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JANUARY 28, 1988
8:15 - 11:30 P.M.
Review Star City program requirements
Update on labor survey
Local business interviews
Economic Development five year plan
Economic Development Committee one year plan
Video presentation
Chamber - City relations
Cities Week / Channel 11 Communities Profile
Economic Development Newsletter
Economic Development Committee Membership
Wellwishing subcommittee
(612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
~I:I~I::DP ~ 5~ 28, 1988
Members in Attendance:
Chairman Jim Hill, Vice Chairman Bob
Barsness, Da rcy Running, Rachel
VanDenBocm, Dave Miller, Don Schussler,
Jack Haugen, and David Unmacht
Others Present:
Kay Schmudlach and Linda Blaisdell
Members Absent.'
Ma rk St romwal 1
The Economic Develol~ent Committee Workshop was called to order
at 8:15 a.m. by Chairman Hill. Linda Blaisdell, an applicant for
a position on the Economic Develolx~ent Committee was introduced
to the Committee and welcomed.
Ms. Schmudlach reviewed the purpose of the workshop and asked
members to consider altering the agenda to address iteus VII - X
Chamber - City Relations
The issue of improving chamber/city relations has been
raised frequently over the past several years with
little actions taken to improve the relationship. The
Economic Develol~ent Committee will be have improved
communication with Dave Miller being President of the
Chamber and a member of the fDC, but might want to
consider formalizing the relationship. One suggestion
is starting an Ambassador' s Club. Dave Miller will
present more details on the proposed project as it is
Cities Week/Channel 11 Community Profile
The has been asked to participate in two prograns. The
first, Cities Week is an Anniversary Celebration of the
League of Minnesota Cities. The project has been turned
over to Dave Miller and Dave will be working with other
members of the EDC and the Chamber to get s~me ideas on
(612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
The second request has been made by Channel 11 KARE
representative Caroll Solberg. Channel 11 wants to meet
with two 8 - 12 member groups filming a discussion of
our community's issues, secrets and sources of pride.
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach has developed a
list for the fDC to consider. Economic DeveloIx~ent
Committee members were asked to review the list and
Economic Development Committee members had no comments
on the membership, but voiced concern on our projecting
the right image. Mr. Barsness felt the better the
planned conversation is, the better organized the
presentation, the better we look.
Staff was asked to proceed with the project.
Econ~ic Develo_nment N=~sletter
The City of Shakopee recently started producing a
Community Development Newsletter. Ms. Schmudlach
circulated a copy of the newsletter and asked if any
members felt the City of Prior Lake should initiate
something similar, possibly in a joint effort with the
Prior Lake Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Haugen expressed some concern over having the
Newsletter a joint adventure, fDC members asked Kay
Schmudlach to sit down with Chamber President Dave
Miller and put together a proposal. The proposal will
be considered at the next meeting.
Economic Develo_nment Committee Membership
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach reviewed the
recommendation of the Interview Committee to appoint
Linda Blaisdell and Dennis Hanson to the Econcmic
DeveloI~ment Committee. Ms. Schmudlach commented on the
concerns of s~me that the committee is unbalanced with
too much financial representation.
MS. Schmudlach explained that the choice was made based
on many criteria, one being type of employment, but that
the choice became very clear after the interview. Mr.
Hanson and Mrs. Blaisdell interviewed very well and were
the choices of all the Interview Committee members.
Economic Development Committee members felt that the
Interview Committee should keep in mind th employment of
the appointees, but that the individual and the
strengths he/she brought to the C~mdttee should be
uppermost in consideration.
Kay Schmudlach informed the Committee that Mark
Stromwall had turned in a letter resignation and that
Mrs. Prindle had been asked to indicate her interest.
The C~rmdttee was asked to consider advertising the two
o~enings. Members felt the continued advertisement was
not good publicity and that perhaps we should just hold
at 9 members for a while. Rachel VanDenBocm indicated
that in her interview with John Milde of McKnight &
Associates that he might be interested in service on the
EDC. The EDC asked Rachel to get him to further
indicate his interest and if interested submit a resume
and letter of interest to the City of Prior Lake.
Wellwishing Subcomm/ttee
Jack Haugen made a presentation on newsclips he and Mr.
Barsness had taken from recent Prior Lake American
issues. Each clipping merited a letter of
congratulations or wellwishing. Ms. Schmudlach was
asked to send letters to each and forward copies of the
letters to the EDC at the next meeting.
The EDC took a 10 minute recess prior to starting into
the Star City Progra~ Review.
Review Star C~ty Program Requirenents
Ms. Schmudlach distributed a copy of the elements
required for Star City designation, each element having
a corresponding date of completion or proposed date of
completion. In summary, seven elements have been
completed, and five remain. Of these remaining the
tentative completion date is as follows:
Five Year Plan & strategy
for Economic Develol~ent
February 1988
One Year Work Program
February 1988
Slide Presentation
May 1988
Labor Survey March 1988
Sales Te~ Presentation
July 1988
Update on Labor Survey
To date, approximately 260 surveys have been returned.
This constitutes about a 10% rate of return with 2,400
surveys being sent out to 800 households. The surveys
will be sent to the State of Minnesota Department of
Trade and Economic DeveloI~ent to be tabulated.
Other regional, state and national data has been
collected and will be presented in a readable format.
Local Business Interviews
Kay Schmudlach inquired as to hew the interviews were
going. Several EDC members turned in surveys. Many
commented that the information they received was good
and that the parties interviewed appreciated being
Members were asked to turn in all interviews by the next
meeting, February 11.
Economic Develol~ent FiVe Year Plan
Ms. Schmudlach distributed as outline Mr. Unmacht
developed to complete the Five Year Plan of the Star
City Progrsm in Belle Plaine. Section I and II will be
written in house by staff with the exception of
providing detailed information on various topics. The
following list identifies the topics and assigned
Population Dave Unmacht
Transportation Linda Blaisdell
Recreation Dave Miller
Education Jack Haugen
Medical/Dental Don Schussler
Financial Services Bob Barsness
Housing Rachel VanDenBocm
Utilities Darcy Running
Communications Darcy Running
Public Services Jim Hill
Community Services Jim Hill
Service Clubs &
Organizations Jack Haugen
Econamy Dave Umuacht
Members were asked to return their written text by
February 29.
Section III of the Five Year Plan asks for four
potentials for growth. The general topics identified
are as follows:
Service Organizations
Quality of Life/Housing/Education/Support Services
Prior Lake 2000
Section III also asked for constraints. Those
identified are (1) Transportation (2) Town Center
Condition (3) Lack of Improved Industrial Sites (4)
The EDC decided to let Dave Unmacht and Kay Schmudlach
draft the Strategies Section used to study the
potentials and constraint for completing Section III.
Kay and Dave will report back to the EDC in March.
The Economic Development Committee decided to delay
discussing the One Year Strategy until the Five Year
Progra~ is completed.
Video Presentation
The Economic DeveloI~aent Committee discussed the best
method of completing the video presentation requirement
of the Star Cities Program.
The general consensus was to prepare a slide
presentation for the purpose of the Star City Program,
and in tim~ make a VCR tape to further promote Prior
Lake. The Committee discussed ways of recovering the
cost of the tape including sponsorship by local
businesses or selling the tape to businesses.
Bob Barsness and Dave Miller agreed to work on a Video
Presentation Subcommittee.
Other items discussed included an update on the City Council's
Workshop on downtown redeveloBment and the progress of the
Highway 13 Task Force.
Ms. Schmudlach mentioned that the EDC would be getting
information on a Zoning Code Workshop scheduled for February 10
from 5 - 8 p.m.
Dave Unmacht and Kay Schmudlach updated the fDC on the recent
efforts of Scott County Transportation Coalition.
The EDC reviewed a Building Permit Report and discussed the
multi-family land and its availability.
Dave Unmacht updated the EDC on the progress of the County Road
21 improvements.
Members of the EDC requested the City schedule a van tour in
Spring to visit sites such as the County Boad 12 Industrial
Mr. Unmacht asked for a member of the fDC to volunteer to serve
on the Prior Lake 2000 C~.,~u~ity Action Committee. Darcy Running
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
February 11, 1988
5:15 p.m.
City Hall Community Room
Review minutes of the January 28th Workshop
Welcome new members
Discuss Econcmic Development Committee Openings
Review Building Permit Report
Review Letters Sent
Review multi-family housing land availability
Discuss Proposal for joint Economic Development
Committee/Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
Discuss "Topics of Discussion" for Channel 11 Community
Discuss February 10 Zoning Code Workshop
Update on Development and Redevelopment activities
Star City Program Update
Future meeting dates, times and locations
(612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
11, 1988
M~be rs Present:
Chairman Jim Hill, Vice Chair Bob
Barsness, Dennis Hanson, Dave Miller,
Linda Blaisdell, Jack flaugen, Don
Schussler, Dave Unmacht
Others Present..
Assistant City Manager Kay Schmudlach
Members Absent:
The Economic Development Committee meeting was called to order by
Chairman Hill at 5'.30 p.m. Mr. Hill introduced Linda Blaisdell
and Dennis Hanson the newest members to the Economic Develol~ent
Ms. Blaisdell was at the Workshop and had previously introduced
herself to the Committee. Mr. Hanson was asked to tell the
Committee members a little bit about himself. Mr. Hanson
addressed his career background and family.
January_ 28 Meeting Minutes
Mr. Hill asked the Committee members to review the
meeting minutes. A motion was made by Linda Blaisdell
and seconded by Jack Haugen to approve the January 28
meeting minutes.
Committee Openings
Kay Schmudlach distributed Mark Str~all's resignation
letter and a draft letter to Mr. Strcmwall thanking him
for his participation.
Barb Prindle has also indicated she will be resigning.
Ms. Schmmdlach asked the RDC if they thought it
appropriate to give Mark Strcmwall and Barb Prindle a
Plaque at a City Council meeting.
(612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
City Manager U~macht thought March 7th would be a good
night to present the Plaque to both resigning members of
the ~DC.
Kay Schmudlach was directed to send out a letter to Barb
and Mark, asking them to attend the March 7th Council
meeting.~ to ~J~c~,&J~a ~.~
EDC m~mbers are invited to attend the March 7th meeting.
Building Permit Be_port
Kay Schmudlach distributed a hand out prepared by the
Planning Department. City Manager U~macht c~ented on
the materials which estimated the number of vacant lots,
estimated the acres of land in major land use groups and
discussed building permit activity.
The fDC requested the following information:
-An inventory of property per zoning classification -
vacant and occupied
-A breakdown of the number of platted parcels that are
lakeshore property
Kay Schmudlach was directed to gather the requested
information for the March 10th meeting.
B~¥iew fetters Sent
No letters were sent since the last meeting.
Multi-family Housing
Darcy requested the information. Since
is available yet, no discussions ensued.
no information
Kay Sch~udlach presented to the EDC some ideas that were
put together by Kay and Dave Miller. Kay reported that
Dave and her felt a quarterly newsletter Go-sponsored by
the C~amber and the fDC would be manageable. The
newsletter would need a strong identity and
participation from both groups as well as local
businesses. A plausible date would be June or July in
conjunction with the Star City designation.
Mr. Miller circulated two drafts of the newsletter.
After a discussion with City Manager Ur~acht, the fDC
agreed to relinquish their idea and draft to the City
Council to avoid a duplication of newsletters. Tn. EDC
proposed that staff take the idea to the City Council so
that the Gouncil and use the idea for their newsletter.
Channel 11 ~t_v Profile
Kay Schmudlach updated the EDC on the progress of the
Channel 11 Gommunity Profile. A date of April 6 was set
for filming. Dave Miller and Kay asked the EDC to
approve their proceeding with setting up a meeting date
with all participants to discuss the issues and the
strategy for presenting the issues.
Zo~ng Code Workshop
The EDC discussed the February 10 Zoning Code Workshop.
Jim ~ill expressed his pleasure at having five fDC
members in attem~ance. Mr. ~ill stated his concern with
the Conservation District. M~mbers of the fDC requested
staff to send a copy of the Comprehensive Plan.
Ms. Schmudlach informed the fDC members that the
Schweichbuilding oncounty Road 12was taken over by
the bank and that the bank is interested in selling or
leasing the building.
Star City Progr~ _Updates
Ms. Schn~dlach reported that almost 700 surveys had been
returned, a phencmenal rate of return.
Also businesses not personally interviewed were surveyed
and about 50 had been returned.
Ms. Schmu~ach asked members to complete their
interviews so that we can write up a s~ary report.
A video update was presented by Dave Miller. Mr. Miller
said that he and Mr. Barsness had decided to go ahead
with a slide presentation. The cost would be
approximately $1,500.00 if the City could provide the
script and slides. Mr. Miller had a write up to go
in the paper asking for good slides of Prior Lake. Kay
Schmudlach agreed to put the notice in the paper. The
Committee feels that by March they should have received
enough slide to view and select those, for the slide
XII. F~ture Meeting
The next meeting date is March 10th. Instead of meeting
at 5:15 p.m., members agreed to meet at 4:30 p.m.
Members should watch their agenda closely for the
MARG~ 10, 1988
4:30 P.M.
*******~ HILL AP~ - FA%"1'********
***~_~TmG R0C~***
Approve February 11, 1988 meeting minutes.
Besignation of Barb Prindle and Mark Strcnwall
Presentation of ~nformation Bequested
cr~-~a~&~ocs of Property
-Parcels platted Lakeshore Property
Review Letters Sent
Presentation of Highway 13 Final Report --~
Discuss Channel 11 CommLudty Profile
Discuss "Cities Week" Activities ~v~ _~.' ~
Development/Redevelopment Activities '
Star_Citigs Update -n
Set Fu~uu~e~Ma~ and Consider Van Tour
(612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
Regular Meeting
March 10, 1988
Members Present:
Chairman Jim Hill, Vice Chairman Bob
Barsness, Denny Hanson, Linda Blaisdell,
Jack Haugen, Dave Unmacht, Rachel
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Don Schussler, Darcy Running
Kay Schmudlach
The Econcmic Develounent Ccmm~ttee was called to order at 4:50
p.m. by Chairman Hill. The meeting was held in the Hospitality
Rocm of the Towers East Apartment Complex.
I. Ap_prove the February 11 Econcmic Deve~o_cment , Committee
Chairman Hill asked members of the Econcmic Development
Committee to consider the meeting minutes of the regular
February Econcmic Development Committee meeting.
Chairman Hill requested a change in wording of paragraph two
on page 2. Mr. Haugen mentioned that his name should be
added to the committee meeting under paragraph frc~ under
section eleven. The minutes were amended. Motion by Rachel
VanDenBocm, second by Denny Hanson to approve the February 11
meeting minutes.
II.Resignation of Barb Prindle and Mark Stromwall
Kay Schmudlach reported that Barb Prindle and Mark Str~mwall
both attended the Monday Council meeting. Barb and Mark were
presented with Certificates of Appreciation for their
participation on the Economic Development Committee.
(612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
III.Presentation of Information Requested
Inventory of property and parcels of platted Lakeshore.
Kay Schmudlach presented information prepared by the Prior
Lake Planning Depar~ent. The information documented the
number of platted lots available in Prior Lake. The
information was broken into platted lots by zoning
classification and lakeshore property. Statistics on the
lake were provided also. Chairman Hill asked for the
elevation of the lake outlet. Kay Schmudlach agreed to
prepare the information for the next meeting.
IV. Review Letters Sent
Kay Schmudlach presented a file of letters sent to
individuals recognized by the EDC. The file was circulated
for review.
V. Presentation of the Highway 13 Fina~ Report
Kay Schmudlach distributed a copy of the Recommendations
Section of the Highway 13 Final Report.
VI. Channel 11 Community Profile
Kay Schmudlach and Dave Miller presented information of the
Channel 11 Community Profile. Members asked questions
concerning the progra~ format and the rehearsal session.
VII."Cities Week" Activity
Kay Schmudlach and Dave Miller presented a rough outline of
the "Cities Week" Activities. Members reviewed and commented
on the schedule. Dave and Kay agreed to smooth out the rough
spots. Jim Hill suggested asking several organizations to
assist in the coordination of at least one of the events.
Jack Haugen indicated that the Rntary would be interested in
working with this event. Kay said the schedule would be on
the agenda for approval on April 4th.
VIII.Develop~ent/Redevelo_~ment Activities
Kay Schmudlach reviewed the develo~ment/redevelof~ent
activities. Ms. Schmudlach informed the EDC of the recent
proposal made by developer Larry Smith. After discussing the
details of the proposal, Kay said the developers where
encouraged to sutmit an amended proposal and that they have
indicated they will. Ms. Schmudlach further reported that
two developers had proposed separate Elderly Housing
Both developers were told that the City was developing a
Housing Policy to address the procedure and guidelines as to
when TIF funds would be used to assist in a Housing
IX. Star Cities _Update
Ms. Schmudlach indicated that Darcy Running, Jim Hill, and
Jack Haugen had not turned in the Interview material.
Also, Darcy, Dave Miller, Jack, Bob, and Jim had not as of
yet turned in the written material requested for the
completion of the Five Year Plan.
Ms. Schmudlach reported 700 labor surveys were returned and
delivered to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Econcmic
Develol~ent three weeks ago. Results can be expected in
approximately 3 weeks. Sixty-five business surveys have been
returned and tabulations are being made.
Ms. Schmudlach commented that a majority of surveys indicated
that cleaning up the downtown would be a major move in the
right direction.
Ms. Schmudlach explained that she had discussed the clean up
activity with Mr. Ur~acht and that he had suggested the City
pursue this activity. The EDC endorsed the idea and
discussed expanding the clean up to all of Prior Lake. The
EDC decided the downtown focus would be preferable.
X. April Meeting Date
Kay r~minded EDC members that they had indicated they would
be interested in a van tour of develol~ent sites. Ms.
Schmudlach has identified a mini bus that we could contract
for the service. Members indicated they would like to have
the tour in lieu of a meeting, wrapping the tour up at 7:00
and joining spouses for dinner.
An April 24 meeting was established.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting
March 10, 1988
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Chairman Jim Hill, Vice Chairman Bob
Barsness, Denny Hanson, Linda Blaisdell,
Jack Haugen, Dave Unmacht, Rachel
VanDenBoom, Dave Miller
Don Schussler, Darcy Running
Kay Schmudlach
The Economic Development Committee was called to order at 4:50
p.m. by Chairman Hill. The meeting was held in the Hospitality
Room of the Towers East Apartment Complex.
I. Approve the February 11 Economic Development Committee
Chairman Hill asked members of the Economic
Committee to consider the meeting minutes of
February Economic Development Committee meeting.
the regular
Chairman Hill requested a change in wording of paragraph two
on page 2. Mr. Haugen mentioned that his name should be
added to the committee meeting under paragraph from under
section eleven. The minutes were amended. Motion by Rachel
VanDenBoom, second by Denny Hanson to approve the February 11
meeting minutes.
(612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
II.Resiqnation of Barb Prindle and Mark Stromwall
Kay Schmudlach reported that Barb Prindle and Mark Stromwall
both attended the Monday Council meeting. Barb and Mark were
presented with Certificates of Appreciation for their
participation on the Economic Development Committee.
III.Presentation of Information Requested
Inventory of property and parcels of platted Lakeshore.
Kay Schmudlach presented information prepared by the Prior
Lake Planning Department. The information documented the
number of platted lots available in Prior Lake. The
information was broken into platted lots by zoning
classification and lakeshore property. Statistics on the
lake were provided also. Chairman Hill asked for the
elevation of the lake outlet. Kay Schmudlach agreed to
prepare the information for the next meeting.
IV. Review Letters Sent
Kay Schmudlach presented a file
individuals recognized by the EDC.
for review.
of letters sent to
The file was circulated
Presentation of the Hiqhway 13 Final Report
Kay Schmudlach distributed a copy of the
Section of the Highway 13 Final Report.
vi. Channel 11 Community Profile
Kay Schmudlach and Dave Miller presented information of the
Channel 11 Community Profile. Members asked questions
concerning the program format and the rehearsal session.
VII."Cities Week" Activity
Kay Schmudlach and Dave Miller presented a rough outline of
the "cities Week" Activities. Members reviewed and commented
on the schedule. Dave and Kay agreed to smooth out the rough
spots. Jim Hill suggested asking several organizations to
assist in the coordination of at least one of the events.
Jack Haugen indicated that the Rotary would be interested in
working with this event. Kay said the schedule would be on
the agenda for approval on April 4th.
VIII.Development/Redevelopment Activities
Kay Schmudlach reviewed the development/redevelopment
activities. Ms. Schmudlach informed the EDC of the recent
proposal made by developer Larry Smith. After discussing the
details of the proposal, Kay said the developers where
encouraged to submit an amended proposal and that they have
indicated they will. Ms. Schmudlach further reported that
two developers had proposed separate Elderly Housing
Both developers were told that the City was developing a
Housing Policy to address the procedure and guidelines as to
when TIF funds would be used to assist in a Housing
IX. Star Cities Update
Ms. Schmudlach indicated that Darcy Running, Jim Hill,
Jack Haugen had not turned in the Interview material.
Also, Darcy, Dave Miller, Jack, Bob, and Jim had not as of
yet turned in the written material requested for the
completion of the Five Year Plan.
Ms. Schmudlach reported 700 labor surveys were returned and
delivered to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic
Development three weeks ago. Results can be expected in
approximately 3 weeks. Sixty-five business surveys have been
returned and tabulations are being made.
Ms. Schmudlach commented that a majority of surveys indicated
that cleaning up the downtown would be a major move in the
right direction.
Ms. Schmudlach explained that she had discussed the clean up
activity with Mr. Unmacht and that he had suggested the City
pursue this activity. The EDC endorsed the idea and
discussed expanding the clean up to all of Prior Lake. The
EDC decided the downtown focus would be preferable.
X. April Meeting Date
Kay reminded EDC members that they had indicated they would
be interested in a van tour of development sites. Ms.
Schmudlach has identified a mini bus that we could contract
for the service. Members indicated they would like to have
the tour in lieu of a meeting, wrapping the tour up at 7:00
and joining spouses for dinner.
An April 14 meeting was established.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 12, 1988
5:15 p.m.
Prior Lake City Hall Community Room
Approve minutes from the March 10th meeting
Follow up on the EDC Tour
Update on the Star cities Program
- Turn in ALL Assiqnments
- Review results of Labor Survey
Update on other City Projects
- Highway 13 Task Force
- Prior Lake 2000
Review Final Report (to be distributed at the meeting)
Review letters sent
Other Business
(612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
MAY 12, 1988
Members Present:
Chairman Jim Hill, Bob Barsness, Jack Haugen,
Linda Blaisdell, and Darcy Running
Approve Minutes of the March 10th EDC Meetinq
Motion by Bob Barsness, second by Jack Haugen to approve
the March 10 meeting minutes. The motion passed
Followup on EDC Tour
Mr. Hill asked for any comments on the EDC April tour.
Members of the EDC expressed appreciation and
acknowledged City Manager Unmacht for his depth and
background shared on each of the development sites.
Members of the EDC suggested that a tour be scheduled
Update on the Star City Program
The EDC briefly discussed the Star City program. Ms.
Schmudlach encouraged members to turn in any remaining
business interviews and Star City five year program
assignments. Ms. Schmudlach presented the results of
the labor survey. EDC reviewed the information and
asked Kay Schmudlach and Dave Unmacht to analyze the
Update on City Projects
Ms. Schmudlach updated the EDC on the status of the
Highway 13 Task Force. Briefly the Task Force has
completed this final report, and it has subsequently
been approved by the City Council. The Council has
appointed an Implementation Committee to continue the
efforts of the Task Force and the recommendations of the
final report.
The Prior Lake 2000 report is in similar status with the
Community Action Committee taking the recommendations of
the Prior Lake 2000 report and putting them in a
priority ranking. The Prior Lake 2000 survey has also
be revised and will be distributed soon.
Review Final Report
The final report was not completed in time for the May
12 meeting.
Review Letters Sent
EDC members reviewed the letters sent
appreciation to Kay for sending them.
and expressed
Other Business
Zoning Code Workshop - Ms. Schmudlach agreed to look
into Zoning Code Workshop progress and followup with
letters to all EDC members.
Assessment Policy Review -
information on the Assessment
impact on development.
Mr. Hill requested
Policy Review and its
Minnesota Resources - Ms. Schmudlach introduced a copy
of the Minnesota Resources for EDC members review. Mr
Hill asked Ms. Schmudlach to order for all members.
Newsletter - Ms. Schmudlach discussed the progress of
the newsletter. The newsletter will be a City
newsletter, and will not sell advertising to cover the
cost. The City will be having a contest to involve the
residents in choosing the name of the newsletter.
Image - We need to pay more attention to our image,
ie: Painting the water tower, beautifying downtown and
Highway 13. The suggestion was made to bring the local
groups together to point out concerns and call on them
for leadership to make improvements.
*JUNE 16, 1988'
4:45 - 6:45 P.M.
I. May EDC Minutes
II. EDC Budget Plan
III. Star City Plan A. Five year program ~
B. One year plan ~
C. Labor results and analysis~
D. Slide show update ~
City projects update A. Highway 13 Task Force ~- ~(~G~_0~3~~
B. Community Action Committee - ~
C. Needs Assessment Transit Study
Old Business A. Existing Business Survey ~
B. Zoning Workshop~J~~k~ ~,~
C. Amoco Development ~ o'?-,,
D. EDC 1987 Annual Repor% )~
E. Downtown Plans ~C~ 4~
- Zoning maps~
- Comprehensive plan maps
- RFP draft ~
New Business
A. July Workshop-Park comp~e~nsive plan
B. Jim Hollick purchase~~
C. Jim Haug Development~~
D. Hauser Expansion - Development~.~
E. City newsletter name contest .u~~
F. April - May building permit report
G. Lake outlet levell~ ~. ~/~~
H. Assembly of God Church expansion~
I. Reed's Island Development ~
VII. 1989 EDC Budget A. Operating
(612) 447-4230
Business Funding Review A. SBA 503
B. 401
D. Small Cities Development Funds
St. Cloud Conference report by Bob Barsness
Business Development Series
Co.unity Development Action Plan
JUNE 16, 1988
Chairman Hill, Darcy Running, Dave Miller, Jack
Haugen, Dave Unmacht, Denny Hanson.
ADDrove May 12, 1988 Economic Development Committee meetinq
Motion by Dave Miller, second by Jack Haugen to approve the
May 12, 1988 Economic Development Committee as presented.
The motion passed unanimously.
II. Kay distributed the 1988 budget for review of the Economic
Development Committee fund balance.
III. Star City Program
Discussion of the
Darcy arrived.
Star City Program were tabled until
City Project Update
Ms. Schmudlach reported on three City projects including
the Highway 13 Task Force, the Community Action Committee and
the Needs Assessment Transit Study.
Highway 13 Task Force: The report is available and
the Implementation Committee continue to meet working
with the State to get design improvements on the highway.
Economic Development Committee members thought Kay
should request "Buckle Up" signs from the State.
Community Action Committee: The Community Action
Committee continues to meet and has finalized the survey
which will be distributed soon and is prioritizing and
putting together a five year work program for each of
the recommendations.
Needs Assessment Transit Study: The Six City Study
group has completed the RFP to obtain proposal for
completing the NATS Study. Review of the RFP will be in
early July.
Old Business
Kay Schmudlach updated the Economic Development Committee
on several projects that have been discussed previously by
the Economic Development Committee.
Business Survey: The Economic Development Committee
business survey is being complied now that all surveys
have been completed.
Zoninq Workshop: A letter was sent
Development Committee members as a
Zoning Workshop. No further meeting
to all Economic
follow-up to the
dates have been
Amoco: The Amoco TIF project has been worked on
aggressively by P.F. Inc. Recently the P.F. Inc. asked
for a variance to post a 45 foot sign instead of a 20
foot sign. The planning staff has recommended denial.
EDC 1987 Annual Report: The Economic Development
Committee report was distributed. Mr. Hill asked Kay to
send out to all members not in attendance and comment on
next meeting.
Downtown Plan: Kay reported that the RFP was not
completed but that as soon as the draft was, Kay would
distribute to all Economic Development Committee members
prior to the City Council review.
VI. New Business
July Workshop: Kay announced that a July Council Workshop
had been discussed to review the Park Comprehensive Plan.
When the date has been selected, Kay will inform Task Force
Jim Halek: Preliminary layouts of a residential
development surrounding a golf course were presented to City
Staff by Jim Halek and Warren Israelson for the Visions 8
parcel. City Staff have not heard back from the two
developers since the initial meeting. Mr Holick had proposed
to expand his development to include either the Leo Verling
property or the Meadowlawn property.
Jim Hauq: Staff recently found out that Mr. Haug purchased
the property to the north of his car sales lot on Dakota and
is filling in the land so that he can expand his business.
Hauser Expansion: city Staff have been in contact with
Scotland Company's, Mr. Malkerson, about building a mall
south of the McDonald's on highway 13. The mall is proposed
to include an expanded Hauser's grocery store and other
smaller shops. Economic Development Committee members
indicated that Mr. Hauser had also been negotiating to expand
his business just east of his current location, sharing a
parking lot with the current Prior Dale Mall.
City Newsletter: City staff are
for the Prior Lake City newsletter.
five or six area printing companies.
putting together a RFP
The RFP will be sent to
ADril/Ma¥ Building Permit Report: The
Permit Report was distributed and reviewed.
Permit was not ready for distribution.
April Building
The May Building
Assembly of God Church Expansion: The Assembly of God
Church has initiated expansion of their current building.
The expansion has been reviewed by the Highway 13 Task
Force. Because of the significance of the Task Force
proposed improvements, the Task Force feels very strongly
about ammending the comprehensive plan to reflect the
proposed Highway 13 improvements.
Reeds Island Development: Kay distributed information
prepared for the Planning Commission Agenda on Larry
Gensmer's Reeds Island proposal. The Economic Development
Committee briefly discussed the issue and then continued on
to the next item on the agenda.
Discuss Economic Development Committee Budqet for 1989
Kay Schmudlach reported to the Economic Development
Committee members that the 1989 budget preparation would
begin in July and that the Economic Development Committee
should be anticipating a budget proposal. Mr. Hill asked
members to come to the July meeting with ideas to include in
the budget and asked Kay to prepare a draft budget for the
Economic Development Committee.
VIII. Business Fundinq Review
Kay distributed the Resource Minnesota Booklets to everyone
in attendance and asked members to review for the next
St. Cloud Conference
Jim Hill reported that Bob Barsness is out of town and
unable to report on the St. Cloud Conference. Mr Barsness did
talk to Mr. Miller concerning having a couple fundings
experts at a Chamber Meeting to discuss financial assistance
for local businesses.
Business Development Series
Dave Miller agreed to assist in the
Development Series beginning in September.
to coordinate the letter distribution.
line up of the
Kay will be asked
Community Development Action Plan
This discussion centered around an Economic Development
Committee sub-committee system that would coordinate an
effective approach to getting Economic Development Committee
activities coordinated. Kay distributed information and
asked Economic Development Committee members to consider the
three outlined sub-committees and call in which one would be
their first choice.
Economic Development Meeting
July 14, 1988
5:30 p.m.
Prior Lake Community Room
1. Review June 18~ 1988 Meeting Minutes
2. EDC Reappointments
A. Bob Barsness
B. Jim Hill
C. Rachel Vandenboom
3- City Project Update - Old business
A. Hwy 13 Task force
B. Community Action Committee
C. Needs Assessment Transit Study
D. Assessmbly of God Expansion
E. Reeds Island Development
F. Centenial/Celebrate Minn. 1990
G. Hauser Expansion
H. Amoco
4. New Business
A. Ice Factory
B. DNR Public Access Task force
C. Lakeside Marina Expansion
D. Fiscal Disparities
5. Report on St. Cloud Conference Fo]]ow -up
A. Chamber Session
6. EDC Subcommittee Discussion
A. Purpose
B. Organization
C. Training Sessions
Please review the enclosed information for the meeting. Minutes wi]]
be distributed at the meetinE.
AUGUST 11, 1988
5:00 PM
* SPECIAL NOTICE -- We will be taking a 1 hour tour leaving City
Hall at 5:10. Please don't be late !! We will continue our
regular meeting at 6:00 PM in the Community Room.
A. Amoco Service Station
B. County Road 42 Improvements
C. Water Tower Construction
Approve Economic Development Committee Minutes
A. June 16 Meeting Minutes
B. July 14 Meeting Minutes
Subcommittee Reports
A. Star Cities
1. 1989 Budget
2. Star City Program Update
3. 1988-1989 Work Program
B. Economic Development Incentives Subcommittee
1. 1987 Budget
2. 1988-1989 Work Program
C. Commercial/Retail Development Subcommittee
1. 1989 Budget
2. 1988-1989 Work Program
City Project Update
A. Highway 13 Task Force
B. Centennial/Celebrate Minnesota 1990
C. Reed's Island
D. Hauser Expansion
E. City Commission/Committee Reappointment Policy
New Business
A. HRA Expansions
B. DNR Access/Task Force
Training Sessions Schedule
A. August - Tour
B. September - Cyr Kruse - Open Enrollment
C. October - Joyce Simons - Star City Wrap-up
D. November - Barb Sennes - MUSA Discussion
E. December -
F. January -
Review maps of Shakopee Bypass
Study of Economic Impact.
Analysis MUSA line
A. 1990 Census Imput
B. City Process
Discussion of Industrial Locations
A. Horst Presentation of Sites
B. Discussion of Pros and Cons
Other Business
& Bloomington
AUGUST 11, 1988
Chairman Hill, Jack Haugen, Dave Unmacht, Bob
Barsness, Rachel Vandenboom, Don Schussler.
OTHERS PRESENT: Kay Schmudlach.
The first item on the agenda was a tour of three local
sites. The Economic Development Committee chartered a
bus and visited the new Amoco site, the County Road 42
improvements and the "soon-to-be-completed" water tower.
The tour concluded at 6:00 p.m., and the regular meeting
proceeded at the Hollywood Inn.
Approved the June 16 meeting minutes and the July 14
meeting minutes. Motion by Mr. Haugen, second by Mr.
Barsness. The motion passed unanimously.
The Economic Development Committee Chairman Hill
introduced the topic of the Subcommittees. Subcommittee
Chair Haugen and Chair Barsness were present to discuss
the purpose and progress of their respective
subcommittees. Kay was asked to modify the subcommittee
list to reflect recent changes to the subcommittee
tasks, and to prepare a subcommittee 1989 budget report
A. Highway 13 Task Force has been instrumental obtaining
significant Highway 13 improvements, ie: the speed
change and the potential signal at Fish Point. A recent
meeting with State Transportation Commissioner Len
Levine, was held to express City appreciation for MNDOT
officials cooperation.
B. The Centennial/Celebrate Minnesota 1990 activity was
discussed. Mr. Hill asked members to consider the level
of activity the Economic Development Committee should
have in these activities and be prepared to discuss this
item next month. Members generally agreed that (1) The
Celebrate Minnesota 1990 and the Centennial should be
held in conjunction with the Lakefront Days celebration
and (2) The Chamber should be involved in the planning
of these activities.
C. Reed's Island was discussed, with no conclusions
drawn. Chairman Hill asked staff to keep the Economic
Development Committee up to date.
D. Hauser's expansion was not discussed because nothing
has changed.
E. The City Commission/Committee Reappointment Policy
was discussed briefly. Staff has not changed the policy
or recommended any changes to the City Council.
A. The HRA has discussed several expansions with the
City Staff. One of the proposed expansions is the
expansion of the current Senior Building with an
addition at the location of the cement factory.
B. The DNR access and proposed task
discussed. City Manager Unmacht briefly
outline of the task force makeup.
force was
described an
Kay introduced the Economic Development Committee
training sessions which will make up the first 30-60
minutes of the upcoming meetings. The training schedule
was approved by the membership.
This item was tabled. Maps were distributed
discussion at the September meeting.
for a
This item was tabled until September.
This item was tabled until the Industrial development
Subcommittee has a chance to review the locations.
No other business was discussed.
Adjournment was at 8:30 p.m.
SEPTEMBER 15, 1988
5:00 P.M.
Training session on Open School Enrollment with Cye Kruse.
Approve August 11 Economic Development Committee meeting
Subcommittee Reports.
A. Promotion/Star City Subcommittee
B. Economic Development/Incentive Subcommittee
C. Commercial/Retail Development Subcommittee
Update on Industrial Location Discussion.
A. Research by Economic Development/Incentive
B. Pros and Cons of Sites
C. Future Direction
Followup to Suggested Economic Impact Study with
Scott County.
Update on City Projects Status.
A. Developing Status vs Freestanding Growth Center
B. 1990 Census and MUSA Line Process
C. Centennial/Celebrate Minnesota 1990 Organization
D. Hauser Expansion
E. HRA Senior Housing Project
SEPTEMBER 15, 1988
Chairman Hill, Vice Chair Barsness, Dave
Miller, Jack Haugen, Don Schussler, Linda
Blaisdell, Rachel Vandenboom, Dennis Hanson.
Kay Schmudlach, Les Sonnabend, Kathleen Nye
and Neil Boderman.
The Economic Development Committee invited a school
district representative to discuss the impact of open
enrollment in Prior Lake. Les Sonnabend, Assistant
Superintendent, attended the meeting and gave a
presentation on what open enrollment is and who will be
impacted. Les generally felt Prior Lake won't be hurt
by students transferring out, but may see an influx in
the number of pupils wanting to attend Prior Lake
because they are in smaller school districts out state.
Kathleen Nye, Commercial Real Estate Broker with Towle
Real Estate Company and Neil Boderman, owner of the
Priordale Mall attended the Economic Development
Committee meeting. Nye's request to talk to the
Economic Development Committee had come earlier in the
week, and therefore was not identified on the agenda.
Ms. Nye introduced her presentation with a map of a
potential development on the Priordale Mall site of an
expanded Hauser's Grocery Store. Ms Nye elaborated on
the project{ identifying the potential areas of
development ~n the surrounding areas. Mr. Boderman
discussed the ramifications of Mr. Hauser's expansion
occurring at this site versus the other potential site,
the Hennen property.
Ms. Nye asked for general reactions from the Economic
Development Committee. The members of the Economic
Development Committee voiced support for the expansion
to the Hauser Grocery at the Pr~ordale Mall site. The
Economic Development Committee questioned Ms. Nye on the
process of this development and she reported that she
had met with Mr. Hauser to discuss the two sites and
presented a matrix of advantages with the Priordale Mall
site. Mr. Hauser seemed impressed by the matrix, but
had several concerns with the site. One of the concerns
was parking, another was visibility. The Economic
Development Committee had a general concensus that this
development ~roposal was preferable to the grocery
store expansion on the Hennen Property. The Economic
Development Committee felt that more exploration of uses
for the Hennen property was in order. The main reason
for supporting the current site development was because
the City has made a commitment to the e~isting
businesses and our primary responsibility is to
supporting them. Ms. Nye asked Economic Development
Committee members to support the Priordale Mall site by
sending letters of support to Mr. Hauser. Ms. Nye
reported she would be approaching Mr. Hauser in the
near future to further discuss her site selection.
Economic Development Committee members discussed the
August 11 meeting minutes. Motion by Bob Barsness,
second by Darcy Running to approve the August 11 meeting
Chairman Hill asked the chairs of the Subcommittees to
update the Economic Development Committee activities.
A. Star City Subcommittee
Darcy Running was asked to update Economic
Development Committee members on the Star City
program. Darcy noted that the Subcommittee was
completing the 5 year program, the labor analysis,
and the slide presentation. Darcy anticipated the
task should be wrapped up by the first of the year.
Kay reported that Joyce Simon, the MTED Star City
Coordinator would be attending the meeting to
discuss the final state presentation and what Prior
Lake can expect once it becomes a Star City.
B. Economic Development /Incentive Subcommittee
Bob Barsness updated Economic Development Committee
members on the progress of the Subcommittee. The
Economic Development/Incentive Subcommittee has
been studying the industrial sites in Prior Lake.
At the October meeting, Horst Graser and Larry
Anderson will be invited to discuss the potential
industrial development at the industrial site on
Credit River Road. Bob further stated that the
Subcommittee is working with the county
administrators to discuss organizing a county-wide
Economic Development Organization. Finally the
Subcommittee is investigating the benefits of
establishing an Economic Development Authority.
Commercial/Retail Development Subcommittee
The Commercial/Retail Development Subcommittee,
chaired by Jack Haugen, has been working on several
projects including the investigation of building a
Community Center, the Main Street Program, and
contacting parties on developing certain parcels
This discussion was tabled until the next meeting
when Horst and Larry will attend.
This item was not addressed at the meeting.
A. Developing Status vs Freestanding Growth Center.
Kay reported that Prior Lake is not considered a
freestanding growth center.
B. 1990 Census and MSUA Line Process
Kay has invited Barb Cennes to attend the November
meeting to discuss the impact of the 1990 census on
the MUSA line.
C. Centennial/Celebrate MN 1990 Organization
Kay asked the Economic Development Committee to
take specific action concerning this item as the
Prior Lake City Council can initiate the
organization. The Economic Development Committee
agreed that a citizens group should be established
to organize the festivities, and perhaps be on the
committee. Dave Miller volunteered.
D. Hauser Expansion
Was discussed periodically.
E. HRA Senior Housing Project
No action has been taken on this.
OCTOBER 13, 1988
5:00 P.M.
Prior Lake Community Room
Approve Minutes
Talk to Joyce Simons Regarding the Star Program. m'-~ ~;-'~
Subcommittee Reports
a. Promotion Star City Subcommittee
b. Industrial Development Incentive Subcommittee
c. Commercial Retail Development Subcommittee
Industrial Park Discussion
a. Site Selection
b. Annexation
c. Sewer/Water/Street Improvements
city Projects Update
a. Hauser Expansion
b. Downtown Businesses
c. CIP
d. Prior Lake 2000 Report
e. Highway 13 Task Force Report
Discuss ICM Video Marketing Plan
OCTOBER 13, 1988
Chairman Hill, Dave Miller, Jack Haugen, Don
Schussler, Linda Blaisdell, Dennis Hanson,
David Unmacht and Rachel Van Den Boom.
Kay Schmudlach, Zack Johnson, Joyce Simons and
Brenda Busse.
The Economic Development Committee meeting was called to order at
5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 13 by Chairman Hill.
Star City Program
Kay Schmudlach introduced guest, Joyce Simons, a MTED
employee. Ms. Simons coordinates the Star city Program
on the state level. Ms. Simons quickly reviewed the
evaluation form used to evaluate the Star City Program
marketing presentation . The Star City program's, five
year program, one year program, and final presentation
appear to be the key elements. The group meeting with
the City will be scheduled by the state with either a
live prospect or a state representative.
Scotland Company Presentation
Zack Johnson, a representative for Mr. Brooks Hauser,
was present at the meeting to briefly discuss the
proposed Hauser construction on the Hennen property. Mr
Brooks Hauser is preparing plans to build a Festival
Foods Store on the Hennen property located near
McDonalds. The Economic Development Committee inquired
about the expansion at the Priordale Mall site. Mr.
Johnson said that the Priordale Mall site has site
problems and is not being considered by Mr. Hauser for
construction. Mr. Johnson asked to be on the November
agenda to further explain their plans.
Kay Schmudlach was asked to prepare some questions for
Mr. Johnson and set up a luncheon with Kathleen Nye and
Neil Boderman prior to the November 10 Economic
Development Committee Meeting.
Industrial Park Discussion
The Prior Lake City Staff, including City Engineer Larry
Anderson, City Planner Horst Graser, and City Manager
David Unmacht were on hand to discuss the Credit River
Road Industrial Park.
Horst Graser introduced the Industrial Park Study that
is in progress. The nature of the problems that have
restricted development in the area is the (1) lack of
land, (2) lack of infrastructive, (3) absence of visible
amenities, (4) soil problems, (5) limited transportation
Mr. Graser addressed the purchasing of additional land.
The process necessary would be annexation from Credit
River Township. The land that would be annexed would be
limited to approximately 180 acres, and the soil has
some problems.
The infrastructive including water and sewer would cost
a total of $900,000.00 for the current site. The
addition of land into the industrial park would create
some capacity problems. Engineer Anderson explained
that an additional study would be necessary and that
when the whole parcel develops we will have to use trunk
funds to pay for upgrading. Transportation will be
improved when County Road 21 is extended to Highway 35
which should be in the mid 1990's. Kay was asked to
contact the Credit River Township officials to inquire
into annexation.
Subcommittee Reports
The Subcommittee chairs were asked to report on the
Subcommittee activities. Jack Haugen, chairman of the
Commercial/Retail Subcommittee, reported that his
subcommittee has discussed several development
alternates for the City's four retail areas. A Bed and
Breakfast in the downtown was a suggestion. The
Subcommittee also thought a hotel on the Hennen property
would be a nice addition to the community. Jack's
subcommittee is also watching very closely the proposed
Health Care facility development.
Bob Barsness, the chairman of the Industrial
Development/Incentive Subcommittee was not at the
meeting so Kay reported on the Subcommittee activities.
The Industrial Development/Incentive Committee has been
pursuing the idea of creating a county-wide Economic
Development Corporation. The Subco.m~.ittee has also been
investigating loan and/or incentive programs for
businesses and spearheading the industrial site study.
Darcy Running was also absent from the October meeting.
Mr. Running is the chairman of the Star C~ty/Promotigns
Subcommittee. Currently the Subcommittee Ks progressing
with the completion of the five year and one year
program, the slide presentation, and the labor analysis.
V.& VI.
City Project update and the ICM Video Marketing Plan
discussions were postponed until the November meeting.
Meeting was adjourned and the next meeting date was set
for November 10 at 4:00 p.m.
NOVEMBER 10, 1988
4:00 - 6:30 P.M.
Approve October 13 Meeting Minutes
Guest Speaker Barb Sennes will be discussing the impact
of the 1990 census on the MI/SA line.
Zack Johnson will be representing Brooks
proposed construction on the Hennen property.
I C M Video Marketing Plan
Subcommittee Reports
Promotions/Star City Subcommittee
-Slide presentation
-Five year and one year report
-Labor analysis
Industrial Development/Incentive Subcommittee
-County economic development organization
-Industrial site cost/benefit
-Economic development authority
C. Commercial/Retail Development Subcommittee
-Monitor nursing home project
-Assist in Priordale Mall development
City Project Update
Downtown Overlay
Prior Lake 2000 Report
County CIP
Discussion of next meeting date,
location and
DECEMBER 8, 1988
Chairman Hill, Dave Miller, Linda
Rachel Van Den Boom, Bob Barsness,
and Dave
MEMBERS ABSENT: Darcy Running, Jack Haugen, Denny Hanson.
Kay Schmudlach, Brenda Busse, and Ernie
The Economic Development Committee meeting was called to order at
4:20 P.M. by Chairman Hill. The. December Economlq Development
Committee meeting was held at the Minnesota Horse aha Hunt Club.
The Economic Development Committee's November 10( 1988
meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. Motion by
Linda Blaisdell, seconded by Dave Miller, to approve the
November 10, 1988 meeting m~nutes.
Discussion with Ernie Peacock Reqardinq Commercial
Ernie Peacock, a Commercial Realtor for Edina Realty,
was introduced to the Economic Development Committee
members and asked to briefly discuss commercial
development in the southwest metro area.
Mr. Peacock explained that development of commercial
property in Bloomington is almost complete and the spill
over is now in the Eden Prairie and Eagan/Burnsville
area. However, when the bridge.comes in, development in
the Shakopee - Savage - Prior Lake area will be
Mr. Peacock emphasized that development will occur with
or without the city's initiative; however, the city
should be planning now so that the development is guided
and well managed. Mr. Peacock recommended that all
planning documents be updated 9nd that every
representative body have the same vis~on for Prior Lake.
Members of the Economic Development Committee asked Mr.
Peacock about his experience with cities, and asked
he would share some tips on creating a positive
development atmosphere. Mr. Peacock referred to a
recent deal he had been involved with in Shakopee. Mr.
Peacock felt very positive about the encounter because
the city had one ¥o%c~, yere prepared for the questions
he had, took the Initiative to arrange a meeting with
the Economic Development body, and were willing to offer
A specific question regarding utilities was asked by M~.
Barsness. Mr. Peacock said that having utilities in
place or possible within 3-9 months was very important.
A city has to gamble at some point and make the
investment of extending utilities.
Mr. Peacock passed around some information that was
distributed by other cities. Mr. Peacock stated that
the community profile is real important and that having
accurate information is vital. The site selection
handbook is also an excellent idea as long as you commit
to keeping it up-to-date.
Economic brokers may call or send letters. Mr.
Peacock said a prompt response letter of interest is
very important. Furthermore, a tickler file should be
kept to keep in constant contact with people who are
looking for property. Mr. Peacock said he would be very
willing to work with Kay Schmudlach to help her develop
better information, and introduce her to people and
lists that might give the city better contacts.
Discussion with Stephan Tanner Reqardinq the "Heart of
the City", Community Identity Study
Stephan Tanner was introduced to members of the Economic
Development Committee and asked to briefly explain his
project, what the proposed result will be, and who will
be funding the study.
Mr. Tanner ~xplained.that the focus of his study is to
shift the city planning process from systems to values.
The Economic Development Committee members asked Mr.
Tanner about a few specifics. He explained in more
detail the value of the study and the need for our city
to have an identity.
Regarding the cost of the study, Mr. Tanner said he was
seeking funds from a national architectural
organization, and several other national endowments.
Matching funds, hopefully,
and/or local businesses.
could come from the city
Stephan explained that he needs a non-profit
organization to assist in his fund raising. Chairman
Hill asked if Mr. Tanner could work with the Chamber to
provide the non-profit organization. Mr. Hill told Mr.
Tanner that the Economic Development Committee will
consider the proposal in more detail at the January
meeting and then prepare a letter to inform him of their
Festival Food Development Update
Chairman Hill asked Kay Schmudlach for a brief update on
the Festival Food Development. Ms. Schmudlach
distributed two handouts: a letter to Zack Johnson
regarding site plan issues and an updated flow chart.
Ms. Schmudlach explained that the staff had reviewed the
site plan and identified 4 issues which should be
addressed prior to the subdivision submission. Staff
has not heard from Mr. Johnson, but anticipates a
request from him regarding the traffic analysis in the
near future.
Ms. Schmudlach reported that a few letters were
received, some in support and others opposed to this
development. The letters resulted from the Chamber
meeting and the newspaper article.
Dave Unmacht explained that a letter was received from
Ron Hechter. Mr. Hechter is concerned about the impact
of the development on his proposed development just west
of the Gateway Center.
Mr. Hechter, also, is concerned with the city's
potential financial assistance to the proposed Festival
Food development. Dave Unmacht explained that he has
scheduled a meeting with Mr. Hechter next week. Ms.
Schmudlach stated that she would send the letter and
follow-up information on the meeting with Mr. Hechter
prior to the January Economic Development Committee
Scheduling of Future Meeting
Chairman Hill asked Ms. Schmudlach to explain what types
of meeting schedules she would suggest. Ms. Schmudlach
suggested that the Economic Development Committee
continue to meet at 4:00 P.M. but change the date to the
second Thursday of the month. A second meeting of the
month would alleviate the long meeting at 4:00 P.M., and
so a meeting on the fourth Thursday is proposed. The
second meeting is proposed to be a breakfast meeting at
8:00 A.M. The Economic Develogment Committee members
agreed to this. Because of the two meetings, the
meeting should be shorter and hopefully the information
more timely.
Motion by Bob Barsness, seconded by Dave Miller, to have
two Economic Development Committee meetings a month,
which would include a 4:00 P.M. meeting on the second
Thursday, and an 8:00 A.M. meeting on the fourth
Thursday of the month.
Economic Development Authority Discussion
No discussion was held due to lack of time.
will be the January 12th meeting.
This item
Update on City Projects
No discussion was held on this agenda item due to the
lack of time. These updates will be reported on at the
January 12th Economic Development Committee meeting.
List of Letters Sent to Local Businesses
No discussion is necessary.
Planning Commission and City Council Agendas
No discussion is necessary.
Meeting Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6:15
meeting was set for January 12th.
P.M. and the next
JANUARY 12, 1989
The December 8, 1988 meeting minutes are being
submitted in draft form for the Economic
Development Committee approval.
Staff requests Economic Development Committee
approval of the December 8, 1988 monthly
meeting minutes.
DECEMBER 8, 1988
Chairman Hill, Dave Miller, Linda
Rachel Van Den Boom, Bob Barsness,
and Dave
Darcy Running, Jack Haugen, Denny Hanson.
Kay Schmudlach, Brenda Busse, and Ernie
The Economic Development Committee meeting was called to order at
4:20 P.M. by Chairman Hill. The December Economic Development
Committee meeting was held at the Minnesota Horse and Hunt Club.
The Economic Development Committee's November 10( 1988
meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. Motion by
Linda Blaisdell, seconded by Dave Miller, to approve the
November 10, 1988 meeting minutes.
II. Discussion with Ernie Peacock Regarding Commercial
Ernie Peacock, a Commercial Realtor for Edina Realty,
was introduced to the Economic Development Committee
members and asked to briefly discuss commercial
development in the southwest metro area.
Mr. Peacock explained t~at development of commercial
property in Bloomington ls almost complete and the spill
over ls now in the Eden Prairie and Eagan/Bur~sville
area. However, when the bridge.comes in, development in
the Shakopee - Savage - Prlor Lake area will be
Mr. ~eacock emphas%zed that development will occur with
or w~thout the. city's initiative; however, the city
should be plannlng now so that the development is guide4
and well managed. Hr. Peacock recommended that all
planning documents be updated and that every
representative body have the same vision for Prior Lake.
Members of the Economic Development Committee asked Mr.
Peacock about his experience with cities, and asked
he would share some tips on creating a positive
development atmosphere. Mr. Peacock referred to a
recent deal he had been involved with in Shakopee. Mr.
Peacock felt very positive about the encounter because
the city had one voice, were prepared for the questions
he had, took the initiative to arrange a meeting with
the Economic Development body, and were willing to offer
A specific question regarding utilities was asked by Mr.
Barsness. Mr. Peacock said that having utilities in
place or possible within 3-9 months was very important.
city has to gamble at some point and make the
nvestment of extending utilities.
Mr. Peacock passed around some information that was
distributed by other cities. Mr. Peacock stated that
the community profile is real important and that having
accurate information is vital. The site selection
handbook is also an excellent idea as long as you commit
to keeping it up-to-date.
Economic brokers may call or send letters. Mr.
Peacock said a prompt response letter of interest is
very important. Furthermore, a tickler file should be
kept to keep in constant contact with people who are
looking for property. Mr. Peacock said he would be very
willing to work with Kay Schmudlach to help her develop
better information, and introduce her to people and
lists that might give the city better contacts.
Discussion with Stephan Tanner Regarding the
the City", Community Identity Study
"Heart of
Stephan Tanner was introduced to members of the Economic
Development Committee and asked to briefly explain his
project, what the proposed result will be, and who will
be funding the study.
Mr. Tanner explained.that the focus of his study is to
shift the city planning process from systems to values.
The Economic Development Committee members asked Mr.
Tanner about a few specifics. He explained in more
detail the value of the study and the need for our city
to have an identity.
Regarding the cost of the study, Mr. Tanner said he was
seekigg funds from a national architectural
organ~zation, and several other national endowments.
Matching funds, hopefully,
and/or local businesses.
could come from the city
Stephan explained that he needs a non-profit
organization to assist in his fund raising. Chairman
Hill asked if Mr. Tanner could work with the Chamber to
provide the non-profit organization. Mr. Hilt told Mr.
Tanner that the Economic Development Committee will
consider the proposal in more detail at the January
meeting and then prepare a letter to inform him of their
Festival Food Development Update
Chairman Hill asked Kay Schmudlach for a brief update on
the Festival Food Development. Ms. Schmudlach
distributed two handouts: a letter to Zack Johnson
regarding site plan issues and an updated flow chart.
M~. Schmudlach explained that the staff had reviewed the
site plan and identified 4 issues which should be
addressed prior to the subdivision submission. Staff
has not heard from Mr. Johnson, but anticipates a
request from him regarding the traffic analysis in the
near future.
Ms. Schmudlach reported that a few letters were
received, some in support and others opposed to this
development. The letters resulted from the Chamber
meeting and the newspaper article.
Dave Unmacht explained that a letter was received from
Ron Hechter. Mr. Hechter is concerned about the impact
of the development on his proposed development just west
of the Gateway Center.
Mr. Hechte~, also, is concerned with the city's
potential financial assistance to the proposed Festival
Food development. Dave Unmacht explained that he has
scheduled a meeting with Mr. Hechter next week. Ms.
Schmudlach stated that she would send the letter and
follow-up information on the meeting with Mr. Hechter
prior to the January Economic Development Committee
Scheduling of Future Meeting
Chairma9 Hill asked Ms. Schmudlach to explainwhat types
of meeting schedules she would suggest. Ms. Schmudlach
suggested that the Economic Development Com~ittee
continue to meet at 4:00 P.M. but change the date to the
second Thursday of the month. A second meeting of the
month would alleviate the long meeting at 4:00 P.M., and
so a meeting on the fourth Thursday is proposed. The
second meeting is proposed to be a breakfast meeting at
8:00 A.M. The Economic Development CommIttee members
agreed to this. Because of the two meetings, the
meeting should be shorter and hopefully the information
more t~mely.
Motion by Bob Barsness, seconded by Dave Miller, to have
two Economic Development Committee meetings a month,
which would include a 4:00 P.M. meeting on the second
Thursday, and an 8:00 A.M. meeting on the fourth
Thursday of the month.
Economic Development Authority Discussion
No discussion was held due to lack of time.
will be the January 12th meeting.
This item
Update on City Projects
No discussion was held on this agenda item due to the
lack of time. These updates will be reported on at the
January 12th Economic Development Committee meeting.
List of Letters Sent to Local Businesses
No discussion is necessary.
Planninq Commission and City Council Aqendas
No discussion is necessary.
Meeting Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6:15
meeting was set for January 12th.
P.M. and the next
JANUARY 12, 1989
The November 10, 1988 meeting minutes are
~eing resubmitted because of an error
~dentified on page 2. The error was pointed
out by Scott Builders representative Barbara
The Economic Development Committee is
requested to approve the Economic Development
Committee November 10, 1988 meeting minutes
with the changes identified above.
NOVEMBER 10, 1988
Chairman Hill, Dave Miller, Jack Haugen,
Dennis Hanson, Rachel Van Den Boom and David
Kay Schmudlach, Mike Cleary, Keith Carlson,
Don Albinson, Zack Johnson, Barbara Reinhardt
The Economic Development Committee meeting was called to order at
4:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 10, 1988 by Chairman James Hill.
I. The Economic Development Committee members reviewed and
approved the October 13, 1988 meeting minutes.
Presentation by Zack Johnson on the proposed Festival
Foods development. Zack Johnson, the representative of
Scottland Builders Inc., presented to the Economic
Development Committee the proposed Festival Foods Store.
Zack Johnson introduced the concept and stated that
Howard Bergerud and Brooks Hauser were partners in this
development and that the name of their company was
Scottland Builders. Mr. Johnson presented a preliminary
site plan which identified a 52,700 square foot Festival
Foods Store, a 33,500 square foot Walgreen Drug Store,
and an 8,000 square foot extra mall space with renters
not yet identified.
Parking spaces totalling 300 spaces were pointed out and
a frontal drawing was shown to show the quality and
style that is proposed.
Mr. Johnson introduced two letters. The first letter
was from Ed Heisler representing Gateway Foods. The
letter committed Gateway Foods to a long term lease in
this center. The second letter, from Richard Hadler of
Walgreens, committed the Walgreen chain to a similar
Employment figures proposed by Mr. Johnson were 140 new
jobs (including both full and part time).
The proposed rent is $10.00 per square foot. Mr.
Johnson acknowledged that this is higher than the
average in either the downtown or the Prior Dale Mall
Mr. Johnson stated that he
fuller because this mall
something unique.
felt the
. space would be
is different and offers
As part of the ~rocess Mr. Johnson requested three
approvals. The first - building permit, the second -
subdivision, the third - financial assistance.
The Economic Development Committee members then asked
several questions of Scottland Builders representative.
In reference to a question regarding the cost per square
foot at the Prior Dale Mall, Mr. Johnson responded that
the cost ~er square foot for ~auser's has been $1.90.
Howevert in small 400 square foot spaces the cost was
$11.00 per square foot. The average cost per square
foOt in the mall is around $7.00-7.25 per square foot.
The downtown charges something somewhat less.
In reference to a question regarding the cost per square
foot at the Prior Dale Mall, Mr. Johnson responded that
the cost per square foot ranges from $1.90 per square
foot to $11.00 per square foot. The average cost per
square foot in the mall is around $7.00-7.25 per square
foot. The downtown charges something somewhat less.
In reference to a question regarding Mr. Hauser's
commitment to the Prior Dale Mall, Mr. Johnson stated
that Mr. Hauser would fulfill the terms of his lease.
The Economic Development Committee requested information
on the use of Tax Increment Financing. Mr. Johnson
responded that he had no details on the amount or
purpose of the Tax Increment Financing, because
construction costs were not completed, however, Mr.
Johnson stated that Tax Increment Financing was vital to
the success of this project and that without it the
project would not proceed at this site.
Traffic concerns were mentioned regarding the upgrading
of 170th Street, and a signal at Five Hawks. Mr.
Johnson said these details have yet to be worked out.
Final comments revolved around the possibility of
bringing in a restaurant and the cooperation Nell
Boderman could expect in finding a new tenant.
Following the departure of the Scottland Builders
representatives, the Economic Development Committee
decided to set a date to further discuss the details of
this proposal. Staff was directed to prepare a flow
chart and identify the facts that will impact this
MUSA Line Discussion
Paul B, an employee of the Metropolitan Council was
asked to come to the Economic Development Committee
meeting to discuss the impact of the 1990 census on
Prior Lake's MUSA line. Paul introduced the conce~t of
the MUSA line, and explained that the purpose is to
promote consistent and coordinated development. The
MUSA line currently defines our growth capacity up until
the year 2000. Changes to the MUSA line will be
considered if the City submits a plan amendment
The area inside the MUSA line is generally swapped with
area. The City would prefer in the MUSA line. However,
expansion can be made if household employment and other
growth indicators indicate that an expansion is timely.
The impact of the 1990 census is that the growth
indicators will be updated and may prove the need for
ICMVideo Marketing
Audrey Johnson, the representative of ICM Video was on
hand to discuss a marketing plan for the City. Mrs.
Johnson's proposal included the City picking u~ the cost
of advertising to get businesses interested ~n moving
here. The Economic Development Committee briefly
discussed this idea and decided not to pursue this
avenue of marketing.
Subcommittee Reports
Kay briefly discussed the progress of the subcommittee.
City Project Update
Kay briefly discussed the City projects.
Meeting was adjourned and the next meeting date was set
for December 8, 1988 at 4:00 P.M.