HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 11 2019 EDA Agenda Packet FULL Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA Monday, February 11, 2019 – 4:00 p.m. Representatives of the Business Engagement Committee will be in attendance for this joint meeting of the EDA and BEC Reports included with this agenda can be found in the Document Center at www.cityofpriorlake.com; please follow this file path: City of Prior Lake/Economic Development Authority/2019/February 11, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. January 14, 2019 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. Development Update (1/31/2019) 5. REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 6. PRESENTATIONS A. None 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. None 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Construction Customer Attraction Assistance Contract B. Advisory Committee Appointments 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Joint EDA/BEC Discussion Topics a. Community / Business Construction Informational Mixer Events b. Downtown Redevelopment Opportunities and Commercial Project B. Downtown Development Proposal 10. OTHER BUSINESS A. Staff Updates B. Commissioner Comments a. MVSS Update 11. ADJOURNMENT: 6:00 p.m. Those items on the EDA Agenda which are considered routine and non-controversial are included as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless the President or an EDA member specifically requests that an item be on the Consent Agenda be removed and considered separately, Items on the Consent Agenda are considered under one motion, second and a roll call vote. Any item removed from the Consent Agenda shall be placed on the EDA agenda under “Removed Consent Agenda Items” Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes January 14, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER PRESIDENT CHROMY called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present were Chromy, Boucher-Hoese, Braid and Briggs. Sheehan-Kerber was absent. PAlso present were Executive Director Boyles, Community Development Director McCabe and Planner Schwabe. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY BOUCHER-HOESE, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. Ayes by Chromy, Briggs, Boucher-Hoese, and Braid. The motion carried 4-0. 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. December 10, 2018 MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY CHROMY TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 10, 2018 MEETING MINUTES. Ayes by Chromy, Boucher-Hoese, Braid and Briggs. The motion carried 4-0. 4. CONSENT AGENDA A. Development Update (12/31/2018) MCCABE provided an overview of the year end building permit totals including: 198 single-family permits issued, which is almost double than previous year; $0 in multi-family permit valuation in 2018 compared to over $34 million in 2017. McCabe stated that the total building permit revenue for 2018 is over $75 million, which is only $10 million less than 2017 total building permit revenue despite not having any multi-family permits. B. EDA Revenue & Expenditure Report (12/31/18) MCCABE shared details on the 2018 expenditures. BRAID explained that the Technology Village Board will be utilizing funding in 2019 for marketing of Technology Village space, promotion of program participants, promotion of educational events as well as promotion of the Fast Track Challenge program. CHROMY questioned conversations about the next step for Technology Village. BRAID stated that the group is working to formalize future plans. MCCABE explained that the City of Shakopee and other Scott County communities through SCALE are participating in a study that will evaluate potential innovation center locations in the county. Additional discussion followed. C. First Stop Shop 2018 Project Inquiries MCCABE provided an overview of the lead inquiries received by FSS in 2018. D. 2019 EDA Calendar Approval MCCABE stated that the Council adopts a calendar of meeting dates every year. He referenced the proposed calendar included in the meeting packet which reflects both regular meetings and joint meeting dates. BRAID suggested scheduling joint meetings in conjunction with construction update efforts. BRIGGS offered scheduling joint meetings specifically during the months of the construction. BOYLES suggested a standing agenda item for every meeting related to construction. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY BRAID TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. Ayes by Chromy, Boucher- Hoese, Braid and Briggs. The motion carried 4-0. 5. REMOVED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS None 2 6. PRESENTATIONS None 7. PUBLIC HEARING No Public Hearings 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Construction Customer Attraction Assistance MCCABE provided recap of December EDA meeting requesting the City Council transfer funds from the TH13/Duluth Ave project to construction customer attraction efforts. He stated that Public Works Director/City Engineer Wedel in- formed McCabe and Boyles during a recent meeting that the funding in question was specific to the TH13/Duluth Ave project. Therefore, the funds are not available for transfer. As a result, Staff is back before the EDA to discuss next steps. He shared that Staff held a meeting earlier this month with Rebecca Rausch with Neon Lizard Creative, and representatives from the Chamber, as well as the BEC regarding possible construction customer attraction opportunities. BOUCHER-HOESE stated that she met with the Chamber of Commerce regarding a retail subcommittee for construction customer attraction efforts. CHROMY shared that lots of ideas have been suggested to date; however, at this time, action items are necessary. BOUCHER-HOESE suggested utilizing a larger item for a drawing and/or a street dance style event at the completion of construction. BRAID suggested utilizing social media and print as part of the marketing efforts. Discussion ensued regarding purchasing limitations, partnerships and business match opportunities, MCCABE shared information about the Gifthorse app, which was created by a Technology Village member. BRIGGS and BRAID shared that they both had conversations recently with the app creator. The EDA had concerns that this type of application which focuses primarily on retail sales would only benefit some of the businesses in the downtown and South Lake Village areas. The EDA felt proposals of this nature in the future would best be heard by the committee/group tasked with coordinating events related to construction customer attraction efforts. CHROMY suggested focusing efforts on communication, rather than planning specific events. BRIGGS stated that the idea of bringing people downtown via events would be done in an effort to build on that small town feel and encourage return visits. CHROMY questioned if the EDA sets aside a specific amount of money, would that assist the committee that is meeting again on Friday in moving forward? MCCABE stated yes. The commitment of a specific amount would allow the committee to develop a proposal including, but not limited to: specific ideas/events, committee membership enhancement, and authorization to administer funding which would be brought back to the EDA for consideration in February. MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY BOUCHER-HOESE TO AUTHORIZE AN INITIAL ALLOCATION OF UP TO $50,000 FROM THE EDA RESERVE FUND FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: 1) IDENTIFY A COORDINA- TOR/PROJECT MANAGER, and 2) DEVELOP A PLAN, INCLUDING MARKETING, FOR CONSTRUCTION CUS- TOMER ATTRACTION ASSISTANCE IN 2019. Ayes by Chromy, Boucher-Hoese, Braid and Briggs. The motion carried 4-0. 3 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Election of Officers MCCABE requested nominations for President and Vice-President for 2019. He explained that all EDA Commis- sioners were eligible to become officers for 2019 and that the officers elected in 2018 are eligible for reappointment. The EDA discussed appointments and the consensus was a close alignment of the 2019 EDA Officers and the construction customer attraction committee, which Chromy and Boucher-Hoese are serving on, would be very ben- eficial. MOTION BY BRAID, SECONDED BY CHROMY TO NOMINATE DAVE CHROMY AS PRESIDENT, MARIE BOU- CHER-HOESE AS VICE-PRESIDENT, FRANK BOYLES/MICHAEL PLANTE (effective 2/7) AS SECRETARY, CATHY ERICKSON AS TREASURER AND CASEY MCCABE AS ASSISTANT TREASURER. Ayes by Chromy, Boucher-Hoese, Braid and Briggs. The motion carried 4-0. B. Advisory Committee Appointments MOTION BY CHROMY, SECONDED BY BRIGGS TO TABLE THIS ITEM TO THE NEXT MEETING. Ayes by Chromy, Boucher-Hoese, Braid and Briggs. The motion carried 4-0. 10. OTHER BUSINESS A. Staff Updates i. Xcel Energy Transformer MCCABE provided an update on the relocation of the transformer next to Fong’s/PLate to the south side of Pleasant Street. He explained the negotiations staff had with Xcel Energy for the cost of the work. The City will be sharing the costs of the relocation with Xcel Energy. The two prior EDA approvals authorizing funding for the electrical work are enough to cover the estimated relocation costs. BRAID expressed his gratitude for the work of the Mayor and Staff to resolve this issue. ii. Parking Wayfinding Directional Signs MCCABE shared that Staff has been working with Public Works to develop and install the wayfinding directional signs for downtown public parking lots. Discussion occurred related to the timing for placement of the signs do to possible removal of the signs later this spring because of road construction. Staff will move forward with the sign installation, so the signs are in place to direct customers and visitors to off -street municipal parking lots during construction activities of 2019. B. Commissioner Comments BRIGGS shared information related to the Minnesota Vintage Snowmobile Show (MVSS), currently held in Carver County at the Lake Waconia Regional Park and Events Center. Mr. Briggs noted the event is looking for a new location in 2020. Discussion ensued regarding potential partners and locations for this type of event and benefits to the community. SCHWABE shared information regarding the events’ current permit with Carver County Parks Department. The EDA directed staff to research the MVSS event and evaluate possible partnership opportunities with the SMSC to host this event in the future. Staff will provide additional information at the February EDA meeting. BRIGGS shared that he and BOYLES recently met with the Chamber of Commerce and the conversations on a partnership agreement for Lakefront Days have stopped. This event will be hosted solely by the Chamber of Com- merce going forward. 4 11. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY BRIGGS, SECONDED BY BRAID TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 5:59 p.m. Ayes by Chromy, Boucher-Hoese, Braid and Briggs. The motion carried 4-0. ___________________________ Frank Boyles, Executive Director 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 11, 2019 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: DEVELOPMENT UPDATE DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this consent agenda item is to review the residential and com- mercial development update as of January 31, 2019. History EDA Commissioners requested an update of residential and commercial activity at each meeting. Conclusion The attached memorandum provides a summary of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION ATTACHMENT: 1. Motion and a second, under the consent agenda, to accept the development update. 2. Remove this item from the consent agenda for additional discussion. Alternative No. 1. 1. Development Update Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com Memo Date: February 5, 2019 To: City of Prior Lake Economic Development Authority From: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director Subject: Residential & Commercial Activity Update Below is an update of residential and commercial development in the City of Prior Lake as of January 31, 2019. Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits Declared Value Number of Permits % Increase / (% Decrease) Declared Value % Increase / (% Decrease) Single Family Dwellings 7 $2,792,331.00 6 $4,016,000.00 16.67 (30.47) Townhouses (# units)0 $0.00 0 $0.00 n/a n/a Multiple Units 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 n/a n/a New Commercial Industrial & Commercial 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 n/a n/a Residential 21 $120,188.00 25 $482,500.00 (16.00)(75.09) Industrial & Commercial 2 $5,002,500.00 2 $742,000.00 0.00 574.19 ⧫Mechanical 41 $0.00 64 $0.00 (35.94)n/a ⧫⧫Mechanical (SF & TH)28 $0.00 24 $0.00 16.67 n/a TOTALS 99 $7,915,019.00 121 $5,240,500.00 (18.18)51.04 t Mechanical permits include but are not limited to furnaces, water heaters, softeners, and fireplaces. They are flat-rate permit fees. Increase / (Decrease)2019 Year to Date 2018 Year to Date New Residential Additions and Alterations tt Mechanical (SF & TH) permits include required plumbing, heating, sewer and water and fireplace permits for new single family residences They are flat-rate permit fees Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 11, 2019 AGENDA #: 8A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: Construction Customer Attraction Assistance Contract DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to request EDA approval of a Contract with Neon Lizard Creative to plan for and implement events which promote customer traffic in commercial areas affected by the 2019 road reconstruction projects. History The EDA has previously discussed opportunities to assist with customer attraction efforts in the downtown and South Lake Village area during 2019 construction activities. Road improvement projects will occur on Duluth, TH13 and County Road 21 in 2019. These roads are essential to our transportation future and community development but most certainly will cause short term access issues for area businesses. During their January 2019 meeting, the EDA approved a motion to authorize an initial allocation of up to $50,000 from the EDA reserve fund to identify a coordinator/project manager and develop a plan, including marketing, for construction customer attraction assistance in 2019. Current Circumstances EDA commissioners Chromy and Boucher-Hoese, three Chamber of Commerce representatives, city staff and Rebecca Rausch with Neon Lizard Creative have met twice to review planned activities and discuss additional events to attract customers to the downtown and South Lake Village areas in 2019. Neon Lizard Creative has submitted a proposal which provides coordination and promotion of a series of community events sponsored by the city, chamber, downtown businesses, business engagement committee, area vendors, etc., and will encourage consumers to continue to come downtown and to South Lake Village areas despite the construction activities. The attached proposal cost estimate of $58,330 exceeds the initial commitment of $50,000 by the EDA. Commissioners should review the proposed deliverables and decide whether they wish to increase the funding commitment or scale back the deliverables. If the EDA decides to scale back the deliverables they can either provide direction to staff related to which items should be eliminated or reduced, or request staff or a subcommittee identify the items to be removed or reduced. Each event requires planning, volunteers, management, collaboration and oversight to achieve the objective of attracting shoppers to the downtown and South Lake Village regardless of the improvement work. The city has insufficient staff either in Community Development or Recreation Departments to coordinate and promote these events. The requested action would allow the EDA to enter into a contract with Neon Lizard Creative to accomplish the tasks outlined in the contract; to formalize the amount of EDA reserve funds that will be allocated to this work; and to identify subcommittee members who will be responsible for the oversight and expenditure of funds associated with the contract. ISSUES: The scope of services and related fee in the attached proposal exceed the initial commitment of $50,000. In addition to the attached proposal, city staff is requesting $2,500 be allocated to the BEC to support a minimum of three resident and business construction communication events to be held prior to, during and near the end of major construction activities. The Chamber of Commerce has also identified a few activities they will be sponsoring to increase customer traffic, including a ‘passport’ which shoppers can have stamped at local businesses and then will be submitted for a change to win prizes. The Chamber may seek financial participation from the EDA for the passport program. The EDA should be aware that the Farmer’s Market has requested that, to encourage their for-profit event, the city underwrite all or a portion of their permit and reimbursement fee costs due to the city. The EDA and City Council members have discussed opportunities to encourage community events; however, the permit fees and city related costs were anticipated in the 2019 city budget and cannot simply be forgiven. Any reduction or elimination of these fees for the Farmer’s Market, and presumable other similar events which pay a fee, would need to come from somewhere. If the EDA is to cover these costs, then there may be a need for a proportional reduction in the $50,000 allocation for customer attraction efforts or an increase in the funding allocation. The EDA should discuss if it wishes to increase the initial allocation of funds or perhaps reduce the scope of services in the contract to keep the total cost below $50,000. As written the resolution would maintain the original $50,000 allocation. Clarification is also desired regarding the extent to which application and reimbursement fees for existing and new events are to be waived as part of this effort. City staff recommends the EDA appoint a subcommittee of volunteers to oversee the implementation of the contract and expenditure of funds. A group consisting of Dave Chromy, Marie Boucher-Hoese, Sandi Fleck, Kim Prchal, Keri Thayer, Amanda Schwabe and Casey McCabe have met with Neon Lizard Creative to discuss events and deliverables. This group included representatives of the EDA, Chamber of Commerce, City Staff and business owners in the downtown and South Lake Village areas. Staff recommend the EDA formally approve these members as an EDA subcommittee to oversee implementation of the contract and expenditure of funds. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The EDA Special Revenue Fund has a preliminary (not audited) fund balance of $514,486 as of January 31, 2019, expenditure of $50,000 would leave a balance of $464,486. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and second to approve a resolution approving a contract with Neon Lizard Creative, reaffirm or modify the $50,000 allocation and its use and appointing a subcommittee to oversee the contract and administer funding. 2. Motion and second to continue discussion at a future meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION: ATTACHMENT: Alternative #1 1. Standard Contract 2. Proposed Scope of Services and Cost Estimates 3. 2019 Anticipated Downtown, South Lake Village & Community Events . Name of Promotion PRINT DIGITAL PROMO EVENT VENDORS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS DESIGN / PRODUCTION (HOURS) Design Fee/ Org MATERIAL COST VENDOR FEE TOTALS Proposal Development 0 -$ -$ Theme/Logo/Brand 13 1,040.00$ 1,040.00$ Displays MUD MODULAR 3d displays This type of display takes up just a small square foot but has 360 impact. Perfect for high traffic areas, off to side, can set flyers from utility bills on top of. 6 identical displays. Cost is ESTIMATE. 12x40" Ccomes with brochure holder. +Magnetic graphic 10" circle $40each attach at top to add height or put on side. $12 to resurface. Reusable resource.6 480.00$ 2500 2,980.00$ Website Build landing page website where google calendar can live and folks can sign up for various city activities. Prominently link other entities and include if desired 12 960.00$ 960.00$ Puzzle Competition SM ads (3 Posts) 6 puzzle teams, adults & 6 kid teams. Puzzles run about $20, do a puzzle mat as prize which is $19, so about $150 adult and $150 kids + organization. IF SUCCESSFUL do twice, once at South Lake Village Area business, the other time at Fongs-quoting for 1x. 3 240.00$ $400 640.00$ Poster Spring 150 Q 6 480.00$ 450.00$ 930.00$ Poster Summer 150 Q 6 480.00$ 450.00$ 930.00$ Poster Fall 150 Q 6 480.00$ 450.00$ 930.00$ SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN (SPRING)9 POSTS PER SEASON-each unique 12 960.00$ -$ 960.00$ SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN (SUMMER)9 POSTS PER SEASON-each unique 12 960.00$ -$ 960.00$ SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN (FALL)9 POSTS PER SEASON-each unique 12 960.00$ -$ 960.00$ Utility Bill/ Calender Event Flyer 8x Print Sessions. 10k ea ($560)Plus Google Calender Updates Monthly utility flyer with calendar- printing extra for displays 32 2,560.00$ 4,480.00$ 7,040.00$ Slogan Feather Flags 3x Flags 2 160.00$ 450.00$ 610.00$ Chalk Art 2 day FESTIVAL Social Media campaign x 2 Post 3 weeks in advance repeatedly Chalkfest Shawn McCann Purchase chalk for family competition, (Park, Rec, Security Staff) Up to 4 artists. Will be for 2 days. All MN/WI artists 4 500.00$ 50.00$ 3,500.00$ 4,050.00$ Muralist for walls Will promo on SM, oversee Muralist Greg Preslicka Greg Preslika Asked for 2 murals 1- 10x20 one on wall by Bodies in Motion, the other across from Old Flower shop 10x10, will also put something up at Lunds. Will need installation as this will be on board. People will come watch.5 450.00$ 6,500.00$ 6,950.00$ Guerilla Marketing Swimtrunks Quilt Team Where to fly?4 320.00$ 500.00$ 820.00$ Guerilla Marketing Flowerpot Moveable- on pallet to move with forklift 4 320.00$ 800.00$ 500.00$ 1,620.00$ Guerilla Marketing Giant Sunglasses + Flip Flops Hand carry to move, secure to ground with chain.4 320.00$ 320.00$ Guerilla Marketing Sidewalk Notes Vinyl Stencil/Paint. Power wash off when done.4 320.00$ 400.00$ 720.00$ Red Hat Construction Worker SM Campain + Posting (3 Pieces of Art)Red Hat Challenge Communication w/Construction - People post pix of the red hat guy on FB with #plworthitredhat and be entered to win a prize at end of construction.3 240.00$ 240.00$ Social Media Services FB/Insta. Setup 4 320.00$ 320.00$ Social Media Management/Placement All events approx 6 hrs/month/$500 for all events 15-20 posts per month 48 3,840.00$ 3,840.00$ Couple's Night Out SM Ads (2 ads repeat)Couples Night (Flat fee entry $25) Restaurants (?)/ Magician ($300)/ Sketch Artist ($300)/ Musicians ($300) Restaurants donate tables/cloths/tableware Food purchased per reservation/person Serve buffet style. My team decorates 14 1,120.00$ 1,200.00$ 2,320.00$ Drone Video Progress 3 Part Drone footage of each phase which we can share, then edited into one video to promote at end.25 2,000.00$ 2,000.00$ Enter to Win (Approx. 250 entry sheets per store)- hand out on purchase- get prize donated or add $3k 4 320.00$ 400.00$ 720.00$ Coupon Flyer for PLAY Tournaments 500qx 4 tournaments PLAY to hand out 8 640.00$ 750.00$ 1,390.00$ Campaign For Ping Pong BlowOut SM Campaign (6 Posts)Guiness Book Attempt? Estimate for Official/(Park, Rec, Security Staff) It takes 13weeks turnaround to verify record was broken. OR you can have them be here for a hefty sum, which would draw regional tv attention.7 560.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,560.00$ 13weeks turnaround to verify record was broken SEE BELOW TO HAVE IT BE INSTANTLY OFFICIAL WITH OFFICAL TO OVERSEE $1600 to expedite w/o adjudicator Do ourselves just as fun PINGPONG CHALLENGE Instagram Pop Ups SM Campaign (4 posts)Instagram Pop-ups X 8 Assembly crew is included in costs-this is a instagram worthy backdrops that will "pop up" in various locations around the city for only 48 hours. Each one will be secured and safe by licensed construction person and promoted on Instagram and Facebook. We will do a "model search" of local girls to get the hype up and use them for the promo art. Although this does not appeal to the older crowd, it will appeal to teens with cash, parents and the young 20s set who seek this out all the time. Big bang for little investment.9 720.00$ 800.00$ 1,500.00$ 1,520.00$ no record attempt Oversized Games Day Campaign SM Campaign (5 Posts)6 Games + 6 Bounce Houses Use City Games/ (Park, Rec, Security Staff) Rent oversize games and blow ups, human whack a mole 12 960.00$ 3500 4,460.00$ Music on Main Festival Possibly print/ Flyers SM Campaign (6 Posts)Music festival with vendors Food trucks, local biz set up on street, band, staging, tent, other costs may be incurred 17 1,360.00$ 4,000.00$ 5,360.00$ -$ PhotoBoards Wooden "stick your head through boards"2 wood,paint,jigsaw-need vendor. Set up at Farmers market each week 3 240.00$ $400 300.00$ 940.00$ OTHER Vintage Camper for photoshoots Trying to get photographer to handle- gathers interest and folks wanting to see -$ Train Services SM Campaign (2 Posts)Jeff Nelson See if we can get St. Mikes to let people park there and train can constantly rotate picking people up who pay individually. PU on set Schedule.3 240.00$ -$ -$ 240.00$ Coffee "cart" at events Free, can just charge per Jeff Nelson PR/TV Instant Record Have Guiness Official here $12,000 304 24,550.00$ 6,800.00$ 28,480.00$ 58,330.00$ 63,150.00$ Still researching to see if my idea qualifies. DESIGN / COORDINATION MATERIALS VENDOR FEES As viable record to do. May have to switch ideas. Oversight and brokering Estimate We can ALWAYS just make it a fun thing, no record. 2019 Anticipated Downtown, South Lake Village Area & Community Events Date Event Sponsor Organization 4/27/2019 AprilFest St. Michael's 4/28/2019 AprilFest St. Michael's 5/1/2019 Ladies Night Out (construction hats)Chamber 5/3/2019 Softball & Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1200)PLAY 5/4/2019 Softball & Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1200)PLAY 5/4/2019 Spring-A-Ding City 5/4/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 5/5/2019 Softball & Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1200)PLAY 5/10/2019 Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 5/11/2019 Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 5/11/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 5/12/2019 Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 5/17/2019 Music in the Park City 5/17/2019 Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 5/18/2019 Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 5/18/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 5/19/2019 Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 5/25/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 5/31/2019 Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 800)PLAY 6/1/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 6/1/2019 Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 800)PLAY 6/2/2019 Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 800)PLAY 6/7/2019 Softball & Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 6/8/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 6/8/2019 Softball & Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 6/9/2019 Softball & Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 6/11/2019 Softball Under the Lights Night 6:00 & 8:00 p.m.PLAY 6/14/2019 Penny Carnival City 6/14/2019 Baseball at Ponds (approx 1000)PLAY 6/15/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 6/15/2019 Baseball at Ponds (approx 1000)PLAY 6/16/2019 Baseball at Ponds (approx 1000)PLAY 6/20/2019 Rib BBQ Lunds & Byerlys Lunds & Byerlys 6/20/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 6/21/2019 Softball & Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 6/22/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 6/22/2019 Softball & Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 6/23/2019 Softball & Baseball at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1000)PLAY 6/27/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 6/29/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 7/6/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 7/11/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 7/12/2019 Lakefront Music Fest Rotary 7/12/2019 PLABA - State Tournament (approx 1500)PLAY 7/13/2019 Lakefront Music Fest Rotary 7/13/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 7/13/2019 PLABA - State Tournament (approx 1500)PLAY 7/14/2019 PLABA - State Tournament (approx 1500)PLAY 7/18/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 7/19/2019 MBT State Tournament at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1500)PLAY 7/20/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 7/20/2019 MBT State Tournament at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1500)PLAY 7/21/2019 MBT State Tournament at Ponds and Ryan (approx 1500)PLAY 7/24/2019 Christmas in July Downtown Businesses 7/25/2019 Christmas in July Downtown Businesses 7/25/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 7/27/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 8/1/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 8/3/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 8/8/2019 Lakefront Days Chamber 8/8/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 8/9/2019 Lakefront Days Chamber 8/10/2019 Lakefront Days Chamber 8/10/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 8/15/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 8/16/2019 Music in the Park City 8/17/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 8/22/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 8/24/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 8/29/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 8/31/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 9/5/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 9/7/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 9/8/2019 Fire Department Annual Chicken BBQ Fire Department 9/12/2019 Ladies Night Out (Octoberfest)Chamber 9/12/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 9/14/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 9/19/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 9/20/2019 Soccer Tournament PLAY 9/21/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 9/21/2019 Soccer Tournament PLAY 9/22/2019 Soccer Tournament PLAY 9/26/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 9/28/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 10/3/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 10/5/2019 Fall Frenzy City 10/5/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 10/10/2019 Market/Car Show (Tractor Supply)Smoke Signals 10/12/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 10/19/2019 Prior Lake Farmer's Market City/Private 10/31/2019 Candy Crawl City 12/6/2019 DecemBRRR Dazzle Chamber RESOLUTION 19-01 EDA A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT WITH NEON LIZARD CREATIVE, REAFFIRMING OR MODIFYING THE INITIAL MONITARY ALLOCATION FOR THIS PURPOSE AND APPOINTING A SUBCOMMITTEE TO OVERSEE THE CONTRACT AND ADMINISTER FUNDING Motion By: Second By: WHEREAS, WHEREAS, The City of Prior Lake is fortunate to have an active and entrepreneurial entity, known as the Economic Development Authority (EDA), focused on creating a desirable environment to attract and grow businesses which will expand and diversify the city’s tax base and employment opportunities; and The business of the EDA includes but is not limited to promoting growth, development and redevelopment of retail, commercial and industrial properties in Prior Lake; and WHEREAS, WHEREAS, The Prior Lake City Council adopted the Prior Lake Economic Development Authority Business Plan on May 21, 2018; and One of the five key initiatives identified in the EDA Business Plan states, “Commercial Activity During Construction. Prior Lake will see some significant road improvement projects in 2018 and 2019 along key transportation networks. The EDA will work with commercial businesses and stakeholders in these areas, as well as the Chamber of Commerce, Business Engagement Committee and other groups to maintain and encourage the economic vitality of our businesses before, during and after these construction projects.” and WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, The EDA wishes to enter into a contract with Rebecca Rausch, DBA Neon Lizard Creative to implement events which promote customer traffic in commercial areas affected by the 2019 road reconstruction projects; and The EDA finds competitive Quotes or Request for Proposal process is unnecessary due to continuity, cost, quality and time efficiencies; and The EDA wishes to establish a subcommittee, consisting of Dave Chromy, Marie Boucher-Hoese, Sandi Fleck, Kim Prchal, Keri Thayer, Amanda Schwabe and Casey McCabe to oversee implementation of the Contract and expenditure of funds; and The EDA wishes to provide funding to the Business Engagement Committee to support a minimum of three resident and business construction communication events to be held prior to, during and near the end of major construction activities. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein. 2. The EDA hereby allocates up to $50,000 from the EDA Special Revenue Fund to implement events which promote customer traffic in commercial areas affected by the 2019 road reconstruction projects, including an allocation of $2,500 to the Business Engagement Committee to support construction communication events. 3. The EDA Executive Director is authorized to enter into a contract with Rebecca Rausch, DBA Neon Lizard Creative in an amount not to exceed $47,500 to implement events which promote customer traffic in commercial areas affected by the 2019 road reconstruction projects. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2019. VOTE Chromy Braid Sheehan- Kerber Briggs Boucher- Hoese Aye ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Nay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Absent ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Abstain ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ______________________________ Michael Plante, Executive Director 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 11, 2019 AGENDA #: 8B PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to: 1) appoint an EDA member to serve on the Technology Village Board of Directors for 2019; 2) appoint two EDA liaisons to the Business Engagement Committee (BEC) for 2019; and 3) approve an amendment to the EDA Bylaws to allow for the appointment of two BEC liaisons as directed by the City Council at its January 22,2019 meeting. History In 2018, the EDA appointments were Zach Braid to the Technology Village Board of Directors and Kirt Briggs as the EDA liaison to the BEC. Current Circumstances The duties and responsibilities of the Technology Village Board of Directors in- clude: ➢ Plan and formulate policy to guide the programming and direction of the Tech- nology Village program. ➢ Assist in screening prospective incubator clients. ➢ Ensure the overall financial viability of the program. ➢ Serve as a liaison between city government and the community. ➢ In conjunction with EDA members or city staff, introduce potential or new busi- ness representatives to others in the commercial community. The duties and responsibilities of the BEC include: ➢ Serve as a liaison between city government and the community through inter- action with business leaders and community residents. ➢ As requested, review and comment on economic development and redevel- opment policies to the EDA or city staff. ➢ Make recommendations to the EDA or city staff regarding economic develop- ment issues, strategy development and implementation and other initiatives that can be undertaken by the EDA to expand and strengthen business reten- tion & expansion. ➢ In conjunction with the EDA members or staff, introduce potential or new busi- ness representatives to others in the community. Conclusion The EDA briefly discussed the advisory committee appointments during the Jan- uary 14th meeting. Discussion included the potential reappointment of Braid to the Technology Village Board of Directors and potential appointment of both Chromy and Boucher-Hoese as liaisons to the BEC as their business interests in South 2 Lake Village and Downtown areas as well as involvement in customer attraction efforts to these areas in 2019 would be beneficial. The EDA tabled the item to allow for staff to research the potential appointment of two members as BEC liai- sons and to allow for a full EDA membership to vote on the nominations. On January 22, 2019, the Prior Lake City Council approved a motion authorizing the EDA to amend bylaws to allow for the appointment of two Business Engage- ment Committee liaisons. Article 5.5 of the EDA Bylaws states, “BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE LIAISONS. The EDA shall elect a Business Engagement Committee (“BEC”) liai- son at the first meeting of the year. Any of the five (5) commissioners may serve as the BEC liaison.” To allow for two BEC liaisons, the following Bylaw amendments have bene pro- posed, “BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE LIAISONS. The EDA shall elect up to two (2) Business Engagement Committee (“BEC”) liaisons at the first meeting of the year. Any of the five (5) commissioners may serve as a BEC liai- son.” EDA appointees should be available to attend the subcommittee meetings on a regular basis. All EDA Commissioners are eligible for appointment to the Tech- nology Village Board of Directors and the BEC. These EDA subcommittee posi- tions are appointed annually. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Appointment of an additional liaison to the BEC will have an impact on the EDA budget. Commissioners receive a per diem for attending regular or special meet- ings of the EDA. The commissioners may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in doing official business of the EDA. All money paid for compensation or reimbursement must be paid out of the EDA’s budget; (MN Stat. 469.095, Subd. 4). An additional commissioner attending BEC meetings will require additional funding. The BEC generally holds ten meetings per year. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and second to appoint a member of the EDA to serve on the Technol- ogy Village Board of Directors for 2019 and appoint two members of the EDA to serve as the EDA liaison to the Business Engagement Committee for 2019. 2. Motion and second approve the proposed amendment to Article 5.5 of the EDA Bylaws to allow for the appointment of two BEC liaisons. 3. Table the appointments. RECOMMENDED MOTION: 1. Alternatives No. 1 and 2. 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 11, 2019 AGENDA #: 9A PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: JOINT EDA/BEC DISCUSSION TOPICS DISCUSSION: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to allow for a discussion between the Business Engagement Committee (BEC) and the EDA related to, 1) construction informa- tional mixer events for residents and business owners; 2) downtown redevelop- ment opportunities and a commercial project update; and 3) any other projects or topics of interest to the committees. History One of the EDA’s goals for 2019 is to increase engagement with other committees, including the BEC, to promote partnerships and collaboration. This is the first joint meeting between the EDA and BEC in 2019. Current Circumstance During their last meeting, the BEC identified a date in April for the first construction informational event of 2019. The BEC felt this initial event should be held in the South Lake Village area because of the initial work being completed along Duluth Avenue near Hwy 13 and Park Nicollet Drive this spring. Following the BEC meet- ing, staff was informed that Bolton & Menk was also planning an informational meeting on April 4th. Instead of hosting two separate events, staff is proposing the BEC collaborate with Bolton & Menk for their March meeting. Conclusion The EDA and BEC may want to consider holding multiple joint meetings between the two committees in 2019 to discuss efforts to encourage customer traffic in the downtown and South Lake Village areas during the peak of 2019 road construction activities. However, between conducting joint meetings and devoting free time to oversee the many special events, the latter would appear to be the most prudent course of action. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Earlier in the EDA agenda (8A) the EDA considered entering into a contract with Neon Lizard Creative. As part of the total EDA funding resolution, a total of $2,500 was identified for BEC sponsored community informational events; including the first event which is tentatively scheduled for April 4th; EDA and BEC members should confirm that meeting date works and potential locations. ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDED MOTION: 1. Motion and second to provide direction to staff and/or BEC as appropriate re- lated to the planned construction informational mixer events in 2019. 2. Continue discussion at a future meeting. Alternative No. 1 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: February 11, 2019 AGENDA #: 9B PREPARED BY: Casey McCabe, Community Development Director AGENDA ITEM: DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL DISCUSSION: ISSUES: Introduction The purpose of this agenda item is to discuss a potential request for assistance with costs related to a new business development being proposed near the West Avenue / CH21 intersection. The interested property developers will be in attend- ance. Current Circumstance Over the past year, city staff has met multiple times with a team of residents who are interested in starting a brewery, to be known as Mana Brewing. This group has considered multiple sites over the past months and have now identified a va- cant site on the edge of downtown Prior Lake at the southwest corner of the West Avenue / Eagle Creek Avenue intersection. The development team has represented they have financing to construct a new +/- 7,500 square foot facility; however, the land acquisition costs are higher than they were anticipating. Through discussions between staff and the development team, it was suggested the City or EDA could consider purchasing a portion of the vacant property not needed for the development site. The city may be able to utilize a portion of this vacant property for stormwater collection, potentially providing additional parking to support the Grainwood Park and fishing pier or as a location to place a trailhead building in cooperation with Scott County or the Three Rivers Park District. Conclusion The development team would appreciate an opportunity to present their concept to the EDA and discuss whether any opportunities are available for EDA or City assistance to get this project started in the spring of 2019. If the EDA feels it is appropriate, funds from the EDA Special Revenue Fund may be used to assist with this development. These funds are available for use by the EDA to accomplish certain economic development initiatives, including: economic development and redevelopment loans and incentives; efforts to facilitate com- mercial development and redevelopment; and enhancing the character of com- mercial areas. When considering potential assistance for this project, city staff wants to ensure the EDA is aware the proposed property is not a platted lot; however, it is a lot of record and it is possible the developers may be able to build this project without 2 the city requiring this property to be platted. If the property is platted, development trunk fees in the approximate amount of $35,000-$40,000 would be required as part of the subdivision process. If this property is considered a lot of record and no lot line adjustments are needed, then the developers would not be required to make this payment as part of a subdivision process. EDA members have previ- ously commented that potential savings of development fees on certain infill lots should be factored in if the EDA is considering project assistance. If the EDA is open to consider assistance for this project, they will provide direction to staff who will work with the developer on a proposed agreement. Any proposed agreement would be brought back to the EDA for official action during an upcom- ing meeting. If the EDA has conditions that the staff should consider with respect to this transaction it would be helpful to share them with the staff at this point. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Potential costs related to financial assistance will impact the EDA Special Reve- nue Fund balance. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and second to provide direction to staff related to potential financial assistance from the EDA or potential interest in acquiring a portion of the va- cant property. 2. Provide direction to staff and continue discussion at a future meeting. RECOMMENDED MOTION: ATTACHMENT: As determined by the EDA 1. General Location Map General Location Map