HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarchPRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 9, 1990 MEETING AGENDA 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL II. III. Approve February 22, 1990 EDC Meeting Minutes Discuss 1990 EDC Work Program A. Full Committee B. Promotions/Marketing Subcommittee C. Business Development Subcommittee Update on the Business Park Location Study IV. Ve Report on DoWntown Properties Adjournment ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MARCH 9, 1990 Members present: Chairman Bob Miller, Jim Rich Gross Barsness, Darcy Running, Dave Hill, Rachel VanDenBoom, and The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. Approve February 22m 1990 EDC Minutes The Committee approved the EDC February 22, 1990 meeting minutes. II. Discuss the 1990 EDC Work Program A. Chairman Barsness reviewed the four tasks identified in the 1990 Work Program for the Full Committee. - Kay Schm~dlach explained that the Comprehensive Plan review was going to be first discussed at the City Council meeting on April 2. Following the direction of the City Council, the review will be channeled to the various departments and committees. - Kay reported that a f%rst draft of the Business Park Location Study will be available next week. (March 12) Kay asked how the EDC would like to P91icy Review and Establish~.ent. directed Kay to research policzes of Kay asked to report back on March 22, approach the EDC members other cities. 1990. Kay reported that Ron Hechtor has requested a meeting with the City and Super Valu representatives to pursue finding a tenant. The Business Development Committee has set up a meeting for Monday at 7:00 A.M. to discuss the meeting strategy and participants. B. Promotions/Marketing Subcommittee The Promotions/Marketing Subcommittee reported that they are working on outreach. 1 - Kay distributed an action plan for completing the Star City Program as requested by the Subcommittee. Kay also distributed the One Year and Five Year Program that needs to be updated for the Star City Program completion. Kay Schmudlach suggested the Promotions/Marketing Subcommittee start discussing the development tours and the golf tournament. The EDC discussed and asked for the following actions. - Kay call and reserve June 21 for tournament (all 18 holes) at Lone Pine. golf - Kay call and reserve Radermacher's tent for meal following tournament. - Kay pull out file and provide for Dave Miller. - Kay draft a letter to utility companies asking for financial support. - Kay draft letter to request Chamber co-sponsorship. - Kay pre, are EDC summary report on the budget to see if funds for golf tournament. - Subcommittees - start working on golf tournament details. - Subcommittees - discuss dates for development tours. The Promotions/Marketing Subcommittee will be meeting on March 15 at 8:30 a.m. to review their assignments. Business Development Subcommittee The Business Development Subcommittee reviewed the meetings with Frank Wi?kef and Bob Mertens. The meeting wps positive wlth both men supporting the proposed Improvements. Mr. Mertens and Mr. Wicker will be talking to fellow downtown business persons to see if they are interested and will report back to Kay. The EDC discussed the redevelopment process. The a meeting with the property next step in the nest step should be owners in 2-3 weeks. The EDC also discussed the City Council, agenda items. The following actions were discussed. - Kay prepare a list of downtown property owners (Group 2) - Kay talk to Frank and Bob regarding any further thoughts and the downtown reception of this idea. - Kay talk to other communities in a similar situation to see what types of businesses have worked. - Kay talk to Horst i.e. commercial areas. design standards for - Kay talk to Pat O'Keefe regarding sketches for downtown building improvements. III. IV. Update on the Business Park Location Study Kgy reported that the study is not ready for distribution but that a draft will be available next week. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at ~:45 A.M. PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 22, 1990 WORKSHOP AGENDA 4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 4:00 4:15 II. Approve March 9, 1,990 EDC Meeting Minute..s .~J~~~ co--ittee Project Review A. Comprehensive Plan Review *Oral report B. Business Park Location Study Ce *See attached draft of the study Policy Review & Establishment *See attached TIF Housing Policy Commercial Area Analysis *Oral report on meeting with Ron Hechtor *Report on design standard for commercial areas Budget Review to Prioritize Projects III. Development Project Updates A® B. C. D. E. Super Valu *Oral report Bob Underferth *Oral report Dan Borchardt *Oral report Viking Liquor Expansion *See attached maps City Purchase of Tom Borger Property (Former Feed & Grain Store) *Oral report Dr. Schwantes Expansion *See attached maps 5:OO IV. Subcommittee Discussions Ae Promotions/Marketing Subcom, ittee 1. Cottage Industry Outreach 2. star city Program 3. Development Tours 4. Business Appreciation Golf Tournament Business Development Subcommittee 1. Downtown Redevelopment 2. Scott County Economic Development Partnership V® Subcommittee Update to Full Committee 6:00 VI. Adjournment ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MARCH 22, 1990 Members Present: Chairman Bob Ba~sness, Rachel VangenB?om, Darcy Running, Dar Fosse, Jim Hill, David Unmacht and David Miller. The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 4:00 PM by Chairman Barsness. Approve March 9t 1990 EDC Meetinq Minutes. The Committee approved the March 9, 1990 EDC Meeting Minutes with one correction. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 not 7:45 AM. Motion by Dave Miller, Seconded by Jim Hill to approve the Minutes, the motion passed unanimously. II. Full Committee Project Review Ae Comprehensive Plan Review Kay Schmudlach reported that staff has prepared a draft of the Goals and Objectives of the Comp Plan based on the City Council Suggestions. The City Council will review and comment on the draft of the City Council Retreat on April 7. The Policies will then be created by Staff and the City Committee and Commissions. Be Business park Location Study Kay SChmudlach reported that Ed Tschida will provide a draft of the Industrial Park Location Study for Staff Review the week of March 26. The EDC will be given. ~he draft document to review on April 10~-.~ Ce Policy Review and Establishment The EDC identified Policy Establishment as a government for 1990. Kay Schmudlach has researched other city's policies and gathered several. In addition, the Housing TIF Policy has been drafted and was distributed for review. Bob Barsness requested the Business Development Subcommittee take on the task of reviewing the other policies and preparing drafts of Commercial and Industrial Policies. The full Committee was asked to review the Senior Housing Policy and be prepared to discuss it at the April 10 meeting. De qommercial Area Analysis Kgy reported that Ron Hechtor had called numerous times to request 1) that the City assist in the negotiations between SuperValu and the mall management; and 2) that the city complete a study III. to determine the future use of the vacant land and the entire Gateway Center Commercial Area. - Kay Schmudlach has discussed the study with the ¢it~ Manager and to some extent the BD Subcommittee. Kay Schmudlach was asked to send a letter to Ron Hechtor indicating that the City.and the EDC cannot assist in the negotiations of this property because of the sensitivity of this situation. Kay will draft the letter for the City Manager to be sent to Ron Hechtor. Kay will work with Jim Hill to identify Planning firms to request a proposal for study cost of Gateway Commercial Area. Kay will draft a cover letter and a project summary to send out. Kay was asked to call the County regarding plans for upgrading County Road 44 and report to EDC. Kay Schmudlach researched the use of design standards and will be receiving info from several Cities regarding this. The use of design standard will assist in making commercial areas more unified. E® Budget Review to Prioritize Projects The EDC reviewed the EDC Budget and agreed that $500 could be used from the miscellaneous budget to support the Business Appreciation Golf Tournament. For political reasons, the EDC decided to send a letter to the City Council asking them to approve the use of $500 from the EDC Budget to leverage the funds from the Chamber and Public Utilities. Kay was asked to draft the letter with Dave's assistance and forward to Bob for his signature. Development Project Update A. SuperValu: Kay updated the EDC on the SuperValu progress. The Development Agreement will be on the Agenda for Council approval on April 2, 1990. EDC members were encouraged to attend. Bob Underferth: The EDC was updated on this project. Staff has been in touch with Mr. Underferth regarding his desire to relocate his business. Staff has also met with Council member White regarding his concern for this Businessman. Ce Dan Borchardt: Kay reported that it appears Mr. Borchardt will be proceeding with this project and she will bring the building plan back for the EDC review. IV. V® VI. De viking Liquor. Expans%on~ . There has been no progress on this activity since the last meeting with Staff. Tony Borger Property= Kay reporte~ that she has talked to Tom Borger and he is anxious to get the EDC support to pursue the City Council purchase of this property.. Kay stated that Staff will review this purchase on Monday, March 26 and come up with an action plan. Dr. Schwantes' Expansion: Maps of the development were displayed. EDC encouraged City Staff to work with Dr. to come up with an acceptable solution. Subcommittee Discussions proposed members Schwantes Th.e Promotions/Marketing Subcommittee Chairman Dave Miller summarized the progress of the Subcommittee. - The Subcommittee has plans to contact Cottage Industries through the Home Base and Small Business Magazine. - The Star City Program five year and one year elements have been revised by the Subcommittee and given to Kay to make the changes. - The Subcommittee has also briefly discussed the Golf Tournament. Kay reported the letter to the chamber requesting funds had been sent. Hopefully a response will be given at the April 3 Chamber Board meeting. B. Business Development Subcommittee Chairman Darcy Running reported the progress on the downtown revitalization meetings. The Subcommittee has decided to proceed to the next step of the Action Plan - meeting with the downtown property owners. The Subcommittee Chair and EDC Chair will also be attending the April 7 City Council retreat to discuss the plans. - Kay reported on the Scott County Economic Development Partnership. The surveys have been sent to all City, County and Township officials and responses are anticipated by March 30. kay will report on the Survey resul~at the April 10 meeting. Kay was directed to contact Stev about g the EDC. ,, ~ j/ Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM.