HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 12 2018 PC Meeting Minutes 1 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Monday, February 12, 2018 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Fleming called the Monday, February 12, 2018 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Bryan Fleming, Dave Tieman, William Kallberg, Jason Tschetter and Liaison Zach Braid. Also present were Community Development Director Casey McCabe, Planner Jeff Matzke and Community Development Service Assistant Sandra Woods. 2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION BY KALLBEG, SECONDED BY TSCHETTER TO APPROVE THE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA. VOTE: Ayes by Fleming, Tieman, Kallberg and Tschetter. Ringstad Absent. The Motion carried. 3. Approval of Monday, December 18, 2017 Meeting Minutes: MOTION BY TIEMAN, SECONDED BY KALLBERG TO APPROVE THE MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2017 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes by Fleming, Tieman, Kallberg and Tschetter. Ringstad Absent. The Motion carried. 4. Public Hearings: A. PDEV17-000010 - Haven Ridge South – Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Planned Unit Development – Winkler Land Co., LLC is proposing a preliminary plat and preliminary planned unit development consisting of 32 Lots and 2 Outlots (Haven Ridge South) within a R-1, Low Density Residential Use District, to construct 32 single family homes. The subject property is located north of County Highway 42, east of Crest Avenue NE and south of Grainwood Avenue NE. PID: 259240026 Planner Matzke introduced the request for the approval of a Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan known as Haven Ridge South, to be developed as a 32-Lot, low density residential subdivision. The subject site is located north of County Highway 42 and east of County Highway 18. He explained the history, current circumstances, issues, and recommended a motion. He presented a location map, development plans dated November 29, 2017, an applicant narrative, an Engineering/Public Work Department memorandum dated January 3, 2018 and a Community Development Department memorandum dated January 9, 2018. Commission Comments/Questions: Fleming questioned the side setbacks being similar or equal to Haven Ridge 1st Addition. Planner Matzke replied they are identical. Fleming asked for the status of the purchase agreement between Winkler and M & I Homes. Planner Matzke replied stating both parties are here tonight for questions, perhaps ask them during the public hearing. Tschetter questioned the less than residual requirements that come into a PUD; like sidewalk locations. Planner Matzke explained sidewalks are not typical in cul-de-sac and mentioned some sidewalk/trail requirements/requests. Tschetter asked if city requirements are being met, specifically regarding setbacks/other considerations. Monserud said yes; they are meeting the minimum right-of-way requirements for the local road. Tieman asked for details about tree replacement and wetland area. Planner Matzke explained the location of the trees, low point areas, drainage, retaining walls and wetland. He said this is typical of a development project of this scale. Kallberg questioned the Outlot B anticipated use; would it remain owned by developer or by a HOA. 2 Planner Matzke explained area Outlot B and the access point. He mentioned the developer’s future vision for this area is potential home sites. He said more would be determined in the future; however, at this point it is just designated as an Outlot. Kallberg said so there is efficient open space attributable to this development. Planner Matzke said yes, without that Outlot B area. Applicant Nick Pulta, Pioneer Engineering - 2422 Enterprise Drive, Mendota Heights. Fleming asked if he could address the status of the purchase agreement. Pulta explained the purchase agreement between the two parties; Barr Winkler and MI Homes. Fleming asked if it is signed and executed Pulta said yes. Tieman asked about the wetland area plan details. Pulta explained it would substantially be left in place. He commented on plan delay due to review by Scott County, location of trail, steep slope of the road, explained the history of the wetland, safety requirements and concerns, wetland slope, retaining wall, preserving buffers and re-landscaping. Fleming mentioned Prior Lake’s motto and commented on open spaces and trees. He encouraged staff and the developer to maximize the tree replacement plan. Pulta stated they would work with City Staff to maximize the landscape plan and tree replacement. MOTION BY TIEMAN, SECONDED BY TSCHETTER TO OPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON 4A AT 6:22 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Fleming, Tieman, Kallberg and Tschetter. Ringstad Absent. The Motion carried. Public Comment: None. MOTION BY TSCHETTER, SECONDED BY TIEMAN TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:23 P.M. ON ITEM 4A. VOTE: Ayes by Fleming, Tieman, Kallberg and Tschetter. Ringstad Absent. The Motion carried. Commissioners Comments: Kallberg questioned this agenda item being previously approved with Haven Ridge, change of ownership and requirements being the same as the first addition. Planner Matzke explained how this project stands alone from Haven Ridge; however, it was envisioned to be an addition to the PUD of Haven Ridge. He explained the phases this project needs to go through. Kallberg said he has no other issues with this plan. Tieman said he has no issues with this development. Tschetter asked staff and the development firm to consider the flow for pedestrians, transportation, follow through on the commitment around the regional trail connection and making sure we don’t have sidewalks to nowhere as well as trails that have missed connections. Fleming said he echoes comments previously offered by his fellow Commissioners particularly regarding tree replacement as well as the walkways. He stated the proposal does meet the nine-point threshold of 1106. He pointed out the four conditions and stated they are fairly easy to meet. He said he would be supporting this agenda item. MOTION BY TSCHETTER, SECONDED BY KALLBERG TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE COMBINED PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FOR HAVEN RIDGE SOUTH SUBJECT TO THE FOUR LISTED CONDITIONS. VOTE: Ayes by Fleming, Tieman, Kallberg and Tschetter. Ringstad Absent. The Motion carried. 5. Old Business: No Old Business. 6. New Business: 3 A. PDEV18-000002 - 154th Street & County Road 21 – Concept Plan – Hunter Homes, LLC is requesting an exemption from the 10-acre minimum requirement for a planned unit development (PUD). The subject property is located northwest of the intersection of 154th Street and County Road 21. PID: 259340020. Planner Matzke introduced the concept plan and authorization to accept and process an application for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and authorization to accept and process and application consisting of 24 Lots on a 7.0-acre parcel at the northwest corner of 154th Street (Hwy 82) and Hwy 21 and authorization presented by Hunter Homes, LLC on behalf of the property owner. He explained the history, current circumstances, issues, and recommended a motion. He presented a location map and a concept PUD Plan. Commissioners Comments: Fleming asked how the developer knew about Prior Lake and this particular development. Planner Matzke replied the property has been up for sale for some time. He explained the history of Hunter Homes and mentioned the meetings City Staff has had with Hunter Homes regarding this property. Fleming asked if the initial conversations compared to previous conversations with other developers were compelling in nature. Planner Matzke replied yes and explained how the connection was more appealing with Hunter Homes and how the developer understands the needs of the city with the connection on Majestic Lane. Fleming questioned the risk reward analyses; potential benefits received by the City versus modifications that might be requested and asked if that would happen during the review process. Planner Matzke replied yes. Tschetter asked about an HOA to the north. Planner Matzke replied he was unsure; however, more information will be forth coming at the public hearing. He explained the common area ownership needing to be maintained by one body; typically, some form of a HOA. He explained notice for public hearing to area homeowners. Tschetter commented on PUD requirements, joining of two streets, Majestic Lane NW cul-de-sac and asked how we address the pedestrian traffic. Planner Matzke replied this will be considered as the project is moved forward. Tieman question how many 10 acres or less undeveloped properties are still around. Planner Matzke stated there are not that many were left. He explained the location and grading to the terrain on the few sites that are remaining. Kallberg asked about if the exemption is not granted what are the potential uses of the property. Planner Matzke explained the options; townhome clustering with a CUP or a single-family detached home development. Kallberg asked if they can still develop this in a town home project basis without PUD. Planner Matzke said they can and explained how. He commented on the Majestic Lane connection and the project cost breakdown with grading and infrastructure. Applicant Kurt Manley, 755 Diffley Road, Eagan. He stated he was open for any questions. Tschetter asked about the alignment with the HOA’s in the area. Manley said they would work with all the HOA’s to get one common HOA. Fleming asked why they considered Prior Lake. Manley explained one of the owners of the property is a friend of his. Commissioners Comments: Tschetter stated this a great use of an awkward parcel and would like to see this move forward. Fleming said he would like to see this move forward; looks forward to seeing the plan and he has no qualms about authorizing Staff to receive the plan and begin work and maximizing. Tieman stated he would like to see this site develop and said it was a good plan to move forward. Kallberg commented on this property previous owner, Executive Ponds and the acreage. He said it is a reasonable use of this property and fits in. He said it provides access to the north and commented on roads, access and traffic. 4 Fleming stated the proposed criteria does meet the PUD requirements for the acreage requirements. MOTION BY TSCHETTER, SECONDED BY KALLBERG TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY STAFF TO ACCEPT AND PROCESS AN APPLCIAITON FOR A PRELIMINARY PUD PLAN FOR A PROJECT LESS THAN 10 ACRES. VOTE: Ayes by Fleming, Tieman, Kallberg and Tschetter. Ringstad Absent. The Motion carried. Announcements: Planner Matzke mentioned the upcoming meeting on the 26th of February which will have a public hearing and some work session items. He mentioned some subdivision plans that have been coming in for the upcoming construction season. Fleming asked about updates on the Comprehensive Plan and status on a field trip. Planner Matzke explained the updates from our consultants on the Comp Plan for Land Use Plan. He said Staff is currently reviewing this update and will be routing that to the Planning Commission and City Council for review and future approval. Kallberg mentioned a Drainage Session with the SMSC and questioned the RSVP. Planner Matzke explained who to RSVP to for this meeting on March 22, 2018. Kallberg verified that Ann Schroeder is who the RSVP should go to. Planner Matzke replied yes. 7. Adjournment: MOTION BY KALLBERG, SECONDED BY FLEMING TO ADJORN THE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2018 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AT 6:56 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Fleming, Tieman, Kallberg and Tschetter. Ringstad Absent. The Motion carried. Sandra Woods, Community Development Service Assistant