HomeMy WebLinkAbout011706 Cap Impr Program16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-1714 CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA JANUARY 17, 2006 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIAL TOPICS I. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Introduction A. What is the CIP? B. CIP vs. Operating Budget II. Capital Park Fund A. What is the Capital Park Fund? How is it funded and what can it be used for? B. Capital Park Fund Priorities i. Park Land - Undeveloped ii. Park Land - Developed a. Developer installed improvements b. City installed improvements iii. Cash in Lieu of Land Dedication III. Street Capital Improvement Program A. What is it and how is it developed? B. Street Reconstruction vs. Maintenance C. City Priorities D. Funding www. cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 O~ m~ OO O~ m m PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT FOR PREPARATION OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM JANUARY 2006 Attachments Pavement Management Policies & Procedures (DRAFT) Typical pavement distress photos Photos of street maintenance activities Alphabetical street list (with OCI, origin year, etc) Photos of future reconstruction areas with database segment information Maps o OCI (Overall Condition Index) Street Ratings o Reconstruction Plan o Maintenance Plan U:\Streets & Transportation\pavement management~Pave Mgmt & CIP CC Workshop packet.doc Pavement Management PoLicies and Procedures DRAFT (to be incorporated into the Public Works Design Manual) Schedule: May - September Record all maintenance activities during year (M & O, sealcoat, maintenance resurfacing and patching) Supply info to pavement database manager for updates May - October 15 Complete annual inspections of 1/3 of city streets October 1 - 31 Re-rate areas of maintenance activities for the year October 1 - 31 Rate all streets in 5-year CIP and take pictures of current conditions (need photos of each recon area in 5-year CIP, also include M & O and sealcoat photos of the next year) October 31 Update database according to inspections & maintenance activities this year Export OCI for use in GIS mapping October 31 Determine the M & O, Sealcoat and Maintenance Resurfacing areas for next 5-year CIP Provide schedule to be included in revised maps November 15 Update...all Pavement Management maps December 31 Prepare photos & end-of-year alphabetical segment/OC! list for record-keeping binder January Group to present PM at Council Workshop (only when new Councilmembers take office) January CIP planning begins Maintenance Activities: Reconstruction - This is when curb and pavement is removed and subgrade soil corrections and utilities are upgraded. New concrete curb and bituminous surface is installed. A full reconstruction is a structural change; the life of the new pavement is typically 30-40 years (with continued maintenance). OC! increases to 100 following this maintenance activity. OCI Range: 0-56 Mill & Overlay - Milling consists of grinding the old bituminous surface down at the outside edges to establish a uniform cross-section of pavement prior to installing new bituminous. M & O is only used on streets with existing concrete curb and gutter. An overlay is a structural improvement which extends the life of the existing pavement, typically 15-20 years. OCI increases to 95 following this maintenance activity. OC! Range: 50-65 Maintenance Resurfacing - Resurfacing includes milling which consists of grinding the old bituminous surface down at the outside edges to establish a uniform cross-section of pavement prior to installing new bituminous. Maintenance resurfacing is only used on streets with existing bituminous curb or no curb. Resurfacing can be a structural U:\Streets & Transportation\pavement management\PM Policies and Procedures.doc Page 1 of 2 Pavement Management Policies and Procedures improvement which extends the life of the existing pavement, typically 10 years. However, many times resurfacing is needed to hold a street together or make it passable until it can be reconstructed. OCI increases to 80 following this maintenance activity. OCI Range: 50-65 Sealcoat - This is a surface application of an asphalt emulsion followed by the placement of small graded aggregate. The improvement is non-structural, but it is a wear-resistant coating that protects the pavement from the effects of moisture and extends the life of the pavement, typically 7-15 years. The OC! increase following this activity is determined by re-rating the segment. OC! Range: 60-90 Patch & Repair - This activity involves the repair of the typical "pothole" or other similar small isolated section of structural failure. This includes the removal and repair of the street section. Range: areas determined by Streets Supervisor Note: Patch and Repair will not be done on street within 5 years of a planned reconstruction. U:\Streets & Transportation\pavement management\PM Policies and Procedures.doc Page 2 of 2 Distress Library Pavement Classification AC Asphalt: Concrete nistress AC Fatigue (alligator) Cracking ~_ategop/: Cracking Alligator or fatigue cracking is a series of interconnecting cracks caused by fatigue failure of the asphalt concrete surface under repeated traffic loading. Cracking begins at the botton of the asphalt surface (or stabilized base) where tensile stress and strain are highest under a wheel load. The cracks propagate to the surface initially as a series of parallel ~ong[tudinat cracks. After repeated traffic loading, the cracks connect, forming many-sided, sharp-angled pieces that develop a pattern resembling chicken wire or the skin of an alligator. The pieces are generally less than 2 Pc (0.6 m) on the longest side. Alligator cracking occurs only ~n areas subjected to repeated traffic loading, such as wheel paths~ Therefore, it would not occur over an entire area unless the entire area were subjected to traffic loading. Note: Pattern-type cracking that occurs over an entire area NOT subjected to loading is called "Block Cracking~, which ~s not a Ioad~assodated d~stress. Fatigue (alligator) cracking is considered a mojor structural distress and Js usually accompanied by rutting. ~ow To ~as~r~ Record square meters (square feet) or affected area at each severity level. if different sevedty levels existing within an area cannot be distinguished, rate the entire area at the highest severity presenL Caption I Affected Area Caption 1 Unit ft2 Low Severity Caption 2 Caption 2 Unit Moderate Severity Severities Apply Yes High Severity Fine, longitudinal hairline cracks running parallel to each other with no, or only a interconnecting crack(s), The cracks are not spalled (crack spalling is a breakdown of the materia~ along the sides of the crack). Further development of light fatigue cracks into a pattern or network of cracks that may be lightly spalled (crack spalling is a breakdown bf the material along the sides of the crack), Network or pattern cracking has progressed so that the pieses are welt defined and spalled at the edges (crack spalling is a breakdown of the material along the sides of the crack). CRACK SEALING ACTIVITY PATCHING ACTMTY OCI (ID) (Route) (Description) (OCl) (Curb Type) (Origin) (Pavement Area) 0393 150th Street 150st-lorird to fairlawnshor 97.69 8618 7/7/2002 64,204.00 ft= 0008 150th Street 150st-TH 13 to Estate 58.23 None 19,980.00 ft= 0392 150th Street 150st-fairlawnshor to frostptcir 95.31 SUR 7/7/1984 75,168.00 fi= 0165 150th Street 150st-Estateav to Iori 98.31 8618 7/7/2002 29,536.00 ft= 0362 154th Street 154st-cty21 to calmutav 86.15 SUR 7/7/1983 12,880.00 ft= 0246 Adelmann Street adelmannst-crdtrivrrdtocottnwdln 93.62 8618 7/7/1993 14,413.00 fF 0050 Adelmann Street AdelmannSt-CottonwdLntogrystneCt 98.46 8612 7/7/2005 47,556.00 ft~ 0052 Adelmann Street AdelmannSt-GrystnecttoRevereway 98.46 8612 7/7/2005 61,848.00 ft~ 0120 Adrian Circle addancir-redoaksrd to sac 99.15 8612 7/7/2004 15,000.00 ft= 0277 Albany Avenue albanyav-pleasantst to catesst 51.96 BIT 7/7/1972 11,425.00 fi= 0135 Amblewood amblwddr-carrhillpkwytoaspenav 80.77 SUR 7/7/1997 47,040.00 ft2 0289 Anna Trail annatr-TH 13 to duluthav 67.48 8618 7/7/1979 26,565.00 ff~ 0288 Anna Trail annatr-duluthav to duluthav 76.54 8618 7/7/1989 37,290.00 ft~ 0086 Appaloosa Trail appaloosatr-highlndcttomanitourd 85.00 SUR 7/7/1978 11,480.00 fF 0084 Appaloosa Trail appaloosatr-raspberryrtohighland 99.23 SUR 7/7/1978 36,680.00 ff~ 0299 Arcadia Avenue arcadiaav-dakotast to cry21 87.85 8618 7/7/1989 10,500.00 ft~ 0346 Arcadia Avenue arcadiaav-coloradost to sac 81.15 8618 7/7/1989 2,600.00 ft~ 0129 Ash Circle ashcir-femdaleav to femdaleav 78.38 8612 7/7/1992 45,840.00 ft~ 0143 Aspen Avenue aspenav-birchwdav to 140st 62.17 BIT 7/7/1979 58,464.00 fF 0351 Aspen Avenue Aspenav-cedarwdtr to Birchwdav 55.17 BIT 7/7/1979 27,468.00 fF 0038 Badger Cir badgercir-cougarpath-sac 97.23 SUR 7/7/2003 6,656.00 ft~ 0422 Balsam Street balsam-sunsettr to eend 83.19 SUR 7/7/1988 45,965.00 ft~ 0327 Bass Street bassst-sunfishtr to westav 85.31 SUR 7/7/1977 4,515.00 ft~ 0350 Basswood Circle Basswoodcir-elmavtosac 64.62 SUR 7/7/1985 11,200.00 ft~ 0253 Basswood Circle basswoodcir-walnutav to elmav 75.38 SUR 7/7/1985 33,550.00 ft~ 0420 Bay Avenue bayav-wilwbeachst to wilwbeachtr 81.15 SUR 7/7/1985 7,581.00 fF 0065 Bay Knolls Drive bayknollsdr-glynwatertoEast end 93.85 SUR 7/7/1998 17,360.00 ft~ 0147 Bayview Circle bayviewcir-shdybeachtrtohddnvwrd 31.83 BIT 7/7/1993 22,960.00 ft~ 0114 Beach Street beachst-rosewoodrd to sac 86.19 SUR 7/7/1982 25,080.00 ft~ 0122 Bianca Circle biancacir-stefancir to sac 99.15 8618 7/7/2004 2,600.00 ft= 0015 Big Horn Pass Bighompass-Foxtail~owildspkwy 97.15 B618 7/7/2000 25,120.00 fF 0531 Birch Avenue Birchav-Coloradost to Pleasantst 93.62 BIT 10,150.00 ft~ 0281 Birch Avenue birchav-lakesideav to coloradost 95.15 BIT 7/7/1975 11,049.00 ft= 0352 Birchwood Birchwdav-cedarwdst to cedarwdtr 83.46 SUR 7/7/1979 9,135.00 ft~ 0139 Birchwood Birchwdav-Aspen ave to shdybchtr 64.42 SUR 7/7/1979 8,820.00 fF 0445 Black Bear Cir blackbearcir-bobcattdtosac 97.08 SUR 7/7/2001 6,150.00 ft~ 0083 Black Oak Road blkoakrd-raspberrytohiddenpndtr 99.00 SUR 7/7/1977 19,236.00 ft~ 0365 Blind Lake Trail blindlktr-#16750 to sac 50.62 BIT 7/7/1975 41,160.00 ft~ 0237 Blind Lake Trail blindlktr-flshptrd to #16750 96.08 SUR 7/7/1995 60,340.00 ft~ 0328 Blue Dom Circle bluedorncir-fishptrd to sac 98.00 8612 7/7/2005 7,272.00 ft~ 0384 Bluebird Trail bluebirdtr-carrhllpkwytobeachst 83.85 SUR 7/7/1995 39,676.00 ft~ 0107 Bluebird Trail bluebirdtr-hummingbird to sac 88.85 SUR 7/7/1995 78,820.00 ft~ 0383 Bluebird Trail blubrdtr-humngbirdtocarrhllpkwy 91.92 SUR 7/7/1995 35,896.00 ft~ 0530 Bluff Heights Td Bluffhghtstrl-timbercrestdrtofranklintd 98.77 SUR 7/7/1979 13,916.00 fF 0442 Bobcat Cir bobcatcir-bobcattrltosac 97.23 SUR 7/7/2001 4,960.00 ft2 0443 Bobcat Td bobcattrl-bobcatcirto154thst 97.46 SUR 7/7/2001 54,740.00 ft~ 0441 Bobcat Trl bobcattrl-woodducktrl-bobcatcir 97.62 SUR 7/7/2001 57,400.00 fff 0155 Boudin Street boudinst-Timothyav to watersedgetr 54.67 BIT 7/7/1975 49,630.00 ft~ 0031 Boudin Street Boudinst-commercetotJmothyav 99.15 8618 7/7/2003 42,500.00 ft~ 0212 Bounty Street bountyst-frnklntr to crosandrast 88.00 SUR 7/7/1979 44,380.00 ft~ 0123 Breezy Point breezyptrd-rutledgest to nend 99.15 None 7/7/2004 34,496.00 ft~ 0091 Bridle Ridge bridlerdgct-bddlerdg to sac 79.62 SUR 7/7/1993 5,425.00 fF 0089 Bridle Ridge Td bridieridgetrl-coachmantobrougham 79.04 SUR 7/7/1993 40,052.00 ft~ 0454 Brookmere Blvd brookmerebtvd-stnecrstpth-nend 93.08 SUR 7/7/2001 28,280.00 ft~ 0216 Brooks Circle brookscir-itascaav to sac 50.25 BIT 7/7/1973 36,673.00 ft~ 0217 Brooks Circle brookscir-itascaav to itascaav 52.03 BIT 7/7/1973 48,205.00 ft~ 0063 Brookside Lane brooksideln-glynwatertoeend 90.38 SUR 7/7/1998 16,200.00 fF 0090 Brougham brougham-cardageln to sac 77.12 SUR 7/7/1993 20,356.00 ft~ 0230 Brunswick brunswickav-frnklntr to lyonsav 88.08 8618 7/7/1994 32,100.00 ft~ 0027 Burr Oak Lane burroakln-wildernesstrl to fishptrd 98,46 SUR 7/7/2000 12,208.00 ft~ 0470 Busse Pkwy bussepkwy-mushtownrdtosend 97.15 8612 7/7/2000 17,050.00 ft~ 0116 Butterfield Court butterfietdct-rosewoodrd to sac 82.69 SUR 7/7/1995 4,620.00 ft~ 0058 Butternut Circle buttemutcir-northwood to loop 74.86 BIT 7/7/1976 24,000.00 ft~ 0075 Calmut Avenue calmutav-grainwoodcir to nend 80.00 SUR 7/7/1985 26,760.00 ft~ 0297 Cambridge cambridgecir-dakotast to loop 82.88 8618 7/7/1976 31,864.00 ft~ 0132 Candlewood candlewoodln-amblewooddr to sac 77.62 SUR 7/7/1984 36,400.00 ft~ 0202 Candy Cove candycovetr-160st to TH13 98.69 8612 7/7/2005 65,952.00 ft~ 0203 Candy Cove candycovetr-TH 13 to TH 13 98.46 SUR 7/7/1999 86,800.00 ft~ 0093 Canter Lane cantedn-coachmanlntochestnutln 78.08 SUR 7/7/1994 16,940.00 ft~ Monday, January09,2006 (ID) (Route) (Description) (OCl) (Curb Type) (Origin) (Pavement Area) 0223 Cardinal Ridge cardinalrdgtr-fishptrd to sac 98.23 SUR 7/7/1993 47,340.00 fF 0338 Carriage Court carriagect-coachmanln to sac 76.35 SUR 7/7/1993 5,600.00 0376 Carriage Hill carrh~srd-crestav to ferndale 65.38 8618 7/7/1982 71,820.00 ft2 0472 Carriage Hills carriagehllspkwy-pklkrdtoeend 85.19 8612 7/7/1994 79,488.00 fF 0471 Carriage Hills carriagehillspkwy-cty21 topklkrd 88.56 8612 7/7/1994 90,880.00 fF 0092 Carriage Lane carriageln-coachmantocarrhillpky 75.96 SUR 7/7/1993 38,920.00 fF 0453 Castlegate way castlegatewy-stncrst-sac 91.92 SUR 7f7/2001 18,088.00 fF 0275 Cates Street catesst-parkav to albanyav 85.96 SUR 7/7/1986 34,020.00 fF O?;~6 C~dar Circle cedara;r-bllndlktr to sac e~.~ 0141 Cedar'wood cedarwoodcir-cedarwoodtr to sac 83.85 SUR 7/7/1984 3,920.00 0140 Cedarwood cedarwoodct-cedarwoodtr to sac 87.40 SUR 7/7/1984 7,756.00 ft 0137 Cedarwood cedarwdst-crestavetoaspenave 81.77 BIT 7/7/1979 81,990.00 fF 0138 Cedarwood Trail cedarwoodtr-crestav to aspenav 69.04 SUR 7/7/1984 43,316.00 fF 0198 Centennial centennialst-candycovet, r to sac 98.69 SUR 727/2005 11,235.00 0059 Center Road centerrd-northwood to limerd 76.88 SUR 7/7/1975 41,100.00 fF 0088 Cherry Court cherryct-coachmanln to sac 76.62 SUR 7/7/1993 11,200.00 ft2 0097 Chestnut Lane chesthutln-carriageln to sac 74.42 SUR 7/7/1994 50,400.00 fF 0360 CJ Circle CJ Circle-cares to sac 81.73 SUR 7,r7/1979 9,750.00 0099 Coachman Court coachmanct-coachmanln to sac 85.00 SUR 7/7/1993 3,780.00 ft= 0355 Coachman Lane coachmanln-landaulntocarrhlls 88.27 SUR 7/7/1993 25,004.00 fF 0096 Coachman Lane coachmanln-eaglavtolandauln 76.43 SUR 7/7/1993 70,616.00 fF 0243 Colorado Street Coloradost-duluthavtomainave 95.31 28,200.00 ft~ 0280 Colorado Street coloradost-lakesideav to westav 98.46 8612 7/7/1972 98,400.00 fF 0359 Colorado Street coloradost-westavtoduluthav 90.00 8612 7/7/1973 56,434.00 0030 Commerce Commerceav-boudinavtocommerceave 99.15 8618 7/7/2003 17,312.00 ft2 0150 Commerce commerceav-140st to TH13 60.95 8618 7/7/1981 42,390.00 ft~ 0126 Condons Street condonsst-rdgmontavtomitchellcir 99.15 8612 7/7/2003 13,800.00 fF 0334 Conroy Street conroyst-140st to grnwayst 0.00 Gravel 7/7/1975 35,208.00 fF 0247 Cottonwood cottnwdln-fishptrd to adelmannst 93.38 8618 7/7/1993 40,500.00 ft= 0035 Cougar Path cougarpath-wildspathtowildspath 97.69 SUR 7/7/2004 88,224.00 fF 0329 Cove Avenue coveav-sevenacresrd to nend 65.38 None 7/7/1975 6,390.00 ft~ 0330 Cove Avenue coveav-sevenacresrd to send 0.00 Gravel 7/7/1975 2,400.00 ft2 0040 Coyote Cir coyotecir-cougarpathtosac 96.92 SUR 7/7/2003 5,824.00 fF 0046 Crane Court cranect-wildhorsepasstosac 97.46 SUR 7/7/2003 13,536.00 ft= 0342 Credit River Rd Credit Rvrrd-adelmann to rainbow pkwy 95.15 None 7/7/1971 47,610.00 fF 0430 Credit River Rd creditrvrrd-evanstonav to end 78.24 8618 7/7/1990 39,000.00 fF 0431 Credit River Rd creditriverrd-EofFranklintoEend 80.42 8618 7/7/1971 29,160.00 ft2 0287 Creekside Circle creeksidecir-TH13 to sac 93.08 8618 7/7/1995 26,250.00 fF 0473 Creekview Cir creekviewcirosprnglkrd*end 98.38 None 7/7/1977 2,550.00 fF 0375 Cres~ Avenue Crestav-c'ty42 to carrh~rd 76.35 8618 7/7/1984 59,976,00 0244 Crimson Court crimsonct-blindlktr to sac 93.31 SUR 7/7/1995 13,104.00 0264 Cross Street crossst-westburyav to simpkinsav 85.00 SUR 7/7/1993 11,340.00 ft 0222 Crossandra crossandracir-crosandrast to sac 98.54 SUR 7/7/1993 5,544.00 ft~ 0224 Crossandra crosandrast-fshptrdtoparkvwdr 82.69 SUR 7/7/1995 52,920,00 fF 0371 Crossandra crossandra-#5497 to fishptrd 88.00 SUR 7/7/1993 52,870,00 fF 0213 Crossandra crossandrast-frnklntr to #5497 83.85 SUR 7/7/1979 47,770.00 0373 Crossandra crossandra-pkvwdrtovictodacv 94.62 SUR 7/7/1994 38,080.00 ft~ 0066 Crystal Circle crystatcir-fremontav to sac 86.58 SUR 7/7/1987 4,620.00 fF 0436 Dakota Street Dakotast-TH13toeend 97.46 8612 7/7/2001 15,988.00 fF 0298 Dakota Street dakotast-westav to erieav 81.38 8618 7/7/1989 61,050.00 fF 0348 Dakota Street dakotast-erie to TH13 76.54 8618 7/7/1989 30,240,00 fF 0475 Deerfield Circle deerfieldcir-deerfielddrtodeerfielddr 98.54 SUR 7/7/2002 19,264,00 fF 0154 Denese Street denesest-loisav to timothyav 46.77 BIT 7/7/1975 12,150.00 ft2 0249 Dewitte Avenue dewitteave-170st to nend 79.23 8618 7/7/1985 29,000.00 ft= 0476 Dove Court dovect-sendtosac 98.38 SUR 7/7/1998 26,880.00 fF 0231 Dublin Road dublinrd-brunswickav to blndlktr 91.92 8618 7/7/1972 25,650,00 ft~ 0291 Duluth Avenue duluthav-TH13 to pleasant st 96.15 B618 7/7/1993 57,375.00 fF 0282 Duluth Avenue duluthave-cty21 to Pleasantst 72.31 B618 7/7/1989 28,167.00 fF 0001 Duluth Avenue Duluthav-TH13toVillageLkDr 99.00 B618 10/19/2004 11,440.00 fF 0268 Dunkirk Avenue dunkirkav-persingsttogrnhgttr 83.65 SUR 7/7/1985 9,320.00 ft2 0270 Dutch Avenue dutchav~pershingst-grnhgtstr 88.92 SUR 7/7/1985 13,244.00 fF 0447 Eagles Ridge Eaglesridge-bobcattrltosac 97.08 SUR 7/7/2001 10,276.00 ft~ 0337 Eau Claire Circle eauclairecir-eauclairetr to sac 86.54 SUR 7/7/1984 4,676.00 fF 0076 Eau Claire Trail eauclairetr-154sttoeaglecrkave 77.45 SUR 7/7/1977 42,108.00 fF 0124 Edgewater Circle egewatercir-lordsst to sac 44.05 BIT 7/7/1978 28,188.00 ft~ 0179 Ellen Circle e/fencir-mavestr to sac 79.04 SUR 7/7/'1983 7,830.00 fF 0255 Elm Avenue elmave-170sttowillowbeachtr 73.38 SUR 7/7/1978 24,926,00 fF 0300 Erie Avenue erieav-dakotast to send 93.08 B618 7/7/1986 4,032.00 fF 0232 Erin Circle erincir-dublindr to sac 86.92 B618 7/7/1994 5,670.00 ft2 0162 Estate Avenue estateave-150st to sac 99.62 B618 7/7/2002 31,040.00 fF Monday, January 09, 2006 (ID) (Route) (Description) 0181 Euclid Avenue 0434 · Evanston Ave 0080 Fairbanks Trail 0169 Fairlawn Shores 0168 Fairlawn Shores 0479 Fairway Heights 0480 Fairway Heights 0377 Ferndaie Avenue 0128 Femdale Avenue 0370 Fillmore Avenue 0218 Fillmore Avenue 0429 Fish Point Road 0245 Fish Point Road 0047 Fish Point Road 0012 Fish Point Road 0389 Fish Point Road 0390 Fish Point Road 0391 Fish Point Road 0049 Fish Point Road 0130 Fisher Avenue 0285 Five Hawks 0276 Five Hawks 0199 Flagstaff Circle 0183 Flandrau Circle 0171 Forest Circle 0174 Forest Court 0172 Forsythe Road 0102 Fountain Hills 0101 Fountain Hills 0406 Fox Hollow 0100 Fox Hunt Court 0405 Fox Run 0459 Fox Tail Court 0461 Fox Tail Trail 0016 Fox Tail Trail 0460 Fox Tail Trail 0404 Fox Trail 0211 Franklin Circle 0464 Franklin Trail 0462 Franklin Trail 0463 Franklin Trail 0398 Fremont Ave 0067 Fremont Circle 0068 Fremont Street 0170 Frost Point Circle 0182 Fulbright Circle 0210 Gateway Street 0161 Glendale Avenue 0187 Glory Circle 0062 Glynwater Trail 0074 Grainwood Circle 0053 Granite Ct 0158 Grayling Circle 0048 Green Heights 0272 Green Heights 0164 Green Oaks Trail 0335 Greenway 0051 Greystone Ct 0446 Grouse Cir 0034 Haas Lake Cir 0131 Hampton Street 0469 Hastings Ave 0055 Hawk Ridge 0113 Hemlock Circle 0004 Henning Circle 0005 Hickory Ave 0192 Hidden Oaks 0385 Hidden Pond 0082 Hidden Pond 0148 Hidden View euclidave-oakridgecirto 150st EvanstonAv- Creditrvrrd-oakst fairbankstr-lordsst to sac fairlawnshorestr-FishPt to150st faidawnshorestr-150st to 150st fairwayhgtct-fairwyhgtsrdtosac fairwayhgtsrd-fxtailtrl-jeffrspass ferndaleav-carrhllsrd to shoretr femdaleave-140st to ashcir fillmore-bounty to cassandra filmoreav-brooksdr to brooksdr fishptrd-160st to highptct fishptrd-crdtriverrd to ctnwdln fishptrd-TH 13-forsytherd fishptrd-ctnwdlntowildernessl~l fishptrd-TH13 to huron st fishptrd-huronst to 160st fishptrd-TH13 to frostptcir FishptRd-WildrnsstdtoEOakPt fisherav-hamptonsttocarrhillpkwy fivehawksav-TH 13topriorwoodst fivehawksav-catesst to send flagstaffcir-candycovetr to sac flandraucir-oakddgecir to sac forestcircle-fishptrd to sac forestct-forestcir to sac forsytherd-fishptrd to send fntainhillsct-fntainhillsdrtosac fountainhillsdr-pikelktr to wend foxhollow-wildspkwy to sac foxhuntct-surreyln to sac Fox Run-Wilds Parkway to sac foxtailct-foxtailtrl-sac foxtailtrl-fairwyhgtsrd- 154thst foxtailtrl-wldspkwytowoodd ktrl foxtailtrl-wldspkwytofairwyhgtsrd Fox Trail-Fox Run to sac frnklncir-fmkntr to frnklntr franklintrl-Cty44-TH 13 FranklintrI-TH 13toCty21 franklintd-Cty21 -Cty44 fremontav-154st to northwdrd fremontoir-fremontav to sac fremontst-fremontave-wend frostptcir-150st to sac fulbrightcir-oakridgecir to sac gatewayst-TH13 to franklintr glendaleav-oaklandbeachav to sac glorycir-fishptrd to sac glynwatertr-154st to 154st grainwoodcir-creditriverrdtoloop GraniteCt-AdelmannSttosac graylingcir-watersedge to sac greenheightrd-dunkirk-westend grnhgtstr-dunkirkav to parkav greenoakstr-150st to TH13 greenwayav-140st to conroyst GreystoneCt-Adelmanntosac grousecir-woodducktrl-sac haastkdr-cougarpathtosac hamptonst-ferndaleav to eend hastingsav-mainav-dakotast hawkridgerd-northwood to wend hemlockcir-bluebirdtr to sac henningcime-martindalesttosac HickoryAve-martindalesttosac hiddenoakscir-fishptrd to sac hiddenpondtr-#4132 to appaloosa hid n pndtr-raspberryto#4132 hidnvwrd-shdybchtr to bayvwcir (OCl) 99.23 98.23 36.11 86.42 98.77 97.54 92.85 86.92 82.19 85.38 60.65 96,23 96.54 97.15 97.38 95.38 91.77 98.69 92.23 82.19 63.23 81.73 75.08 98.92 98,77 94.08 96.08 100.00 97.15 90.77 77.12 88.85 96.85 98.08 97.23 98.08 88.46 48.08 87.85 87.62 85.82 87,20 79.27 86.81 66.35 99,00 68.73 31.60 82.08 90.38 52.05 98.31 46.27 70.77 87.02 99.23 83.08 98.31 97.23 98.08 82.00 92.08 98.08 98.46 66.04 46.17 92.08 82.31 79.31 84.81 (Curb Type) SUR B612 BIT B618 B618 SUR SUR B612 B612 SUR SUR B618 B618 B618 B612 B618 B618 DESIGN S B612 SUR B618 BIT SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR BIT B612 B612 B612 SUR SUR SUR DESIGN S SUR B618 BIT SUR SUR BIT B612 BIT None SUR B618 SUR B612 SUR SUR B618 B612 SUR SUR None None B618 SUR SUR SUR (Origin) 7/7/1974 7/7/2001 7/7/1977 7/7/1978 7/7/2005 7/7/2001 7/7/2001 7/7/1992 7/7/1992 7/7/1979 7/7/lg79 7/7/1993 7/7/1993 7/7/2001 7/7/1993 7/7/1992 7/7/1978 7/7/2005 7/7/2005 7/7/1988 7/7/1982 7/7/1979 7/7/1986 7/7/1974 7/7/1993 7/7/1993 7/7/200O 7/7/1999 7/7/1999 7/7/1994 7/7/1994 7/7/1994 7/7/2000 7/7/2000 7/7/2000 7/7/2000 7/7/1994 7/7/1985 7/7/1972 7/7/1972 7/7/1972 7/7/1981 7/7/1981 7/7/1981 7/7/1975 7/7/1974 7/7/1981 7/7/1975 7/7/1982 7/7/1998 7/7/1977 7/7/2005 7/7/1975 7/7/1972 7/7/2002 7/7/1993 7/7/2005 7/7/2001 7/7/2004 7/7/1992 7/7/1994 7/7/1998 7/7/1995 7/7/1963 7/7/1963 7/7/1984 7/7/1987 7/7/1987 7/7/1993 (Pavement Area) 12,000.00 ft2 30,576.00 ft2 20,930.00 ft2 73,590.00 ft2 56,202.00 fi= 6,160.00 ft2 29,904.00 fff 7,172.00 ft= 26,840.00 fi2 11,984.00 ft2 11,400.00 fF 81,600.00 ft2 20,300.00 fF 18,560.00 ft~ 66,990.00 fF 56,115.00 fF 38,976.00 ft~ 77,280.00 ft2 67,660.00 ft2 56,400.00 ff~ 46,648.00 fF 8,640.00 ft~ 6,050.00 ft~ 4,727.00 fF 11,155.00 fF 4,140.00 fF 7,200.00 fF 13,076.00 ft~ 31,720.00 ff~ 5,508.00 ft~ 14,140.00 ff~ 16,551.00 fF 8,960.00 fF 37,520.00 fi= 35,O40.0O ft2 32,676.00 ~ 4,293.00 fi2 33,790.00 fi= 44,856.00 ff~ 103,000.00 ft2 108,780.00 ft~ 99,995.00 ft2 8,400.00 fF 9,660.00 ft= 27,500.00 ft~ 4,160.00 ff~ 25,380.00 fF 56,264.00 fF 9,620.00 fF 74,200.00 ft~ 42,550.00 fi2 8,160.00 ft~ 8,820.00 ft2 10,758.00 fF 23,564.00 fF 53,480.00 ft2 11,664.00 fF 11,070.00 ff~ 5,320.00 fF 15,072.00 fi= 17,220.00 fi2 11,040.00 fF 11,900.00 ft 5,040.00 fF 18,900.00 ft 15,225.00 ft 18,630.00 fF 17,192.00 fF 14,896.00 fF 25,816.00 fF Monday, January 09, 2006 3 (ID) (Route) (OCI) (Curb Type) (Origin) (Pavement Area) 0073 Highland Avenue 0085 ~' Highland Court 0229 Highpointe Court 0206 Hill Circle 0235 Hillcrest Street 0207 Hope Street 0307 Hodzon Trail 0106 Hummingbird 0105 Hummingbird 0195 Huron Street 0180 Indian Ridge 0320 Industrial Circle 0054 Industrial Ln 0396 Island Circle 0070 Island View 0017 Island View 0043 Itasca Avenue 0215 Itasca Avenue 0000 Itasca Avenue 0313 Jackson Trail 0484 Jeffers Court 0527 Jeffers Pass 0485 Jeffers Pass 0419 Jordan Avenue 0440 Jordan Avenue 0013 Kensington Ave 0363 Kent Street 0110 Kent Street 0262 Kestrel Street 0219 Kildeer Lane 0332 Kneafseys Street 0057 Knollridge Drive 0486 Kop Pkwy 0178 Kortsch Trail 0381 Lake Bluff Circle 0379 Lake Haven 0295 Lakeside Avenue 0433 Lakeside Avenue 0119 Lakeview Circle 0098 Landau Lane 0200 Lemley Circle 0366 Lexington Court 0061 Lime Road 0378 Linden Circle 0153 Lois Avenue 0488 Lone Pine Court 0388 Lords Street 0078 Lords Street 0163 Lori Road 0175 Lost Horizon 0201 Luther Road 0364 Lyons Avenue 0233 Lyons Avenue 0415 Main Ave 0417 Main Ave 0301 Main Ave 0489 Majestic Lane 0069 Majestic Lane 0220 Mallard Way 0369 Mandan Avenue 0087 Manitou Road 0387 Manitou Road 0204 Manor Road 0028 Maple Lane 0160 Maple Trail 0490 Maplewood 0025 Maden Circle 0071 Marsh Street 0003 Martindale Street 0176 Maves Trail (Description) highlandav-marshtocreditriverrd highlandct-appaloosaln to sac highptct-fishptrd to sac hillcir-woodlandcir to sac hillcrestst-blindlktr to sac hopest-ridgemontave to sac horizontr-wdviewct to rdgwoodct hummingbirdct-hummingbirdtrtosac hummingbirdtr-pklktrtoblubrdt~ huronst-fishptrd to woodsiderd indianrdgcir-faidwnshorstrtosac industrialcir-crdtrivrrd to sac IndustdalLn-Adelmanntosac islandcir-islandviewrd to sac islandviewcir-islndviewrdtosac islndvwrd-frmntavtoislndvwcir Itascaav~crossandrasttobou ntyst itascaav-brooksdr to Summer Itasca - SummerSt to Crossandra St jacksontr-pikelktr to eend jeffersct-jeffrspass-sac jeffrpass-fairwyhgtsrdtocty21 jeffrspass-fairwayhgtsrdtonend Jordanav-gatewaystto 160th jordanav-minnst-160thst Kensingtonav-ctyrd42-sac kentst-sycamore-dewitte KentSt - dewitteavetomonroeav kestrelst-westburyavtosimpkinsav kildeerln-crossandrast to sac knefsysst-oaklndbchav to coveav knollridgedr-northwood-wend koppkwy-mainavtonend kortschtr-mavestr to send lakebluffcir-northwoodrd to sac lakehavenct-northwoods to sac lakesideav-cty21 to pleasanstst Lakesideav-lakesideav to 21 lakeviewcir-rutledgest to sac landaulmcoachmanln to sac lemteycir-candycovetr to sac lexingtonct-blindlktr to sac limerd-springlkrd to eend lindencir-northwoodav to sac Ioisav-boudinst to natalierd Ionepnect-bussepkwytoeend Lordst-fairbankstr to sac Iordsst-eaglecrkavtofairbankstr Iorird-150st to estateave Isthorizncir-fairlwnshorstrtosac lutherrd-TH13 to send lyonsav-brunswick to send tyonsave-franlkintr to brunswick Mainst-cty21 to 190' n of dakota MainAve-190' n of dakota to 160st mainst-cty21 k) pleasantst majesticln-jeffrspasstosend MajesticLn - 154thSt - Sac mallardwy-crossandrast to sac mandan-summer to brooks manitourd-lordsst to appaloosa manitourd-appaloosa to nend manorrd-candyovtr to candydvtr mapleln-mushtownrdtosac mapletr-rusticrd to rusticrd maplewdst-Villagelkd r-TH 13 marlencir-greenoakstrl to sac marshst-154st to highlandav martindalest-pikelktrtoeend mavestr-fairlawnshorestrto 150st 55.90 98.69 99.23 98.92 62.42 98.92 73.23 100.00 87.62 79.85 98.08 0.00 98.08 86.92 54.40 98.77 74.88 74.19 62.90 53.43 99.00 98.23 94.54 78.85 99.15 98.69 61.92 61.92 85.77 94.92 42.31 98.85 98.15 84.23 100.00 100.00 64.46 26.87 99.15 89,27 99.38 97.54 85.77 95.38 48.46 100.00 42.87 44.55 99.54 80.58 87.62 41.12 91.54 98.54 98,23 54.10 97.62 98.69 98.38 50.72 54.86 58.16 92.77 81.12 51.82 53.15 0.00 61.15 42.04 79.77 BIT SUR SUR SUR BIT B612 SUR SUR SUR D412 SUR Gravel B612 B618 SUR SUP/BIT None BIT BIT None SUR SUR SUR B618 B612 SUR SUR BIT SUR SUR BIT SUR B612 SUR SUR SUR SUR None B612 SUR SUR SUR B612 SUR BIT B612 BIT SUR B618 SUR SUR BIT B618 B612 BIT B618 SUR SUR SUR BIT BIT BIT SUR None BIT None Gravel BIT None SUR 7/711977 7/711997 7/7/1996 7/7/1973 7/7/1975 7/7/2001 7/7/1993 7/7/1997 7/7/1997 7/7/1986 7/7/2000 7/7/1963 7/7/2005 7/7/1978 7/7/1978 7/7/1978 7/7/1973 7/7/1973 7/7/1973 7/7/I 963 7/7/2002 7/7/2001 7/7/2002 7/7/1979 7/7/2001 7/7/2002 7/7/1985 7/7/1993 7/7/1993 7/7/1975 7/7/1998 7/7/1998 7/7/1975 7/712000 7/712000 7/7/1983 7/7/1983 7/7/2004 7/7/1996 7/7/1973 7/7/1995 7/7/1993 7/7/1973 7/7/1975 7/7/2000 7/7/1978 7/7/1977 7/7/2002 7/7/1983 7/7/1973 7/7/1975 7/7/1994 7/7/2004 7/7/1985 7/7/1965 7/7/2001 7/7/2003 7/7/1993 7/7/1973 7/7/1978 7/7/1978 7/7/1987 7/7/1977 7/7/1973 7/7/1963 6/7/1977 7/7/2000 45,080.00 ft2 7,056.00 fF 5,880.00 ft2 5,320.00 ft= 27,280.00 fF 35,400.00 ft2 42,504.00 ft2 4,760.00 fF 75,320.00 ft2 33,000.00 ft= 19,050.00 fF 19,600.00 ft2 11,100.00 ft2 7,140.00 fi= 53,004.00 fi= 62,720.00 fi= 13,790.00 fi= 59,815.00 fF 0.00 fF 8,787.00 fi2 8,820.00 fl~ 41,440.00 ft~ 32,648.00 ft= 14,580.00 ft= 26,560.00 fF 37,268.00 fF 13,904.00 fF 7,964.00 fF 11,396.00 fF 8,960.00 ft= 19,440.00 fF 9,240.00 fF 63,030.00 fF 7,641.00 fF 7,560.00 fF 10,080.00 fF 39,060.00 ft~ 12,056.00 ff~ 7,050.00 ft~ 8,400.00 ft2 15,950.00 fF 9,828.00 fF 15,224.00 ft= 9,270.00 fF 21,300.00 fF 11,200.00 fF 57,420.00 fF 31,320,00 ft= 16,200.00 fF 34,155.00 ft~ 5,500.00 fF 38,990.00 fF 30,051.00 fF 21,840.00 ft2 29,880.00 fff 19,600.00 fF 7,140.00 fF 14,280.00 fF 6,160.00 fF 22,372.00 fF 44,550.00 ft= 35,420.00 ft= 23,400.00 ft= 17,888.00 ft2 50,160.00 ft2 21,760.00 fF 21,274.00 fi= 26,700.00 fF 61,710.00 ft= 23,274.00 fF Monday, January 09, 2006 4 (ID) ' (Route) (Description) (OCI) (Curb Type) (Origin) (Pavement Area) 0493 McKenna Road mckennard-Cty42-thunderbrdcir 47.33 Ki0ne 7/7/1993 61,100,00 ft2 0037. McKenna Road mckennard-thunderbirdcittowalterst 84.46 None 71,396,00 fF 0146 Meadow Avenue meadowave-140st to shadybeachtr 63.36 BIT 7F7/1975 32,364,00 fi2 0321 Meadowview meadowviewct-fishptrd to sac 98.00 SUR 7/7/1997 4,200.00 fi2 0009 Memorial Trail memorialtrl-jordanavto160st 99.00 B612 7/7/2001 25,376.00 ft= 0188 Millers Circle millerscir-fishptrd to sac 88.00 SUR 7/7/1986 8,533.00 fF 0437 Minnesota st minnesotast-evanstonavtostpaulav 99.15 B612 7/712001 13,664.00 ft= 0439 Minnesota st Minnesota st-stpaultojordan 98.31 B612 7/7/2001 13,320.00 ff~ 0127 Mitchell Circle mitchellcir-condonsst to sac 99.15 B812 7/7/1977 31,200.00 ft~ 0248 Monroe Avenue monroeave-170st to kentst 59.56 BIT 7/7/1976 11,250.00 ft~ 0026 Mushtown Road mushtownrd-villagelkdrtoovedook 77.88 None 61,380.00 ft= 0152 Natalie Road natalierd-timothyav to Ioisav 47.44 BiT 7/7/1975 35,550.00 ff~ 0496 Nautica Circle nauticacir-lordssttosac 88.85 SUR 7/7/2001 8,036.00 fF 0345 Nightengale nightengalecir-carrhllspkwytosac 91.31 SUR 7/7/1999 5,600.00 fF 0400 Northwood Road northwdrd-sprnglkrdtobutrnut 96.31 B618 7/7/1981 130,262.00 fF 0399 Northwood Road northwdrd-butrnuttofremont 91.92 B618 7/7/1996 118,234.00 fF 0397 Northwood Road northwdrd-fremontavtoilndvwcir 93.08 B618 7/7/1977 19,005.00 ft2 0435 Oak St oakst-evanstonavtostpaulav 99.15 B612 7/7/2001 10,304.00 ft= 0007 Oakland Beach oaklandbch-TH 13tokneafseyst 66.41 None 7/7/1975 23,273.00 ft2 0394 Oakland Beach oaklndbchav-kneafseyssttoSevenAcres 0.00 Gravel 7/7/1975 5,250.00 ft2 0184 Oakridge Circle oakridgecir-shanontrtoshanontr 99,23 SUR 7/7/1974 79,800.00 fi= 0309 Oakwood Circle oakwoodcir-woodviewct to sac 86.73 SUR 7/7/1992 14,644.00 ft2 0185 Omega Trail omegatr-fishptrd to sac 91.38 SUR 7/711979 13,800.00 ft2 0149 Orchard Circle orchardcir~shdybeachtr to sac 60.22 BIT 7/7/1975 4,250.00 fF 0372 Oriole Place oriole-cassandra to sac 94.77 SUR 7/7/1994 5,600.00 ft~ 0228 Overlook Circle overlookdr-fishptrd to sac 98.38 SUR 7/7/1996 14,000.00 ft~ 0045 Overlook Drive ovedookdr-torontoavetomushtownrd 99.15 SUR 7/7/2002 21,152.00 ft= 0303 Overlook Drive overlookdr-horizontr to wend 81.15 SUR 7/7/1993 24,696.00 ft· 0273 Park Avenue parkav~gmhgtstr to pleasantst 86.54 SUR 7/7/1985 15,792.00 ft~ 0498 Park Nicollet Ave parknico~etav-frankJintrl-torontoav 97.08 B612 7/7/2002 42,272.00 fF 0227 Parkview Circle prkvwcir-fshptrd to sac 100.00 SUR 7/7/1993 5,880.00 fi= 0225 Parkview Drive parkviewdr-crossandrast to sac 88.00 SUR 7/7/1993 28,140.00 ft~ 0305 Parkwood Drive parkwooddr-torontoav to rdgwdct 89.62 SUR 7/7/1995 30,604.00 ft= 0108 Partridge Court partddgect-bluebirdtr to sac 89.31 SUR 7/7/1999 9,464.00 ft~ 0265 Peregrine Circle peregrinecir-willowwoodst to sac 91.15 SUR 7/711994 7,616.00 fF 0267 Pershing Street pershingst~willowsln-dutchav 85.19 SUR 7/7/1985 30,866.00 ft~ 0259 Pheasant pheasantmeadowln-170st to sac 98.08 SUR 7/7/1996 25,480.00 ft2 0310 Pike Lake Trail pikelktr-carrgehllpkwy to 140st 96.62 B618 7/7/1997 75,400.00 fF 0312 Pike Lake Trail pikelktr-martJndalest to nend 0.00 Gravel 7/7/1963 59,580.00 ff~ 0311 Pike Lake Trail pikelktrl-140st to martindalest 0.00 Gravel 7/7/1963 110,550.00 ft~ 0134 Pine Road pinerd-shoretr to send 55.85 SUR 7/7/1982 10,800.00 ft= 0410 Pine View Drive pineview-wildpkwy to sac 82.50 SUR 7/7/1994 17,280.00 ft= 0167 Pixie Point Circle pixieptoir-150st to 150st 99.23 B618 7/7/2002 39,360.00 ft2 0278 Pleasant Street pleasantst-parkav to duluthst 99.23 EI612 7/7/1998 76,128.00 ff~ 0279 Pleasant Street pleasantst-duluthav to TH13 76.54 B618 7/7/1985 51,843.00 ft= 0010 Ponds Parkway pondspkwy~torontoavtoend 95.92 B612 7/7/1963 24,975.00 ft= 0500 Pondsedge Lane pondsedgeln-fshptrdtowldrnstrl 99.15 SUR 7/7/2002 37,940.00 ft~ 0302 Pondview Trail pndviewtr-mushtwnrd to torntoav 79.04 SUR 7/7/1992 47,600.00 ft= 0190 Prior Circle priorcir-shannontr to sac 98.69 SUR 7/7/1979 6,975.00 ft2 0358 Pdorwood Lane priorwoodln-willowsln to eend 95.92 B618 7/7/1972 4,480.00 fi= 0286 Priorwood Street priorwoodst-fivehwksavtodullhav 89.62 SUR 7/7/1996 49,280.00 ft= 0079 Quaker Trail quakertr-lordsst to fairbanktr 38.29 BIT 7/7/1977 17,204.00 ff~ 0325 Quincy Street quincyst-cty21 to sunfishtr 67.69 SUR 7/7/1977 6,080.00 fF 0502 Rainbow Pkwy rainbowpkwy-170thst-wend 0.00 Gravel 7/7/1963 10,348.00 ft~ 0033 Raspberry Ridge raspberryridgerd-jeffrspasstoctyrd21 93.69 SUR 7/7/2002 40,352.00 ft= 0081 Raspberry Ridge raspberryrdg-eaglecrdtoappaloosa 92.62 SUR 7/7/1987 34,300.00 ft~ 0504 Raven Court ravenct-sendtonend 98.85 SUR 7/7/2000 17,360.00 ft~ 0118 Red Oaks Road redoaksrd-rutledgest to nend 99.00 B612 7/7/2004 33,880.00 ft= 0032 Regal Pass regalpass-jefferspasstoEend 99.23 SUR 7/7/2001 24,032.00 ft= 0125 Ridgemont ridgemontave-160st to condonsst 83.50 SUR 7/7/1995 72,819.00 ft= 0144 Ridgeview Trail ridgeviewtr-aspenav to eend 96,46 BIT 7/7/1979 5,040.00 ff~ 0306 Ridgewood ridgewoodct-mushtwnrd to sac 87.69 SUR 7/7/1994 29,400.00 ft~ 0271 Roanoke Street roanokest-dutchav to eend 90.38 SUR 7/7/1985 8,000.00 fF 0103 Robin Road robinrd-pkelktr to humngbirdtr 85.80 SUR 7/7/1997 28,560.00 ft~ 0214 Robinson Circle robinsoncir-itascaav to sac 94.38 Bit 7/7/1979 6,448.00 ft~ 0109 Rolling Oaks rollingoakscir- 140st to loop 0.00 Gravel 7/7/1963 38,100.00 ft~ 0115 Rosewood Road rosewoodrd-bluebirdtr to beachst 88.92 SUR 7/7/1995 32,956.00 ft~ 0011 Royalton Rd Royaltonrd-westend to eastend 98.69 SUR 7/7/2003 8,960.00 ft~ 0157 Rustic Road rusticrd-TH 13 to glendaleav 57.38 BIT 7/7/1975 49,068.00 ft~ 0156 Rutgers Street rutgersst-140st to send 50.54 BIT 7/7/1975 66,675.00 ft2 Monday, January09,2006 rl(~D) (Route) (Description) (OCl) (Curb Type) (Origin) (Pavement Area) 0117 Rutledge Street ruttedgest-rdgmntavtoredoaksrd 99.15 B612 7]7/2004 56,110.00 ft2 0197' Santee Circle santeecir-woodsiderd to sac 84,17 SUR 7/7/1986 6,750.00 ft~ 0361 Schroeder Circle schroedercir-windsongcirtosac 98.46 SUR 7/7/1994 6,160.00 ft= 0104 Seagull Circle seagullcir-robinrd to sac 90.69 SUR 7/7/1997 3,360.00 ft= 0331 Seven Acres sevnacrsst-oaklndbchav to coveav 0.00 Gravel 7/7/1963 6,935.00 fF 0145 Shady Beach shadybeachtr-140st to bayviewcir 28.69 BIT 7/7/1975 68,580.00 ft= 0395 Shady Beach shadybeachtr-bayviewcir to sac 30.09 BIT 7/7/1975 84,500.00 ft2 0380 Shady Cove shadycovept-northwoodrd to sac 100.00 SUR 7/7/2000 14,769.00 fF 0191 Shannon Circle shannoncir-shannontr to sac 99.00 SUR 7/7/2001 4,205.00 f¢ 0189 Shannon Trail shanontr-fadwnshrstrtooakrdgcir 95.92 SUR 7/7/t979 30,450.00 ft= 0136 Shore Lane shoreln-shoretr to candlewoodln 78.27 SUR 7/7/1985 66,360.00 ft= 0133 Shore Trail shoretr-ferndale to sac 83.58 SUR 7/7/1982 33,836.00 ft~ 0263 Simpkins simpkinsav-willwwdsttokestrelst 87.31 SUR 7/7/1994 20,300.00 ft~ 0266 Simpkins Circle simpkinscir-willowwoodst to sac 89.62 SUR 7/7/1994 13,132.00 ft= 0508 Simpkins Drive simkinsdr-willwwdst-sac 83.54 SUR 7/7/1994 13,244.00 ft2 0072 Skyline Avenue skylineave-marshst to sac 66.92 BIT 7/7/1977 40,460.00 ft= 0269 Spring Avenue springav-pershingst to nend 87.88 SUR 7/7/1985 6,800.00 ft2 0064 Spring Glen springglencir-glynwatertosac 93.85 SUR 7/7/1998 8,640.00 ft2 0257 Spruce Circle sprucecir-sprucetr to sac 96,38 SUR 7/7/1988 6,300.00 fF 0256 Spruce Trail sprucetr-sunsettr to 170st 82,50 SUR 7/7/1988 66,650.00 fF 0438 St Paul Ave stpaulav-160thsttosend 99.15 B612 7/7/200t 35,420.00 ft2 0121 Stefan Circle stefancir-rutledgest to sac 98,62 B612 7/7/2004 19,590.00 ft~ 0455 Stonecrest Path stnecrstpth-cty83-sac 95.69 SUR 7/7/2001 42,000.00 fF 0177 Storms Circle stormscir-150st to sac 80.38 SUR 7/7/1984 3,920.00 ft= 0368 Summer Street Summerst-franklin to itasca 61.23 BIT 7/7/1973 23,310.00 ft= 0326 Sunfish Trail sunfishtr-westav to bassst 45.91 SUR 7/7/1977 11,625.00 ff~ 0039 Sunray Circle sunraycir-farlwnavtoloop 39.23 BIT 7/7/1979 89,700.00 ft2 0258 Sunrise Avenue sunriseav-sprucetr to balsamst 85,50 BIT 7/7/1978 20,928.00 ft2 0006 Sunset Trail su nsetl~l-fairlawnavtospmglkrd 82,15 None 7/7/1977 101,484.00 ft= 0095 Surrey Lane surreyln-chestnuttocarriagehill 75.85 SUR 7/7/1994 19,180.00 ft= 0250 Sycamore Trail sycamoretr-170st to nend 70.00 SUR 7/7/1978 40,700.00 ft= 0234 Tacoma Circle tacomacir-lyonsav to sac 75.30 BIT 7/7/1975 5,270.00 ft~ 0060 Terrace Circle terracecir-centerrd to sac 84.35 SUR 7/7/1993 5,130.00 fF 0186 Timber Trail timbertr-fishptrd to sac 82.69 SUR 7/7/1984 8,680.00 ft2 0386 Timberglade tmbrgldcir-hddnpondtr to sac 82.31 SUR 7/7/1987 12,264.00 ft~ 0193 Timberview timbervwst-hiddenoaksdr to sac 78.50 SUR 7/7/1986 7,930.00 fF 0451 Timberwolf fimberwolfcir-fimberwlftrltosac 97.23 SUR 7/7/2001 12,740.00 ft2 0450 Timberwolf Trail timberwolffrl-wilwoodtrltosac 97.23 SUR 7/7/200t 26,348.00 ff~ 0151 Timothy Avenue timothyav-boudinst to natalierd 39.29 BIT 7/7/1975 53,430.00 ft~ 0515 Todd Road toddrd-dewittavetonend 79.15 B612 7/7/1973 13,000.00 ft~ 0322 Toronto Avenue torontoav-towerst to nend 98.77 B618 7/7/1990 18,090.00 fi= 0304 Toronto Avenue torontoav-mushtownrd to towerst 78,69 B618 7/7/1992 81,056.00 fF 0293 Tower Street towerst-torontoavetoeend 51.38 B618 7/7/1983 43,650.00 fi= 0292 Tower Street towerst-VillageLkDr-TorontoAve 99.15 B618 7/7/2003 24,505.00 ft= 0516 Tranquility Court tranquilityct-pdorwdst-nend 97.77 B612 7/7/2001 8,820.00 ft= 0094 Trotters Trail trotterstr-coachmantochestnut 77.46 SUR 7/7/1994 14,000.00 ft= 0111 Vale Circle valecir - dewitteave to west end 82,69 BIT 12,672.00 ft= 0274 Vale Circle valecir-monroeav to east sac 82.69 SUR 7/7/1985 8,910.00 ft2 0226 Victoria Curve victoriacrv-flshptrd to pkvwrd 91.12 SUR 7/7/1996 50,820.00 fF 0056 Viewcrest Circle viewcrestcir-northwood to sac 98.69 SUR 7/7/1998 4,480.00 ft= 0428 Village Lake Dr Villagelkdr-CH23 to TH13 98.54 None 7/7/2003 26,016.00 ft2 0044 Village Lake Dr VillageLkrd-panamaavtoparknicolletav 98.54 B618 10/19/2004 99,590.00 ft= 0254 Walnut Avenue walnutav-170sttobasswoodcir 90,69 SUR 7/7/1985 15,400.00 fF 0159 Waters Edge watersedgetr-rutgersst to sac 40.31 BIT 7/7/1975 49,680.00 ft= 0018 Welcome welcomeav-crdrvrrd-sac 0.00 Gravel 7/7/1967 45,808.00 fF 0239 Wellington Court wellingtonct-windsorln to sac 98.77 SUR 7/7/1996 4,704.00 fF 0349 West Avenue westav-cty21 to Ikaccess 76.35 B618 7/7/1973 43,170.00 ft= 0296 West Avenue westav-pleasantst to cry21 85.38 B612 7/7/1989 29,850.00 ft2 0261 Westbury westburyav-willwwdsttokestrelst 89.62 SUR 7/7/1993 23,800.00 fF 0409 White Tail Ridge whitetailridge*wildsridge to sac 89.62 SUR 7/7/1994 13,833.00 ft~ 0029 Wild Horse Pass wildhrsepass~wldspkwy to wooddktrl 92.23 SUR 7/7/1999 57,344.00 ft~ 0022 Wild Oaks wildoakster-grnwayavetosac 99,23 SUR 7/7/1998 9,968.00 ft~ 0448 Wild Turkey Ct wildturkeyct-woodducktrl-sac 97.54 SUR 7/7/2001 8,680.00 fF 0522 Wilderness Court wldrnessct-wldrnesstrltosac 99.15 SUR 7/7/2000 5,460.00 fF 0523 Wilderness wldrnessrdgeln-foxtailtrl-nend 97.46 SUR 7/7/2000 11,900.00 fF 0374 Wilderness Trail wildernesstrl-sactofishptrd 98.75 SUR 7/7/2000 68,124.00 ft2 0367 Wilderness Trail wildernesstr-blindlktr to sac 94.62 SUR 7/7/1995 29,120.00 ft= 0041 Wilds Ddve wildsdrive-wildspkwytocougarpath 98.69 SUR 7/7/2004 28,640.00 ft~ 0426 Wilds Parkway wildspkwy-wildsdr to mysticlkdr 74.81 B618 7/7/1993 26,866.00 ft~ 0425 Wilds Parkway wildspkwy-wildsridge to wildsdr 70.17 B618 7/7/1993 66,330.00 ff~ Monday, January 09, 2006 (ID) (Route) 0424 Wilds Parkway 0411 Wilds Parkway 0412 Wilds Parkway 0036 Wilds Path 0407 Wilds Ridge 0408 Wilds View 0194 Wildwood Circle 0452 Wildwood Court 0449 Wildwood Trail 0252 Willow Beach 0251 Willow Beach 0260 Willow Lane 0357 Willowwood 0356 Willowwood 0284 Willowwood 0077 Wind Song 0238 Windsor Lane 0002 Wood Duck 0347 Wood Duck Trail 0444 Wood Duck Trail 0042 Woodchuck Trl 0205 Woodlawn Circle 0196 Woodside Road 0308 Woodview Court 0221 Wren Court 0240 Wyndham Court (Description) wildspkwy-wildwoodtrltowildsridge wildpkwy-154st to wddktr wildspkwy-wddktr to wildwoodtrl wildspath-cty83tocbj42 Wilds Ridge-wildspkwy to nend wildsview-wildsridge to sac wildwoodcir-huronst to sac wildwoodct-wildwdtrl-sac wildwoodtd-wildspkwytosac willwbeachst-willwbeachtrtobayav willobeachtr-sycamortrtobayav willowln-170st to pershingst willowwdcir-willowwdst to sac willowwdst-simpknsavtofivehwks willowwoodst-willwlntosimpkinsav windsongdr-eaglecrkav to sac windsorln-blindlktr t~ sac wddkdr-wddktrtosac wddktr-wildspkwytowddd r woodducktrl-wildspkwytobobcattrl woodchucktrl-cougarpathtocougarpath woodlawncir-manorrd to sac wdsiderd-candycvtr to wildwdcir woodviewct-torontoav to sac wrenct-crossandrast to sac wyndhamct-windsodn to sac (oc~) 60.98 71.43 58.69 99.15 63.24 74.81 75.23 97.23 97.23 82.69 72.75 89.23 97.69 90.00 85.96 70.92 97.62 84.46 82.67 97.85 98.92 98.54 81.08 85.62 92.15 99.15 (Curb Type) B618 B618 B618 SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR (Origin) 7/7/1994 7/7/1997 7/7/1996 7/7/2003 7/7/1994 7/7/1994 7/7/1986 7/7/2001 7/7/2ool 7/7/1985 7/7/1985 7/7/1986 7/7/1986 7/7/1993 7/7/1993 7/7/1984 7/7/1996 7/7/1996 7/7/1997 7/7/2001 7/7/2003 7/7/1973 7/7/1986 7/7/1992 7/7/1993 7/7/1996 (Pavement Area) 75,120.00 ft2 66,660.00 ft2 74,152.00 fF 76,640.00 ff~ 56,057.00 ft~ 42,137.00 ft~ 23,270.00 fF 8,036.00 ft~ 58,156.00 ft2 22,760.00 ft~ 54,010.00 ft~ 54,880.00 fF 3,920.00 ft2 51,604.00 fF 26,796.00 ft= 18,256.00 fF 29,260.00 fF 39,200.00 fF 19,012.00 fF 48,160.00 fF 25,696.00 fF 19,575.00 ft2 47,940.00 fF 32,900.00 ft2 5,418.00 fF 6,104.00 fF Monday, January 09, 2006 7 Low 25 Distresses  Distress ~C ~tCh~g STREET EXAMPLE A STREET EXAMPLE B L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --~ _z --~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O~ '~ O~ 0 0 0