HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovemberHERITAGE COMMUNITY 1891 1991 PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 13, 1990 7:00 - 9:00 A.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL MEETING Approve the October 23, 1990 EDC Meeting Minutes *Attachment - Minutes *Attachment - Attendance Roster II. Star City Program Update III · Senior Housing Policy IV. SCEDO Business Park Study - Survey of Business Inquires VI. Issue Update County Road 44 Sidewalk Strategy Business Expo ~ Downtown Business Persons Association VII. Project Update Super Valu Gateway Rainbow Play Systems VIII. Adjournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 1990 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Jim Hill, Dave Miller, Darcy Running, Rachel VanDenBoom, Dar Fosse, Nat Wisser, Steve Nielson, Jere Phillips, and Kay Schmudlach The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. II. Approve the October 23, 1990 EDC Minutes Chairman Barsness asked members if there were any changes to the minutes. Dave Miller indicated that under item number 3 "Down Center" should be "Town Center" Redevelopment Plans. The change was noted. MOTION BY NAT WISSER, SECONDED BY DARCY APPROVE THE OCTOBER 23, 1990 EDC MEETING AMENDED. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. RUNNING TO MINUTES AS Star City Program Update Kay Schmudlach reported that she has talked to the State staff and they're aware that we will be submitting our final plans soon. Kay indicated that she would have a complete draft ready for the EDC by November 27. Chairman Barsness asked if the City could order the signs at this time in anticipation of the Star City award later this year. Kay reported that she would ask the State if we could order at this time. III Senior Housinq Policy Kay reported that she has talked to several individuals regarding policy including Bill Kempf, Bill Jaffa and a senior citizen. The Senior Housing Policy needs some minor amendments but should be ready for the Council meeting on November 19. Kay reported that she would contact EDC members, if indeed this item will be on the agenda. Nat Wisser volunteered to contact Becky Kelso and Terry Johnston to indicate our pursuit of a nursing home in Prior Lake and request their support. Nat also indicated he would be visiting the Jordan and Shakopee nursing homes to check out their facilities. Kay was asked to contact Becky Kelso regarding the process on switching beds from one community to another. Nat and ~ob will meet with Jack Nugent ~rior to the next EDC meeting to discuss his plans for Prlor Lake. IV. SCEDC Kay Schmudlach reported that the Scott County Board had approved the concept of the Scott County Economic Development Coalition along with the approval of the other cities. Kay also reported that the task force had hosted a meeting with financial representatives and that each had indicated support of this concept and a willingness to work with the task force to outline the organizational guidelines. The organization is intended to be formulated through a Joint Powers Agreement among all the cities and Scott County. Details of the Joint Powers Agreement should be available for the November 27 meeting. V® Business Park Study Kay .reported that ~taff would be meeting tomorrow morning to prepare a summary of the October 29 Workshop on the Business Park Study. The summary and the outline for the feasibility study that is proposed for Council action will be on one of the next Council meeting agendas. Kay will report to the EDC when that item will be on the agenda. Bob Barsness requested that the EDC be allowed to review the summary prior to being forwarded to the City Council. Survey of Business Inquiries Kay indicated that she had talked to Debbie Magahey about the idea of taking an inventory of how many business inquiries realty people are getting in Prior Lake. Kay.requested that Rachel VanDenBoom work with her to deslgn.a survey or a letter to send to all the realty companies in the City asking them to refer those inquiries to the City or at least take an inventory of what types of inquiries and how many are being made. Rachel agreed to do this and hopefully will be prepared in time for the November 27 meeting. 2 VI. Issue Update County Road 44 Sidewalk Strateq~ The EDC discussed the new County Board, County Commissioner Dick Underferth, and designated a team of Bob Barsness and Dar Fosse as those who should contact Mr. Underferth with their intention of moving up the improvement schedule for County Road 44. These two will report back at the November 27 meeting. Business Expo Kay reported that she is working with the Community Education Director Leanne Erickson on presenting the idea of combining the Business Expo with ~he Community Organization Expo at the December 4 Community Education Board meeting. Kay has received support from Leanne Erickson and a couple of the board members and hopefully this will be combined next year. The date of the I~fo-Expo next year is September 16. This gives the EDC time to prepare for the f~rst Business Expo. Downtown Business Person Association Kay reported that she discussed this issue with Larry Hennen last week. Larry indicated that he is continuing to work on this association. Kay also reported that she had talked to John Eggan about contacting Larry Hennen to work with him on this association. Steve Nielson volunteered to call Larry Hennen to talk to him about this also. The EDC talked about the benefits of the Downtown Association and agreed to support this in whatever manner possible. VII. Project Update Super Valu/Gateway Kay reported that no progress had been made with Valu and Gateway cannot bring in a new tenant Super Valu indicates their time frame. Super until Rainbow Pla S stems ~ ~ that she had met with Greg Foster to talk about his p%ans for Rainbow Play Systems expansion. Mr. Foster has sndicated that he has signed a contract to continue the warehousing in Shakopee through 1991. Therefore his time table for expansion is probably late '91 or early '92. Kay reported that she will k~ep in contact with Mr. Foster and, hopefully, the feasibilitY study and the anticipated subsequent extension of sewer and water would coincide with his needs for expansion. Also Mr. Foster has indicated that he would willing talk his neighbors about signing a petition for the extension of sewer and water. Kay and Gr~g will be talking about every two weeks over the next SlX to eight months to make sure the City keeps Mr. Foster informed of our progress, and that Mr. Foster provides feedback on what the other businesses are thinking in that area. VIII. Other Business Several EDC members asked Kay about the Downtown Redevelopment Project. Kay reported that the project is pretty much dead at this point until the Business Association comes up with some recommendations or some indications that they want to proceed. Kay reported that the Mayor and Council members are personally cleaning up the downtown by picking up trash. Bob Barsness asked Kay to ask the Mayor if there's any way that we can help in this cleanup, maybe hosting a cleanup day or maybe working with the downtown business people to address some of their code violations. Steve Nielson reported that he is planning on building on the lot that's on Highway 13 and Pleasant and showed the plans to the EDC. Mr. Nielson is requesting some variances. Bob Barsness reported that he talked to Liddy Flom and she is opposed to this idea at this time. Kay reported that this would be going before the Planning Commission for the variance request on Thursday, November 15. Rachel VanDenBoom inquired whether the EDC would be having a Christmas party this year. The EDC agreed that instead of their December 11 EDC meeting from 7:00-9:00 a.m. they would be having a Christmas party from 4:00-6:00 p.m. and asked Kay to make the arrangements for that meeting. The December 11 will be the only EDC meeting in the month of December. IX. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 8:15 a.m. 4 HERITAGE COMMUNITY cF,9i .3c 1891 1991 oo 0! PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 27, 1990 7:00 - 9:00 A.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL MEETING *NOTE: Please mark your calendars - December/i, 1990, 4:00-6:00 p.m. will be the EDC Christmas party at the Hollywood Inn. me Approve the November 13, 1990 EDC Meetinq Minutes *Attachment - Minutes *Attachment - Attendance Roster II. Star City Program *Attachment - Star City Program Submittals III. IV. Ve Senior Housing Policy Business/Office Park Study Followup VI. Issue Update - County Road 44 Sidewalk Improvements - Downtown Business Persons Association VII. Project Update - Super Valu/Gateway - Nielson Development VIII. Other Business IX. Adjournment 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 27, 1990 Members present: Chairman Bob Barsness, Jim Hill, Dave Miller, Darcy Running, Rachel VanDenBoom, Dar Fosse, Nat Wisser, Steve Nielson, Bill Packer, Ray Lemley, Jere Phillips, and Kay Schmudlach The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 7:00 A.M. by Chairman Barsness. mo Approve the November 13, 1990 EDC Minutes MOTION BY RACHEL VANDENBOOM, SECONDED BY DAR FOSSE, TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 13, 1990 EDC MEETING MINUTES AS READ. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. II. Star City Program Update The EDC reviewed the Star City Program and made revisions to the draft as submitted by Kay Schmudlach. The EDC requested that Kay submit the Star City Program as completed to the State Representative as soon as possible. III Senior Housinq Policy Nat Wisser reported that he had talked to both Becky Kelso and Terry Johnston. Both are aware of our efforts and would encourage us to continue to contact them regarding the issue of senior housing. Nat also reported that he met with Mr. Olinger who is the administrator of the Jordan Nursing Home. Mr. Olin~er indicated that the nursing home was generally not doing well, but that they are committed to staying in Jordan and maintaining their private ownership. Kay reported that the Senior Housing Policy was not to be on the Council Agenda until after the budget hearings due to the length of time requ%red for the budget hearings. The Senior Housing Policy will be on the Council Agenda for the second meeting in December or the first meeting in January. The EDC members asked Kay to send Jack Nugent a copy of the housing policy in its final form and ask for his comments. 1 IV. SCEDC Kay reported that as a result of the meeting between City staff people and the banking representatives, the group agreed to pursue this concept and the Bylaws and Joint Powers Agreement were being drafted by staff. Kay indicated that the Bylaws and draft of the Joint Powers Agreement should be ready for EDC review December 11. Ve Business Park Study Follow-up Dave Unmacht reported that he is drafting a summary of the October 29 Workshop. He will be presenting this to the EDC and Planning Commission for their review, and anticipates requesting Council support and approval of this item and the study sometime in December or January. VI. Issue Update County Road 44 Sidewalk Improvements Bob Barsness reported that he had met with County Commissioner elect Dick Underferth. Mr. Underferth indicated support for County Road 44 improvements and would be investigating the timetable for those improvements. At such time it may be important for the EDC to put some pressure on the County for an aggressive timetable to make those improvements sooner than 1993. Downtown Business Persons Association Bill Packer reported that he and Darcy Running were meeting with John Egan who had agreed to spearhead this Downtown Business Persons Association. They had set up a meeting for December 12 at the V.F.W. inviting all businesses to come in and talk about the issues relevant to downtown businesses. The Downtown Redevelopment Project will not be one of the key issues on the first agenda. . The EDC discussed the Business Persons Association and agreed that the City should not have a role in this association in its formative stages. vii. Project Update Super Valu/Gatewa¥ Kay reported that there had been no progress with Super Valu and Gateway.project. At such time that there is the EDC will be ~nformed. Bob Barsness volunteered to 2 call Nell Boderman to get his view as far as when progress will be made. Nielson Development Steve Nielson expressed some significant frustration in working with City . staff regarding ~is ~roposed development. He indicated several areas in whlch the city had not responded adequately to his needs and had misrepresented things at the Planning Commission. Dave Unmacht and Kay Schmudlach provided information to support the staff's action that had taken place, and encouraged Mr. Nielson to resubmit his plans and work with City staff to make this development succeed. City staff supports a development on this site and wishes to work with Mr. Nielson in a more positive manner 1n the future. VIII. IX. Other Business Kay Schmudlach clarified that the December 1st party will be the City staff party in which the EDC and other City commissions are invited to attend. That party is at the Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club. The December 11 party will be just for the EDC people and that will be at the Holl~wogd Inn from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Ail EDC members are ~nv~ted to attend and any cost for beverages and food will be incurred by the EDC and not the City. Adjournment The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.