HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 06 2018 Bus Tour2018 City Bus Tour 1. Franklin Trail: (Jason) This is part of the City’s 2018 Street Reconstruction Project. Includes full replacement of all utilities and street, adds sidewalk along west side, and reroutes sanitary forcemain to the north across 160th. 2. CR27: (Jason) This section of CR27 is in the County’s CIP to be expanded to four lanes from CR44 south to CR21 in the year 2021. 3. Annexation: (Casey) This is the location of the Whitney annexation request in Credit River Township. The City has since received an additional request from the property owner to the north. 4. Daycare: (Casey) Rainbow Daycare is currently in the process of site approvals for construction in this location. 5. Fire Station #1: (Jason) Parking lot replacement for Fire Station #1 scheduled to begin in a few weeks. 6. Fish Point Rd: (Jason) The section of Fish Point Road from CR21 south to Fawn Meadow is scheduled for full depth reclamation in 2019. 7. Adelmann: (Casey) Several new businesses have been recently constructed in this area including SDDI Signs and AK Pizza. There is also a current submittal for a new indoor self-storage facility on the corner of Adelmann and CR87. 8. Annexation: (Casey) The Meadows at Cleary Lake Plat (48 residential lots) is another recent annexation property. This property was previously in Spring Lake Township. Construction may begin this fall. 9. Fish Point Rd: (Jason) This area (Radanke property) is where the future extension of Fish Point Road will connect to Mushtown Road. The City has received some recent inquiries into development in this location. 10. Duluth/TH13: (Jason) This is the location of the proposed mini roundabout at Village Lake Drive/Duluth as well as the intersection improvements at Duluth/TH13. 11. TH13/CR12: (Jason) This is the location of the proposed new traffic signal in 2019 as part of the TH13 Reconstruction project. 12. Stemmer: (Jason) Stemmer Ridge Road was opened in October 2018, including new roundabout and access to Spring Lake Regional Park. 13. Water Plant: (Jason) Construction is well underway on the new joint Water Treatment Facility between the SMSC and the City. There will be watermain work along the south side of CR82 yet this year and a final connection to the City’s Well No. 6 in 2019 which is located within the Wilds neighborhood. 14. CSAH 42: (Jason) This section of CSAH 42, from CR17 to CR83, is scheduled to be widened to four lanes in 2020 by Scott County. Included in this project will be the extension of the City’s sanitary sewer and watermain to the O’Loughlin property located on the north side of CSAH 42. 15. Lake Ridge: (Jeff) 3 apartment buildings of 50 units each along McKenna Road west of the YMCA. All buildings are under construction. 16. Pike Lk Marsh: (Jeff) The Ron Clark project is now open (68-unit apartment building). The wear course on Pike Lake Trail will be paved once all the punch list items have been completed. 17. Rolling Oaks: (Jason) The Rolling Oaks Circle project is nearly complete. The final wear course will be paved later this month and then everything will be complete. 18. Trillium Cove: (Jeff) The first phase of Pulte’s development is open, and they have been approved for the second phase which will include the connection of Carriage Hills Parkway (Construction likely to begin this fall). 19. Haven Ridge: (Jeff) This is the new M/I Homes subdivision that includes trail and street connections to Savage (165 total residential lots) 20. Summit Pres.: (Jeff) This is the new Lennar development (189 residential lots) that includes a mixture of single family and townhome products. It also includes the City’s new booster station which will serve the entire northeast corner of CSAH 42 & CR18 and will go on line by mid- September. 21. Sand Point: (Pete) The pond project at Sand Point Beach was a joint project between the City and the Prior Lake/Spring Lake Watershed District. This project significantly enhanced the volume and treatment of storm water in the area prior to discharging into Prior Lake. 22. CSAH42/TH13: (Jason) Work is continuing on this major County project. Closure of the section of CSAH 42 between Rutgers and TH13 is anticipated after Labor Day. 23. TH13/Boudin: (Jason) The signal modifications to include dedicated left turn arrow as well as flashing yellow arrow will be complete on August 6th. 24. Fish Point Rd: (Jason) This section of Fish Point Road between TH13 and CR44 is scheduled for reconstruction in 2020 along with the adjacent side streets. 25. PLate: (Casey) The construction of this new restaurant is underway. Lower Prior Lake Mystic Lake Haas Lake Campbell Lake Upper Prior Lake Spring Lake Cleary Lake Rice Lake O'Dowd Lake Howard Lake CLEARY LAKE REGIONAL PARK DEERFIELD PARK JEFFERS POND PARK LAKEFRONT PARK PIKE LAKE PARK SPRING LAKE REGIONAL PARK THE PONDS PARK WHITETAIL ISLAND PARK 456712 456742 456783 456744 456727 456716 456718 456781 456742 456723 456787 456721 456717 456714 456778 456782 456721 BLIND L A KE TRL M AINAVDULUTHAVGLEN DALEAVCONNELLY PKWY PIKE LAKE TRLCROS S A NDRASTVIC T O R I A CURVEDOVECTBLUEBIRDTRLTURNERD RJEF FERSPAS S BOONE AVWILDERNES S TRL CREDIT RIVER RD CARRIA G E HI LL S PKWY SUMT ERA V NORTON D R GLYNWAT E R T R LNORTHWOODRDCONROY S T FISHPOINTR D LO R DS S T TIMOTHY AV150 ST D E E RFIE L D DRC E D A R WOODTRL GREENOAK S TR LQUEBECA V SHADYBEAC H TRL 170 STREDOAKSRDWILDSPATHCOACHMANLN M ARKL EYLA KEDRCALMUTAVM ANOR RD138 ST B ALSAM ST VERGUS AVS N ELL CTCANDYC O VETRLW IL DS LN REDWINGDR HORIZONDR ISLANDVIEWRDVILLAGE LA K E D R LILA C L NLYONSAV FIS HPO I NTRDWOO DSID E RD AQ UI LAAVTORONTOAVW OODDU C K TRLCATES ST ROBINRD PLEASANT ST CARRIAGE H ILL RD RIDGEMONT AVPARKVIE W D R WI L L O WWOO D S T SUNRAYBLVDFAIRLAWN SHORESTRLCAS EY PKWYWOODDUCKDR FOX TAIL TR L COUGAR PA T H FAWN CTBOBCAT TRL CO MMERC EAVAQUILAAVHEATH E R TO N R I DG ED R SPRU CETRLWOODR IDGEWAYITASCA AVMARSH STADELMANN STSTEMMERRIDGERDSYCAMORETRLPERSHINGST MOLINA ST WACIPI DR WEST AVAPPALOOSA TRL 136 S T SIOUX TRL H ILLSBOROAVDAKOTA ST S T A F FORDT R LMAPLETRLPOINTE PASSS U N S E TTRLPARKAV180 STFRANKLINTRL MAV ES TRL WIL DW O O D T R LWHITE DR RUSTIC RD M A R T IND A L E ST W H ISPE RING OAK S TR LCREEKSIDEC IR T R AILH E A D L NFREMONTAVWI L DSPKWYHURON STASPENAV WOODV I EWCTHAWKRID G E RD DAK O TATRL CHEST N U T LN 137 S T DUB L I N RD BROOKS CIR 180 ST S HO R E TR L DANPATCH DR 134 ST CARRIAGELNM U S H T O W N R DFOUNTAINHILLSDR RUTL E D G E ST WE STWOO DLAND TRL TRAILOFD REAMS ESTAT E AVASH C RO F TRD FIVEHAWKSAVWINDSOR LN BOUNTY S TC A R R I A GE HI L L R DB E A C H S T FLEMMING RDSHA N NONTRLWINDSO R AV CRESTAV154 ST LOIS AVLONEPINECTUTAHAVSHORELNC EDARWOOD ST LIM E R D170 ST FERNDALE AVZINRAN AVT U RNERDRSWWO O DHI LLDRBASSWOO D CIR C E N T E R R DORION RDSTPAULAVPIKE LAKE RDWOOD DUCK TRL DOMI N I O NA V BELMO N T AV LAK E S I DE AVENSIGN A V BLUFF H E I GHTS T RL SUEANN LN WHITEWOOD AVJORDAN AVROSEWOOD R D HIGH LAND AV W IL DSRI DGEWIL DS VIEW SOUTHSH O RE DRMYSTICLAKEBLVD F OXBERRYRD W O L F RID G EAV152 ST WILLOW B EAC H T R L T IN T A LNLA KEVIEWDRSUEL L N G R IG G S S T JOHNDEEREDRSPRIN G L A K E C IR 165 ST W I LDWOODDRCOLORADO ST FA IRHAV E NDRHOPE STEAGLEWOOD L NDAKOTAHPKWYELM AVPRAIRIEGRA S SDRLANGFORD AVBOUDIN STPEACEAV W A LTER ST VI RGI NIAAVFLAGAV147 TE RMUHLENHARDT RDWATE R SEDGETRLM A RCIALNH UMMINGBIRDTRL PARK RDERI EAV 133S T WILLOWLN180 ST 1 79 ST HORIZONTR L C REEKWOODR D C H ATEAUA V UTAHP L 29 AV TO DD RD174ST M CKAYCTVALLEY VIEW RD G R A I N W OODCIRBIRC H RD AN NA TRL A P EX W AY1 5 1 S TMCKENNA RDTIM B E R TRLWILDHORSEPASS 153 PL170 ST 1 39 ST OBRIEN C T WELCOMEAVARCTICCI R160 ST CLE A RYTRLLUEDKELNFLEMMING CIRFRANKLINCIR 165 ST 160 ST 167 ST PONDSPKWY169 STNATALIERDMANITOURD CLEARY PL FARICY LN WOZANIOCANKU B R EW ERDR174 ST LAKE V I E W D RWESTRIDGEDR HI LLSBOR O WAYPROMISE AV C O TTONWOODLN P R I ORWOOD STTHUNDERBIRDCIR BRE EZY POI NTRDJ EF F E R S PKWYMAPLETRLFISHERAVISL A N D V IE W C IRSUNSETAVLITTLECROW DR PEBBLE BROOK CTS U N R A Y CIRWESTSIDE DRKOPPKWYO AK RID GECIR-A13-A282 -A13 Scott County GIS City of Prior Lake Last Upda ted August 2018 City of Prior Lake GIS D epartment X:\Pub lic_Works\City C ou ncil Bus Tou r map 2018_8.5x11.m xd City Map Minnesota 2018 ² CITY BOUNDARY STATE HIGHWAY COUNTY ROAD/HIGHWAY PUBLIC STREET PRIVATE STREET 0 0.25 0.5 Miles City Bus Tour City Hall 1 24 2 3 456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1514 16 17 18 21 19 20 22 23 25