OCTOBER 9, 1990
7:00 - 9:00 A.M.
Approve the September 25, 1990 EDC Meetinq Minutes
*Attachment - Minutes
*Attachment - Amended Bylaws
*Attachment Membership List
Discuss the October 29 Workshop on Business/Office
Park Study
Review Amended Senior Housing Policy
*Attachment - Amended Senior Housing Policy
Star City Program Update
Town Center Redevelopment Update
Report by Bob Barsness on Senior Housing Proposal
SUper Valu Construction and Leasing of Gateway Center
*A%tachment - Letter from Ron Hechtor
Report on Business Expo
*Request by the Chamber to Co-sponsor
Report on Rainbow Play Systems
X. Adjournment
OCTOBER 9, 1990
Members present:
Chairman Bob Barsness, Jim Hill, Nat
Dave unmacht, Steve Nielson, Dar Fosse,
Running, Bill Packer, Ray Lemley,
VanDenBoom and Kay Schmudlach
The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00
A.M. by Chairman Barsness.
ADDrove the September 25, 1990 EDC Minutes
Kay pointed out that attached are copies of the amended
Bylaws and the new membership list with the phone
numbers and addresses.
Discuss the October 29, 1990 Workshop on Business/Office
Park Study
The EDC spent some time talking about the ~roposed
Workshop and the outline for the process in which the
meeting should be conducted. Dave requested that the
Economic Development Committee comment on the hours that
they prefer for the Workshop. They recommended that the
Workshop be from 4:00-8:00 p.m. with a box lunch or some
type of.meal to be included during the course of the
discussion, not something where we would break to have a
The EDC tossed out ideas on the goal for the Workshop.
It was agreed that the goal is to have the Council
develop an action plan or some type of implementation
ideas. The format for the agenda was briefly discussed
and it was concluded that Dave should be the moderator.
He should introduce the purpose for the meeting, the
format for the meeting, and then turn it over to Tom
Kedrowski and Bob Barsness who will again reiterate the
joint recommendation for the EDC and Planning
The EDC was encouraged to be well informed on the joint
recommendations that had been prepared. Kay was asked
to send out the recommendations to the new members on
the committee. The EDC also suggested that staff
pre, ar? fact sheets on each site to make the task of
reviewing each site easier, and to add additional data
and discussion to~ics so that the ~ouncil knows that we
have thoroughly discussed all the ~ssues. Bob Barsness
asked EDC members if they had talked to the Council
person that they had been assigned to. Nat, Dar,
Darcy, and Bob reported that they had had conversations
with Gene, Lee, Doug, and John 'respectively.
Other comments from the EDC regarding this are as
follows. Bob felt that one of the items under the
action plan that should be strongly encouraged is an
overlay to identify the uses, the total area and the
infrastructure for the proposed area five industrial or
business development.
Dave commented that he believed the Reservation
officials are ready to discuss working with the City.
They seem to be receptive to some type of joint venture.
One of the recommendations in the action plan should be
that we immediately initiate those conversations and
start working on some kind of task force to establish
joint recommendations and expectations.
The EDC talked about the outcome of the Workshop. They
agreed that in order for them to get specific
recommendations from the Council they better be focused
on their issues and the areas. The EDC should walk the
Council through the study carefully and make sure that
the Council is informed and takes action as soon as
Review the Senior Housing Policy
Nat Wisser introduced this item and indicated that
Councilmembers Fitzgerald, White and Larson continued to
have some problems with the Senior Housing Policy. The
EDC expressed their concern with the Council's delaying
this policy but agreed to continue to work on it, and
amend it in preparation for Council approval. Kay
reported that the comments she had received from Doug
and John.had been incorporated %nto th? policy as best
as possible. There are philosophical differences
between Gene, Doug and John and this is something they
will have to discuss at a Council meeting because it
cannot be done through amendments by staff.
Nat introduced an idea to show this policy to some of
the people who live in senior facilities. Rachel
suggested that we talk to senior housing development
people to see what their opinion of the policy is and
take those comments back to the Council. Kay reported
that one s~nior hpu~i~g development person had reviewed
this when it was initially drafted and thought it was
basically very good. Kay and Nat will be contacting
someone from the senior housing facility to have them
review this. It is anticipated that the senior housing
policy will be ready to go on the agenda by the first
meeting in November.
Star City Program Update
Kay reported that she has drafted the labor survey and
is planning on s~ndin~ it out to Jim this week to.review
and then forwarding 1~ to the state. Kay will be
setting up a meeting with the state people this week or
next week to show them our progress and to seek their
comments for final approval. The EDC and City Manager
Unmacht strongly encourage Kay to complete this project
by the end of this year, at least have the approval if
not the banquet.
Town Center Redevelopment Update
Darcy Running updated the EDC on the Town Center
Redevelopment. He reported that we are in a holding
pattern as of now because Mayor Andren has been asked
by the people who oppose this project to meet with them
so that they can discuss their concerns. The Mayor will
be meeting with these people th%s week and will try to
find out exactly what their basis for opposition is and
try to soften their opposition to the project at this
time. Following the Mayor's meeting, she will be
advising Darcy and staff on the next step. Hopefully,
within the next two weeks we will be either
reinitiating a petition or letting this project go.
Bob Barsness Report on Senior Housing Proposal
Bob Barsness reported that he had talked to Jack Nugent
regarding the proposed senior housing facility. Mr.
Nugent felt that at this time it would make more sense
to wait until after the elections to see who the key
people and see if they are willing to support an
amendment to the moratorium. The EDC commented that
they are very supportive of this.
Kay reported that she had talked to Ed Tschida who
encouraged the EDC to consider a site that would need
redevelopment if we are considering using Tax Increment
Financing: The primary site for redevelopment project
would again be the downtown area.
Super Valu Construction & Leasing of Gateway Center
Kay reported that the lease has yet to be signed. We're
not sure of that delay with three parties involved it's
difficult to pinpoint who is holding up the process.
The EDC reviewed the letter received from Ronn Hechtor.
Kay reported that she would call Lyle Fuller to see if
there was anything the City could do to help.lease thgt
property. Without a date on the construction, it is
difficult to forward a date to Ronn Hechtor at this
Report on Business Expo
Kay reported that Dave Miller had done some work on the
proposed Business Expo. Mr. Miller has made a
reservation for the high school and provided a list of
things that should be outlined to consider. Kay
introduced a different idea that had been proposed by
the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber would like to
articipate in the Business Expo and would like to do it
ointly with the EDC. The EDC thought this was an
excellent idea. Kay reported that Dave Miller had felt
strongly that it should be at the high school because it
gives you that sense of an exposition .hall. However,
the Chamber would like to tie this in with the Chamber
social and prefer to do it at some place like the VFW.
Perhaps have it set up on a Thursday afternoon and have
it open all day Friday and then have some type of
Chamber social at Friday n%ght and do a membership drive
for the Chamber and also give a little bit back to the
people who are members of the Chamber. The EDC was very
pleased with this and would like to continue to work
with the Chamber. Bob asked who would be doing the
administrative work and Kay reported that she would do
that since she was a member of both the Chamber and the
EDC. The Chamber anticipates doing that yet this Fall.
Report on Rainbow Play Systems
Kay reported that she has talked to Greg Foster several
times about his building expansion. It appears that the
only alternatives to allow him to expand is to either
extend a private sewer line to his building or to extend
sewer and water to the City systems. The cost of the
private extension is $50,000 plus the cost of
right-of-way and the cost of the City project has been
anticipated to be about a million dollars. Kay reported
that she told Greg we are having a Workshop on October
29 and that we would have, hopefully, some feedback on
the possibility of extending sewer and water at that
time. The committee encouraged Kay to continue working
with Greg.. Some members felt that the City should be
participating in the cost of his private extension to
give him the flexibility so that he can expand this
year. The most important thing is not to let this
business leave Prior Lake because of any kind of
expansion problems. The EDC identified this as a prime
examp%e of why the City needs to take the leadership
role in extending facilities and creating business in
the office park so that we keep and hopefully draw new
businesses to our town.
Other Business
Bill Packer requested some background information on Tax
Increment. Financing. Kay indicated that there has been
an economic impact report prepared by staff at the
Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic ,Development.
She will be copying those and mailing them to members
who had not received one as of this time.
Motion by Dar Fosse to adjourn.
adjourned at approximately 8:45 a.m.
The EDC meeting
1891 1991
OCTOBER 23, 1990
7:00 - 9:00 A.M.
Approve the October 9r 1990 EDC Meetinq Minutes
*Attachment - Minutes
*Attachment - 1990 Attendance Roster
Star City Program Update
III. Town Center Redevelopment Update
Senior Housinq Policy Review
Business Expo
Sidewalk Construction on County Road 44
*Attachment - County Five Year CIP
*Attachment - Inter-office Memo
Project Update -- - Super Valu~
- Gateway Center~
- Rainbow Play~Systems~
Other Business
X. Adjournment
4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
OCTOBER 23, 1990
Members present:
Chairman Bob Barsness, Jim Hill, Nat Wisser,
Dave Miller, Steve Nielson, Dar Fosse, Bill
Packer, Ray Lemley, Rachel VanDenBoom, Rich
Gross, Dave Unmacht, Darcy Running, Jere
Phillips, and Kay Schmudlach
The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00
A.M. by Chairman Barsness.
Approve the October 9, 1990 EDC Minutes
Kay Schmudlach reported that attached to the agenda was
a copy of the 1990 attendance roster. Chairman Barsness
had asked Kay to keep an attendance record. The
attendance roster will be distributed at every meeting.
The Economic Development Committee Bylaws do require
that EDC members attend 75% of the meetings and do not
miss 3 consecutive meetings. Staff will be monitoring
Star City Program Update
~¥_.r~e~orted t~at. ,she
~ ~P K, ~ ~1 be Con=acting ~e
~.it~m ~prior to the next meetly.
Kay Schmudlach reported that she's working with Laurie
Hartmann also a member of the Chamber Board on the
Business Expo. It was agreed that the November date was
too soon to be organized and the next available date is
Janua.r~ 19. Kay also reported that she would be
attending the Business Showcase in Belle Plaine
scheduled for October 27. At this point the EDC is not
responsible for 9ny action but in the near future after
the Chamber outlines the plan, the EDC will be asked to
~~~ Redevelopment Plans
Kay Schmudlach reported that Mayor Andren had visited
with downtown business merchants who are in opposition
to a redevelopment plan. The Mayor believes that their
major opposition to the improvements is the cost. Kay
reported that she had done some research with Shakopee
and New Prague and that our figure of $229 per front
foot is a very close estimate. Fortunately for the
cities of New Prague and Shakopee they have other funds
to offset the costs and reduce the costs to the property
owners. In New Prague the partial cost of the
assessment is picked up by the State because of the
State Highway which runs through the downtown. In
Shakopee they have used Tax Increment dollars to break
down the cost of the improvement. In Prior Lake these
dollars are not available, although the Mayor has
mentioned that there may be some alternate ways that we
can finance the landscaping improvements for downtown.
The other major thing that came out of the meetings with
the downtown merchants is that they are working on
establishing a downtown business association. This
association would be separate from the city, although
the city would participate as one of the major property
owners. If the business association is started and the
problems for the downtown are identified, hopefully, the
downtown merchants would be organized and willing to
work with the city to pursue any redevelopment that is
There was a motion proposed by Bill Packer to contact
Council persons to again express the EDC support of the
Town Center Redevelopment. The EDC decided that they
would express that concern for that support at the
October 29 Workshop and did not organize a Council
contact separate from that meeting.
Discussion of Senior Housinq Policy
Bill Kempf from St. Cloud who works for Helgerson &
Assgciates was available to discuss the Elderly Housing
Policy. Mr. Kempf gave us great.insight on policy and
recommended several things for ~mprgvement. Primarily
the Problem with 9ur policy is that it's geared towards
all levels of Senior housing and doesn't specify the
differences between independent and assisted living.
Mr. Kempf recommended that we try to narrow our focus so
that we are gearing our policy towards one or the other.
Mr. Kempf went through the policy and made some other
changes in wording. The EDC and Mr. Kempf discussed in
great detail the concept of Senior housing and bringing
Senior housing into Scott County area.
In subsequent conversations with Mr. Kempf, he has
indicated to Kay Schmudlach that Helgerson & Associates
is going to be submitting a proposal to the city. The
proposal will. recommend that we initiate a Senior
Housing fac%llty geared towards independent living.
Assisted living housing will be phased in when the
moratorium is lifted and beds are available. Mr. Kempf
further indicated that following the elections, we might
want to pursue some lobbying with our legislators on the
nursing home moratorium issue.
Business Expo
Since we already discussed this item there weren't any
further conversations although Kay reported that she
would be keeping the EDC up to date.
Kay reported that th? Task Force had initiated a.meeting
for October 31 at Prior Lake City Hall. Individuals
invited included representatives from all the financial
institutions that are into commercial or industrial
loans. They have been asked to come and indicate their
support for this concept. Kay also reported that Barry
Stock from the City of Shakopee and Kay would be
attending the October 30 County Board meeting and
request County support.
Kay invited all members of the EDC to attend the SCEDO
meeting. Kay strongly encouraged Mr. Barsne~s to attend
as a representative of a financial institution as the
results of this meeting will determine whether this
concept is continued or not. At this point, the cities
have all indicated interest and with the support of the
County the financial institutions will proceed.
Sidewalk Construction on County Road 44
Kay noted that there were 2 attachments, one being the
County's Five Year CIP program, and the second being an
Inter Office Memo from Larry Anderson to Kay Schmudlach
regarding the cost of sidewalks. Dar Fosse lead the
conversation by stating that sidewalks are very
important to o~r community and an integral part of
getting our children and seniors around the city. Mr.
Fosse strongly supports the city putting in a sidewalk
at this time prior to the County's improvement of County
Road 44. Mr. Unmacht reported that it would not be a
priority of the city's to put that sidewalk in at this
time but do it at a later date in conjunction with the
County. However, Mr. Unmacht recommended that the EDC
wait for the election results to identify our County
Commissioner and then ask our County Commissioner to
support a redesignation of the County Road 44 priority
on the CIP. Mr. Unmacht encouraged EDC members to call
their County Commissioner following the election and ask
him to support a County Road 44 project as soon as 1991.
The EDC agreed that this would probably be an
appropriate process.
Project Update
Kay reported that she still had not heard anything
Super Valu as far as the lease date.
That Gateway Center is still not been vacated
they indicated the time frame for vacation and
no persgectives in site on that.
nor had
Kay reported that she has talked to Mr. Foster and his
father of Rainbow Play Systems on several occasions
about their plans for e.xpanding their building. Kay
will call them again to insure them that we are keeping
them in mind as we talk about the Business Office Park
improvements on October 29. The EDC strongly encouraged
staff and the Council to work with Mr. Foster in making
sure that we can keep this business in town.
Other Business
There were no other business items brought
up at this
The EDC meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 a.m.