MARCH 9, 1989
Members Present:
Chairman Hill, Jack Haugen, Dave Miller, Linda
Blaisdell, and Dennis Hanson
Members Absent:
Vice Chairman Bob Barsness, Dave Unmacht,
Darcy Running, and Rachel VanDenBoom
Others Present:
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach, and
Director of Parks and Recreation Bill Mangan
ApDrove Minutes of Previous Meetings
Economic Development Committee member Linda Blaisdell
made a motion to approve the February EDC meeting and
workshop minutes. The motion was seconded by Dennis
Hanson and unanimously approved.
Presentation by Bill Manqan of the City's Park
Comprehensive Plan
The City's Parks & Recreation Director Bill Mangan was
introduced by Mr. Hill. Mr. Mangan was asked to discuss
the City's Park Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Mangan first
showed a 15 minute slide presentation on the City's Park
history. Mr. Mangan proceeded to discuss the component
of the Park Comprehensive Plan that is being'prepared by
Charlie Tooker, the City's Consultant Planner.
Mr. Haugen inquired into the City's relationship with
organizations such as the Lions and Rotary. The purpose
of the question was to see if the City had explored
requesting donations to fund park facility improvements.
Mr. Mangan reported that the City had been very actively
working with the Lions, Jaycees, and the VFW to achieve
park enhancements. Mr. Mangan explained that the VFW
had adopted Memorial Park and made the majority of
facility improvements there. The Lions Club has more
recently considered Lakefront Park and is preparing a
priority list of improvements.
Mr. Hill asked Kay to talk with Marci Brown of the Prior
Lake American about getting special publicity regarding
the VFW and Lions Club donations.
Economic Development Committee and City Council
Chairman Hill introduced the subject matter and
explained that the Council has identified April 19 as
the joint workshop date. Mr. Hill introduced Mr. Ed
Tschida, a consultant with Professional Planning and
Development. Mr. Tschida reported that he had been
invited to this meeting and to the workshop to discuss
the details of the Economic Development Authority.
Mr. Tschida discussed the background of why the EDA was
established and then listed the powers of the Authority.
The powers of the EDA are comparable to a Port Authority
or a Housing & Redevelopment Authority. The
organization of the EDA was discussed next. Mr. Tschida
said there are several options. Several members of the
EDC felt strongly that the EDA make-up should include
City Council, EDC, and possibly Economic Development
Corporation representatives and that the EDA should not
be established to replace the currently functioning
Mr. Hill stated that he thought the EDC should discuss
and prepare a discussion of the advantages and
disadvantages of establishing an EDA, and a suggested
make-up for the EDA.
Kay Schmudlach agreed to put this on the agenda for
March 23 and to meet with Mr. Hill prior to March 23 to
draft the memo.
Update on Development Projects
Kay reported that the City had not heard from Mr.
Johnson since the submission of the traffic study.
Staff is waiting for the site plan to process the
preliminary plat approval.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Zoning Code change for
Warren Israelson
Kay Schmudlach reported that she and Bob Barsness
had attended the March 2 Planning Commission
meeting. Mr. Barsness had spoken in support of
tabling the issue instead of Staff's recommendation
to deny.
The Planning Commission did deny the request but
recommended that the City Council table the action
until the completion of the study.
Sienna's Greenbriar P.U.D.
Ms. Schmudlach reported that
representatives had recently
concept plan prepared for
property. Sienna anticipates
Planning Commission and the EDC
concept approval.
Staff and Sienna
met to review a
the Greenbriar
approaching the
in April to get
Downtown Development update.
Ms. Schmudlach reported that Council had agreed to
purchase the two lots in the downtown area. Staff
will be processing the purchase agreement. The
improvements are anticipated to be done in
conjunction with the County Road 21 improvements
following Council approval.
Update on Subcommittee Projects
Star City Subcommittee
Ms. Schmudlach reported that Ms. Blaisdell and she
had completed the Five Year and One Year Plan and
were working on the labor analysis. Slide
production is set to begin on March 23rd. Mr. Hill
asked if the folders with the Star City information
would be ready for review by the EDC on Marach 23.
Industrial Development/Incentive Subcommittee
Ms. Schmudlach reported that this subcommittee was
responsible for the EDA discussion and that this
committee should be taking a leadership role in the
workshop agenda.
Commercial/Retail Subcommittee
This subcommittee is working on the
the property inventory and also
business appreciation golf outing.
completion of
planning the
Mr. Hill distributed an outline which he had prepared.
The outline is a summary of the EDC Annual Report. Mr.
Hill asked members to review the report for the March 23
meeting. Mr. Hill also asked Kay to send to other
members the report to review in time for the March 23
Kay mentioned that the subcommittee task should be
reviewed along with the task sheet prepared initially.
Economic Development Committee Positions
Kay reported that the EDC positions are scheduled to be
printed in the March 13 and 20 Prior Lake American. Kay
mentioned that she had talked to Ron Haberkorn and John
Mild,; both expressed interest. Gene White has informed
Ms. Schmudlach that Dick Casey, Bill Gilbertson, and Tom
Flink had all expressed a willingness to serve.
Following the advertisement, Mr. Hill asked that the EDC
review the applications and advise the committee on the
EDC recommendations.
Building Permit Report
Economic Development Committee
action being taken.
reviewed this with no
Letters Sent to Local Businesses
Economic Development Committee
action being taken.
reviewed this with
Planning Commission and City Council Agendas
Economic Development Committee reviewed this
action being taken.
Meeting. Adjournment
MARCH 23, 1989
Members Present:
Chairman Hill, Jack Haugen, Dave Miller, Linda
Blaisdell, Bob Barsness, Darcy Running, and
Rachel VanDenBoom
Members Absent:
Dave Unmacht and Dennis Hanson
Others Present:
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach,
Councilmember Gene White, and Planning Intern
Gary Schmitz
Community Development Application Process
The workshop was called to order by Chairman Hill at
8:10 A.M. in the City Community Room. Mr. Hill
introduced Gary Schmitz and asked him to briefly review
the Community Development Application packet. Mr.
Schmitz had attended the State sponsored Community
Development Application review meeting on March 21st.
Mr. Schmitz reviewed the simplified process. Staff was
directed to prepare a list of possible projects.
Star City Program Materials
Kay introduced the Star City booklet to Economic
Development Committee members and asked for their input.
The booklet containing each of the requirements was
circulated. Ms. Schmudlach reported that all
requirements except the slide presentation have been
completed. The booklet would need to be published. Kay
will call Joyce, the Star City Coordinator, to set up
the final meeting.
Economic Development Committee's Annual Report
Review of Subcommittee Activities
Mr. Hill asked Economic Development Committee
Subcommittee Chairpersons to discuss their
Subcommittee's activities. Mr. Hill asked Mr. Barsness
to discuss the Industrial Subcommittee's activities.
Mr. Barsness reported that the Industrial Subcommittee
has concentrated on the analysis of the Economic
Development Authority, but anticipates working on the
Scott County Economic Development organization and the
Industrial Land Study in the future.
Mr..Hau~en reported on the Commercial Subcommittee's
activities. Mr. Haugen indicated that the Commercial
Subcommittee has focused its efforts on creating a
property inventory that will be completed shortly. The
property inventory will be distributed to Commercial
Real Estate Brokers. Future projects for this
Subcommittee are 1.) business appreciation golf outing,
and 2.) a tour of the City for a limited group of
The third subcommittee, the Star Subcommittee, has been
making the final preparations for the Star City Program.
Following the approval of the Star City Program, the
subcommittee will be focusing on public relations
Subcommittee members Dave Miller, Linda Blaisdell, and
Darcy Running have discussed working off the business
survey to start an out-reaching program to all
Kay was asked to review the list of Economic Development
Committee Subcommittees with Subcommittee Chairs and
revise the Subcommittees list of activities.
April 19th City Council/EDC Joint Workshop
Kay distributed a memo prepared for the City Council
regarding the workshop. The workshop addressed the
possible formations of the proposed Economic Development
Authority. After considerable discussion, the EDC voted
to support the first formation which provides for a 7
member Economic Development Authority with 5 Council
persons and 1 Economic Development Committee member and
1 Planning Commission member.
Motion by Bob Barsness and seconded by Jack Haugen to
proceed with this recommendation for the establishment
of the Economic Development Authority as outlined above.
The Industrial Subcommittee set a meeting date to
complete the details of the EDA presentation to the City
Other Business
Kay Schmudlach distributed the HRA handout that had
been distributed at the March 3rd City Council
meeting by Bill Jaffe. Mr. Hill asked for an
update on the Senior High Rise and Kay said she
would research this.
Mr. Haugen requested that the Economic Development
Committee discuss how to address the school
district's request for the additional mill levy.
The EDC discussed this at great length, and
followed up with a motion by Bob Barsness and
seconded by Jack Haugen to set up a meeting with Cy
Kruse to discuss the Economic Development
Committee's role in supporting the mill levy. Kay
was asked to set up a meeting with Dave Unmacht and
Jack Haugen to discuss meeting with Mr. Kruse.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M.
APRIL 13, 1989
4:00 - 5:30 P.M.
Economic Development Meetinq Minutes
March 9, 1989 Meeting Minutes
March 23, 1989 Workshop Minutes
Subcommittee Updates
A. Star City Subcommittee
B. Commercial Subcommittee
C. Industrial Subcommittee
Joint City Council Workshop
A. Final Agenda
B. Economic Development Committee Memo
Community Development Possible Project List
City Project Update
Festival Foods development
Sienna development
Warren Israelson Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Rezoning request
Steve Collins downtown development
Rick Swenson office in Industrial Park
Art Hogen potential business in Prior Lake
February Buildinq Permit Report
VII. March Letters Sent to Local Businesses
Planning Commission and City Council Agenda Items
A. April 6, 1989, Planning Commission Agenda
B. April 3, 1989, City Council Agenda
IX. Adjournment
MAY 11, 1989
Members Present:
Chairman Hill, Dave Miller,
and Rachel VanDenBoom
Linda Blaisdell,
Members Absent:
Denny Hanson, Jack Haugen, Dave Unmacht, Darcy
Running, and Bob Barsness
Others Present:
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach
Approve Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Motion by Linda Blaisdell, seconded by Rachel VanDenBoom
to accept the April 13, 1989 EDC meeting minutes. The
motion was not voted on due to a lack of quorum.
Follow up on EDA Discussion
EDC members discussed the April 19, 1989 Workshop that
was held with the City Council. It a~peared that the
City Council's reaction to the discussion was relatively
~ositive. The City Council indicated that they were
interested in pursuing the EDA and that the EDC should
follow up on the EDA versus the EDC responsibilities.
Kay Schmudlach distributed a draft of a flow chart of
project participation, and a draft of the project
participant's responsibilities regarding the EDA.
Economic Development Committee members commented on both
items and made some modifications and additions. EDC
and staff committed to a goal of putting the pro~ect
participation responsibility list and the project
process on the June 5, 1989 City Council Agenda. Ms.
Schmudlach committed to providing a draft of the Agenda
items for the May 25, 1989 EDC meeting.
Subcommittee Update
Dave Miller and Linda Blaisdell provided an update on
the Star City project and commented that the slide
presentation will be completed by May 25th. The Star
City slide presentation will be scheduled for the May
25th EDC meeting and the June 5th City Council meeting.
The written information that should be completed as part
of the Star City program is being completed by Assistant
City Manager Kay Schmudlach.
Ms. Schmudlach updated the EDC on the Industrial
Development Incentive Subcommittee and said that Bob
Barsness and herself had met recently to discuss the
completion of the EDA project. Ms. Schmudlach also
mentioned that she had talked to Barry Stock who works
with the Community Development Committee in Shakopee.
At this time the Shakopee CDC appears to be interested
in pursuing the Scott County Economic Development
The Commercial/Retail Committee also did not have a
representative and therefore Ms. Schmudlach updated the
committee on their activities. The Commercial/Retail
Subcommittee has been pursuing the Business Appreciation
Golf Outing which is scheduled for June 22, 1989. The
Commercial/Retail Subcommittee has coordinated the
completion of the Commercial/Industrial Land Inventory
which will be ready for distribution the week of May
22nd. The golf outing sign up sheets and letter will
also be sent out the week of May 19. Ms. Schmudlach
asked that the EDC review the inventory at the May 25
meeting and that this also be placed on the City Council
Agenda for June 5, 1989. The Commercial/Retail
Subcommittee will be working on a tour with developers
from the list that has been prepared by staff but the
date of that has not been set.
Community Project Update
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach indicated that
Greenbriar is proceeding and that details are being
worked out between the developer and the Planning
Department. Ms. Schmudlach also updated the EDC on the
Rick Swenson case and indicated that staff is working
with Mr. Swenson and Don Grendahl the owner of the
property to work out the details so that his project can
proceed. Ms. Schmudlach stated that a letter will go to
the City Council indicating the problems with any
development on the I-2 site.
The RFP has been drafted for downtown redevelopment.
Some additional editing and analysis is necessa.r~ before
it can be presented to the EDC but staff anticipates
presenting it to the EDC some time in June or July.
The other issue that was mentioned was the Lundgren
~roject. The Lundgren Brothers have purchased some land
in the north shore of the lake and are interested in
doing a housing development in the future. As details
of all these projects become more clear, staff will
present them to the EDC members.
Update on EDC Position Applications
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach indicated that
four individuals had indicated interest, three have sent
in applications. They include: Mike Crow, Randy
Simpkins, David Bren, and John Milde. Staff will be
setting up interviews with the four persons next week
and recommendations will come from the interview
committee to the EDC at the May 25 the meeting.
Building Permit Report
The Building Permit
questions asked.
Reports were reviewed with no
Letters to Local Businesses
EDC had no comments on the letters sent
to local
Planning Commission and City Council Agenda Items
EDC members had no comments on either of the
Other Business
Ms. Schmudlach indicated to EDC members that
Councilmember White had requested staff to draft a
revision to the EDC Bylaws. The amendments to the
Bylaws have been drafted and forwarded to Mr. White.
Mr. White's concerns are that the City Manager should
not be a voting member of the Economic Development
Committee. Mr. White can now choose whether he wants to
proceed with making amendments at the Council level or
leave the Bylaws the way they are.
The EDC meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
MAY 25, 1989
Members Present:
Chairman Hill, Vice Chairman Barsness, Dave
Miller, Linda Blaisdell, Darcy Running, Rachel
VanDenBoom and Dave Unmacht
Members Absent: Denny Hanson and Jack Haugen
Bylaw Revisions
Ms. Schmudlach informed the Economic
Committee that Mr. White has requested staff
with modifying the EDC Bylaws to change the
City Manager Unmacht from a voting member
voting member.
status of
to a non
Distribute the Commercial/Industrial Land Inventory
Ms. Schmudlach distributed the EDC initiated Commercial/
Industrial Land Inventory, and discussed the
distribution of the document. Staff and EDC members
agreed to update the inventory periodically with new
maps and transportation information.
Business Appreciation Golf Tournament
A draft of the letters to businesses was distributed for
EDC members to review. Following some modifications,
the letters were improved. Anticipated distribution
date was May 25th.
Economic Development Committee members suggested Kay
call Clare Robling at the Prior Lake American to discuss
the Golf Outing.
Industrial Park Location Study
City Manager Unmacht distributed a draft of the outline
of the proposed Industrial Park Location Study. The EDC
members complimented Unmacht on his thoroughness and
suggested the Council have a face to face meeting with
the Study Consultant to ensure the success of the study.
Also EDC persons stressed the need for staff to call
around to check the references to ensure a quality
Economic Development Authority Discussion
Staff updated EDC members on the progress of the EDA
presentation to the City Council. Staff stated that the
EDC items were postponed from the June 5th meeting to
the June 19th meeting because of the quantity of items.
Proposed EDC Agenda items on the June 19th City Council
Agenda include:
Star City Slide Presentation
Presentation of the Commercial/Industrial Inventory
Update on the Business Appreciation Golf Tournament
Economic Development Authority Proposal
Industrial Park Location Study
The EDC agreed to discuss this in more detail at the
June 8, 1989 Economic Development Committee meeting.
JUNE 8, 1989
4:00 - 6:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
Economic Development Meeting Minutes
A. May 11, 1989 Meeting Minutes
B. May 25, 1989 Meeting Minutes
4:10 P.M.
Discussion with Rick Swenson Regarding His
Proposed Development in the Credit River
Industrial Park
A. Staff Report to Council
4:45 P.M.
III. Discussion with Jerry Hadac and Dick
Underferth Regarding a Relocation of the
Prior Lake Rental Store
A. Staff Report
5:15 P.M.
Review June 19th City Council Agenda Items
Star City Slide Presentation
Commercial/Industrial Inventory
Golf Outing
Economic Development Authority
Industrial Study
5:45 P.M.
Building Permit Report
A. May Building Permit Report
5:50 P.M.
VI. Letters Sent to Local Businesses
5:55 P.M.
VII. Planning Commission and City Council
Agenda Items
6:00 P.M. VIII.Adjournment
JUNE 8, 1989
Members Present:
Chairman Hill, Dave Miller, Dave Unmacht and
Rachel VanDenBoom
Members Absent:
Denny Hanson, Jack Haugen, Linda Blaisdell,
Darcy Running, and Bob Barsness
Others Present:
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach
Approve EDC Meetinq Minutes of May 11 and May 25
The minutes were not reviewed or voted on due to a
of quorum.
Discussion with Rick Swenson Reqardinq Proposal in
Credit River Industrial Park
Mr. Rick Swenson was in attendance at the June 8th
meeting and was introduced to the Economic Development
Committee members by Kay Schmudlach. Mr. Swenson, owner
of Metro Air, is interested in constructing a building
in the Credit River Industrial Park.
Mr. Swenson briefly introduced the project to EDC
members and asked for their support in amending the City
ordinance so that Fire Suppression requirements are not
made for buildings under 12,000 square feet. The
~roblem with Mr. Swenson's'development is that the lot
is not a lot of record and it is City policy that prior
to issuing a building permit parcels be platted. The
second problem is the soils and limited acreage due to
the small parcels make the septic system questionable.
The City is addressing this problem by requiting a perc
test be completed and if necessary the size of the
building be scaled back. The third requirement which is
a City Code Ordinance requires any building constructed
over 2,000 square feet must be sprinkled. State Code is
12,000 square feet and City staff has recommended that
the city amend this for the I-2 Industrial zone. The
Credit River Industrial Park is the onl~ property zoned
I-2. Staff has sent a write-up to City Council and
although there are concerns by the Council they
generally support making the amendments for the I-2 zone
Kay Schmudlach addressed the process under which the
issue is being addressed. First of all staff has sent
the write up to Council and they have given us the
general go ahead to' present the amendments to the
ordinance. Second staff is requiring Mr. Swenson to
complete a perc test. Mr. Swenson has noted that he
will complete the test on Wednesday, June 14, 1989. Mr.
Swenson is working with our Building Official on this
and has agreed to modify the size of his building to
allow for the adequate septic system. Second
simultaneously staff has amended the amendment for the
ordinance on Fire Suppression and a notice has been
printed in the Prior Lake American.
Mr. Swenson has received a letter from City staff
indicating that his issue will be heard at the City
Council meeting July 3, 1989. The Planning Commission
will also have to address this issue because of a
variance required for Mr. Swenson's building. Staff
has indicated that the variance should not be a problem.
The motion was by EDC member Hill and seconded by Miller
to support Mr. Swenson's building proposal for the
Credit River Industrial Park and support the amendment
to the .City ordinance.
Discussion with Jerry Hadac and Dick Underferth
Regarding Relocation of Prior Lake Agency Rental Store
Mr. Jerry Hadac of Hadac Realty addressed the Economic
Development Committee representing his clients, Ev
Nelson and Bob Underferth. Mr. Hadac described the
proposal that his client wants to make to the City in
regards to leasing some property in downtown Prior Lake.
Bob Underferth is looking for a building to relocate in
so that he can expand his business and Ev Nelson who
owns a building on Main Avenue is relocating his
business to his home which is in a Township. Mr.
Underferth would like to move into Ev Nelson's building
but he needs the vacant lot next door to store outdoor
City staff have met and agreed that first of all this is
a good business for Prior Lake and second of all that
this is a permitted use in the downtown area under the
retail description. Staff is requesting that the EDC
address this issue and come up with a recommendation for
staff to pursue either leasing this property or selling
this property to this gentleman.
The Economic Development Committee recommendation to
staff was that staff negotiate the terms of the le~se
and consult with legal counsel and present a lease to
the City Council in the near future. Staff and EDC
agree that leasing is preferable to selling the property
at this time.
Review June 19th City Council Aqenda Items
The staff presented a summary of the proposal Council
agenda items for June 19th City Council meeting. Staff
would like to start out with an introduction by City
Manager Unmacht that will summarize development past,
present and future for Prior Lake. The next thing on
the agenda would be a presentation of the Star City
Slide presentation. Economic Development Committee
members agree that either Dave Miller or Linda Blaisdell
should do the introduction on that item. The third item
on the agenda would be the Commercial/Industrial
Inventory and Kay was directed to ask either Dennis
Hanson or Jack Haugen if they would be available to
attend the City Council meeting and ~resent the
inventory to the City Council. The fourth item on the
agenda is the golf outing and here again either Jack or
Dennis should be the individual to present the golf
outing information. The fifth item on the agenda was
the Economic Development Authority and Kay summarized
that the EDA process would be presented to the City
Council and no official action would be requested at
this time. Staff will ask that City Council give
direction as to if they would like this on the agenda.
A public hearing date would have to set so that this
could be discussed openly. The fifth thing on the
agenda was the Industrial Study and City Manager Unmacht
will be presenting the outline for the Industrial Study
to the City Council. EDC members discussed whether a
summary was necessary and Mr. Hill indicated that he
believes that a summary should be made by himself of the
previous items.
Building Permit Report
The May Building Permit
Report was distributed and
Letters to Local Businesses
Letters sent to local businesses were
members with no comment.
reviewed by EDC
Planning Commission and City Council Agenda Items
No discussion occurred on these agenda items.
The EDC meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
JULY 13, 1989
4:00 - 6:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
I. Economic Development Meeting Minutes
4:10 P.M.
II. Summary of the Golf Tournament
4:25 P.M.
III. Star City Update
4:40 P.M.
4:55 P.M.
5:15 P.M.
5:30 P.M.
5:35 P.M.
IV. Economic Development Authority Update
V. Economic Development Proposed Tours
VI. Project Update
A. Rick Swenson
VII. Building Permit Report~
VIII.Planning Commission and City Council
Agenda Items
5:50 P.M.
IX. Other Business
6:00 P.M. VIII.Adjournment
JULY 13, 1989
Members Present:
Chairman Hill, Dave Miller, Linda Blaisdell,
Rachel VanDenBoom, and Darcy Running
Members Absent:
Denny Hanson, Jack Haugen,
Dave Unmacht
Bob Barsness, and
Others Present:
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach
Approve EDC Meetinq Minutes
Motion made by Linda Blaisdell, seconded by Darcy
Running to accept the June 8, 1989 Economic Development
Committee meeting minutes. The motion was unanimously
Economic Development Committee Reappointments
Kay Schmudlach distributed a copy of a letter from Jack
Haugen resigning from the Economic Development
Committee. Darcy Running and Dave Miller have indicated
that they would like to continue their tenure on the
Motion by Linda Blaisdell, seconded by Rachel VanDenBoom
to accept the resignation of Mr. Haugen and recommend to
the City Council the reappointment of Dave Miller and
Darcy Running. The motion was unanimous. Kay will
schedule the reappointment for the August 7th City
Council meeting and a certificate of appreciation for
Jack Haugen for the next City Council meeting.
Kay was asked to process all EDC applications and
contact Guy Selinske, John Milde, Steve Nielsen, ~and
Rich Gross about a position on the EDC. Kay agreed to
contact each before the next meetihg.
Summary of the Golf Tournament
Kay distributed thank you letters from Doug
Skip Reebie regarding the golf tournament.
asked for input from EDC members regarding
Larson and
Kay also
the success
of the tournament and any recommendations for next
year's tournament. EDC members suggested that 1.) we
make it available to more people by reserving 18 holes
of the golf course, and 2.) that we make sure .we take
pictures of the winners. Both of these comments have
been noted and will be included in the file for next
year's tournament.
Kay was also asked to ask Jim Riccioli of the Prior Lake
American to include one of the pictures of the
tournament players in the Prior Lake American.
Star City Update
Kay reported to EDC members that Star City materials had
been submitted to the state for review and at this time
we haven't received any word from them on approval.
Dave Miller inquired as to whether the EDC supported
showing the Star City Slide presentation at the
September 19th Chamber meeting. Jim Hill responded that
he felt it would be better to wait and show the Star
City Slide presentation at the Star City banquet upon
completion or certification of Prior Lake as a Star
Economic Development Authority Update
Kay Schmudlach reported that the EDA request had been
put on the City Council Agenda for July 17th and the
City Council would be sent a copy of the resolution, the
Bylaws, and the flow chart. EDC members were asked to
attend the this City Council meeting. Kay reported that
she felt the Council was very supportive of this at this
Economic Development Proposed Tours
The EDC discussed this agenda item very thoroughly and
made some amendments to the scheduled tour by suggesting
that the food be served on the Cabooze Cruise instead of
at McWillies. Therefore, the proposed tours on July
25th and August 2nd will begin at 2:00 p.m. at City
Hall. There will be a half hour at City Hall to
welcome the members show them the Star City Slide
presentation. At 2:30 p.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m.
there will be a bus tour of Prior Lake. From 3:30 p.m.
until 4:30 p.m. there will be a Cabooze Cruise on the
lake and depending on the channel the Cabooze Cruise may
be just on the upper lake. Hors d'oeuvres and drinks
will be served on this cruise. At 4:30 p.m. we will
return to McWillies and the tour group will have time to
enjoy a cocktail if they would like. The
Commercial/Industrial Inventory will be distributed
along with maps at McWillies. Members will be bused
back to the Prior Lake City Hall at that time.
The Economic Development Committee discussed who should
put on the presentation and felt that Dave Unmacht
should introduce and welcome the tour group along with
the Mayor and that Kay should introduce the agenda for
the day. Dave Miller would be able to address the Star
City Slide presentation. The EDC members also discussed
what ty~e of gift to distribute and other than the
Commercial/ Industrial Inventory and EDC members
suggested that we give either a paper weight or
something that would be comparable to that along with
golf tees to tour members.
EDC members discussed the proposed letter that Kay had
drafted and made some changes to get the attention of
the individuals that are asked to respond. Kay reported
that the busses and the Cabooze Cruise had been reserved
for both days along with the basement in McWillies.
Project Update
Kay Schmudlach reported that Rick Swenson had appeared
before both the City Council and Planning Commission
to discuss amendments to the city Code regarding Fire
Suppression. Both bodies were supportive of Mr.
Swenson's proposal and following Mr. Swenson's
submission of additional information he will be able to
proceed with his building at the Credit River Road
Industrial Park.
Building Permit Report
The June Building Permit Report was distributed to
members. There have been several alterations noted on
two industrial buildings on the Building Permit Report
and those are the additions to the Dairy Queen and to
Jimmy Reed's Pizza.
Other Business
Kay Schmudlach was asked to prepare some folders to
distribute the Commercial/Industrial Inventory to local
business people. This is to get their input and also
to make them feel that they have been included in any
kind of expansion plans or improvement plans for Prior
Lake. Kay was also asked to prepare a certificate of
appreciation for Jack Haugen and to schedule
presentation at the Prior Lake City Council meeting.
The EDC meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M.
JULY 27, 1989
8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
I. Review July 25th Tour
8:30 A.M.
II. Economic Development 1990 Budqet Preparations
9:00 A.M.
III. Review Community Development Applications
9:30 A.M.
IV. Discuss EDC Upcominq Activities
Star City Banquet
Info - Expo
Distribution of Commercial/Industrial
Inventory to local businesses
9:45 A.M. V.
Update on County Road 21 Improvement Plans
and other Roadway Plans
4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 ! Ph. (612) 447-4230 ! Fax (612) 447-4245
JULY 27, 1989
8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.
Members Present:
Chairman Hill, Dave Miller, Dave Unmacht, and
Rachel VanDenBoom
Members Absent:
Denny Hanson, Linda Blaisdell, Darcy Running,
and Bob Barsness
Others Present:
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach
Review July 25th Tour
Kay Schmudlach discussed the July 26 tour.
went well except for the absence of the boat.
Tour ~articipants were complimentary of the
the City.
The tour
efforts of
Economic Development 1990 Budqet Preparations
Kay reviewed the proposed EDC Budget. Several
were suggested and Kay will ask to reflect the
in the Budget.
Review Community Development Applications
The applications were not ready so nothing was reviewed.
Discuss EDC Upcominq Activities
A. Star City Banquet
Mr. Hill assigned the Star City Subcommittee
plan the banquet. The date has been set
October 24; the details will be worked out by
Info - Expo
Kay discussed the Info-Expo. Pictures from the
Business Appreciation Golf Tournament, the Economic
Development tours and the Hastings tour will be
blown up to poster size as a back drop for the
The RFP have been distributed.
for at least four responses.
The City is hoping
Distribution of Commercial/Industrial Inventory to
Local Businesses
A letter will be sent to all local businesses
inquiring as to their interest in an inventory, and
also encouraging them to attend the Info-Expo to
discuss economic development with EDC and City
Council members. EDC members will also be
recruiting new EDC members at the Info-Expo.
EDC Ball
The EDC members discussed hosting a fund raiser to
raise money for a revolving loan program. The
discussion centered around a formal ball with a
band and a silent auction. A subcommittee made up
of some EDC members and some community members
should be put together to work on it.
AUGUST 24, 1989
4:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
I. Update on Industrial Study
9:00 A.M.
II. Review Info/Expo Information
9:30 A.M.
III. Discuss Star City Banquet
SEPTEMBER 28, 1989
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Chairman Hill, Linda Blaisdell, Darcy Running,
Rachel VanDenBoom, and Bob Barsness
Denny Hanson, Dave Miller, and Dave Unmacht~
Others Present:
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach
ADDrove EDC Meetinq Minutes of July 13 and July 27
Motion by Rachel VanDenBoom, seconded by Bob Barsness to
approve both sets of minutes.
Update on City Issues
Mr. Hill asked Kay several questions
Council action. Kay clarified the
actions or comments.
regarding recent
City Council's
Development Project Update
Kay Schmudlach updated the EDC on two
Industrial Location RFP Process, and the Rick
Business/Office Park Location Study
Ms. Schmudlach reported that the City Council had tabled
the approval of the contract with Professional Planning
and Development to complete the Business/Office Park
Location Study. Subsequent information has been
gathered by City Manager Unmacht at Councilmember
Fitzgerald's request. The information and the proposals
will be discussed at the October 2 Council meeting. Jim
Hill will be in attendance to support approval of the
Rick Swenson Development Project
Mr. Swenson has been given approval to proceed with
development in the Industrial Park.
Star.City Update
Kay announced to the EDC that the Star City Banquet has
been postponed because the city's new State
Representative, David Nelson, is requiring the city to
resurvey the local industry prior to recertification.
The Star city Subcommittee will continue to work on this
requirement, and ask that EDC members be involved in the
Tentative completion date will be February 1990.
Discussion of Revolving Loan Program
Jim Hill led a discussion of initiating a revolving loan
program to assist local businesses in improving their
businesses. EDC member Bob Barsness agreed to research
this idea and schedule a meeting with Kay following the
Kay was asked to contact all EDC members to see if they
would like to participate in a brainstorming session to
further discuss this effort.
The EDC meeting adjourned at 9:45 A.M.
OCTOBER 5, 1989
6:30 P.M.
6:30 P.M.
6:35 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
* Indicates a Public Hearing
Ail times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the
exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few
minutes later than scheduled.
4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
OCTOBER 5, 1989
City Staff are currently working with
representatives of 'Super Valu Stores Inc., and
Kathleen Nye, a representative of ENIVID the
development corporation, for a proposed
relocation of Super Valu. Staff has worked
with Kathleen Nye on site plans and is now
discussing Tax Increment issues. Kathleen Nye
will be attending the October 12 Economic
Development Committee meeting to introduce the
EDC members to the project and to initiate the
Economic Development Authority process. (See
attached memo)
Following the financial problems of Brooks
Hauser and Scottland Company and the
subsequent abandonment of the Hauser's
proposed expansion, Kathleen Nye has been
pursuing alternate development options for the
property directly adjacent to the mall site.
Radamacher's recent transfer from a Red Owl
Store to a Super Valu has increased the
store's business significantly.
Super Valu development personnel initiated a
market study which indicated a favorable
market for a retail grocery store expansion.
ENIVID Corporation purchased three parcels
(see map) from IDS and is proposing to build a
30,000 - 40,000 sq. ft. store to lease to
Super Valu for a 15 year term.
Staff have been approached to participate in
this development through the use of Tax
Increment Financing. Details of the request
are not available, however a general
discussion has been provided in the following
discussion section.
ENIVID Corporation has indicated that they are
anticipating spending slightly more than 2
million dollars on this pr0je~t, The two
million dollars includes: land acquisitionv
construction, soil corrections, and
miscellaneous construction oriented costs.
ENIVID has requested $350-400,000 in City
assistance to %.) provide soil corrections,
and 2.) to assist in the completion of the
Ring Road System from Center Street to
Franklin Trail.
Staff has met with Ed Tschida of Professional
Planning and Development to determine the
viability of a Tax Increment Financing
district. Details on the type of district,
the increment generated, the cost of
completing the Ring Road System, and a
timetable for completion are not available,
but are anticipated to be available by
Thursday, October 12.
Please review the attached map of the proposed
project, and the EDA process flow and
description, and be prepared to ask questions
on October 12.
ABC Commercial/Industrial Developer
i (A. 1-2) City Staff
Pro~ ect$ Requesting
City Financing
(B. 1-4) EDC
~ (C. 1-2) EDA :
(B. 5-6) ! Planning
EDC i Commission
~ (C 3-4) EDAI
City Council
· Prior Lake Staff!
i Projects Not Requesting
~ City Financing
(D. 1-3) EDC t Planning
Commiss ion
City Council
Prior Lake Staff
A. City Staff : All Projects
Define project
Identify special considerations
A. Planning considerations
B. Financial assistance
C. Infrastructure needs
Economic Development Committee : Projects Requesting City
Welcome prospective developer to Prior Lake (i.e.
informal lunch, tour, or Star City slide
Provide a financial check list of items necessary
to review d~velopment project
Review submitted materials with staff and Bond
Consultant to determine project qualifications for
proposed financing
Recommend preliminary.project package to EDA
If financing package Is acceptable, planning and
infrastructure requirements will be processed
through correct channels
Upon conclusion of all considerations EDC will
prepare a final package for EDA and subsequently
City Council approval
Economic Development Authority : Projects Requesting City
Evaluate project package on the merits of the
preliminary financial information submitted by the
EDC, Planning Commission, and staff
Recommend project package to EDC for coordination
of all requirements
Evaluate final project package
Recommend project package to the City Council for
Economic Development Committee : PFojects Not Requesting
City Financing
Welcome prospective developer to Prior Lake (i.e.
informal lunch, tour, or Star City slide
Review site plan and project proposal
Provide recommendation and support to the Planning
Commission and the City Council
.I I
OCTOBER 12, 1989
Members Present:
Chairman Hill, Linda Blaisdell, Darcy Running,
Dave Miller, Bob Barsness, and Dave Unmacht
Members Absent:
Denny Hanson and Rachel VanDenBoom
Others Present:
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach and
Kathleen Nye
Approve EDC Meetinq Minutes of September 28
Motion by Dave Miller, seconded by Bob
approve the September 28 meeting minutes.
Barsness to
Review Star City Business Retention/Expansion Survey
Kay introduced the BRE Survey and asked for volunteers
to conduct some of the surveys.
Bob Barsness agreed to interview the following list.
Bob Mertens
Ron Haberkorn
Leonard Prescott
Rick Swenson
Dave Velishek
Mobil Station
Monnens Lumber Supply
Prior Lake State Bank
Little Six Bingo
Metro Air
Velishek's Auto Sales
Steve Nielson
Dave Miller agreed to conduct the following interviews.
Bonnie Maxwell
Cindy Boegeman
Dale Arlt
Denny Hanson
Lone Pine Golf Course
Metropolitan Fed. Bank
Promark Communication
J & B Furniture
Hollywood Inn
Prior Lake Post office
Marquette Bank
Don McKush
Carol Scott
Kay was asked to contact other EDC members to ask them
to assist in the interviewing.
Part I & II of the survey will be sent out with a cover
letter committing certain EDC members to contacting them
within a week or two to conduct the interview in Part
EDC Interviews
EDC members commented on the resumes attached
encouraged staff to complete the interviews as soon
Presentation by Kathleen Nye on Proposed Super Valu
Kay briefed the EDC on the issues surrounding this
relocation. The ring road completion was discussed in
great detail.
Kathleen Nye gave a broader overview of the relocation
proposal and distributed a one page fact sheet outlining
the proposal.
The EDC passed a motion supporting the proposal and
encouraged the EDA to process the project expediently.
The meeting adjourned at 6:15 P.M.
NOVEMBER 9, 1989
4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Review October 12 EDC Minutes
Update on Super Valu Project
Update on Business Office Park Location Study
Review BRE Survey Results
Discuss Establishing a Revolving Loan Proqram
Members Present:
Linda Blaisdell, Darcy Running, Dave Miller,
Bob Barsness, and Rachel VanDenBoom
Members Absent: Denny Hanson and Jim Hill
Others Present: Assistant city Manager Kay Schmudlach
Approve EDC Meetinq Minutes of November 9
Motion by Darcy Running, seconded by Rachel VanDenBoom
to approve the October 12, 1989 meeting minutes.
Update on Super Valu Project
Kay commented that the project information was being put
together by Professional Planning and Development and
Kathleen Nye. The traffic study by Strgar-Roscoe-Fausch
Inc. will be completed by December and will provide the
final component of information. Staff has scheduled an
EDC meeting on November 30 to discuss the Super Valu
pro~ect and the outcome of the traffic study. City
Engineer Anderson will be invited to explain the study
details. Staff will have a time table for completion of
the process to distribute at the meeting. Kay will make
arrangements for breakfast at the Hollywood Inn.
Update on Business Park Location Study
Staff has met with Professional Planning and Development
to reaffirm the study outlines. Staff will be spending
November 21 will Professional Planning and Development
to share information.
Review Business Retention and Expansion Survey Results
EDC and city staff briefly discussed the BRE Survey
Discuss Establishing a Revolving Loan Program
Bob Barsness and Kay Schmudlach reviewed the results of
a meeting held the previous week with Jim Hill, Horst
Graser, Bob Barsness, and Kay Schmudlach. Staff has
been asked to prepare a list of key business people to
invite on a tour of downtown areas. Staff was also
asked to prepare cost estimates to give the downtown
people an idea of what the project will cost.
A tentative date for the tour has not been set, but the
EDC subcommittees will discuss this in the near future.
The meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
NOVEMBER 30, 1989
8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.
Analyze Super Valu Project Package
Update on Business Park Location Study
Review Revolvinq Loan Proqram Information