HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuaryECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ANNUAL WORKSHOP JANUARY 10, 1990 7:00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON CANTURBRY INN CONFERENCE ROOM CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST WILL BE SERVED TENTATIVE SCHEDULE 7:00 - 10:00 A.M. Strategic P%anning for E.DC Activities and EDC Subcommittee Activities in 1990 10:00 - 12:00 NOON Discussion with Advanced Inc. Business Park Location Study on the *NOTE: The December 14, 1989 EDC meeting has been cancelled. If another meeting is scheduled for later in the month you will be notified. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1990 WORKSHOP AGENDA JANUARY 17, 1990 7:00 A.M. - 12:00 NOON 7:00 AM me Review 1989 Accomplishments-See EDC Annual Report A. Subcommittee Activities Star City/Promotions a. Near completion of the Star City Program b. Planning for the Star City banquet c. Creation of promotional folder d. Planning for the Business Expo Industrial Development Incentives a® ce Initiated Scott County Economic Development Partnership Sponsored the Business Development tours Assisted in the initiation of Industrial Park Location Study Established an EDA and Development Review Process Commercial R~tail Development' a. Initiated conversations on establishing a Revolving Loan Program Completed Commercial Industrial Inventory Hosted Business Appreciation Golf Tournament E® Development Projects 1. Rick Swenson 2. Festival Foods 3. Super Valu Ce Policy Issues 1. Tax Increment Financing Policies 2. Comprehensive Plan Amendments 8:00 ~ II. 10:00 AM III. 11:45 AM IV. Discuss 1990 Proposed Activities - See Draft ~f Subcommittee Activities and Proposed bevelopment Projects A. Subcommittee Activities Star City a. Update 5 year and i year plans b. Prepare Star City folder c. Redo BRE d. Host Star City Banquet and Business Expo Industrial Development Incentives . a. Assist with Industrial Park Locatzon study b. Implement the Scott County Economic Development Partnership c. Host the Development Tours Be Commercial Retail a. Host business appreciation activities Complete the Revolving Loan Program for downtown Prior Lake Update the Commercial Industrial Inventory Development Projects 1. Continue to work with Staff and Council on all projects.according to established development review process. Recede Update. from Advance Resources for Development, INC.. . .erials to be dlstrxbuted at the meeting. A~ ournment ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 15, 1990 Members present: Others present: Jim Hill, Bob Barsness, Darcy Running, Dave Miller, Dave Unmacht, Rachel VanDenBoom, Dennis Hanson, Rich Gross, and Dar Fosse Kay Schmudlach The special meeting of the Economic Development Committee was called at 7:00 a.m. on January 15, 1990 upon notification by City.staff on_Friday, January 12, 1990.. The pu.z~ose of the special meeting was to review the Enivld Cor~oratlo~ proposal. Prior to the proposal review, several other business items were addressed. New Members Introduction Dar Fosse and Rich Gross were introduced to all as the newest EDC members. The City Council approved their appointment on January 2, 1990. II. Chairmanship Disucssion The Economic Development Committee Chair position two year term that expired in December 1989. is a Mr. Hill stated at the meeting that he was interested in continuing as an EDC member but no longer would be the Chairman. Bob Barsness was nominated by Dave Miller and seconded by Dennis Hanson to ~erve a two year term as the Economic Development Committee Chairman. The Economic Development Committee was asked to think about electing a Vice Chair as has been traditional and is a requirement.of the Bylaws. The EDC will be asked to vote on this 1ssue at the February 9 meeting. III. Workshop Discussion The Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, January 17 from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Kay was directed to ask EDC applicants Nat Wisser and Steve Nielson to attend the Workshop. IV. Enivid Corporation Discussion Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach introduced the Enivid Corporation project, reviewing the Redevelopment Plan, and the TIF Plan. The Economic Development Committee reviewed the staff prepared information, and spent a great deal of time discussing the financing as proposed in the TIF Plan. Dar Fosse asked staff to address the sidewalk plgn proposed for this project. Kay reported that trail sidewalks are proposed to be built along Toronto and through the outdoor ~heatre site. Consideration for ~edestrians has been lncor~orated into the plans for 1mprovements around the Pr~ordale Mall. A motion to support Redevelopment Project 2, and TIF Plan 2-1, and to recommend that the Economic Development Authority recommend that the City Council set a Public Hearing date for February 20, 1990 was moved by Darcy Running and seconded by Dave Miller. The motion passed unanimously. Ve Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 8:00 A.M.