HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987DE%"~~T PR~DI~I~ 1987-1995 1. Town Genter: -Plan will be completed -In a staged strategy town center will be completed and roads under examination ring e Fast Industrial Park: -Following examination assistance EIP will be developed with City 3. North Shore Area: -Complete Comprehensive Plan for the area -City assistance in developing the Industrial Park -partial develoI~ent completed by 1995 Corporate Center 4. County Road 21 Beconstruction and Upgrading: -Complete upgrading to City limits -County Road 21 completed to Highway 35 -With upgrading will come development of Industrial Property -Substantial develoD~ent in the Highway 13 County Road 21 area Se County Road 42: -Improvements made on County Road 42 bottleneck -Southeast corner of 42 and 21 intersection with a 24 hour gas station and restaurant will develop e Highway 13: -Highway 13 411 be upgrade~] and the area w111 develop commercial, offlce, 11ght retail area as a e Sotel Development: -A major hotel will locate in the northwest corner Lake of Prior CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ECON~/C DEV~/)P~T ~TTEE Thursday, January 15, 1987 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Community Room CALL TO ORDER Approve Minutes of Rmgular Meeting on December 11, 1986 Approve Minutes of Special Meeting on December 18, 1986 2. Discussion of Annual Report Content 3. Discuss Committee Winter/Spring Workshop e Report on Two Scheduled Meetings: a. Monday, January 26; Policy Public Hearing b. Thursday, January 29; Lobbying Strategy Meeting Status Report on Projects: a. Planning Staff Ordinance Update b. Downtown Redevelopment *Enclosed are the Minutes; staff will report on the other itens at the meeting. Jim Hill will be out of town and will not be present. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Prior Lake Economic Develol~ent Committee ~e~]a Beport 0 Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes from January 15, 1987. Enclosed is a copy of the Proposed Subdivision Ordinance. The Ordinance was drafted by City Planner Horst Graser and has been discussed at the Planning Commission level on several occasions. The City Council has reviewed the first few pages of the doct~ent and has rescheduled a second review at a later date. The Ordinance is presented for our review and discussion. Mr. Graser will be in attendance to present the highlights and major changes to you. The Committee does not have any formal authority over the Subdivision Ordinance procedure so a recommendation is not in order at this time. The Committee does not have the time, nor expertise to perform a oomplete analysis on a document of this nature. My suggestions to you are if you discover or determine a lot of areas you want to discuss or receive more input on, I recommend you contact Graser directly. The intent of the discussion at the meeting is to be updated on the Ordinance and how it may impact on our economic development efforts. As of the preparation of this Agenda Staff is uncertain as to the extent of discussion on the Downtown Redevelopment Project. The discussion may range from a short update to an introduction of and a discussion with members of the develolm~nt team. Several weeks ago Staff planned certain presentations on this Project based on projected times (recall the proposed February 10 P~view Committee Meeting which was cancelled). The reason for the uncertainty at this stage is that all development team material has not been submitted to me. I anticipate receiving the material between Friday, February 13 and Tuesday, February 17. (Monday, February 16 is Washington's Birthday and City Hall will be closed in observance of the Holiday.) Staff will update you on the Health Care Center Project and present additional information. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 The date for the Winter/Spring Workshop has been set for Saturday, April 4. The location I am trying to arrange accommodations with is the Canterbury Inn. The time of the Workshop will most likely range from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A proposed agenda for the Workshop will be passed out and discussed at our meeting. Staff is looking for more direction on what you want for the Workshop agenda. If you have any suggestions please call me prior to Wednesday, February 18. The Committee should begin the discussion of prioritizing the newly adopted Policies. If the Agenda items are running longer than anticipated this item could be tabled. Because this item may take a great amount of discussion you may want to consider this task as part of your Saturday Workshop in April. The act of prioritizing may not have to be a numbering or ranking of the Policies, although this could be your action, rather you may want to brainstom on short term, medium range, or long term priorities and what policies require immediate attention. The City Council passed a Resolution commending your work at the same meeting the Policies were adopted. A copy of the Resolution will be presented to you at the Meeting. Please bring your Policies with you to the Meeting. The most recent date of the Policies should be November 17, 1986. City Staff is working on two promotional pieces, a map and fact booklet. In addition a local photo contest will be held to coincide with Lakefront Days and the decorating of City Hall. Staff will discuss the items and update you on their progress. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF PRIOR LAKE ECON~4IC ~P~ GOMMITTEE J~ 15, 1987 Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Members Present: Rachel VanDenBoom, Darcy Running, Mark Stromwall, Lidy Flcm and Mike McGuire Members Absent: Bob Barsness, Jack Haugen, Jim Hill, Don Schussler and Barb Prindle Also Present: Dave Unmacht, City Staff (A quorum was not present for the Committee to conduct formal business). 1. Approval of Minutes of Deoember 11 and December 18 - Minutes were approved by general consent. 2. Annual Report Content - Staff reported on the possible contents: Business Workshops, Downtown Plan, Developaent Policies, Star Cities, Winter Workshop, By-Laws Update, Municipal Financial Assistance Application, and others. Cc~ttee requested Staff to prepare the P~port in the order of events. 3. Winter/Spring Workshop - Dates and Topics were discussed by the C~ttee. Potential topics include: Hotel Development Expert, Working Workshop on 2-4 subjects, Retail Development Expert, Medical DeveloI~aent Expert, and others. Staff was directed to su~.Larize the dates and potential topics for the next meeting. 4. ~eetings Report - Staff updated the Ccmuaittee on the Econcmic Development Policies Public Hearing set for Monday, January 26; and the Health Care Center Lobby Meeting set for Thursday, January 29. 5. Status Report - City Manager McGuire updated the Committee on pending projects. Meeting adjourned at 6:13 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 19, 1987 at 5:15 p.m. in the Community PDcm. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR ~ ]~O~C D~BLOP~ ~ Thursday, February 19, 1987 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Community Ro~m 1. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting on January 15, 1987. 2. Beview Proposed Subdivision Ordinance 3. Downtown Redevelopment Project 4. Health Care Center Status Report 5. Finalize Workshop Plans 6. Discuss Prioritizing Newly Adopted Policies a. Presentation of City Council Resolution 7. Prior Lake Promotional Pieces (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE HINUIT~ OF THE PRIOR LAKE ~00NC~IC DEV~O~ (DMMITTEE FEBRUARY 19, 1987 Meeting was called to order at 5:25 p.m. in the Community Room. Members Present: Members Absent: Also Present: All members were present None David Unmacht, Staff ADDroval of Minutes: Motion by Running, seconded Stromwall to approve the Minutes, all voted aye. Staff read into the record the City Council Resolution commending the Committee on their excellent work on the Development Strategies and their dedication to the City. 0 ~view Propo.~] Subdivision Ordinance: City Planner Horst Graser was present to review the proposed changes in the Ordinance. Graser commented on the age of the Ordinance and other relevant points related to the pending amendments. Discussion occurred on the process and the position the Committee should take on the Ordinance. Staff was directed to set up a Special Meeting to review the document. (Meeting to be held on Thursday, March 5 at 5:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers.) e Downtown Bedevelo_~ment Project: Staff introduced Rick Schmitz, LakeRidge Development Corporation. Schmitz discussed his development concept, the planning function of his concept, and the project in general. Committee members addressed questions to Schmitz on his proposal. Discussion occurred on the image of the Downtown and what could result with a Project. Staff stated that LakeRidge is completing details on a packet of mterials to be presented to the City. Upcoming scheduled presentation dates were reviewed with the Committee. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 e Health Care Center Project: Staff updated the Ccmtmittee on the Project. City officials are working closely with locally elected representatives. Staff encouraged all membe rs of the Committee to contact their representatives in support of the Project by way of mail or phone contact. Finalize Workshop Plans: The annual Workshop was scheduled for Friday, March 20, 1987 at 8:00 a.m. at the Canterbury Inn in Shakopee. Discussion occurred on the Workshop AgeD~_ a. 6. Prioritize Develo_u~ent Strateqies: Tabled until Workshop. Prior Lake Promotional Pieces: Staff displayed the Fact Booklet and Map under production. Printed copies could be available by the end of March. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. The next Meeting in March will be held in conjunction with the Annual Workshop on March 20. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUfF~ OF PRIOR hAKE ~ON~4IC DEV~P~NT (I)MMITTEE MARCH 5, 1987 Special Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Purpose of the Special Meeting was to review the proposed Subdivision Ordinance. Members Present: Jim Hill, Don Schussler, Lidy Flora, Jack Haugen, Rachel VanDenBocm, Darcy Running, and Mike McGuire. Members Absent: Mark Stro~wall, Barb Prindle and Bob Barsness Also Present: David Um~acht, Staf f; Horst Graser, City Planner, and Carol Scott, Council The purpose of the Special Meeting was to review the proposed Subdivision Ordinance. Chairman Hill opened the Meeting by stating that the Committee supports reasonable, quality and sensible growth. Chairman Hill led a discussion through the Ordinance from Pages 1-21. Several changes and comments were proposed. Staff was directed to forward the Oanmittee's recommendations to the City Planner for consideration by the City Council. The Committee decided to continue the discussion on the Ordinance at their Workshop to be held on March 20, 1987. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ WOI~S~OP The 1987 Annual Workshop will be held at the Canterbury Inn in Shakopee on Friday, March 20. The day will begin at 7:30 a.m. with arrivals and morning refreshments. At 8:00 a.m. an overview of the day will be presented by Staff. The morning session will involve six different areas. See the enclosed Agenda. Three areas will be covered in the first two hour session and three additional areas in the second morning session lasting approximately one and one-half hours. Morning Session Please bring your copy of the subdivision ordinance. Recall that we stopped at p~ge 21 in our initial review. If you do not have a copy of the ordinance, please let me knew prior to Friday. Be Several months ago we talked about our meeting schedule and the time allotment for certain subject matters. At that meeting it was decided to bring this issue up again at our Workshop. Essentially, the discussion will center around what issues and items you want to have on the regular agenda, and what issues and items you may want to "delve" more deeper into by way of a s~ecial meeting. It has become apparent that our regular monthly meeting does not allow for substantive discussions on scme items. Enclosed is a copy of the 1986 Summary Report. General discussion should occur on this Report, including its contents and style. The Star City Program has not been pursued since the beginning of Prior Lake 2000. A discussion needs to consist of the C(m~mittee's position on the Program, and whether or not the Program should be completed and by whom. Please bring your copy of the Development Strategies. If you need a copy please contact me prior to Friday. The date on the Policies adopted by the Council is November 17, 1986. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 After a discussion of items "a" through "e" a brief Work Program for 1987 could be drafted. Items "a, b, c, d, and e" are not meant to specifically be lead ins to item "f", but may have an influence on the outcome of You may want to jot down your thoughts for a 1987 Work Program prior to the Meeting. Lunch will be held in the Atrium near the pool. Our special quests will be Michael Murray and Attilio DeMarco, M.R. Development Corporation. The company is a Minneapolis based investment and development firm with experience and capabilities in commercial, industrial and retail real estate. Since 1975 the company has successfully developed over $200 million of office/warehouse, office/medical, shopping centers, aparh~ents, and multi-family real estate. M.R. Development is the owner of the 10 acre parcel behind the E-Z Stop Store and Velishek Auto Sales. The lunch discussion will be informal and is intended to be a "get-to-know" session and an exchange of develol~ent ideas. ~ftemoon Sessions TWo afternoon sessions are scheduled. The first is a presentation by David Drown from Juran and Moody on the new method of financing develolm~nt - "post IRB period" - Guaranteed Investment Contract Development Financing. On March 2 the City adopted Resolution 87-10, a Resolution entering into a preliminary agreenent to participate with 9 other cities in selling $300 million of ~3venue Bonds. Sounds interesting - more on Friday. The second afternoon session will be a presentation by an official from Northland Park in Brooklyn Park on the successful planning and develolm~nt of a business park. Northland Park is a 400 acre master plann~=d business community. Included with the presentation will be a slide show on the Park - bring your questions and keep your inquiring minds open. The last session of the day is designed to be flexible and open. The Predictions word is there to stimulate your interest and get you thinking. Prior to Friday, please write down 5 specific development predictions for Prior Lake between now and 1995. Try to be as concise and detailed as possible, yet stay within one to two sentences for each. We will discuss each one and your anonymity will be respected. Bring the Predictions to the Meeting, or mail them to me so I can collect them and prepare them for discussion. This exercise will be fun, but also a good experience. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Friday, March 20, 1987 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Canterbury Inn Shakopee 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. 8:00 - 8:15 a.m. 8:15 - 10:15 a.m. 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. 10:30 - 12:00 noon 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. 1:30 - 2:15 p.m. 2:15 - 2:30 p.m. 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. ~xijourn Arrival - Doughnuts and Coffee available Introduction of Workshopand Review Days Activities Work Session a. Reviewed Proposed Subdivision Ordinance b. Consider Meeting Plans & Scheduling c. Approve 1986 Summary Report Break Work Session d. Discuss Future of Star City Program e. Discuss Prioritization of Policies f. Plan 1987 Work Program ~nch: Special C~mpany Guest Scottland Develol~ent Growth Session - Financing: David Drown, a. Guaranteed Investment Contract Develolm~nt Financing Juran & Break Growth Session- Case Study a. Northland Park: James Stuebner Economic Development in Prior Lake a. Predictions (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE E(]ONC91IC DEVE[Z~I~NT (I)MMITTEE ~nursday, April 16, 1987 5.- 15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Community Rom C2%T.T, 'IT2) OlqDER o Be 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ADJOURN Approve minutes of Regular Meeting on February 19, 1987 Approve minutes of Special Meeting on March 5, 1987 Workshop Recommendation on Committ~ Meeting Policies Report Council Action on 1986 Annual Report Discuss status of Lake Ridge Develofment Corporation Proposal Timetable/Update on the Minnesota Star Cities Progr~ Status Report on Health Care Center Project Discuss Subdivision Ordinance Becomme~tions Report on Status of Bloomington Ferry Bridge Funding Report on Status of Prior Lake 2000 Plan ~dopt Resolution Oanme~ing City Manager Mike McGuire (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE · OONC~IC DEVELOP~ ~ AGESI~ REPO~ Minutes are enclosed for your review and approval. Items numbered 2 and 5 are a direct result and will be reviewed at the meeting. Staff timetable at the meeting. of the Workshop will provide a Items numbered 3, 4 and 6-9 are discussions and updates. Project status and results will be available at the meeting. City Manager Mike McGuire has worked faithfully and diligently with the Committee since its beginning in 1983. A Resolution commending Mike will be available at the meeting for your consideration of adoption. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~[nutes o[ the l~ior Lake July 9, 1987 Meeting was called to order at 5:25 p.m. at Prior Lake City Hall C0~mmnity ~mbers Present: Chairman Jim Hill, Vioe Chair Bob Barsness, Mark Str~mwall, and Don Schussler. Members Absent: Barb Prip~lle, Rachel VanDenBocm, Jack Haugen, Darcy Running, Lidy Flu. Also Present: Dave Ummcht and Kay Schmudlach 1. Introduction of new Staff member Kay Schmudlach - Dave Unmacht introduced Kay Schmudlach who will replace Dave as the Staff Liaison. Members introduced themselves. 2o ~ngu_ st 13 Economic Develo_ument Committee - Chairman Hill requested Staff to prepare an age~la with minutes to be sent to members a week prior to the meeting. Mr. Hill also asked that Susan Meyer call and re~ind all members the morning of the meeting. Discussion occurred on the following projects: 0 Hi~c~wa_v 13 Task Force - Chairman Hill asked Dave Um~acht about the Highway 13 Task Force. Unmacht reviewed the purpose of the Highway 13 Task Force and Council's action concerning it. Council did approve the formation of the Task Force and Staff has asked the Prior Lake American to print an article in the paper asking for local residents to volunteer for the Task Force. The purpose of the Committee is to analyze access, safety, and future improvement issues and generate recomme~_tion for the City Council. 0 Downtown Bedevelo~ment Plan - Chairman Hill asked Umuacht the status of the downtown plan. Umuacht asked Kay Schmudlach for an update based on her conversation with Charlie Tooker. Sc/mmudlach commented that the maps are complete except for the architectural design alternatives and that the written report has been initiated. U~macht said the Council will be receiving the maps in a future council meeting. Tentative date for the meeting has not been set, but early to mid August is probable. An update will be included in the August 13 agenda packet. Mr. Unmacht updated the Committee on the proposal by Rainbow Foods to move into Prior Lake. Ur~acht commented that Rick Schmitz is working to finalize the deal, but needs the City's downtown plan. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Prior Lake gco~c Develol:ment Cmmittee Thursday, August 13, 1987 5:15 p.m. Prior T~ke City Hall Ca,unity ~ Call to Order 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting on June 11, and ~ 9, 1987. July l~ceive resignation from Ecorxmd. c DeveloRment Camnittee member nidy Flcm 3. Downtown Redevelopment Plan 4. Building Permit Report e Update on City Council Activities l%~ceive Report on Prior Lake 2000 7. Ba~eive Report on reca~m~rz]ations of the Prior Lake School District Task Force 8. County Road 12 Industrial Park Issue Analysis 9. Star City Project Update 10. Video 'A Bridge to the Future' produced by the Scott County Transportation Coal/t/on Adjourn (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUTES OF ~E PRIOR LAKE ECONC~IC DEVELOPmenT ~ AUGUST 13, 1987 Meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m at the Prior Lake City Hall Council Chambers. Members present: Chairmen Jim Hill, Vice Chairman Bob Barsness, Don Schussler, Rachel VanDenBocm, Darcy Running, and Jack Haugen Members Absent: Mark Strcmwall, Barb Prindle Also present: City Manager Dave Unmacht, Assistant City Manager/Economic DeveloI~ent Director Kay Schmudlach 1. July 6 m~eting minutes The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hill at 5:15 p.m. Minutes from the July 6 Econcmic Develol~ent Committee meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve July 6 meeting minutes by Darcy Running, second by Jack Haugen. Motion passed unanimously. 2. Lidy Flcm Besi_(mation Chairman Hill asked Kay Schmudlach to tell a little bit about the Council presentation to Lidy Flora. Kay explained that the City prepared a resolution of appreciation for Lidy, and presented it to her at the August 3 Council meeting. Ms. Schmudlach then read the letter sent to Lidy Flcm on behalf of the Econcmic Development Cxmm~ttee. The members of the Econ~ic DeveloI~ent Cxmunittee discussed replacing Lidy Flcm. Dave Um~acht noted that Dave Miller has indicated interest in becoming a member. Rachel mentioned that another good person would be Steve Neilson the owner of Main Avenue Video. Members of the Committee felt that getting a downtown business owner would be a good idea, with the upcoming downtown develoI~ent plans. Jim asked what the process for appointment to the C(munittee is. Dave responded that an advertisement for persons interested in serving on the EDC is made in the local paper, all interested parties are interviewed by the City Manager, Mayor and Staff Liaison, a recomm~tion is then made to the City Council. Chairman Hill asked Kay Schmudlach to runanad in the Prior Lake American asking for interested persons to send a letter of intent and reside to City Hall. Kay Schmudlach r~inded Chairman Hill of the need to reappoint members whose terms were up in July, 1987. Those members include Jack Haugen, Don Schussler, and Darcy Running. Motion to reappoint Jack Haugen, Don Schussler and Darcy Running to another two year term was made by Rachel VanDenBocm. Seconded by Bob Barsness. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Building Per~it Report Chairman Hill asked members if they had any questions about the Building Permit Report. Kay Schmudlach offered a statistical comparison on the 86-87 report figures. Rachel VanDenBocm asked why the building value had gone up so much. Dave gave two reasons; first the building values are going up, and second Gary Staber is doing a better job of estimating the values. Referring to the decrease in building permits, comments frcm other committee members were: are we treating developers right, and are we running low on develofable lots. Dave estimated that lots available nunber between 150-200. Jim Hill questioned this figure, Kay Schmudlach agreed to research the number of developable lots and report at the next meeting. Other oomments fr~m committee members asked about the caliber of houses built in the Raspberry Ridge and North Shore develol~nents. Dave responded that both developments were higher quality homes. Rachel reported that the WindSong develoI~nent had sold the model home and two other lots were being considered. Jack Haugen reported that the Hollywood Inn was open for business and suggested that the Econ~nic Development C(mmtittee visit after the meeting. Jim Hill asked Kay to send a letter, congratulating the owners on their reopening. Kay said she would share with Dave and Jim prior to sending. 4. Update on Council Activities Highway. 13 Task Force Kay Schmudlach reported that the first Hwy 13 Task Force meeting was held on Tuesday, August 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Approximately fifty people attended, all giving input on their perception of the probl~n with Hwy 13 and possible solutions. Subdivision Ordinance City Council will approve the final draft of the Subdivision Ordinance at the August 17 City Council meeting. Budgeting Kay Schmudlach summarized the Economic Development C~m~.~ttee budget for 1988. Special items included: Star City written materials Star City video display Tax Incr~m~ent Consultant Services Training Conference EDC members Ommmunity Bulletin $1,000 2,300 5,000 1,500 3,000 Titus II Dave Unmacht reviewed the status of the Titus II project. Council will consider resolution on September 8 to deny Mr. Bill Henning the right to develop his subdivision because of changes in Zoning and Comprehensive Plans. 0Pt,.-, out Kay Schmudlach briefly mentioned the City's study of the opt out progr~u. The City has the right to opt out of the transit progrsm, and collect 90% of their taxes applied to metro Transit to furnish a local mass transit system. Staff is studying the option with the City of Savage and will be making a decision within a year. Raspberry_ Ridge Staff at Prior Lake City Hall has r~nded a rezoning to single family from conservation for the 26 plat Bob Walsh development. 5. Prior Lake 2000 City Manager, Dave Unmacht discussed the Prior Lake 2000 report, and stated that Council will be receiving the report on August 17. Mr. Ur~acht emphasized the importance of Economic Develolm~nt Committee members atter~ing the Council meeting. Mr. Hill asked if the Prior Lake 2000 report will assist the City in achieving the Star City designation. Dave responded, no in that it doesn't fulfill one of the specific tasks, but yes in that it's impressive and will have a positive influence on the Star City review Board, other Cities, developers, etc. Chairman Hill also commented on the Prior Lake 2000 survey, asking if the City will be sending out the survey again, Mr. Hill suggested the EDC review the survey before they go to make sure they include new issues and omit old issues. 6. School District Task Force Chairman Hill asked Jack Haugen to briefly review the final report of the School District Task Force. Mr. Haugen briefly discussed the purpose and process of the Task Force and distributed a three page handout on the Subcommittee action. ~ne final recomme__r~]ations will be available in the near future, and will be presented to the City Council on September 29. Mr. Hill asked if the committee would feel a letter accepting the recommendations of the School Board would be appropriate. Jack Haugen felt some type of indication of support would be nice. Dave Unmacht cautioned the committee on specifying the recommendations with out seeing them, and prior to council approval. Bob Barsness suggested the EDC ser~ a letter of support to the School Board acknowledging their hard efforts, and commending them for their commi~ent to c~,a!ity education. Chairman Hill asked Kay Schmudlach to draft a letter to Marge Kinney, Chairwomen of the School Board, reviewed the letter first with Dave, then with Jim. 7. County Road 12 Industrial Pa~k Kay Schmudlach noted that the study had been initiated but not yet completed. 8. Star City Progr~ _Update Kay Schmudlach handed out a update on the status of the City's progress in the Star City Designation. 9. Video "A Bridge to the Future" Chairman Hill agreed to postpone this viewing because of time constraints. 10. Downtown l~develo_~nt Charles Tooker, Consultant Planner, for the City of Prior Lake presented a series of 11 maps which present zoning, existing use, concept for improvements for downtown. Pachel VanDenBocm expressed her pleasure in the downtown plan and having a chance to review them. Other committee members expressed similar feelings. Motion was made by Rachel to recommend the City pursue the staged improvements as described in the proposed RFP. Second by Darcy, the motion was passed unanimously. Members specifically encouraged the City to pursue changing the zoning of the commercial property on the west side of 13 south of Duluth. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ECONflKIC DEVELOPMENT (/)MMITTEE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1987 5:15 P.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY F3%LL COMMUNITY ROOM CALL TO ORDER 1. Approve minutes of regular meeting on August 13, 1987. e Star Cities Program a. Update on current status -Review 12 elements of Star City Program b. Discuss 6 elements yet to be completed -Completion of a five year plan and strateqy for Economic Development -Completion of a one year work program and defined strategy which relates to the five year Econemic Development Plan -Ccmpletion of a slide presentation on the -Completion of a fact booklet on the Cc~m~m~ity to be used to market the City of prospective industries c. Discuss Strategy for Completion -Subcommittee work -Special work sessions -Otherd. Estimate Completion Dates -Set completion date goal -Establish future meeting schedules Review Special Downtown Meeting - Set for September 17, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. a. Date/time/purpose b. Agenda (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 e Other Business a. Handout s -Letter to Hollywood I~nn -Letter to Cy Kruse ~ -Building permit report -Update on Highway 13- -Update on Prior Lake ~.f' -Developable Lot Report -Business Survey ~/ -RTB opt out Survey~~ MINUTES OF T~E PRIOR LAKE E(I)NC~IIC DE%~C~T ~ SEPTEMBER 10, 1987 The Economic Develot~ent Committee meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. in the Cxmmunity Roa~ of the Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Chairman Jim Hill, Vice Chairman Bob Barsness, Don Schussler, Darcy Running and Mark Str~mwall. Members Absent: Rachel VanDenBocm, Jack Haugen and Barb Pr idyll e. Also Present: City Manager Dave Unmacht and Manager/Econcmic Development Schmudlach. Assistant City Di rector Kay A~qust 13, 1987 Meeting Minutes - The minutes from the August 13 meeting were reviewed. Motion by Darcy Running, second by Bob Barsness to approve the minutes as recorded. Motion passed unanimously. Update on interested .EDC M~mbers - Jim Hill asked liaison Kay Schmudlach to update the EDC on individuals who had expressed interest in becoming a member of the EDC. Ms. Schmudlach reported that as of September 10 only two individuals had submitted letters of interest and resunes. The individuals are Dave Miller, the ~dvertising and Sales Promotion Manager for Road Machinery and Supplies Co. (RMS); and Dennis Hanson President of the First National Bank of Prior Lake. Members of the Economic Develolanent Committee briefly discussed the qualifications of the two applicants. The closing for applicants will be the 30th of September. Chairman Hill asked Kay to call Barb Prindle to ask her to indicate her interest on the Economic Develot~ent Ccn~/ttee. Star City Program - Staff liaison Kay Schmudlach asked Chairman Hill if he would like to run through the Star City activities and/or elements one by one. Mr. Hill indicated that this would be appropriate and the discussion continued. As an outline for the discussion on the Star Cities Program members of the Econcmic Development Cxmm%ittee were given a memo prepared by Ms. Schmudlach for the City Manager, Ma~yor and Councilmembers. The memo briefly introduced the ~=ar City Program and listed the requirements for designation and tentative completion date. Ms. Schmudlach ran down the list highlighting the activities that have not been completed. A. Representation at the ~ Star City Conference. Kay Schmudlach will be attending on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 15 and 16, 1987 Be The establishment of an organization responsible for the Econcmic Development efforts of the Community. The Econcmic Develol~ent Committee was established in May of 1983 and given authorization by Council Resolution to serve as an Advisory body to the City Council. C. Create a local DeveloI~ent Corporation. Bob Barsness described the activities of the local Econcmic Develol~ent Corporation including the SBA Loan Progran. Mr. Barsness agreed to put together a history of the corporation, including a copy of the articles of Incorporation and a list of directors. D® An assessment of the community through the completion of a Cxm~unity Profile. This is done annually for each city in Minnesota by the Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Develol~ent. Ee C~mpletion of a five year plan and strategy for Economic Devel Olm]ent. The element has not been completed. C~mpletion of a one year work program and defined strategy which relates to the five year Economic Development Plan. This element has not been completed. Chairman Hill mentioned that we should add a community CIP and several other documents to this work program, i.e. Prior Lake 2000. G. Completion of a slide presentation on the community. The element has not been completed. Members of the EDC suggested Steve Collins be contacted to work on a slide presentation. He Cumpletion of a Labor Survey of the community and the area in which it is located. This has been done but not on a regular basis. Members of the fDC thought perhaps Met Council figure would work because of the limited labor in this area. Lo Ccmpletion of a five year Capital Improvement Plan. This element is completed annually by city Capital Improvement Plan projects capital for the next five years. staff. The expenditures Completion of a fact booklet on the cxmmunity to be used to market the city for prospective iD~ustries. This item was done initially in 1985. However, the city needs to update this effort and enhance the brochure into a color Bulletin. Completion of an annual survey of industry presently located in Prior Lake. Purpose of the survey is to determine expansion and relocation plans and potential legislative concerns. The city has completed a office space survey and could incorporate this tool into a more comprehensive survey. Darcy Running suggested the EDC do the survey personally to promote a good business relationship. Sales Team presentation, and achievement of satisfactory rating fr~m division of business development. This element has not yet been addressed. Committee members would include Kay Schmudlach, Dave Unmacht, Lee Andren, a Banker ~k)n Schussler or Bob Barsness) and either the Chairman of the EDC and/or the Chairman of the Star City Program Subcommittee. The Econcmic Develol~ent Committee agreed to establish a Subcommittee to deal with the reinitiation of the Star Cities Progran. Darcy Running was designated the Subcommittee Chairman. Mr. Running and Kay Schmudlach were asked to follow up at the next EDC meeting with a progress report. _Special Downtown Redevelopment meetinq - Kay Schmudlach distributed an Agenda for Thursday nights Special Downtown Redevelotx~ent meeting. All EDC members were encouraged to attend, fDCmembers suggested property owners, especially business owners/managers be personally called and invited. Because of the time element this would not be possible for this meeting but in the future the city will consider it. e Se Other Business Kay distributed hand outs concerning the following items: -Welcome letter to the Hollywood Inn -Support letter to Cy Kruse -Building Permit Report -Update on Prior Lake develot~ent; example the Amoco proposal -Developable Lot Report Meeting was adjourned. The next meeting date will be October 8th. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ECI)N(24IC DEVELOPD~NT (/3MMITfEE MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1987 5-. 15 P.M. CDMMUNITY RCX3M, PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL II. III. IVe Introduce new members of the Econcmic Development Committee Review meeting minutes from the September 10, 1987 EDC meeting Discussion of Star City Program Progress -Darcy review members of the Subcommittee -Darcy review Subcommittee progress Survey: Prior Lake 2000 and RTB opt out Cities Week Update on Commmity Activities -Copy of letter to Dr. Susan Block -Building Permit Report -Highway 13 Task Force -School Board/Council meeting -Sienna Corporation meeting -Amoco progress (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE OCTOBER 15, 1987 The Economic Development Committee meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. in the Community Room of the Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Chairman Jim Hill, Vice-Chairman Bob Barsness, Darcy Running, Jack Haugen, and Mark Stromwall Members Absent: Rachel VanDenBoom, Schussler Barb Prindle, and Don Also Present: City Manager, Dave Unmacht Dave Unmacht informed the Economic Development Committee members that Dave Miller had been chosen as the new Economic Development Committee member to replace Lidy Flom. Mr. Unmacht further noted that Mr. Miller along with Mr. Hanson and Mr. Dimitriou had been interviewed by Mayor Andren, Assistant City .Manager/Economic Development Director Kay Schmudlach and himself. The interview committee recommended to the Economic Development Committee that they consider expanding the membership on the Economic Development Committee from 9 to 11, therefore adding two additional persons to the Committee. Motion by Mr. Running second by Mr. Stromwall to accept the appointment of Mr. Miller. The Economic Development Committee meeting minutes from the regular September 10 meeting were reviewed by the Economic Development Committee. Motion by Mr. Barsness, second by Mr. Running to approve the meeting minutes of the September 10 meeting as written. Mr. Unmacht introduced the subject of the Star Cities Program and asked Mr. Running to elaborate on the Subcommittee's activities. Mr. Running told fellow members of the Economic Development Committee that Barb Prindle, Frank Wicker and the Economic Development Committee membership alternates, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Dimitriou and Ms. White had each been invited to join the Star Cities Subcommittee. Mrs. Prindle did join EDC member Running and EDC Director Schmudlach at the last meeting on October 8, 1987. Mr. Running reviewed the focus of the Subcommittee, its efforts in four areas: focusing (1) Addressing the role of the Development Corporation (2) Compiling an Industry Visitation (informal interview) (3) Conducting a Labor Survey (4) Projecting a one year and five year strategy for completion Mr. Unmacht described the role of the Prior Lake 2000 Survey in the completion of the Prior Lake 2000 Report. The Prior Lake 2000 Survey will be conducted annually surveying a variety of topics. The 1988 Survey will include specific questions on labor, asking the respondent what type of job he/she is now employed at, his/her qualifications for this type work, if he/she is unemployed, and his/her willingness to change jobs. Other areas of focus in the Prior Lake 2000 Survey will be concerning the RTB opt out, refuse pick up and recycling. The draft of the Survey was requested for review by the Economic Development Committee prior to distribution. Se Cities Week - the City of Prior Lake has been asked to participate in a Cities Week Festival sponsored by the League of Minnesota Cities. The Festivities include public education, Mayor exchanges, and formal Council Resolutions. The Economic Development Committee appointed Dave Miller to serve as the Chairman of this Subcommittee. Update on community activities - Mr. Unmacht quickly reviewed the listed items under #6 update. Mr. Unmacht updated the Economic Development Committee on the Highway 13 Task Force activities, and informed them of the October 21st Transportation Hearing in Shakopee. Mr. Unmacht discussed the Amoco proposal. Members of the EDC requested a formal presentation and scheduled a meeting for November 2nd at 11 a.m. at the Hollywood Inn. Those in attendance will be city staff, Economic Development Committee members, and representatives from the Amoco proposal. Other Business - The Economic Development Committee asked City Manager Dave Unmacht to have staff liaison Kay Schmudlach draft a letter to the editor supporting quality education in Prior Lake and the upcoming Bond Referendum. Mr. Unmacht agreed to have Kay draft the letter. Mr. Hill requested Kay to review the letter with Mr. Hill and call all members of the Economic Development Committee to get permission to print their names on the letter prior to submitting the letter to the editor. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1987 5:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM, PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL II. III. IV. Ve VI. VII. Introduce Dave Miller, the new Economic Development Committee member -Discuss Increasing the size of the Economic Development Committee from 9 to 11 Approve October 15 meeting minutes Review luncheon with Amoco representatives -Update EDC members on Proposal Status Discuss other Economic Development Activities -Larry Gunther -Howard Hubbard -Larry Smith -Craig Anderson -Gary Rust Star City Program Update -Letter with interview questions/names -Labor Survey -One year strategy/5 year strategy plan -Set half day work session "Cities Week" Adjourn MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 24, 1987 COMMUNITY ROOM, PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL The Economic Development Committee meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. in the Prior Lake Community Room of the Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Chairman Jim Hill, Vice Chairman Bob Barsness, Don Schussler, Rachel VanDenBoom, Jack Haugen, Mark Stromwall, Darcy Running, and City Manager David Unmacht Members Absent: Barb Prindle Staff Present: Kay Schmudlach, Assistant Manager/Economic Development Director City Introduction of Dave Miller the new Economic Development Committee member - EDC members welcomed Dave and stated that he was a good addition to the Economic Development Committee because of his enthusiasm management skills and work with the Chamber. Jim Hill asked Kay to meet with Dave to discuss ways in which the Chamber could more effectively work with the Economic Development Commission to encourage and enhance local business development. Ms. Schmudlach asked Economic Development members to entertain a recommendation by the Committee to expand the size of the EDC from members. Committee Interview 9 to 11 The applicants for the EDC position were all and unfortunately only one could be chosen Miller was the candidate chosen. excellent and Dave II. Ms. Schmudlach said the two applicants not chosen would not need to reapply, but that a readvertisement of EDC openings might open the selection process up. Darcy Running made a motion to amend the By-Laws to expand the membership from 9 to 11 members. Jack Haugen seconded. Motion passed unanimously. A discussion of member Barb Prindle was raised. EDC members are concerned over her poor attendance record and question whether Mrs. Prindle should be asked about her commitment to the EDC. Ms. Schmudlach was asked to write Mrs. Prindle about her attendance and ask for her improved attendance or resignation. Approve October 15 meeting Minutes - The October 15 meeting minutes were reviewed by EDC members. Motion to approve October 15 meeting minutes was moved by Bob Barsness, seconded by Jack Haugen. III. IV. Ve Review Amoco Luncheon - The Economic Development Committee discussed the October 14 luncheon with Amoco representatives Jim Rabuse, Tom Flink and Jim Filippi. Ms. Schmudlach discussed the details of the project and the Council presentation. Jack Haugen stated that he felt the EDC luncheon went very well. Mr. Hill also said he thought future luncheons would be a good idea. Mr. Schmudlach said she would update the EDC on the Amoco project as changes occur. Discuss future Economic Development Meetings - Ms. Schmudlach reported to EDC members that she would be out of town on December 10 the regularly scheduled meting night. EDC members decided to postpone the December meeting and meet in January. January 21st was the date chosen to have a work session with the EDC. The work session will be from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The purpose of the work session will be to put together the 5 year Economic Development Pland and 1 Year Strategy for implementation of the Star City Program. Discuss Economic Development Activities - Kay Schmudlach informed the Economic Development Committee that five gentlemen representing realty companies, developers and corporations contacted the City. The City addressed each of their needs by talking to them, sending them information etc. Updates on any further interest will be forwarded to the EDC members. VI. VII. Star City Program Update - Kay Schmudlach distributed a handout to all Economic Development Committee members which included a cover letter and a list of companies/contact persons. The letter asked EDC members to interview the people designated on the attached sheet using the attached questionnaire. Bob Barsness suggested Kay Schmudlach send out a letter to inform the contact people of the interview and that he/she should be expecting a phone call. Economic Development Committee members agreed. A letter will be sent along with a copy of the attached list of questions. Darcy Running briefly described the Labor Survey that will be going out to one fourth of the Prior Lake households. All household residents over 16 will be asked to fill the survey out. The state will process the Survey and return the results to the City. Regional/Metro and State wide labor data has been gathered by Kay Schmudlach sothe Labor Survey and a find report will conclude this requirement of the Star Cities program. The establishment of the work session to complete another requirement of the Star City program means only two more requirements remain. A Spring completion date should be reached. VIII. IX. "Cities Week" - Chairman Hill asked Mr. Miller to with Kay Schmudlach to coordinate the "Cities activities. Adjourment - Motion by Jack Haugen, seconded by Stromwall to adjourn motion passed unanimously. work Week" Mark CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ~ OF THE PRIOR ~ E(D~C DEVELOP~ (X)~ NOVEMBER 24, 1987 GOMMONITY ROOM, PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL The Econcmic Development Ommmittee meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. in the Prior Lake C(mmzlnity Rocm of the Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Chairman Jim Hill, Vice Chairman Bob Barsness, Don Schussler, Rachel VanDenBocm, Jack Haugen, Mark Strcmwall, Darcy Running, and City Manager David Ur~acht Members Absent: Barb Prindle Staff Present: Kay Schmudlach, Assistant Manager/Economic Develol~nent Director city Introduction of Dave Miller the new Econcmic Development Cc~mittee member - EDC members welcomed Dave and stated that he was a good addition to the Econcmic Development Committee because of his enthusiam~ management skills and work with the Chamber. Jim Hill asked Kay to meet with Dave to discuss ways in which the Chamber could more effectively work with the Econcmic Development Ccmmission to encourage and enhance local business devel o~ment. Ms. Schmudlach asked Econcmic Development Ccmmlittee members to entertain a rec(r, mendation by the Interview Ccmmittee to expand the size of the EDC frcm 9 to 11 members. The applicants for the fiX] position were all and unfortunately only one could be chosen Miller was the candidate chosen. excellent and Dave (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 II. Ms. Schmudlach said the two applicants not chosen would not need to reapply, but that a readvertisement of ~)C openings might open the selection process up. Darcy Running made a motion to amend the By-Laws to expand the membership from 9 to 11 members. Jack Haugen seconded. Motion passed unanimously. A discussion of member Barb Prindle was raised. ~DC members are concerned over her poor attendance record and question whether Mrs. Prindle should be asked about her commitment to the ~DC. Ms. Schmudlach was asked to write Mrs. Prindle about her attendance and ask for her improved attendance or resignation. Approve October 15 meeting Minutes - The October 15 meeting minutes were reviewed by EDC members. Motion to approve October 15 meeting minutes was moved by Bob Barsness, seconded by Jack Haugen. III. IVo Review Amoco Luncheon - The Economic Develol~nent Ccmmittee discussed the October 14 luncheon with Amoco representatives Jim Rabuse, Tom Flink and Jim Filippi. Ms. Schmudlach discussed the details of the project and the Council presentation. Jack Haugen stated that he felt the ~DC luncheon went very well. Mr. Hill also said he thought future luncheons would be a good idea. Mr. Schmudlach said she would update the ~DC on the Amoco project as changes occur. Discuss future Economic Development Meetings - MS. Schmudlach reported to EDC members that she would be out of town on December 10 the regularly scheduled meting night. ~DC members decided to postpone the December meeting and meet in January. January 21st was the date chosen to have a work session with the ~DC. The work session will be frcm 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The purpose of the work session will be to put together the 5 year Econcmic Development Pland and 1 Year Strategy for implementation of the Star City Program. Discuss Economic Develol~nent Activities - Kay Schmudlach informed the Economic Development Cu,.~,~ttee that five gentlemen representing realty companies, developers and corporations contacted the City. The City addressed each of their needs by talking to them, sending them information etc. Updates on any further interest will be fozwarded to the EDC members. Vie Star City Program Update - Kay Schmudlach distributed a handout to all Economic Develoi~ent Committee members which included a cover letter and a list of companies/contact persons. The letter asked fDC members to interview the people designated on the attached sheet using the attached questionnaire. Bob Barsness suggested Kay Schmudlach send out a letter to inform the contact people of the interview and that he/she should be expecting a phone call. Economic Development Committee members agreed. A letter will be sent along with a copy of the attached list of questions. Darcy Running briefly described the Labor Survey that will be going out to one fourth of the Prior Lake households. All household residents over 16 will be asked to fill the survey out. The state will process the Survey and return the results to the City. Regional/Metro and State wide labor data has been gathered by Kay Schmudlach sothe Labor Survey and a find report will conclude this requirement of the Star Cities program. The establishment of the work session to c~mplete another requirement of the Star City program means only two more requirements remain. A Spring completion date should be reached. "Cities Week" - Chairman Hill asked Mr. Miller to work with Kay Schmudlach to coordinate the "Cities Week" activities. Adjourment- Motion by Jack Haugen, seconded by Mark Strcmwall to adjourn motion passed unanimously.