HomeMy WebLinkAbout5A 15420 Eagle Creek Ave NE Majestic Preplat PUD PC Report agenda Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: MAY 14, 2018 AGENDA #: 5A PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER PRESENTED BY: JEFF MATZKE AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER THE MAJESTIC PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PLAN DISCUSSION: Introduction Hunter Homes LLC, on behalf of the property owner, has applied for approval of a Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan to be known as Majestic to be developed as a 20-lot residential subdivision. The subject site is located north of County Highway 82, west of County Highway 21, and east of Majestic Lane. History The City has discussed multiple concepts with developers for a potential development of the site over the last several years with varying layouts of single family detached homes and/or attached townhomes. On February 12, 2018 the Planning Commission approved a resolution which allows the site to be proposed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 23, 2018. At the hearing nearby residents provided a number of comments (draft meeting minutes attached), including:  General support for the housing type and style.  Many concerns over the connection of the temporary Majestic cul-de- sacs into a thru street, including safety sight lines for driveways, slope of the connecting street, increased traffic and vehicular speeds.  Concerns with grading/drainage particularly around the connection of Majestic Lane as a thru street and how it may affect adjacent properties. After closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussed the preliminary plat and PUD application and decided to table further discussion of the item to the next scheduled meeting, directing the applicant and City Staff to provide more information regarding increased traffic and any recommendations related to traffic calming methods. The attached traffic memorandum details the increased traffic which may be borne by the street from the new development and the surrounding residential area. The estimated trips per day by connecting Majestic Lane (434 trips) is well below the design capacity of a local street. In addition, the applicant has provided a revised street plan indicating a narrow street section (28 feet from 32 feet previously proposed) to create a traffic calming effect on the sloping section of the street. No parking is also proposed along the sloped section of the street to ensure adequate sight distance for residents backing out of driveways. Current Circumstances The current proposal calls for a 20-lot single family subdivision and PUD on the site. The area encompasses land with wooded areas to the east, a wetland that runs from northeast to southwest, and an open field area in the west. The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total development site area consists of approximately 7.6 acres. Topography: This area has varying topography, with elevations ranging from the 920’ MSL along the southern property line near the City park land to 958’ MSL at the high point in the southeast corner of the property. Wetlands: A wetland runs from the northeast to the southwest through the center of the site. The developer proposes some impacts to this wetland which will be evaluated under the regulations of the Wetland Conservation Act. Access: The main access to the site is currently from a single driveway which is located in the right-turn lane at County Hwy 21. This access is proposed for removal (along with the existing home). 2030 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated for Low Density Residential uses on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Zoning: The site is presently zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. PROPOSED PLAN Lots: The development plan calls for 20 lots to be constructed of single family detached housing styles. The lot sizes range in size and width. Requested PUD modifications to the typical lot minimum sizes and widths are as follows: Min. Lot Area Min. Lot Width Single Family 6,256 sq. ft. proposed (12,000 sq. ft. required) 50 feet proposed (86 feet required) Density: Density of the development is based on the net area of the site, which is approximately 5.0 acres. There is a total of 20 units proposed, for an overall density of approximately 4.0 units per acre. This is consistent with the density in the R-1 district. Building Setbacks: The developer requests PUD modifications to the building setbacks as follows: Parks / Trails: No parkland is proposed with this site therefore a parkland dedication fee payment will be applicable to the project. The sidewalk extension along Majestic Lane will connect the 2 temporary cul-de-sac sidewalks. Tree Replacement: There are many significant trees on this site particularly in the east half of the site. Due to the need to install street and public utility connections throughout the ever-varying existing topography, it is difficult to preserve many tree areas with the exception on the site perimeter and around the wetland area. The developer has prepared a landscape plan which will incorporate over 225 inches of trees on the private lots and outlots. The amount of required tree replacement is 125 inches so the additional 100 inches of trees on the landscape plan can be incorporated into the PUD benefit. Access/Street: The developer proposes to connect the temporary cul-de-sacs on Majestic Lane north and west of the site. These cul-de-sacs were designed to be connected in the early 2000s when the two adjacent developments (Regal Crest and Executive Ponds) were completed. Specifically, at the time of the Executive Ponds development in 2004, the former property owner of the Majestic development site was not interested in allowing the connection of Majestic Lane across the site. Therefore, the City collected a cash escrow from the developer of the Executive Pond Plat ($36,856) to contribute to the future Majestic Street connection. This cash escrow would be paid to Hunter Homes LLC upon approval of the pending Majestic Final Plat. In addition, the existing driveway access for the single-family home on the site will be removed (along with the home). This access is a safety concern of the County Highway Dept. due to its location in the right-turn lane of Highway 21. The developer proposes a single cul-de-sac street which will meet City standards. Sanitary Sewer / Water Mains: Sanitary sewer and watermain service will be extended from the existing services in Majestic Lane. Shoreland District/Impervious Surface: The maximum impervious surface allowed in the Shoreland District is 30% of the lot area. The only area within the shoreland district (within 1000 feet of Prior Lake) is the area at the east end of the development. This area will meet the shoreland district impervious surface requirement. Grading / Storm water: The developer proposes to grade the entire property with the exception of the wetland and perimeter areas. A storm water pond will be constructed at the southwestern corner of the development to meet applicable storm water requirements of the site. Single Family Required (R-1 Zoning) Proposed Front 25’ 25’ Side 10’ 5’ Rear 25’ 25’ County Highway 35’ 35’ Fees and Assessments: This development will be subject to the standard development fees including park dedication and trunk street and utility service charges. Conclusion The developer and City Staff have met to discuss the many aspects of the site. The developer has also hosted a neighborhood meeting to present the development plan to nearby property owners. City Staff believes the developer is identifying PUD benefits within the site including the connection of Majestic Lane, removal of the existing driveway in the turn lane of Hwy 21, and installation of additional landscaping above the ordinance requirement. As noted in the attached staff memorandums, the developer must refine the plans to assure compliance with the Public Works Design Manual requirements and City Zoning Ordinance; however, City Staff has presented these comments to the developer and feel they will not drastically alter the design of the development plan or preliminary plat. Therefore, City Staff does advise the Planning Commission to consider recommending approval of the Majestic Preliminary Plat and PUD Plan with the following conditions:  The developer shall revise the plans according to the April 6, 2018 City Engineering & Public Works Dept. Memorandum  The developer shall revise the plans according to the April 16, 2018 City Community Development Dept. Memorandum  The developer shall revise the plans according to the April 13, 2018 County Highway Department Memorandum  The developer shall obtain a grading permit from the City Engineering Department prior to any grading or tree removal on the site.  The Developer shall obtain the required permits from other state or local agencies prior to applicable on the site ISSUES: PUD’s provide a flexible approach to development that allows creative, efficient and effective use of land, including the mixing of land uses. The proposed project includes critical street/access improvements. Despite smaller lots in this plan, the overall net housing density remains low (4.0 units per acre). The PUD must be reviewed based on the criteria found in Section 1106 of the Zoning Ordinance. The criteria which are applicable to the Majestic PUD are discussed below: (1) Provides a flexible approach to development which is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The proposed PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designations on the entire site. The PUD approach allows the location of the housing units in ways that preserve and enhance natural features of the site. (2) More creative, efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses. The proposed PUD plan clusters the residential areas, and provides over 27% of open space on the site. (3) Create a sense of place and provide more interaction among people; The PUD plan proposes a critical street connection of Majestic Lane for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The lot sizes proposed are similar to those of nearby existing housing lots. (4) Increase transportation options, such as walking, biking or bussing; The plan proposes a critical street and sidewalk connection for improved emergency access. (5) Provide opportunities for life cycle housing to all ages. This PUD does not provide a specific life cycle housing opportunity. (6) Provide more efficient and effective use of streets, utilities, and public facilities that support high quality land use development at a lesser cost. The connection of Majestic Lane will provide for improved access to nearby arterial streets (Hwy 82 and 21) and will eliminate a safety concern of the existing driveway in the right-turn lane of Highway 21. A looping of the existing public watermain is also proposed with the extension of Majestic Lane. (7) Enhanced incorporation of recreational, public and open space components in the development which may be made more useable and be more suitably located than would otherwise be provided under conventional development procedures. The PUD district also encourages the developer to convey property to the public, over and above required dedications, by allowing a portion of the density to be transferred to other parts of the site. The PUD incorporates installation of an additional 100 caliper inches of trees in the landscaping plan above the required tree replacement formula. This will provide additional screening and natural features to the site. (8) Preserves and enhances desirable site characteristics and open space, and protection of sensitive environmental features including, but not limited to, steep slopes, wetlands, and trees. Where applicable, the PUD should also encourage historic preservation, re-use and redevelopment of existing buildings. The plan includes the dedication of easements and public outlots around the wetland areas to protect these sensitive natural features. (9) High quality of design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. The proposed design is compatible with the surrounding low density residential land uses. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and a second to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan for Majestic subject to the listed conditions, or others that may be added or modified by the Planning Commission. 2. Motion and a second to recommend denial of the Preliminary Plat and Preliminary Planned Unit Development Plan for Majestic based upon findings of fact. 3. Motion and a second to table this item to a future Planning Commission meeting and provide the applicant with direction on the issues that have been discussed. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Alternative #1 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Revised Street Plan (Option B Site Exhibit) 3. Traffic Memorandum 4. Development Plans - March 21, 2018 5. Applicant Narrative – March 21, 2018 6. Engineering/Public Works Dept. Memorandum - April 6, 2018 7. Community & Economic Development Dept. Memorandum - April 16, 2018 8. County Highway Dept. Memorandum – April 13, 2018 154TH ST NW EA G L E C R E E K A V N E HIG H L A N D A V N W SKYL I N E A V N W JEFFERS PASS N W C A L M U T A V N E E A U C L A I R E T R L N E MARSH ST NW 154TH ST NEFO X T A I L T R L N W MA J E S T I C L N N W Upper Prior Lake Lower Prior Lake Scott County GIS Ü 15420 Eagle Creek Avenue NE - Majestic Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Location Map U P P E R P R IO R L A K E G D (9 0 4 ) S P R IN G L A K E G D (9 1 2 .8 ) LO WE R P R I O R L A K E G D (9 0 4 ) P IK E LA K E N E (8 2 0 .5 ) MY S T IC LA K E N E H A A S LA K E N E (9 0 7 .3 ) B L IN D LA K E R D (9 4 8 .7 ) A R T IC LA K E N E (9 0 6 .7 ) MA R K L E Y LA K E R D ( ) H O WA R D L A K E N E (9 5 7 .3 ) C R Y S T A L L A K E N E (9 4 3 .3 ) R IC E L A K E N E (9 4 5 ) C L E A R Y L A K E N E C A MP B E L L LA K E N E (N o t E s t a b .) Scott County GIS SUBJECTPROPERTY SUBJECTPROPERTY 00-ENG-117318-EXIB-SITE-OPTION B 1OPTION B SITE EXHIBIT I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c OFMAJESTIC PRIOR LAKE, MN HUNTER HOMES, LLC. 7034 167TH CROSSING NW 3-21-18 JMM JMM/JDM Name Reg. No.Date Revisions 1.Date Designed Drawn 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 03-21-2018 John M. Molinaro RAMSEY, MN 55303 CITY PROJECT #DEV18-000XXX 1 MAJESTIC - Traffic Memorandum Prior Lake, MN BACKGROUND Majestic is proposed as a residential development that will add 20 single family detached villas near the northwest quadrant of CSAH 21 & CSAH 82 in Prior Lake. The site would create a new intersection at Majestic Lane with a new local Street A. The site will also complete Majestic Lane, connecting the two existing Majestic Lane Cul-de-sacs. CSAH 82 is a 4 lane divided and considered an “B” Minor Arterial in the City Transportation Plan. CSAH 21 is a 4 lane divided and considered an “A” Minor Arterial in the City Transportation Plan. Majestic Lane is classified as a local road in the city transportation plan. The proposed development will connect the existing Majestic Lane Cul-de-sacs, connecting the Executive Ponds subdivision with the Regal Crest subdivision. ANALYSIS Traffic Forecast The Institute of Transportation Engineer’s Trip Generation Report, 6th Edition states that a single family home will generate 9.57 trips per day on average with 50% of the trips entering and 50% of the trips exiting the home, and that a residential townhouse will generate 5.86 trips per day on average with 50% of the trips entering and 50% of the trips exiting the home. The 20 new homes proposed on Street A in Majestic will generate approximately 192 trips per day. The 11 existing townhomes on Majestic Lane in Executive Ponds generate an estimated 65 trips per day. The 74 existing townhomes on Jeffers Pass NW from CSAH 21 to Fairway Heights Rd NW and Regal Pass in Regal Crest generate an estimated 434 trips per day. Road Capacity A local street such as Majestic Lane can physically accommodate several thousand vehicles per day, but this much traffic would impact the quality of life of the people living along the road. Transportation planners try to keep traffic volumes less than 1,000 vehicles per day on local streets in suburban subdivisions. Including the proposed Majestic Subdivision, it is estimated that Majestic lane and Jeffers Pass NW will not exceed 1000 trips per day in a full buildout scenario for the neighborhood. CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATIONS The Majestic development will have no significant impact on the adjacent roadway network. No mitigation measures are necessary to accommodate the traffic that will be generated by the Majestic development. 00-ENG-117318-SHEET-SITE 2.5PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 15OFMAJESTIC PRIOR LAKE, MN HUNTER HOMES, LLC. 7034 167TH CROSSING NW 3-21-18 JMM JMM/JDM Name Reg. No.Date Revisions 1.Date Designed Drawn 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 03-21-2018 John M. Molinaro RAMSEY, MN 55303 CITY PROJECT #DEV18-000XXX 00-ENG-117318-SHEET-EXCON 2.1EXISTING CONDITIONS c 15OFMAJESTIC PRIOR LAKE, MN HUNTER HOMES, LLC. 7034 167TH CROSSING NW 3-21-18 JMM JMM/JDM Name Reg. No.Date Revisions 1.Date Designed Drawn 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS RAMSEY, MN 55303 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota 42299 Peter J. Hawkinson 03-21-2018 CITY PROJECT #DEV18-000XXX 00-ENG-117318-SHEET-GRAD 3.1PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 15OFMAJESTIC PRIOR LAKE, MN HUNTER HOMES, LLC. 7034 167TH CROSSING NW 3-21-18 JMM JMM/JDM Name Reg. No.Date Revisions 1.Date Designed Drawn 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 03-21-2018 John M. Molinaro RAMSEY, MN 55303 CITY PROJECT #DEV18-000XXX 00-ENG-117318-SHEET-SSWR 5.1PRELIMINARY SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota c 15OFMAJESTIC PRIOR LAKE, MN HUNTER HOMES, LLC. 7034 167TH CROSSING NW 3-21-18 JMM JMM/JDM Name Reg. No.Date Revisions 1.Date Designed Drawn 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 45831 03-21-2018 John M. Molinaro RAMSEY, MN 55303 CITY PROJECT #DEV18-000XXX 00-PLAN-117318-SHEET-LAND L1LANDSCAPE PLAN c OFMAJESTIC PRIOR LAKE, MN HUNTER HOMES, LLC. 7034 167TH CROSSING NW 3-21-18Name Reg. No.Date Revisions 1.Date Designed Drawn 2018 Pioneer Engineering, P.A. Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS RAMSEY, MN 55303 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson CITY PROJECT #DEV18-000XXX TML TML 1 To: City of Prior Lake From: Kurt Manley Re: Majestic March 21, 2018 I am pleased to submit a preliminary plat for Majestic for review by the City of Prior Lake. The Property The property is located at the northwest corner of 154th Street and County Road 21. The gross area is 7 acres with about 1 acre of wetland. The property is surrounded by row townhomes to the north and west, County Road 21 to the East, and 154th Street to the south. The property is rolling with existing vegetation and two wetlands. There is currently a home on this property that directly accesses County Road 21. Zoning and Land Use The property is zoned R-1 and guided for low density residential (RLD) allowing for 0-4 units/acre. The neighborhood adjacent to the west and north is comprised of row townhomes. We are asking the City to allow us to complete this small remnant piece in keeping with the surrounding development but allowing us to build a detached product as opposed to an attached product. This request would remain in keeping with the intent of the comprehensive plan. PUD In order to build these single family homes, we would like to keep the zoning R-1 but ask for a PUD allowing smaller lots. We are requesting 50’ lot widths giving us 20 lots. This is about 3.3 units/acre in keeping with the comprehensive plan. As part of the PUD we will keep as many of the existing trees as we can along the east, north, and south and enhance that existing vegetation with new landscaping to ensure nice buffers along the perimeters. We will also be removing the existing driveway access on County 21. This development will finally provide the last piece of Majestic Lane that has been missing in order to provide more complete and desirable traffic circulation in this area. The Product This reduced lot width product is in high demand in the Twin Cities Metro and provides a type of life cycle housing that is attractive to multiple demographics. Rather than complete this area with townhomes similar to the adjacent neighborhoods, we are asking the City to allow us a PUD in order to build these high demand detached single family homes on 50’ wide lots. Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to working with the City of Prior Lake on what will be an attractive new addition to this area. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo Date: April 6, 2018 To: Community Development Department From: Nick Monserud, Assistant City Engineer Pete Young, Water Resources Engineer Subject: Majestic Preliminary Plat Plan Review (Project #DEV18-000002) The Public Works Department has reviewed the preliminary plat plans for the subject project with a plan date of 3/21/2018. Comments highlighted in bold text are of particular concern: General 1. The final plat plans should follow the requirements of the Public Works Design Manual (PWDM). 2. Permits from the Met Council, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Scott County, and Department of Health are needed. 3. City Project #DEV18-000002 should be shown on all plan sheets. 4. A digital copy of the plans in pdf format is required. 5. During construction it is expected that the residents at the end of the existing cul-de-sacs will be able to get to their driveways every evening at 7pm. Construction hours are 7am- 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am-5pm Saturday. Weekly updates and coordination with impacted home owners will need to take place during the connection of Majestic Lane. Plat 1. Please extend property lines for lots 5 & 9 in order to remove the portion of Outlot B between the lots. Provide D&U easements as necessary. 2. Please extend property lines for lots 1 & 6 in order to keep the proposed retaining walls on private property. 3. Provide a 50’ site triangle easement on lot 1 block 1. Nothing will be allowed to be planted other than grass in this easement. 4. Are Outlots A and B to be dedicated to the City or will they be maintained by an HOA? 5. Block 3 Lot 1 – please move the rear D&U easement past the swale shown on this property since it will take the drainage from lot 2 as well. Streets 1. A detail review will take place once final plat (plan and profile) has been submitted. Below are general comments regard the street plans/site plans that were submitted with the preliminary plat. 2. The angle of the connection of Street A to Majestic lane is concerning. Please show angles of this intersection for further review. 3. Please show horizontal curve data on sheet 6.5. 4. No Parking will likely be required on the new portion of Majestic Lane in order to allow for better visibility. 5. Plan sheet 4.3 shows plate 600 with a 30’ roadway while sheet 2.5 shows a 32’ roadway. Please revise plate 600 to show the required 32’ roadway. 6. Please show road and right-of-way widths for Majestic Lane on sheet 2.5 as well. 7. Please add a street light on the east property line of lot 5 block 2. Lighting in this development shall meet the City of Prior Lake street lighting policy. Street lights shall be the traditional style. Utilities 1. A detail review will take place once final plat (plan and profile) has been submitted. Below are general comments regarding the utility plans that were submitted with the preliminary plat. 2. Sheet 5.1 – Please add valves on the north and south legs of the new Tee for the proposed Street A water main. 3. Sheet 5.1 – Please move the valve at the new connection point on the north end of Majestic Lane to the connection point. 4. Sheet 5.1 – Please add a note to lower the existing sanitary sewer rim and new elevation. 5. Hydrant spacing shall meet the spacing requirements of the Public Works Design Manual. (450’) 6. The connection to EX MH-B shall be 90 degrees or greater. Acute angles for sanitary sewer connections are not allowed. 7. Please show watermain pipe material and pipe class on the plans. Grading Plan 1. Remove retaining walls from Outlot A. Retaining walls shall be on private property and privately maintained. Extend lot lines and move walls as necessary. 2. There are several instances of grading outside of right-of-way and off of your property. Please revise grades to remain on your property or within the right-of-way or get construction easements from the neighboring property owners to allow grading. 3. Please add retaining wall elevations. 4. Block 3 lots 1, 2, 8 and 9 appear to have slopes steeper than 4:1. Please revise accordingly. Storm Sewer 1. Provide storm sewer design calculations. 2. Provide pipe type and class to plans. 3. FES-111 riprap should extend to the filtration basin in order to prevent erosion and future maintenance issues. 4. The pipe between FES-280 and FES-281 should be sloped toward the filtration basin. 5. There are a number of pipes that have slopes less than the minimum slope of 0.50% allowed. Please revise accordingly. 6. Contours on the plan show that Wetland 1 has an elevation of 926+/-. It is concerning that the proposed outlet to Wetland 1 is shown at 923.95. Please add extra detail to show how this wetland will remain hydrated and not be fully drained with the lower outlet elevation. Stormwater Management 1. Access must be provided for all stormwater infrastructure. Extend basin access along south side of Block 2, Lots 1-5. 2. The MN Stormwater Manual recommends Mix C or Mix D for filtration basins to limit phosphorus release. Please use Mix C (with 8% fines), detailed here: https://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php?title=Design_criteria_for_bioretention 3. To promote infiltration, the underdrain should be perched above the bottom of the filtration basin. 4. Stormwater basin cross section should include filtration basin, not infiltration basin. 5. Include more detail for the draintile outlet of the filtration cell. 6. Verify that there is a 10’ aquatic bench below the NWL of the stormwater pond (show 1’ contours). 7. Detail Stormwater Management Calculations review will occur after updated plans are submitted. Wetlands 1. The wetland delineation was approved on 4/10/2014 and is valid for 5 years. A wetland replacement plan application is required for wetland impacts. Applicant must follow all Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) procedures and PWDM wetland requirements. 2. Provide MnRAM assessment when available and update Stormwater Management Calculations accordingly. 3. All wetland buffers within the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District must be at least 20’ wide (30’ average). A 20’ foundation setback and a 10’ no-grade zone are also required. Buffers may be located on private property as long as they are covered by a drainage and utility easement. The lot lines for Block 1, Lot 6 and Block 3, Lot 1 may be adjusted due to the retaining walls (see Grading, comment 1 above) and still meet wetland requirements. 4. Show locations of wetland buffer signs on the plans. Erosion and Sediment Control 1. Provide additional grading and erosion/sediment control details for the EOF at the low point of Street A. The EOF route will be very close to the stormwater basin access. Seeding plan (Sheet 3.2) calls for no planting on the basin access. 2. A SWPPP that meets the requirements of the NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit must be prepared for this project. SWPPP must be reviewed and approved by the City before a grading permit will be issued. SWPPP items noted on sheets 3.2 and 4.1. Detail SWPPP review will occur after updated plans are submitted. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo The Community & Economic Development Department has reviewed the Preliminary Plat and PUD plans for the subject project with a plan date of 3-21-2018 and we have the following comments. General 1. Development Fees – The following development fees are to be collected prior to recording of any approved 2018 final plat application: Park Dedication of unit(s) at $3,750 per unit, Trunk Water ($7,217/net acre), Trunk Sanitary Sewer ($4,046/net acre), Trunk Storm Sewer ($3,713/net acre), Street Oversize ($6,549/net acre), $9,000 Water Connection Fee, $9,000 Sewer Connection Fee, and a 4% administrative fee and 5% construction observation fee based on the total estimated construction costs (which include landscaping, streets, public trails, and public utilities). 2. PUD Benefits – City sees the street connection of Majestic Lane, removal of the private driveway from Hwy 21 access, and additional landscaping proposed above the required amount are as PUD benefits. 3. Warranty Deeds – Submit draft warranty deeds for future public ownership Outlots with Final Plat application. Preliminary Plat/Site Plan 4. Impervious Surface – Lots 1-5, Block 3 are located in the shoreland overlay district. These lots would be applicable to the 30% maximum impervious surface requirement. 5. Remove “20 foot setback – street side” from R-1 lot detail on Site Plan. Building setbacks indicated on plan are 25 feet from side street. 6. PUD Zoning Modifications – In addition to other proposed public improvement modifications, the developer requests modifications to the typical R-1 zoning requirements in the following areas: a. Lot size – Min. proposed – 6,256 sq. ft., avg. proposed 8,534 sq. ft. Min. required (R-1) – 12,000 sq. ft. b. Lot width - Min. proposed – 50 feet, avg. proposed – 53 ft. Min. required – 86 ft. c. Side Setback – Min proposed – 5 feet, Min. required – 10 feet d. Front Setback – Min. proposed 25 feet, Min. required – 25 feet e. Rear Setback – Min proposed 25 feet, Min. required – 25 feet Date: April 16, 2018 To: Kurt Manley, Hunter Homes From: Jeff Matzke, Planner Subject: Majestic Preliminary Plat and PUD City Project #DEV18-000002 7. Setback Table – Indicate setback table on plans with proposed yard encroachment details (The City has done this for other PUD developments such as Jeffers Pond and it allows for more efficient building permit review process. Please consider all encroachments including A/C units, cantilevers, roof overhangs, window wells, etc.) Grading Plan 8. Retaining walls – Walls exceeding 4 feet in height will require a building permit application. Tree Preservation/Landscape Plan 9. Tree placement – On landscape plan/details plan, indicate note that placement of all trees shall be a minimum of 10 feet from front property lines within front yards. 10. Tree replacement formula – Total tree replacement inches as proposed is 125 inches. The total proposed inches on the landscape plan is 225 inches (extra 100 inches of trees are part of the PUD benefits). 11. Final tree locations – Tree locations may be subject to change depending on field construction of public/private utilities and maintenance access locations for ponding and utilities. SCOTT COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION 600 COUNTRY TRAIL EAST · JORDAN, MN 55352-9339 (952) 496-8346 · Fax: (952) 496-8365 · www.scottcountymn.gov April 13, 2018 Jeff Matzke City of Prior Lake 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 RE: Majestic Preliminary Plat CH 21 and CH 82 Dear Jeff: We have reviewed the preliminary plat for Majestic and offer the following comments:  All access shall come from the local street/Majestic Lane. A requirement of the plat shall be no direct access is permitted to CH 21 or CH 82.  The plans do not show the existing driveway removal, including from CH 21. The plans shall be modified to reflect the driveway removal, driveway apron removal, mailbox removal, and fence relocation/gap closure along CH 21. The driveway removal shall require a County permit.  The minimum right-of-way along CH 21 shall be 75’ from centerline.  We shall require a minimum 15’ drainage and utility easement along CH 21 instead of the 10’ easement as shown.  No berming, ponding, landscaping, or signage shall be permitted in the County right of way.  Noise levels will increase over time as traffic levels increase on the County roadways. Noise attenuation for the new homes is the responsibility of the City and/or developer.  Any work within the County right-of-way shall require a County permit. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Craig Jenson Transportation Planner