HomeMy WebLinkAbout91-10 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 91-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE 10 OF PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE. The Council does hereby ordain: Chapter 4 of Title 10 of Prior Lake City Code, Firearm Regulations, is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: CHAPTER 4 FIREARM REGULATIONS SECTION: 10-4-1: Regulations Adopted 10-4-2: Discharge of Firearms 10-4-3: Use of Firearms 10-4-4: Minors 10-4-5: Rifle Ranges 10-4-6: Hunting on Lakes 10-4-7: Penalty 10-4-1: REGULATIONS ADOPTED: The City of Prior Lake herewith adopts Minnesota Statutes, section 624.714 concerning carrying of weapons without a permit. The City further adopts Minnesota Statutes, section 97A, pertaining to game and fish in the City and Minnesota Statutes, section 97B, pertaining to hunting. 10-4-2: DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS: (A) Except as hereinafter provided in this Chapter, no person shall fire or discharge any gun, pistol or firearm of any description within the corporate limits of the Ci%y; provided, however, that nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prohibit the possession of a firearm within the home or the discharge of the same when done in lawful defense of personal property or family. (B) No person shall at any time handle or discharge a firearm in a careless, reckless or unlawful manner, or in any way create a nuisance or endanger the life, property or safety of any other person. 10-4-3: USE OF FIREARMS: (A) Hunting Game or Fowl: The owner, tenant or person having possession or control of land, or a member of the household of the same, or an authorized guest of said person who has written consent of said landowner or person having possession may upon such land discharge a shotgun in the hunting of game or fowl in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota, but in no event shall said person discharge a shotgun where the projectile or pellets will leave the premises upon which he is authorized to hunt onto some other premises. (B) Target Practice; Rifle and Shotgun: The owner, tenant or person having possession or control of land, or a member of the household of the same, or an authorized guest who has written consent of the landowner or possessor, tenant or person in control of the land may discharge a firearm for purposes of target practice either with a shotgun or a rifle but only after having obtained permission and a permit from the Chief of Police. Said permit shall be issued for a one year period of time and shall be revocable by the Chief of Police at any time for cause shown. The fee for obtaining said permit from the Chief of Police shall be determined annually by the City Council. (C) Platted Portions of City: The discharge of a firearm in any platted portion of the City shall be prohibited for purposes of hunting or target practice. 10-4-4: MINORS: (A) No minor under the age of fourteen (14) years shall handle or have in his possession or control, except while accompanied by an adult, either parent or guardian, any firearm, including an airgun or pistol of any kind, for hunting or target practice or any other purpose. (B) No person shall furnish a minor under the age of fourteen (14) years with a firearm, airgun, ammunition or explosive without the consent of the minor's parent or guardian or the Prior Lake Police Department. 10-4-5: RIFLE RANGES: The terms of this Chapter shall not prohibit the discharge or possession of firearms upon a firing range, either indoor or outdoor, provided that range is properly licensed or supervised. 10-4-6: HUNTING ON LAKES: It shall be unlawful for any person to hunt water fowl or possess or discharge a firearm on the lakes of Prior Lake or Pike Lake for any purpose. 10-4-7: PENALTY: Any person who violates provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed seven hundred dollars ($700.00) or imprisonment in the County jail not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both, for each offense. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this 16th day of September , 1991. ATTEST .' -- . Published in the Prior Lake American on the 23 rd day of September , 1991. Drafted By: Lommen, Nelson, Cole & Stageberg, P.A. 1800 IDS Center Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 sally/pl/ord91-10