HomeMy WebLinkAboutAprilPRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 10, 1990 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 7:00 AM 7:15 AM 7:45 AM Approve March 22, 1990 EDC Meeting Minutes Full Committee Project Review A® Comprehensive plan review * Handout goals and initiate policy discussion objectives to formation Business Park Location Study * Handout Study draft Policy Review and establishment * Discuss Senior TIF Housing policy distrubuted at the March 22 Meeting BD Subcommittee will report on other policy creation progress Commercial Area Analysis * Hand out copy of the letter sent form City Manager to Ron Hechtor regarding commercial analysis and a list of the. Planning agencies contacted to give cost estimates on commercial area analysis Oral report on drafting design standards on commercial areas III. Development Project Updates A. SuperValu * oral report B® Prior Laker Rental * Hand out copy of the memo Underferth discussing relocation options to Bob several 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 8;15 9:00 IV. Ve C® De Dan Borchardt * Handout map of development available on April 10 if Viking Liquor Expansion * attached is a map of the development area Tom Borger Property * oral report on city financing options appraisal and Dr. Schwantes Expansion * oral report Ge Annexation proposals and Policy * oral report He Sienna Project and Lundgren Residential Development * oral report Brothers Little Six Bingo Expansion Plans * oral report We Howard Rekstad Senior Housing * oral report Subcommittee Meetings (Separate) Ae Promotions/Marketing Subcommittee 1. Outreach 2. Star City Program 3. Business Appreciation Tournament Golf Be Business Subcommittee Development . 1. Downtown Revitalization 2. Scott County Ecomonic Development Authority Adjournment HERITAGE COMMUNITY 1891 1991 2o,.,ql 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 26, 1990 4:00 - 6:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL Approve April 10, 1990 EDC Meeting Minutes Full Committee Project Review A. Comprehensive Plan Review * Attached are the goals & objectives EDC members should review and highlight those goals to be discussed by the EDC B. Business Park Location Study * The draft is not completed at this time C. Policy Review & Establishment * The draft Senior Housing TIF ~olicy was distributed March 22. Please review for an April 26 discussion. D. Other 1. EDC membership 2. III. Subcommittee Meetings' A. Promotions/Marketing Subcommittee B. Business Development Subcommittee IV. Adjournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES APRIL 26, 1990 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Dar Fosse, Nat Wisser, Dave Miller, Rachel VanDenBoom, Darcy Running, David Unmacht, Kay Schmudlach The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairman Barsness. Approve the April 10, 1990 EDC Minutes Motion by Dar Fosse, seconded by Rachel VanDenBoom to approve the April 10, 1990 meeting minutes as submitted. The motion passed unanimously. II. Volkmay Project Review ae Comprehensive Plan Kay reported that the goals and objectives have not been prepared by Horst Graser at this time but will distributed as soon as possible. Business Park Location Study Members of the Committee delayed until Ed Tschida the Study available. this discussion Consultant was Ce Policy Review and Establishment Economic Development Committee reviewed the proposed Senior Housing Tax Increment Financing Policy and made several amendments. Kay was directed to make the changes ~rior to the next EDC meeting, redistribute ~he ?ollcy, and schedule the policy for Council review an June. D. Other Business EDC Membership Kay reported that Steve Nielson had been contacted by letter to see if he was interested in a position with the EDC. Mr. Neilson has not responded at this time. III. Downtown Improvements Darcy Running provided an update on Downtown Improvement Project. Darcy reported that a Downtown Improvement Project meeting had been set up for May 8. The ~roperty owners from the downtown will be invited to attend and the EDC would be co-hosting the meeting along with City staff¢ Frank Wicker and Bob Mertens. Darcy indicated that an agenda had been prepared and that the goal of the meeting was to come up with leadership and future direction for the Downtown Improvement Project. Rachel VanDenBoom commented on a National Main Street Development Program that had been presented on the "Today Show" on April 24 and asked Kay to follow up on the speakers Patty Barran and Bill Parrish. Subcommittee Meetinqs The EDC decided not to pursue the subcommittee discussions at this time. Ed Tschida was available to review the results of the Business Park Location Study. Mr. Tschida made a presentation on the study, EDC members asked several questions and offered some general advice on direction.of the ~tudy results. Mr. Tschida agreed to take their considerations back, amend the study, and prepare a draft that would be submitted to them by their next meeting date. IV. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.