Super Bowl. EDA members recommended this be a topic of conversation at the next EDAC meeting. 10. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY BOUCHER-HOESE, SECONDED BY BRIGGS TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 6:02 p.m. ___________________________ Frank Boyles, Executive Director 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: August 14, 2017 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: EDA REVENUE & EXPENDITURE REPORT (7/31/17) DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this consent agenda item is to review the 2017 Revenue & Expendi- ture Report for the EDA through July 31, 2017. History EDA Commissioners requested monthly financial reports at each meeting. This al- lows the EDA to view revenues and expenditures on a frequent basis. Current Circumstances Revenues increased significantly as Fund 240 received its first tax levy allocation of 2017. Conclusion EDA members receive monthly financial reports of revenues and expenditures. ISSUES: This document provides a summary of activities associated with costs as budgeted by the EDA on a monthly basis. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and a second, under the Consent Agenda, to accept the EDA 2017 Rev- enue & Expenditure Report through July 31, 2017. 2. Remove this item from the consent agenda for additional discussion. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative #1 ATTACHMENTS: 1. EDA 2017 Revenue & Expenditure Report ACCOUNT BALANCE REPORT FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 1/1Page : 08/08/2017 04:20 PM User: cmccabe DB: Prior Lake PERIOD ENDING 07/31/2017 END BALANCE 07/31/2017 YEAR-TO-DATE THRU 07/31/17 ACTIVITY FOR MONTH 07/31/2017 BEG. BALANCE 01/01/2017 2017 AMENDED BUDGETDESCRIPTIONGL NUMBER Fund 240 - EDA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Revenues 71,968.57 71,968.57 0.00 140,000.00 Current Property Taxes - General Purpos240-00000.00-31010.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Market Value Credit Aid240-00000.00-33423.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Administrative Charges240-00000.00-34111.00 1,342.64 1,342.64 6.48 2,500.00 Interest Earnings240-00000.00-36210.00 (297.48)(297.48)0.00 0.00 Unrealized Inv.Gain(Loss)240-00000.00-36225.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Transfer from Other Funds240-00000.00-39203.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 County-City Aids/Grants - Operating EDA240-46500.00-33610.14 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 Prof Service Fee Deposit - EDA240-46500.00-36220.14 4,459.18 4,459.18 716.67 8,500.00 Facility Rental - EDA240-46503.00-34760.02 82,472.91 82,472.91 723.15 151,000.00 TOTAL REVENUES Expenditures 35,904.64 35,904.64 0.00 96,373.00 Wages - Full Time240-46500.00-51100.01 1,300.00 1,300.00 200.00 3,000.00 Wages - Commissioners240-46500.00-51100.05 1,085.14 1,085.14 0.00 0.00 Overtime - Full Time240-46500.00-51110.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sick Leave - Buy Down240-46500.00-51208.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Accrued Comp Time240-46500.00-51301.00 179.56 179.56 0.00 474.00 Compensated Absences240-46500.00-51400.00 2,297.06 2,297.06 12.40 6,069.00 Social Security Contributions240-46500.00-51450.00 537.23 537.23 2.89 1,419.00 Medicare Contributions240-46500.00-51451.00 2,774.24 2,774.24 0.00 7,176.00 PERA Contributions240-46500.00-51460.00 3,246.96 3,246.96 0.00 9,319.00 Health Insurance240-46500.00-51470.00 90.00 90.00 0.00 240.00 Retiree HCSP Contributions240-46500.00-51472.00 180.00 180.00 0.00 480.00 Dental Insurance240-46500.00-51473.00 23.44 23.44 0.00 63.00 Life Insurance240-46500.00-51474.00 264.00 264.00 0.00 428.00 Workers Compensation Insurance240-46500.00-51477.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 Office Supplies240-46500.00-52010.00 1,560.00 1,560.00 160.00 2,500.00 Legal Services240-46500.00-53020.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 Professional Services - General240-46500.00-53100.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 Telecommunications240-46500.00-53210.00 140.00 140.00 0.00 1,000.00 Training and Employee Development240-46500.00-53310.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 Required Notice Publication240-46500.00-53510.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 Memberships and Subscriptions240-46500.00-54310.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,034.00 Miscellaneous Expense240-46500.00-54320.00 10.29 10.29 0.00 250.00 Office Supplies240-46503.00-52010.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 Small Equipment - General240-46503.00-52400.10 40.00 40.00 0.00 500.00 Legal Services240-46503.00-53020.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Professional Services - Software Design240-46503.00-53100.60 345.34 345.34 0.00 2,000.00 Telecommunications240-46503.00-53210.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,250.00 Rent Subsidies240-46503.00-54095.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 Business Assistance240-46503.00-54100.00 675.00 675.00 0.00 1,000.00 Memberships and Subscriptions240-46503.00-54310.00 42.67 42.67 20.81 500.00 Miscellaneous Expense240-46503.00-54320.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Building & Building Improvements240-46503.00-55520.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Furniture and Office Equipment240-46503.00-55560.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Machinery and Equipment240-46503.00-55570.00 50,695.57 50,695.57 396.10 160,825.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: August 14, 2017 AGENDA #: 4B PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: DEVELOPMENT UPDATE (7/31/2017) DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this consent agenda item is to review the residential and com- mercial development update as of July 31, 2017. History EDA Commissioners requested an update of residential and commercial activity at each meeting. Conclusion The attached memorandum provides a summary of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION ATTACHMENT: 1. Motion and a second, under the Consent Agenda, to accept the Develop- ment Update through July 31, 2017. 2. Remove this item from the consent agenda for additional discussion. Alternative No. 1. 1. Development Update Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo Date: August 8, 2017 To: City of Prior Lake Economic Development Authority From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director Subject: Residential & Commercial Activity Update Below is an update of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of July 31, 2017. Name Address Type (New/Relocation/Expansion) Previous Tenant/Owner gg Boutique 16180 Hastings Ave. SE Relocated Business Giggle Gals The Magnolia Shop 4773 Dakota St. SE New Business gg Boutique Trademark Title Services 16268 Eagle Creek Ave. SE New Business ReMax Olive Moon 4775 Dakota St. SE Relocated Business Finder's Fee Whitmer Crafts 4646 Colorado St. SE New Business Vacant Lease Space Canvas Tattoo 6880 Boudin St. NE Relocated Business Verizon Edward Jones - Scott Pierce 16154 Main Ave. SE, Suite 110B Relocated Business Wensmann Office - Lakefront Plaza Edward Jones - Christy McCoy 4719 Park Nicollet Ave. Suite 260 New Business/Tenant Build-Out Vacant Lease Space Luxury Laser Edu 14070 Commerce Ave. NE Ste. 200 New Business Kids Talk Childrens Therapy Sweet Nautical 16228 Main Ave. SE, Ste 101 New Business Lakes Area Realty Blahnik Law Office 4617 Colorado St. SE Relocated Business/New Construction Former SF Residential Fountain Hills Self-Storage 4400 Fountain Hills Dr. NE New Construction Vacant Land Medical Office Development SW corner of Duluth Ave/CH21 New Construction Vacant Land SDDI Sign Systems 5702 Graystone Ct. SE New Construction Vacant Land Advantage Chiropractic 16197 Main Ave. SE New Business Prior Lake Spine Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits % Increase / (% Decrease) Declared Value % Increase / (% Decrease) Single Family Dwellings 47 $15,770,000.00 65 $23,041,000.00 (27.69)(31.56) Townhouses (# units)0 $0.00 4 $676,000.00 (400.00)### Multiple Units 1 $8,787,000.00 2 $21,501,000.00 (50.00)(59.13) New Commercial Industrial & Commercial 6 $9,066,000.00 0 $0.00 n/a n/a Residential 469 $2,738,057.00 402 $2,814,500.00 16.67 (2.72) Industrial & Commercial 9 $436,500.00 8 $224,000.00 12.50 94.87 Mechanical 353 $0.00 411 $0.00 (14.11)n/a Mechanical (SF & TH)204 $0.00 276 $0.00 (26.09)n/a TOTALS 1089 $36,797,557.00 1168 $48,256,500.00 (6.76)(23.75) Increase / (Decrease)  Mechanical permits include but are not limited to furnaces, water heaters, softeners, and fireplaces. They are flat-rate permit fees.  Mechanical (SF & TH) permits include required plumbing, heating, sewer and water and fireplace permits for new single family residences. They are flat-rate permit fees. 2017 Year to Date 2016 Year to Date New Residential Additions and Alterations 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: August 14, 2017 AGENDA #: 8A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: JEFFERS POND PUD DISCUSSION DISCUSSION: Introduction Kelly Johnson and Paul Oberg with the Jeffers Foundation and Chris Moe, with HJ Development, will be in attendance to discuss the Jeffers Pond Planned Unit Development (PUD). The purpose of the discussion is to provide a history of the multi-family and commercial aspects of the PUD and to begin exploring oppor- tunities to stimulate development at the CH42/CH21 intersection. History In 2005, the City Council approved a Preliminary PUD Plan for the approximate 336 acre Jeffers Pond mixed-use development including the following elements: • Mix of land uses including commercial, retail and office; low, medium, and high density residential; and public institutional and municipal sites. • Up to 693 total residential units at a density of 3.57 units per net acre. • An active park of at least 4.6 acres (Jeffers Pond Park) • A fire station site (Prior Lake Station #2) • An elementary school site (Jeffers Pond Elementary School) • Public parkland and trails (over 145 acres of parkland has been created) Outlots C and B of Jeffers Pond, are located near the intersection of CH42/CH21 and remain undeveloped. These outlots were designed for commercial mixed- use in 2005 as follows: • The approved preliminary plat shows 270,000 square feet of commercial space for restaurants, retail, offices, condos, parking ramps and a fire station. 114 residential condominium units were planned above commercial space. • The mixed-use area is intended to be pedestrian-friendly with 2+ story build- ings. • Parking was to be provided largely with the construction of two parking ramps with minimal surface parking lots. • The two sides of Outlot C were to be connected by a pedestrian bridge. • The 2004 traffic study estimated 18,679 daily trips from the commercial mixed-use areas of the PUD as compared to 4,185 daily trips from all other residential neighborhoods, including the school. 2 Current Circumstances A major amendment to the PUD was proposed in 2015, which would have al- lowed for a convenience store to be located on Outlot C, near the Prior Lake Fire Station. That proposal was not supported by the neighboring residents within Jeffers Pond or by the City Council. It may be beneficial to explore opportunities with the property owners, surrounding residents on potential PUD amendments which would be acceptable to all parties. Said PUD amendments may result in a lower residential density than originally approved or a different type(s) of com- mercial development and design. Conclusion The representatives of the Jeffers Foundation will have specific topics that they would like to discuss with the EDA. Discussion topics will be provided to the EDA once they have been shared with city staff; prior to the meeting. ALTERNATIVES: Discussion Only. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Discussion Only. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map Scott County Date: 8/9/2017 0 180 360 540 72090Feet 1 in = 376 ft Scott County Outlot C Outlot B 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: August 14, 2017 AGENDA #: 8B PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED 2018 EDA TAX LEVY AND BUDGET DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to consider approving a proposed 2018 EDA tax levy and budget. Staff has provided a resolution for approval. History The EDA’s 2017 budget was approved by the City Council last December to in- clude the following primary factors: 1. The budget included a special EDA tax levy of $140,000. 2. The budget included 50% personnel support for CD Director and CD Spe- cialist. 3. The budget included $9,500 in expenditures and $8,500 in revenues for Technology Village. 4. $9,825 of EDA reserves was used to balance the budget. 5. The total 2017 EDA budget was $160,825. 6. The 2016 fiscal year ended with EDA reserves of $203,362. Current Circumstances City staff has proposed a draft 2018 budget for EDA review, which is summarized as follows: 1. The tax levy remains at $140,000. 2. Revenues of $7,820 are anticipated from Technology Village leases which will offset the proposed Technology Village expenses of $7,820. 3. Technology Village expenses do not include a rent subsidy for Phase II program participants. 4. Use of EDA budget reserves is proposed to be $3,077 to balance the budget. 5. $20,000 is budgeted for Professional Services. ISSUES: Staff would appreciate direction from the EDA related to the proposed 2018 budget; specifically, as it relates to a potential allocation of funding to the EDAC in 2018. FINANCIAL IMPACT: As identified under Current Circumstances. The approved 2018 EDA budget will be forwarded to the City Council for review and approval. 2 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and a second to approve a resolution approving the proposed 2018 EDA tax levy of $140,000 and budget of $153,597, or as further amended by the EDA. 2. Provide direction to staff and continue discussion at a future meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative #1. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposed 2018 EDA budget RESOLUTION 17-02 EDA A RESOLUTION APPROV ING THE PROPOSED 2018 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TAX LEVY AND BUDGET Motion By: Second By: WHEREAS, State Statute 469.107 subd. 1 provides that a city may, at the request of the Economic Development Authority, levy a tax in any year for the benefit of the authority in an amount not to exceed 0.01813 percent of taxable market value; and WHEREAS, The EDA proposes a 2018 tax levy for economic development purposes in the amount of $140,000; and WHEREAS, The EDA proposes a 2018 annual budget in the amount of $153,597. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The EDA requests that the Prior Lake City Council levy a special tax of $140,000 to be collected in 2018 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 469.107. 3. The EDA requests that the Prior Lake City Council adopt the 2018 annual budget in the amount of $153,597. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF AUGUST 2017. VOTE Chromy Braid Sheehan- Kerber Briggs Boucher- Hoese Aye ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ______________________________ Frank Boyles, Executive Director ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2018 Proposed Budget Comments Revenues / Sources: Intergovernmental revenues 33010 Property Taxes 155,000$ 140,000$ 140,000$ EDA Tax Levy 33610 Grant Revenue - - Charges for Services 34760 Incubator Leases 10,000 8,500 7,820 85% of Expected Occupancy ($9,200) xxxxx Revolving Loan Administration - - - Miscellaneous revenues 36210 Interest Earnings - 2,500 2,700 xxxxx SAC Loan Interest 500 - - 36225 Unrealized Inv. Gain (Loss)- - - Transfers from Other Funds xxxxx EDA Reserves - - Total Revenues / Sources 165,500$ 151,000$ 150,520$ Expenditures / Uses: 46500 Economic Development 101 Personnel 123,225$ 125,041$ 120,277$ 50% CD Director 50% new Planner 201 Office Supplies 250 250 250 304 Legal Fees 2,500 2,500 2,500 314 Professional Services 24,350 20,000 20,000 321 Communications 250 250 250 331 Training & Certification 1,200 1,000 500 351 Legal Notices 500 500 250 433 Dues & Subscriptions 750 750 750 437 Miscellaneous 750 1,034 1,000 xxx SAC Deferral Loans Issued - - - SUBTOTAL 153,775 151,325 145,777 46503 Technology Village Incubator 201 Office Supplies 500 250 250 Small Equipment - General - 500 500 304 Legal Fees - 500 500 309 Software Design - - - 321 Communications 5,000 2,000 2,000 433 Dues & Subscriptions 2,500 1,000 1,000 437 Miscellaneous 2,500 500 500 520 Building & Structures - - - 560 Furniture & Fixtures 1,000 - - 580 General Equipment 1,000 - 1,250 xxx Business Assistance 3,000 2,500 1,820 xxx Rent Subsidies 12,150 2,250 - SUBTOTAL 27,650 9,500 7,820 Total Expenditures / Uses 181,425$ 160,825$ 153,597$ - Use of Reserves (15,925) (9,825) (3,077) 12/31/16 Reserve Balance = $203,362 2016 Budget 2017 Budget L:\17 FILES\17 EDA\08 14 2017 EDA Meeting\08 14 2017 EDA Report 8B_Attach1 : 2018 Proposed-8.14.17 8/9/2017