HomeMy WebLinkAbout10B - CR 21/Fish Point Rd
16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S,E.
Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714
NOVEMBER 21, 2005
At the October 3rd City Council Meeting staff was directed to evaluate potential
options for improving the safety of the CR 21/Fish Point Road and CR 21
/Adelmann Street intersections prior to the scheduled CR 21 Project in 2007.
In the spring of 2005 the Prior Lake City Council formally reviewed and
commented on the CR 21 corridor study. This study included installation of a
traffic signal and turn-lanes at Fish Point Road and turn-lanes and
reconfiguration of the intersection at Adelmann Street. Identified by the City
Council for consideration was advancement of a project to upgrade the CR
21/Fish Point Road intersection. A petition was received from the residents of
the Deerfield area in the Spring of 2005 requesting this project. City staff
revised the CIP to include a project in 2007 to upgrade the Fish Point Road
Scott County and the City are in the process of developing plans for the
improvement of the CR 21/Fish Point Road intersection. Based on available
funding and design schedules the improvements will not begin until June of
2007. These improvements include the signalization and addition of turn lanes
to the intersection. The current project includes the Franklin Trail and Fish
Point Road intersections. The Adelmann Street intersection and portion of
roadway east to Revere Way is currently being evaluated for federal funding
and inclusion in the 2007 project. The estimated cost for these improvements
is $3,010,000. The City's portion of the roadway costs is currently estimated to
be $400,000. The County has secured $1,820,000 in federal funds for 2007
which may reduce the City's estimated roadway costs.
Current Circumstances
The City Council has directed staff to consider options for interim safety
improvements. As a first step staff analyzed available accident data for the
intersection. When the frequency of accidents for a given intersection begins
to consistently exceed 1.6 accidents per 1,000,000 trips in a year for more
than 2 years the County will consider safety improvements. This equates to
approximately 6.5 accidents/year at the Fish Point Road and Adelmann Street
intersections based on current traffic volumes. In 2004 Fish Point Road and
Adelman Street intersections experienced 1.76 and 1.52 accidents per million
trips. However in preceding years these intersections have been consistently
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Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447,4245
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below the 1.6 level and both appear to be on pace for a rate of 0.75 for 2005.
An analysis of available crash data indicates that the majority of accidents at
Fish Point Road and Adelmann Street occur when westbound cars are waiting
to turn left or eastbound cars are turning right (and left at Adelmann Street)
and are rear-ended.
Based on the Council's direction Staff has contacted the County and evaluated
the following alternatives for expediting improvements to these intersections
for consideration by the Council :
1) Install 3-wav Stop at Fish Point Road
The County feels that a 3-way stop is not appropriate at this location.
This will decrease the level of service for CR 21 substantially and will
create additional safety concerns. Initially this could be dangerous as
drivers become used to the stop signs particularly those headed
westbound. If stop signs could be installed, the estimated total costs
(without and with flashers respectively) is $10,000 to $50,000. The
County has indicated that for a variety of reasons they would not
support stop signs even if flashers are included. This improvement
could be funded from contingency.
From a safety perspective this does not resolve the primary accident
concern at Adelmann Street.
2) Install Temporary Sianal at Fish Point Road
The County has indicated they would consider a temporary signal at
this location. This would need to be completed at the City's sole cost
for an estimated $175,000-$225,000. The earliest this could be
completed is the summer of 2006. The City currently has no funding for
this improvement in the CIP for 2006. This alternative would require the
City to divert funds from the CR 82 project which is scheduled to begin
in spring of 2006. Any changes to the CR 82 funding would delay that
project. Additionally because the balance of the intersection
improvements including turn lanes and medians would still need to be
made in 2007 the amount of the temporary signal that can be reused
would be limited.
From a safety perspective this does not resolve the primary accident
concern at this intersection or at Adelmann Street. Rear-end accidents
will still be a problem if a signal is installed without turn lanes.
3) Install Traffic Sianal & Turn-lanes
To complete this option the City would need to advance a substantial
portion of the 2007 CR 21 project currently being designed. The
estimated cost of this work is $1,500,000. The earliest this work could
begin is late summer of 2006 and would most likely not be complete
until summer of 2007. The design and ROW acquisition process could
delay this project even further. Because the 2007 project includes
$1,820,000 in Federal funding any portion of the project budget spent
in 2006 would be lost and not be reimbursed to the City through this
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funding as it needs to be encumbered starting in 2007. The City has
no funding source identified in 2006 for this project at this time. This
advancement would require the City to divert funds from the CR 82
project which is scheduled to begin in spring of 2006. Any changes to
the CR 82 funding would delay that project.
Current safety issues at the intersection would be adequately
addressed by this option.
4) Install Advisory Speed Limit SiQns
City staff discussed placement of advisory reduced speed limit signs.
Currently the speed limit is 50 mph however staff inquired regarding
whether advisory signs could be placed at 40 or 45 mph. This means
that while the enforceable speed limit remains at present levels (50
mph) lower limits are shown on the signs. This means that the police
department can only issue warnings unless the actual speed limits are
exceeded. The County feels this option creates several issues.
a) The speed is not enforceable under state law.
b) More dangerous conditions could develop as the speed range
on the road would increase. Additionally as some drivers
become aware that the advisory signs are not enforceable we
could have drivers operating under confusing conditions thereby
increasing the safety risk.
The cost of these signs would be less than $1000. Installation of these
signs can be funded from the Street Department budget. County staff
have indicated they would not support this option.
5) Reauest an Updated Speed Study
The City could request that MNDOT complete an updated speed study
in this area. We could provide them with additional accident and traffic
volume data in hopes that they will weigh that information with the
speed study. MNDOT utilizes the 85th percentile rule. This is the value
indicating the speed at which most (85%) drivers are traveling under.
Experience has shown that a posted speed limit near this value is the
maximum safe and reasonable speed. Because the road design has
not changed since the last speed study was done on CR 21 it is
unlikely that MNDOT will elect to complete a new study until the road is
reconstructed in 2007. Even if a speed study were completed, it is
conceivable that speed limits in the corridor particularly the 40 mph
zone west of Franklin could be increased due to new data. While the
cost is minimal for this option, it is not viable since MNDOT will not
perform the study until the road design is changed.
6) Increase Speed Limit Enforcement
City staff has discussed an approach for increased enforcement of the
roadway. The City would utilize our public works message board when
available to visually warn people that the 50 mph speed limit will be
strictly enforced. Additionally the City would increase speed limit
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enforcement of this segment of roadway by paying officers overtime to
facilitate saturation patrols on this segment of roadway.
The additional costs of enforcement are estimated to be a minimum of
$12,000/year. This amount is based on a minimum of one day per
week of saturation patrols and could increase if additional days are
added. The increased enforcement could be funded from contingency.
The actual impact on accident reduction is unknown since the major
cause of accidents is not speed related but rather driver inattention
resulting in rear-end accidents. However the increased enforcement
and warning signs should increase driver attention in the corridor which
should have an impact on accidents in the corridor.
The County staff has indicated they would not support alternatives 1 and 4
above. The City does not have a funding source to complete alternatives 2
and 3 above. Additionally advancing these options will only reduce the project
timeline by approximately 1 year under the best case scenario and increases
the City's overall project costs. The County has also indicated they may not
support options 2 and 3 if they impact the CR 82 construction schedule.
Alternative 5 could exacerbate the situation by increasing corridor speeds.
Based on available funding and the current project being developed by the City
and County for construction in 2007 City staff recommends alternative 6.
1. Adopt one of the options above supported by the County.
2. Adopt alternative 6, increased speed limit enforcement recognizing the
permanent improvement is programmed in the 2007 Capital
Improvement Program.
Alternative 6.
Reviewed by:
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