HomeMy WebLinkAbout010306 Minutes City Meeting Minutes Council January 3, 2006 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372-171~ ____~ REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 3,2006 CALL TO ORDER: Present were Mayor Haugen, Councilmembers Dombush, Erickson, LeMair and Millar, City Manager Boyles, City Attor- ney Pace, Public Works Director/City Engineer Albrecht, Assistant Engineer Poppler, Planning Director Kansier, Finance Director Teschner, Communications Coordinator Oster and Administrative Assistant Green. OATH OF OFFICE: The Oath of Office was administered to Mayor Jack Haugen by Kyle and Andy Haugen; to Council member Cheri Dorn- bush by David James Dombush; to Councilmember Warren Edckson by Heidi Bums; and to Councilmember Steve Mil- lar by Jennifer and James O'Ueara. Certificates of election were presented to the Mayor and each of the Council mem- bers. RECESS Mayor Haugen called a recess at 7:10 p.m. RECONVENE The meeting reconvened at 7:21 p.m. PUBLIC FORUM: The Public Forum is intended to afford the public an opportunity to address concems to the City Council. The Public Forum will be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Items to be considered as part of the Council's regular agenda may not be addressed at the Public Forum. Topics of discussion are also restricted to City governmental topics rather than private or political agendas. The City Council will not take formal action on issues presented during the Public Forum. Boyles: Reviewed the concept of the Public Forum. Tom Loftus, 4215 Eau Claire Trail, commented that at a previous Council meeting, members of the Council were asked to disclose their business or personal relationship with SMSC or any of its individual members. Stated that he believed the question was appropriate to be responded to under the broad area of transparency. Noted that it was usual for pub- lic or elected officials to disclose all financial interests to avoid conflicts of interest and so that the public knows there is no conflict of interest. Haugen: Responded that one of the more difficult things from the perspective of being on the Council is to have to dis- agree with a member of the community. The Council is thorough in analysis and leaves personal relationships out of decisions. Noted that he understands the concept of recusing oneself where there is a disqualifying conflict of interest and has consulted with the City Attorney on the extent to which it should be applied. Since a Council member resides in the City and may work in the City, he or she may have an interest or connection to many topics, but cannot be recused from making a decision about them. Stated that he has no direct ties to SMSC and does not do business with SMSC or Mystic Lake Casino. Has an insurance agency in the community and clients reside in the broader Pdor Lake community and some may be residents of the SMSC community. Noted that the transparency question was lost in the theatrics of the presentation at that meeting. If he had contract or business relationships with SMSC, he would recuse himself. LeMair: Stated that at that meeting, he had spoken about his reasons for decisions with trust issue, but did not address his relationship with the SMSC community. Stated that he had worked for Mystic Lake Casino for several years and left that job because of the demands of the Council and his other businesses. Has not received monetary compensation from Casino or SMSC since he worked for them. Clients of his business may live there. Thought about relationship and www.cityofpriorlake.com Phone 952.447.4230 / Fax 952.447.4245 City Council Meeting Minutes January 3, 2006 believes he is continuing with best interests of community held first and keeping an open mind. Represents the people of Prior Lake and that includes residents of SMSC. Haugen: Commented on behalf of the three previous Council members and stated that Fleming is a school administra- tor in Hopkins, Zieska has managed convenience store for a number of years, most recently at Kwik Trip and Petersen has no business dealings with the tribal community or Mystic Lake Casino. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Additions to the agenda included: Council member Dombush requested the addition of item 11F, consider the establishment of a task force to consider tree preservation. Council member Millar requested the addition of item 11 G, consider the establishment of a communi- cations committee. Mayor Haugen requested the addition of item 11H, consider the establishment of a senior citizen committee; and item 11 I, a report on the PAR Task Fome activities. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS MODIFIED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dombush, Edckson, LeMair, and Millar. The motion carded. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY HAUGEN TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 19, 2005, MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen and LeMair who were members of the 2005 City Council and qualified to vote on the motion. Dornbush, Erickson, and Uillar abstained. The motion carried. The audio tape of the December 19, 2005, meeting will be retained for six(6) years. CONSENT AGENDA: City Manager Boyles reviewed the items on the consent agenda. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Resolution 06-01 Authorizing Full and Final Payment to Waldor Pump and Equipment for the 2005 Lift Station Rehabilitation Project (City Project 05-05). C. Consider Approval of Resolution 06-02 Approving the Assignment of the Development Contract for the Plat Known as Belmont Estates. D. Consider Approval of Resolution 06-03 Approving the Assignment of the Development Contract for the Plat Known as Berens Woods. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dombush, Erickson, LeMair, and Millar. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS: There were no public hearings. PRESENTATIONS: There were no presentations. OLD BUSINESS: Consider Approval of a Report Regarding Establishment of a CR 21 Accident Reduction Zone. City Engineer Albrecht presented the report on this agenda item. Noted the primary projects in the zone and the inter- est in the Fish Point Road / CR 21 intersection. Staff studied what things the City could do to improve the traffic safety and stay within the constraints of budget. Noted that turn lanes and signals at Franklin, Fish Point Road and Adelmann are scheduled for 2007. Proposed that the traffic safety committee be changed to include members of the public; a resident, a business owner, two council liaisons, two staff persons and a County engineer. 2 City Council Meeting Minutes January 3, 2006 Comments: Millar: Stated he would endorse more citizen involvement on any committees in order to utilize the talent in the com- munity. Asked details of what is involved in creating an Accident Reduction Zone. Albrecht: Replied that it could utilize sign boards to bring attention to the zone, increase police presence in the ARZ dudng peak traffic times, and work with the County on new stop signs with LED lighting at intersections. Millar: Asked about using local police to increase traffic control during peak periods. Albrecht: Noted that some kinds of traffic controls could create a more unsafe corridor because they are not consis- tent and could cause significant back-ups of traffic; and that additional manpower in conjunction with a bus garage in the Deedield Industrial Park has been under consideration. Dornbush: Agree with having additional citizen input and this proposal. Commented on the speed of traffic around the curves of Wagon Bridge and wondered if additional speed enfomement could begin today. Albrecht: Responded that he would have to check into budget, and that random enforcement allows officers to use time most efficiently. Dornbush: Noted that if certain roads gain the reputation of speed enforcement, drivers are more inclined to reduce driving speed. LeMair: Agrees with citizen involvement and with proposal. Stated he believes the biggest problem is the intersection of Fish Point Road and CR 21 and that it is due to the speed of drivers who are going out of town and that increased enforcement on CR 21 would be good. Erickson: Concurred with previous comments. Increased citizen involvement is good and that it should not just be "single-issue" people appointed to the committee, but those willing to look at the entire City's traffic. Concerned that emphasis of presentation seemed to be from Hwy 13 going east as the major area, and the area by the Wagon Bridge should also be included. Would like the committee not only for enforcement, but also to leam how to economically con- trol flow and speed. Albrecht: Agreed the ARZ should be from CR 82 to CE 87. Noted that the Traffic Safety Committee includes a traffic engineer from the County; that CR 21 is the County's corridor and their engineer often notes things that are good for Prior Lake. Stated that membership on the committee could be limited to one year cycles to increase the number of residents that can participate, and that the committee will address traffic safety issues for the entire City, not just the CR 21 corridor. Haugen: Believes the priority for 2006 is the western end and he continues to be concerned about the Fish Point Road / CR 21 intersection and wants to continue working on implementing a solution rather than wait until 2007. Agrees with citizen involvement on the committee. Commented on ^RZ signage and hopes it will become prevalent in this corridor. Immediate local police speed enforcement would be good. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY DORNBUSH TO ACCEPT THE REPORT AND DIRECT THE STAFF TO MOVE FORWARD WITH IMMEDIATE SPEED ENFORCEMENT AND OTHER COMMENTS FROM THIS MEETING. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dombush, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution for a Cooperative Agreement for Spring Lake / Prior Lake Watershed Outlet Channel Improvements Phase I. City Engineer Albrecht presented this agenda item. The Watershed received bids and the City portion of the cost is calculated on the contribution of flow through the channel caused by increased impervious surfaces as development continues. Funding has been collected over time from developers for trunk stormwater fees. Trunk stormwater fees is a dedicated fund for improvement of existing stormwater facilities or new stormwater facilities that serve the increased flows coming from developments. Stated it is likely that Council approval will be sought to complete additional seg- ments of the project this year. The Watershed is working on an overall joint powers agreement between the City, SMSC and the City of Shakopee to allow one overall agreement rather than smaller cooperative agreements. Comments: Erickson: Complimented Albrecht on the explanation. Will support it. 3 City Council Meeting Minutes January 3, 2006 LeMair: Commented that the channel is important to the City of Prior Lake to maintain the appropriate levels of the lake and must continue to work on it. Will support it. Dornbush: Commented that it is fair that the developers pay the trunk stormwater water fees. Asked if $300,000 set aside covers all of the segments that need to be done. Albrecht: No, the program is a ten-year improvement program. The City's ten-year commitment will be around $500,000 and it projects beyond the existing capital improvement program. The City doesn't expect to use entire $300,000 this year. When the joint powers agreement is formulated, it will lay out specific years and contributions from the City. When the capital improvements program is completed in the spring, it will include the information from the joint powers agreement. SMSC was not previously part of this and they are working with the Watershed to pay for their por- tion so the City and Shakopee will not have to pick up that cost. Dornbush: Asked if the future ten-year funding source will be the same. Albrecht: Affirmed that it will be trunk funds. Millar: Asked if new money to fund would come from new developments. Albrecht: Affirmed, and noted that trunk fees were calculated last year. They are revisited every two or three years. Fees are calculated so taxpayers don't have to pay for costs of new development. Millar: Noted this is important to protect the lake and will support it. Haugen: Complimented Council members for asking questions that differentiate general fund from enterprise funds which allows the public to understand that many infrastructure improvements are developer-paid or paid with other reve- Rues. Pace: Noted that the City does not typically agree to binding arbitration as a means of resolving disputes, and re- quested that the last two sentences of #5 MISCELLANEOUS regarding the recovery of attomeys' fees and assigning the venue of Scott County to any litigation, arbitration or mediation involving the agreement be removed because they were inconsistent with paragraph ~4. Boyles: Clarified the sentences to be removed. Haugen: Will support. Erickson: Asked if the Watershed should be consulted for its opinion on the removal of the sentences. Pace: Noted that in the event of a dispute there would be two perspectives; to acquiesce and agree that if there is arbi- tration the prevailing party will pay, or let the arbiter who is looking at specific facts make the determination. Recom- mends leaving it to the fact-finder to determine if the prevailing party should be awarded the attorney fees. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-04 APPROVING A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH THE PRIOR LAKE / SPRING LAKE WATERSHED DISTRICT FOR THE OUTLET CHANNGEL SEGMENT 1 IMPROVEMENTS AS AMENDED TO REMOVE THE LAST TWO SENTENCES OF SECTION 5, MISCELLANEOUS, REGARDING RECOVERY OF ATTORNEY FEES. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dornbush, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: Consider Approval of a Report Regarding Frost Point Circle. Assistant City Engineer Poppler presented the history and staff recommendation for this topic. Noted that staff is rec- ommending that 75 percent of the residents sign a petition requesting a feasibility study, agree to pay for the full cost of a feasibility study as well as agree to waive any dght of special assessment appeal. Comments: Millar: Believes it is wise to take it back to residents and let them decide. Asked how it would affect neighboring infra- structure if the residents still do not want to have street reconstruction. Poppler: Replied that this neighborhood is at the end of water and sewer lines. Noted that construction traffic would have to travel through recently reconstructed streets to access it. Millar: Asked if there is any idea of costs. Poppler: Stated it is difficult to gauge what unit prices will be as they usually bid bigger projects - believes the project would be less than $500,000. 4 City Council Meeting Minutes January 3, 2006 Millar: Stated the decision is in their hands. Dornbush: Agrees with the idea of a neighborhood meeting, especially if they are bearing the full cost of a feasibility study. LeMair: Agreed and stated that he voted for the street reconstruction to remain with the rest of the project in 2005. Expressed concern about wear and tear on a brand new street. Believes it is important for the job to get done before there is a failure. Erickson: Wants to avoid problems that we had with the 2005 Public Improvement Project with so many assessment appeals. Having 75% of the residents waive right of special assessment appeal is a good point. The street appears to have a limited number of residents so questioned if 75% was enough to avoid any lawsuits. Albrecht: Noted that staff would come back to Council with the petition and the Council would have to permit a feasibil- ity study. Haugen: Asked if the final asphalt lift has been placed. Poppler: Replied that it has not and could be put it off another year. Haugen: Believes that not doing the project is a problem that is waiting to happen and putting it in the hands of the resi- dents makes sense. Stated this was a classic situation demonstrating that Council members should defer to profes- sional staff recommendations because they know what situation is about from an engineering perspective. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY DORNBUSH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-05 AUTHORIZING CITY STAFF TO ORGANIZE A NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING TO DISCUSS RECONSTRUCTION OF FROST POINT CIRCLE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dombush, Erickson, LeUair and Uillar. The motion carried. Poppler: Asked if the Council agrees that the feasibility report should be paid by residents of Ida Circle. Haugen: Agreed it is implied in the resolution. Teschner: Asked for direction from the Council regarding soliciting bids. Expects that competitive bids will not be re- ceived for this project and that some costs, such as financing costs, are fixed. Noted that if bids come in at a higher cost than if the project had been completed with the larger reconstruction project, the 60% of that bid would mean a higher cost would be passed onto the taxpayer. Believes the taxpayers should not have to pay more than it would have cost if the project had been completed when originally planned. Believes it should be brought up at the neighborhood meeting. Haugen: Noted there could also be changing in the bonding structure or change in interest rates that could impact the cost of bonding. Teschner: Interest rates are one variable, but the cost of bonding for discounting and attorney fees are fixed and will be at a higher cost than last year. Pace: Suggested having an information sheet at the neighborhood meeting to list all of these points so residents will know the rules that will apply in the event they want to move forward, and they cannot say they were unaware. Haugen: Stated it would be consistent with previous Council statements that if the project is undertaken, it should not cost City taxpayers anything more than it would have cost if it had been completed when originally planned. Consider Approval of a Resolution Authorizing Preparation of a Feasibility Report for Ida Circle. Assistant City Engineer Poppler presented this agenda report and noted that it was proposed to be contingent upon approval of the upcoming Hickory Shores project. It is similar to the Frost Point Circle proposal in that it also requires 75% resident application and residents would be required to waive the right to special assessment appeal. Comments: Pace: Asked at what point residents would be asked to waive the right to special assessment appeal and suggested it would be better to have them sign that waiver after they know what it will cost based upon the feasibility report. Poppler: Indicated that was the intent. Erickson: Asked if the road would be re-routed for sewer and water, or for the road reconstruction. Poppler: Replied that it is for sewer and water and to reconstruct a section of the road to remove direct connection to Hwy 13. Erickson: opment. Albrecht: City Council Meeting Minutes January 3, 2006 Asked for clarification of making the connection if the Council has not approved the Hickory Shores devel- Stated that this is contingent upon approval of that development. No action would be taken before the Hick- ory Shores development, but Ida Circle residents petitioned last fall and completing a feasibility study would allow the City to schedule the work. Wanted it on record so residents understand that sewer and water have to be extended up to Ida Circle by the developer before the City would consider extending the services. Erickson: Cladfied that staff is asking for approval of a feasibility study that may or may not occur. Albrecht: Affirmed. LeMair: Agreed with the proposal and stated that having this read closed off from CR 13 will be good for the traffic. Dornbush: Stated it is good for taxpayers to know they are not going to be bearing the cost. Millar: Will support it. Haugen: Concurred with previous statements. Poppler: Commented that this topic has similar issues as Frost Point Circle regarding payment for the feasibility study to be borne by the residents. Albrecht: Asked what method should be used to collect the funds. Pace: Replied that the petition itself is agreeing to payment so funds should be placed into escrow. Erickson: Asked if payment is collected now or when the Hickory Shores development is adopted. Albrecht: Would send notice that the Council considered and approved this proposal contingent upon Hickory Shores proceeding, each resident is to post the minimum security and be advised that when the items are met, the City would proceed. If Hickory Shores does not proceed, the City would return their funds. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-06 ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF A FEASIBILILTY REPORT FOR IDA CIRCLE, CITY PROJECT #06-011, WITH FUNDS BEING PLACED IN ESCROW AS DESCRIBED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dombush, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of 2006 Official City Fee Schedule. Finance Director Teschner presented the proposed fee schedule and noted changes from last year's schedule. Comments: Millar: Asked for explanation of conduit bond origination fee. Teschner: Gave as an example that the Shepherd's Path project may contemplate asking for conduit tax exempt bonds issued in the name of Prior Lake and would use bond funds for construction of a continuum of care senior facility. Costs incurred to have the bonds issued include staff review time, attorney fees and fiscal consultant fees. Stated that even if the bonds are defaulted upon, there is no risk to the city. Millar: Asked if there are any costs to the City. Teschner: Replied that costs to the City, the City working with the developer, staff review of the financing documents would all be covered by the bond origination fee. Pace: Stated that the City is not pledging its full faith or credit behind the bonds. Teschner: Commented that Scott County has issued conduit bonds too. Pace: Asked if the interest rate is driven based upon our bond rating. Teschner: Responded that it is not, it is just a tax exempt bond. Dornbush: Asked if all fees are the same as the 2005 schedule unless noted on the agenda report. Teschner: Replied that a few ordinances were passed in 2005 that carried fees such as the one about Watzl's boat slip. Something like that would be an addition to the 2005 fee schedule that was originally distributed. Also noted that the City's fees are consistent with the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities. Dornbush: Asked whether water and sewer fees would be increased. Teschner: Do not propose increasing them at this time. Dornbush: Asked in what way developers pay for some of the costs that might be incurred in water and sewer. Teschner: Have conducted in-depth analysis in terms of impact for the future. New development will pay into trunk 6 City Council Meeting Minutes January 3, 2006 fund for new wells, future treatment plants, and future ground reservoir requirements that will be needed. Money is placed into escrow and the future needs will not impact the current residential customers in the City. Pace: Noted that Prior Lake had professional consultants look at what the City would look like at build-out and calculate what is developer-driven. Development fees are looked at every two years. Developers also ask cities to justify fees and our fees are based on the consultant's recommendations. Teschner: Also have conducted a sewer and water utility rate analysis during the past year. The primary roason for a rate adjustment was in anticipation of the new water treatment plant. It has been a community concem for a number of years and has widespread support from a water quality issue. Rates are already in place so if the Council approves construction of the plant, the City would not be looking at a rate increase at that point. Rates are also in place for street reconstruction projects. The City does not anticipate rate increases for sewer and water for two years. Haugen: Asked if comparison was done between lake communities and non-lake communities when establishing sewer and water rates. Boyles: We projected what we would ultimately need at build-out in terms of wells, treatment plants and pipes, and calculated the amount of money that would be needed per unit or per acre and applied that cost to developers. Teschner: Noted that the lake is a great amenity for us, but it costs a lot in police, fire and infrastructure expenses. Noted that the costs were looked at only for the utility rates. Erickson: Asked about the costs to the City of conduit bonds. Teschner: Replied that bond counsel and financial advisors would direct bill which would not go through the City of Prior Lake. Erickson: Commented that the conduit bond fee could recover expenses of the City. Teschner: Affirmed, but noted that it is not budgeted as revenue because it is so seldom collected and would more likely be considered as elastic revenue or a windfall. Erickson: Asked if the amount of the conduit bond fee should be based on a pementage rather than fixed amount to have flexibility for different size projects. Teschner: Replied that $50,000 is appropriate. Erickson: Asked if we are eliminating the possibility of benefits to city and financing entity if $50,000 is too much. Teschner: Responded that financial entities realize a large savings on tax exemptions and noted that this would only be requested by a large entity with a lot of financial backing. Haugen: Noted gaps in baseball fees and suggested that listing PLAY, PLABA and lSD 719 would be all inclusive. Asked Boyles to share developmental fees that Belmont Estates would be paying based on this schedule. Boyles: It provides for development fees of $620,412 which amounts to about $18,800 per lot. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE THE 2006 OFFICIAL CITY FEE SCHEDULE AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dombush, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of City Council Annual Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees. City Manager Boyles presented the recommendations of various Council member appointments to boards, commis- sions and committees. Comments: Erickson: Asked what advantage there is to the Council serving as the equalization committee. Boyles: Responded that citizens feel more comfortable approaching the local Council if they have concems about taxes assigned to their property and it provides a higher level of customer service to the residents if concerns can be addressed at this level. Haugen: Stated that he met with each Council member to discover interests, expertise and availability; and attempted to equitably spread accountabilities. Erickson: Noted that the Prior Lake American is a good choice for the official newspaper as they have done a good job for the City for many years. City Council Meeting Minutes January 3, 2006 MOTION BY DORNBUSH, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO APPROVE APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES AS PRESENTED. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dornbush, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. MOTION BY LEMAIR, SECONDED BY MILLAR TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-08 DESIGNATING INVESTMENT AUTHORITY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dornbush, Edckson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Consider Approval of a Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing On the Establishment of the Development Pro- gram for Development District No. 5; the Proposed Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 5-1; the Proposed Adoption of Tax Increment Financing Plan Therefore, and the Proposed Awarding of a Business Subsidy. Economic Development Director Snook presented the report for this agenda item. Dawn Schulberg of Premiere Dance Academy spoke of current programming and community activities. Stated that they currently have 700 students from surrounding communities and run programming from two locations. She expressed her desire to remain in the Downtown area and described the proposed building design and functions. Comments: Millar: Stated that he is a proponent of the arts and is curious to hear what the public has to say. Dornbush: Asked about the availability of parking. Schulberg: Replied that parking would be available across the street and that a drop-off area was being designed that would create a crosswalk to the parking lot. Boyles: Stated that the City had a parking study done which showed that if Downtown were built according to parame- ters, 1,000 parking stalls would be needed. The City bought the 60-car parking lot which is currently being used for a Park-and-Ride lot for the bus. The Park-and-Ride lot will be relocated and the space will be available for businesses. Schulberg: Noted the dance studio typically has evening programming. Dornbush: Spoke in favor of having the business Downtown. LeMair: Stated he is a big fan of the dance studio and believes it will contribute to revitalizing Downtown and fuels busi- ness growth there. Erickson: Asked about the cost of demolition and asked if there is anything to substantiate the amount of $135,000. Schulberg: Stated she has no bids. Erickson: Asked the basis of that amount. Schulberg: Stated it is not based just on demolition, bids were based on donating the existing building to the fire de- partment for a practice burn and since that cannot be done, demolition will have to be re-bid. Boyles: Noted that information will be included with the Tax Increment Plan, which will be a public hearing handout. Snook: Stated the Council will get the information prior to the public hearing. Erickson: Stated he is in favor of the dance studio and of bringing people Downtown and this appears to be a great opportunity to spur growth and activity in our Downtown area. Haugen: Remarked that this is very consistent with the 2030 vision and he will support it. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY DORNBUSH TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-07 CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 5; THE PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 5-1; THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFORE, AND THE PROPOSED AWARDING OF A BUSINESS SUBSIDY. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dornbush, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Tree Preservation Committee Council member Dornbush requested the establishment of a committee to preserve aesthetics of Prior Lake and its green spaces and urban forests. Believes there is room for improvement in the tree preservation ordinance and states 8 she is aware there are other perspectives that should be considered. council member, citizens, developers and staff. City Council Meeting Minutes January 3, 2006 Believes committee membership should include a MOTION BY DORNBUSH, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A REPORT FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE COUNCIL AT A FUTURE MEETING THAT WOULD OUTLINE THE MISSION AND MEMBERSHIP PROCESS FOR REVIEWING AND RECOMMENDING MODIFICATIONS TO THE CURRENT TREE PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION ORDINANCE. Comment: Erickson: Asked how we would find the people to make up the committee. Haugen: Replied that staff will compile the recommendation and bring it to the Council. Dornbush should be included in discussions with the staff. Noted that Council member VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dombush, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Communications advisory committee Council member Millar stated that during the election campaign he made it clear that he believes that the City has made great strides in communication with the public, but he feels other ideas could be brought forth to bring the public together and exchange ideas. MOTION BY MILLAR, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO DIRECT THE STAFF TO PREPARE A REPORT FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE COUNCIL AT A FUTURE MEETING WHICH WOULD IDENTIFY THE MISSION OF A COMMUNICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMITTEE AND THE POTENTIAL STEPS A COMMITTEE COULD TAKE TO ENHANCE THE CITY'S EFFORTS TO BETTER COMMUNICATE WITH THE PUBLIC AND HAVE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT THE PUBLIC IS TRYING TO COMMUNICATE TO US. Comments: Erickson: Agreed we really need to work for communication. LeMair: Commented that the City has found ways to improve communications with the Website and wdtten forms of communication, but there is always reom for improvement. Dornbush: Agreed communication is a major issue and hopes to make use of the City's Website to be a venue for im- provement. Millar: Added that he wants to stress two-way communication, have to keep public engaged to come to us with their concerns. Haugen: Stated that Oster has done an outstanding job creating one-way communication; and now we can learn how create an environment for effective two-way communication. Noted that we do not have a daily newspaper or radio sta- tion and most people leave the City each day to go to work. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dombush, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. Senior Citizen Committee Mayor Haugen suggested that there are opportunities to improve senior citizen facilities and programs. Noted that residents in the community have higher expectations. MOTION BY HAUGEN, SECONDED BY LEMAIR TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A REPORT FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION TO CREATE A COMMITTEE THAT WOULD FOCUS ON PROGRAMS AND FACILITIES AND UTILIZATION OF SENIOR CITIZENS AS RESOURCES IN OUR COMMUNITY WITHIN 90 DAYS. VOTE: Ayes by Haugen, Dombush, Erickson, LeMair and Millar. The motion carried. 9 City Council Meeting Minutes January 3, 2006 PAR Task Force Update Mayor Haugen reviewed the creation and purpose of the task force and noted that presentations have been given to identify area needs for recreation and athletic facilities. Proposals from multi-purpose dome facilities have been heard and the task force plans to make recommendations to prioritize needs and determine where facilities might best be lo- cated and with what funding mechanisms. OTHER Millar: Thanked former Council members Zieska, Petersen and Fleming and noted that after the election they were very gracious in offering any help they could to make the transition easier. All were men of extreme integrity and he believes that when they made decisions, there were based on what was in the best interest of the community. LeMair: Commented that a wrestling alumni meet is scheduled for January 13 and any alumni in the area are invited. Haugen: The Chamber of Commerce has moved to its new office on Dakota Street in Downtown. Erickson: Thanked residents for the trust placed in himself, Dornbush and Millar. Agreed that outgoing Council mem- bers were helpful and wants to commend them for their service. Dornbush: Concurred with Millar and Erickson. ADJOURNMENT With no further comments from Council members, a motion to adjourn was made by LeMair and seconded by Millar. With all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Frank Boyles,City~Man~ Charlotte Green, Recording Secr~t~y 10