HomeMy WebLinkAboutBylaws - amended Jan 1996
Adopted May 16, 1994
Amended January 3, 1995
Amended January 2, 1996
The Prior Lake Business Development Committee (BDC) was created in
February, 1994 by an act of the Prior Lake City Council to: (1) serve as a liaison
between City Government and the Business Community, (2) support and
encourage improvement and development of existing businesses, (3) attract
prospective and identify future potential businesses and to serve as a
contact/resource providing assistance and information on Prior Lake and, (4) to
serve as a body to make recommendations to the City Council relating to speCific
business/commercial development.
Section A. Name - The legal name of the organization is the "Prior Lake
Business Development Committee".
Section B. Office - The Office of the Prior Lake Business Development
Committee is at 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue S.E., Prior Lake,
Minnesota 55372.
Section A. Officers - The Officers of the Prior Lake Business Development
Committee shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary. The City
Manager or his/her designee shall serve as Secretary of the
Section B. Chair - The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed annually on
July 1, by majority vote of the City Council, after considering the
recommendation of the Committee. The duties of the Chair
1. Review and approval of meeting agendas.
2. Presiding at meetings.
3. Participating with the City Council in the selection of
Committee members.
4. Semiannual reporting to the City Council.
5. Representation of the Committee as appropriate.
Section C. Vice-chair - The Vice-Chair shall be selected annually by the
Committee and shall perform the duties of the Chair in his/her
absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such other duties as
assigned by the Chair.
Section D. Secretary - The City Manager or his/her designee shall act as the
Secretary and shall be responsible for recording and compiling a
written summary of all official activities of the Committee.
Section E. Appointment - The Committee shall consist of seven (7) members,
appointed by the Prior Lake City Council for a term of two (2) years
from July 1 to June 30. Committee members may serve additional
terms upon approval by the Prior Lake City Council, based upon
attendance and participation, continued residence, and/or business
person in Prior Lake and in accordance with the term limits policy
established by the City Council.
With Council approval ex-officio members who shall be the official
representative of the Prior Lake - Savage School District #719 and
provide direct communication of the Committee's activities to the
School Board. The ex-officio member shall not exercise voting
privileges, serve as Chair or Vice-Chair or be included as a
member for purposes of Committee size and calculating a quorum.
Section F. Vacancies - If the office of Chair becomes vacant the City Council
shall appoint a replacement after considering the recommendation
of the Committee. If the Office of Vice-Chair becomes vacant, the
Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next
regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term
of said office. Should a member resign, or otherwise vacate a seat
on the Committee, Prior Lake City Council shall appoint a
replacement to complete the term. The selection of the Chair or
Committee member will be filled in accordance with City Bylaws.
Section C). Performance Criteria - Annually the Committee shall perform a
written self-evaluation on the following:
1) Implementation of the Preamble and duties.
2) Achievement of Goals and Objectives.
3) Compliance with Bylaws.
4) Formulation of proposals and recommendations and
overall accomplishments.
5) Visitation of subject sites as applicable.
6) Annual personal attendance record of at least 75%.
- 3 -
The Committee shall forward this evaluation to a review Committee
comprised of the staff member assigned to the Committee, City
Manager, Mayor, and one member of the City Council. The
committee shall present this report and any additional comments to
the Council by the first week of December for action and
recommendation at the annual meeting in accordance with the
Section H. Term Limit - It is the policy of the Prior Lake City Council to impose
a three term (or 6 year) service limitation for all appointed positions
within the committees and commission. Partial terms do not count
toward the term limitation. The purpose of the term limit policy is to
encourage resident participation on city advisory bodies and
provide community members with the opportunity to participate in
their local government.
Section I Conflict of Interest - A member shall refrain from discussing, voting
on, or in any manner taking part in an action or decision of the BDC
1) The member has, or reasonably expects to have during
the member's term of office, a direct interest in the
outcome of the action or decision, unless the effect of
the action or decision on the member's interests would
be no greater than its effect on other persons or
property similarly situated; or
2) The member has a direct or indirect interest in any sale,
lease, or contract that is the subject of the action or
decision, except as expressly permitted under state laws
governing municipal contracts.
If a conflict involves the presiding officer, in addition to refraining
from participation in the action or decision as provided in this
section, the presiding officer shall disqualify him/herself from the
duties of presiding officer and shall pass the gavel to the Vice-Chair
or to any member who has no conflict. The presiding officer may
resume the chair once the issue has been dispatched.
This section shall be construed and interpreted according to
Minnesota statues and case law.
Section J. Code of Conduct - Committee members will adhere to the
1. Committee member's opinion pertaining to a function,
organization or specific application or issue shall not be
given to public or media unless there is a clear
qualification that the opinion is that of the member and
not the official opinion of the Committee or the city. If a
Committee member gives or represents the opinions of
the Committee, he/she shall do so only after receiving
the official direction from the Committee.
2. The conduct of Committee members shall reflect
positively upon the Committee, individual member and
3. Committee members shall avoid any actual or apparent
impropriety .
Section A. Regular Meetings - In conformance with the Minnesota Open
Meeting Lawall meetings of the Committee are open to the public.
Regular meetings shall be held on the second Tuesday of each
month at 7:00 a.m. in the Prior Lake Council Chambers at Fire
Station #1, 16200 Eagle Creek Avenue SE, Prior Lake, Minnesota
the event that such a date shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting
shall be held on the next succeeding day. Regular meetings may
be rescheduled, canceled or changed depending upon unique
circumstances and subject to the approval and consent of both the
Chair and/or Vice-Chair.
Section B. Notification - All regular meetings of the Committee shall be noticed
1) Posting at city hall for at least two (2) days prior to the
2) A copy of the notice, agenda and accompanying
materials shall be prepared by the staff and received by
the Committee, City Council, staff and others designated
by the City Council no later than the Friday prior to the
Tuesday meeting, and in no case later than two (2) days
prior to a special meeting.
Section C. Special Meetings - Special Meetings of the Committee may be
called by the Chair, or two (2) members of the Committee for the
purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. Staff
may recommend calling a special meeting, but must receive
approval from either the Chair or two members of the Committee.
The call for a special meeting must be delivered prior to the time of
the proposed meeting to each Committee member of the
Committee at least two (2) days prior to the special meeting. At
such meetings, no business shall be considered other than as
designated in the call. The notification provisions of Section B of
the article shall be followed.
Section D. Quorum for Regular and Special Meetings - A majority of
Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of
conducting its business, but a smaller number may adjourn from
time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in
attendance, action may be taken by the Committee upon a vote of
a majority of the Committee present.
Section E. Conduct of Business at Meetings. The agenda for a regularly
scheduled meeting shall include the following in order of business:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s)
3. Old Business
4. Other Business
5. Staff Update
6. New Business
7. Adjournment
Section F. Voting - All members of the Committee except ex-officio members
have equal voting authority.
Section A. Powers and Duties - The Committee shall act in an advisory
capacity to the Prior Lake City Council and shall advise the City
Council on matters of business development identified in the
preamble or as assigned by the Council to the Committee.
Semiannually, or as otherwise required by the Council, the
Committee Chair shall give an accounting of the Committee's
activities with respect to its goals and objectives before the City
Council. Additionally, specific powers, duties and responsibilities
may be assigned to the Committee upon approval of the City
Section B. Subcommittees - The Committee may divide its membership into
subcommittees as it deems necessary to implement its goals and
objectives subject to state open meeting law requirements.
Section A. Amendments - These bylaws shall be reviewed by the Committee
annually. The Committee may recommend revised Bylaws to the
City Council for final approval.