HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 12 2018 EDA Agenda Packet FULL Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA Monday, March 12, 2018 – 4:00 p.m. Reports included with this agenda can be found in the Document Center at www.cityofpriorlake.com; please follow this file path: City of Prior Lake\Economic Development Authority\2018\March 12, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. February 12, 2018 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. Development Update (02/28/2018) 5. REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. No Public Hearings Scheduled 7. OLD BUSINESS A. None 8. NEW BUSINESS A. B. C. First Stop Shop Discussion 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update Joint EDA / City Council Meeting - Discussion Topics 9. OTHER BUSINESS A. B. C. Staff Updates Commissioner Comments Construction Projects Business Impact Game Plan 10. ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 p.m. Those items on the EDA Agenda which are considered routine and non-controversial are included as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless the President or an EDA member specifically requests that an item be on the Consent Agenda be removed and consi dered separately, Items on the Consent Agenda are considered under one motion, second and a roll call vote. Any item removed from the Consent Agenda shall be placed on the EDA agenda under “Removed Consent Agenda Items” Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes February 12, 2018 1. CALL TO ORDER VICE PRESIDENT BRAID called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. Present were Braid, Briggs, and Sheehan-Kerber. Business Engagement Committee (BEC) members present were Kim Prchal, Wade Larson, Tim Marco, and Thane Tande. Also present were Executive Director Boyles, Community Development Director McCabe and Planner Schwabe. Commissioners Chromy and Boucher-Hoese were absent. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. Ayes by Braid, Briggs and Sheehan-Kerber. The motion carried 3-0. 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER, TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 11, 2017 MEETING MINUTES. Ayes by Braid, Briggs and Sheehan-Kerber. The motion carried 3-0. 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. Development Update (01/31/2018) a. 2017 Residential Single-Family Permit Applicants and Valuation Chart B. EDA Revenue & Expenditure Report (12/31/2017) MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. Ayes by Braid, Briggs and Sheehan-Kerber. The motion carried 3-0. 5. REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS None 6. PUBLIC HEARING No Public Hearings 7. OLD BUSINESS None 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Election of Officers MCCABE explained that the officers of the EDA shall be elected at the first meeting of the year. All EDA Commis- sioners are eligible to become officers for 2018 and the officers elected in 2017 are eligible for reappointment. BRAID shared that CHROMY is willing to serve as President again in 2018. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER, TO APPOINT CHROMY AS PRESIDENT OF THE EDA FOR 2018. Ayes by Braid, Briggs and Sheehan-Kerber. The motion carried 3-0. BRAID explained that he is willing to serve as Vice-President if the group so chooses. SHEEHAN-KERBER stated that she is also willing to serve as Vice-President. 2 MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY BRAID, TO APPOINT SHEEHAN-KERBER AS VICE CHAIR OF THE EDA FOR 2018. Ayes by Braid, Briggs and Sheehan-Kerber. The motion carried 3-0. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER, TO APPOINT FINANCE DIRECTOR ERICSON AS TREASURER, CITY MANAGER BOYLES AS SECRETARY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MCCABE AS ASSISTANT TREASURER. Ayes by Braid, Briggs and Sheehan-Kerber. The motion carried 3-0. B. BEC Discussion MCCABE provided an overview on the previous printed City of Prior Lake Community Profile to the EDA and BEC members in attendance as well as information on the updated Community Profile which was done electronically. PRCHAL stated that in her conversations with local business persons, digital format was preferred. She suggested having a printed version offered semi-annually. MARCO stated that information about average age and incomes can be beneficial to include when trying to attract residents and businesses alike. BRIGGS shared that he has received comments about needing informational pieces about the shops and restau- rants located in Prior Lake. BRAID stated that he was surprised that our current Community Profile does not highlight one of the community’s largest assets, which is the lake. PRCHAL suggested the group determine who the preferred audience is (i.e. attracting residences, commercial businesses, visitors) TANDE stated that a few years back, the BEC (then the EDAC) worked to revise the City Code to make the residential and commercial building process easier, more comparable to adjacent communities and more ‘business friendly’. PRCHAL explained that the BEC has suggested a Business Mentorship program be developed utilizing ambas- sadors who’ve completed building construction or addition projects in Prior Lake to assist new businesses through the City processes based on their experiences. BRAID stated that the City is currently working on the Comprehensive Plan Update and as part of that process the City is looking to guide additional tracts as commercial. BOYLES shared that the Blahnik, Prchal & Stoll Law Office project was the first in the Transitional Town Center District and sharing their experience would benefit future property owners who may wish to do the same. BRAID suggested PRCHAL work with Staff regarding their experiences. BRAID stated that based on the discussion, attracting residents, new businesses, and a visitor’s guide appear to be the priorities. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER, TO WORK WITH THE BEC, CDA AND OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCY’S TO DEVELOP ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION PIECES INTENDED FOR VISI- TORS, EXISTING BUSINESS OWNERS (PAST ACCOMPLISHEMENTS, LOOKING FORWARD) AND PRO- SPECTIVE INVESTORS (COMMERCIAL SUCCESSES, AVAILABLE PROPERTIES). Ayes by Braid, Briggs and Sheehan-Kerber. The motion carried 3-0. 3 C. City of Prior Lake Property Ownership SCHWABE stated that at the December 11, 2017 EDA meeting, members directed staff to research city-owned properties and bring back information on their potential for returning to the tax rolls. The City typically acquires properties when dedicated as part of a plat or through tax forfeiture from the State of Minnesota when the proper- ties are needed for a public purpose. Staff reviewed a total of 281 parcels and of those 13 were determined to not have an identified use today (e.g. parks, stormwater, drainage and utilities, parks, etc.). MCCABE explained that parcels obtained through tax forfeiture are typically restricted to a specific purpose indi- cated on the deed. If the City ceases to use the parcel for that purpose, it would generally revert to the State of Minnesota. Discussion ensued regarding the current and potential future use of the parcels. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER, TO DIRECT STAFF TO COMPLETE TITLE WORK ON ROW #1, 6, 8, AND 9 TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE PARCELS CAN BE SOLD TO ADJACENT PROP- ERTY OWNERS; RESEARCH ROW #2, 5, 7, TO DETERMINE IF THE PARCELS ARE VIABLE FOR DEVELOP- MENT; RESEARCH ROW #10 TO DETERMINE WHERE THE PARCELS ORIGINATED AND THE PROCESS FOR RETURNING THE PARCEL(S) TO THE TAX ROLLS. Ayes by Braid, Briggs and Sheehan-Kerber. The motion carried 3-0. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER, TO DIRECT STAFF TO MEET WITH THE APPLI- CABLE COUNTY AND STATE STAFF REGARDING COMBINING ROW #12 AND 13 TO FORM A SINGLE PAR- CEL. Ayes by Braid, Briggs and Sheehan-Kerber. The motion carried 3-0. D. Construction Projects Business Impact Game Plan MCCABE reviewed the previously discussed opportunities where the City of Prior Lake may be able to lessen the 2019 construction impacts on downtown businesses. BRIGGS shared that it is important the BEC work with the EDA to identify opportunities for assisting businesses during the road construction projects. PRCHAL stated that the City could consider assisting by supporting events, reviewing fee waiver opportunities, and increased communication to downtown businesses. She continued by sharing that she recently spoke with approximately 10 businesses in downtown Chaska who had been impacted by a large road project in 2016/2017and the common theme related to City assistance was associated with the City communicating with the businesses before and during the project. BRIGGS stated that there are the local banks in Prior Lake may be interested in providing information to the BEC and EDA regarding available small business loan opportunities for businesses. PRCHAL suggested the local banks host a small business loan presentation and invite downtown businesses. BRIGGS shared that there may be potential for additional signage in the downtown area which could be used to promote and celebrate downtown before, during, and after construction projects. BRAID stated that Prior Lake is a summer town where a bulk of revenue for downtown businesses is made during the months that the TH 13/CR 21 road construction will be taking place. He shared that he also spoke with downtown Chaska business owners recently about their experiences with the large road project, and their primary comments were surrounding the importance of way-finding signage during construction. MARCO stated that having a way-finding plan associated with a construction schedule would be very beneficial for businesses owners and visitors alike. 4 The EDA directed the BEC to add this as an Agenda item for their next meeting and to work on developing assis- tance opportunities for the EDA to consider. BRAID suggested keeping this as an Agenda item for the EDA for the foreseeable future. E. Technology Village Phase II.5 Business Plan MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER TO APPROVE THE TECHNOLOGY VILLAGE PHASE II.5 BUSINESS PLAN. Ayes by Braid, Briggs and Sheehan-Kerber. The motion carried 3-0. F. Deerfield Business Park Signage MCCABE provided an overview of a recent meeting with Deerfield Business Park businesses regarding their re- quest for additional signage. BOYLES questioned if there was a business association in Deerfield. MCCABE stated that there is not. MCCABE stated that the current concept plan is a monument style sign advertising the business park as opposed to individual business names in the existing Waterfront Passage signage. BRIGGS stated that utilization of the sailboat style sign would tie in nicely with other branding in the community. The EDA directed Staff to work with the Deerfield Business Park Signage group to further develop the concept plan related to sign location and style. 9. OTHER BUSINESS A. Staff Updates i. Downtown Lease Agreements MCCABE shared that the City has entered into a new lease agreement with the lessees of the Flowers Natu- rally building which will better facilitate property transition for the lessees and city when the road improvement project commences. ii. Commercial/Industrial Property Listings MCCABE provided a brief update on current large acreage property listings. B. Commissioner Comments None 10. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY SHEEHAN-KERBER, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 6:07 p.m. ___________________________ Frank Boyles, Executive Director 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: March 12, 2018 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: DEVELOPMENT UPDATE DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this consent agenda item is to review the residential and com- mercial development update as of January 31, 2018. History EDA Commissioners requested an update of residential and commercial activity at each meeting. Conclusion The attached memorandum provides a summary of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION ATTACHMENT: 1. Motion and a second, under the consent agenda, to accept the development update. 2. Remove this item from the consent agenda for additional discussion. Alternative No. 1. 1. February 2018 Development Update Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo Date: March 6, 2018 To: City of Prior Lake Economic Development Authority From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director Subject: Residential & Commercial Activity Update Below is an update of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of Feb. 28, 2018. Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits Declared Value Single Family Dwellings 13 $6,636,000.00 3 $573,000.00 Townhouses (# units)4 $626,000.00 0 $0.00 Multiple Units 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 New Commercial Industrial & Commercial 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Residential 54 $852,100.00 68 $733,000.00 Industrial & Commercial 5 $879,000.00 3 $33,000.00 Mechanical 84 $0.00 91 $0.00 Mechanical (SF & TH)68 $0.00 12 $0.00 TOTALS 228 $8,993,100.00 174 $1,339,000.00 2018 YEAR TO DATE 2017 YEAR TO DATE New Residential Additions and Alterations 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: March 12, 2018 AGENDA #: 8A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: FIRST STOP SHOP DISCUSSION DISCUSSION: Introduction Stacy Crakes and Jo Foust with the Scott County CDA First Stop Shop (FSS) will be attending the first half of the EDA meeting to discuss marketing materials and other topics with the EDA. History As one of their goals for 2018, the EDA elected to promote partnerships and collaboration through annual meetings with many committees and groups, in- cluding the Scott County CDA First Stop Shop. Current Circumstances The Scott County First Stop Shop assists the cities and townships of Scott County with rapid response to business requests. Attached to this report is a copy of a pitch the FSS assembled to assist with the marketing of the Vierling Family property. The proposal includes, a Scott County overview; Prior Lake overview; and information related to workforce; public transportation; education; income; specific site information; fiber; utilities; financial assistance programs; and appropriate contact information. The EDA reviewed the marketing materials at their December meeting and wanted to invite FSS to a future meeting to discuss the marketing materials and other efforts to assist with the attraction of commercial development to Prior Lake and Scott County. Conclusion ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: ATTACHMENTS: The EDA may wish to discuss whether there is additional city-specific infor- mation that may help market the City of Prior Lake; 2017 FSS site and property inquiries; what are site selectors looking for in marketing materials; or other top- ics. 1. Discuss this subject only and take no action. 2. Discuss this subject and provide staff direction regarding desired alterations to marketing materials. As determined by the EDA. 1. Vierling Family Property Marketing Material 2. 2017 FSS – Prior Lake Lead Responses City of Prior Lake, Minnesota Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota Vierling Family Property CR 42 Corridor in Prior Lake December, 2017 City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 2 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota Location-Location-Location! Located only 20 miles from downtown Minneapolis and 22 miles from the Minneapolis -St. Paul International Airport (MSP), the City of Prior Lake is a growing community, within Scott County, the sixteenth largest metropolitan area in the United States. Quality of Life in Prior Lake. With a population just under 25,000 and approximately 9,300 housing units, there are a variety of housing options from single-family residential lake properties to senior housing rental units. The city, which is 18.33 square miles in size includes 2.89 square miles of water, with Upper and Lower Prior Lake in the heart of the City; the largest lake in the southern metropolitan area. This natural resource offers invaluable recreational opportunities and a high quality of life for its residents and employees. Quality Education The Prior Lake-Savage School District provides quality education for its 8,500 students in the district’s 14 schools. “Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools prides itself in the many environmental learning opportunities that have become part of the district's unique culture. PLSAS is the only district in the state to have an environmental education program that grows with students from Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) to high school. Our K-12 schools are the first district-wide Environmental Education, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (E-STEM) schools in the state of Minnesota. (Source: www.priorlake-savage.k12.mn.us) Workforce Prior Lake and Scott County are home to some of the most educated workers in the Greater MSP Region. Beyond the borders, the Southwest metro provides a large labor pool for businesses in Prior Lake and many of its workers come from large nearby cities like Bloomington, Burnsville, and Eden Prairie. Prior Lake isn’t limited only to workers from immediate surrounding areas; the city is able to attract workers from the entire Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. Transportation One of the greatest benefits to having a location in the City of Prior Lake is a “reverse commute” for employees and visitors. With two state highways, TH 13 and TH 21, travel to Prior Lake is generally in the opposite direction of rush hour traffic and will result in an easy commute for employees and visitors, regardless of what direction they are coming from. Guest Accommodations There are a number of hotels in the area, including Mystic Lake Casino Hotel which offers luxury accommodations with a golf course and world class entertainment venues. The construction of their new Mystic Lake Center, opening January 2018, includes a 70,000 square foot convention center and 180 additional hotel rooms making it the second largest hotel in the seven county metropolitan area. Upon review of the information provided, we hope that you find Prior Lake is a wonderful place to live, work and play for a lifetime! City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 3 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota Table of Contents Topic Page(s) Scott County Overview 4 Prior Lake Overview 5-8 Workforce 9-11 Public Transportation 12 Education 13 Income 14 Site Information 15 Fiber 16 Utilities 17 Financial Assistance Programs 18 Contact Information 19 City of Prior Lake, Minnesota Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota SCOTT COUNTY OVERVIEW The City of Prior Lake, is centrally located in Scott County, MN. Scott County’s population increased 60.5% between 2000 and 2016, while Minnesota’s population grew by 12.2% during that timeframe. Prior Lake was among the top 20 fastest growing cities in Minnesota during that timeframe. Between 2000 and 2016 Scott County experienced a 19% increase in employment with 7,700 new jobs added. This compared to a 10% employment growth rate in the metropolitan area. Scott County has two major transportation corridors running through the county, U.S. Hwy 169 and Interstate-35, making it easily accessible for businesses and logistics. Our residents exceed the state and national averages for high school graduation rates and college degrees, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, giving us a qualified resident workforce. Scott County is the home to several historical, scenic, and entertainment destinations including Canterbury Park, The Landing, Elko Speedway, Mystic Lake Casino, the Renaissance Festival, and ValleyFair Amusement Park, which bring tens of thousands of traveler's to the County each year! Scott County Key Statistics  Population (2016 estimate): 143,680  Median household income (2011-2015): $87,794  Percent of population with high school education or higher (2011-2015): 94.7%  Percent of population with a Bachelor's degree or higher (2011-2015): 38.2% Source: U.S. Census Bureau Quick Facts 4 City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 5 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota PRIOR LAKE OVERVIEW The City of Prior Lake, located at the southwest edge of the Twin Cities, is known for its prominent lakes, outdoor amenities, recreational opportunities, entertainment venues, and high quality schools and neighborhoods. While experiencing significant growth from 16,000 population in 2000 to over 25,000 in 2014, Prior Lake maintains its small town character with a distinct downtown. The City is home to Scott County's largest employer, Mystic Lake Casino and Hotel as well as many other businesses. Prior Lake is poised for continued growth with over 300 acres of vacant commercial, business park and industrial land to develop. Additional land will also become available in the future that is located within a 3,000-acre orderly annexation area. Opportunities in commercial and industrial development are increasing due to growth and improved highway accessibility and upgrades. Prior Lake's transportation system includes major roadways including Hwy 13, County Road 42, County Road 21 and numerous others that access the entire metropolitan area. Prior Lake provides transit from within the community to other municipalities and to downtown Minneapolis by way of the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA). For the outdoor lovers, Prior Lake features many recreational amenities including more than 55 parks on 1,000 acres, over 100 miles of trails and sidewalks and 14 lakes. Taken together, the parks and lakes offer a wide variety of outdoor opportunities for visitors and residents with a wide variety of interests. City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 6 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota Elected Officials and City Staff The Mayor and City Council are the elected policy makers for the City of Prior Lake. They are responsible for adopting and enforcing ordinances, establishing public and administrative policies, appointing the City Administrator and administrative staff, creating boards and commissions, managing the City's financial operations (including levying taxes, approving a budget, auditing expenditures, and borrowing money) and transacting all other city business as required by law. One member of the City Council serve as the Economic Development Authority (EDA), along with three members appointed from the public. The City of Prior Lake also has an Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC), which consists of 9 citizen members with staggered three year terms. The role of the EDAC is to identify issues and develop strategies to strengthen commercial -industrial activity within the city, review requests for tax increment financing, tax abatement and other financial assistance programs, and advise the EDA and City Council on proactive approaches to development and redevelopment. Mayor Kirt Briggs kbriggs@cityofpriorlake.com Councilor Kevin Burkart kburkart@cityofpriorlake.com Councilor Annette Thompson athompson@cityofpriorlake.com Councilor Zach Braid zbraid@cityofpriorlake.com Key City Staff: City Administrator - Frank Boyles, email: fboyles@cityofpriorlake.com Community Development Director - Casey McCabe, email: cmccabe@cityofpriorlake.com Finance Director - Cathy Erickson, email: cerickson@cityofpriorlake.com Councilor Mike McGuire mmcguire@cityofpriorlake.com PRIOR LAKE OVERVIEW City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 7 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota City of Prior Lake 2040 Vision & Strategic Plan - Vision Statement The mission of the City of Prior Lake is to enhance the quality of life for citizens by providing quality services which result in a safe and healthy community; recreation and leisure opportunities; preservation and effective use of lakes, parks and other natural resources, economic vitality; and the promotion of partnerships, volunteerism and civic pride. Prior Lake is known for its lakes, vibrant parks system, outdoor amenities, recreation opportunities and numerous entertainment venues. Together with “RiverSouth” entertainment venues, this area enjoys a reputation as a great place to visit and stay. The residents of Prior Lake reinforce a warm, small-town feel by supporting neighborhoods, participating in community and welcoming visitors with courtesy and hospitality. Prior Lake’s downtown serves as the hub of the city, offering walkable destinations, specialty shopping, dining, entertainment and services that meet the needs of residents and visitors alike. In parallel, Prior Lake has emerged as a center of technology and innovation, offering attractive jobs to residents. The city has earned a reputation as a great place to start a high quality business and grow it to success, with resources as support for home-based business, business incubators and telecommuters. All this has been achieved while maintaining a sound base of quality housing, strong neighborhoods, and safe, secure living for all. A well - run City Council and City administration innovates and collaborates, continuously raising productivity and stretching every taxpayer’s dollar for a maximum value. Sound fiscal management includes both immediate attention to local tax burden and also a long-term view toward building and sustaining the infrastructure essential to a high quality of life for generations to come. PRIOR LAKE OVERVIEW City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 8 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota Major Employers in Prior Lake Employer Products/Services SMSC Gaming Enterprises Gaming Establishment Prior Lake Ind. School District Elementary & Secondary Schools YMCA Youth Center Little Six Casino Gaming Establishment Wild Golf Club Golf Courses and Clubs Indian Health Services Public Health Services Administration Phillips and Temro Industries Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping Husson’s Concessions Restaurants Insurance Paramedical Services Insurance Agencies and Brokers Miratech Prior Lake Air and Gas Compressor Manufacture Tentroy Inc. Site Preparation Contractors Jen Wocelka Real Estate Agents MN Credit Card Processing Inc. Greeting Cards Norex Inc. Computer Processing Services Taylor Made Construction of MN Finish and trim carpentry PRIOR LAKE OVERVIEW City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 9 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota WORKFORCE Source: U.S. Census Bureau OnTheMap, 2015. Prior Lake Work Flow Of the 8,358 people who work in Prior Lake, 6,825 live in another city and commute into the community to work, while 11,466 of Prior Lake’s residents leave the city to go to work elsewhere. This provides new businesses with an opportunity to capture this talent pool of local, dedicated workers, while providing an opportunity for residents to reduce their commute time. 2015 – All Jobs Data Count Share Total Employed (Jobs) in Prior Lake 8,358 100.0% Employed in Prior Lake but Living Outside 6,825 81.7% Employed and Living in Prior Lake 1,533 18.3% Workers Living in Prior Lake 12,999 100.0% Living in Prior Lake but Employed Outside 11,466 88.2% Living and Employed in Prior Lake 1,533 11.8% City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 10 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota WORKFORCE Prior Lake offers a diverse labor force. According to the 2015 American Community Survey, US. Census, 24% of Prior Lake’s residents were employed in the Sales and Office Occupations, 20% in Management, Business and Financial occupations, 12% in Service occupations, 11% in Education, Legal, Community Service, Arts and Media and 10% in Production, Transportation and Material Moving occupations. The chart below illustrates the number of Prior Lake residents, 16+ years of age in each of the occupational categories. Occupations of Prior Lake Residents, 16+ Years of Age, 2011-2015 ACS, US Census 3,098 2,568 1,468 1,350 1,239 1,148 1,056 793 Sales and office occupations Management, business and financial occupations Service occupations Education, legal, community service, arts and media occupations Production, transporation and material moving occupations Natural resources, construction and maintenance Computer, engineering and science occupations The Dakota-Scott Counties WorkForce Centers with locations in West St. Paul, Burnsville and Shakopee are ready, willing and able to help with recruitment and hiring efforts and already has a strong track record working with businesses in the county with pre-hire paperwork, drug screens and background checks. Beyond, the strong local connections with job seekers we’d coordinate services with WorkForce Centers throughout the region. Examples of how the Dakota-Scott WorkForce Centers help area employers with hiring and recruitment include:  Job Fairs. Part of the key to the success of these events is that the Department of Employment and Economic Development has an extensive email distribution list which reaches thousands of job seekers.  WorkForce Centers also have weekly hiring events where employers can meet with job seekers.  The Dakota Scott Workforce Development Board is comprised of up to 27 members from across the 2 counties; with more than ½ representing the private sector. It has a strong focus working with employers and job seekers and is noted for developing innovative employment and training approaches. One example is that the Burnsville WorkForce Center is co-located with Inver Hills Community College and Dakota County Technical College on a non-campus site which provides outstanding connectivity amongst the organizations and benefits employers and adult learners..  The State of Minnesota has a website, which is free for employers and job seekers – www.minnesotaworks.net. City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 11 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota WORKFORCE Source: U.S. Census Bureau OnTheMap. All data for most recent year, 2015 Educated Workforce Prior Lake offers a highly educated labor force with an estimated 96.2% of residents achieving a high school degree or higher and 43.6% receiving a bachelor’s degree or higher. (Source: 2011 -2015 American Community Survey, US Census). Labor Pool of Workers with Jobs in Prior Lake, 2015 Prior Lake isn’t limited only to workers who reside in the community. We are able to attract workers from the entire metropolitan area. According to 2015, OnTheMap Census data, Prior Lake draws employees from numerous metropolitan areas including Shakopee, Savage, Burnsville, Lakeville, Minneapolis, Bloomington, St. Paul, Apple Valley, New Prague and numerous other communities. City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 12 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SmartLink Transit For residents in Scott and Carver Counties, SmartLink is your premier mobility management service, including Dial-A-Ride. Smart Link can get you anywhere in the seven county metro area (in some cases, you may need to transfer to another transportation provider). Minnesota Valley Transit Authority The Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA) is the public transportation agency for seven suburbs located approximately 15 miles south of Minneapolis and St. Paul: Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, and Rosemount in Dakota County; and Savage, Shakopee, and Prior Lake in Scott County. MVTA also provides the Scott County-to-downtown Minneapolis express bus service, originally known as BlueXpress. Land to Air Express Land to Air provides shuttle service -- the "169 Connection" -- throughout many stops along the 169 Corridor. No parking issues, no fighting traffic, and no trouble with the weather! Source: https://www.scottcountymn.gov/1077/Public-Transportation City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 13 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota EDUCATION Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools Prior Lake/Savage Area School District 719 serves Prior Lake, Savage and surrounding townships. It is home to six elementary schools, one early childhood center; including Spanish Immersion kindergarten; a school for gifted learners in grades 3-5; two middle schools for grades 6-8; an Alternative Learning Program for students in grades 7-8; an Area Learning Center for students in grades 9-12; and one high school serving students in grades 9-12. There is also a Charter School, Aspen Academy (K-8), and several private schools including: Prior Lake Christian Academy (K-12), St. Michael's Catholic School (K-8) and St. Paul's Lutheran School (K-8). Prior Lake-Savage Area ISD No. 719 Computer Science Offerings Elementary  Beginning in 2017-18, all students K-5 will learn fundamental computer science skills. Media Specialists will lead this learning with students, following a specialized, “designed for PLSAS” curriculum that integrates ISTE and CSTA standards. The curriculum utilizes resources from Code.org and integrates both hands-on and digital activities to develop students’ skills.  Extensions: Students will have opportunities to apply and extend their skills through a variety of extracurricular offerings through before and after school programs such as KidsCo and Community Ed. Middle School  Beginning in 2018-19, students will have the opportunity to elective courses which focus on specific aspects of computer science (i.e. coding, networking, etc.). These classes will be developed using resources from Project Lead the Way and will integrate hands-on STEM project-based learning with Computer Science.  Current Extracurricular Activities:  SWAT team where students have the opportunity to apply and extend their skills through participation in the middle school SWAT team. This team tackles a variety of technology and computer science related challenges  Girl Code which is an after school club, specifically focused on closing the gender gap in Computer Science.  Junior Lego League High School  Beginning in 2018-19, students will have the opportunity to take elective courses which focus on specific aspects of computer science (i.e. coding, networking, etc.). These classes will be developed using resources from Project Lead the Way and will integrate hands-on STEM project-based learning with Computer Science.  Current Extracurricular Activities:  Robotics and SWAT Team (coming soon) City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 14 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota INCOME Prior Lake has a high disposable income, with a median income over $100,000 in the submarket, which allows opportunities to support local businesses with the purchase of goods and services. City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 15 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota Approximately 495 acres is currently available at 4836 140th Street NE and Eagle Creek Avenue NE in Prior Lake. Below is an aerial view of the site, located along CR 42 which is one of the fastest growing corridors in the metro. This includes 1,360 +/- feet on Prior Lake, land with rolling hills and beautiful vistas. The property is served with municipal water and sewer. The property is listed with Gaughan Companies: 651-464-5700 or email: TomOpsahl@GaughanCompanies.com or DanHebert@GaughanCompanies.com. SITE City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 16 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota FIBER Scott County is composed of seven cities, eleven townships, ten school districts, and the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. Scott County has been engaging in real meaningful cooperation since 2002 when the Scott County Association for Leadership and Efficiency (SCALE) was created. In 2007 Scott County, in collaboration with SCALE, began constructing the largest government-owned high-speed network, at that time in the state and one of the nation’s biggest. It is an extensive fiber network consisting of over 1,000 miles of County owned dark fiber. It is maintained exclusively by the Zayo Group, a national leader (provider) in fiber network communications. Scott County’s fiber network has direct connections capable of providing diverse and redundant 10 gigabit (or even greater gigabit) capacities out of the region as well as to multiple Tier III and Tier IV data centers in the region including the Capitol campus in St. Paul and to the 511 building in downtown Minneapolis, which in turn provides a portal to the world. The 511 Building Telecommunications “Carrier Hotel” offers highly safeguarded, round -the-clock access to the internet as well as critical space to back-up data and offsite disaster recovery. The facility is equipped for data centers, collocation and web hosting, as well as multi-tenant telecommunication switching, fiber network service providers, and optical cable backbones. The County additionally has dark fiber connections to the NCC Building in Omaha, Nebraska, also a “carrier hotel” for increased diversity and regional security. This connection is expected to be live by summer of 2018. There are currently five major and diverse fiber exits out of the County. Regional Fiber Map City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 17 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota UTILITIES Water City of Prior Lake: (952) 447-9894 The City of Prior Lake operates seven wells. Six wells go to the treatment plant and the seventh well is used during peak summer production periods. Three aquifers exist in Prior Lake: the Jordan, the Franconia Ironton Galesville (FIG) and the Mt. Simon. Five of the City's the wells pump from the Jordan and are between 345 and 372 feet deep; two pump from the FIG which is 630 feet below ground. The City's daily maximum is 7.5 Million Gallons per Day (MGD). LOCAL HAULERS Buckingham Disposal 5980 Credit River Rd., Prior Lake, MN 55372 (952) 226-6441 Certified Recycling 14305 Ewing Ave, Burnsville, MN 55306 (952) 894-1448 Dick's Sanitation P.O. Box 769, Lakeville, MN 55044 (952) 469-2239 Republic Services 9813 Flying Cloud Dr., Eden Prairie MN,55347 (952) 941-5174 Suburban Waste Services 12400 Princeton Ave S., Savage, MN 55378 (952) 937-8900 Waste Management 1901 Ames Dr., Burnsville, MN 55337 (952) 890-1100 Sewer City of Prior Lake: (952) 447-9800 The City of Prior Lake's Public Works Department is responsible for inspecting and maintaining 107 miles of sanitary collection system infrastructure, 41 sanitary lift stations and 2,809 sanitary manholes to ensure uninterrupted collection of wastewater. The Metropolitan Council and Environmental Services (MCES) Division of the Met Council is responsible for Sanitary sewer treatment and disposal at the Blue Lake Wastewater Treatment Facility in Shakopee, Minnesota. Garbage City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 18 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE The City of Prior Lake has a variety of potential financial incentives the city may be able to offer to help offset certain development costs. We are happy to meet with businesses to identify programs that may be applicable. Job Training Assistance The Minnesota Jobs Skills Partnership (MJSP) program provides grants of up to $400,000 to educational institutions that partner with businesses to develop new-job training or retraining for existing employees. Funds may be used for training related costs or education infrastructure improvements necessary to support businesses located or intending to locate in the region. A cash or in -kind contribution from the business must match program funds one-to-one. Metropolitan Council Sewer Access Charge (SAC) Credits The City of Prior Lake has SAC units available and will consider using these credits to offset the Metropolitan Council SAC fees. The actual SAC unit determination for the building will be made by the Metropolitan Council after blueprints for the building are submitted. Tax Abatement or Tax Increment Financing The City of Prior Lake may consider tax abatement or tax increment financing for qualified projects. Approval of abatement requests are evaluated on a case by case basis. Upon receiving a formal application for economic assistance, governing bodies of the city and/or county will evaluate the request and make decisions based on a variety of factors. Prior Lake staff cannot represent the outcome without going through the formal application process. We would be happy to work with businesses in this process. Minnesota Investment Fund The City of Prior Lake is willing to work with qualified industrial, manufacturing and technology -related industries to determine eligibility for the MN Department of Employment’s Minnesota Investment Fund Program. This program provides low interest financing for projects that add new workers and retain high quality jobs in the state. Applications for the program must be submitted through the City. MN Job Creation Fund Manufacturers, warehouse, distribution and some information technology operations, who plan to hire a minimum of ten new employees, and invest at least $500,000 in real property within one year, may be eligible for the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development’s Job Creation Fund. City staff is happy to work with businesses to review eligibility requirements for this program which provides rebates on eligible capital investment expenditures. Again, applications for the program must be submitted through the City. City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 19 Vierling Family Property - CR 42 Corridor City of Prior Lake, Minnesota CONTACT INFORMATION The success of any project is dependent on a relationship that establishes trust between all stakeholders. Your Prior Lake/ Scott County Team is ready to talk with you to discuss more about what we have to offer. Please feel free to contact us at the phone numbers or emails below. City of Prior Lake Casey McCabe Community Development Director Prior Lake City Hall 4646 Dakota St. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 cmccabe@cityofpriorlake.com Direct: 952.447.9815 Main: 952.447.9800 Scott County First Stop Shop Stacy Crakes Business Development Director Prior Lake City Hall 4646 Dakota St. SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 scrakes@scottfss.org 952-496-8613 Mission Statement: The mission of the City of Prior Lake is to enhance the quality of life for citizens by providing quality services which result in a safe and healthy community; recreation and leisure opportunities; preservation and effective use of lakes, parks and other natural resources, economic vitality; and the promotion of partnerships, volunteerism and civic pride. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: March 12, 2018 AGENDA #: 8B PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: 2040 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN UPDATE DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to review the proposed revisions to the com- mercial and industrial land identified in the 2040 Comprehensive Land Use Plan update. History The EDA held a joint meeting with the Planning Commission in June 2017 to dis- cuss the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update. During that meeting, the Planning Commission and EDA provided direction to staff related to designating lands for future commercial areas of the city. More recently the City Council conducted a retreat which featured the land use guide plan as one of the agenda topics. Current Circumstances City staff has incorporated the recommendations of the EDA, Planning Commis- sion and City Council and will have a short presentation at the March 12th meeting to highlight the major commercial areas in the 2040 Land Use Plan draft. Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to: ➢ Revised Transitional Town Center [Mixed Use] District ➢ Elimination of Planned Use designations along CH42 ➢ Business / Office Park designations along CH42 ➢ Need for commercial and industrial land Issues Staff will be seeking direction or concurrence from the EDA related to the proposed Land Use Plan revisions. The land use guide plan should be finalized by June 2018 in order that the remaining elements of the Comprehensive Plan Update may be finalized on time. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The comprehensive plan is a statutory mandate which cities are required to ac- complish every ten years. Aside from a modest Metropolitan Council grant, the entire cost of preparing and implementing the comprehensive plan is a city re- sponsibility. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and Second endorsing the the 2040 Land Use Plan as proposed or as amended. The plan would then be forwarded to the city council. 2. Take no action and direct the staff to provide additional information which the EDA requires to endorse this plan. 2 RECOMMENDED MOTION: ATTACHMENTS: Alternative No. 1. 1. Current City of Prior Lake Land Use Plan 2. Proposed City of Prior Lake Land Use Plan 132ST W M A I N A V S E G L E N D A L E A V S E BASSST SE D U L U T H A V S E B L U E B I R D T R L N E 154STW CREDIT RIVERRDSE BLIND LAKETRL SE P I K E L A K E T R L N E 1 4 0 S T N W G R I G G S S T S W 1 3 5S T W NORTO N D R N O R T H W O O D R D N W F O R E S T C I R S E L O R D S S T N E T I M O T H Y A V N E BIANCACIR SE P I K E L A K E R D HAMPTONST NE G R E E N O A K S T R L S E S H O R E C R E S T D R N W 185ST E B U C K L A K E C I R Q U E B E C A V S S H A D Y B E A C H T R L N E P R I V A T E 149 CIR M I S S I O N T R L S E C O V E A V S E C E D A R C I R S E M A R K L E Y L A K E D R G R O U S E CIR N W S T O R M S C I R S E 1 3 8 S T W F I S H P O I N T R D S E M A R K L E Y L A K E C T 150 ST W RAYMOND AV T A C O M A C I R S E L I L A C L N S E V E R G U S A V T E R R I C I R S E R E D W I N G D R 22 AV E I S L A N D V I E W R D N W CARRIAGEHILL CT 21 AV E WO O D S I D E R D S E WIL D SPATHN W C REDIT R IV ER RDSE CATESSTSE 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Plan Last Updated August 2016City of Prior Lake GIS This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a surveyand is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is acompilation of records, information and data from variouscity, county and state offices and other sources. This documentshould be used for reference only. No representation is madethat features presented accurately reflect true location. TheCity of Prior Lake, or any other entity from which data wasobtained, assumes no liability for any errors or omissions herein.If discrepancies are found, please contact the City of Prior Lake. 0.5 0 0.5 10.25 Miles \\plfile01\gis\Planning\Zoning\Zoning_workin g.mxd Residential Classifications R-RD Rural Dens ity R-LD Urban Low Density (0-4 U/AC) R-MD Urban Medium Density (4.1-7 U/A C) R-HD Urban High Dens ity (7.1-20 U/AC) Commercial Classifications C-NR Neighborhood Retail Shopping C-CC Community Retails S hopping C-TC Town Center T-T C Transitional Town Center C-HG Hospitatility General Business Office/Industrial Classifications C-BO B usiness Office Park P-US P lanned Use I-PI Planned Indus trial Public Classifications R-OS Recreation & Open S pace P-S P Public/Semi-Public Park Right-of-Way SMSC Map D o c u m e n t : \ \ M E T R O S O U T H 1 \ g i s \ P L A K \ T 4 2 1 1 2 8 2 3 \ E S R I \ P r o \ 1 1 2 8 2 3 _ S t o r y M a p \ 1 1 2 8 2 3 _ C o m p P l a n _ B o a r d s _ 2 . 0 . a p r x \ 1 1 2 8 2 3 _ F u t u r e _ L a n d _ U s e _ 1 1 x 1 7 L D a t e S a v e d : 9 / 5 / 2 0 1 7 3 : 2 4 P M 2040 Comprehensive Plan City of Prior Lake, MN September 2017 Future Land Use R e v e r e W a y 160th Street Southeast Highwa y 1 3 S o u t h 170thStreetSouthwe s t ConnellyParkway Highw a y 1 3 S o u t h E a gleCreekAvenueSouthe a st Mar s c h a l l R o a d S o u t h Mar s c h a l l R o a d S o u t h E a g l e C r e e k A v e n u e N o r t h e a s t T u r n e r D r i v e S o ut hwest B o o n e A v e n u e S o u t h M y s t i c L a k e D r i v e N o r t h w e s t Hig h w a y 1 3 S o u t h 158thStreetWest ValleyViewRoad CarriageHillsParkway Northeast Tex a s A v e n u e P i k e L a k e T r a i l N o r t h e a s t County Road 78 East 140thStreetNortheast C hestnutBoulevard M c K e n n a R o a d Tow n l i n e A v e n u e F r a n k l i n T r a i l S o u t h e a s t 150th Street West Fai r l a w n A v e n u e M a r s c h a l l R o a d 150thStreet Southeast Eagle Creek A venue F i s h Po i n t R o a d S o u t h e a s t S u n r a y B o u l e v a r d S o u t h w e s t F r e m o n t A v e n u e N o r t h w e s t Pan a m a A v e n u e N or t hwood R o a d N o r t h we s t Egan Drive Wood Duck Trail CountryTrailWest Old B r i c k Y a r d R o a d 154thSt reetNorthwest LangfordBoulevard L a n g f o r d A v e n u e M a r y s t o w n R o a d C o u n t y R o a d 1 8 150th Street West J o h n s o n M e m o r i a l D r i v e 130thStreetWest Mys t i c L a k e D r i v e S o u t h Bas e l i n e A v e n u e 170th Street East County Road 14 CountyRoad42East C o u n t y R o a d 2 1 C o u n t r y T r a i l East Zum b r o A v e n u e Cou n t y R o a d 7 9 170th Street West Ho w a r d L a ke R o a d N ort h w e s t 140thStreetNorthwest McColl Drive Legend 0 ¼ Miles Source: Scott County, City of Prior Lake, MnGeo !I City Limits Scott County Parcels Residential Rural Density Urban Low Density Urban Medium Density Urban High Density Commercial Retail/General Business Town Center Mixed Use District Office/Industrial Business Office Park Planned Industrial Public Lake Public/Semi-Public Park, Recreational, or Preserve Right-of-Way Recreation & Open Space SMSC UEXA 160th Street Southeast M a i n A v e n ue Sou t he a s t H i g h w a y 1 3 S o u t h D u l u t h A v e n u e S o u t h e a s t EagleCreekAvenueSoutheast AnnaTrailSoutheas t F r a n k l i n T r a i l S o u t h e a s tDakot a S t r e e t S o u t h e a s t Pleasant Street Southeast ColoradoStreetSoutheast 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: March 12, 2018 AGENDA #: 8C PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: JOINT EDA / CITY COUNCIL MEETING – DISCUSSION TOPICS DISCUSSION: Introduction The City Council has invited the EDA to participate in a joint work session on Mon- day, April 16, 2018. The purpose of this agenda item is to discuss agenda topics for the joint meeting between the EDA and City Council. History As one of their goals for 2018, the EDA elected to promote partnerships and col- laboration through annual meetings with many committees and groups, including the City Council. Current Circumstances A joint work session has been scheduled between the City Council and EDA on Monday, April 16, 2018 from 5:00 to 6:45 p.m. EDA members should identify po- tential discussion topics and direct staff to prepare a work session agenda. The EDA may wish to begin by reminding the city council about actions presently underway. Examples include: alternative uses or disposal of certain city proper- ties, working with PLate to facilitate their project, refinement of marketing materials with FSS, Technology Village refinement to county wide program, land use guide plan, the Hut, just to name a few. Additional discussion topics may include: an allocation of general fund reserves for economic development activities; establishment of a Prior Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau; City of Prior Lake development (or participation in the devel- opment of) a business/industrial park; opportunities to secure reliable funding sources for strategic property acquisition, beautification or other economic devel- opment initiatives; or other topics as identified by the EDA. Issues The EDA will meet once more prior to the joint work session; on April 9th. The commissioners may wish to have staff prepare a list of potential topics for that meeting at which time the list can be refined and the EDA can decide who will take the lead on each topic. FINANCIAL IMPACT: For the city to become what the City Council and EDA want it to be requires a plan and strategic investment of people’s efforts, time and money. These discussions help to define and refine the plan so everyone is acting in harmony with one an- other to maximize resources. 2 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Identify discussion topics and provide direction to staff to prepare a draft agenda for the joint City Council / EDA work session for final refinement at your next meeting. 2. Take no action now and delay discussion and finalization of the joint meeting agenda until the next EDA Meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative No. 1.