HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE EOO~X]MIC DEVELOPMENT ~E AGE~DA THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1986 5:15 P.M. PRIOR LAKE CITY HALL COUNCIL CI~M~SERS C/~,T. TO ORDER 1. Approval of the Minutes of December 12, 1985 2. City Manager's Report 3. Review Membership Status 4. Workshop Confirmation 5. Star City Update - January & February 6. Lakefront Days - Planning, Programming 7. Staff thoughts for "86" - General Discussion 8. Next Meeting - February 13, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. ADJOUR~4ENT (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUTES OF PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (DMMllTEE JANUARY9, 1986 Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at Council Chambers of Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Members Absent: Also Present: 5:20 p.m. in the Jim Hill, Mike McGuire, Don Schussler, Barb Prindle, Gary Gibbish and Bob Barsness Mike Babcock and Mark Stro~wall David J. Unmacht, Econcmic Development Director/A.C.M. and Mayor Lee Andren e A~rov~of the Minutes of the~x_~.]~_~ - Chairman Hill called for coz~ents on the Minutes. Minutes were approved as prepared. Cjjly_Manager's Report - Mike McGuire updated the Committee on the following items: Auto Service Center near the intersection of %42 and ~13 has been approved by the City Council. Bob Brown P.U.D. for a 68-unit apartment complex has received preliminary approval from the Planning Commission and City Council. Discussion occurred on the capacity of Trunk Highway #13 and the growth experienced and anticipated for Prior Lake. Comprehensive Plan Amendments are in the review and the Planning Commission will be addressing the January 16th meeting. process them at A Scott County Transportation Coalition has been formed and representatives from City Hall and the business co~m~Lnity have been recommended to be on the Coalition. Review MembershipStatus - Jim Hill announced the letter of resignation from Gary Gibbish. The Cc~mittee expressed their appreciation to Gibbish for his time and effort on the Coa~ittee, especially for his work on Lakefront Days. Gibbish reviewed the reasons for the resignation. Staff informed the Committee that Lidy Flom remains interested in serving on the Committ~ and will become active again starting with the February meeting. Discussion occurred on filling the vacancy created by Gibbish. Several names were discussed and Mike McGuire was directed to contact them to determine their interest in serving on the Committee. Hill asked the Committ~ if any objections existed on the names discussed. No objections existed. e Workshop Cor~r~ - Staff reviewed the contents of the agenda item report. Committee input occurred on the individuals who may attend to make a presentation on development from the City and Developer' s perspective. General consensus of the C~ttee was to have individuals who have experienced growth cc~parable to (and in addition to) the growth of Prior Lake. Staff was directed to contact individuals for their interest. Star Cit_v _Update - January_ and February_ - Staff reviewed the Star City presentation material and the progress in securing c~,L,itments to speak at organizations on the Program. Discussion occurred on having the Mayor, City Manager and fDC members present at the organization meetings. Hill requested that members attend the meetings if their schedule permits to show support for staff. Discussion occurred on additional organizations staff can contact for making a presentation on the Program. Lakefront _Days -__ Planning and Progr~ing - Extensive discussion occurred on the status of Lakefront Days and who will be the responsible party for planning and programming the 1986 festival. C~,,,,~ttee members discussed aspects of Lakefront Days and important considerations for the individual (s) responsible. O~m~ttee requested Staff to contact the Chamber and request from the President a firm commitment as to the Chambers involvement in Lakefront Days for 1986. Gibbish offered his time to meeting with the Lakefront Days planners to discuss the work involved from start to finish for the festival. e Staff Thouqhts for "86" - General Discussion - Staff reviewed the Agenda Item Report. Six ideas were discussed before the Committee: Adopt a Goal Statement, Conduct Community-wide Business Workshops, Implement Wilson Market Study Results, Recommend Development Policies to the City Council, Star Cities Program, and Economic DeveloIm~nt Awareness/Education. Hill requested staff to research several of the ideas in further detail and present them to the Committee at a future meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. The next meeting of the Comm/ttee will be Thursday, February 13, 1986 at the Prior Lake City Council Chambers. Staff will contact members prior to the meeting. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (DMMISSION WORKSHOP/SEMINAR Economic Develol~ent Commission David J. Unmacht, Staff Workshop-Seminar Marriott Hotel, Bloomington Saturday, February 22, 1986 9:0M a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lunch included; Dinner optional Meeting to review, analyze, critique and discuss the role and direction of the EDC in 1986 and in the future - Emphasis will include a review of the C(m~ission successes and failures since its inception - Emphasis will, also, included a discussion of the relationship of the EDC to the City Council, Planning Commission, Chamber of Commerce and other local organizations. proposed Only 9:00 - 9:15 a.m. 9:15 - 1~:3~ a.m. 10:30 - 10:45 a.m. 10:45 - 12:00 noon 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. 1:~0 - 2:15 p.m. 2:15 - 2:45 p.m. 2:45 - 3:30 p.m. 3:30 - 4:14 p.m. 4:15 - 4:45 p.m. 4:45 - 5:00 p.m. Introduction- General Greetings Review past successes and failures; and why. Break EDC - Its relationship and role in local government Lunch 1986 and beyond Break The Developer' s perspective The City's perspective Discussion; Question/Answer Closing comments (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (/)MMISSION WORKSHOP/SEMINAR Economic Development Cc~mission David J. Unmacht, Staff Workshop-Seminar Hotel Seville, Bloomington Saturday, March 1, 1986 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lunch included; Dinner optional Meeting to review, analyze, critique and discuss the role and direction of the EDC in 1986 and in the future - Emphasis will include a review of the Commission successes and failures since its inception - E~phasis will, also, included a discussion of the relationship of the EDC to the City Council, Planning Commission, Chamber of Commerce and other local organizations. Proposed Only 9:00 - 9:15 a.m. 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. 10:30 - 10:45 a.m. 10:45 - 12:00 noon 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. 1:00 - 2:15 p.m. 2:15 - 2:45 p.m. 2:45 - 3:30 p.m. 3:30 - 4:14 p.m. 4:15 - 4:45 p.m. 4:45 - 5:00 p.m. Introduction - General Greetings Review past successes and failures; and why. Break EDC - Its relationship and role in local government Lunch 1986 and beyond Break The Developer ' s perspective The City's perspective Discussion; Question/Answer Closing co~mm~ts (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGE~A Thursday, February 13, 1986 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER 1. Approval of the Minutes of January 9, 1986 2. Introduction of new members e City Manager's Report A. Co~unity Plan 4. Finalize Workshop set for Saturday, March 1, 1986 5. Discuss Plans for Star City Program Se Project Update/Information- ae B. C. D. E. F. LakefrontDays status Chamber Organizational Meeting Revenue Bond for First Frame, Inc. Economic Development Cooperative Credit River Industrial Property Scott County Transportation Coalition 7. Next Meeting - March 13, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. ADJO~ (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OO~4I~TEE February l3, 1986 Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Jim Hill, Mike McGuire, Don Prindle, Rachael Vandenbo~m, LidyFlom, and Mark Stromwall Schussler, Barb Darcy Running, Members Absent: Mike Babcock and Bob Barsness Also Present: Dave Ur~acht, Economic Development Director/A.C.M. and Mayor Lee Andren e 0 _Approval of the Minutes of January_ 9. 1986 - Chairman Hill called for comments on the Minutes. Minutes were approved as prepared. Introduction of new members - Darcy Running and Rachael Vandenbocmwere introduced and welcomed to the Committee. Both individuals spoke briefly about their background. Cit_v Manager's Report - City Manager McGuire introduced the CommmityPlan. McGuirepassed out the outline and reviewed the concept of the Plan. The Committee responded positively to the Plan and requested McGuire to involve the C~,m,ittee in the implementation of the Plan. McGuire stated that the Plan is being reviewed at the Council level and the Committee will be informed when the Council acts on the Plan. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Lakefront Da_vs - Barb Prindle reviewed with the Oa~,m~ittee the status of Lakefront Days. Prindle stated that the Chamber is spearheading the planning and organizing of this years festival. Discussion occurred on the financing of the festival and the possible involvement of the City. General consensus of the C~m~ittee was that the Chamber is a good organization to coordinate the festival and that the C~.~ttee should act in a liaison capacity to the Chamber on Lakefront Days. Staff stated that the festival is planned for a one day event scheduled for July 4. Staff was directed to contact Lakefront Days Chairman David Miller and invite him to the March meeting to update the C~m~,ittee on the budget add plan for the 1986 festival. W_~- Staff reviewed the agenda for the Committee Workshop scheduled for March 1 at the Hotel Seville. Staff highlighted the guest speakers and requested C(mm~ttee input and information on the following subjects: 2. 3. 4. Co~ittee successes and failures - 3 each Committee goal statements - 3 Topics for Co~m~nnity Business Workshops - 3 Methods to promote economic development in Prior Lake - 3 Staff requested that the information be completed prior to the Workshop - February 21-25. The information will be used during the Workshop for purposes of discussion. Minnesota Star Cities Program- Staff updated on the status of the Star City Program. Staff presentations made to local organizations and upceming organizational meeting. the Committee reviewed the discussed the Project _Update and Information - The C~mmittee discussed and reviewed the following projects: Chamber Organizational Meeting, Revenue Bond for First Frame, Inc. and the recently formed Scott County Transportation Coalition. Credit River Industrial Pr.pert_v- Staff reviewed a meeting held with Jerry Grendahl, property owner within the Industrial Park. Chairman Hill reviewed work on the property previously undertaken by the City. Extensive discussion occurred on the property and its potential for development; its importance to the City and the need for a workable development strategy. Chairman Hill appointed a subco~ittee to meet with the property owners and to discuss their development ideas within the Park: Hill, Running, Flom and Unmacht. Staff was directed to establish a meeting between the property owners and subcommittee. The Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. The next meeting of the c~Lm,ittee will be Thursday, March 13, 1986 at the Prior Lake Council Chambers. Staff will contact members prior to the meeting. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ~CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (X)MMI~ AGENDA Thursday, March 13, 1986 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Council Chambers Call to Order 1. Approval of the Minutes of February 13, 1986 2. Membership Status 3. David Miller, Chairman Lakefront Days Committee 4. City MaD~ger's Report 5. Workshop Follow-Up A. Reaction: Pros & Cons B. Discussion on Workshop Handouts 6. Star City Committee Maetings - Tuesday, March 18, 6:30-9:30 p.m. 7. Project Update and Information Next Meeting - Thursday, April 10, 1986, 5:15 p.m. ~journed (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA REPORT March 13, 1986 e Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes from February 13, 1986 I have talked with Mike Babcock and he informed me that he intends to submit his resignation from the Oammittee. I have not received the resignation as of March 10. Discussion on the pending resignation should occur. David Miller, Lakefront Days Chairman, will be present to discuss the status of the 1986 festival. City Manager Mike McGuire will be present to review City matters. I have set aside time on the Agenda for two items related to the Workshop: Follow-up discussion on the pros and cons of the Workshop. Reaction on the Workshop Agenda, guest speakers, and facilities is encouraged. Be Enclosed are copies of the handouts pertaining to the items I requested from you. Some of you requested that I place these on the March Agenda to continue discussion on the specific items I have established the first Committee Meetings for the Program: Tuesday, March 18, 1986, City Council Chambers. 6:30 - 7:30 7:30 - 8:30 8:30 - 9:30 Future Direction Promotion Business Retention 7. Staff will update you on the status of the Downtown Plan. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OOMMITTEE MARCH 13, 1986 Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Jim Hill, Barb Prindle, Mike McGuire, Darcy Running, Lidy Flcm and Bob Barsness Members Absent: Rachael VanDenBoom, Mark Schussler Stromwal 1 and Don Also Present: David Unmacht, EDD/A.C.M. 1. ADDroval of the Minutes of February_ 13. 1986 - Chairman Hill called for comments on the Minutes. Minutes were approved as prepared. David Ur~acht relayed the sentiments of Mayor Lee Andren to the Committee regarding her atteD~ance at the meetings and feelings toward the Committee. 2. M~mbership Status - Staff informed the Committee of the pending resigDmtion of Mike Babcock. Discussion occurred on filling the position vacated by Babcock. 3. Lakefront Da_vs - David Miller and Al Stahlke were present to discuss the 1986 Lakefront Days festival. Miller presented a proposal for the 1986 festival and requested a $1200 advance fr~ the City to help in paying start up costs. The Committee discussed the proposal, reviewed insurance consideration and addressed several questions to Miller and Stahlke. After discussion Prindle moved to recommend to the City Council the payment of $1200 to the Lakefront Days Committee for the purpose of assisting the Committee in the initial operation costs and further to dedicate the any and all of the $1200 r~aaining after the 86 festival to a permanent Lakefront Days Fund. Seconded by Running, all voted aye. 4. Cit_v Manaqer's Ps_sort - City Manager Mike McGuire reviewed the following items = (1) Status of the Scott County Transportation Coalition and the City's 1986 donation of $3000 (2) Year-to-date building permits (3) Possible Indian reservation Industrial Park and its local impact (4) Status of the City Hall r~modeling project and (5) the Council's Community Plan. Barsness moved to appoint Chairman Hill to the Community Plan Steering Committee. Seconded by Flora, all voted aye. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 5. Workshop Follow-up - Hill discussed the need for a develolm~ent policy and Council approved economic priorities. Running stressed the need to incorporate implementation strategies into the policies. Hill stated staff is working on an outline for the policies. 6. Project Update and Information - Date of the first Star City Meetings has changed fr~m March 18 to March 25. Discussion occurred on updating the Business list and Organizational list. Staff was directed to contact the Chamber to review their interest in assisting in updating the Business list. Staff was directed to prepare a proposal to submit to the Chamber of C~mmer~ Board of Director requesting a partnership in sponsoring local Business Workshops. The Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. McGuire led the Committee on a tour of the City Hall. The next meeting of the Ommmittee will be Thursday, April 10, 1986 at the Prior Lake Council Chambers. Staff will contact members prior to the Meeting. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR IAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CO~94ITl~E Thursday, April 10, 1986 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Conference Room CALL TO O~DER 1. Approval of the Minutes of March 13, 1986 2. Presentation of Preliminary Downtown Plan 3. Discussion of Proposed Develo~ent Strategies 4. Review Business Workshop Proposal to Chamber of Co~uerce 5. City Manager's Report Next Meeting - Thursday, May 15, 1986, 5:15 p.m. -Note change in F~eting date from second to third Thursday in May ADJOURNED (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ~30NOMIC DEVELOPMENT ~E April 10, 1986 Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes from March 13, 1986. City Planning Staff will be present to review the preliminary Downtown Plan. The preliminary plan is being prepared primarily by Planning Consultant Charles Tooker. Review of the Plan through May 1 will be as follows: April 4 & 5 April 8 April 10 May 1 Planning Co~mission Neighborhood Meeting Econc~ic Develo[m~-nt Con~ittee Joint Meeting of Planning Commission and Economic Develo[m~nt e Since the March Meeting staff, together with input from several Conm~ttee members, has been drafting proposed Development Strategies. The concept of Development Strategies is designed to promote specific policy statements and specific implementation progre~s. Enclosed is a copy of the proposed Development Strategies. The Strategies are in a preliminary form and subject to changes. Development Strategies are an advanced form of goals and objectives. Strategies are a more effective tool for C~,~f,~ttee use because of the these reasons: Strategies will be formally approved and recognized Planning Com~ssion and City Council Each strategy will be specific Definite programs will be advanced Please note the following when reviewing the Strategies: 2. 3. 4. TWo broad base policy stat(~ents have been presented Specific contents or individual statements are included in each policy statement Two short descriptive phrases are included under each statement to help you prepare your ccam~nts and strategies Lines have been drawn for your input as to specific strategies or additional c~,,~nts. Feel free to recommend specific strategies for each policy or make any changes where you deem proper. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET $.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 After preliminary review and approval of the strategies, staff will prepare a final draft for your adoption and subsequent presentation to the Planning Comuission and City Council. 4. Enclosed is a copy of the Business Workshop Proposal which I will present to the Chamber of Comuerce Board of Directors. Your input on the contents will be appreciated. 5. City Manager Mike McGuire will be present to discuss related City business. The next meeting of the Econcmic Development Committee will be on Thursday, May 1 at 7:35 p.m. This meeting will be a joint meeting with the Planning Co~uission to review the Downtown Plan The regularly scheduled meeting on May 8 has been canceled and the meeting date changed to Thursday, May 15, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. The reason for the change is that the Scott County Transportation Coalition has scheduled a meeting-reception on May 8. Staff will contact you prior to the meeting on April 10. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (/)MMITiIEE APRIL 10, 1986 Chairman Hill called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Prior Lake City Hall. Members Present: Jim Hill, Don Schussler, Lidy Flora, Bob Barsness, Mark Stromwall, and Mike McGuire Membe rs Absent: Running, ~rb PrinCe, ~chael VanDenBoom Also Present: David Unmacht, EDD/A.C.M. Charles Tooker, Consulting Planner 1. ~p_proval of the Minutes of March 13. 1986 - Chairman Hill called for comments on the minutes. Minutes were approved as prepared. 2. preliminary_ Downtown Plan - Consulting Planner Charles Tooker reviewed the conceptual drawings for the Plan. General consensus of the Committee was to change the name of Downtcwn to Town Center. Tooker reviewed the traffic circulation, land use, and proposed public improvements. Comments from the Committee were positive and encouraging on the ideal concept of the Plan. Some discussion and concern was expressed over the lack of detail and specifics on the drawings. Staff stated that the specifics would be forthcoming. After discussion Bob Barsness moved the following: 1. Conceptual Plan approval of the Preliminary Plan Drawings with the understanding that specific data, design criteria, financial feasibility and additional specific drawings will be prepared; and 2. Tax Increment District 1-1 money should be prioritized as follows: Main Street from Gibbish Building to Dakota Street and also Main Street from Dakota Street to County Road 21. Seconded by Don Schussler, all voted aye. Committee requested staff to prepare two additional overlays for the May 1, Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission: (1) overlay of alternatives, (2) overlay of the existing situation. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 3. Proposed Develo_~ment Strateqies - Chairman Hill directed staff to complete Sections I and II of the development strategies and forward the completed sections to the Committee. The Committee should use the first two sections to help them complete their strategies for Section III. 4. ~usiness Workshop Proposal - Bob Barsness moved to support the Staff proposal. Seconded by Lidy Flora, all voted aye. Staff informed the Committee that the proposal will be presented to the Chamber Board of Directors on April 15. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. The next meeting of the C~ttee will be Thursday, May 15, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. in the Conference Room. Staff reminded the Committee of the joint Planning & Zoning Oam~ission and Economic Development Committee meeting on the Downtown Plan scheduled for Thursday, May 1, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEV~/)PMENT OgMMITTEE Thursday, May 15, 1986 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Conference Room Call to Order 1. Approval of the Minutes of April 10, 1986 e Discuss Development Strategies - "Important" A. Preliminary review of Proposed policies and strategies 0 Business Workshop Proposal A. Present Chamber of Commerce response B. Appoint two members to Steering Committee ® Downtown Plan Proposal A. Update on Health Care Center Proposal B. Review Joint Meeting with Planning Commission 5. Staff Information and Updates Next meeting - Thursday, June 12, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. ~journed (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ~OONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA ITEMS May 15, 1986 Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes from April 10, 1986. Last week you should have received in the mail a draft of the Develot~ent Strategies Sections I and II. This is a very important item. Please review the material carefully and spend a few minutes writing down your comments and reactions to the policies. Adequate space for your comments is available on the material provided. Staff is looking for direction to begin the preparation of a final draft which ultimately will be presented to the City Council for their consideration and adoption. e Chamber of Commerce unanimously supports the Business Workshop Proposal concept. Three or four Chamber members are interested in serving on the Steering Committee. Staff is seeking two Ccmmzittee members to serve on the Steering Committee with the Chamber representatives. Tentative plans are to meet once the week of May 19-23 and then have a follow-up meeting in one to two weeks. It is anticipated that this Steering Committee will be meeting a maximum of three times. Discussion will occur on the status Staff will inform the C~mmittee of Proposal submitted by Cedar Pines Minneapol i s. of the Downtown Plan. the Health Care Center Nursing Home, Inc. of 5. Staff information updates - this item includes the City Manager's Report and an update on pending projects - Star Cities, and others. Next meeting of the Committee will be held on Thursday, June 12, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. in the Conference Room. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF PRIOR LAKE ~CON~4IC D~PMENT COMMI~ May 15, 1986 Meeting was called to order at 5:25 p.m. in the Community Rocm. Members Present: Darcy Running, Bob Barsness, Rachel VanDenBocm, Mark Stromwall and Don Schussler Members Absent: Jim Hill, Barb Prindle, Lidy Flora, and Mike McGuire Also Present: David Unmacht, EDD/ACM e ® Approval of the Minutes of April 10. 1986 - Minutes were approved as prepared. Development Strategies - Discussion occurred on the time required by members to review and comment on the Strategies. General consensus was to have a breakfast or lunch Meeting to discuss the Strategies as a full Committee. Staff was directed to set up the Meeting. Business Workshop Proposal - Staff presented the Chamber's response to the Workshop Proposal. Committee members Jim Hill and Bob Barsness were appointed to work with the Chamber on the Steering Committee. Extensive discussion occurred on the activities of the Chamber of Commerce and on the Prior Lake Health Care Center Proposal submitted by Cedar Pines Nursing Home, Inc. Some of the Committee comments included: encourage Chamber to meet through the summer, encourage Chamber to consider a part-time and/or volunteer staff person, and compliment the Chamber on the number of new members. Staff was directed to write the Chamber President a letter expressing the Committee's comments. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Discussion on the Prior Lake Health Care Center Proposal included, organizing a local lobbying effort, forming a Committee of local people to help spearhead the effort, and the benefits of a Nursing Home facility in Prior Lake. Staff will keep the members informed on the progress of the Proposal. The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. The next meeting of the Committee will be Thursday, June 12, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. in the Ommunity Rocm. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE EOON~4IC DEVE~~ ~ Thursday, June 12, 1986 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Conference Room CALL TO ORDER 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Approval of the Minutes of May 15, 1986 Adopt Development Strategies Discuss Plans for Gibbish Tax Incr~ent District Report on Steering Committee of Business Workshop Project Discuss Nile Health Center Project Discuss Sewer and Water Extension R~/uest by Sioux Reservation 7. City Manager's Report - Update on City Projects Next meeting is scheduled for July 10, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. Community Room in the (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ~/)NC~IC DEVELOP~N~ COMMITTEE AG~ IT~4S June 12, 1986 1. Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes of May 15, 1986. Enclosed is a revised draft of the Development Strategies. The additional revisions were a result of the Breakfast Meeting held on Thursday, June 5. After your adoption the Strategies will be presented to the City Council for their consideration and future approval. Gary Gibbish has submitted a preliminary schematic plan for a second building on his site. In addition, Gibbish is considering a third building on the adjacent property South of the Kustcm Kolor building. Staff will present information and data on Gibbish's plans at the Meeting. The Committee should consider endorsing the Plans of Gibbish or show a motion of support on his project. Steering Committee is progressing on the Business Workshop Proposal. A brief update and progress report will be presented. The Nile Health Care Project is generating a great amount of interest, both in support and in opposition. C~L~[,ittee discussion should occur on the Project, including, a review of what role the Committee should play in the process of making the proposed project a reality. Area Nursing Home opposition was expected on the Project. Staff will update you on a June 10meeting with the officials from the Nursing Home. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 ® The Indian Reservation has requested the City to permit them to extend sewer and water to approximately 120 acres of property. The utilities would service both a housing and commercial/industrial development. Discussion on the commercial/industrial component of the Project should occur by the Cnmmittee. Staff will provide details of the sewer and water extension at the Meeting. The Committee may want to go on record with a motion or statement in regard to the proposal by the Reservation. 7. An update on City Projects will be given at the Meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for July 10, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. in the Community Room. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUEES OF TBE PRIOR LAKE E(X)N~4IC DEVfI/3P~ (DMMITTEE June 12, 1986 Meeting was called to order at 5:25 p.m. in the Community Rocm. Members Present: Jim Hill, Rachel VanDenBo~m, Darcy Running, Don Schussler, and Bob Barsness Members Absent: Mark Stromwall, Lidy Flora, and Barb Prindle Also Present: David Urm%acht, Staff 1. Approval of the Minutes of Ma_v 15, 1986 - Minutes were approved as prepared. e Develo_r~ent Strate~_ies - Committee walked through the First Policy Statement - Develop Overall Positive Business Climate in Prior Lake and suggested strategies to be included in the Policy- Committee directed Staff to prepare an "Abstract Summary" of the Development Strategies Text. Policy Statement Number Two will be reviewed at the July Meeting. 0 Gibbish Tax Incr~megt District - Staff reviewed the preliminary plans of Gary Gibbish for a second building and possible third building within the existing Tax Increment District 1-1. Discussion occurred on the Plans of Gibbish. Darcy Running moved and Don Schussler seconded a motion to send Gibbish a letter of support on his proposals and encourage him to pursue development within the Tax Increment District. All voted aye. o Business Workshop Project- Staff updated the Committee on the Business Workshop Surveys. Response has been good and the Steering C~mmittee will meet on June 24 to compile the information. Be Nile Health Center Project - Staff reviewed the status of the Project and discussed the local lobbying strategy. Discussion occurred on the size of the Project; the potential impact on Prior Lake; and the obstacles that must be addressed to make the Project a reality. Bob Barsness moved and Darcy }~nning seconded a motion to support the Project and encourage the City Staff and developers to work hard to secure the success of the Project. All voted aye, with Schussler abstaining. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 ® Sioux R~servation Sewer and Water Extension - Staff updated the Committee on the status of the sewer and water extension request by the Reservation. The C(mmtittee discussed the proposed land use on the P~servation and the potential competitive relationship with the Reservation if they pursue commercial and industrial develolm~ent as proposed. The Committee took no position on the issue and requested Staff to place the item on the July agenda. ® _Update - Staff updated the Committee on the Notes and Updates and proposed Leasing Guide. The Committee will receive the Notes and Updates on a weekly basis. The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. The next meeting of the C~mmittee will be Thursday~ July 10, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. in the C~mmunity Room. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE EOON~MIC DEVELOPMENT ~ AGEND~ Thursday, July 10, 1986 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Conference Room Call to Order 1. Approval of the Minutes of June 12, 1986 2. Update on Member Terms & Appoin~nents 3. Review Development Strategies Policy Number TWo: Promote Commercial and Industrial Development 4. Consider a position on the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community's request to extend sewer and water service for housing and commercial needs 5. Consider Industrial Park Development Services Concept 6. Staff Project Information & Update: a. Leasing Guide b. Downtown Plan c. Business Workshops d. Health Care Center Next Meeting is scheduled for August 14, at 5:15 p.m. in the Ommunity Room. Adjourn (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE MODN~IC DEV~Y/)P~NT ODMMITI~E AG~DA ~ JULY 10, 1986 1. Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes of June 12, 1986. Also enclosed is a copy of 2 letters which I have sent to Gary Gibbish. One of the letters to Gibbish is informational and the other letter expresses the position of the Committee taken at the June 12 meeting. 2. On Monday, July 7 the City Council will consider the reappointments of Jim Hill, Bob Barsness, Mark Stromwall, and Barb Prindle. The appointments would be for a two year term. As of this writing Staff has contacted everyone but Barb Prindle and all have indicated a willingness to serve another two year term. Staff will report on this item at the meeting. 3. The Development Strategies Introduction Material and Policy Number One were reviewed on June 12. Staff is currently revising and amending each. Policy ~r TWo is to be reviewed at the Meeting. At the August Meeting Staff will have the final document available for adoption and recommendation to the City Council. Enclosed is a copy of the Policy Statement Number TWo. 4. At the June 12 Meeting the Committee discussed the Sioux Communities request to extend sewer and water service to their Reservation. No action was taken at the Meeting. The Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on the issue and the follc~ing recommendation resulted from the Hearing: Extending trunk sewer & water to the reservation for the 120 acres as per attached map. Any additional reservation land receiving service will require an amendment hearing. That such utility service will be in the best interest of the MSC by providing for additional employment opportunities, more and better housing and increase the general quality of life on the reservation. That 85 acres (per attached map) be recognized as tributary to the trunk sewer with no oversizing required. e The Metropolitan Council recognizes the reservation flow as separate with a separate allocation if necessary. Prior Lake accept both trunks once installed and maintain the syst~n. The MSC develop a 5 year Capital Improvement Pr.grin and a Comprehensive Plan to head off any future potential conflicts with respect to land use and urban services. The Council of Prior Lake enter into a contract as to who has what responsibility with respect to any fees for utilities, inspections and access charges. The Committee should consider taking a position on the use of the sewer and water for commercial/industrial purposes. Current plans of the Sioux Community are vague, but all indications are that their five year plan includes a minority business center, Industrial Park development, and a light manufacturing plant. Information and details on the status of this Project will be thoroughly discussed at the Meeting. Enclosed is a copy of the DeveloI~ent Report for the Cxmumazity prepared by the Community' s Consulting Engineers. The Industrial Park on the Southeast side of town has been an issue off interest and discussion since the formation of this Committee. A great deal of time and effort has been generated on this property including: preparation of tax increnent documents; formation of an Ad Hoc Committee; preliminary engineering information; and a variety of meetings and discussions with the property owners. Staff is interested in exploring a proposal to utilize the services of a Development Coordinator. Enclosed is a copy of a Proposal from AEA Development Services. AEA is the Development Coordinator for the Loring Park Project in Minneapolis, and for the Chanhassen Downtown Project. The proposal is representative of the type of services which can be utilized to assist in Local development efforts. The barriers that impede many. It is time to accomplish a long sought the development of this property are explore innovative techniques to after C~mmittee goal. Conceptual discussion on as estimated by AEA have sheet. Staff is looking more detail and possibly this idea needs to occur. All costs been elimimmted from your proposal for approval to explore this idea in seek Proposals from other firms. Staff will update you on the listed Projects. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August at 5:15 p.m. in the Community Room. 14, 1986 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE M~EES OF ~HE PRIOR LAKE ECON[~IC DEVELOPmeNT (XIMMITI~E July 10, 1986 Meeting was called the order at 5:20 p.m. in the C(mmunity Room. Members Present: Jim Hill, Don Schussler, Rachel VanDenBocm, Bob Barsness, Mark Stromwall, and Barb Prindle Members Absent: Also Present: Darcy Running David Um~acht, Staff and Councilman Gene White 1. Approval of the Minutes of June 12. 1986 - Motion by Stromwall, seconded by Barsness to approve the Minutes as prepared. All voted aye. 2. M~mhers Term~ and Appointments - At the July 7, 1986 Council Meeting the Council unanimously approved the two year reappointments of: Jim Hill, Bob Barsness, Mark Stromwall and Barb Prindle. 3. Develo_r~ent Strateqies Policy_ Number Two - Committee discussed the policy statements and offered comments on selected items. Staff was directed to have the final draft ready for the August Meeting. Staff was directed to contact Don Benson, Watershed District, and inquire about the rental of a helicopter for aerial photographs. 4. S~SC Sewer & Water Extension - City Manager Mike McGuire reviewed the recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Commission. Discussion on the issue occurred. General consensus of the Committee was: Encourage the City Council and S~[SC to work together in this and all issues. City Council should focus on the need to coordinate compatible growth throughout the community of Prior Lake. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 City Council should have review authority over the type and kind of proposals for manufacturing and industrial develoI~ent on the Reservation. Reservation development should comply with locally adopted building codes, ordinances and standards. Endorse the recommendation of the Planning Commission as approved on July 2, 1986. So Industrial Park Development Services Concept - Staff reviewed the letter from Larry Smith. Discussion on the DeveloI~ent Coordinator concept occurred. A general concern was the cost factor and who would pay for the service. Staff was directed to get more proposals for comparative purposes. ~- Staff reviewed the status of Guide, Downtown Plan, Business Workshops, and Center. Mark Stromwall discussed the status of for the County ~Dad 18 Bridge. the Leasing Health Care the funding The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. The next meeting of the Committee will be Thursday, August 14, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. in the Community CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE f~ON~4IC DEVELOP~E~-~ QDMMITIF~E Thursday, September 18, 1986 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Conference Room CALL TO O~DER Approval of the Minutes of July 10, 1986 Consider New Member Appointments Adopt Development Strategies Policies I and II 4. Report on Business Workshops Schedule for 1986 5. Discuss status of Downtown Plan and proposed projects Report on Met~ropolitan Council Economic DeveloI~aent Film Staff Update (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE I~O~IC DI~'VI~OPt,~ ~ AGI~)A I:~I~31:~ 1. Enclosed is a oopy of the Minutes from July 10, 1986. Recall that the Meeting in Amgust was cancelled. e TWo individuals have expressed an interest in serving on the Committee - David Miller and Jack Haugen. By-Laws state that the Committee shall consist of at least 5 members, but not greater than 9 members, and the City Manager. Excluding Mike McGuire the Committees current membership is 8. If you desire to fulfill the term of Mike Babcock then the appointment process needs to be undertaken. Enclosed is the final draft of the Development Strategies. The final draft includes a title page, a revised Table of Contents, an abstract page, several changes and additions to Sections I and II, completed strategies under each Policy, and a new Section IV. Please review Section IV for details on the procedure to be implemented if these are adopted at the Meeting. 4. Three Workshops have been scheduled and the promotion is about to begin. The Workshops are as follows: Wednesday, October 15 Wednesday, November 19 Wednesday, December 10 Business Plan Development Small Business Management Business Advertising-Image Staff will update you on the planning and promotion activities. Several projects will be discussed and a status report provided. The Downtown Plan Outline will be discussed; the Gibbish development and possible tax increment support; the Nursing Home project and the scheduled October 6 Council Meeting; and a report on a possible developer for several downtown blocks. In the near term the Committee may be asked, or may want to, take a position on the developments. It is too early at this stage, but consideration should be given to what position the Committee wants to proceed with on certain issues. Staff is appearing in a development on September 11. provided. Metropolitan Council film on economic A report on the film and purpose will be (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF ~HE PRIOR LAKE MCONGMIC DEVE~O~ (~MMIT1]~E September 18, 1986 Members Absent: Also Present: Meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. in the Community Rocm. Members Present: Jim Hill, Mark Stromwall, Lidy Flom, Schussler, Bob Barsness, Mike McGuire Darcy Running. Rachel VanDenBocm and Barb Prindle David Unmacht, Staff Don Approval of the Minutes of July 10. 1986 - Minutes were amended to include Lidy Flomand Mike McGuire present at the Meeting. Minutes were approved as amended. Consider New Member Appointments - Discussion occurred on the Committee vacancy. Staff informed the Committee of the interested parties willing to serve on the Committee. Barsnessmotioned to request the City Council to undertake the process to fill the Committee position vacated by the resignation of Mike Babcock. Seconded by Schussler, all voted aye. e Mark Stromwall updated the Ccmmitteeon the status of the Bloomington Ferry Bridge funding and the improvements to the intersection of County Road 42and County Road 27. Staff distributed a copy of the Scott County Transportation CoalitionNewsletter entitled 'Update". Adopt Development Strateqies I and II - Staff reviewed the procedure for Council approval of the Strategies. Discussion occurred on the contents of the policies and whether or not the intent of the docmaent was clear and understandable to the reader. General consensus of the Committeewas that the document is the Council policy and the Committee's working plans, staff was directed to make the following changes: (1) add page numbers; and (2) incorporate the headings Objectives, Strategies, Priorities. Schussler moved to approve the amended doc~nent, second by McGuire, all voted aye. Staff will make the changes and forward the doc~nent to the proper officials. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 5. Business Workshops - Staff distributed a copy of the Workshop promotion and informed the Committee of the three scheduled Workshops. 6. Downtown Plan & Pro_Dosed Projects - Staff commented on the status of the Downtown Plan, the status of the Nursing Home Project, and a possible new developer for downtown. Hill informed the Committee of his knowledge about the potential developer. 7. ~tro_Doli~an Council Economic Develo_u~ent Film - Staff informed the Committee about the film including its purpose and intent. 8. Lidy Flcm raised the issue of the School Bond Issue - its relationship to the City's projects and the overall impact on the City's Mill Pate. Flora suggested that a potentially high mill rate might be a strong justification for commercial-industrial growth. 9. Discussion occurred on the Star Cities Program and the upcoming general election. The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. The next meeting of the Committee will be Thursday, Octd~er 9, 1986 at 5:15 in the Community Room. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE C. AT.L 'IX) O~DER 1. 2. 3. am Be PRIOR lAKE ECON~IC DEVELO~ ~ Thursday, October 9, 1986 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Conference P~om Approval of the Minutes of Sept~nber 18, 1986 Update on interest in Committee vacancy Beport on Planning Commissions Support for D~;elo~xnent Policies Consider Tax Exempt Financing Application Procedures and Forms Staff Update A. Prior Lake 2000 Survey frequencies (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes of September 18, 1986. Six individuals have expressed an interest in serving on the C~mmittee. They are: Jack Haugen, Dave Miller, Mary Gores, Tom Kedrowski, Linda Strand and George Koblas. Staff will present a status report. Staff will update you on the Planning Commissions response to the Development Strategies. In summary the Commission voted unanimously to support the doc~aent. Enclosed is a copy of the two forms we have recently used to serve as tax exempt financing applications. The forms have been copied from other cities. It is time that the City Council adopt its own form(s) and procedures and what better method than to have a recommendation from the Committee! Please review the enclosed and be prepared to comment on the contents, both good and bad. Our goal will be to recommend to the Council a set of forms and procedures to be used by the City in evaluating tax exempt financing requests. Enclosed are the Survey frequencies. Staff is looking for input on correlations to be made from the Survey. Please review the frequencies and suggest any correlations you may want to be performed. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF ~E PRIOR ~I)N~IC D~$ELO~ (IIW~ITT~E 0CTO~ER 9, 1986 Meeting was called to order at 5:20 p.m. in the Community Ro~m. Members Present: Don Schussler, Rachel VanDenBo~m, Mike McGuire, Running Membe rs Absent: Jim Hill, Mark Stromwall, Lidy Flora, Bob Barsness, PriP~ile Also Present: Dave Unmacht, Staff and Barb 1. Approval of the Minutes of September 18. 1986 - Minutes were approved as prepared. ® _Update on Committee vacancy - Discussion occurred on achieving a balance of members from a background standpoint; the high number of interested candidates; and the need to review the By-Laws on attendance requirements. Staff reported on the appointment process. Planning Commission Su__Dport for Develo_~ent Policies - Staff reported that the Planning Commission voted unanimously to support the Policies. The Commission encouraged Staff to incorporate additional references to the Prior Lake 2000 Program and made several other suggestions and recommendations. Tax Ex,,pt Financing Applications - Discussion occurred on the forms provided. Several changes were discussed and incorporated into the application. Staff reported on the comments from members not in atter~_ance at the Meeting. General consensus of the Committee was to approve the forms as amended and recommend them to the City Council for approval. prior Lake 2000 Survey frequ_ encies - Extensive discussion occurred on the frequencies, several correlations were recommended, and the survey process was reviewed. Committee agreed that the Survey Report should be broken into sections, for the purpose of being more meaningful to the reader. The Meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. The next meeting of the Committee will be Thursday, November 13, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. in the Community Room. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE ECOI~I~IC DEVELOP~T ~ AGENn~ Thursday, November 13, 1986 5:15 p.m. Prior Lake City Hall Conference Room CALL TO ORDER 1. Approval of Minutes of October 9, 1986 2. Introduction of New Member Jack Haugen 3. City Projects 1986/87 Discussion 4. East Industrial Park Develot~ent 5. Prior Lake 2000 Project 6. I~view Committee By-Laws 7. Staff Items & Updates: a. October Building Permit Report b. Development Policies and Application to City Council - November 17 c. ICMA Newsletter Special Feature d. November 19 - Business Workshop #2 (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 5537'2 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE 1. Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes of October 9, 1986. 2. Enclosed are 4 documents relating to the appointment of Jack Haugen to the Committee. Haugen was appointed on November 3 by a unanimous vote of the Council. The material includes two letters, an interview schedule and a list of the questions asked to each candidate. Haugen will be in attendance and a brief introduction is in order. 3. Chairman Hill has requested Staff to review with you the City Project's of 1986/87. This will be done similar to the presentation made to the City Council at their Monday, October 27 Meeting. Enclosed is a copy of the Engineers Staff Report which was discussed at the Council Meeting. Staff will comment primarily on Numbers: 1, 2, 10, 14, 17, 22, 24, 35, and 36. 4. On October 20, 1986 C.G.T. Properties was denied a building permit by the Council to construct a concrete building in the East Industrial Park located on a parcel denoted as 16940 Welcome Avenue. Planning Staff was directed to prepare an analysis of this Industrial Area within a 60 day period to include comments on the creation of a Tax Increment District in the area. Staff will discuss the Council's request and review the preliminary assessment on the Tax Increment feasibility. Enclosed is a map showing the location of the parcel which was denied a building permit. 5. The Prior Lake 2000 Project is progressing toward a completion date in early 1987. The Committee should be apprised of the work and be prepared to discuss the plan in December or January. The Prior Lake 2000 Survey Report may be available for distribution at the meeting. 6. Enclosed is a copy of the Committee By-Laws. Staff was requested to include this as an agenda item for the possibility of updating or amending. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 7. Staff Update: ae Enclosed (F.Y.I) is the October Building Permit Report. Staff will be providing this report to you on a monthly basis. be The Economic Development Committee Policies and Strategies together with the Application procedures are scheduled to be presented to the City Council on November 17. We welcome & encourage your attendance at the Meeting. Ce Enclosed is an Intermmtional City Management Association (ICMA) Newsletter on Economic and Community Development Bsports. I'm including this for your information - if you are interested in any of the Reports let me know and I will order them. de Enclosed is a flyer on the Second Business Workshop to be held on November 19. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF T~E PRIOR LAKE ~CON(~IC D~OP~T ~ NOV~ER 13, 1986 Meeting was called to order at 5:20 p.m. in the Community Rocm. Members Present: Jim Hill, Jack Haugen, Darcy Running, Mark Stromwall, Mike McGuire, Don Schussler, Lidy Flora and Pachel VanDenBocm. Members Absent: Barb Prindle and Bob Barsness Also Present: Dave Unmacht, Staff and Gene White, Councilmembe r 1. Approval of the Minutes of October 9. 1986 - Minutes were reviewed and approved as prepared. ® Introduction of New M~mber Jack Haugen - Haugen reviewed his professional background and the members introduced themselves. Haugen stepped in to replace Mike Babcock who resigned several months ago. ~]ty Project 1986/87 Discussion - Staff reviewed the Projects which may impact on the Committee's work in 1987. Included in the Packets was a 1987 Priorities Outline from the Engineering Department. Staff reviewed the Outline, primarily concentrating on Projects related to the Downtown Plan and Industrial Park Development. Discussion occurred on the Projects. ® P~t Industrial Park Develo_~ment - Staff reviewed the status of the Development and discussed the recent Council actions relating to construction in the area. Staff reported on the Councils request for a Planning Department Study of the area, including a Tax Increment feasibility. Chairman Hill requested Staff to present the Study to the Committee prior to City Council consideration. Cnmmfttee_By-Laws - Discussion occurred on the need to update the By-Laws. Staff was directed to review the By-Laws and present an updated set at the next meeting. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 6. Staff Items and _Update - Discussion occurred on the following: Prior Lake 2000 Program; October Building Permit Report; DeveloI~ent Policies presentation to the Council on November 17; and the second Business Workshop scheduled for November 19. Further discussion occurred on the subdivision ordinance amendment process, and specifically, a tree preservation ordinance. The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m. The next meeting of the Committee will be Thursday, December 11, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. in the Community Room. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PP~OR ~ ~O~C D~v~Ot~E2~ ~ Thursday, December 11, 19~ 5:15 p.m. Prior ~e City ~1 ~ity ~ CALL TO ORDER 1. Approval of Minutes of November 13, 1986 2. Consider Revised Committee By-Laws 3. Report Council Action on Development Policies and Municipal Financing Application 4. Preliminary discussions on Winter/Spring Workshop 5. Review Preliminary List of 1987 Staff Projects 6. Staff Items and Update: a. November Building Permit Report b. Result of Business Workshop #3 (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF PRIOR lAKE ~3ON~MIC ~PM~qT ODMMITT~E DECEMBER 11, 1986 Meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. in the Community Rocm. Members Present: Jim Hill, Jack Haugen, Lidy Flcm, Darcy Running, Bob Barsness, and Mike McGuire Members Absent: Rachel VanDenBocm, Mark Stro~wall, Don Schussler, and Barb Prindle Also Present: Dave Unmacht, Staff; Councilmember Gene White arrived later in the meeting 1. Approval of Minutes of December 11. 1986 - Motion by Running, second by Haugen to approve the minutes as prepared. All voted aye. 2. Consider Revised Committee _By-Laws - The By-Laws were adopted in May of 1983 and the Committee requested Staff to review them and rec~mn~nd selected changes. Extensive discussion occurred on the Draft and the specificity of the document. Changes were reviewed adz] discussed. Darcy Running moved, seconded by Jack Baugen to approve the Draft with the following amendments: (1) A~d a (4) to the preamble to read as follows: to setwe as a body to make recommendations to the City Council relating to specific development projects; (2) change all Chairman and Vice-Chairman to Chair and Vice-Chair; (3)In Article 3, Section A between the words Chairman and Vice Chairman change the and to and/or; and (4) In Article 4, Section A eliminate the sentence beginning with the words In addition...Committee. All voted aye on the Draft. 3. Report Council Action on Develo_rment Policies - Jim Hill informed the Ccamdttee on the City Council Public Hearing set for Monday, January 26, 1987 on the Economic Development Committee Policies. Hill strongly encouraged everyone to attend the Hearing. Staff also reported on the Council's adoption of the Municipal Financial Application Fee of $5OO.OO. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 4. Winter/Spring Workshop - Staff was directed to prepare a list of ideas, times, dates and topics for a Committee Workshop. During this discussion Lidy Flcm requested the Committee to consider the time factor involved in regular Committee Meetings. F10m requested consideration on the idea of regular (quarterly) meetings to be held to discuss and review major economic development issues. The Committee was receptive to the idea and would explore it in more detail. 5. Downtown P~Develo_~mmnt Project - Jim Hill reviewed the status of the Downtown redevelopment project. Hill encouraged the C~mmittee to take an active role in the Project and to assist Staff in the recommendation to the City Council. In this order, Cbmirman Hill called for a Special Meeting of the Committee to be held on Thursday, December 18, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. in the Community Room. The purpose of the Meeting is to review the project and the preliminary staff recomme~tions. Motion by Hill, seconded by Flora to establish the Special Meeting. All voted aye. Hill requested Staff to distribute information to the Committee as soon as possible. 6. Preliminary_ T.~t of 1987 Staff Projects - Staff reviewed the list of proposed projects and their priority rating. Committee discussion occurred in seve'ral areas. Lidy Flcm requested Staff to forward Economic Develolm~nt related Agenda Report Material to the Committee along with the Council Agenda. 7. ~- Lidy Flcm requested staff to forward to the Planning Staff her concern on the code requirements for moving structures such as a house or garage. Staff distributed the November Building Permit Report. The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, January 8, 1987 at 5:15 p.m. in the Community Room. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE FR~M: RE: MEMORANDUM S.I~CIAL MEETING, T~U~Y, DECEMBER 18, 1986 5.15 P.M. PRIOR LAKE ~ITY HALL DECEMBER 15, 1986 Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 18, 1986 at 5:15 p.m. at the Prior Lake City Hall. '~-- The purpose of the Meeting is to review the proposed Downtown Redevelolm~ent Project and to consider Staff's recommendation to be presented to the City Council on Monday, December 22. Information on the Meeting will be distributed to you prior to the Meeting. If you cannot attend the Meeting, please contact me. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE SPECIAL ~CONa~IC DEVESOP~NT ~ MEETIN~ DECEMBER 18, 19~ ~eting was ~1~ to or~r at 5:20 p.m. ~ the ~ity ~m. ~rs Present: Jim Hill, ~ke ~uire, ~b ~rsness, ~rk ~r~l, Li~ Fi~, ~chel V~~, ~n ~hussler, ~r~ ~ng, ~d Jack Haugen ~rs ~ent: ~rb Pr~e ~so Pre~nt: ~vid U~cht, ~f ~ ~ ~ite, ~cil~r Staff began the Moeting by reviewing the handout and City Staff recommendation on the Downtown Redevelopment Project. Extensive Ccmmittee discussion occurred on the following items of the recommendation: (1) Team Players and the extent of the Economic Development Committee p~rticipation as a review authority; (2) importance of generating trust with the existing property owner and selecting a property liaison; (3) purpose of a market study and its relationship to previous studies, and justification for City involvement from a cost standpoint and staff time; (4) the actual recomme~tion listed within the analysis. Detailed discussion occurred on the formation of a P~view Committee and who should be part of the Committee. Numerous questions were addressed by the Committee to Staff. After discussion the following action was taken: Motion by Schussler, seconded by Barsness to recommend to the Council that the City should support full or partial funding of the Market Research to include the following: retain ownership of the report, retain selection right of the firm, and establish the process for an ongoing relationship. All voted aye on the motion. (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 e Motion by Running, seconded by Stromwall to recommend to the Council that the City should approve a Joint Review Coam~ttee with review and recommendation authority on the Project. Membership to include the Economic Development Oanmittee, Planning Ccmmitt~, Staff and a Council liaison; Commercial property owner within the Project and a Residential property owner within the Municipal Develolxaent District. All voted aye on the motion. (First priority of the Review Authority would be to meet and confer on the Phase I Contract prior to Council consideration. ) Chairman Hill requested Staff to draft a C~mmittee Resolution in support of Downtown Redevelopment. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.