HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 02 2017 Public Presented Paperwork@coPY Gordy & Laquita Erickson 14071Rolling Oaks Circle NE Prior Lake MN 55372-1273 September 26,2A01 Attn: Sue McDermott City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Ave SE Prior Lake MN 55372 Hi Sue, . Enclosed is full payment of the summary of fees in the amount of $18,205.00to have our home connected to prior Lake'i sanitary sewer and water mains. Let us know how we get the connection permit. _, Gordy is calling the contractor/plumber today about the plumbing permit. Thank you for all your help. Sincerely, Gordy and Laquita A,i () 7 FE i.t ,\ r r:s I}R cl'1 l Septernber 25.2001 Gordon Erickson 14071 Rolling Oaks Circle NE Prior Lake, MN 55372-1273 @cot,*/ RE: SANiTARY SEWER AI{D WATER CONNEC'rION Dear Mr. Erickson: You lrat'e reqttested to have your home connected to the CJity's sanitary sewer and water mains. The tbllorving is a summary of fees that must be paid prior to issuance of a connection permit: Server and water connection Fee in $ 9,000.00 (r50' x $60/frontfoot) lieu olassessment Trunk Server and warer charge s -5.9-50.00 (l .7 acres x $3sl0/acre) MCES SAC S I.15O.OO City Sew'er Connection Charge S 600.00* C:ity Water Connection Charge S 600.00* Water Torver Fee $ 700.00 Water Meter S 125.00 Pressure Reducer $ 45.00 Selver and rvater inspection $ 35.00 TOTAL FEES $ 18,205.00 *I'hisfeecanbepaidaveraJbur(4)),earperiotl. One.fburth(t/4:$300)mustbe'paidatthetimethe pennit is issued and tlrc remuinder v,ill be hilled to 1'ott over u three (3) vear period qt B'% interest. AIso your contractor/plumber will be requrred to take out a plumbing pennit for $40.00. City Hall office hours are 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. Permits must be applied for in the buil<ling inspection department. &, Sincerely. J* t-(.J)*---,<6-l+ Sr.rsan McDermott City Engineer CTTY OF PRIOR LAKE CC:Ralph Teschner, I"inance Director Bob Hutchins. Cit;, lluilding Official $2A0 Eagle Creeir Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 i Ph.lq52) 447-4230 / Fax(952J 447-4245 Al'.1 ij(lliA . OPPORTi;NjTY liN,lPl.OYEIl fIRST ilATIOiIAt BAI{I(0r cHAsxA 'lrn 207494 MEh|8ERCD.I.C. 612"448"$50 Chniiia. Minnesola Sg31 I _xxxx._99/2t ega1_:r"exx REMIITER 75"214 ANI) thousand Two hundred Five 0/100 ***:{, [ PAY TO THE ORDER PURCHASER ,S RECEIPT. HETAIN FOR YOUR HECORDS C'':::Lfirqqfi:::-- Chs$ka, MlnoEsota S5318 207494 REMITTER AND I ER PAYABTE ro ctry oF pRIoR LAKE sEwER & WATER coNNrcrtoiv ' ****Eighteen thousand Two hundred Five 0t100 x,rx* CASHIER'S CHECK 09/2s/2A01 75-214 919 +**19,205.00x IUEMORANDUM FOR ,3) ry, oF *"- l$[y",rffil October 2,2017 City of Prior Lake Mr. Frank Boyles - City Manager Mayor Kirt Briggs - Mayor We the owners of real property located at 'J.407'J. Rolling Oaks Circle NE, Prior Lake MN are in opposition to the special Assessment the City is planning to impose on our property . We hereby reserve our right to appeal the proposed assessment In District court. Rolling Oaks Circle lmprovement Project - Prior Lake Project: TRN13-000005 (#14-013 ) as printed in the Prior Lake American newspaper on September 9,2017 and September 16, 2017 is the proposed assessment we are in objection to. Gordon R. Erickson Jr._(Signature) Pri nt ot) Laquita M. Erickson (Signatu Print Name:ui{a- M Enbhson / fur.-l October 2, 2017 City of Prior Lake Frank Boyles - City Mgr Kirt Briggs - Mayor We the owners of the property located at14111 Rolling Oaks Circle NE, Prior Lake, MN property lD# 250520110, are in opposition to the Special Assessment the City of Prior Lake is planning to impose upon our property. We hereby reserve our right to appeal the proposed assessment in District Court. Please refer to "Rolling Oakes Circle lmprovement Project, Prior Lake Project TRN13-000006 (#14-013) as printed in the Prior Lake American newspaper on September 9, 2A17 and September 1 6, 2017 as the proposed assessment to which we are in opposition. Curtis J. Stone J Sally M. Stone <4 rh" A-""' / Gq! s trs e! *lg lltoN s$ssg $*$$$ $$$$Brs N S\t ar\s H la &ttrrV ,Scr dhERE E$S $s$ $sEtstrIH *t EI E't s $ ss *' { o\ N,. .s .3 Q oq\tl .\Je) qr^rq Uql st, 14 *'d .qlNaA\L Q( .s q .S*s \r*r*t\*$..fl& $MF 4K*#-.