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Business Engagement Committee
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, October 26, 2017
7:30 a.m.
City Hall, Wagon Bridge Conference Room
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. September 28, 2017
3. Old Business
a. Talk of the Town Follow-Up
b. Commercial Liaison Business Visits (verbal report)
4. New Business
a. BEC 2017 Accomplishments & 2018 Goals
5. Other Business
a. EDA Meeting Update
b. Residential and Commercial Activity Update
c. Staff Update
i. 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan
d. Member Ideas/Recommendations
e. Thank You, Bill & Lloyd
6. Next Meeting Date
a. Thursday, December 7, 2017
7. Adjourn
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING MINUTES – September 28, 2017
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:37 a.m. in the Wagon Bridge Conference Room at Prior Lake City Hall.
Members present: Lloyd Erbaugh, Bill Henry, Kim Prchal, Jeff Petschl, Thane Tande, Wade Larson, Ron Martin,
Stephanie Carroll, EDA Liaison Kirt Briggs and Chamber Liaison Sandi Fleck. Staff present: Casey McCabe and
Amanda Schwabe.
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes a. August 24, 2017
MOTION BY HENRY and SECOND BY MARTIN to approve the August 24, 2017 meeting minutes. Motion
adopted unanimously.
3. Old Business a. Outreach & Marketing Subcommittee
Prchal: reviewed the Talk of the Town event flyer that Carroll drafted and informed the committee that the
event will be held on October 12 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at The Wilds. The first 30 minutes and last
hour has been reserved for social hour. McCabe will print color copies of the flyers for commercial liaisons
to hand out to their area businesses.
Briggs: asked about the meeting format.
Prchal: responded that previous years the tables were divided based on commercial area with the
commercial liaison serving as a table facilitator.
Carroll: asked about the event introduction, if the committee wanted to highlight the community survey
results, how the attendants will be divided at the tables, topics for table discussion, timeline for the table
discussions and gathering of information to report back to the EDA.
Henry: encouraged the discussion topics to be open ended to allow the business owners to discuss
whatever topics they wish.
Erbaugh: suggested the commercial area liaisons hand out the updated BEC flyer along with the Talk of the
Town flyer.
BEC Members: recommended Prchal and Briggs provide the event welcome/introduction. BEC members
requested staff prepare a map with the commercial areas identified.
Briggs: suggested the attendant name tags be colored to correspond to their commercial area.
Prchal: stated the meeting format and topics will be determined at an upcoming BEC outreach and
marketing subcommittee meeting and the information will be shared with the full committee.
Briggs: suggested the CH21 video that shows the intersection alternatives is played and the intersection
alternatives are a topic at the tables.
b. Commercial Liaison Business Visits
Prchal: stated that now is a good time for the commercial area liaisons to visit their businesses and bring
the Talk of the Town event flyer. Ms. Prchal stated the Dropbox folder has been updated with the current
event flyer and liaison talking points. Ms. Prchal also suggested the liaisons become familiar with the
proposed TH13CH/21 intersection alternatives because businesses may have questions about the CH21
corridor study.
4. New Business a. 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan
BEC Members: received an invitation to the 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan meeting on Tuesday, October
24, 2017 from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. EDAC members were encouraged to RSVP and attend the event to help
refine the 2040 Vision and Strategic Plan.
Petschl: confirmed the Vision and Strategic Plan invitation should be shared with the businesses within the
commercial liaison areas.
b. CH 21 Corridor Meetings
BEC Members: were encouraged to become involved with the CH21 corridor meetings, visit the
movingforward13-21.com website to review alternatives and take the survey and attend the open house on
October 10th at City Hall.
Briggs: stated there are four core intersection alternatives but each alternative has the option to be modified.
Mr. Briggs explained the process going forward between the county board, city council and their engineers
and consultants. Mr. Briggs commented on the importance of the City Council receiving community input
and asked that the CH21 corridor project goals be included when the intersection alternatives are shared
with business owners.
5. Other Business
a. EDA Meeting Update
McCabe: provided a summary of the September 11, 2017 EDA meeting, which included the following
discussion items:
EDA Revenue & Expenditure Report (8/31/17)
Development Update (8/31/2017)
2018 EDA Tax Levy and Budget
CH21 Corridor Study Presentation - Chris Chromy, Bolton & Menk
BEC Update (Name Change & Event Funding)
b. Residential and Commercial Activity Update
BEC Members: received a copy of the residential and commercial activity update as of August 31, 2017. c. Staff Update i. Candy Crawl
McCabe: provided information about the Candy Crawl in downtown Prior Lake on October 31. The
City had previously hosted a trick or treat event at City Hall on Halloween. This year, the event
has been expanded throughout downtown and there are over 30 downtown businesses who have
signed up to participate.
d. Member Ideas/Recommendations
Briggs: stated Prior Lake should find opportunities to take advantage of the Super Bowl. With the four days
of events at Club Nomadic [Mystic Lake] the area will have many visitors. Mr. Briggs asked who should
take the lead on the Super Bowl planning.
Fleck: responded that the Chamber of Commerce has established a subgroup to identify opportunities to
benefit from the increased customer traffic around the Super Bowl. Ms. Fleck added that the Chamber
hosted a picnic lunch in August to brainstorm ideas and the chamber group preferred to host events prior
to Super Bowl; as opposed to the day of the game.
Briggs: Suggest the Business Engagement Committee work with the Chamber on next steps.
Erbaugh: summarized a presentation Scott County Administrator Shelton gave to the City Council and
advisory committees related to the Scott County fiber network.
Briggs: added, Scott County has made a large investment in the fiber network and large companies view
Scott County as an attractive location due to the network. Mr. Briggs asked, what can Prior Lake do to
capitalize on the county’s investment in the fiber network. Mr. Briggs encouraged the commercial area
liaisons to find out how many of our businesses move substantial amounts of data and potentially have
issues with their current service?
6. Next Meeting Date. The next regular meeting of the BEC will be on Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 7:30 a.m.
7. Adjourn. MOTION BY PETSCHL and SECOND BY MARTIN to adjourn the meeting. Motion adopted unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:57 a.m.
Submitted by: Casey McCabe
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: October 26, 2017
AGENDA #: 3.a.
PREPARED BY: Amanda Schwabe, Planner
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this agenda item is to provide the BEC with a summary of discussion topics
from the October 12, 2017 Talk of the Town event.
The primary purpose of this event has been to provide business leaders with an opportunity
to share their concerns, suggestions or opinions regarding business development in the city
with BEC members, elected and appointed officials and city staff.
Current Circumstances
The Business Engagement Committee held the Talk of the Town event on Thursday, October
12. The evening event drew approximately 60 attendees including: business owners, resi-
dents EDA, BEC, City Council and staff. The event provided attendees the opportunity to
speak to local elected and appointed officials as well as experts regarding the TH13/CH21
intersection improvement alternatives.
In addition to the CH21 corridor discussion and transportation improvement alternatives, the
event was an avenue for attendees to share opportunities, express concerns and propose
solutions, as well as ideas on how to make Prior Lake a stronger business community.
The BEC should review the comments received during the Talk of the Town event and begin
to identify potential action items the committee may be able to address.
ISSUES: Staff has received feedback from half of the table facilitators; additional information will be
provided to the BEC once all comments are received. Attached is a summary of the discus-
sion highlights assembled by facilitators to date.
ALTERNATIVES: Discussion only.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Talk of the Town Discussion Summary
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
TH 13/CH 21 Reconstruction Project
1. How is semi-truck traffic handled in roundabouts? Concerned with out-of-town traffic being unfamiliar with
navigating roundabouts – Mankato roundabout was used as an example.
2. Concerns re: utilizing the roundabout:
a. How to approach the roundabout – concern that since it is not a “zipper merge” that whomever goes
first will not let others in causing delays/back-ups.
b. One timid driver can slow progress through roundabout, but lower speeds, and half the time stopped,
more pedestrian friendly (mentioned by multiple people at multiple tables).
c. 185/50 Roundabout in Lakeville is very busy and backed up from 7-8am. Roundabout at 68/27 in
Credit River Township works better because it has significantly less traffic.
3. VFW concerned with median division of DT (Downtown) – detrimental to business.
4. Pedestrian safety – A-1 is safest option, Clearwater Beach examples – small fences to encourage crosswalk use,
many comments on pedestrian safety as a primary consideration in traffic improvements.
5. Hwy 21/13 decision – overall decision now is important no matter which option, so that a definitive path ahead
for the economic development of DT is known for businesses, the unknown is difficult for business owners to
make investment decisions.
6. Comment from 2 attendees at table that a controlled intersection (e.g. stoplight) is preferred at 13/21 and Arcadia.
7. A-1 (3 votes collected at two tables)
a. Better traffic movement with no stop sign at Main
b. Extend Arcadia to Franklin Trail
8. A-2 (6 votes collected at 2 tables)
a. Roundabout at 13 and 21 moves traffic better
b. Two lanes around circle
c. Both lanes enter and exit
d. Roundabouts at Arcadia and 13 provides means to turn left onto Main from either direction by going
down to roundabouts and circling back
e. Need mountable curb in center of roundabouts
f. Concern about more accidents
Date: October 17, 2017
From: Staff and BEC Facilitators
Subject: Talk of the Town Discussion Summary
9. B-1 (5 votes collected at 2 tables)
a. Comment made that this option is desired by south DT owners
b. Comment made that the proposed Duluth roundabout doesn’t get motorists to north downtown but
proposed Arcadia roundabout does accomplish this
c. Comment made that the Arcadia roundabout will lead to extension of Arcadia to Pleasant Street
10. Brief discussion re: there is an awareness that our town will have major construction for several years and that we
need new strategies to draw people to Prior Lake during construction. Focus could be on other business areas,
shoreline areas, and other parts of the city.
11. One table voiced general agreement on the importance of keeping Main Ave open to through traffic, the
importance of having a downtown where cars could move freely in any direction – not limited to right in and right
out turns – but ability to turn in any direction at any time of day.
12. One table commented about the importance of having a traffic light rather than roundabouts at Main so that the 4
corner properties did not lose land and access to their parking lots.
13. The statement was made at one table that if the 2 parts of downtown are cut off, that is a strong signal that the
City does not support businesses in Prior Lake.
Transportation Improvements
1. Revere Way intersection (Hwy 87 & Hwy 21) – Can City advocate to County for intersection improvements,
dangerous traffic patterns, high speed crashes.
2. Hwy 13 & Franklin Trail intersection – dangerous bypass lane is also turn lane for Lakers restaurant, provide
3. Main Ave. Stop Signs – Blinking lights work intermittently, these are helpful for pedestrians, use of flags to cross
4. More downtown development will require more parking – 2 to 3 blocks away is ok.
5. Multi-use (residential above business) will need to be adopted to justify multi-level parking.
6. Suggestion that a new road south of Spring Lake could reduce traffic on 21 and carry some of the traffic towards
1. Dev. Fees – Fiscal Disparities discussion (Met Council mandate), SAC/WAC fees are too high.
2. City process for business development – City has become more flexible with building cost options, others believe
this deprecates current commercial/industrial values.
3. Spread the cost of improvements among city, businesses and residences.
4. Comment made that Monnens looks shabby.
5. Brief conversation at one table re: too many downtown boutiques and the need for more variety of shops and
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
MEETING DATE: October 26, 2017
AGENDA #: 4.a. PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The City Council has invited all advisory committee members, including the BEC, to a City
Council work session on Monday, November 20th at 5:00 p.m. The purpose of the work ses-
sion is to allow all advisory committees an opportunity to present the City Council with a report
of 2017 accomplishments and 2018 goals. The work session also provides an opportunity for
advisory committees to hear accomplishments from other committees as well as what the
other committees will be working on in 2018 to see if there are any collaboration opportunities.
The BEC has previously provided a similar annual report to the City Council. The City Council
has asked that all committees provide three accomplishments for 2017 and three goals for
Staff has proposed 2017 accomplishments and 2018 goals for BEC review and discussion.
Members should discuss the accomplishments and goals below and amend or substitute ad-
ditional items as desired.
2017 Goals
Expand upon the Commercial Area Liaison program with increased outreach by schedul-
ing small group discussions or workshops with targeted areas of the business community
to; (i) clearly communicate information to business owners; (ii) ensure material about
planned or proposed projects is easily accessible; (iii) listen and report on business con-
cerns; and (iv) provide an opportunity for business owners to engage in a constructive
conversation about the future of Prior Lake.
Focus on building collaboration between businesses, advise businesses regarding outside
support organizations such as the First Stop Shop, Open to Business or RiverSouth and
be prepared to work cooperatively and collaboratively to support newly elected and ap-
pointed officials.
Create an EDAC subcommittee to establish goals and develop implementation strategies
to encourage and promote the business climate, collaboration opportunities and business
expansion in Prior Lake with the use of technology and social media.
2017 Accomplishments
Continued to establish the Commercial Area Liaison Program through communications
with business owners.
Created an Outreach & Marketing Subcommittee of BEC members to plan the Talk of the
Town event and explore opportunities to utilize social media and other approaches to
communicate with business owners. This committee was instrumental in the rebranding
of the committee from EDAC to Business Engagement Committee.
Hosted a very successful ‘Talk of the Town’ event which provided an opportunity for busi-
ness leaders, property owners and developers to gather with local elected and appointed
officials to share opportunities, express concerns or offer ideas to make Prior Lake a
stronger business community.
2018 Goals
Utilize the Outreach & Marketing Subcommittee to promote the business climate, collab-
orate with businesses and business organizations with the use of technology and social
Work with the EDA to establish a website and social media strategy dedicated to promo-
tion of economic development successes and opportunities in Prior Lake.
Evaluate and respond to business owner comments received at the Talk of the Town
ISSUES: BEC members should discuss what information should be included in the presentation and
which member(s) of the committee are available to attend and present the information at the
November 20th work session. The BEC is limited to three accomplishments and three goals.
The presentation at the work session will need to be no longer than ten minutes.
BEC members should RSVP to city staff if they plan to attend the work session.
ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and Second to approve the BEC 2017 accomplishments and 2018 goals as pro-
posed or as further amended by the committee.
Alternative No. 1
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The EDA held a regular meeting on October 23, 2017; discussion topics included:
EDA Revenue & Expenditure Report (9/30/17)
Development Update (9/30/2017)
Advisory Committee Appointment - Business Engagement Committee
Advisory Committee Appointment - Technology Village Board of Directors
Downtown Redevelopment Discussion
BEC ‘Talk of the Town’ Follow-Up
CH21 Alternative Discussion
CH21 Corridor Project Business Impacts
2018 EDI Grant Opportunity
EDA 2017 Accomplishments & 2018 Goals
Updates of EDA activity related to the above listed topics will be presented to the BEC during their
October 26th meeting.
ISSUES: Update Only.
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
DISCUSSION: Introduction
Staff has prepared a development update as of September 30, 2017, for BEC review. The attached
memorandum provides a summary of commercial and industrial development and residential con-
struction in the City of Prior Lake.
Information Only.
Information Only.
1. Development Update
Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com
Date: October 6, 2017
To: City of Prior Lake Business Engagement Committee
From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director
Subject: Residential & Commercial Activity Update
Below is an update of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of Sept. 30, 2017.
Name Address Type
gg Boutique 16180 Hastings Ave. SE Relocated Business Giggle Gals
The Magnolia Shop 4773 Dakota St. SE New Business gg Boutique
Trademark Title Services 16268 Eagle Creek Ave. SE New Business ReMax
Olive Moon 4775 Dakota St. SE Relocated Business Finder's Fee
Whitmer Crafts 4646 Colorado St. SE New Business Vacant Lease Space
Canvas Tattoo 6880 Boudin St. NE Relocated Business Verizon
Edward Jones - Scott Pierce 16154 Main Ave. SE, Suite 110B Relocated Business Wensmann Office - Lakefront Plaza
Edward Jones - Christy McCoy 4719 Park Nicollet Ave. Suite 260 New Business/Tenant Build-Out Vacant Lease Space
Luxury Laser Edu 14070 Commerce Ave. NE Ste. 200 New Business Kids Talk Childrens Therapy
Boathouse Brothers Brewing 16211 Main Ave. SE New Business/Major Remodel Memories on Main
Sweet Nautical 16228 Main Ave. SE, Ste 101 New Business Lakes Area Realty
Blahnik Law Office 4617 Colorado St. SE Relocated Business/Major Addition Former SF Residential
Fountain Hills Self-Storage 4400 Fountain Hills Dr. NE New Construction Vacant Land
Prior Lake Revival SW corner of Duluth Ave/CH21 New Construction Vacant Land
SDDI Sign Systems 5702 Graystone Ct. SE New Construction Vacant Land
Advantage Chiropractic 16197 Main Ave. SE New Business Prior Lake Spine
Port City Bakery 5832 Industrial Lane SE New Business/Major Addition Triple Play (Building Add'n)
Universal Motors 16720 Welcome Ave. SE New Construction Universal Motors (2nd Bldg.)
Home Time Real Estate 16154 Main Ave. SE, Suite 110C Relocated Business/Tenant Build-Out Wensmann Office (Lakefront Plaza)
Bongo's Closet 15981 Jordan Ave. Suite 2 New Business Vacant
2017 Prior Lake Commercial Activity
Number of
Number of
Number of Permits
% Increase /
(% Decrease)
% Increase /
(% Decrease)
Single Family Dwellings 58 $19,416,000.00 82 $28,206,000.00 (29.27)(31.16)
Townhouses (# units)0 $0.00 4 $676,000.00 (100.00)(100.00)
Multiple Units 1 $8,787,000.00 2 $21,501,000.00 (50.00)(59.13)
Commercial Industrial & Commercial 9 $10,750,500.00 2 $5,533,000.00 77.78 94.30
Residential 303 $2,065,300.00 548 $3,594,200.00 (44.71)(42.54)
Industrial & Commercial 14 $1,015,500.00 12 $262,500.00 16.67 286.86
Mechanical 556 $0.00 568 $0.00 (2.11)n/a
Mechanical (SF & TH)232 $0.00 342 $0.00 (32.16)n/a
TOTALS 1173 $42,034,300.00 1560 $59,772,700.00 (24.81)(29.68)
Increase / (Decrease)
Mechanical permits include but are not limited to furnaces, water heaters, softeners, and fireplaces. They are flat-rate permit fees.
Mechanical (SF & TH) permits include required plumbing, heating, sewer and water and fireplace permits for new single family residences.
They are flat-rate permit fees.
2017 Year to Date 2016 Year to Date