HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 12, 2005 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake. MN 55372-1714 PARK ADVISORY C.O'MMI'TTEE MEE.TIING ................................................................................................................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I MO:~:~:;,;;;.~;:::::005 I i l ,..............................................................................................................................................., 1 . Call to Order 2. Approval of November meeting minutes 3. Parks, Athletics, and Recreation Facility Long Range Planning Task Force - 4. Update on PAC recommendations to City Council for: Watzls Docks, Wheel Fun, Skate Park - Angie 5. Go over fee schedules for 2006 (Pavilion & Parking increases) - Angie 6. Tobacco -Free Signs for Jeffers Pond (see attachment) 7. Fence at Woods in the Wilds Park - Mike/AI 8. DNR Access at Sand Point Beach - AI 9. Sand Point Beach Play Structure Update - AI 10. Spring Lake Park Update - AI 11. Warming House Opening - Angie 12. Future Meeting Date a. January 9th, 2006 Adjournment www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Parks Advisory t;ommIttee MInutes 11/14/05 6:02-8:30 p.m. Members Present: Pat McFadden, Dick Carlson, Todd Loose, Cari Grayson, Tim Libert, and Mike Feriancek Staff Present: Angela Barstad, Al Friedges Public Present: Joe Ziska (City Council), Mark Schroeder (PLAY), and Tim Connors Meetin2 called to order at 6:02 pm by An2ie Barstad Approval of the October 11, 2005 Meetin2 Minutes: Todd's name was mistyped as tom. Angie will correct the error. Motion by Todd Loose to approve the October 11,2005 Meeting Minutes. Second by Pat McFadden, approved ! Approval of November A2enda - Angie Barstad added the following to the agenda: 10te in PAC Chair, Play structure at Sandpoint Beach, Ponds Concession Construction Updatef Woods in the Wilds . ! Vote in PAC Chair and introduce new PAC members - Pat McFadden made a moti~m to vote in Mike Feriancek as the new PAC Chair. Second by Todd Loose, approved. b Tim Libert and Cari Grayson introduced themselves. Angie Barstad handed out the P A By- I Laws to all new members. . Parks, Athletics, and Recreation Facility Lon2 Ran2e Plannin2 Task Force - Ang' e Barstad stated there were no new updates since the last PAC meeting with the PAR Task Force as there next meeting will be held Thursday, November 1 ih. Angie Barstad handed out the age da for the next Task Force meeting and informed everyone in attendance at the PAC meeting that they are welcome to attend the Task Force meeting. I I I PAC Recommendations to Cit Council for Watzls Docks Wheel Fun Lakefront Skate Park - Angie Barstad presented the PAC with the City Council Agenda Report she cr ated for the November 21 S\ 2005 City Council Meeting. This report outlined the recommendatilons discussed at the October PAC meeting regarding Watzls Docks, Wheel Fun and Lakefil'ont Skate Park. Todd Loose motioned to approve the report. Second by Mike Feriancek, approvqt. I Fee Schedules for 2006 - Todd Loose recommended we increase the following fees: fakefront Pavilion Rental for Non-Residents from $75 per hour to $100, Park Permits for Non R sidents from $35 to $50, Boat Trailer Parking from $15 to $20. Angie Barstad recommended t at the minimum Lakefront Pavilion Rental time during the week should be increased from 1 . our to 2 hours. www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 Before the PAC will approve the recommended increases to the Lakefront Pavilion rentflls they wanted Angie Barstad to do a feasibility study with cities around Prior Lake to see how~much they charge for pavilion rentals. Angie Barstad will gather this information and bring it 0 the December PAC meeting. The PAC will vote on all increases at the December meeting. I I Play Structure at Sandpoint Beach - Community member, Tim Connors, explained t the PAC his issues with the new play structure being constructed at Sandpoint Beach. Tim onnors stated that he feels the play structure takes up too much "green space" at the beach, whi h causes Sandpoint Beach to lose its "flavor". Tim Connors feels the structure should never hav been put in that area. Since the structure is almost complete and already paid for, he doesn't feel 't should be taken out, rather we should allow for additional "green space" elsewhere at that loca ion. Tim Connors suggested we take out the Volleyball courts and put grass in that area. Al Friedges presented the PAC with drawings and an aerial view of the Sandpoint Bea h area, showing exactly how much space the new structure will occupy as well as photos of th structure under construction. Al Friedges explained that since Sandpoint Beach is a Community ark it attracts a larger volume and more diverse group of people then a neighborhood park. F r that reason we offer playground equipment at Sandpoint Beach. The existing playground e ipment was not ADA (American Disabilities Act) compliant. Al Friedges explained that all pIa structures must be updated per ADA requirements. This entails such items as: grade of and from the handicap parking area to the playground, wheel chair accessible ramp to the equip ent, etc. In order to comply with ADA standards the playground area has been enlarged slightly This play structure will be ADA compliant for young toddlers (ages 2 - 5) and older childre (ages 5 -12). The PAC believes this is a great improvement to the Sandpoint Beach playground area, with minimal encroachment to the beach. If Tim Connors would like to remove a Volleyball court the PAC would have to do an valuation on the use of that area and present the findings to the City Council before anything of t at nature could be considered. Tim Connors felt the PAC was "fluffing"/putting him off on this. Angie Barstad explained that the playground and volleyball area are highly used in the ummer by all families with children and that there would be a great number of people disappoi ted in the removal of the play structure or the Volleyball Courts. Tim Connors stated he is getting a petition together and will present his complaint to t e new City Council members. He also stated he plans to write an editorial on this issue in the ocal paper. Tim Connors then left the meeting with no resolution. Al Friedges explained to the PAC why the play structure could not be put at any other ea in Sandpoint Beach (i.e. more costly, too close to the busy parking lot, sewer drainage in he way, etc.). The PAC supports the Sandpoint Beach playground project. I I I Ponds Concession Construction Update - Al Friedges stated the block work is done ~d everything is still running on schedule for this project. I The Woods in the Wilds - Mike Feriancek stated he was concerned about how close e playground will be to the lake at this location and felt there should be a fence construe d between the lake and the playground area. Al Friedges recommended discussing this a the December PAC meeting so the PAC can come up with some criteria for putting fences around pond/park areas in the city for consistency. This item will be place on the December PAC agenda. Meeting adjourned, 8:30 pm [ 1 ark thletic & I Dome, YMCA, multi-pu pose concepts are pitched t PAR In the span of three meetings, the 25 members of the Prior Lake an Savage Park, Athletic & Recreation (PAR) Facilities Task Force have obtained vi I information about the needs of their community and some of the more intriguin concepts being proposed to address them. Four of those proposals were presented on Thursday, Dec. 1 at Oak idge Elementary School. Scott Sinjem and Alex Bunbury pitched competing plans fi r their multi-sport dome facilities, Yvonne Anderson detailed the YMCA's plans for th Shepherd's Path campus, and Scott Martini of the Prior Lake/Savage Area Hockey ssociation shared his group's vision for a multi-sport facility on the campus of the hig school. Here's an overview of the four presentations, each of which ended ith task force members querying the presenter about the finer points ofthe propo als.. Laker Dome Scott Sinjem and Mike Gresser, would like to build a 450-foot long by 250-foot wide multi-sport dome facility that Sinjem said would be the largest dom in Minnesota not named Metrodome. Going by the name of Laker Dome, it would be run like a for-prof- it business. In exchange for land to build on, Sinjem and Gresser w uld rely on private money to construct the $2.5 million facility and then allow the scho 1 district and com- munity organizations to rent the facility on an hourly basis, with th control of the building being turned over to the school district after 25 years. Sinj m said siting has been a big obstacle, with he and Gresser preferring the old high sch 01 football field site and the school board favoring one next to Hidden Oaks Middle School. The Laker Dome turf would host soccer, fast- and slow-pitch softball, and foo all...and it would generate $60,000 in property taxes annually, Sinjem said. Shepherd of the Lake Dome Proposal , Former professional soccer player Alex Bunbury said he and a groulp of five investors are moving ahead with plans to construct a multi-sport dome facilitr on the Shepherd's Path campus in Prior Lake. He said the facility he is proposing is similar to the Laker Dome concept. It would be open 12 months of the year, and he wothd run his special- ized training program through it in addition to renting out space to eommunity organi- zations. It too, would be run as a for-profit business, he stressed. "'I]here will be investors, and they will expect some return on their investments," he said, adding that he looks fOlward to sitting down with community organizations to map out usage of CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ark ecreation th/etic & the facility. He didn't rule out creating opportunities for basketball and even hockey within the facility. YMCA Proposal Yvonne Anderson, community development director for the YMCA, shared her orga- nization's concept plan for the Shepherd's Path campus. The proposed 48,000 square foot facility, with an estimated price tag of $9 million, wOuld house a natatorium, kids' adventure zone, health and wellness center and multi-purpose rooms, with the potential to add gymnasiwn space down the road. Anderson said the YMCA would commit $4 to $5 million up front and try to raise the rest through fundraising activi- ties. The YMCA already has a strong presence in Prior Lake, welcoming 3,500 kids annually into its Kici Yapi Day Camp environment which is staffed by 88 paid employees and 99 volunteers. PL/S Hockey Association Proposal Frustrated for years by the lack of ice space in their commWlities, Scott Martini and the Prior Lake/Savage Hockey Association did something about it earlier this year, forming a facilities committee to explore potential solutions not only for their needs, but for the the needs of other community athletic organizations. Their vision is a multi-sport facility similar to the Pagel Center in Minnetonka that they would like to build on the high school campus in Savage. The facility could be builtto house one or two sheets of ice which would become the home of future Laker hockey games. The training facility would accommodate youth and high school athletes while providing additional facilities for the high school's daily use. In addition to the rinks, their pro- posal calls for retractable bleachers, indoor running track. a 20,000-square-foot gym- nastics facility, a 7,OOO-square-foot speed/strength/agility/conditioning training facili- ty and a multi-purpose meeting room. The facility could be reconfigured for tennis, volleyball, long jump, pole vaulting, batting cages, pitching nets, lacrosse and floor hockey, Martini said. From a cost standpoint, a one-rink facility would run in the $5.5 million range, a two-rink facility in the $9 to $10 million range. Like the Laker Dome developers, the hockey association would pay for the construction of the building, rent space to the school district and community organizations, and turn it back over to the district after 25 years. Future meetings The task force will meet again Thursday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. at Oakridge. On the agen- da that night will be presentations by representatives of lifeTime Fitness and Dakotah! Sport & Fitness. Future meetings have been set for Jan. 5 and 19, same time and location. jCi;':~~~ " _:.:~:' t: 2005 OFFICIAL CITY FEE SCHEDULE City of Prior Lake (Effective January 3, 2005) PARK FACILITY RENTALS: Picnic ShelterlBand ShelVGazebo Rental (Community Parks) Resident . Non-Resident PriorLake Lions Club (Sand Point Beach Only) Lakefront Park Pavilion Rental: Resident (Mon-Fri, 1 hr. minJSat, Sun, City Holidays 4 hr. min) Non-Resident (Mon-Fri, I hr. minJSat, Sun, City Holidays 4 hr. min) School District #719 (Monday-Friday, 1 hr. min.) (Sat., Sun. &. City Holidays, 4 hr. min.) Youth Organizations, non-profit civic groups, churches &. government agency functions (Mon-Friday, I hr min) (Sat., Sun. &. City Holidays, 4 hr. min.) FIELD RESERVATIONS: Baseball Fields (Communitv Parks): Residents Non-residents P.L.A. Y. sponsored activities Prior Lalce Jays Prior Lake Mutkats IS.D. sponsored teams American Legion Softball Fields (Communtiv Parks): Residents Non-residents P.L.A. Y. sponsored activities Field PreDaration: Weekday field prep.jor P.L.A. Y. Soccer Fields: Residents Non-residents Prior Lake Soccer Club Football Fields: Residents Non-residents P.L.A. Y. sponsored activities FieldlRink Li2hts-Private GroUD (2 hr min): P.L.A.Y. sponsored activities Prior Lake Soccer Club Prior Lake Hockey Association Hockev Rinks: Prior Lalce Hockey Association SOFTBALL TOURNAMENTS: Fees for a two day weekend tournament (Four fields, morning prep both days &. periodic trash removal) P.L.A. Y. sponsored activities Additional Days P.L.A. Y. sponsored activities Field Lighting (Four fields) Additional field Preparation (2 hour minimum) PARK PERMITS Boat Trailer Parking (Sand Point Beach) Daily Admission (Sand Point Beach) Season Park Sticker (resident/non-resident) Park Program Surcharge (non-resident) Park Support Fee. (pre-200} development) Picnic Table Moves Beach Groups (over 25 people) SO.OO/day 100.00/day No Charge. SO.oolhour, 200.00 damage deposit 75.001hr, 200.00 damage deposit 25.00/hour SO.OO/hour 25.OOIhour 50.00/hour SO.OO/field iper day I oo.oo/field Iper day No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge 50.oo/fieldper day I OO.OO/field, per day No Charge 2S.00/field per preparation No r:harge 50.00/field per day loo.OO/field per day No Charge SO.oo/fiel~ per day I OO.oo/fiel~ per day NoiCharge 25.oo/hour per field/rink No!Charge No i Charge No i Charge regJnon-reg. hrs. 15.~/30.oo NOiCharge I I 400.00 I NO~Charge SO.oo/field per day No Charge 10 .oo/day 5(lOO/hour IS.oo/day ~.oo/day 25.00/35.00 5.00/person, per program 850.00 5.OOItable 2.00/person """------------ - . 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 Parks Advisory Committee Minutes 12/13/05 6:05-8:05 p.m. Members Present: Pat McFadden, Dick Carlson, Todd Loose, Cari Grayson, Tim Libert, and Mike Feriancek Staff Present: Angela Barstad, Al Friedges Meetine; called to order at 6:05 pm by Mike Feriancek Approval of the November 14, 2005 Meetine; Minutes: Todd Loose motioned to approve the November meeting minutes and second by Pat McFadden, approved Approval of December Ae;enda - Mike Feriancek added the following items: 2005 Goals Review, 2006 Goals. Todd Loose motioned to approve the December agenda, second by Pat McFadden,approved. Parks, Athletics, and Recreation Facility Lone; Rane;e Plannine; Task Force - Angie Barstad stated there were 4 presentations given at the 12/1/05 PAR meeting. Laker Dome presented by Scott Sinjem and Mike Gresser, Sheperd of the Lake Dome presented by Alex Bunbury, YMCA presented by Yvonne Anderson and PUS Hockey Association presented by Scott Martini. The task force will meet Thursday, 12/15/05, and will hear a presentation by a representative of Life Time Fitness and Dakotah Sport & Fitness; PAC Recommendations to City Council for Watzls Docks, Wheel Fun, Lakefront Skate Park - Angie Barstad updated the PAC on her council presentation, which occurred on 11/21/05. The City Council approve the PAC recommendations for Watzls Boat Slips (keep reservation system for 1 more year with more marketing/communication to community), Wheel Fun rentals at Lakefront Park (remove this venue from the park), Skatepark (will be open with limited concession available for sale). Fee Schedules for 2006 - Todd Loose recommended we increase the following fees: Lakefront Pavilion Rental for Non-Residents from $75 per hour to $100, Park Permits for Non Residents from $35 to $50, Boat Trailer Parking from $15 to $20. Angie Barstad recommended that the minimum Lakefront Pavilion Rental time during the week should be increased from 1 hour to 2 hours. Before the PAC would approve the recommended increases to the Lakefront Pavilion rentals they wanted Angie Barstad to do a feasibility study with cities around Prior Lake to see how much they charge for pavilion rentals. Angie Barstad did contact several cities south of the river and discovered our rates were a little higher then most cities for an equivalent facility. www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 The PAC decided to raise the Pavilion rental for Non-Residents to $85 to help cover increasing operating costs. The PAC did not want to raise the rate for residents. The PAC approved all other previously mentioned fee and time increases. Mike Feriancek motioned for the increases in fees and time and was second by Cari Grayson, approved. Tobacco-Free Si2BS - The PAC decided to leave the Tobacco-Free signage up to the school district and not put up any signs on the land that is off of school grounds. The Woods in the Wilds - Mike Feriancek stated he was concerned about how close the playground will be to the lake at this location and felt there should be a fence constructed between the lake and the playground area. Al Friedges recommended discussing this at the December PAC meeting so the PAC can come up with some criteria for putting fences around pond/park areas in the city for consistency. Al Friedges checked with League of Minnesota Cities regarding fencing criteria for parks with ponds by them. The League of Minnesota Cities has no set criteria. Most cities use common sense. If there is a danger, i.e. the drop off from the park is steep and runs directly into the pond then a fence may be a necessity. The League of Minnesota Cities believes that fencing, in most cases, draws more attention from kids then ifthere were no fence. PAC decided not to do a fence at this time. DNR Access at Sand Point Beach - Al Friedges is suggesting we keep the DNR access, which is adjacent to Sand Point Beach, open year round at Sand Point Beach and close the designated winter access that goes through the Sand Point Beach park area. This designated access that runs through the park is damaging the park such as, ruts, damage to turf and the signs that are posted in the winter to restrict vehicles so they don't run through the rest ofthe park, are being broken off, causing potential injury in the summer months to the park patrons, ifnot seen. Al Friedges would like to start this process offwith a neighborhood meeting, for the neighborhood's approval, in conjunction with the March PAC meeting at Lakefront Pavilion. The PAC agreed this would be a good course of action and will follow through in March on this topic. Play Structure at Sandpoint Beach -Tim Connors went to the City Council and voiced his issues with the Sand Point play structure. Al Friedges will present the maintenance/public works point of view at the 12/19/05 City Council meeting. Al will inform the City Council of why the play structure was constructed in that particular spot as well as why it can not work in other areas of the park. Al invited all PAC members to attend the 12/19/05 City Council meeting. Sprine Lake Park Update - Al Friedges stated that Scott County is currently in the process of creating a new master plan for Spring Lake Park. Brauer & Associates will lead the plan. Some of the input from residents that attended the meeting was: paved and natural trails throughout the park, campsites, and enhancing the natural resources within the park. The land that the City of Prior Lake purchased from the county in Spring Lake Park could potentially have joint uses. Al will continue to bring the PAC updates on the entire Spring Lake Park area. Warmine House Openine - Angie Barstad updated the PAC on the Warming House status. The Warming House will open on 12/26/05 through the week of Valentines Day in 2006. 2005 Goals Review - Mike Feriancek reviewed the 2005 goals, they were: 1. Capital improvement overview 2. Boat slips I I 3. JeffersPond 4. Park Comp Plan 5. Skatepark evaluation 6. Rental equipment update at Lakefront Park 7. Spring Lake Park update 8. Sand Point and Ponds evaluation 9. 2020 Vision Update 1 o. Youth Athletics partnership 2006 Goals - Mike Feriancek would like everyone involved with the PAC to come up with some goals for 2006 they would like to see the PAC achieve. (i.e. DNR access, Skatepark & boat slip evals, RestorationlFin program update, etc.) Mike Feriancek motioned to adjourn the meeting, Tim Libert second, approved. Meeting adjourned, 8:05 pm I I