HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995Business Development Committee 1995 Goals OUTREACH TO INTEREST MAJOR CORPORATIONS IN OFFICE OR MANUFACTURING FACILITIES IN PRIOR LAKE. continue beyond 1995) COMPLETION OF WATERFRONT PASSAGE BUSINESS PARK (This goal will continue beyond 1995) a) Definition of future financial expectations and requirements. b) Define financial policies and/or guidelines necessary to achieve the requirements (TIF Policy review, land costs and pricing, park expansion by annexation to reduce amortized cost of infrastructure, etc.). c) Assure marketing effort is implemented to achieve financial goals. (Includes review of the past marketing plan) and quantify competitive markets. d) Follow-up with completed projects to assure post-completion satisfaction through visits to each business at least annually accompanied by appropriate staff members. REDEVELOPMENT OF THE PRIORDALE MALL AND ADJACENT AREA. (This goal will continue beyond 1995) a) Determination of current property and business owner's desires and expectations. b) Determination of the City Council's perspective relative to the future of this area, including willingness to invest City funds. c) Identify potential sources of funding (current landowners, grants, developers, investors, City). d) Contact with potential developers who have the potential to invest or the ability to attract investors. LOCATING (This goal will a) Identification of potential candidates both within and outside of Minnesota. b) Development of high quality presentation material (charts, slides, or video) that can also be used to promote Waterfront Passage. c) Personalized contact with CEO's by appropriate City officials (personalized letter of invitation to visit, and follow-up phone call). d) Personalized presentations in Prior Lake or at Prospect's offices as appropriate. e) Review and input to 2010 Comprehensive Plan relative to availability of sites. PROMOTE AND PARTICIPATE IN JOINT ACTIVITIES WITH THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE DAKOTA COMMUNITY. a) Recommend appropriate Chamber\BDC presence at the Dakota POW WOW. b) Encourage Dakota presence at Lakefront Days. BDCGOALS.DOC FINAL 6/5/95 c) Supervise creation of Prior Lake promotional piece to be included in Dakota press packet. d) Clarify the role of the Chamber and BDC in completing the downtown promotion i project.. cOMMERCIAL REVITALIZATION/REDEVELOPMENT a) b) OTHI~ a) c) d) Complete downtown focus meetings and customer survey. Monitor status of intersection of Main and County Road 21, and report any proposed changes to downtown group. R PROJECTS Participate in community entry sign project by proposing the type and location of signs identifying the commercial district(s) and Business/Office park district. Review and report on the most cost effective role of Advance Resources. Maintain Star Cities certification. Review and comment on staff prepared annexation policy and plan as it applies to Waterfront Passage. BDCGOALS.DOC FINAL 6/5/95 ("~1 © INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Attached for 1. Business Development Committee, Bonnie Carlson Planning Commission, Don Ry~ Parks Advisory Committee, BiJlA4a..ngan Lake Advisory Committe~ Frank Boyles, City Manager l~ February 10, 1995 ~ Revision of Advisory Body Bylaws and Cover Sheets nclusion in your bylaws notebook is: i Revised cover sheet showing current members, terms, term land deadlines for various actions during the year. limits 2. i Revised bylaws confirming the 75% minimum participation for i advisory body members. Please include these materials in your files for reference during the year. If you have questions, please contact me or the staff liaison to your advisory body. M9509.WRT 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Janua~ 3,1995 Current Members Date Appointed .Ray Lemley ; 10/90 Jeanne Robbins 4/92 Nat Wisser i 2/90 Wes Mader i 10/93 7/95 7/97 7/95 7/97 7/96 7/96 7/95 7/99 7/96 7/02 7/96 7/02 Annual Com, wittee/Commission evaluation due to the City Council annually by: June I , 1995. Proposals fo~' bylaw changes due to the City Council by: Oec~mber 1 , 1995. Recommen~ationforCha~duetoCityCouncilannuallyby: June I , 1995. COVER. WRT BYLAWS OF PRIOR LAKE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Adopted May 16, 1994 Amended January 3, 1995 The Prior Lake Business Developme.nt Committee (BDC) was created in February, 1994 by an act of thePriOr Lake City Council to: (1) serve as a liaison between City Government and the Business Community, (2) support and encourage improvement and development of existing businesses, (3) attract prospective and identify future potential businesses and to serve as a contact/resourCe providing assistance and information on Prior Lake and, (4) to serve as a body to make recOmmendations to the City Council relating to specific business/commercial development. ARTICLE 1. NAME Section A. Section B. Name - The legal name of the organization is the "Prior Lake Business Development Committee". Office - The Office of the Prior Lake Business Development Committee is at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372. Section A. Section B. Section C. Section D. ARTICLE 2. OFFICERS Officers The Officers of the Prior Lake Business Development Committee shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary. The City Manager or his/her designee shall serve as Secretary of the Committee. Chair - The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed annually on July 1, by majority vote of the City Council, after considering the recommendation of the Committee. The duties of the Chair include: Review and approval of meeting agendas. Presiding at meetings. Participating with the City Council in the selection of Committee members. Semiannual reporting to the City Council. Representation of the Committee as appropriate. Vice-chair - The Vice-Chair shall be selected annually by the Committee and shall perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence. The Vice-Chair shall assume such other duties as assigned by the Chair. ~tc, rtta~ - The City Manager or his/her designee shall act as the Secretary and shall be responsible for recording and compiling a written summary of all official activities of the Committee. 5/94 BYLAW3 1 Section E. Section F. Section G. Section H. Agtl.0.illllll~i The Committee shall consist of seven (7) members, appointed by the Prior Lake City Council for a term of two (2) years from July 1 to June 30. Committee members may serve additional terms upon approval by the Prior Lake City Council, based upon attendance and participation, continued residence, and/or business person in Prior Lake and in accordance with the term limits policy established by the City Council. With Council approval ex-officio members may be appointed to the Committee as recommended by the School District. The person shall be the official representative of the Prior Lake - Savage School District ~v'/19 and provide direct communication of the Committee's activities to the School Board. The ex-officio member shall not exercise voting privileges, serve as Chair or Vice-Chair or be included as a member for purposes of Committee size and calculating a quorum. Vacancies - If the office of Chair becomes vacant the City Council shall appoint a replacement after considering the recommendation of the Committee. If the Office of Vice-Chair becomes vacant, the Committee shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. Should a member resign, or otherwise vacate a seat on the Committee, Prior Lake City Council shall appoint a replacement to complete the term. The selection of the Chair or Committee member will be filled in accordance with City Council Bylaws. Performance Criteria - Annually the Committee shall perform a written self-evaluation on the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Implementation of the Preamble and duties. Achievement of Goals and Objectives. Compliance with Bylaws. Formulation of proposals and recommendations and overall accomplishments. Visitation of subject sites as applicable. Annual personal attendance record of at least 75%. The Committee shall forward this evaluation to a review Committee comprised of the staff member assigned to the Committee, City Manager, Mayor, and one member of the City Council. The review committee shall present this report and any additional comments to the Council by the fa'st week of December for action and recommendation a the annual meeting in accordance with the Council Bylaws. Iexm_l.,imiI - It is the policy of the Prior Lake City Council to impose a three term (or 6 year) service limitation for all appointed positions within the committees and commission. Partial terms do not count toward the term limitation. The purpose of the term limit policy is to encourage resident participation on city advisory bodies and provide community members with the opportunity to participate in their local government. 5/94 BYLAW3 2 Section I. Section J. Section A. Section B. Section C. Conflict of Interest - Members with a financial or vested interest with an applicant, application, proposal, policy, or other Committee issue shall disclose the relationship before participating in discussion about the issue. If the conflict is deemed to be significant, the member shall refrain from discussion and voting on such issue. If the conflict involves the presiding officer, he/she shall disqualify him/herself from discussion and pass the gavel to the Vice-Chair or a member who has no conflict. He/she may resume the chair once the issue has been dispatched. Code of Conduct - Committee members will adhere to the following: Committee member's opinion pertaining to a function, organization or specific application or issue shall not be given to the public or media unless there is a clear qualification that the opinion is that of the member and not the official opinion of the Committee or the city. If a Committee member gives or represents the opinions of the Committee, he/she shall do so only after receiving the official direction from the Committee. The conduct of Committee members shall reflect positively upon the Committee, individual member and city. Committee members shall avoid any actual or apparent impropriety. ARTICLE }, MEETINGS Regular Meetings - In conformance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law all meetings of the Committee are open to the public. Regular meetings shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:15 a.m. at Prior Lake City Hall, 4629 Dakota Street S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota. In the event that such a date shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next succeeding day. Regular meetings may be rescheduled, cancelled or changed depending upon unique circumstances and subject to the approval and consent of both the Chair and/or Vice-Chair. Notification - All regular meetings of the Committee shall be noticed by: 1) 2) Posting at city hall for at least two (2) days prior to the meeting. A copy of the notice, agenda and accompanying materials shall be prepared by the staff and received by the Committee, City Council, staff and others designated by the City Council no later than the Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting, and in no case later than two (2) days prior to a special meeting. Special Meetings - Special Meetings of the Committee may be called by the Chair, or two (2) members of the Committee for the purpose of transacting any business designated in the call. Staff may recommend calling a special meeting, but must receive approval from either the Chair 5 / 9 4 BYLAW3 3 Section D. Section E. Section F. or two members of the Committee. The call for a special meeting must be delivered prior to the time of the proposed meeting to each Committee member of the Committee at least two (2) days prior to the special meeting. At such meetings, no business shall be considered other than as designated in the call. The notification provisions of Section B of the article shall be followed. Quorum for Regular and Special Meetings - A majority of Committee members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business, but a. smaller number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtained. When a quorum is in attendance, action may be taken by the Committee upon a vote of a majority of the Committee present. Conduct of Business at Meetings. The agenda for a regularly scheduled meeting shall include the following in order of business: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Call to Order Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s) Old Business Other Business Staff Update New Business Adjournment XO. liag - All members of the Committee except ex- officio members have equal voting authority. Section A. Section B. ARTICLE 4. SCOPE OF POWERS AND DUTIES Powers and Duties - The Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Prior Lake City Council and shall advise the City Council on matters of business development identified in the preamble or as assigned to the Committee. Semiannually, or as otherwise required by the Council, the Committee Chair shall give an accounting of the Committee's activities with respect to its goals and objectives before the City Council. Additionally, specific powers, duties and responsibilities may be assigned to the Committee upon approval of the City Council. ~ The Committee may divide its membership into subcommittees as it deems necessary to implement its goals and objectives. Section A. ARTICLE 5. AMENDMENTS Ame, llfll:lle~ - These bylaws shall be reviewed by the Committee annually. The Committee may recommend revised Bylaws to the City Council for final approval. BYLAW3 5/94 BYLAW3 4 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMI'FI'EE FEBRUARY 14, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL - CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA II. III. ROLL CALL RaYLemley Wes Mader Jeannie Robbins Nat Wisser Ex-Officio Members Jenny Kraska - student council Jere Phillips Deborah Rose DaVe Pearson Carrie Nelson APPROVE MINUTES See attached minutes of January 10, 1995. OLD BUSINESS ReVise 1995 Workplan to reflect goals established at February 6, 1995 work session with City Council. See attached Revised 1995 Goals. NEW BUSINESS Development Issues - John Breitbach, Prior Lake State Bank OTHER BUSINESS Set date and agenda for joint meeting with Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce. chamber suggested a date of March 7, 1995 at 7:30 a.m. VI. STAFF UPDATE City of Shakopee Downtown Renewal Grant Program VII. ADJOURN BDC, A01.BOC L MINUTES OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE January 10, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Jeannie Robbins, Ray Lemlcy, and Wes Mader Nat Wisser Bonnie Carlson and Roger Guenette The meeting was called to order by Chair Jeannie Robbins. MOTION BY, WES MADER, SECONDED BY, RAY LEMLEY, TO APPROVE THE BDC MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13, 1994. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Review 1994 goals and Accomplishments: 199~ Goals and Accomplishments. The BDC discussed and approved the ~W BUSINESS BDC developed the following goals for 1995: Foster relationship with Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce in order to focus the mutual goal of improving existing businesses. Review Waterfront Passage Business Park financial pro forma in light of recent and pending sales. Continue activities to maintain Minnesota Star City certification. Review 2010 updated Comprehensive Plan and develop priorities and the process to assure future land availability for commercial and industrial growth. Encourage redevelopment in the Franklin Trail, Highway 13 and Priordale Mall area; and the Pleasant and Main Avenue site. Develop a Tax Increment Financing Policy for Waterfront Passage Business Park and for redevelopment projects. Monitor County Road 21 East project and communicate progress to downtown business owners. oTHI~R BUSINI~SS MOTION BY RAY LEMLEY, SECONDED BY WES MADER TO ACCEPT THE RESIGNATION OF LARRY GREENFIELD. MOTION CARRIED. BDC members expressed concern regarding thc number of vacancies on the co~ mittee. The BDC suggested several names as potential candidates. Norm Erickson Harold Tupy Jim Spiker John Breitbach Frank Wicker BDC members will atempt to contact those suggested to encourage them to apply for BDC appointment. There being no further business, MOTION BY WES MAI)ER, SECONDED BY RAY LEMLEY, TO ADIOURN THE MEETING. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m. 3470 Sycamore Trail SW Prior Lake, MN 55372-2342 (612) 440-1069 March 21, 1995 Ms. Jeannie Robbins 5445 Shore Trail NE Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dear Jeannie, While I had hoped to discus the 1995 BDC goals with you on a personal basis, I will follow your letter suggestion of March 6, 1995, and submit my thoughts in writing. First, the most recent revision of the BDC 1995 Goals include 10 items and some sub items. With a minimum committee of 3 or 4 members, and 9 months left in the year, it is highly unlikely that something substantive can or will be accomplished for each of the 10 items. Second, a number of the goals relate to "reviewing" and "commenting", or "reporting", or "monitoring", someone else's activity. In my opinion, these suggest a very passive role for the BDC in 1995, or what ~consider to be a repeat of our performance in 1994. Third, in my opinion, the 10 goals that are listed seem to reflect a mixture of activities that should be accomplished' by the City Staff, the Chamber of Commerce, and the BDC, without clear definition of who has the ball. Combining the above points of concern, it would be my expectation that if the BDC is able to accomplish anything in 1995, it will be of very little substance relative to each of the i0 goals, and that the BDC's real contribution to the City will be minuscule. I would be personally more satisfied if the BDC could accomplish one major task that would make a significant contribution to the well being of the City, than to claim completion of a significant number of meaningless tasks. Having offered the above opinions, I would like to offer my perspective relative to the BDC. First, it is my understanding that the BDC exists at the discretion of the City Council, and therefore its function would seem to be to advise the Council in those areas where the Council requests advice, and to implement specific tasks at the Council's request. If the current draft of the BDC 1995 Goals is a true reflection of what the Council wants from the BDC in 1995, then so be it, and the BDC should proceed accordingly. Second, assuming that the current list of Goals is adapted by the BDC, my personal interest in working on these would be limited to only one or two, and then only if there is a clear understanding of the BDC's role. If this limited interest disqualifies me to continue serving on the Committee, I will be glad to resign without regret, and without ill will. Third, and more to the point of your letter, if I were the City Council, I would formulate a set of goals for the BDC which could have meaningful impact on the City, and which would relate to the following issues: * Completion of Waterfront Passage Business Park - Definition of financial expectations - Financial Policy/Guidelines for future projects - Need for more financially substantial occupant(s) in the Park - Definition of responsibility for marketing - Definition of responsibility for meeting and negotiating with prospects * Redevelopment of the Priordale Mall and adjacent area - Definition of City's willingness to contribute financially to redevelopment, and expectations for return on the investment by the City - Determination of current property owner's expectations - Determination regarding availability of grants for redevelopment. - Search for potential developers * Outreach to interest major corporations in locating office or manufacturing facilities in Prior Lake - Development of presentation material - Identification of potential candidates currently located both inside and outside of Minnesota - Personalized contact and presentations - Meeting and negotiating with interested prospects The above issues represent extremely challenging goals, and it would be necessary to add additional capability to the BDC if there is any hope for these to be accomplished. However, accomplishment of any of the above would, in my opinion, be more meaningful than carrying out all of the activities currently listed on the 1995 Goals. Your letter noted that the BDC has "a full plate of activities this year and as a result cannot devote a great deal of meeting time to Business development" In that case, I'm suggesting we empty the plate and start over. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting next week. Kind regards, Wes Mader BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MARCH 28, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 AGENDA ROLL CALL y Lemley S Mader nnie Robbins Nat Wisser Ex-Officio Members Jenny Kraska - student council Jere Phillips Deborah Rose Dave Pearson Carrie Nelson II. III. APPROVE MINUTES .~ached minutes of February 14, 1995. OLD BUSINESS 1995 Goals and Workplan OTHER BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS VI. STAFF UPDATE VII. ADJOURN 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER I. MINUTES OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE February 14, 1994 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. Present: Absent: Others Present: Jeannie Robbins, Ray Lemley Nat Wisser, Wes Mader Jenny Kraska, Roger Guenette, Breitbach Since there was no quorum, no official action was taken. Bonnie Carlson, John lie OLD BUSINESS The 1995 revised BDC goals were reviewed and discussed. Final development of specific timelines and goals was tabled until the March meeting. There is a general consensus that the focus of the BDC is changing from Business Office Park development to retail and commercial redevelopment in 1995. me NEW BUSINESS John Breitbach, Prior Lake State Bank, discussed development issues that have come to his attention while assisting developers with financing for Business Offee Park projects. His foremost advice was to give developers as much information as possible in order to avoid surprises to the developer. He also advised the City to keep in mind that most of the development in the business office park are first time projects for the developers. Therefore, they may not fully anticipate costs associated with soil corrections, landscaping requirements, permit fees or fur code safety requirements. After discussion of these issues, the BDC members endorsed steps taken by staff to better address the issue of soil correction cost up-front and for developing the development projects. They also encourage the staff to continue efforts to improve developer and City procedures; IV® OTHER BUSINESS The BDC confirmed a tentative meeting with the Chamber of Commerce Board set for March 7, 1995 at 7:30 a.m. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MINUTES OF BUSINESS DEVELPMENT COMMITTEE II. MARCH 28, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 Present: Jeannie Robbins, Ray Lemlely, Wes Mader Absent: Nat Wisser Others Presem: Deb Rose, Bonnie Carlson, Roger Guenette APPROVE MINUTES MOTION BY RAY LEMLEY, SECONDED BY JEANNIE ROBBINS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 14, 1995~ MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS The BDC revised the 1995 work plan, taking into consideration the Chamber of Commerce's limited availablity to work on joint projects, and the fact that the BDC has three vacancies. The revised goals are: COMPLETION OF WATERFRONT PASSAGE BUSINESS PARK (This goal will continue beyond 1995) Definition of future financial expectations and requirements. Define financial policies and/or guidelines necessary to achieve the requirements (TIF Policy review, land costs and pricing, park expansion by annexation to reduce amortized cost of infrastmc~e, etc.). Assure marketing effort is implemented to achieve financial goals. (Includes review of the past marketing plan) and quantify competitive markets. Follow-up with completed projects to assure post-completion satisfaction through amm~t visits to each business ~,~+ ~ ~~2,..~. REDEVELOPMENT OF THE PRIORI)ALE MALL AND ADJACENT AREA. (T~Li~s iIo,~ ~w~.ll [o~n~n}~e..b~..yan_d 1995) Determination of current owner's desires and expectations. BDCMC 32:.D85 OC 1620OEagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (6I2) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNrI'Y F_.MPLOYER Complete downtown focus meetings and customer survey. Monitor status of intersection of Main and County Road 21, and report any proposed changes to downtown group. OTHER PROJECTS Participate in community entry sign project by proposing the type and location of signs identifying the commercial district(s) and Business/Office park district. Review and report on the most cost effective role of Advance Resources. Maintain Star Cities certification. Review and comment on staff prepared annexation policy and Plan~ Waterfront Passage. IV. Ve Vie NEW BUSINESS The BDC set a meeting of the Downtown Businesses to follow-up on the survey and potential joint promotions for 7:30 a.m.. April 11, 1995 STAFF UPDATE Roger GUenette reported that negotiations with Ed Malone, EM Products are progressing and he expects a development agreement to be signed in the near future. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m. BDCM3255.DOC DATE: TO: FROM: March 31, 1995 Interested Business Owners and Operators Bonnie Carlson, Assistant City Manager Roger Guenette, Advanced Resources RE: MEETING TO REVISIT ISSUES AND STRATEGIES IMPACTING DOWNTOWN AND OTHER BUSINESS Last fall the Business Development Committee conducted a series of meetings to identify various issues and opportunities impacting the downtown and other local businesses. Foremost among the concerns was the traffic control and flow pattern at the intersection of County Road 21 and Main Street. It was reported by the Scott County Engineer that for the near term this intersection is scheduled to remain open and that decisions regarding the installation of semaphores and or a two way stop will be dependent on traffic counts and flow. The best way to ensure that this intersection remains as is or has semaphore signal controls is to increase traffic flow in and out of the downtown. The Business Development Committee is willing to continue facilitating meetings of local business owners/operators to help identify methods to implement strategies for maintaining/increasing business activity. This process was initiated last November, but was interrupted due to the time limitations of retailers over the holiday season. Consequently, a meeting has been scheduled for TUESDAY, APRIL 11 AT 7:30 A.M. AT THE NEW FIRE HALL on County Road 21. Enclosed is an agenda for the meeting. It is the intention of the Business Development Committee to provide a forum for local businesses to develop a plan of action for improving business opportunities. Attendees should be prepared to invest their time and energy in a joint effort to implement Various strategies that are determined to support business growth and stability. Please contact me if you have questions regarding this information. BCME5.80C 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 3470 Sycamore Trail SW Prior Lake, MN 55372-2342 (6i2) 440-1069 April 5, 1995 Bonnie Carlson City of Prior Lake 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. Prior Lake, MN 55372 Dear Bonnie, First, a reminder to send Kevin a list of the downtown businesses that were initially invited to participate in the BDC/Uptown Businesses discussions. Second, i volunteered to draft a rewrite of some of the BDC objectives, and therefore offer the following. You and/or Jeannie may wish to make some changes before sending to the Committee for ratification. PRIORITY GOALS COMPLETION OF WATERFRONT PASSAGE BUSINESS PARK (This goal, which will continue beyond ]995, will include the following elements) * Definition of future financial expectations and requirements * Define financial policies and/or guidelines necessary to achieve the requirements (TIF po]icy, land cost, park expansion by annexation to reduce amortized cost of infrastructure, etc.) Assure marketing effort is implemented to achieve financial goals (Include review of past marketing plan~ and quantify competitive markets.) * Participation in meeting and negotiating with prospects, as directed by the City Council (City Council should define the BDC's role in this regard .) Follow-up with completed projects to assure post-completion satisfaction 2 REDEVELOPMENT OF THE PRIORDALE MALL AND ADJACENT AREA (This goal, which will continue beyond 1995, will include the following elements) Determination of current property owner's desires and expectations * Determinations of City Council's perspective relative to future of this area~ including willingness to invest City funds. * Identify potential sources of funding (current property owners, grants, developers, investors, City) Contact with potential developers who have the potential to invest, or the potential to attract investors OUTREACH TO INTEREST MAJOR CORPORATIONS IN LOCATING OFFICE OR MANUFACTURING FACILITIES IN PRIOR LAKE * Identification of potential candidates both within, and outside of, Minnesota * Development of high quality presentation material (charts, slides, or video that can also be used to promote Waterfront Passage) * Personalized contact with CEOs by appropriate City Official (Personalized letter of invitation to visit, and follow up phone call) * Personalized presentations in Prior Lake, or at Prospect's offices, as appropriate * Review and input to 2010 Comprehensive Plan relative to availability of sites. Note: Urgency and direction of this goal can be impacted by results of discussions that are currently underway with a Corporate prospect DAKOTA (Bonnie, I think you were going to redraft this one) DOWNTOWN (Bonnie, I think you were also qoinq to redraft this one) 6 ONGOING ACTIVITIES (The following include ongoing interests of the BDC which will be acted upon, if and when appropriate. * Maintain Star City Certification * Bonnie, were there any others? Bonnie, please give ]ne a call if you have any questions regarding any of the above. Kind regards, Wes Mader cc Jeannie Robbins AGENDA WORK SESSION ON DOWNTOWN/COMMERCIAL BUSINESS ISSUES AND REVITALIZATION STRATEGIES TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1995 7:30 A.M. NEW FIRE HALL COUNTY ROAD 21 I. Introduction of Participants II. Review of Previous Actions Relating to Goals and Objectives for Downtown/Business Enhancement III. Design of Survey (if appropriate) to Determine Consumer Attitudes and Increase Awareness of Retail Opportunities IV. Organize Work Groups to ImPlement Other Strategies V. Adjournment BDCA4115.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 -- CITY H ALL 16200 EAGLE CREEK AVE. S.E. Pr~op L~ke vzN~ 5?. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16776 FISH POINT ROAD FIRE STATION NO. 1 WATERFRONT PASSAGE BUSINESS PARK ~JNTY ST. ~T. BINSON CIR. '~T CIR. 0 2000 I CITY OF PRIOR LAKE LOCATION MAP CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:15 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:35 a.m. 7:40 a.m. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MAY 9, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 AGENDA Introductions I. II. III. IV. Roll Call Brad Beneke Jeannie Robbins Ray Lemley Nat Wisser Norman Erickson Paul Viereck Wes Mader Ex-Officio Members Jenny Kraska - student council Deborah Rose Dave Pearson Carrie Nelson Lyle Durr Approve Minutes Old Business Approve 1995 Goals Other Business Update on Franklin Trail/Old Drive-in Theater Staff Update Roger Guenette - Tax Increment Financing Legislative Update VI. Adjourn BDCAS095.DOC MINUTES OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE III. AUGUST 8, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 Present: Jeannie Robbins, Brad Beneke, Norm Erickson, Wes Mader, Nat Wisser and Paul Viereck, Absent: Ray Lemley Others Present: Lyle Duff, Roger Guenette and Frank Boyles APPROVE MINUTES MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY WES MADER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 11, 1995 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Ao Development Update - The committee reviewed Roger Guenette's August 3, 1995 memorandum and discussed the potential for a 70,000 foot manufacture/distributor facility in the office park. Questions arose whether the council would want manufacturing on what is intended for office park. The memorandum also discussed a desire of Keyland Homes to purchase additional property in the office park as well as the present status of the Park Nicollet Medical Clinic project. Roger Guenette provided an oral report with respect to the EM Products project and the necessity for amending the development agreemem. He provided a status report regarding the closing for the Metro Cabinets/American Glass project as well. Lyle Durr suggested that the firm of Glass House curremly located in St. Paul be contacted as a potential lead. Roger Guenette advised the committee that he has been working with Biotol an English based fu'm. He has also talked with Anderson Bus Company about the prospect of locating in the office park. Bo Review of Waterfront Passage proforma. Roger Guenette reviewed the proforma for the committee. Refmemems are needed in the calculation of city contribution, as well as, notations regarding land acquisition reimbursements and soil corrections, especially for the American Glass/Metro Cabinet and EM 16200~l'~i:eek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EHPLOYER BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 AGENDA 7:15 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:35 a.m. 7:40 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 8:;30 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS I. ROLL CALL Brad Beneke Ray Lemley Norman Erickson Wes Mader II. Jeannie Robbins Nat Wisser Paul Viereck EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Jenny Kraska - studem council Deborah Rose Dave Pearson Carrie Nelson Lyle Durr APPROVE MINUTES -- See attached minutes of September 12, 1995 HI. OLD BUSINESS A) DEVELOPMENT UPDATE B) REVIEW OF WATERFRONT PASSAGE PROFORMA REVISION C) WORK GROUP REPORTS IV. NEW BUSINESS RECOMMENDATION TO ELIMINATE HACA/LGA PENALTY FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS. V. OTHER BUSINESS A) BUSINESS OFFICE PARK ORDINANCE AMENDMENT WITH RESPECT TO ACCESSORY STRUCTURES. 9:15 A.M. VI. ADJOURN 16200 Ea~',~'~a Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER II. III. SEPTEMBER 1:2, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 Present: Jeannie Robbins, Ray Lemley, Norm Erickson, Wes Mader, Nat Wisser and Paul Viereck Absent: Brad Beneke Others Present: Lyle Duff, Roger Guenette and Frank Boyles APPROVE MINUTES MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY WES MADER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 8, 1995 MEETING. MOTION CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Ao Development Update - Roger Guenette stated that he had been contacted by two companies interested in developing buildings of approximately 70,000 square feet. The uses contemplated were not consistent with the CR 42/Pike Lake site which is reserved more for office/manufacturing/warehouse. NBC products will be constructing a 19,000 square foot building in the Waterfront Office Park. A special T.I.F. hearing is scheduled for September 19 at 5:30 to create District 2-6. All financing for the project has been approved, the site plan is in and portions of the building permit are in. This requires site plan approval only and administrative land division. The building is similar to the one constructed by American Glass and Metro Cabinets. Roger Guenette discussed the implications of T.I.F. using a $1.93 per square foot for break-even rather than $1.79. One BDC member expressed concern about personal relationships and used the Becket situation as an example. Perhaps the city should not have denied the $1,400 request for soil correction fees. A similar concern exists with respect to Metro Cabinets. Businesses should have the perspective they were treated fight by the city. Roger Guenette indicated th_at a meeting was conducted with Herb Wenzman, the owner of the property at Pike Lake and CR 42, and Gene Happe. Discussion focused upon potential office warehouse structures of 16200 Bl~lj~i~k Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Bo Frank Boyles announced that the Bloomington Ferry Bridge grand opening would be taking place on October 6, 1995 at Canterbury Downs from 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. BDC members are encouraged to attend. The Comprehensive Plan Update is anticipated to involve public hearings in November and final council action in December. The Metropolitan Council will consider the update in the first quarter of 1996. Frank Boyles announced that Blair Tremere has been named as Assistant City Manager and would be on staff commencing Monday, October 2, 1995. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 a~m. The committee adjourned at 9:15 a.m. BDC'Mgl 2.DOC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OCTOBER 10, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 7:15 a.m. AGENDA INTRODUCTIONS 7:30 a.m. I. ROLL CALL 7:35 a.m. H. 7:40 a.m. III. 8:40 a.m. IV. Brad Beneke ~ Ray Lemley ~- Norman Erickson ~ Wes Mader ~ Jeannie Robbins ./ Nat Wisser ~/ Paul Viereck / EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Jenny Kraska - student council Deborah Rose Dave Pearson Carrie Nelson ~ Lyle Durr J APPROVE MINUTES -- See attached minutes of September 12, 1995 OLD BUSINESS A) DEVELOPMENT UPDATE B) DEVELOPER FEEDBACK REGARDING WATERFRONT PASSAGE BUSINESS PARK C) WORK GROUP REPORTS NEW BUSINESS A) TH 13 TASK FORCE REPORT B) SIGNAGE FOR WATERFRONT PASSAGE BUSINESS OFFICE PARK 8:30 a.m. V. OTHER BUSINESS 9:15 A.M. VI. ADJOURN 16200 Eagle~l~n~ve. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MINUTES OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE II. IlL OCTOBER 10, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 Present: Jeannie Robbins, Ray Lemley, Norm Erickson, Wes Mader, Nat Wisser, Paul Viereck and Brad Beneke Absent: None Others Present: Frank Boyles and Blair Tremere APPROVE MINUTES MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY RAY LEMLEY TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1995 MEETING AS SUBMITTED. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. OLD BUSINESS A. Jeannie Robbins stated that Roger Guenette was expected and that the Committee should go on to other business and consider the update on development later. Wes Mader reported on the opening of the Bloomington Ferry Bridge and during subsequent discussion Jeannie Robbins suggested that the Committee should get an update regarding the Shakopee Bypass as well as the furore of various county and state road constructions projects in the area. Frank Boyles stated that City Engineer Larry Anderson could provide an update at the next meeting; he noted Larry had recently reported the status of Highway 13 planning to the City Council. Frank Boyles reported on the meeting with Bryce Huemoeller regarding communications with Waterfxont Passage Business Park developers; development of a checklist of various requirements in dealing with the city; and modification or clarification of various documents with the intent of streamlining the process. Jeannie Robbins commented that there had been feedback fxom several of the occupants and/or prospective developers in the Prior Lake Business Park and she felt that there were some areas that could be improved. Paul Viereek commented that Bryce Huemoeller was very practical and straight-forward and he appreciated the input he provided for staff. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 BDCMI010.DOC AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER IV. NEW BUSINESS Ao Report on CSAH 13 Task Force. Frank Boyles stated that City Engineer Larry Anderson could dis,uss this in more detail at the meeting next month. He observed that the City Council had recently discussed the subject after several meetings with the Department of Transportation. Signage for Waterfront Passage Business Office Park - Blair Tremere stated that it seems advisable to update the current sign on an interim basis. The sign refers to the future business park, but now that development is well underway, the sign should be of the present tense. He asked for thoughts and suggestions about a permanent monument sign at the entrance to the park since there had been some discussion to it in conjunction with the city fire station and future public works building in this area. Frank Boyles noted that there had been some planning on the subject by the architects for the city buildings. MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY RAY LEMLEY TO RECOMMEND THE CITY UNDERTAKE THE NECESSARY INVESTIGATION AND PLANNING TO GET DESIGN IDEAS AND COST ESTIMATES FOR A PERMANENT MONUMENT SIGN AT THE WATERFRONT PASSAGE BUSINESS OFFICE PARK. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Ray Lemley suggested that consideration should be given to have some "business district" signage at the intersection of CR 42 and CSAH 13. Paul Vi,rick cited other cities experiences including Eagan and Apple Valley. Jeannie Robbins noted that Roger Guenette apparently was not able to make the meeting. Frank Boyles and Blair Tremere offered comments about current projects that were being finalized including NBC products and a prospective business relocations in the vicinity of the Priordale Mall. Jeannie Robbins suggested perhaps members or the city could get photos of some of the buildings under construction in the business park for later publicity purposes. OTHER BUSINESS A. Paul Vi,reck commented that the city elections were coming up and business persons should be aware of the positions of various candidates regarding business development. VI. ADJOURNMENT The committee adjourned at 8:53 a.m. BDCMlOlO.I~ COUNCIL/PLUG COMMISSION WORKSHOP AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: Item HI LARRY ANDERSON, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS T.H. 13 CORRIDOR STUDY OCTOBER 2, 1995 INTRODUCTION: BACKGROUND: The purpose of this agenda item is to discuss the proposed long term development plan for T.H. 13. In March of 1995 the City met with MnDOT officials to discuss the proposed signal to be installed at the intersection of Five Hawks Avenue and T.H. 13. At that meeting it became very clear that the signal would not be constructed unless CSAH 23 is aligned to connect with Five Hawks Avenue. This realignment is in neither the city's nor Scott County CIP. At that meeting MnDOT representatives strongly suggested that a task force be formed consisting of each community served by T.H. 13. The original task force was to include Savage, Prior Lake, Spring Lake Township and Scott County. Spring Lake Township did not participate in the task force. The City Council on April 17, 1995 appointed Councilmember Greenfield and Larry Anderson to serve on the task force. The purpose of the task force was to plan for T.H. 13 improvements that would meet the needs of all communities in the future and facilitate the incremental implementation of such improvements. Safety improvements for the segment of T.H. 13 within Prior Lake were originally scheduled for 1994, 1996, and 1999 and now, beyond the year 2000. The safety improvements, now estimated at over six million dollars, are not likely to take place unless done on an intersection by intersection basis because of cost. MnDOT officials have confu'med that the safety improvements are not likely to take place unless: Planning is undertaken by all the communities served by T.H. 13 so that a coordinated road improvement project results. MnDOT funding of improvements has a much higher priority if a community/MnDOT plan is agreed upon. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER o By involving all communities, agreement as to ultimate roadway design can be achieved and improvements can take place on an incremental basis. 3. Such improvements include acquisition of fight of way by cities as available and at a cost less than possible by MnDOT. o Roadway access planning would be limited to one-half mile spacing and agreement would be achieved between all roadway users in that regard. 5. The corridor study would be incorporated into the comprehensive transportation plan. The T.H. 13 task force has completed the study of each access after several meetings from T.H. 101 to CSAH 12 and attached is a drawing showing the intersections with T.H. 13. This proposal is to be implemented over a period of several years. Each intersection has a Priority A, B or C shown. The timetable for implementation is from 1 to 30 years as shown on the legend, and timing is dependent for priorities B and C on local development, traffic growth, and available funding. Also note that intersections not highlighted will be limited to "right mm in and right mm out only." The plan, in general, limits full access to one-half mile spacing. MnDOT believes with the proposed 27,000 average daily traffic (ADT) south of CSAH 42 and 20,000 ADT south of CSAH 12 that one-half mile spacing is essential if T.H. 13 is to function and provide average speeds of 30 mph. Intersections which provide full or tee access would ultimately be signalized. Tee intersections, because of less turning movement, allow signal timing to cycle at a much faster rate than full signalized intersections. Because of the lesser cycle time tee intersections are more desirable than full intersections. ISSUES: Providing intersections at one-half mile spacing is very desirable and attainable if the adjacent area is not developed. Prior Lake was developed along T.H. 13 (almost fully) with severe geographical restriction and without the benefit of connecting neighborhoods. Most of the area was developed as part of the township prior to annexation. This plan provides for one full turning movement in each of the pocketed residential areas. Ultimately those full intersections would be signalized. The limiting of access to the residential neighborhoods will be opposed by some residents. The inconvenience caused by the limiting of access must be weighed by the increased safety provided Aom~3~r.t~c 2 with the channelization and signal provided at the intersection. The Fish Point Road intersection with T.H. 13 is an example of a typical full channelized intersection with a signal. The business community will probably take exception with the proposed intersection layouts. Access to commercial areas is much more critical than to residential areas. With this in mind, staff actively pursued with MnDOT that access to the commercial areas be maintained as much as possible. The attached plan provides a greater amount of access than was originally proposed by MnDOT. MnDOT is not likely to vary significantly from this plan if additional accesses are requested, without the removal of other intersections. Projects in other areas with an approved community/MnDOT corridor plan are receiving a higher priority for funding of improvements. The Planning Commission considered this issue at its September 1 lth meeting. Initially, the discussion centered on the issues of property access and intersection design. However, as the discussion progressed, the Commission turned to the question of what the role of Highway 13 should be over the long term. The Commission eventually concluded that the City did not derive sufficient benefit from the roadway to warrant its continued role as a state highway. The Commission arrived at the following conclusions: · Highway 13 should cease to be a state highway. · Jurisdiction of the roadway should lie with either the City or County. · The function of Highway 13 should be relocated to current County Road 17. · The design of Highway 13 should lac changed to a parkway design. The rationale for this conclusion holds that the current highway serves to separate and isolate parts of the community and elimination of higher speed through-traffic will do much to unite parts of the City which are now separated by the road. A parkway design, similar to Carriage Hills Parkway, with a 35 mile per hour speed limit will better serve adjacent properties with access and will discourage high speed traffic. At the same time, this design will make it easier to move between neighborhoods, conceivably resulting in more social interaction within the City. A~-flll3~'r. DO~ 3 The Commission feels that it is important to raise this issue at this time because of the imminent approval of the Comprehensive Plan and looks to the Council for direction. Paul Kaehelmyer, MnDOT Corridor Coordinator, will be present at the meeting to respond to questions. Attached is a letter from Paul which addresses having these separate meetings to discuss T.H. 13 in segments. Staff believes that trying to discuss T.H. 13 for its full length would be too much for one meeting. Discussion by the Planning Commission and City Council should focus on whether or not this plan or some other variation can be supported by the City. In the event that the desire is to change the function of T.H. 13 from the proposed function, staff needs direction pertaining to this. The workshop is the forum for staff to receive feed back to determine if incorporation into the comprehensive transportation plan and subsequent public hearings are desired. Staff seeks direction from the Council and Planning Commission for future action with respect to: REVIEWED BY: The function of this roadway Council position regarding each access Does the Council agree with the format for public input as outlined in Paul Kachelmyer's let Frank Boyl~ A61'HI3~r. Doc 4 Minnesota Department of Transportation Metropolitan Division Waters Edge Building 1500 West County Road B2 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 September 14, 1995 Water's Edge Bldg. 582-1298 Dear Highway 13 Task Force Participants At the September 8, 1995 task force meeting, we completed our goal of reaching agreement, on a draft, of a long term access and development plan, for Highway 13. I want to thank each of you for the time and effort that you all put into this plan. It was encouraging to see the willingness of all members of the task force, to work for the common good, of the users of the road, and the citizens of the communities. I believe that over time, implementation of the plan, will result in a much safer and better functioning roadway, and one which will enhance positive community growth. I also believe that the acceptance of the plan, will enable the cities, the county, and the state, to more wisely decide where to spend their limited resources, to achieve the greatest benefit. We now wish to start the process to have the plan officially accepted by the city councils, and county commission, and incorporated into the cities comprehensive plans. We agreed that we would proceed with the following steps: 1. Submit the plan to the Savage and Prior Lake city councils, at "work session" meetings. 2. Hold four public information meetings to inform the public of the plan, and solicit their input concerning it. The meetings are tentatively proposed as follows: A. Section.of TH 13 from the junction with TH 101, south to County Road 42. The meeting will be held at the Savage city hall. B. Section from Boudin street to County Road 42. The meeting will be held at the Prior Lake fire hall. An Equal Opportunity Employer C. Section from Rustic Road to Candy Cove Trail. The meeting will be held at the Prior Lake fire hall. D. Section from Franklin Trail North to County Road 12 (170th street). The meeting will be held at the Prior Lake fire hall. 3. Depending on the input from the city councils, and the public, there may be a need for the task force to meet to resolve issues that were raised. 4. A report will be written documenting the background and rational, of the plan. 5. The process for amending the plan into the cities comprehensive plans will be started. Dave Hutton thought that Savage could complete this process by the end of this year. Larry Anderson thought that it could take six months, to a year, for Prior Lake to complete the process, as part of their current effort to revise their entire comprehensive plan. 6. Brad Larson thought that the County would not want to endorse the plan until both cities had done it. Consequently, after the cities have approved the plan, approval will be sought from the county commission. Future Projects: If the city of Savage approves the plan, Mn/Dot will submit an STP funding request this fall for funds to construct the proposed channelization of TH 13 between McColl Drive, and the proposed Savage Parkway, as one connected project. If funds are approved, Mn/Dot will work to see if they could somehow be advanced so that work could be done in 1997. Mn/Dot will also work to see if cooperative agreement funds might be used for this work. Again, I wish to thank you for your efforts, and I look forward to our completion of the process. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE October 26,1995 Current Members Date A.~.~ointed ~ ~ Ray Lemley 10/90 7/97 7/97 Jeanne Robbins 4/92 7/97 7/97 Nat VVisser 2/90 7/96 7/96 7/97 Paul Vierick 4/95 7/96 7/02 Norm Erickson 4/95 7/96 7/02 Brad Beneke 4/95 7/96 7/02 Annual Committee/Commission evaluation due to the City Council annually by: June 1 .1995. Proposals for bylaw changes due to the City Council by: December 1 , 1995. Recommendation for Chair due to City Council annually by: June 1 ~1995. BDCBYLAW.DOC - 1 - BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 14, 1995 7:15 - 9:00 A.M. PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 AGENDA 7:15 a.m. 7:30 a.m. INTRODUCTIONS 7:35 a.m. II. 7:40 a.m. IH. 7:45 a.m. IV. 8:45 a.m. V. 9:00 A.M. VI. ROLL CALL g/Brad Beneke / Ray Lemley ~/Norman Erickson Wes Mader ~Jeannie Robbins Nat Wisser v/Paul Viereck EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Jenny Kraska - student council Deborah Rose Dave Pearson Carrie Nelson Lyle Durr APPROVE MINUTES -- See attached minutes of October 10, 1995 OLD BUSINESS A) Signage for Waterfront Passage Business Office Park NEW BUSINESS A) Presentation by City Engineer Larry Anderson: Status of Planning for State Highway 13 and County Roads B) Presentation by City Planner Don Rye: Status of Comprehensive Plan; Commercial and Industrial Land Use Provisions OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURN 16200 Eagls~,~.~ve. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MINUTES OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 14, 1995 PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 Present: · Absent:, Others Present: Jeannie Robbins, Ray Lemley, Norm Erickson, Wes Mader, Paul Viereck and Brad Beneke Nat Wisser Frank Boyles, Larry Anderson, Don Rye, and Blair Tremere II. HI. APPROVE MINUTES MOTION BY BENEKE, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 10, 1995 MEETING AS SUBMITTED. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. OLD BUSINESS Blair Tremere reported that the temporary sign to the Business Park will be modified to delete the reference to "Future Home of..." Jeamuie Robbins suggested that the files be check for an earlier discussion about signage. Frank Boyles recalled that the architect for the City construction projects had given some consideration to'entrance si~tms that would be integrated with the design of the city buildings. Discussion ensued regarding involvement of the new owners and tenants during the design phase and for contribution to the costs. Paul Viereck stated he has received inquiries about Main Street and there is a need for a clean up program. Norm Erickson agreed and said he would be willing to help. He noted how members of the Dakota Community regularly pick up litter along the roads. Discussion included observations about efforts for community clean up in New Prague. Frank Boyles stated that peer pressure was important for the short term; in the long term, the community must define what image is desired and businesses must be motivated to change and upgrade their facades and sites to fit the desired image. Brad Beneke suggested a contest might be useful to determine the desired image or motif. Brad also said he had just read the book, The Luck Business and he recommended it. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER indicates that when sanitary sewer becomes available and the demand for housing and non-residential uses is present, land will become available. Discussion ensued regarding the importance of planning for telecommunications. The significance of annexation was also discussed. Jeannie Robbins suggested the Committee members should attend the public hearings and express concerns about the adequacy of commercial and industrial land for future development. V. OTI~R BUSINESS A. Seannie Robbins questioned members about the meeting time, duration of the meetings, the flexibility of members' schedules, and the frequency of meetings. The ........... consensus was that the meeting time and frequency were appropriate, and that generally there should be no problem if meetings held according to the agenda went past the normal adjournment time. Some meeting might adjourn earlier than the normal time. ADJOURNMENT The Committee adjourned at 9:35 a.m. ~c~m4~oc 3 MINUTES OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 14, 1995 PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 Present: Absent:. Others Present: Jeannie Robbins, Ray Lemley, Norm Erickson, Wes Mader, Paul Viereck and Brad Beneke Nat Wisser Frank Boyles, Larry Anderson, Don Rye, and Blair Tremere II. III. APPROVE MINUTES MOTION BY BENEKE, SECONDED BY ERICKSON TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 10, 1995 MEETING AS SUBMITTED. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. OLD BUSINESS Blair Tremere reported that the temporary sign to the Business Park will be modified to delete the reference to "Future Home of..." Jeannie Robbins suggested that the files be check for an earlier discussion about signage. Frank Boyles recalled that the architect for the City construction projects had given some consideration to'entrance signs that would be integrated with the design of the city buildings. Discussion ensued regarding involvement of the new owners and tenants during the design phase and for contribution to the costs. Bo Paul Viereck stated he has received inquiries about Main Street and there is a need for a clean up program. Norm Erickson agreed and said he would be willing to help. He noted how members of the Dakota Community regularly pick up litter along the roads. Discussion included observations about efforts for community clean up in New Prague. Frank Boyles stated that peer pressure was important for the short term; in the long term, the community must define what image is desired and businesses must be motivated to change and upgrade their facades and sites to fit the desired image. Brad Beneke suggested a contest might be useful to determine the desired image or motif. Brad also said he had just read the book, The Luck Business and he recommended it. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER indicates that when sanitary sewer becomes available and the demand for housing and non-residential uses is present, land will become available. Discussion ensued regarding the importance of planning for telecommunications. The significance of annexation was also discussed. Seannie Robbins suggested the Committee members should attend the public hearings and express concerns about the adequacy of commercial and industrial land for furore development. V. OTHER BUSINESS A. Seannie Robbins questioned members about the meeting time, duration of the meetings, the flexibility of members' schedules, and the frequency of meetings. The ......... consensus was that the meeting time and frequency were appropriate, and that generally there should be no problem if meetings held according to the agenda went past the normal adjournment time. Some meeting might adjourn earlier than the normal time. Vie ADJOURNMENT The Committee adjourned at 9:35 a.m. BDCMI 114.DOC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DECEMBER 12, .1995 PRIOR LAKE FIRE STATION NO. 1 AGENDA 7:15 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 7:35 a.m. H. 7:40 a.m. HI. 8:00 a.m. IV. 8:45 a.m. V. 9:00 A.M. VI. INTRODUCTIONS I. ROLL CALL Brad Beneke Ray Lemley Norman Erickson Wes Mader EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Jenny Kraska - stUdent council Deborah Rose Dave Pearson Carrie Nelson Lyle Durr Jeannie Robbins Nat Wisser Paul Viereck APPROVE MINUTES - NOVEMBER 14, 1995 OLD BUSINESS A. Development/Redevelopment Status Report B. Signage for Waterfront Passage Business Office Park - Participation Plan with Business Park Tenants NEW BUSINESS A. Review and Propose Revisions to Bylaws (attached) B. Review 1995 Goals & Purpose and Establish 1996 Goals (attached) C. Review Proposed Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan - (Commercial/Industrial) OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURN 16200 Eagle CreekAve. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 BIX~t2t2.DOC ·., AN EQUAL OPPORTUNTI~ EMPLOYER Memorandum DATE: TO: FROM: RE: December 6, 1995 Business Development Committee Assistant City Manager Blair Tremere Agenda Items for December 12 These comments relate to the various agenda items; there are several attachments with this agenda packet and each has been identified with a cover sheet. II. The minutes for the November 14, 1995 meeting will be sent under separate cover. III. B. Signage for Waterfxont Passage Business Office Park. The existing sign has been modified to express the current status rather than the "future" status. I suggest that the new and existing business owners in the Park be contacted (surveyed) as to their thoughts about entrance monuments, and the cost sharing. I will compile that information for a future BDC meeting and combine it with some estimates for various signs. If BDC members are aware of entrance signs that are particularly attractive and that could serve as "models" please let me know. IV. A. Review and Propose Revisions to Bylaws. This is an annual activity. Members are asked to review the current By-laws and determine if they are in order and responsive to the BDC mission and operation. I will be prepared to discuss any suggestions and to answer questions. If you identify possible changes, please jot down alternative language and/or editing direction; that will facilitate the review process. It is entirely possible that the By- laws do not need revision. IV.B. Review 1995 Goals and Purpose and Establish 1996 Goals and Purpose. This also is an annual activity. It is timely because the City Council meets in January to establish overall City goals and to identify key issues that may be anticipated for the coming year. The City Manager needs the input of the BDC on this. There are several items that are on-going and thus do not need to be changed substantively; this is the opportunity to identify new endeavors and/or to put old ones to rest, however. Also, the BDC needs to re-assign some of the tasks since Mr. Mader will be leaving the BDC at the end of the month for other pursuits. Page Two IV.C. Review Proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan (commercial and industrial). The Chair requested that this item be on the agenda; several BDC members attended the recent public hearing(s) before the Planning Commission. The City Council will be considering the approval of the recommended plan at its next meeting. I have attached a substantial amount of data as background: copies of the two 1994 studies on the Commercial and Industrial land opportunities throughout the city; a copy of the text of the 1995 proposed Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan section on Commercial and Industrial uses and on the Goals and Objectives; a monochrome map is included. The City Council has been deliberating the amount and location of commercial and industrial land for several years; the materials provided reflect much of the conclusions reached after many study sessions. Those sessions include the more recent discussions by the Planning Commission which preceded the publishing of the public hearing draft. It should be noted that deciding how much land should be in a particular classification and where that land should be is a very complex process because all the elements of a comprehensive plan are inter- connected. It is also a policy decision, i.e., what is the proper amount of one classification vs. another can vary from city to city. Another important facet is to focus upon the highest and best use of land, all things considered. The current plans and speculation of land owners and developers are important factors, but the final decisions on the classification of land should reflect overall City values and goals.