HomeMy WebLinkAbout4A Amendments to PL City Code - TC-T PC Report
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this Public Hearing is to consider amendments to Subsection
1102.900, TC-T Transitional Town Center Use District, of the Prior Lake City
Code to remove language which currently limits additions to properties to 50% of
the current market value of the structure within the TC-T Use District.
The zoning ordinance related to the TC-T, Transitional Town Center Use District
was adopted in 2009 in accordance with the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The
2030 Comprehensive Plan stated that this was a special designation for the fringe
areas of the historical and recognized Town Center. It was the intention for the
properties to transition from a residential use to the town center land use desig-
nation to allow for additional retail and service uses in the expanded Town Center
area. As a result, the total amount of improvements to residential properties were
limited to 50% of the current market value of the structures.
Current Circumstances
While general maintenance and interior remodeling are allowed for properties
within the TC-T use district, large additions, beyond 50% of the structure market
value, are currently prohibited. City staff is proposing the amendments to remove
the 50% restriction based on comments received from residents within the TC-T
Use District and direction received from the City Council, Economic Development
Authority and Planning Commission during 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Approval of the proposed amendment would remove section 1102.901(4) which
limits the total addition(s) to 50% of the current market value of existing structures
and renumber subsequent subsections.
Subsection 1108.600 (Policy for Amendments) of the Zoning Ordinance states,
recommendations of the Planning Commission and final determinations of the
City Council shall be supported by findings addressing the relationship of the pro-
posed amendment to the following policies:
In the case of amendments to the formal text of this Ordinance:
There is a public need for the amendment, or
The amendment will accomplish one or more of the purposes of this Ordi-
nance, the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted plans or policies of the City,
The adoption of the amendment is consistent with State and/or federal re-
In staff’s opinion, the proposed ordinance amendment will help accomplish the
following Findings and Purpose of the Zoning Ordinance:
i. Protect the residential, business, industrial and public areas of the com-
munity and maintain their stability.
ii. Promote the most appropriate and orderly development of the residential,
business, industrial, public land and public areas.
iii. Maintain a tax base necessary to promote the economic welfare of the
City by insuring optimum values for property in the City.
iv. Establish a continuing system of review of this Ordinance to insure it will
be amended to meet changing needs of the community and advances in
science and technology.
ISSUES: City staff anticipates a thorough review and more extensive amendments to the
TC-T Use District zoning ordinance after the updated Land Use Plan is officially
adopted by the City Council in the spring of 2018. Any future amendment to the
TC-T Use District will be noticed via mail to property owners within the TC-T Use
District prior to a public hearing.
Staff is requesting the Planning Commission review and discuss the proposed
amendment and recommend the City Council approve the amendment, as pro-
posed or as may be further amended by the Planning Commission.
ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and a second to recommend the City Council approve the amend-
ments to Subsection 1102.900 of the Zoning Ordinance, as proposed or as
may be further amended by the Planning Commission.
2. Motion and a second to recommend the City Council deny the proposed
amendments to Subsection 1102.900 of the Zoning Ordinance.
3. Motion and a second to table discussion of the item to a future meeting date
and provide staff with direction.
Alternative #1
ATTACHMENTS: 1. General Location Map
2. Proposed Amendments to Subsection 1102.900
TC-T, Transitional Town Center Zoning Use District
1102.100: Residential District Regulations
1102.200: "A" Agricultural Use District
1102.300: "R-S" Rural Subdivision Residential Use District
1102.400: "R-1" Low Density Residential Use District
1102.500: "R-2" Medium Density Residential Use District
1102.600: "R-3" High Density Residential Use District
1102.700: Residential Performance Standards
1102.800: “TC” Town Center Use District
1102.900: “TC-T” Transitional Town Center Use District
1102.1000: "C-1" Neighborhood Commercial Use District
1102.1100: "C-2" General Business Use District
1102.1200: “C-3” Business Park Use District
1102.1300: Commercial Restrictions and Performance Standards
1102.1400: “I-1” General Industrial Use District
1102.1500: Industrial Performance Standards
1102.1600: Expansion of a Nonconforming Restaurant Use
1102.900: “TC-T” TRANSITIONAL TOWN CENTER USE DISTRICT. The purpose of the "TC-T"
Transitional Town Center Use District is to provide a special designation for the
fringe areas of the historical and recognized downtown business area. Eventually
redevelopment, stimulated in part by available City programs, should encourage
the complete transition of this district to commercial uses which are compatible
with the purposes of the Town Center. New development and redevelopment in
the TC-T will only be permitted if it conforms to the uses allowed in the “TC” Town
Center Use District (See Subsection 1102.800).
1102.901 Permitted Uses. Uses, whether commercial or residential, legally existing on June
1, 2009 may continue. The intent of this provision is to allow existing uses to
remain and be maintained. To meet this intent, the following work is permitted:
(1) Work required bringing existing structures into compliance with current building
(2) Interior remodeling;
(3) The addition of a 2-car garage, either attached or detached to residential
(4) Total additions to existing structures costing no greater than 50% of the current
market value of the structures on the property.
(5)(4) Existing residential uses may be converted to provide additional units.
a. The conversion shall be limited to interior alterations of the existing
structure. No additions or expansions of the existing structure are permitted.
b.a. A minimum of two (2) parking spots per unit must be provided on the site.
(6)(5) The following uses are permitted in the “TC-T” Transitional Town Center Use
District, subject to the conditions set out for each use in Subsection 1102.800 and
requirements in Section 1107 of the Ordinance.
Existing Residential Structures
Home Occupations
Group Day Care/Nursery School
Public Service Structures
Utility Substation
Appliance, Small Engine and Bicycle Repair
Food Service
In-Vehicle Sales or Service
Medical and Dental Laboratories
Copy Shop
Restaurants and Clubs and Lodges Without Liquor Licenses
Shopping Center
Game Rooms
Bed and Breakfast Establishments
1102.902 Home Occupations may be permitted accessory uses within a "TC-T" Transitional
Town Center Use District subject to the property owner obtaining a Home
Occupation Permit and the use is in compliance with all of the following conditions:
a. The use must be consistent with one of the following uses permitted in the “TC”
Town Center Use District.
Medical Offices
b. All material or equipment must be stored within the residential structure and no
more than 200 cubic feet of products, supplies or merchandise used to carry
on the home occupation may be stored with the structure at any one time.
c. The activity may not involve warehousing, distribution, or retail sales of
merchandise produced off the site.
d. No light or vibration originating from the home occupation may be discernible
at the property line.
e. Only equipment, machinery, and materials normally found in a home may be
used to carry on the home occupation.
f. Space within the residential structure devoted to the home occupation does
not exceed 500 square feet or 20% of the floor area, whichever is greater.
g. No portion of the home occupation is permitted within any attached or detached
accessory building.
h. The structure housing the home occupation conforms to the building code; and
in the case where the home occupation is day care or if there are any
customers or students, the home occupation has received a Certificate of
i. All home occupations shall be subject to an annual inspection to insure
compliance with the conditions in this subsection.
j. All applicable permits from other governmental agencies have been obtained.
1102.903 Uses Permitted By Conditional Use Permit. No structure or land in a "TC-T"
Transitional Town Center Use District may be used for any of the uses listed below
except by Conditional Use Permit. Conditional Uses must comply with the
requirements of all the General Conditions provided in Subsections 1108.202
through 1108.204, with the Specific conditions imposed in this Subsection and with
any other conditions the Planning Commission may impose that are intended to
promote the health, safety, and welfare of the residents within the City to maintain
the characteristics of a neighborhood.
(1) Conversion of existing residential uses to commercial uses. may be permitted
subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
a. The use must be consistent with the following uses permitted in the “TC” Town
Center Use District
Medical/Dental Offices
Limited Retail, including Antique stores, Bookstores, Camera stores,
Clothing or shoe stores, Florists, Jewelry stores,
Business Services
b. The use must be located completely within the existing structure. No additions
to the structure are permitted.
c. The exterior of the existing building shall maintain the residential character of
the structure.
d. No more than one wall sign shall be permitted.
1102.904 Redevelopment of Existing Structures and Uses. Redevelopment of properties
within the “TC-T” Transitional Town Center Use District for commercial use,
consisting of new construction on a vacant lot, total removal of existing structures,
or renovations of an existing structure costing more than 50% of the current market
value, as defined by the County Assessor, shall not be permitted unless the
property is rezoned to the “TC” Town Center Use District. In order to do so, the
property must be adjacent to another property in the “TC” Town Center Use
1102.905 Dimensional Standards. Dimensional standards for uses in existence on June
1, 2009 in the “TC-T” Transitional Town Center Use District shall be the same as
those standards in the “R-2” Medium Density Residential Use District in Section
1102.505 of the Zoning Ordinance.