HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptemberPRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 11, 1990 7:00 - 9:00 A.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL MEETING Approve the August 23, 1990 EDC Meeting Minutes II. Confirm Date/Time of Business/Office Park Study Workshop III. IV. Discuss Development Tours Review Elderly Housing Policy V. Star City Program Update VI. Town Center Improvement Plans VII. Economic Development Committee Appointments VIII. Adjournment ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 1990 Members present: Others present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Nat Wisser, Dave Miller, Dave Unmacht, Rich Gross, and Kay $chmudlach Steve Nielsen and Bill Packer The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. Approve the Auqust 23, 1990 EDC Minutes MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY DAVE MILLER TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 23, 1990 EDC MEETING MINUTES. THIS MOTION IS SUBJECT TO A QUORUM VOTE. II. Confirm Date & Time of Business office Park Study Workshop Kay Schmudlach confirmed that the Workshop date is October 29, however the time and location of the Workshop has not been determined. There was a brief introduction of the Business office Park Study by Chairman Bob Barsness for the purpose of updating the two potential members who were in attendance. Bob Barsness requested that copies of the study be forwarded to Bill Packer and Steve Nielsen so that they could participate in the October 29 Workshop. Mr. Barsness requested that City Manager Unmacht talk about the structure of the meeting. Mr. Unmacht was unable to answer because he has not put together the details of the Workshop at this time. III Discuss Development Tours Kay Schmudlach indicated that the development tours had been cancelled due to a lack of participation. Bob Barsness indicated that we should make a note to talk about this next spring, thinking that developers may have more interest in the spring than in the fall. IV. Elderly Housinq Policy Nat Wisser updated the committee on the Elderly Housing Policy indicating that the EDC had requested the Council  rovide additional comments on the policy. Nat further ndicated that Kay and himself would be meeting in the near future to adjust th? policy based on those written comments. The policy is anticipated to be on the Council Agenda for the first meeting in October which would be October 1. Ve Star City Program Update Kay indicated that no ~rogress has been made on the Star city Program at this tzme. EDC members encouraged Kay to complete the labor study as soon as possible. VI. Town Center Improvement Plans Bill Packer updated the EDC on the progress of the Town Center plans indicating that the VFW had signed the petition, and therefore, we do have the 35% to proceed with feasibility study. The committee talked about the ups and downs of the project, the supporters, the people who are not supporting, and staff discussed the process that they would like use to complete the project. The process is that the Council will be approached on October 1 to request authorization of the feasibility study to complete the redevelopment plans. Prior to the City Council meeting, staff will send a letter to all the downtown business people to discuss what exactly the feasibility study means, and where we are in the process and where we will be in the near future. Staff anticipates that the study will be done within the next 3 months. VII. Economic Development Committee ADDointments Kay circulated a list of the interviews that have been scheduled for September 19. There are 6 people who will be interviewed on that date. Three people can officially be added to the Economic Development Committee, and if desired, an amendment to the Bylaws can be added so that City Manager Unmacht becomes an ex-officio member, therefore we would be able to add 4 people to the committee. VIII. Discuss John Eqan's Purchase of City ProDerty John Egan, a local business person, was invited in to discuss his improvement plans for his newly acquired business in the downtown area. Mr. Egan introduced the concept of his business to the EDC and als9 reported that he had purchased the Nelson Woodcraft building and is remodeling it to suit his needs. Mr. Egan is requesting to buy the vacant lot next to his business so that he may put in a parking lot and expand his building. The EDC asked questions regarding the lot and the use of the lot and indicated support for the project. MOTION BY NAT WISSER TO SUPPORT THE SALE OF THE CITY OWNED LOT TO MR. JOHN EGAN AND HIS COMPANY MNtex FOR A NEGOTIATED PRICE TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY DAVE MILLER. THE PURPOSES LISTED FOR THE SALE ARE AS FOLLOWS: THAT THE MNtex BUSINESS IS AN UP AND COMING BUSINESS AND HAS BEEN HANDLED PROFESSIONALLY IN THE PAST AND IS A BUSINESS WORTHY OF SUPPORT. THAT THE CREATION OF A PARKING LOT IS A GOOD USE OF THAT LAND. THAT THE PURCHASE OF THE LOT AND THE UPGRADING INTO A PARKING LOT WILL BE IMPROVEMENT VISUALLY· THAT IT IS PUTTING A LOT BACK ON TAX ROLLS AND THEREFORE WILL BE GENERATING TAX DOLLARS. THAT IT WILL ASSIST A LOCAL BUSINESS TO IMPROVE AND EXPAND IN OUR COMMUNITY. ® THAT THE VALUE OF THE PROPERTY AND VALUE OF THE NEIGHBORING PROPERTIES WILL BE ENHANCED. THAT THEY ARE PROVIDING PARKING FOR THEIR OWN PEOPLE AND NOT RELYING ON CITY STREET PARKING. For these reasons the EDC supports this project. This agenda item was voted on again at the September 25, 1990 meeting and passed unanimously. Voting members included: Bob Barsness, Darcy Running, Jim Hill, Dar Fosse, Rich Gross, Nat Wisser, and Dave Miller. IX. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 a.m. on and scheduled the next EDC meeting date for September 25 at 7:00 a.m. HERITAGE COMMUNITY 1891 1991 me SEPTEMBER 25, 1990 Approve the September 13~ 1990 EDC Meeting Minutes *Attachment II. Discuss October 29~ 1990 Workshop on Business/Office Park Study KJ~ ~t~ III. IV. Ve VI. VII. VIII. Review Amended Elderly Hou~sing *Attachment Star City Program Update Town Center Improvement Update *Attachment 7-0 ~ ~~f Review Progress on ~tex Project Review PrOqress .on. Super Valu Economic Development Committee Appointments 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 SENIOR HOUSING POLICY 1990 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The City of Prior Lake recognizes that persons over 55 years of age are proportionately the fastest growing age group in the United States. As the impact of this trend becomes more apparent, communities must consider ways to address housing needs of the aging population. The purpose of this policy is to acknowledge the importance of senior citizens in our community and to provide a high quality.of residential alternatives for seniors. To this end this policy will dictate as follows: 1) An outline of the develo?ment process required when financial assistance is requested in order to generate the data necessary for making the most informed decisions for the benefit of the entire community. 2~ An outline of the recommended process for reviewing Senior Housing proposals not requesting financial assistance. Included herein is the process and criteria deemed important in order to insure that developments for seniors are carefully planned and designed to integrate into the community and ensure continued living standards for seniors. Prior Lake takes gregt pride in the development of the and this document is prepared to encourage the range alternatives to meet the needs of our senior citizens. community of housing PROJECT POLICY CONSIDERATIONS 1. The project shall demonstrate long term benefits to the community and to the residents of the project. 2. The project must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The project must provide a service to the community and its senior population. 4. The project should be located, if possible, near commercial centers, restaurants, parks and medical support services. The project must be accessible to public transportation. 5. The project shall be designed to provide ample outdoor and livable space, to retain a sense of personal identity, intimacy and human scale within the development. To qualify as senior housing all of the units shall have a household head of 55 years of age or older. In order to provide development incentives the City encourages the use of Planned Unit Developments whereby increased densities, reduced parking requirements and ancillary support services for senior housing projects will be considered. (Comprehensive Plan Housing Policy 8). PROJECT REVIEW It is the responsibility of the developer to demonstrate the viability and economic feasib%lity of a sen%o~ ?roject, especially if the request requires financial participation from the City of Prior Lake. Project Review Process 1. Project Con?ept Review Conference:. This conference involves initial review of the project by City Staff. The developer will be responsible for making a presentation to staff at this conference. The purpose of this conference is to ' familiarize staff with the proposal and to discuss preliminary issues such as possible site locations, financial and zoning considerations, plan submission requirements, and applicable zoning and design requirements. Market Study: Following the concept r~view conference developers will be required to complete an 1ndependent market study to determine if the project ls feasible in terms of demographics, rental rates, an~ market demand. City staff will be consulted on the selection of the marketing study consultant to determine if the person(s) have the ne?essary credentials. The market study must be completed prior to project review· 3. Project Review: These meetings may include City Staff, HRA Representatives, Finance Specialists, City Attorney, Developer and . Developers S~ecialists, and Economic Development Committee and Economic Development Authority Representatives. The pu.rpose of t~e meeting is to discuss the vlabllity and financial feasibility of the proposal based on the results of the market study. If the project is determined to be eligible for financial assistance, the project will be presented to the City Council and/or the Economic Development Authority. city Council Preliminary Review: The developer will present the project concept tot he City Council, Economic Development Committee and Economic Development Authority Representatives, and request appr?val to enter into negoti~tions in order to develop a financlal.packag? between the City and developer. An approval from th~s meeting is not a project approval but 2 Se e rather an. authorization to proceed with the documentation for financial assistance. necessary Project Analysis: This stage of the process is designed to focus on land use, zoning, comprehensive plan, and epgineering issues, and include a series of meetings with City staff. Planning Commission Review and Economic Development Committee Review: If necessary, the developer will present the proposal including all financial information, the market study and the project analysis to the Planning Commission and Economic Development Committee who shall publicly review the project. It is the responsibility of the developer to ~ake application and to present all plans and supporting materials to the Commission and Committee. Once approval is received from the Planning Commission, the project will be forwarded to the Cit~ Council and/or Economic Development Authority for consideration. The developer will be responsible, to present the entire proposal including funding, rezonlng and other requests to the City Council and/or Economic Development Authority. The Council and/or Economic Development Authority will make all approvals pertaining to financial and project development considerations. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS It is the responsibility of the applicant to meet the minimum code as set forth by the State of Minnesota. In addition to code compliance, the developer must address the following recommended safety standards in the submitted application. Recommended Safety Standards 1. All doors and areas of public use shall be of sufficient width to accommodate wheel chairs. 2. Wherever steps are located, ramps or elevators shall be provided in addition. Gas cooking units are prohibited in dwelling units. Eme~genc~ signal facilities shall be provided in each residential unit and shall register a signal at a central location. Electric outlets shall be located at least 24 inches above floor level. Grab bars shall be located around all tubs, toilet areas. showers and Tubs and showers shall be installed in at least 50% of the dwelling units. The remaining units shall have either a tub or a shower. All floor surfaces shall be nonskid and surfaced in such a manner so as to not impede the use of wheelchairs and walkers. Central heating and air conditioning shall be individually adjustable for each residential unit. 10. Handle-~ype spigots and doorknobs shall be incorporated into each unit. 11. Fire protection features will be installed as required by the City Code. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. All applicable site plan submission materials required by the City for PUD and subdivision developments will be required. In addition, the City requires: A® Name and address of the owner, owner's agent, developer, surveyor, designer and consultants associated with the project. Be Survey: including graphic scale, north point, date of preparation, location map showing proposed pro~ect location within the City, existing and proposed zoning, total acreage, topographic data, physical features, setbacks, access, roads, parking lots, open space, utility lines, and phasing which may be proposed. Buildin~ floor plans and exterior elevations indicat%ng unit size, number of units, exterior construction materials, garage units and number, and unit square footage. D. Landscape plan showing ~lantings, berms, fences, lighting, parking layout, sidewalks and trails. T~e informat%on contained below in the 5 ~ategories will be discussed with the a~plicant in the Pro].ct Concept Review Conference. Not all 1nformation will be applicable to all projects, a decision on the appropriateness of each will be made on a project by project basis. Buildinq Design Considerations The pro~ect sha%1 ~rovide ample-sized meeting rooms and recreational facilities such as dining halls and workshops for the comfort and convenience of the occupants· Such facilities may also be made available to the community, senior and non-senior alike. The ~roject sha%1 take int? consideration bulk, he%ght, spacing of buildings circulation and parking pattern within the development in order to obtain adequate light, air, privacy, and open space for passive recreation and landscaped amenities. 3. Developments.shall be designed to maximize .security by arran~lng units in su?h a.mgnner s? as to. provide informal surveillance while maintaining resident privacy. In order to aid accessibility, the project shall be designed to avoid steep grades and steps. Project housing units shall be constructed to provide energy efficiency, low maintenance, and designed appropriately for senior occupancy. Written Narrative written narrative of the proposed ~roject includigg ~nformation such as proposed uses, density, average unlt size, building square footage, etc... 2. Proposed time frame for project including the estimated beginning and completion date and proposed phasing of project if applicable. 3. Statement ~egarding b~ildin~ management, care, staffing, community directors, and employees if applicable. proposed health support service Maintenance agreement proposals concerning maintenance, snow and garbage removal, painting, laundry and appliance maintenance and other items. building lawn care, applicable Financial Information A pro~orma which stipulates all project construction costs, on-going maintenance costs, management costs, etc... The proforma must also stipulate what the rent structure must be to cover all project costs. The proforma must be in a format that can be interpreted and discussed in a meeting setting. 5 Financial commitment from an institution. independent financial If there is a request for the City financial participation in the form of TIF, a complete and concise summary should be provided which is supported by financial analysis and market study data. The following items must be addressed: -The percentage °feb financing which is (Request should substantiated with market study information). requested. independent b. -Specific method or formula for how TIF will be utilized. Ce -Developer provide information that TIF can be legally undertaken. All TIF projects will be structured as a 'pay as you go' project. Market Study To clearly show that the project is feasible the developer must conduct a market study. The market study shall be conducted by an independent organization with experience in conducting market surveys of this type. A copy of the survey documentation and an analysis of the data must be provided along with an outline of the affordability issues. Items such as market rates, rent levels and availability of alternative funding sources must be included. Property Purchase Agreement and Terms 1. Description of the property proposed to be purchased· Description of the proposed purchase terms, length of option etc... options, price, The developer must be prepared to enter into a purchase agreement immediately upon approval of the project. An administrative fee of $ will be collected by the City in order to process a TIF plan. The fee will not be refunded if the project is not undertaken. The only contingency is City Council approval. 4. Guaranteed Occupancy Clause - Housing for the seniors must be occupied by eligible persons as defined in Policy 6 (Page 1). The City will require a covenant .of. ~he owner(~) wh%ch guarantees occupancy by eligible Individuals, stipulating that if the use of the.build%ng ceases to be for eligible persons, the.owner(s) lt~ heirs( executors 9nd assigns will lose their right to contxnued financial assxstance. If the owner(s) elects to sell the complex, the purchaser(s) must sign a covenant approved by the City Attorney to continue the use in the manner originally intended or lose financial assistance. Any modifications to the covenant shall be approved by the City Council. Guaranteed occupgncy provisions and conditions granted shall be annually reviewed. The owner shall file annually, a certified monthly resume which identifies the number of tenants by age and number of cars owned and/or used by each tenant or employee. The certificate of occupagcy will be revoked if non eligible residents occupy the units. OBJECTIVES FOR CONSIDERATION OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE The purpose of this policy is to ensure a high quality of lifestyle for Prior Lake's senior citizens. The following objectives can be achieved through the use of public financial assistance. Encourage the development of affordable Senior Housing in order to retain Prior Lake residents. 2. Acquire land and/or building which are vacant, unused, underused or inappropriately used. Se Achieve a building construction of high quality. Provide adequate streets, utilities and other improvements and facilities to enhance the area for and existing development. public both new Eliminate or correct physical detriments to the development of the land. 6. Achieve a high level of design and landscaping quality, consistent with the character and design of the area, to enhance the surrounding environment. 7. Accomplish convenient and adequate parking to serve the area. 8. Improve the financial base of the City. 9. Provide increased employment opportunities. 10. Provide special service for seniors, i.e. hairdresser/barber, recreational opportunities, light retail/drug store merchandise. 11. Address senior transit needs, area and medical clinics. i.e., circulation to retail 12. Provide a good sidewalk circulation system to move seniors through surrounding commercial and residential neighborhoods. 7 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Complete Management ti Maintenance Services P.O. BOX 35092 FDINA, MINNESOTA 55435 9254055 Mr. Lyle Fuller Super Value Stores, Inc. Ref: Prior Lake Super Value Dear Lyle, I am becoming more and more concerned with the releasing of the space at Gateway Center occupied by Super Value at this time. You gave me written notice in January 1990 of your intent to vacate the store in December 1990. I have contacted you several times and you were to get back to me with some answer on timing; I have yet to hear from you. I have heard that the pro.jeer has been delayed and may have been cancelled at this time. The ,~ncertainty regarding whether and when Super Value is departing is putting a serious damper on efforts to release the space. Coldwell Banker, which was retained in early May 1990, cannot continue timely efforts to lease witho,~t a t i,,etable and ~il.l probably not wish to continue the listing. It has also seriously hurt our efforts to market our new strip center (whic. h ~,t~ totally put off after receiving your notice due to the fact of the uncertainty of whom the tenant may be. This made the smaller tenants that had made commitments change their minds, and we have been unable to proceed with any marketing, etc. until a timetable is known. ) I believe that this is a definite loss to the community and the City of Prior Lake at this time by not being able to bring in the new businesses and jobs along with a new taxable center. Since there is nearly 9 years left on the lease, I must now put the b,~rden back in your court. It has cost us nearly $50,000. and much time on the part of myself and others to date with the remarketing efforts, and loss of potential tenants. planning to move we remarker the space and contact me by October have at this time. Our first choice is that you will remain as a tenant and we are prepared to help in whatever way we can. However, if you are need a firm move-out date in order' to minimize any further losses. Please 4, 1990 as to any plans or input you may cc: Best & Flanagan, Atty. C'~ty o1' Prioz Lake Coldwell Banker ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 1990 Members present: Others present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Jim Hill, Darcy Running, Dave Miller, Rich Fosse, and Kay Schmudlach Ray Lemley and Bill Packer Nat Wisser, Gross, Dar The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. Approve the September 13, 1990 EDC Minutes Kay Schmudlach stated that the motion in support of the MNtex purchase of the City lot is not valid because a quorum was not present and another vote is necessary. MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY DAVE MILLER, TO SUPPORT THE SALE OF THE CITY OWNED LOT TO MR. JOHN EGAN AND HIS COMPANY MNtex FOR A NEGOTIATED PRICE TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY DAVE APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 13, 1990 EDC MEETING READ WITH THE CORRECTION OF EGAN SPELLED "EGEN". THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MILLER TO MINUTES AS "EGAN" NOT II. Discuss October 29, 1990 Business Office Park Study Workshop Kay indicated that no progress was made on the actual time and location of the Business Office Park Study Workshop but that details would be available at the October 9 meeting. Bob Barsness requested that the EDC contact the Council persons assigned to them to discuss preliminarily their positions on the Business office Park Study. The following people were assigned to call the Council people: Jim Hill call Carol Scott, Bob Barsness call John Fitzgerald, Nat Wisser call Gene White, Dar Fosse call Mayor Andren, Darcy Running call Doug Larson. The committee briefly discussed the project with the guests and the discussion centered around distinguishing between Business Office Park and Industrial Business. Darcy suggested that we send emissaries out into the public ie Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, etc. to explain our goals and our process and to educate the populace so that they understand the outcome of the October 29 Workshop. The EDC suggested that perhaps the most important goal of the October 29 Workshop was to get the Council in a frame of mind to take some action to move ahead with establishing a Business Office Park. Jim indicated that we needed to expand on the use of the current Industrial Park and perhaps create and overlay so that we have immediate goals to meet as far as bringing businesses into our current Industrial Park. III Review the Amended Elderly Housing Policy now called Senior Housinq Policy Nat Wisser introduced this item and discussed the comments that Councilmember Larson had made and the subsequent amendments made. Kay indicated that this item would be on the Consent Agenda for the October 1, 1990 Council meeting. MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY APPROVE THE SENIOR HOUSING POLICY MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. DARCY RUNNING' TO AS AMENDED. THE IV. Star City Program Update Kay indicated there was no progress on this this time. project at Town Center Improvement Update Kay distributed a copy of the letter that had been sent to the downtown property owners indicating the process that would be used to initiate the redevelopment effort. The letters specified that on October 1, 1990 the Council would be asked to receive the petitions and approve the feasibility study and that the downtown proper~y.owners would be involved in every step of determining what types of improvements would be made if any. The EDC indicated that the press should be involved in this and Darcy agreed to call Jim Riccioli and pursue some type of article in the paper if the approval is granted to do the feasibility study. VI. Review Progress on MNtex Project Kay reported that a purchase agreement had been drafted by the City Attorney and was to be forwarded to John and Carolyn Egan for their review. The negotiations between the City apd the. E~ans had gone very well and a purchase agreement is anticipated being approved at the October 1 city Council meeting. VII. Review Proqress of Super Valu Kay distributed a letter that had been sen~ from Kathleen Reillng to the City regarding a request for an extension of their project completion date. Because of the law suit (that has been settled) the construction would not be completed by December of this year. The letter requested that the construction period be extended to September of 1991· Also attached was a letter from.the City approved by the EDA that approved this extension to September of 1991. Darcy Running asked if anyone had talked to Ronn Hechtor lately to see if he needed any support on releasing the Super Valu site. Bob Barsness volunteered to call Mr. Hechtor and inquire as to his progress. VIII. Economic Development Committee ADDointments Kay reported that six people had been interviewed for the EDC by the Mayor, City Manager and herself. The Interview Committee recommended that an amendment to the Bylaws be made to include an Ex-officio member from the school district. The other recommendations were to reappointment the three current members; Bob Barsness, Jim Hill, Rachel VanDenBoom and to bring on board three new members; Ray Lemley, Bill Packer and Steve Nielson. The Ex-officio ~erson appointed from the school district will be Jer. Phillips. MOTION BY DARCY RUNNING, SECONDED BY JIM HILL, TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE BYLAWS AND THE REAPPOINTMENT AND APPOINTMENTS AS RECOMMENDED BY THE INTERVIEW COMMITTEE. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. IX. Other Business Several items came up under Other Business: Kay has been asked by a local business sponsor a Business Expo. Bob Barsness that Dave Miller's subcommittee take doing that yet this Fall. person to recommended a look at Kay reported that Dave Unmacht, Bill Mangan and she had toured the Rainbow Play Systems factory last week. Greg Foster had requested ~upport in analyzing whether he could build onto his building. The problem with the expansion is that the sewer system is not working adequately and probably could not deal with excess sewer. Kay said that she would be meeting with Gary Staber the Building Official to see what options we have as far as expansion. ® Kay reported that Rachel VanDenBoom's sister had passed away recently and that flowers had been sent on behalf of the EDC to Rachel's home. Xe Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 a.m.