HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 annual report and 1992 goalsECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1991 ANNUAL REPORT AND 1992 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PROGRAM JANUARY, 1992 SUBMITTED BY: Robert Barsness, Chairman Dar Fosse Jim Hill, Sr. Ray Lemley Steve Nielson Bill Packer Jere Philli?s Jeannie Robb~ns Darcy Running Rachel VanDenBoom Nat Wisser Kay Schmudlach, Staff Liaison ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1991 ANNUAL REPORT me 1991 Economic Development Committee Activities Ao Introduction Full Committee Activities Subcommittee Activities 1 II. Economic Development Committee New Membership Biography 3 III. Summary of 1992 Economic Development Work Program 4 I. 1991 ~CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES A. ~NTRODUCTION . The EConomic Development Committee annually meets to review its previous year's accomplishments and to anticipate a plan for be upcoming ~ear's activities.. The Annual Workshop a~fords the Economic Development Commlttee an opportunity to dxsc~ss, not only activities for the upcoming year and strategies for accomplishing, tho~e, but a philosophical discussion on the long range d~rectxon of the community. The EDC Workshop on January 9, 1992 will be followed up with a CounOil Workshop on February 1, %992 where discussion on the long range plans can be shared wlth the Council and further direction provided. IFULL COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES The Economic D~velopment Committee functions primarily las a fu1% committee, due in part to the size of the membership, and also to the interest of all the iCommittee members in the activities. In 1991 the committee focused on several main objectives. The primary focus was the Business Office Park and the Star City Program. .Secondary pro3ects included the ?rear%on of a Commercxal Industrial Tax Increment Fxnanclng Policy, providing Chamber supportc project review, lobbying for County roadway ~mprovements, and establishing the Scott County Economic Development Coalition. These activities will be described in detail in the following summary. Business Office Park The EDC and City staff have hosted a series of Workshops with the City Council and Planning Commission. The City .Council and the entire Workshop group have contxnued to gather additional, detailed information with the end result an anticipated Business Office Park development. Subsequent to the upcoming February i meeting there have been three additional Workshops over the course ?f the past year. At each stage the Council has revlewed, in detail, the information provided and identified additional activities that need to be addressed prior to final approval. At the most recent Workshop on December 9, the City Council reviewed a plan called Scenario #7 that addresses the financial proforma of the Business Office Park. The Council, EDC and Planning Commission agreed at this juncture to proceed with the Business Office Park as a project for the 1992 year with construction being late 1992 or early 1993. of Th~ pro3ect ~s contingent upon the completion 1 activities. Those activities have been addressed by the staff and have been put to a timetable. The EDC will be re~orting this timetable to the City Council at their Workshop on February 1. Staff anticipates that most activities will be completed by spring, with construction in the fall. Significant to the decision for going ahead will be the result of the appraisals and negotiations with the property owners. Star City Program . The Stpr City Pro~ram d~d have an active subcommittee that 1ncluded Bob Barsness, Darcy Running, Dar Fosse, and Rachel VanDenBoom. Prior Lake was certified as a Star City and celebrated with an Open House on May 1, 1991. The Committee has met subsequent to that to put together the re-c~rtificatlon .requirements for ~992. That committee is Cha~red by Darcy Running who no longer is a member of the EDC but continues to have interest to provide leadership for the Star City Program. Commercial/Industrial TIF Policy Guidelines The EDC finalized the policies for commercial and industrial development wh%ch ~rovides guidelines for use of Tax Increment F~nancing. The policy was formally approved by the City council on June 17, 1991. Scott County Economic Development Coalition The EDC is not actively involved in the SCEDC but did see that the Coalition completed their Bylaws and Joint Powers Agreement. Approval of the amended Bylaws and Joint Powers Agreement was made on October 21, 1991 by the Prior Lake City Council. Nat Wisser continues to provide a liaison extension to the Coalition, and advises the EDC on the Coalition's activities. The Coalition is currently preparing a brochure for Business Retention in Scott County and will be doing some community profiles and education on the SBA Loan Process. Business Outreach The EDC has pinpointed several businesses ~hat they have worked with regarding outreach. Primary on the list is a meeting held with the representatives of the James Company( Charlie James and Tony Oxborough. The EDC is encouraging the James Company to pursue a second office building on County Road 42 and Highway 13 on the property they currently own. The EDC has also worked with the James Company to try to identify a business to fill the other vacant lot on that site. The Economic Development Committee and City staff had numerous conversations with Greg Foster of Rainbow Play Systems to find another location for h~s hugeness and/or %0 ~ecure %hem ~n ~he building they are currently in. The EDC, through City staff, have continued to work with the Town Center Association to discuss a potential redevelopment project. At the close of 1991 the Town Center Association has indicated support for minor landscaping and roadway improvements. However, no definite plan has been accepted. The EDC has also worked with Super Valu and the Mall merchants to anticipate some of their needs with the new grocery store and the Priordale Mall vacancies. The EDC is cogniant that a relocated Super Valu will put stress on the Gateway Center and efforts to address this have been initiated. Ray Lemley has contacted several hotel/motel franchises to discuss the potential of a development in Prior Lake. Mr. Lemley continues to work with his contacts with the EDC available to provide additional support. Throughout the year City staff receives many inquirie~ for information on Economic Development opportunities in Prior Lake. The EDC does review many of those contacts as they become projects. SUBCOMMITTEE ACTIVITIES Business Expo Several ad hoc subcommittees were prepared to process some of the activities. There was a subcommittee made up of Chamber and EDC personnel who staffed the Business Expo. The Business Info was a great success with all the booths being filled. The Chamber did provide some awards to the citizens with the money left over from the booths fees. The EgC and the Chamber both have agreed that this Ks a good activity and anticipate pursuing it in the future. Business Appreciation Golf Outing_ The Chamber and the EDC also provided staff for the Business Appreciation Golf Outing. These joint relationships with the Chamber strengthen both the Chamber and EDC and provide for good business activities. II. ECONOMIC Lobbing Several ad hoc committees were formed as a result of the Council Workshop and EDC discussions· Subcommittees met with County Commissioner Dick Underferth and Brad Larson to discuss ways in which the E.DC could facilitate the County. Road 21 extension and the County Road 18 completion. The EDC did have representation at several Metropolitan Council meetings to support Council's position on transportation issues. DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NEW MEMBERSHIP BIOGRAPHY Jean~ie Robbins was appointed to the EDC in 1991 and is a veryjactive member of the Full Committee. Jeannie is the Finance Director for Minnesota Valley Electric Coop and provides a financial analysis background to her role with the Committee. 4 III.SUMM~ A. ~ Be 4. E 5. C SUBCC RY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1992 WORK PROGRAM COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES · L. Business Office Park Private Sector Support Tenant Search Marketing Plan Public Relations w/ Comm. Create P.I. District roject Review Super Valu Israelson Plat (Rezone) usiness Outreach - Existing Priordale Mall James Co. Development Gateway Center Town Center Commercial/Industrial Inventory Little Six Casino/Sioux Community usiness Outreach - New Health Care Complex Ana%ysis of Potential Business Development Hotel/Motel Research Mystic Lake Casino omp. Plan Review BOP Land Uses Annexation EDC Policies .MMITTEE ACTIVITIES DC/Chamber Dialogue Tourism Business Expo Golf Outing tar City Re-certification Interview Five Year/One Year Plan obbying County Road 18, 21~ 44 Metropolitan-Council TIMEFRAME Jan-Aug Jan-Aug Jan-June Ongoing I! I! Ongoing !! Ongoing TIMEFRAME March Dec !! As Needed T.~.~D PERSON Full Comm. # !! Full Comm. # Full Comm. ti Il Full Comm. t! Full Comm. LEAD PERSON Kay S. Darcy R. Rachel V. Jere P. Darcy R. Darcy R. Kay S. Bob B. e f'olicy Packet April Jim H. 5