HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 20 2017 Advisory Committee Annual Report11/15/2017
Monday, November 20th 2017
Parkview Community Room
•Planning Commission
•Economic Development Authority (EDA)
•Business Engagement Committee (BEC)
•Technology Village Board of Directors
•Citizen Engagement Committee (CEC)
•Community Safety Advisory Committee (CSAC)
•Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC)
•Bryan Fleming
•William Kallberg
•Mark Petersen (outgoing)
•Dan Ringstad
•Dave Tieman
•Jason Tschetter (incoming)
•Bryan Fleming
•William Kallberg
•Mark Petersen (outgoing)
•Dan Ringstad
•Dave Tieman
•Jason Tschetter (incoming)
Zach Braid
Jeff Matzke & Amanda Schwabe
Zach Braid
Jeff Matzke & Amanda Schwabe
•Completed a bulk of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Housing Update, working with the City’s land use consultant throughout the process; Publicized a process and timeline.
•Evaluated and recommended various zoning ordinance amendments including revisions to Bluffs and Steep Slope areas, Architectural Design for C/I properties, Rec Equipment Storage, Towers/Antennas, Motor Vehicle Sales, and the Transitional Town Center Use District.
•Reviewed and recommended zoning actions related to community and economic growth including Prior Lake Revival Professional Building, Blahnik Law Office, Universal Motors, and Port City Bakery and 5 plats totaling 495 residential units.
•Acted upon numerous variance applications (12 + 2 in process), and 5 conditional use permits.
•Work with the City’s consultant (Bolton & Menk) to complete final revisions for the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update.
•Continue to make decisions and recommendations on subdivision and zoning applications throughout the year.
•Evaluate the Subdivision Ordinance and propose amendments, including, but not limited to lot combinations and lot width/size requirements.
•Identify ongoing learning opportunities with other metro area communities to facilitate appropriate community development.
•Foster and strengthen engagement and dialogue with the broader Prior Lake community.
•Marie Boucher-Hoese
•Zach Braid
•Kirt Briggs
•David Chromy
•Annie Sheehan-Kerber
Casey McCabeCasey McCabe
•Developed and maintained an available commercial property inventory on city website.
•Held a joint City Council and EDA meeting related to the use of business incentives.
•Held a joint meeting with the Planning Commission.
•The EDA invested significant time in the review of the proposed TH13/CH21 alternatives in the Downtown Prior Lake area and communicating its deliberations to the PMT.
•Supported the BEC with review and feedback related to the Commercial Area Liaison program visits.
•Participated in the BEC Talk of the Town event with Prior Lake business owners to share accomplishments, gather suggestions for improvements and review the proposed TH13/CH21 intersection improvement alternatives.
•Assisted the Planning Commission and city staff in the review and update of the Land Use and Housing chapters of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update.
Commercial building under construction on five acre
parcel at County Road 21 between West and Duluth.
•Continue to guide the Business Engagement Committee and support the Technology Village Board of Directors as they implement the recommendations of the phase II.4 Technology Village Business Accelerator Plan, including expansion opportunities within Scott County.
•Work with downtown stakeholders (residents, current and potential business owners, etc.) toward an integrated construction and financing plan for streetscaping and building construction/remodeling to facilitate future downtown development.
•Explore opportunities to identify, assist and encourage commercial and industrial development in the Jeffers Pond PUD, along the CH21 and CH42 commercial corridors and other areas of the community.
•Establish a process and plan to target resources for economic opportunities that provide significant benefits to Prior Lake, including those that may include property acquisition and direct support to commercial and industrial development.
•Conduct an annual meeting with the Scott County CDA First Stop Shop, the Prior Lake City Council and the Prior Lake Planning Commission for identifying reciprocal goals.
•Lloyd Erbaugh, Chair (outgoing)
•William Henry (outgoing)
•Wade Larson
•Ron Martin
•Jeff Petschl
•Kim Prchal, Vice-Chair
•Thane Tande
•Stephanie Carroll
•Tim Marco (incoming)
Kirt Briggs
Chamber of Commerce Liaison: Sandi Fleck
Casey McCabe & Amanda Schwabe
Kirt Briggs
Chamber of Commerce Liaison: Sandi Fleck
Casey McCabe & Amanda Schwabe
•Continued to establish the Commercial Area Liaison
Program through communications with business owners.
•Created an Outreach and Marketing Subcommittee of BEC
members to plan the Talk of the Town event and explore
opportunities to utilize social media and other approaches
to communicate with business owners. This committee
was instrumental in the rebranding of the committee from
EDAC to Business Engagement Committee.
•Hosted a very successful ‘Talk of the Town’ event which
provided an opportunity for business leaders, property
owners and developers to gather with local elected and
appointed officials to share opportunities, express
concerns or offer ideas to make Prior Lake a stronger
business community.
•Utilize the Outreach and Marketing subcommittee to
promote the business climate and mentor opportunities
while collaborating with businesses and business
organizations in Prior Lake with the use of technology and
social media.
•Evaluate the establishment of a business mentorship
•Work with the EDA and commercial liaisons to establish a
website and social media strategy dedicated to promotion
of economic development successes and opportunities in
Prior Lake.
•Evaluate and respond to business owner comments
received at the Talk of the Town event.
•Gerry Hughes, Chair
•Dan Stratton, Vice-Chair
•Adam Proehl
•Sarah Jones
•Patrick Stroh
•Zach Braid
•David Rech (Advisory Board Member)
•Lori Frank (Advisory Board Member)
Zach Braid
Casey McCabe & Jo Foust (FSS)
Zach Braid
Casey McCabe & Jo Foust (FSS)
2017 Goal: Continue to implement the recommendations of
the Technology Village Phase III Program Analysis, primarily
related to program expansion within Scott County.
•Established a partnership with FSS to expand the business
accelerator business program through education and
direct marketing to Scott County Cities
•Half-time program director hired by FSS; housed within
the Technology Village
•Secured two new BOD members
2017 Goal: Identify creative approaches to promote the
Technology Village program and its participant businesses
•Created a Marketing Work Group which worked with
DCTC to develop new direct mail pieces and
communication branding posted via social media
•Fast Track Business Challenge (March-October) focused
on promoting startup companies to fill a gap within
Scott County identified by the Maxfield Research &
Consulting Report
•TVBA website enhancements including updated bios,
news and addition of a ‘Call Back’ button
•Educational programs for participants and business
community. Topics included accounting and taxes, the
power of smart marketing and small business finance.
2017 Goal: Identify additional program participants, both
virtual and physical; to increase the number of Technology
Village related employees working in Prior Lake.
•Started with 5 participants and ended with 6 as of
November 2017; 5 program inquiries
•Total number of TVBA related employees increased from
25 to 32
•2 new Virtual Participants
•100% TVBA leasable space occupied
•Increased our new user website views by 40-50%
•Continue to implement the recommendations of the
Technology Village Phase III Program Analysis to expand
the TVBA Virtual Program into other Scott County Cities
with FSS and PL TVBOD support.
•Create a Business Plan which identifies the specific tasks
necessary to secure funding and/or sources of funds to
support Scott County program expansion.
•Participate in the second annual Scott County FAST-
TRACK Business Challenge.
•Identify additional program participants, both virtual
and physical; to increase the number of TVBA related
employees working in Scott County.
•Brandy Blanch
•Kim Churchill
•Marcia Diers
•William Kallberg
•Alexandra Matyja
•Eileen Newsome
•Sarah Watters
•Jessica Weber
Annette Thompson
Lori Olson & Pete Young
Annette Thompson
Lori Olson & Pete Young
•Although the CEC did not exist in 2017, the chairs
of the LAC, PAC and CTAC committees
participated in the work group that created the
Bylaws and Objectives for the Citizen
Engagement Committee.
•Identify city-related topics for ‘deep dive’ sessions to
educate CEC members
•Work with City Council to name key issues for citizen
•Generate strategies to engage ‘hard to reach’
•Develop an email list and database of community
leaders/associations/businesses to share targeted
city news
•Promote updated 2040 strategic vision and critical
•Support city in meeting state mandates on water
quality education and outreach
•Janine Alcorn
•Patrick Dougherty
•Gina Gertner
•Liz Heili (Youth Member)
•Betsy Jader
•Linda Ringstad
•Woody Spitzmueller
Kevin Burkart
Mark Elliott
Kevin Burkart
Mark Elliott
•Annual calendar put in place to guide upcoming initiatives at
each meeting
•Letters and presentation to High School students on making safe choices at Prom
and Graduation events.
•Letter to incoming Freshmen and parents on having a safe High School experience.
•Letters to the editor for public safety topics (underage drinking, social host
•Table at Veterans Market and at Community Fest.
•Materials acquired to hand out on safety topics, from fraud prevention, home
security, distracted driving, internet safety and many more.
•Support of Body and squad camera program, domestic violence
prevention, youth making good choices at prom and graduation.
Support for Fire prevention month and open house.
•Review of Police Body Camera policy
•Community outreach and education on public safety
issues including broader social media reach in
partnership with the Communication and Technology
Advisory Committee (CTAC).
•Youth safety initiative, in partnership with the schools.
•Driving, online, social media, anti-drug, fire safety
•Crime prevention initiatives to reduce opportunity for
•Bruce Loney
•Patrick Heaney
•Steve Pany
Ex Officio Member: Jim Dellwo (ISD 719), Kate Miner (Scott Co.)
Kevin Burkart
Staff Liaison: Nick Monserud
Ex Officio Member: Jim Dellwo (ISD 719), Kate Miner (Scott Co.)
Kevin Burkart
Staff Liaison: Nick Monserud
●2017 general traffic safety requests (17)
Speeding – 2
Parking – 3
Pedestrian Crossings – 4
Stop Sign Requests – 2
Other - 6
2016 - 19
2015 – 31
2014 – 20
2013 – 5
2012 – 14
2011 – 9
2010 – 30
•Updated the Traffic Safety
Committee Manual
•MnDOT completed a speed
study to assign speed limits to
Credit River Rd. between Fish
Point Rd and 170th St.
•General Traffic Safety Requests
•Encourage and Acknowledge Sponsorship and Donations
of Traffic Control Devices
•Increase TSAC Education (Website, Wavelength)
•Determine if TSAC should remain a committee or
become a group at the staff level reviewing traffic